Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 01, 1916, Image 1

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Germans Say All A Ixks On
Somme Failed lies
V Claim Gains &
French Made Some Gains On
Somme and British Defeat
Ueilin, Nov. 1. Repulse of British
troops north of the Somme were an
nounced by tho war office today.
"The weather is growing brighter
m the Somme district ami on several
net-tors lively artillery activity has
begun, " said the official statement.
"In the evening hours the Knglish ad
vanced from the district of Couieeletto
aud with strong forces from the liue
f Guedeeourt to Le Boeufs lor an
attack. North of Conrcelcttc tho at
tack was unable to advance in our de
fensive fire. West of LeTrausloy it
broke down under losses, in sniuo plan
ts in hand to hand fighting.
"Army group of the crown prince
(Verdun) the artillery duel on the
fast bank of the Meuse was only tempo
rarily active."
A -supplementary statement declared
that artillery activity was strong only
north of the Somme and added that
J-'nrt Vaux temporarily came under
heavy fire of French guns on the north
eastern front of Verdun.
"In the eastern w.ir theatre, Princ
Leopold's front, the Rusians, after
tttiong artillery activity, launched
. eof.nter attacks at evening and at dawn
'- against tin- positions on the east bank
, of the Narayuvka conquered by- us oa
October 30. These attacks failed five
times tinder sanguinary losses. The
Turkish troops also held the ground
they had gainpd against a strong at
tack. On the Bistritza-Solotvinska, Aus-tro-.-imgari.in
troops repulsed hostile
detachments by fire."
British Capture Town
.' Paris, Nov. 1. llritish troops storm
, ed and captured the town of Itarafcli
'Azuma, seven miles southwest of Da
' mirhisaar in violent fighting east of
the Struma river, taking 300 prisoners
it was officially announced today. !
The town had been strongly fortified
by the Bulgnrs. On the Cenia front the
. Serbs repulsed German-Bulgarian counter-
attacks. .There were intermittent
bombardments in the region of Lake
Koirnn and- on the Vardar front. I
Submarine Gets Home
Amsterdam Nov. 1 The German
mibmarine L'-S.'l which ravaged shipping
off the American coast after pnying a
visit to Newport, has returned to a
German port, according to Berlin dis
patches today.
There lias been various rumors that
the IT-5.1 had been captured or sunk
by British warships. The U-53 appeared
nt Newport October 7 aud the day fol
lowing sank five merchantmen ol'f
Germans Make Gains
Petrograd, Nov. 1. Austro, German
troops invading Rumania throu-'h the
Red Tower 1'ass, have occupied the
town of Itnkovitsa. twelve miles inside
the frontier, and also the village of
Titeshti, it was officially announced to
day. -J
(Continued on page three.)
It don't make no difference whether
ft feller knows beans when tlT bag's
open or not at sevenfitlv per bushel.
Th' ambition o' ever' woman it t' only-
wear tn- same hat once.
S I il lX7XAOf"t
1 J WEtfWW
I III rourtww6
- l I J frOStA.
Greatest Crowd of Campaign
Enjoys Artistic Dissecting
of Him
Enumeration of What Wilson
Has Done Brings Tumult
uous Applause
T.ikcuing Charles Evans Hughes, re
publican caudidate for president, to a
lightning bug with its headlight on be
hind, Thomas R. Gore, the blind senator
from Oklahoma, brought three rousing
rounds of applause from the audience
that packed the great armory to stand
ing room Inst night to hear him dis
cuss democratic issues in tho present
national campaign.
Brilliant m wit, keen in cutting to the
core of an argument and laying bear
its fallacies, apt in giving humorous
illustrations, deft iu thrustiu" home
fact.i rhat bit like a diamond drill, the
blind senntor hnd his audience nt the
tips of his fingers all the time. He
is believed easilv- to be the best cam
paign speaker iu Salem yet this sen
son. His speech was replete with aphor
isms that illuminated the dark political
horizon like a light-bomb over European
"A vote for Wilson is a vote for
peace, a vote for Hughes is a vote for
war," was the backbone thought of his
address. He drove this point homo with
the dramatic painting of two superb
word pictures one of Europe, weltering
in its blood; the other of America, smil
ing in the sunshine of pence and pros
perity. For the seveml minutes of this
recital, attention was intense. Applause
broke the suspense when he cried:
"Not for all the crowned heads of
Europe would I send one Salem boy Into
the maelstrom of war."
