u THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1, 1916. iiiuimiiiuumiiiimuiiiMmmmuuiiimiii tmnmm Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, inflamed, bleeding gums and pyorrhea. 410 U. K. Bank Bldg. Phone 1S6. Wanted a small telephone exchange with 200 or 30(1 subscribers. Stato par ticulars, price, income, etc., in first writing. Ross L. Franks, care of Capi tal Journal. novl 8mntmmHninnniiiimnKimtmtinnmimniii)iimtnninuuituutnnimi tTUttmnmntmmnmiiinnmmmmKnnmiminntmnnntmntiintmmnmi; All Around Town TEF" Special Attractive Sales for Dress'Up Week at Meyers Reduced Prices on our entire stock of New Party Dresses All the favored shades and models. New Fall Suits In newest fabrics and desirable colors; priced reg ularly up to $35. Dress-up Week Price .... $18.35 New Fall Suits In splendid styles; formerly priced Dress-Up Week Price up to $40.00. $24.35 WOMEN'S FURTEX and BLACK PLUSH COATS Entire stock at Special Dress-up Week Prices Dress-up Week Sale Prices on our entire stock of CHILDREN'S COATS For Mother A new Suit, Coat, Dress, Waist, Gloves or pair of Shoes will be in keep ing with ''Dress Up Week" For Father A new Shirt, Neckwear, Hat, Gloves, Hose or Shoes will improve his looks for "Dress Up Week." For Sister A new Dress, Coat, Rib bons, Middy Blouse, Knit Scarf, Stockings, or Shoes will help to celebrate ''Dress Up Week." For Brother A new Extragood Suit, Hat, Tie, Shirt, Stock ings, Shoes or Overcoat are bound to make him look better for "Dress Up Week" For Baby A new Coat, Dress, Hood, Sweater, Mittens, Leggins, Bootees, Shoes or Stockings will let the baby in on ''Dress Up Week" too. QUALITY AND SERVICE Xtragood Clothes for Boys Butter ick Patterns COffllNGJEYENTS TONIGHT. Unveiling of Window Display 7:1)0 p. in. Newcomers ' Night at Commer cial (,'lub. Nov. 1. Senator Lane and Mark Weatherford at Opera House. . Nov. 1. United Artisan homecoming. "Dress Up Oct. 30-Nov. 4. Week" in Salem. November 6. City primary election. November 7. Presidential elec tion. Nov. JO. Victrola Grand Opera Concert, H Trevatore, at Pub lic Library. Nov. 11. Football, Salem high school vs. Eugene high, Nov. 18. Football, Willamette University vs. Pacific Uni versity, Willamette Field. !,: Percy R. Kelly j Republican Candidate for Re-election as Circuit Judge Vote for 2. Paid Adv. Address: 117 W. 0th St. Albany, Ore. A PERSONALS . ' ' DIED. SJ.0PER At the residence of his pa- rents, 1085 North Cottage stroet, Tues ; liny, October 31, 1916, A. Gilbert Slop ' er, in his 10th year. Mr. Hloper enme here about a month ago from Salt Creek, Oregon, and has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hloper. He ia survived by his parents, a four-year-old son, a sister, Mrs. I.illie Lofton of Waterloo, Oregon, and two brothern Rosa Hloper of Fresno, Cal., and Leon Hloper, of Sulein. funeral services were hold this after by the Rev. F. T. Porter. Burial was in Leo Mission cemetery, KRANTZ In Portland, October 31, 1D16, Nels Olson Krauts, in his 07th year. ' The body will arrive in the city Thursday morning and funeral services will be held in the afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the chapel of Webb & Clough- The Rev. George F. Holt will conduct the services and burial will be in the City View cemetery under the auspices of the Artisan lodge. Save money and your wife's back by getting Cole's High Oven Range. It makes work easy and coal bills light. E. L. Stiff & Hon. o Journal Want Ada Get Besulti Ton noon from the Sloper home, conducted ' Want Try one and aee. mnrr A I I For Winter Colds You need a ml tonic. Strength It required to overcome thl troubla. Lai that tonic tw one that U prcially valuable In catarrhal conditions, and you can eonqutr the cold. A cold la acuta catarrh : It may become chronic. Chronic catarrh fre quently become ayatemic, Involving the stomach and the