TEy . . THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCT. 30, 1916. r T "Munsing Underwear" - ''Merode Underwear" - "Onyx Hosiery" - W. B. Corsets Special Attractions, Commencing For Dress-Up Week Reduced Prices on our entire stock of New Parly Dresses . All the favored shades and models. , New Fall Suits In newest fabrics and desirable colors; priced reg ularly up to $35. Dress-up Week Price $19.85 For Mother ' A new Suit, Coat, Dress, Waist, Gloves or pair of Shoes will be in keep ing with "Dress Up Week" Xtragood Clothes for Boys nutmttatmimfflmummfmumitmmmummurou 1 III I At the next regular meeting of the city eouncmil, November 0, a resolution will be introduced providing for au amendment to the rules of the council! whereby important legislation and hills lor ordinances may be placed on final parage at the sumo meeting of the council at which they are introduced, without the unanimous couseut of the council. According to the present rule, "4 jmm are the only bifocals in perfect taste because they look exactly vision glasses. clear glasses free from any sign of a line or seam add a touch of distinction to your appearance and help to keep you young luoking. And they enable you to see near and OldStylsBifocals Motttliwcliorisblr lint far objects perfectly. miss A. Mcculloch' Optometrist 208-9 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 109 Are You Going to Celebrate During Dress Dress Up Week is Salem Week. It includes everyone A week of improvement in the appearance of the home and its surroundings and a week of "dressing up" the personal appearance of every member of the family. Buy Your "Dress-Up Togs" at Meyers You get the best styles and guaranteed quality at a rea sonable price. For Father A now Shirt, Neckwear, Hat, Gloves, Hose or 8h0CB will improve his looks for "Dress Up Week." . For Sister A new Dress, Coat, Rib bons, Middy Blouse, Knit Scarf, Stockings, or .Shoos will help to aclcbrate ''Dress Up Week." QUALITY AND SERVICE t Get The Spirit Improve your person al appearance by hav ing : your Clothes made, to your individ ual form. . ' 1 When I make your suit you can rest as sured you will get style, fit and work manship. John Sundin The Tailor 347 State Street one member can delny the passage of any important legislation until the next meeting of the council, thereby giving one member tho power to block for two weeks legislation that may require im mediate action. - Clus. B. Hodgkln, general Insurance, 3U1 Hubbard building. I'hone 38(1, nov!7 like single These smooth. Kruptok Invisible T. JV : l A - Up Week? New Fall Suits In splendid styles; formerly priced up to $40.00. Dress-Up Week Price V, . . $26.85 WOMEN'S FURTEX and BLACK PLUSH COATS Entire stock at Special Dress-up Week Prices Dress-up Week Sale Prices on our entire stock of CHILDREN'S COATS For Brother A new Extragood Suit, Hat, Tie, Shirt, Stock ings, Shoes or Overcoat aro bound to make him look better for "Dress Up Week" Hittltlltttltttlfftti! sc sfc sc ac sjc sjc )c sc sc )( sc DIED, I If T I i i T 4' McDONALD At the home of her sis ter, Mrs. 10. If. l.aFore, 340 North High street, October 29, 1916, Mrs. Nellie I. McDonald, in her 5.1a year. Besides her sister, Mrs. LnFore, she is survived by her mother, Mrs. Daniel Delaney, of Salem, and a sister, Mrs. Ora Brown, of Los Augclos. 1 lie body was taken today to Seio where the funeral will be held from the family residence. ' TKAGLIO At his home, 1031 North Seventeenth street,, October 29, 1910, l'ierre Truglio, in his 8tith year. He is survived by four sons: rascal and Paul Traglio, of Salem; Peter Trn- gho, ot Portland, and the Kev. L. J. Traglio, of Washington; also two daugh ters, .Mrs. Adcl Sellers, of Baker City, Ore., and Mrs. Dina Wilkening, of Hose dale. Kighteen grnndchildren and two great grandchildren also suvive. