TWO , THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCT. 30. 1916, Styles in . Dinnerware Minton, Haviland & Co. and Austrian China, Johnson Bros, and Grindley & Co. English Semiporcelains. Homer Laughlin and K. T. K. American Porcelains ALL THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY Every one an open stock pattern so that you can replace breakage and add to your set from time to t time. Its a pleasure to show you our goods. WM. GAHLSDORF The Store of Housewares 135 N. Liberty mm Pure Blood means Perfect Health TRADE VT VZ MARK Will Make Your Blood Pure yffff,r ,Th Swift Specific Co. S tar k 0 CIET Y By ALINE THOMPSON I Mrs. L. F. (iriffith returned Friday evening from a lew days visit in Port land. m m About ltl young girls who nre mem berg o the' Kitrhi Oaninii Cainpfiro club, gathered at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. A, li. Johnson recently to pnrtiei te in the gnycties of nn informal ev ening given by Miss Thulma Johnson and the MiBses Winifred KcHihnrdt and Ilessie Hretty. The ar(y wns hold in the basement of the residence and tho evening was rounded out with Hallowe'en games and refreshments. Mrs. J, W. Si'lmller was tho recipient of a pleasant surprise luncheon on Thursday, when sevorul of her friends gathered at her home on Uerry avenue, to celebrate the anniversary of her birthday. After luncheon tho guests enjoyed an afternoon of music and chatter. Those present were: Mrs. James Mat hews, Mrs. Lloyd Hamaden, Mrs. Karl Kace, Mrs. Jlenry Sauer, Mrs. 1'. Koss nian, Mr. ami Mrs. K. 1. Hynn, Mrs. (.'. 0. Witzel, Mrs. William ilngedorn, MrB. C. Mundinger, Mrs. Jessie Lucas. Mrs. Alycone Hill of Fruit Vale, Cal ifornia, who has been tho guest of her undo and aunt, Ucneral and Mrs. W. II. Hyars, left today for a several days visit iu Eugene before returning to her home in tho south. On Wednesday tho members of the i u 1I SMrts The Careful Dresser Selects his Shirt with the same amount of care as he would a suit or an overcoat. He Considers Not only the Coat, but also the style, the quality, the workmanship, and the way that it harmonizes with the rest of his apparel. How Can This Be Done? By making his selection at the store which carries a line of Shirts possessing all the merits above men tioned plus those additional qualities resultant from master workmanship. Such a line Of Shirts can be fonnd at BARNES' CASH STORE. Vhyamforilson By Ida M.TarbiU Doe any American today see bigger, or more dispassionately or more clearly thai. President Wil son? I believe that Progressives will see this; the sive tion. has had ygw'" " Jfj if they dont it jf is a reflection I on their intel- hS licence. Jf - President rrijson n a s proved his fit ness to lead proRTes-civiliza-True, he not yet fJ aJ "me to I II convert t h e II man vlin irino for his pound of flesh, nor alter the vicw.q of him who fails to see that bloody war is but the primitive expression of savage weakness promoted by the ignoble desire of conquest or revenge. But he has forced respect for neutrality, and he has handled his delicate Mex ican inheritance with tart and wiudom. Jolly Neighbors "club "enjoyed the infor mal afternoon for which Mrs. Davis Kees ami Miss Harwich were hostesses at the home of the former on IS'orth cottage street. The house was prettily decorated with bright lined autumn leaves and Hallowe'en novelties. During the after noon n contest was hold and prizes were given, l.atcr the hostesses served a luiiity repast. Those present were: Mrs. M. H. Xet- ter, Mrs. John Fisher, Mis. Mary Hoise, Mrs. Walter Hatch, Mrs. K. H. I'rothcro, Miss t'arrie Orabenhorst and Miss Flor ence Mcl'leerv. Tonight the Nnlcm Floral society will celebrate it's first birthday with a Hallowe en partv at the Commercial club. A splendid programme has been arranged tor the evening and several other features also will make the cele bration an interesting one. r.vervone who is interested in mak ing Kalein beautiful is invited to at tend. ., The Silver Bello circle of the W. (). AV. held a meeting nt the McC'ornaek hall on Friday evening. Officers were elected during the evening and later re freshments were served. A number of members from out of town chapters attended the meeting. .Mrs. Uertha Leach, granil hanker ol Portland, wus among the visitors. Thursdiiv evening the vommer mem bers of the South Nufem Friends church entertained the older members ami their friends nt a chicken pie supper in the church basement. Mrs. J. W. Woodruff of Kaiser Bot tom, left Saturday for Eugene, where flip will lie the guest of her daughter, Mrs. frank .leuKins (Kae Woodruff), for a couide of weeks. . Salem girls who take part in the Dress l'p Week S.'yle Show at the Ore gon theatre on Wednesday, Thursday anil Friday will be able to say that they nave appeared with a head-liner, it will