Intes tinal tract as wall aa Uw noaa or throat It nrwna stagnation. PERUNA IS INVIGORATION It clears away the waste matter, diapeli the Inflammation and tone up the eystem. For forty-five yean it haa been used in catarrh by thouunda of grateful sufferers, who willlnuly tell the world of their relief. Pcruna'a long history of helpful- neat la the bent evidence that it IS imgg-ngM. 1 "hat you should take. aTTrrrr-r I Liquid or tablet form for your con. EIinOEall venlence. . . Manaiin ! the Ideal laxative and liver tonic. In tablet form It Is deli cious to take, mild and cITecttve, with out unpleasant effects, and will not form a habit. Liquid, SGc and 11.00 1 UDlets, loc anil zoc. -11 aeSHV,":nw'MI imtmtmm ' rrtceftOQs. .t.J t THE PERUNA CO, Columbus. O. A. Licluy and wife, of Silverton, are regisiereu at tne align. -Mrs. C. J. Brady returned to her homl at Ashland this morning. C. T. Hcln, of Aumsville, was in the city on business yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Murphy, of Sacra mento, are visiting in the city. Mrs. R. C. Butler left for Rnvmonil ! this morning, where she will make her home. 1 Mr. and Sirs. R. E. Carlton were reg istered yesterday at the Multuorauh ho tel in Portland. G. C. Jones and wife left this morn ing for C'hetopa, Kansas. They bough a one way ticket- F. E. McAllister, cashier of Coolidge & Median bank, of Silverton, was a Sa lem visitor yesterday. J. W. Hnckett, W. J. Bishop and Leo Edwards, all of McMinuville, were Sa lem visitors Tuesday. Elmer J. White, of Scio, enrolled for the Commercial course of the Cepital Business college yesterday. Miss Caroline Davis, of Salem, left for her home last evening after a visit here with fricnds.---Ro8eburg Review. B F. Ryan and wife, of Salem, ar rived in Roseburg Inst evening to re main for a few days. Roseburg Review. Mrs. M. Grout, of Salem, arrived here last evening to visit with Chas. Grout and family a tew days. Roseburg Re view. ' Mrs. H. B Houston arrived here from Salem last evening and will spend a few days at the home of Mrs. H. D. Graves. Roseburg Review. Mrs. Clyde L. Sherman and small daughter, Frances, a:e visiting at Jo dnn Valley, with Mr. and Mrs. Hnivey Shelton, parents of Mrs. Sherman. T. A. Livesly, head of T. A. Livesly & Co., hop buyers, of Salem, spent last night in Eugene, looking after his busi ness here. Frank Heyer is his local buy er. Eugene Register. Information is wanted regarding Ar thur K. Sevits of Oregon City who left his home on the morning of Thursday, (Vtolier 2tt, for Clieinawa where he ex pected to secure work. Ho was ill suf fering from neuralgia. Since leaving his hmne nothing has been heard of hi in. He is -" years old, five foot ten inches in height, weight ISO pounds, was dressed in overalls, blue flannel shirt, blue hat and blue coat. Any in formation about him will be thankful ly received, by his wife. Address .Mrs. Arthur F. Sevits, Salem, Ore., rural route 0, care Mrs. M. H. Sim. Hartridge Whipp BARITONE In Concert at First Presbyterian Church TONIGHT AT 8.00 P. M. General Admission 25 Cents. Tickets on Sale at Patton's cz:a n 3 Both Near and Far Vision in One Lens with No Line of Demarkation Kryptok Lenses There la no cement to cloud the vision no rough edges to catch the dirt, the surfaced is entirely smooth. Miss A. McCulIoch OPTOMETRIST, 208-9 Hubbard Bids. Phone 109 Johnson's Hat Works, phone 1979 room 4 Glen hotel. Hats cleaned block ed and renovated. Hats called for and uenvereu. Chief of Police Welsh and Sergeant 11 iuimo, who went to Portland yester oay to nring buck the boys arrested 'for the burglary of Ward K. Richardson's store recently, have returned with their quarry. 1 he prisoners are Winter Wil lis, Max Hoaglni, and Fred Bronigan, who were caught with the stolen goods iiii-m. me cinei orougnt back a sack mu, tuovviiijr gum, tooacco, choco late slabs, socks, etc., which was part of the loot taken. Honey to loan on farmlind city property on reasonable terms, no com mission, by the.