Senator Gore claimed for the demo
cratic administration the credit of con
structive legislation legislation for the
masses as against the special interests.
He told especially of the reduction of
the tariff and of legislation for the
benefit of agricultural interests.
. Armory la Packed.
At 8 o'clock when John Boyne. chair
man, called the meeting to order the
armory was packed with one of the
largest crowds ever gathered to hear a
political speech in Salem. F. P. Webb,
of Salem, an old time friend of the sen
ator, was introduced to present the
senator to the audience, which he did in
a few well chosen words.
Senator Gore arose and was received
with applause as he was led to the front
of the platform.
The famous blind senator was before
his audience a man slightly gray, of
dignified mien, yet of alert appearance.
One was tempted almost to believe
that lie could see. Especially after In
had begun to talk, it was difficult to
remember that he was speaking iu the
dark. He heard the hand clapping,
and voices of the women; he mentioned
their presence.
He began with complicents and in
iun. Throughout his address, indeed,
were sprinkled gems of wit thnt
oiiicmy won ms ucuiero aim uruugui
forth repeated laughter and applause. I
A repeated, characteristic
gesture .
was a clapping of his hands.
no uumminivHicu me west, u com-
phmented Oregon, he complimented the All tariff revision is accompanied by
women (not without, however, a lot ,Uch disturbance, whether it be ro
of left-bnnded, good natured banter) vision upward or revision downward,
he even complimented the republi-i Shall we now revise it aeaint
.Praises Republicans' Fast,
T l.Ai:n.. tt l.' . , ,,; i! . . , ' .
I believe," he said, "in rendering'san tariff commission in response to
Caesar the thiiiEs thnt are Cae-U n,,nlr ,1.,,,,i c., .,.. ...
unto Caesar the things that are Cne
sar's. The republican party hns ad
ded much glory unto the annals of
this republic. But Roosevelt, four
years ago, taid the republican party
then was not the republican party of
the days of Abraham Lincoln. He said
it was base betrayer of public trust.
Diamond Points From Gore's Speech
A Republican has a right to his opinions, and a right
to be wrong.
There has been only one Colonel Roosevelt, and one
has been enough.
Columbus discovered America 400 years ago but the
Republican party has not discovered the American farm
er yet.
The Democratic party has made the principles of in
dustrial and social justice a reality instead of an ideal.
A vote for Hughes means repeal of the eight-hour law,
recall of the strike order, and industrial war.
Hughes is like a race horse that runs better with his
mouth shut than open.
Children 1000 years from now will stagger from
cradle to grave under the burden of taxation by the war
in Europe.
Middleboro, Mass., Nov. 1.
Countess Magri, who was Mrs.
Tom Thumb, 34 inches of con
tented womanhood, Tuesday cel
ebrated her 75th birthday and
passed out some good advico
on the management of husbands
"Don't argue with him. Let
him have his owa way but
win him to your way when he
don't know it," is the receipt
of the littlest lady in the land
That is more vigorous language than
I would use, but who dare contradict
a statement of hisf
"The rank and file of the republi
cans have the same honesty, the same
patriotism as do we democrats. Do
you know, they have as much sense
as wet" He paused. "Of course, they
don't act like it." the pause, the re
mark, the intonation, brought an
plause, then laughter and cheers. It
was an incident typical of his opening
"There are tour great national par
ties the democratic, republican, so
cialist and prohibitionist. You notice,
I do not mention the progressive. That
was not a national party it was a
private party. Mr. Roosevelt has
mftde an assignment. He is trying to
deliver his chattels into the hands of
the Fenrose-Barnes-Cannon Good Gov
ernment society.
Two Kinds of Progressives.
"There are two were two classes of
progressives those who were merely
infatuated with Colonel Roosevelt and
who will follow him back into the re
publican party, and those who, with
consecration and conviction, were de
voted to the cause of social and indus
trial -justice. It is to those that we
made our appeal.
