TVfV. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, OCT. 31, 1916. FIVE 1! Buy Ground Gripper Shoes up Xv.-A ana vou can eo in tne WKEKj parade to open Dress-Up Week ' and be sure of perfect foot comfort and long wear. They are a mas sage treatment for the feet, straightens the toes, cures corns and bunions. ARRIVING DAILY STIR Living Models to Display Beautiful Importations for Occasion 326 State Street Phone 61 6 Next to Ladd & Bush Bank ROSTE1N & GREENBAUM DRESS-UP WEEK -MILLINERY Visit this deparfment, in rear room. Bargains in new Millinery. The very newest Hats and shapes. Beautiful assortment of new Hat Ornaments. Velvets, great range of colors. Expert Milliners ready to supply your wants. See the new short handles Silk, Glorias, Cotton, $3.25 $1 to $1.75 50c Children's Umbrellas 50c Men's Raincoats $2 up Men's Slip-On Rain coats $4.50 Men's new Wool Mix tures, raglan sleeves, $7.00 and $8.75 Boys' Oil Slickers $1.75 and $2.00 BLANKETS Nq raise, in. prices. We, are selling, Blankets at last year's prices. Come and see. Cotton Blankets, pr. 75c Large Blankets at $1.25 and $1 pr. Extra large Blankets at $1.50 pr.- Wool Nap Blankets, . plaids, beauties, at $2.25 pr. White Wool Blankets, at $3.75 pr. Our best Wool Blankets at $6.00 pr. Bath Robe Blankets at $3.00 each With cord to match. 3-lbs. Cotton Batts at 50c each Feather Pillows $1,25. $1.00. 75c each Slip-On Raincoats, boys or girls $2.00 Girls' Rain Capes, very neat $1.50 Ladies' Slip-On Rain coats, from . . . $2.00 up 240-246 Commercial Street, Salem. This morning's express brought many mysterious packages consigned to Sa lem merchants anil marked "Rush." All the women folic of Salem are inter ested in the contents of those myster ious lloxes because they contained the very latest word in late full and win ter fashions. Almost without a single exception the merchants of Salem have made special arrangements and gone to a great deal of expense and trouble to make the Living Model Show at the Oregon theatre on Wednesday, Thurs day and'Friday nights the best part of Dress Up week. All of the leading style authorities of America will be repre sented in the Dress Up show with the very finest creations in their lines. Garments that range in price from the most inexpensive to the most elabor ate will be shown in order that every woman, no matter how small her allow ance may be, will see something that appeals to lier taste and pocketbook. - And the men models they will be the hit of the merchants show. Little has been said about them because Sn lem men are bashful and Manager Al len did not want to injure his chances of securing men by saying anything about this most important part of the show until the men were in and ready for tho first performance. They are ready now and everybody who goes to the Style Show will be treated to a real surprise because of the most excel lent back ground that the five populnr young men make for tho bevy of pretty girls who will wear and display the finest garments from Salem's lending stores. Every big store in town today is dis plaving the photograph of a local girl in the windows with tho caption "Our nominee in the Dress V Week Style Show rVote for her." And all the stores arc getting behind their favorites with the determination that they will see her the winner. All tho clerks are entering into the fun and are bustling votes with the ability of experienced campaigners. There is bound to be a surprise in the voting contest, accord ing to Manager Allen, as several of the local girls are showing up so well in the rehearsals that the public will have a hard time in determining which one is really the best model. Tomorrow the local girls and the pro fessional models will spend the day in the local stores having their garments fitted and the necessary alterations made. Then the millinery shops and tho shoe shops will be visited and the en tire wordrobe tor tho twelve girls as sembled and tugged with the names of the models so that the many changes te be made bv each girl can 'he made I quickly and the show stuged with a I snap that will surely stump it as an unparalelled artistic success. The stage settings arrived this morn ing from J'urllund and a corps of stage urienterg and electricians are at work on the opening scene that will out shine any stage setting ever used in a fashion show in Oregon. The Oregon theatre will have a special display built in its lobby, which will be un veiled promptly at 7:30 Wednesday night at the same time the stoic win dows are uncovered and the Dress Up feature of Salem Week will be on. AMBASSADOR DENIES STORY IN OUTLOOK Jays Only Interview Was With Gonzales and This Is "Garbled" Washington, Oct. 31. Mexican Am bassador Arredondo today formally