-,Mutiial. Savings and Lonn Association, 275 State street. n4 Judge Galloway, in his talk last night before the Moose lodge, said that the rapid city life, the kind they live in Chicago, might be all right for some folks, but for himself, he "referred the quiet of the Willamette valley. When in Chicngo while taking a litte joy ride on the Eevnted, he was packed in so ugnt with a few other thousaind human beings that he could hardly breathe, and in the excitement of trying to get off, in the grand rush, lost Mrs. Galoway and had a hard time finding her in that city of two and a half million souls. Mrs. Kitts will be with us Thursday and Friday with a sample line of suits and coats from Xew York. Fullertou's, 415 State, 114 Liberty. O r- Dr. Moore, district superintendent of the Methodist church, Dr. Parkinson of Eugene, and Dr. McCulIoch of Portland are in conference today with the direct ors and those interested in the Old Peo ple's Home. W. W. Brown, of eastern Oregon, has offered the Home fMO.OOO provided a liko amount be raised by next July and tho plans of those mostly interested provide for the raising of $5, 000 in Salem and a like amount outside of the city. When the 10,000 is sub scribed the board of the Old People's Home will be in a position to begin the erection of the proposed 25,0110 home in Sulem. Mrs. Kitts will be with us Thursday and Friday with a sample line of suits and coats from New York. Fullerton's. 415 State, 114 Liberty. o Due to the congested condition in the iron factories of the east, the new gas generator ordered by the Portland Rail way, L,ight & Power company last June has not arrived. It will not be installed and in operation until November 12. Hence, gas cannot be made fast enough to supply all consumers. As many cus tomers of the company are wholly de pendent upon gas for cooking, lighting and heating having no other mean of light or heat, the company will find it necessary to cut off the service of those who have wood cook stoves and other means of light. In a letter to its cus tomers, the company says no minimum charge will be made during the period that gas is shut off. All diamonds and jewelry worn by livin models at Merchants Dress-up show at Oregon theatre are from the stock of Hartman Bros. o The window committee of "Dress Up yeek" called on every merchant in the city this afternoon in order to get a complete list of those entering for the two awards of the window dressing con test to be decided when the windows are unveiled this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Two eups will be offered, the 10 silver trophy of Hartman Bros., and the 12.50 silver cup offered by the U. S. National bank. Both of these awards may be seen this evening iu the display windows of Hartman Bros. Any mer chants not called on this afternoon are requested to notify the committee at the Commercial club by 6 o'clock this even ing, as it is the intentions of the com mittee to secure the entries of all who have on special window displays. ' Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glauue- correctly. U. S. Bank. Bid.'. A chimney fire at the Kimball College of Theology yesterday evening at 7 o'clock colled out the department. No damage was done. Frederick S. Lamport, lawyer, has moved to No. 212-13, Hubbard bldg. tf Warren Fruits, of Merrill, Klamath county, Oregon, has enrolled as a stu dent in the commercial course at the Cupital Business college. Chas. B. Hodgkin, general insurance, 301 Hubbard building. Phone 386, nov-17 Joseph H. Albert bought a house and lot yesterday on South Twelfth street, tlivoiiL'h the acency ot W. ii. Urafien borst & Co. J'red H. Waters was the grunt or. o Dr. F. H. Thompson of 416 Bank of Commerce