Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 30, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
October :!!, 1910.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President. Vice-l'residont.
Sec. aud Treas.
Daily by carrier, por year
Daily by mail, per year . .
. 3.00
Per month 45c
Per month 35c
New York, WardLewisWilliams Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chicago, W. H. Stockwcll, People's (lag Building
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone tho circulation niuuuger, as this is the only
war we cau determine whether or not tho carriers are following instructions.
Phone Main 81 beforo 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special
messenger if tho currier has missed you. ,
One of the very best statements of the political issues
of the day we have seen during the campaign appeared
in the shape of a letter in a Portland paper last week. It
is brief, covers all the ground worthwhile and the points
are clearly made. The letter follows:
"Portland, Oct. 21. To the Editor of The Journal
I am a Republican and have been all my life. My first
vote was for Grant and my last for Taft. But I do not
believe in abusing one of the ablest men that we have had
in 50 years. He is my president as well as of the men who
voted for him and should be honored and respected and
given credit for the good work he has accomplished for
the people. I claim that President Wilson has done more
for and is closer to the rank and file of the American peo
ple than all the rest of them put together since Lincoln's
time. He has given us everything in less than four years
that had been promised for 40 years. He has surely kept
us out of war, and I believe his Mexican policy has been
right all along the line. The rank and file of the American
people are not looking for war with any nation. The fel
lows crying for war are the very ones that would stay
home and let George do it.
"You will find here in Portland people that will tell
you that the present administration is to blame for the
local conditions. That's not true. If thepeople here had
given'their attention some years ago to the welfare of
the city, establishing industries and creating payrolls in
stead of selling town lots that should be in farms today,
we would not have houses vacant at this time.
"Now, as to the tariff issue. That is a dead one. It's
all bunk. The common people will not swallow that any
longer. Before the duty was taken off of wool, three and
half years ago, every sheepman in Wyoming, Idaho and
Oregon, claimed he would have to go out of business.
What was the result? At once the price of wool advanced
from 12 cents to 24 cents per pound. Some will say the
war did this, but this price was on before the war. Never
before in this country have such prices been paid for
wool, and all other commodities. The people will not be
fooled any longer.
"I will cast my vote for Woodrow Wilson, and will
get all others that I can induce to do so, for I am sure that
if Mr. Hughes were elected, Mr. Roosevelt would be the
president, and we have had enough of him." A, J. Hoban.
All the political dispatches appearing in the Oregonian
and marked "special" are simply specially written bunk
and do not come over the wire at all. They are mailed
from the press bureau of the Hughes headquarters we
know because all the newspaper offices are getting big
batches of them every day. Most of this stuff is unreli
able and from irresponsible sources. A sample was the
Oregonian "special" dispatch from Chicago a week ago
stating that the building trades council of that city had
passed a resolution condemning Wilson. It was shown
later by the officers of the building trades' unions that
resolutions were passed strongly endorsing the president
and pledging their support to him. This morning another
Oregonian "special" from Washington, D. C, says that
Senator Chamberlain mis-stated the amount of lumber
imported from Canada to the United States during 1915.
As a matter of fact the figures are practically the same as
given by the senator in his Dallas speech, where he was
questioned on this point by one of Ralph Williams' hench
men. The senator, however, gave the amount imported
during the Taft administration, showing it to be larger
than under Wilson. That is why the Oregonian dares not
make a comparison it knows that more lumber was
brought across the Canadian line under the Payne
Aldrich tariff law than under the present Underwood
tariff, although it printed this "special" dispatch to mis
lead the public. The Oregonian dares not give the official
figures or the importation of lumber from Canada during
the last six or eight years because it would convict it
self of having made false statements in order to manu
facture political capital.
The Southern Pacific Company is now short over 2500
cars as well as one passenger depot solemnly promised to
the people annually for the last twenty years.