"A party and a nominee are known
by their fruits. What has the demo
cratic party done? Under it, we are
enjoying the two highest blessings
which civilized man can .enjoy peace
and prosperity. Vice-Presidential Nomi
nee Fairbanks has said that the United
States is honored and envied by every
nation and that under a democratic
Time for Prosperity.
"There never was a time when every
class was so prosperous when the
farmer received such high ' prices,
when the consumer was so well able
to pay those high prices, when capital
made such high profits on its invest
ments and when labor' was employed
at so high wages. Under the republi
cans we were in the pursuit of hap
piness; now we are in the possesion
of happiness. Every business is pros
pering except the 'unemployment
agency, and every person is prospering
except the ex-lobbyist and the ex
office holder. .
"Not since the first administration
of Washington has there been so much
beneficient legislation enacted and not
with the exception of the administra
tion of Lincoln has there been one
which hag been obliged to wrestle with
so many cares, difficulties and vexa
tions as the present; ' There have been
enacted into law 12 measures, any one
of which would have glorified a repub
lican administration.
Four Kinds of Laws.
"There have been four classeB of
this legislation that for the benefit
of the people generally, that for the
benefit of the farmers particularly,
that for the benefit of the business
man particularly and that for the
benefit of wage-earners particularly.
"We have dispensed with and dis
credited invisible government. The
corrupt lobby no longer exists.
Revised Tariff Downward,
"Our party has kept the faith. It
has revised the tariff downward and
not upward. It reduced the tariff from
an average of more than 41 per cent
to an average of less than 27 per cent.
And it has taken the burden of taxa-
tion from the masses and placed it.
on the incomes from those great for-
tunes which were built up
protection provided by a
under the
republican I
"You say this revision was attended
iiv business disturbances. ISn it was.
Establishes Tariff Board.
have established a non-pnrtt
u pupumr uemuiiu lor sucn a meas-.
uro so tnai tne tantt nngnt ne
vised .Inn .ni-tifi,. li,. ,l T i,l,i
this to be one of the fruits of a demo
cratic administration. But they tell
us that the United States will be over-
(Continued from page one.)
Affidavits of Survivors Show
Marina Was Sunk With
out Warning
No Action To Be Taken Until
Germany's Statement Is
By Robert J. Bender
(United Press staff correspondent)
Binghamnton. N. Y.. ( Ahnn pd Prov
ident 's special train,) Nov. 1. Presi
dent Wilson is being informed of every
step and detail in the Marina case from
Washington today. Every dispatch to
the state department from Consul Frost
and other officials aboard will be Im
mediately forwarded post haste to him.
The .president is particularly anxious
to get the report ho asked "from the
American chargo d'affaires in Berlin.
On this report may depend, in great
measure, wnat course this government
will take.
Administration officials are disposed
to give Germany time for full investi
gation in. response to this government's
inquiry wnicn necessarily must await
tho formal report of the submarine
commander. In former cases these re
ports have not been made for several
days, this time beius rennired for tho
submarine to return to its base
While the president is believer) to
view the outlook as holding serious pos
sibilities, those close to him say he will,
as heretofore, insist on careful investi
gation and come to no conclusion peud-
receipt, oi aiK possmie details.
- . --Ho Change in -Policy
Washington. Nov. 1. See rotor v of
State Lansing today vigorously denied
that the campaign will have any ef
fect on the department's action in the
Marina case or that there has been any
change in the submarine colic v of eith
er the president or the deartmcnt.
- Lansing said ho made this statement
after it was called to his attention that
such a suggestion had been made.
He authoriKt-dj the following state
ment: . .
"The fact that a political canipoien
is in progress will in no way vary the
practice of .the department in regard
to making a full investigation of rases
of this sort. We shall act as we always
have, with as much celerity as possi
ble. The question has also been called
to my- attention as to whether there
has been any change in policy in regard
io suomarine wai-tare since the sink-
ng of the Sussex, on the Dart of -the
president or tho department. I can sav
emphatically there has been no change
in any particular.
Affidavits of SurrlTOra
Cork, Nov. 1. Depositions from 15
American survivors, slating that the
steamer Marina was torpedoed without
warning, with probable loss of several
American lives are being taken hore
by I'nited States Consul Frost Bnd will
be forwarded to the state department
at Washington
The Americans arrived hero with 13
other survivors of the Marina's crew,
They reported that from three to six
Americans including ono passenger,
were probably drowned.