bldg., specializes in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. tf Marriage licenses were issued this afternoon to Russel Edward Edincads, irculation manager of the Capital Journal, and Delia Livena Warren; and Albert Eggman, a Silverton tanner, and Olive ueruer. He Came back If you have any old carpets you wish woven notify S. A Dobncr, phone IHOliR. rtovll In the matter of the estate of Edward Whedbee, deceased, Mrs. Emma A, Whedbee was appointed administratrix this afternoon by Judge Bushey. The estate is .valued at $3,200, real and personal property. Mark V. Weatherford, democratic ami prohibition candidato for congress, win spenK'ai ine opera nouse ivcuuea- lay, 2ov. 1 at a o clock. Miss Myrtle Grace Connor and George M. Becker, living near Gervais, were married tnis morning oy tne Jtev. F. T. Porter, at the Christian church parsonage. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Becker. Mark V. Weatherford, democratic and prohibition candidato for eqngress, will speak at the opera house Wednes day, Nov. 1 at b o clock. Police Matron Shank, who went to Portland yesterdav on business connect ed with the Florence Crittenden Home, returned to the Capital City early yes terday evening. She went up on the Oregon Eleetric. Wonderful laundry work Since Feb- rurav tho Salem steam laundry nas been using the electric process in their washroom. To demonstrate, Bee two shirts at Joe Haines' store window, 305 State street. After sixty washings they are hardly distinguishable from new shirts of the same pattern. Why. not get the best laundry work to be had. It costs no more. The Salem Steam laundry, oldest, lamest, test. tf S. C. Kightlinger, who lives on Miller street between Commercial ami Liberty streets, reported to the police this morn ing that a gang of boys about IS years of age or more broke down his fence. The chief took the matter up and will go the limit with the perpetrators of the leed. Jew cases of rondvism were re ported although it was Hallowe'en. PIPTOK l.-.- r .-.-TC-'r.y i, tt FAR VISION .. flthoutUnee in Trip ?risiov r 1LENS I with two A purposes Look up look down, the distant scene becomes sharp and distiuct, and the printed page is clear and easy to read. Sm-h is the Comfort and Helpfulness of Dr. Mendelsohn's Kryptoks. I only fit genuine Kryptok lenses nnd replace your lens free of charge for one year if necessary. Dr. M. P. MENDELSOHN. Booms 209-210-211 V. S. Nat'l Bk. Bldg Mark V. Weatiierrora, democratic and prohibition candidate for congress, will speak at the opera house Wednesday,- Nov. 1 at 8 o clock. Patriotism and civic pride were the subjects of addresses made this after noon at the theatres, as part of the pro gram of Salem week. Paul R. Smith spoke at Ye Liberty, Fred S. Bynon at the Bligh aud Benjamin Brick at the Oregon. Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses. Elmo S. White, as attorney for peti tioners asking tor a road to ne graveled my kfjh in the Garden Road Home district, pre- !w WIIU sented a petition this afternoou to the county court asking that a dirt road in that district be graveled. The petition is signed by lli. Dr. Stone makes no charge for con sultation, examination or prescription. WANTED Household Furniture. Woodry the Auctioneer will pay highest cash price for same. Phone 511. I EaaaaeisiaiiansneaeBeaeaeSBsaanaea! Herbert Hoefling, age 16, of Route No. 1, R. F. D., and Frank Walluee Stev enson, age 21, of Independence, have filed applications to enlist in the V. S. navy. They lire straightening out their business at home and when the crops are in will complete the enlistment. All together boost Salem made ci gars La Corona and llygraile. Members of the Salem Poultry asso ciation met last evening to consider plans for the annual show. The general opinion was that the month of Decem ber was n better time for the annual show and