The State-wide Tax and Indebtedness Amendment to
the constitution as the measure proposing to limit the
amount a tax levy may be increased to six per cent above
that of the previous year, isone at least worthy of con
sideration. Taxes are higher in this state than in any, its
citizens paying per capita more taxes than any other
state. In the last decade the taxes raised in the state
have gone up 400 per cent, from, in round numbers, six
millions to twenty-three millions, and like wheat are still
on the rise. The proposed amendment provides that not
more than a six per cent can be added to the tax of the
year before. In other words if the tax one year was
$100, that next year could not be more than $106. Marion
county pays now about one million dollars tax and this
would permit the raising next year of $1,060,000, and it
looks as though that ought to see us through. Those who
fear the country would be held up in its development by
such a law should remember that it takes but a few years
to make the annual increase a large one. For instance
the tax raised the second year could be an increase of six
per cent, or of $6;',000 the third year an increase of
$70,000, and at the end of twelve years the amount would
be $2,000,000. This of course if the full six per cent was
added each year. If any year the taxes should be cut
down that would break the combination and cause a new
The Old People's Home is about to begin a campaign
for the purpose of raising funds for a new building. A
subscription of $10,000 is promised on .. condition that
$10,000 more is raised from other sources and if the con
ditions are met a new building costing $25,000 will be
erected. This is a very worthy institution, carefully
managed and doing excellent work with small resources
and few conveniences. It has never asked anything of
the people of Salem before although it has deserved much,
and we trust that there will be a liberal response to its
appeal for assistance at this time.
"Does anyone recall a year when a republican was in
the White House when the delinquent taxes in Multnomah
were nearly $600,000?" asks the Oregonian paragrapher.
Perhaps not brother, perhaps not. But at the same time it
is noticed that a republican is mayor of Portland and the
county judge, and both commissioners are republicans.
They have probably as much to do with it as the demo
cratic administration back at Washington. Next thing
that fool paragrapher will be accusing President Wilson
of stealing the Portland city woodpile.
The Daily Capital Journal's net press run Saturday
was 4410 and it was not enough to fully meet the de
mand. This is an increase of nearly 1000 copies daily in
circulation within a year and most of it has come without
solicitation. Owing to the high cost of news print paper
at the present time the Capital Joprnal is making no ef
fort to enlarge its subscription list and the growth seems
to have come because the people of Salem and vicinity
want the paper and voluntarily place their names on its
mailing and delivery lists.
According to the statement concerning the plans of
Mexicans in this country to start another revolution in
Mexico it is alleged that the first move will be to have Villa
attack General Pershing's forces to start the trouble. The
revolutionists guessed the right place for starting trouble
all right. However, it will probably be some time before
they will be able to convince Villa that he is the man for
the job. ,
There was great worry in certain quarters recently
lest President Wilson's negligence in not rushing into
Chinese affairs would shut American bankers out of
China and deprive them of a chance to make a $60,000,000
loan to that country. Now comes word that Americans
are to build 2,600 miles of railroad in that country at a
cost of $100,000,000. This does not look much as though
Americans were being shut out of the Orient.
. t t u W .rW
Henry Ford, Republican,
Will Donate $100,000
To Elect Wilson President
Neiv York, Oct- 30. Henry Ford
plans to spend approximately $100,000
for advertising throughout "the coun
try in the interest of President Wil
son 's campaign for re-election, it was
announced here tonight by Henry Mor
genthnu, chairman of the finance com
mittee of tho democratic national com
mittee. "We are depending on him," de
clared Mr. Morgenthnu, "like we are
depending on thousands of independent
citizens who have the welfare of the
country at heart."
About $500,000 bore, according to
Mr. Morgenthau's statement, is needed
"to make certain of President Wilsons'
A summons to New York state demo
crats to subscribe the larger part of
the amount has been issued," he as
serted. Mr. Mordent linu's -statement
said in port:
"New York slute hits contributed up
to flute about $400,000, but there has
been forthcoming from other states
more than 77li,000 Illinois has sent
us $114,000; Pennsylvania, $48,000;
Ohio, $4.",,OO0; Texas, $41,(100; Missouri,
:i!l,000; Massachusetts $28,000; Minne
sota, $25,000; North Carolina, $20,000,
and Virginia, $25,000. The other states
have contributed lc3s than $25,000.