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 1:.'10 o'clock from the par- lorB of Hi I'd (i ii and Kichnrdson. Inter ment will be in the City View cemetery. l'ierre Trnirlio was born April 2, 1830, anil was married to Pauline Nicholct, November 15, 18110. Thev left Switzer land in 1SS8 and arrived in Salem No vember 12, 1SS9. They lived for n lime on a farm in Folk countv. Children's Eyes My 34 years of prac tical experience Is nt vour service. Some children inherit detective vision, others have it thrust upon them by study in schools whero the light is not nil it should he. statistics show that most children whose poor work is at tributed to "dullness" suffer from eyestrain rather than luck of intelli gence. Correct any defect in vision and you will at once notice au improvement in school work. I have made the study of children's eyes a, specialty and I do not experiment with your children's eyes. My scientific examination is a guarantee to you that your children 's eyes will be correctly fitted at my of fice. Ir. M. 1". .Mendelsohn, rooms 209- 210-211 V, S. Nnfl Bank Uldg. The Christmas season is now on and that also means the sending of the sea son's greetings, including the postul card. For the benefit of those who pre fer sending the card with tho pretty tinsel, cards with anv tinsel whatever on them are regarded as mimrilnble by the postotfiee officials ami such cards get no further than the waste basket. The only way to send a card with tin sel on it is to enclose in a sealed enve onel and affix thereon a two cent stamp. That's the only sure way. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our thanks to the neighbors and friends who so kind ly assisted us with tiieir sympathy and aid during the sickness and death of our beloved wite and mother. R. Urniidy, Win. Grundy. Jessie Cirundy. Hear Gore at the armory Tuesday, 8 o'clock p. in. Monday . . For Baby A new Coat, Dress, Hood, Sweater, Mittens, Leggins, Bootees, Shoes or Stockings will let the baby in oh "Dress Up Week" too. Butterick Patterns PERSONALS 3C. )c s(c sc jQc sft 3C 3c 5jC Sc 3( 3ft A. S. Kaufman, otEugene, is register ed at the Bligh. C. R. l'arkston left for Seattle this morning on the Oregon Electric. Mrs. Alice Fore left for Portland this afternoon to remaiu until the first of the yenr. Mrs. T. J. Edwards, of Portland, is visiting Mrs. I. IV Clark, 144 North Front street. Boy Barker, who ' in attending the University of Oregon, was visiting here over Sunday. Miss Edna Purdy, manager of the Al bany nurseries, was a Sunduy visitor here with relatives. Judge C. A. Schlbrede is in the city from Mnrshfield, having beeu called here by serious illness of his father-in law, Hon. Geo- A. Downing, as well as lcgnl business in Portland which re quires his attention. Mrs. Sclhbrede has been lit her father s bedside tor some time past. IT'S YOURJIDNEYS You have swollen feet and hands! Stiff, achy joints! Sharp shooting rheumatic pains torture you. You have aching back, pain in the lower abdomen, difficulty when urinating! Look outl These are danger Bignals. Trouble is with your kidneys. Uric acid poisoning in one form or another, has set. in. It may lead to "dropsy or fatal Bright 's disease if not checked. Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules immediately. They aro an old preparation, psed all over the world for centuries,- combining natural healing oil and herbs, well-known- to physicians and used by thousands in their daily practice. The Capsules are not an experimental, make-shift " pat ent medicine," or "salt", whose effect is only temporary. They are a stand ard remedy, and act naturally, gently and quickly. But when you go to the druggist, insist on getting the pure, original Haarlem Oil in Capsules. Be sure the name GOLD MEDAL is on the box, and thus protect yourself against counterfeits. Once in a while when people in the east want Oregon views and do not know where to get them, they send to the Woolworth stores. V- H. DeVore, manager of the Salem store this morn ing reecived a letter . from Columbus, Ohio, enclosing .15 ceiits, with the re quest that he send the most interesting views of Salem and vicinity, showing 1 , i -i 1: ir .. T....M IHIIUSCHpe H 11(1 LIUlUUllKS. I'l-mir went one better and sent some literature from the Commercial club, besides the 15 cents worth of view cards. i Notice Spanish War Veterans You