it is probable that some time early in the month will be chosen. The association is in communication with those selected for judges. The home is nov complete without a Sonora Talking Machine. Mvrtle Know land, 421 Court St. October was a dry month in more than one respect, as the records show that only 544 affidavits wece made by those iu need of the kind of alcoholic, stimulants sold at Hornibrook, Cal., and other points that ship booze into Ore gon. This is considerable of a falling off from the September record when 1,478 quarts were received at Salem, compared to the October record o'f l,uss quarts. Special showing of splendid new iiirnles in millinery, dancing lints espe cially featured on living models in window display tonight from 7:30 to !) p. m. and later to lie displayed at Oregon theatre style show. The Wench Shop. 3."i!l State street. CAR5 Any KiriD Any time PIANO TUNING First-class work. All kinds of repairing. AH work guar anteed. Twenty-five years' experience. Leave orders at Wylie B. Allen Co., phone 1187. Residence phone 1405. J. E. HOCKETT, 915 Highland Avenue. ' hen you want to go in haste with a clean car and small faro and you must get to a place, Phone to me, I'll take you there. Phones: Day 13; Nights 882. J. A. KAPPJIA11N, Oct.St Hubbard Bldg. When In 8ALEM, OREGON, ttoa at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths KATES: 75c, fl.00, 11.50 FEB DAT The only hotel in the,, business district. N'earest to all Depots, Theatres and Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Horn, f. O. BLIGH. Pros. Both Phones. Free Auto But. Salem's Best Market Place if Attractive features of quality products not easily found. Martin's genuine Xew York Cheddar Cheese, pound 40c Wisconsin fresh Block Swiss Cheese, sweet and moist, 11). 40c Pineapple Cheese, always good, each .... 75c Finnan Hoddie, jar 25c Copres Xonpnriel, bottle 25c Anchovies in oil, bottle 35C-50C Imported Mushrooms, van .... 30c Jamacha, Ripe Olives, quart can 50c Milcher Herring, gal, keg. ..$1.75 Pomegranates, 3 for 25c Persimmons, 3 for 10C California Grape Fruit, each 10c -New Stock 'arriving daily that will please the fastidious palate. Xew crop fancy California seeded Raisins, 2 pUgs ....25c Xew Crop Fancy- Recleaned Sicilian Currants, pkg 15c Xew Crop Fancy Blenched Thompson Seedless Raisins, pound 18c Imported Citron, pound 30c Orange mid l.einnn Peel, lb. 25c Sweet Apple Cider, gallon. ...25c Boiled Cider, bottle 20c and 30c French Prune Butter, jar 15c Chestnuts, home grown, lb 18c Cranberries, pound 15c Xew Sauer Kraut, pound 5c Special For Saturday A liimted number of country killed and dressed hens and young roosters at 2lic and 2Sc a pound respectfully Westacott-Thielsen Co. 426 State Street Salem, Oregon, Nov. 1, 1916 To the Public of Salem: We wish to thank you for the patronage you have accorded us during the past year and again beg to call your attention to the fact that the Midget Market is still adhering to the policy we adopted when we first opened. During this time our business has grown be yond our expectations, which we think is the best . indication of your appreciation. Our object has been to furnish you with meat of the best quality at the lowest possible prices. To convince yourself as to whether we have suc ceeded ask any of your acquaintances from any other city the meat prices prevailing in their home town and compare them with what you pay in Salem. Do you remember the high prices you paid before we came? Cattle are higher now than then and the retail price of meat is lower. Why? Think it over and the reason will be apparent. We have all the facts to show that we orig inated the low meat prices in Salem. This is our first anniversaiy week and we are going to celebrate it by having a few surprises for Saturday. Watch Friday evening paper. Respectfully yours, MIDGET MARKET. 4