be the truth for Miss Mabel VHughan who is ono of the professional models to be featured in the merchants show comes from one of the foremost garment shops in America. Kvery wo man has heurd of "Lucille ' (Lady Duff (iordon) and her wonderful Fifth avenue shop. Kvery woman has hard of the grace, the superb carriage and tne winsome beauty of the living man nikins who have done their share in making Lucille creations true works of art. Miss Vaughan was with the Lucille establishment before coming to the I'll citic l onst. She is supKsed to bo one of the best, if not the foremost, model thnt has ever appeared on tho Pncitic coast nnil has taken a prominent part in all of the big style shows held Hi the Pacific northwest this season. She is ipiiet and refined, not a bit inclined to talk about herself or her work just anxious to do everything possible to make the big co-operative merchants show a complete success. "Yes, 1 am from the east. 1 havo work ed in some of the bigger establishments. Hut what does that matter," was Miss Vaughan "s answer to a request that she tell Salem folks something about her work in the tug shops. "1 am through with Mew York and modeling as a profession tnat is after this Swtem show. My contract with Mr. Allen closes with thie appearance and I have plans tor the future that I can hardly confide to the public," and so saying she moved her. hand just a wee mite enough to display a beautiful solitaire which would imply a world of ex planations to auv girl. - . Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris is visiting friends in Kugene and is tho house guest of Mrs. H. 8. Hrvsun. Thursday night Mrs. Harris was a guest at the brilliant charily ball giveu by the Thursday afternoon charity club, of wuicu sue lormerly was a member. Miss Bernice Craig has returned from Kugcue, where she was the week cud guest of friends at the Kappa Kauua uoinma sorority nouso. w . . Mr. aud Mrs. A. W. Reckley (Jennie r.agmgton) of i novoy, Mexico, who are visiting the tatter's parents in Hood Hiver, arc being congratulated upon the invent or a n, born yesterday. Hoth Mr. and Mra. Bccklcy formerly aucnueu tne vt uiamct e University, Lyons News. (Capital Journal Special Service) Lyons, Or., Oct .28. Mr Peter Xeal on and family of Sublimity were vis itors at Lyons Wednesday. Johu Shelton of Jordan Valley ii hauling oats to the feed store at' Ly una. No school Friday afternoon er and rtumla wern hiisv mnvimi , it...;. jnpw school building. The new school house was dedicated Saturday night, a fine program and lunch was served. Mr, Jenkins, the Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackage proves it 25c at all druggists. TELLS PITIFUL STORY OF HIS WRECKED LIFE "Old Bill Jones" for Whom Death Has Lost Its Sting Writes to Paper . Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 28. If some- timo today or tomorrow the police "sui cide wagon" picks up what remains of an old broken man with the letter "C." pinned to hi shirt, they will know it's "Bill Jones," for iwiom death has lost its sting. To a local paper Bill wrote a letter telling his life story mid asking that the morgues be watched. "When I was a small boy I heard mother and futher quarreling over an act of mine." Bill wrote. "I' don't believe he is my son' I overheard my father say. I-learned subsequently he nen, ana it Drone mother's heart. "The night he -died he said, 'Son, your father is going rub my arms.' I said 'No!' . "The night after his burial I climber the cemetery gates and beat his grave witn my tists. l was only a boy. "Mother's heart was always broken and the night the wind blew so, she died sobbing. "I swore when I grew to be a man I'd be different. That was 40 years o. But I broke a sweet girl's heart and my own son disowned mc death has no sting, but when I 'm gone I know I'll be listening for the 'thumping on tho grave.' "Why do I tell you this? Because the price which I said 'would keep me to the end' is gone and I am weakened and crying and my chalice is empty aud I am deeply ashamed and afraid and am reaching desperately through the mail tor the touch of a human hand. "Oh am I mad? ... "BILL JONES." architect and Mr...Jiickson, the superin tendent, were present. All reported hav ing a good time. Amos Hintt and family motored from Albany Friday evening to their home in Lyons. K. P. Lyons and family have moved back to their home, after taking care of the Santiam Midway farm for a short time. Fox Valley has two teachers employ ed in the school;-JVIta Brown, princi pal, and Miss Edna iloldiu of Solera primary teacher., jtv Dr. Beauchanip' tif Stayton passed through Lvons yes'erday on his wav to Detroit. Mrs. W. R. Surrv of Fox Valley, who has been ill for some time, is not much improved, who is having quite a ser ious attack of tonsilitis. Ben White and fumily of