The Marina was attacked early Sat
urday morning while en route from
Glasgow to Baltimore. A torpedo struck
tier amuiship, on the starboard side,
The etlilnsinil blew il on.nt hnla in
- - - - r, " ,. " to Baltimore, oo rougn was tne weamer
tlTAV. :?fc..l0J.'.,.t.'or three day. during the 21 day trip
'm. ,, , , , i
She rolled over on one side and as she
settled, remained afloat. t,ntv ;-
hi.Vii i ' i , V i
nv-i, irumincu unuui. iweuiy nun-
re-."" ""ticreu uy tne wares, until ner ,
boilers exnlodod. si.littincr her in tw.
1..V-1 th AT" " ,De man l0,the submersible drew nearer American :
Some of the survivor, sav a second ,
torpedo was fired as tho Marina was
settling. Others sav a second submarine
was nearbv, but took no part in the
One of the Marina's boats was rolled
against the steamer's side by the heavy
seas and crushed. All the occupants
were drowned. The obher boats drifted
for eighteen hours before rescue steam
ers were sighted. Survivors suffered
terribly on account of the cold and
were drenched by spray from great
waves that threatened to capsize their
boats at anv moment.
Sitnation is Serious
Washington, Nov. 1. The situation
growing out of the sinking of the
steamer Marina by a German subma
rine today loomed up as an issue
fraught wi:h the most serious possi
bilities since the torpedoing of the
With five Americans believed to be
dead as the result oi' the sinking of
the British steamer and no evidence
yet to show that the submarine gave
them a chance for their lives, the sit
uation has become extremely grave.
(Continued on page two.)
Many Hostile Crafts Seen As
Deutschland Makes Second
Trip Here
Loss of Bremen Confirmed-
Brings Cargo of Needed
By Carl D. Groat.
(United Pross stnff correspondent.)
New London, Conn., Nov. 1. Plung
ing and diving at ties in the teeth of a
storm the German merchant submarine
Deutschland made her second trip to the
United States through a veritable lane
of allied warships. .
I he Deutschland was safely docked at
her screened pier here this afternoon.
She came out of the darkness and the
waves during the early morning hours.
Nosing her way up the sound, she was
quickly warped in alongside her ' ' moth
er ship," the Willehad, and with her
sailors at liberty some of the details
of her second remarkable voyage were
At one time the submarine freighter
was submerged for 10 hours in mid
ocean. The Deutschland was forced to
spend this time beneath the waves ow
ing to the presence of hostile war crafH
lurking nearby, one of the crew declared-
Captain Koenig, the smiling com
mander, who brought the Deutschland
on her first voyage, was again in com
mand, but up to an early hour this aft
ernoon had been so busily engaged with
officials of the company operating the
merchant submersible he had not been
able to tell his story of the second
trip. ' .
IiOtS oi Hostile Bttips.
"We saw lots and lots of hostile
ships," said one of tho. Deutschland 's
sailors. He was a big six foot German.
Smiling good naturedly he told in Ger
man snatches of tho story of the trip
which brought the Deutschland over and
under the ocean. ' - .
. "There were many more enemy war
ships out than wo saw on the first voy
age," he went on. "There seemed to
be a regular lane of cruisers and ships
of other types. .
"I do not know how much of the trip
was made under water, but the longest
continuous period we were submerged
was 10 hours. This was somewhere ia
about mid-ocean. Hostile ships were
sighted and we were forced to drop out
of eight.
"But it's about the same old story
now. Not much difference between this
trip and the first one except the enemy
ships," the sailor concluded.
Bremen is Lost
The Bremen is definitely known to
be lost. This was confirmed from mem
bers of the Deutschland 's crew. The
submersible which was scheduled to ar
rive here soon after the Deutschland
visited Baltimore, is not believed to
have been captured, however. The Ger
man sailor said it was believed the
Bremen had met with an accident of
some sort to her machinery. This result
ed in her destruction, it is believed.
The Amcrika, the third of the met-
chant submarines to be built for trans-
Atlantic service, is not yet ready U
sail on her maiden voyage, it was statei
in explanation of reports as to the fail-
ure of this vessel to appear.