Republicans Get $1,667,757.
n , . ...
ncpuuiican campaign contributions
up to October 2.!, inclusive, totalled
i,mMa -!', aecormuir to the nntionnl
committee's report of receipts and dis
bursements made public here today by
Cornelius N. Bliss, Jr., tTensurer of the
committee- This umount came from
22,220 contributors.
Welt Mason
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18GS
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
"Inclosed find check!" The sweetest words
that e'er outclassed the song of birds! How
they allay the widow's fears, and diy the
orphan's briny tears! When sad and tired
and short of kale, a letter comes by morn
ing mail ; like other letters it appears, with
postage .stamps and inky smears. "No
doubt," we sigh, "it is a dun; some frantic
gent is after mon. These beastly bills we
cannot pay take all the sunshine from the
day, and make us wish that we were dead,
with stacks of granite overhead." And
then, with languid hands we tear the envelope to see
what's there, and out there comes a note, by heck, with
these brave words, "Inclosed find check." Ah, then we
bid farewell to woe, and like nine Brahma roosters crow.
and to the soft drinks joint repair, and buy a quart of
soapsuds there. The sun once more is cutting hay, the
gloomy clouds are blown away, the world is glad that was
a wrecK, cnangea Dy tne words, "inclosed find check."
Henry L,. Hcnts went to W'oodburn
Monday to tuke in some lots of con
Urnct hops tfor shipment) east. Mr.
Hcnts represented four American and
two lOnglish firms and bus a larie num
ber of contracts to take in for them
this season.
Reports from Springfield, Oregon,
state that 12 hop growers there have
stored 2500 of hops in warehouses,
awaiting better prices. This is about
five-sixths of the Springfield crop this
season. Two carloads have been sold ut
11 cents.
t'risell Bros, yesterday sold 72 bales
of hops to Bishop of McMinnville at 11
cents. MHenry I,. Hcnts bought 19 bales
over contract hops, from Mrs. Jane
Dodge of Woodburn.
A. J. Mishler has purchased the A.
11. (liesy lot of 00 bales of hops at lie,
and 170 bales from Chung Lee, at
Chnmpocg nt the snme price. Both lots
go to eastern firms.
The Henry .1. Kiel bit of 57 bales of
hops was purchased this week by Fe
lix Isaacson for the Wolf Hop' com
pany. Observer.
Wednesday morning nt five minutes
past, seven, Mrs. Robert Poiusett passed
to her reward. For some time Mrs.
1'oinsett had not been robust, though
only confined to her bed the past two
Because of infirmities due to old age
Mjs. 1'oinsett had not 'for some time
been able to enjoy the society of her
friends and neinhbors as of yore, Mr.
and Mrs. Poinsett have resided in Hub
bard a good ninny years and the bereft
husband has the sympathy of the com
munity in his sorrow. Hubbard Enter
H. Vcrdicc k is entirely entitled to be
classed as a good potato raiser, if in
deed he is'now the champion. On the va,-
U Mm,., ItadMtl Ok. lb A
- Start Your
Boy Right
IF YOU want to
know the present
indications of
your boy's success,
givq him a half dol
lar and observe what
he does with it.
If he uses it sensibly and saves some of it, w ithout ad
vice from you, he is on the right track; encourage him.
If he begins at once to plan its expenditure for boy
ish trifles, his financial education should start NOW.
The money-bent your boy is forming now will keep'
right on forming and crystallizing into financial char
acter. You can begin your boy's financial education by
having him open a savings account with this bank.
Then see that its maintenance is always a matter of
consideration. ' "
Little triumphs in favor of the savings account will
pave the way to greater achievement later on.
Salem, Oregon
Member Federal Reserve Bank
ennt lot at the side of the Ernst hnr-
ness shop he planted a patch of Mur
phys, the ground measuring 25 by SO
feet, and from it ho harvested fourteen'
sucks. At this rato the yield per ncrej
would be 2S0 sacks. In this patcli there,
are 2000 square feet, and in nn acre
there are 40,200 square feet, slightly'
more than twenty times as much. Coun-
ting a bushel und a half to the sack, :
this makes 420 bushels to the acre. And
counting the extra 200 square feet will
cive him about three bushels nioro. Can
you beat it? Donald Kecord. I
Railroad Sold After j
Many Offers Of Itj
Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 30. The Wheel-1
ing and Luke Erie railwnv was sold at
auction today for $12,000,000 to Wil-.