are I commanded to be at the armory tonight I at (t o'clock. Inspecting Officer tlreen I will be there to inspect the camp. Mess I call after inspection. If you are a Span I ish War Veteran be oii hand and get acquainted. Journal Want AJi Get Results. I ; All Around Town -M ! MMM MM COMINGEYENTS TONIGHT. Oct. 30. First annual meeting of Salem Floral Society at Commercial Club. Oct. 30-Nov. 4. "Dress t'p Week" in Salem. Oct. 31 Senator Gore of Okla homa will speak at the armory. Oct. 31. Special membership meeting at Commercial club. Oct. 31. Christian Science Lec- turc at Opera House. Free. Novj. 1. Senator Lane at Opera House. Nov. 1. United Artisan home coming. Nov. 3. Mark Weatherford, democratic candidate for congress, at armory. November 6. City primary election. November 7. Presidential elec tion. . Nov. 10. Victrola Grand Opera Concert, II Trovatore, at Pub lic Library. Nov. 11. Football, Snlcm high school vs. Eugene high. Nov. 18. Football, Willamette University vs. Tacific Uni versity, AVillametto Field. ?!.: Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, f its glasse- eorrectly. U. 8. BanK.'Bltf. Hear Lane at the opera house Wed nesday 8 o'clock p. in. o Mavor Harley O. White is home from a hunting trip of a few days at I.elund. He snvs his party killed four bucks in two days he was with them, o Drink Cereo, tue nquia food, the iealtb drink. Ask your grocer. tf Hear Gore at the armory Tuesday, 8 o'clock p. m. The steamer Grahamona went to Wheatland yesterdny for a load of bops. It will require four feet above the low water mark in Sulem before the boots make the regular trii to Corvallis and Albany, o Frederick S. Lamport, lawyer, has aioved to No. 212-13, Hubbard bldg. tf Albany round up pictures at Ye Lib erty today only. o The Elks are planning for big doings of something quite different for next Thursday eveniug. This is in line with the policy of the entertainment commit tee to give the members a special enter tainment on alternate Thursday evenings- Dr. F. H. Thompson of 416 Bank of Commerce bldg., specializes iH Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. tf Hear Lane at the opera house Wed nesday 8 o'clock p. m. : o Judge Galloway will . deliver an ad dress Tuesday evening at the Moose hall, telliug of his trip to Tennessee. After the address, there will be a Hal lowe'en dance and refreshments. John Holman is chairman of the entertain ment committee. o Albany round up pictures at Ye Lib erty today only. o Wonderful laundry work Since Feb ruray tho Salem Steam laundry has been using the electric process in their washroom. To demonstrate, see two shirts . at Joe Haines' storo window, 305 State street. After sixty washings they nre hardly distinguishable from new shirts of the same pattern. Why not get the best laundry work to be had. It costs no more. The Salem Steam laundry, oldest, largest, test. tf The first dental clinic of the public schools was held Saturday morning at Garfield school,, where an office has been equipped with all the necessary dental supplies and apparatus... Seven pupils who had been recommended by the school nurse, Miss Taylor, were giv en free service. Masquerade ball at Aumsville tomor row evening. Good floor, fine music. Everybody welcome. For a good time attend the Hallow e'en masquerade ball at Aumsville Fri day night. Special music. Masques for sale nt the hall. Since the drought was broken Friday, tnere has tieen a rainfall of 1:03 inches, inent a gungo at rue w. j. i. uocn. i river rose 2 1-2 inches Saturday and 1 12 inches yesterday and now is .0 of a foot below low w-nter mark. The. teperature Sunday ranged from a maxi mum of 04 to the minimum, 40. Mark V. Weatherford, democratic and prohibition candidate for congress, will peak at the upera house Wednes day Nov. 1 at - o'clock. Mrs. S. E. Yantis, accompanied by Miss Anna and Miss Birdeen Ynutis left , this afternoon on the 4 o'clock Oregon Electric for Portland, on their way to Fargo. N. D.. where thev will make their home. D. R. Yantis,' formerly of this citv, is located in that city. -Miss .,., v.i.ii. will enter the emnlsv of one