The Deutschland carried a crew of 29
mnn nn her vovoffA which ended this
I : !. Mn.n I. n t.!n
. .
that most of the members of the crew
tnal mOSL OI me memuers ot llie crew
,;.,., KPnm,i,l the
wr6 fasick, Lieutenant Krapohl, the
f;r(.i officer said
th' itpr -. f hB vnvage
. during the latter part or the voyage
. the weather cleared, however, and as
shore"' LV? vinS r'.rff
. Has Valuable Cargo,
Ther wtt" ,a during the morning
ov.er. the waling of the Deutschland 's
wireless. An orticer rrom me yiiu-ricnii
naval station appeared to an mis worn,
but Captain Hinsch, of the Eastern For
warding company, refused to permit it
until the customs officers had identified
him. It was pointed out that when the
'Deutschland reached IBnltimore her wire
less was not seaieu xur nr uttys.
Captain Koenig fulfilled all require
ments of a captain of a merchant ship.
He filed his manifest and word came
from Washington asking permission to
make it public.
Paul Hilken, president of the For
warding company, arrived from Balti
more shortly after noon and lunched
with Koenig on the Willehad. The pier
at which the North Oerman-Lloyd liner
and the submaroine were tied up was
carefully protected by guards.
A few men from the Deutschland
stretched their leg on the deck. A sail
or from the United States submarine
base came over for a call and one of the
German.) and the husky American posed
together for photographs.
In addition to a valuable cargo, the
Deutschland brought mail for Ambas-
By F. D. Underwood
Prciident of th Eri Railroad.
No one could fairly accuse
President Wilson of playing poli
tics in Ihe railroad negotiation!
for an eight-hour day. I believe
hfi motives
were honest
and that he
used M best
judgment i n
doing as he
did. He did not
carry the bur
den of the rail
roads or the
claims of the
as his load; he
carried those
of. the people
of the United
Many of the
Wilson laws
have stabilized business, particu
larly the Federal T.eservo and the
Rural Credit Acts. We should
stand for peace and work for
peace, but be fully prepared to
defend what we have.
The light against President
Wilson has no larger aspect than
an unpatriotic - clamor of the
"outs" for possession of the things
now in the hands of the "ins."
Percy Evans Shoots Girl
Masquer On Floor and
Kills Himself
Bakersfield, Cnl., Nov. 1. Hallow
e'en in Bakersfield stopped shortly af
ter midnight this morning with a crash
that ended the funniest night of the
whole year, and sent nearly 200 offi
cially masqueraded guests to their
homes sick with tragedy. Percy J. Ev
ans is dead today anil .Miss Klsie
Stierns, secretary to Iho high school
board, is dying. .
Dressed as a Bed Cross nurse Miss
Stierns, who . is very pretty, was the
center of attraction at the Hallowe'en
ball. Every guest was costumed to rep
resent some frivilous character and the
evening was featured by many funny
incidents right up to the final" dance.
Miss Stierns, costumed as a war
nurso, had started to dance with a
partner costumed as a harlequin. Sud
denly Evans made his way across tie
tloor, wrested Miss Stierns from her
partner and without a word fired- two
shots from a revolver into her breast.
As she sank to the floor he lilted the
weapon to his own head and fired. He
died instantly.
The music stopped with a crash, but
it was more than a minute before some
dancers realized the shots were not
fired in fun. .
It was said Evans waited through the
evening until masks -were raised for
the final dance before ho discovered
which of the masqueraders was Miss
Lodge Is Trying to
Back Up His Threat
New York, Nov. 1. Senator Henry
Cabot Lodge, iu his vicious attack on
President Wilson, is running true to
the seutiment he expressed after Can-
aiuate nugnes' speech of acceptance.'
On August 1 the New York Telegram,
the evening edition of The Herald,
which is Hughes' staunchest supporter,
reported this interview:
I "It was suggested to Senator Lodge
that the newspapers were charging
that the renublican nominee's sneech
pnntni tia.l nntiiini nniilriiiiliu- ki.t .na
j ij 7 . , . . .
uevuieu io criticism oi uie aanunistra-
tion. He was asked why tho republi-i
can nominee ottered nothing construe
vu iiuiium-e uut-reu muniiiic cunstruc-
tive With an exhibition nt nenvish.
tive. witu an exhibition of peevish-
ness the senator said
"Why ask that democratic, ques
tionf What business is it of the on-
position to construct!