bam R. Begg, ot Jew lork, represent
ing Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Begg said Kuhn,
J.neb & Co. are acting for the holder
of $8,000,000 in three year notes of tho
This was the tenth time that the road
has been offered for sale. The first price,
fixed for it bv the federal court waa
$20,000,000. This brought no buyers and
in 1914 the court cut the price" to $18,
500,000. In 1910 the price was dropped
to $12,000,000. The purchaser assumed
debts of the road amounting to $18,$0O.
The re organization plan calls for ad
ditional capital of $9,984,70M. stock
holders arc to be n-ssessed $27 a share
to provide this capital, which is to be
used to meet obligations. -Iu retprn for
the assessment, stockholders will receive,
six per cent preferred stock.
Tho Wheeling &- Lake Erie railroad
has been in existence for 34 years and
during that time has beeu for 11 year
in the hands of a receiver.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
The Nation's
Butter Nut
Tkere Is No Better
One of the first things I did along the
line of utility I had laid out for myself
was to resume my music lessons under
a competent teacher. During our short
courtship Clifford had appeared to en
joy my playing, and my iiigiug of the
simple songs suited to my voice a light
soprano. But since coming to (ilendale
I had neglected my practice; and be
cause he was indifferent I seldom sang.
Now I religiously practiced two hours
a day, and soon became so interested
that I did not ueed the spur of Clif
ford's approval to urge me on; an ap
proval which I thought never would
Occasionally Leonard Brooke would
come in and spend an hour or two.
Sometimes with Burton and Muriel,
sometimes alone. Only once was Clif
ford at home when he came, and then
he excused himself on the plea of "let
ters to write," and left us alone.
When Leonard Brooke was with me I
wns encouraged by his interest and his
flattering comments on my imporve
ment. It urged me on to greater effort,
and I knew that I was becoming fairly
proficient. As yet I hail not offered to
entertain Clifford, although I had often
played or ung when he was iu the
Clifford la Indifferent
"If you have finished reading your
paper, Clifford, wouldn't you like to
hear a new song I learned the other
day!" I ventured to ask one eveniug
when he remained at home.
"Sing it if you like," he returned
making no effort to hide a yawn.
He had beeu out late the night before
and I determined not to allow his care
less manner to hurt me. although it was
impossible to sing with much expres
sion because of his indifference.
"It's very pretty," he vouchsafed,
and returned to his paper. But I was
intent on getting his attention, so I re
plied: "I am glad you like it. I have a new
Serenade I'll play for you. I think it
A sort of resigned grunt was my only
answer. But I arranged my music, and
played the Serenade. I was rewarded
with the remark:
"That was very well played. Tou
must get a good deal of enjoyment from
your music."
"Oh. I do!" I exclaimed, pleased at
his few words of praise. "But I should
get so much more if you cared to hear
me play or sing."
"I don't see what that's got to do
with it. Tou ueither enjoy your music
or you don't," he returned and that fi
ished the discussion.
A Guest at Dinner.
I was very much surprised a few day
later when Clifford brought Hal Lock
wood home to dinner.
"I think this is nn imposition Mr.
Hamomnd," he said as I greeted him.
"but Cliff insisted upon bringing me op
to dinner."
"What's good enough for me is good
enough fowr you, Hal! " Clifford brok
in before I could say anything, "and
Mrs. Hammond is a famous housekeeper,
so it will not disturb her."
I blushed with pleasure, repaid for
all my efforts to please Clifford bv his
praise. It was the first time Clifford
had ever complimented me on my house
keeping before anyone, and seldom had
he done so when we were alone; eve
though I had tried so hard to please
Mr. T.nplcYTnnit Amitlimanfa.l ..
single dish Kate served at dinner. I hail
s-ii"pcn hud me micnen ana told ai and r
to make one of her famous sauces for
the meat, and had arranged an extra
salad. Beallv the dinner was quite s
success; and although Clifford said
nothing, I could see that he was pleased.
(Tomorrow Did Clifford
Motive T)