denied to Secretary of State Lansing the authenticity of an interview at tributed to Mexican Commissioner Cabrera, given out by the Mexican news bureau here Inst Saturday. Secretary Lansing accepted the ex planation of the incident and said he considered it closed. Upon instructions from General Car ranza, Arredondo also told Lansing that the interviews with I'arranza, General Obregon and Foreign Secretary Aguilar, appearing in the Outlook this week, were not. ffiven bv the officials quoted. The only interview which the Outlook representative obtained, Ar redondo told Lansing, was one with General Gonzales and that, he Baid, the Outlook printed incorrectly. Gonzales is quoted as saying nc would prefer Hughes for president over Wilson. What lie did say, according in A raitdmiiln u-nn.tlint. whoever wns elected, the Mexican government hoped tor more coruiai relations wun ine United States. Arredondo said Gon zales, when questioned by the inter viewer, refused to state his pres idential preference. DressUp Week Makes it necessary for clean and proper Laundry. Our electric process accomplishes that and more. It doubles the life of your linen. See two shirts at Joe Hains' Store, 305 Btate street, after 60 trips to the Salem Steam Laundry; can hardly be told from new shirts of the same pattern. It is a good time to change your laundry and let us have that new linen, and get the best work to be had It costs no more. Salem Steam Laundry Co. PHONE 25 OLDEST, LARGEST, BEST The Capital Journal Want Ads Are the Real Result Producers and Bryan Brand Lodge's Statement As Deliberate Falsehood Long ltrank, X. J., Oct. 31. Presi dent Wilson last night characterized as "untrue" the statement made by j Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massn jchnsetts to the effect that the prcsi ;dent hnd seriously considered adding a weakening postscript to his Lusi itania note. The president telegraphed to Walter Lippinanii of New York, editor of tho New Republic, replying to a message from Mr. Lippniann regarding Senator Lodge's statement. Telegram is Denial The president 's telegram follows: "Jn reply to your telegram let me say that the statement mado by Sena tor Lodge is untrue. No postscript or amendment to the Lusitnnia note was ever written or contemplated by me ex cept such changes that I myself in serted which strengthened and empha sized the protest, it was suggested af ter the note was ready that proposal for arbitration would be acceptable and one member of the cabinet sjwkc to me about it, but it was never dis cussed in cabinet meeting and no threat of any resignation wns ever made, for the very good reason that 1 rejected the suggestion after giving it such consid eration as 1 thought every proposal de served which touched so giavo a mat ter. "It was inconsistent with the pur pose of the note. The public is in pos session of everything that was said to the German government. (Signed) "Woodrow Wilson." No Postscript, Bays Bryan Omaha, Neb., Oct. 31. William J. Bryan, former secretary of state, de nied here last night that there was any truth in the story that a postscript had been written to the Lusitnnia note advising the German government the strong language in the note should not be taken seriously, and that later the postscript was withdrawn. "I take it for granted," Mr. Bryin said, "that the president will deal with the matter as he deems wise, if indeed any attention need be paid Mr. Hrcek en ridge's denial." Mr. Bryan would make no further comment except to call attention to the fact that his resignation was not tendered at the tune the first Lusitania note, to which the alleged postscript vil attached was written, but at the time the second note was written, which wan nearly a month later. Commoner Ignores Telegram Mr. Bryan was here for only a few minutes. He has been campaigning in the state in the interest of the prohi bitory amendment. "President Wilson will carry Ne braska," said the lormer secretary of state, "and the state prohibitory a niendment will be adopted." Mr. Bryan said he hal received a lnrse number of telegrams from east ern newspapers and politicians asking him to confirm or deny the statement of Senator Henry Cabot Lode regard ing the postscript to the Jifsitama note All of these telegrams were ignored, he said. After his brief stntemeut, Mr. Bry an refused further to discuss the Lusi tania postscript incident. . Cloverdale Items (Capital Journal Special Service) i't..