Our business is1
to throw them out of power aud Unit
is what we ure going to do "
S. P. President Says
Prosperity on Way
Los Angeles, Nov. 1. That Califor
nia and states to the northeast arc due
for a period of almost unprecedented
prosperity, is the statement here by
President Sproule of the Southern Pa
cific, who lias returned from a . trip
through the section. Good crops, high
prices, increa-sed manufacture and the
investment of eastern capital are nil
working for the advancement of the
est, he said.
sador Von Bcrnstorff from Germany, it
was definitely learned this afternoon.
It wus reported something in the car
go was causing a hitch this afternoon
and the submersible 's manifest may not
be made public until tomorrow. British
agents are already on the job watching
every move about tho Deutschland 's
Koenig said this atfernoon the
Deutschluud'e cargo was worth 10,000,-000.
"The Good Lord Will Not
Deadhead the Town Over
Road to Prosperity"
Points Out City's Needs and
Tells Citizens To Go and
Get Them
"The good Lord is not going to dead
head this town over the road of Prosper
ity. We must pay our fare."
With these few choice words, George
F. Itodgers Bummed up the general situa
tion in an address last evening to the
largest and most enthusiastic meeting
of business men ever held in the rooms
of the Commercial club
To that organization heretofore
known as "The Ancient Order of Thoso
Who Want the Other Fellow to Do It,"
Mr. Rodgers paid a few uncomplimen
tary remarks. "This idea of a petri
fied Commercial club is all a joke. This
organization now is one of the livest
ones in the state. We don't want mon
ey but we do want nerve and brain
power. Not numbers, but a Tew level
headed men who are willing to do
things," said Mr. Kodgers. "A man is
a. civic imbecile who thinks a Commer
cial club' can do no good. At no time
have we stood at the portals of oppor
tunity as we do now. The dark ages of
the last few years are passing away and
we are facing great opportunities."
All of which was preliminary to the
membership . campaign that will be
launched beginning Thursday and Fri
day mornings of ..s week.
6. M. Clark, president of the Portland
Chamber of Commerce, in his short ad
dress emphasized the necessity of under
draining in this valley. "We don't Beem
to have the right kind of fanners: To
encourage draining, clubs should be
formed, expert advice secured, aud
where necessary, financial aid given -by
Commercial clubs."
Portland Man Talks. '
The secretary of the Portland Cham
ber of Commerce, W. D. V. Dodson, said
that the Portland business mea -were
trying to determine just what was the
trouble with Oregon and what was the
best thing to do about it. He intimated
that Oregon had too many laws and that
not enough attention had been givea
to those that would enocurage "business
The big thing that ailed Oregon was
the lack of markets and if the state
was to prosper, the market problems
would have to be solved.
Another problem of Oregon woe that
of having no industrial population. In "
Portland at least 00 per cent of the in
dustrial workers were engaged fr such
work as building, city improvements
and other temporary work, and when
this stopped, these workers ten me
The flax industry was one that might
solve some of the problems of the state
Mr. Dodson suggested, and the proper
way to secure factories would be to as
sure eastern mill men, through Commer
cial clubs, thBt a sufficient acreage
would be planted to give them the neces
sary amount of flax, following the gen
eral plan of sugar beet mills, were a
certain acreage must be assured before
a mill is erected, as at Grants Pass. The
same idea as to securing canning factor
ies in the state could be undertaken,
wherein the Commercial clubs would
guarantee some of the big canning in
terests, that if they would come to Ore
gon, the amount of products sufficient
to keep a factory busy would be raised
in a certain locality- He thought the
woolen industry might become a great
Oregon asset. All the woolen manufac
turers want would be the assurance by
a Commercial club that wool supplies
could be secured sufficient to justify
the erection of mills.
The Work Outlined.
With the object of placing some hun
dreds of new names on the roll of the
Commercial club, eight teams of eight
men each will get busy tomorrow.
Georgo F. Rodgers ,as chairman of the
membership committee, will direct the
(Continued on page two.)
Oregon: To
night and Thurs
day partly
cloudy west; fair
east portion;
winds mostly