Salem were visiting nt Uncle Billy I'nterson's Sun- lav. There were two nieces in the crowd who Uncle Billy had not seen for forty years. John Hentz spent tho week end lit Lyons with his folks on the MarCulley Mt. Mrs. Bernico Telepharo and little son, Date, is visiting her parents at Lvons. It has been rumored that Harry Vaughn has invested in a prune crop for tho future. , Mrs. Dudley HoikIsou of Fox Valley was called to Detroit where her little granddaughter is ill. Frank hlsworth is hauling lumber rom Mill City to build a new house. Miss Blanche White is teachiug the Lyons school instead of Miss Elsie Primer who is teaching at dates. Jones What is Rogers looking so sour about f Bones He had to swallow his pride this morninir and I guess it's giv eu him indigestion. . . . . .....nnmiiii IIHJfrl : ' I mm miiiiiiir it ess Up We ek Tailored Coats and Suits of the better kind--at moderate prices We pride ourselves this season on the scope of. our display of COATS, SUITS and DRESSES the wide "choice of fabrics; and styles, the goodness of the tailoring, and the perfect hang and fit of the garments. Certainly we have not overlooked anything in making . selections for Fall. Every garment is selected for . ' , ; wear-resisting qualities, which means that they'll last longer. . : You'll le sure to find something here that you can use to advantage.- Dresses $7.50 to $50.00 . Tailored Suits '.. $17.50 to $45.00 Fall and Winter Coats $7.50 to $45.00 This store features standard merchandise you get the best quality at the Which means that minimum cost. Carter's Knit Underwear Kayser's Knit Underwear Phoenix Guaranteed Hos iery Black Cat Hosiery Alexandre's Kid Gloves Kayser's Fabric Gloves Denison's Paper Novelties Arnold Knit Goods Kayser's Silk Hosiery Richardson's Linens Warner's Corsets Modart Corsets Hurd's Stationery Fern Waists Bradley Sweaters Dix House Dresses Maish Comforts Colgate's Accessories Complete Line of n Ready to Wear and Ready to Use Merchandise for Women, Misses and Children LINENS, WHITE GOODS, BEDDING OUALITY POPULAR MERCHANDISE. PRICES T 1 All-University Pool iTho count is now being made and nt 4 o'clock yesterday the vote stood. 202 Clinurc Wilcnn TronA for President Wilson to 272 for Cundi- ' ! Then seniors and faculty voted K4 to Eugene, Or., Oct. 28. President Wil-j 75 for Wilson, the sophomores broke son is the favorite of the students and even, (io-Uo, and the juniors voted 50 faculty of the University of Oregon ae- j to 5!) for Hughes, making the three cording to the figures obtained today , classes and faculty split even with 111!) in an all-university poll, conducted by j votes for each candidate. The freshmen the Oregon Eiueiald, with Dean Eric vote is not nil counted, but shows !).'( Allen of the journalism department act-j to "3 for Wilson. ing in the capacity of "county clerk."! Tho students used snmple ballots and voted. for ull candidates and. for all the measures that are submitted to the vot ers in the regular election. " r'rom in complete, returns it is evident the brew ers' amendment is defeated and "dry" amendment is sustained. tho my husbiind. Mrs. B. What is tint 1 1 Mrs-A. He will be getting out his fall suit shortly and I've put a quarter in one of the pockets. Try the Journal Classified Ads. IS YOUR HEALTH WORTH $5.00? Woman Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound Restored Her Health. Lima, Ohio." I was all broken down in health fromadisplacement.Oneof my lady friends came to ee me and ahe ad vised me to com mence taking Lydia p T:i.u -m ' . 'k'' (J;;! and to use Lydia E. - III Pinkham's Sanative 1 Wash. Ibegnatai UJ Ing your remedies , ' II na toon .uv worm n ana in two monuui 4 l was a well woman after three doctors said I never would stand up straight again. I was mid wife for seven years and I recommended the Vegetable Compound to every wo man to take before birth and after wards, and they all got along so nicely that it surely is a godsend to suffering women. If women wish to write to me I will be delighted to answer them." Mrs. Jennik Moyek, S42 E-North St, Lima, Ohio. - Women who suffer from displaee menents, weakness, irregularities, ner vousness, backache or bearing-down pains, need the tonic-strengUiening properties of the roots and herbs con tained in Lydia E-Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. If yon want spclftlAdTle. write the Lydia E. tMnkham Medicine Co. (conlidenUiU), Lyon, Mass. tefriir'ilni- inmr.-i A Visit to the Kafoury Bros. Daylight Store will be Interesting (01 THE attractive displays of apparel, fashionable dress materials, etc., coupled with economical prices, will enthuse you. ' Our Stock Is Now in Splendid Array and we extend to you a special invitation to call' we welcome inspection DRESS-UP WEEK Kafoury Brothers Tfce Store for the People 416 State St., Salem