of the largest dry gooifc houses in Fargo. The Mantis tamiiy has liven m Salem about 20 years and with the de parture this afternoon of Mrs. Yantis. nnd the two daughters, there will be on lv one member of the family living here. Mrs. L. C. Smith, 35(1 Union street. Mark V. Weatherford, democratic bwe 'en party combined with a home nii.l prohibition enndidate for congress, coming lrty. Rather an elaborate pro will sneak at the opera house W ednes-, grnm has been prepared and lifter this dav Nov. 1 at S o'clock. sweep. Estb. 1900. octal D. K. Brannon, of West Salem, report ed yesterday to the police department the loss of au overcoat, wmcn ue says was stolen from n buggy near the Y. M. C. A. building. It had the Barnes Cash store label on the collar. - . Friday November ...e 17th at the Grand opera house Mrs. Maxwell pre sented in recital by Dan F. Langen- berg. o The Jitney Coffee club was sold at bankrupt sale Saturday und brought in the munificent sum of ifad. The pur chase was made by Dnmon & Sons and they got a gas range, a wood range, soda fountain, counters, dishes, show cases and chairs. o Mark V. Weatherford, democratic and prohibition candidate fur congress, will speak at the opera house Wednes day Nov. 1 at 8 o'clock. o Mis. Paul Sims, who was committed to the stnte hospital Thursday, hud been an inmate of the institution before mid her committment this time was consent ed to by Mr. Silis and the best course to lnirsue. vThe unfortunate woman has for some time past showed evidence of her returning malady in many ways. o Special meeting of Pacific lodge No. 50, A. F. & A.'.M., this evening. Work in the K. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. 3. C- Clark, who spent six years in China, gave a talk yesterday in the Congregational church under the aus pices of the Salem Y. M. C. A. on the subiect of "China." He was director 0f the bovs' department of the slmiur- hai Y. M. C. A- and spoke from personn! experiences. A sninll crown wns in at tendance. Before the talk O. B. Ging rich and Dr. B, T. Mclntyre sung n duet. O Notice By reason of the mistake of some else not myself, my name will nut appear on the official ballot as a can didate for constable of Salem district. However, I am a candidate for con stable and solicit your vote. 1 am an out and out prohibitionist. To vote for me it will be necessary to write my name on the ballot and mark an X be fore it. William .1. Pratt. Chief of Police Welsh received a tele phone cnll from Eugene yesterday ask ing the Salem department to look out for Ralph Barnes, aged 22, who is ac cused of passing bad checks in Eugene. The sheriff of I.nnc county says he holds a warrant for Burnes, nnd de scribes him as wearing a big checked cap, gray suit, having brown eyes, nnd being smooth shnven. ne said he was accompanied by Ernest Evans. o That all may know the truth con cerning Christian Science, the local First Church of Christ, Scientist, cor dially iuvitcB you to attend a lecture on the subject, given under their di rection by one who speaks from much experience, Bliss' Knapp, C. S. B., of Brookline, Mass. Mr. Knapp is an earn est, student of Christian Science and n member of tho Hoard of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, ill Boston, Mass. The lecture is free. o Voting places for the city primary election on November 6 nre as follows: Ward No. 1, Garfield school basement, A. T. Motfitt, judgot; Wur.l No. 2, Citv Hall, George P. Litchfield, judge; Want No. 3, Masonic building, Walter L. Spnulding, judge; Ward, No. 4, V. C. T. IT. building. O. O. Oan judge; Ward No. 5, Keddawny's store, Mrs. Kate Pemberton, judge; Ward No. II, Cameron's paint shop. North Twenty first street, R. C. Hnlley. judge; Ward No. 7, Poisal & Shaw 's store, Mrs. Daisy Mclntpre, judge. o Joseph MacQneen, musical critic of the Portland Oregoninn says of Jlurt ride Whipp, "Mr. ...hipp's singing is a real delight to hear. His splendid voice is one of the most powerful and resonant known in this city, even n moug artists en tour and is preemi nent among Pacific northwest singers. He has been a success in