-..rdi.lo Oct. 30 Afr and Mrs. G. W. Karris were in Salem last Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. WiIhou left for Portland on Thursday to visit a few davs with his son. George Garner of Nebraska, former ly a resident of this vicinity, has sold liis farm ill Nebraska and is expecting to return to Oregon. Mr. Garner is a brother to MrB. J. D. Craig. Prof. Arnold 's brother-in-law lias been visiting him the past week. Mrs. G. W. Farris attended the W. C. T. .IT. meeting held in Turner Wednes day.' Cloverdale school now lias a new well Gus Dragcr and Mr. TCnnke have been drilling new wells on their farms. Carl and Everette Woods have been iittn flin hint w?pk W. ,T. Hndley was a Snlem visitor Saturday. The Ideal KebekVi lodge of Turner held its regular meeting Saturday night and gave a banquet, inviting all the sulionimuto yugc and ineir mini lies. There were several members from other Uebegah lodges present, swelling tlm number tn Romethinir over fortv. The dining room was decorated ap propriately for the occasion nnd the sisters came with well filled baskets, and oh how the tame (lid groan unuer the weight of so many good things. Tli i h una the first ntteniTit. of the new lodge at entertaining, but reports say its not to be the lust. After the simper nil returned to the DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. 8ay we will both look and feel .clean, sweet and fresh and avoid Illness, Sanitary science has of late maue rapid strides with results thut are of untold blessing to humanity, ine lat est application of its untiring research is the recommendation that it is as nec essary to attend to internal sanitation o the drainage sysem of the human body as it is to the drains of the house. Those of n who ure accustomed to feel dull and heavy when we arise, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom ach, can, instead, feel as fresh as a daisy by opening the sluices of the sys tem each morning and flushing out tho whole of the interim! poisonous stag nant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning Deiorc breakfast, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stom ach, liver and bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; tuus cleansing sweet ening and purifying the entire alimen tary canal before putting more food into tht stomach. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is"-wonderfully invigo rating. Jt cleans out all the sour ter mentations, gases, waste auu acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. While you are enjoying your breakfast the phosphatcd hot wat er is quietly extracting a large volume of water from the blood and getting ready for a thorough flushing of all the inside organs. The millions of eoplo who are both ered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatic - stiffness; otners who have willow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions, arc urged to get a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate from the drug store. This will cost very little, but is suffi cient to make anyone a pronounced crunk on the subject of internal sanitation. MB j Si R98 IHESS CEO dPHANGIN' hosses in mid-stream ain't usually the best way to get across. Nature grows the tobacco let her finish the job. S3 YOU want "life" in your pipe tobacco. Only Nature can put life into tobacco and our responsibility in making VELVET is to fop it in. VELVET retains all the "life" that nature grew into it and besides VELVET has the age mellowed smooth-1 ness that only Nature can bring out when allowed to age tobacco as it should be aged. - 10c Tins' 5c Metal-lined Bags One Pound Glass Humidors lodgo room nnd spent tho remainder of the evening visiting and enjoying tho instrumental music, nil departed for their homes at a late hour. A 1)111 for an ordinance will be Intro duced at tho next meeting of the city council, November (I, providing that an elector who has not registered by per sonally appearing beforo the recorder blanks and tako oath us specified. This may do so on cloction day by appearing ordinance will bo introduced in order beforo one of tho judges of the election that tho city law limy conform to tho . board and filling in a blank in such a stnto law, wherein a votu may bo sworn manner as to give ull information tho in by two free holders. As tho city same as if ho had appoarod beforo tho. law now stands, a city vutp must be recorder. The blank provided muHt bo sworn in by nix free holders, signed three times in (ho presenc of two j 0 free holders who shall also sign the; Journal Want Ads Oot Eesults. 4 -i The Dress-Up Feeling is beginning to take on an outward appear ance in so far that the Ladies of Salem are making an effort to get the best Suits, Hats, Coats and Shoes that they can procure and our store is enjoying a large percentage of their patronage. Your wardrobe is not complete without the best Shoes that are obtainable.- Our y ( 'fit Shoes will fill all requirements. Fullertons 415 State Street 114 Liberty Street