professional grand opera, concert and church ehorr circles." Presbyterian church, Wednes day, November 1. Tickets nt Pntton 's, 2.i cents. o fhnrlA Tinrno. who has been livinK ; snlnn, .vrnl veMrs at the Leonard Salem chimney Phone 19. hotel, was found dead in his room Sun-! medicine for backache and kidney dis duv noon. He had been called early in orders than Doan's Kidney Pills, the morning and when he did not appear j Whenever my kidneys get out of fix, by noon an attendant went to his room, they soon put them rig.it." ii.o.K iluo ft narnlvsis. He is sur- I'riee 50c at all dealers. Don t vived bv two brothers, J. P. Dumo, of siniplv ask for a kidney remedy get I J . t-. -a I ii , ,1... ......... (Ur I ShellDuril, nnu narry uurnu, oi i un- uuuii s iyiivicj una v ii i. .a .i.id -ra T tVftMli. m.. p.ntfin tin twice ruibliclv rccom- .1UIIU, Miau tnw B"ti""i ..a. - ..... . - .. 1 , " .. . t,a ,hc1;1 J1'"! ft.ronh and burial chapel of XrinSTrrT " the Odd Fellows' cemetery. George W. Flory, age 56, died this morning nt 8:45 o'clock from nn attack of apoplexy while working for Hurry White on the Mark Siddall place. With two other men he had been working ; indorsed Woodrow Wilson tor pros th a wood saw and shortly before his! dent, passing practically the same res death had remarked that the wind wns olution as adopted recently by tlo quite disagreeable. Dr. E. E. Fisher ; Portland Central Labor Council. The was enlled and pronounced the cause of ! first part of the resolution follows: J'eain !"T"'- V ' , ,.' " be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday ?ernooi from the Hayesyille church, with burial In the Hnyesv.lle cemetery Mr Flory came from Illinois about six months ago . and had no relatives living here. Tonight at the Commercial club the Salem Floral society will celebrate its first birthdnv, as the society was orunn ir.ed October' 30, 1915. Besides the first birthday olervance the meeting to night of those interested in a more beautiful Salem "will make it a Hal- program lias Oeen given, aiM few When In SALEM, OREGON, ftof at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern ' Tree and Private Baths BATES: 76c, 1.00; 11.50 PES DAT The only hotel in the business diitrie. Nearest to all Depots, Theatres end Capitol Buildings. W" A Borne Away From Home, T. O. BLIGH, Pro. Both Phones. Free Auto Bu. WANTED Household Furniture. Woodry the Auctioneer will pay highest cash price for same. Phone 511. FRANK II. SWJJIJiiOll. Candidate for th: office of City Marshal My record in this office is open to the public. Equal justice 1o all. No favors. A square deal for everybody. Your support is solicited, oct'28 (Pd. Adv) Mssr CAR5 of ..vDI.orF' Any kimd Any time PIANO TUNING First-class work. All kinds of repairing. All work guar- anteed. Twenty-five years' experience. Leave orders at Wylie B. Allen Co., phono 1187. Besidence phono 1405. J. E. HOCKETT, 915 Highland Avenue. When you want to go in haste with a clean car nnd small fare and you must get to a place, Phone to me, I'll tako you there. Phones: Day 13; Nights 882. J. A. KAPP11.MIN, Oct.3t Hubbard Bldg. short talks made on the gcneial object of the society, a lunch will bo served. Everyone who is interested in flowers nniTthe beautifying of Salem is invite 1. Also those who are not so deeply in terested. Election times means busy times at the Salem pjostot'l'ice. In order that the electors of the state may vote intelli gently nnd post themselves on the va rious' measures to be acted on one wee It from tomorrow, 32(i.7a!t pamphlets have been mailed at Sulem to all parts of the state. The postngc on each offline pamphlets is ocn cent, thereby swelling the receipts of the local office th s month to the extent of $3,027.08. Port land received $2,348.84 postage for vi-. litical pamphlet mailed from that point. Every candidate is given the plensuie of paying for his page or hnlf page tell ing of his peisonal qualifications, and, the amount so paid is fixed by law-, There are 203,007. registered voters in. Oregon. The last pumphlct was nmikd at the Salem office Saturday evening. TWICEJROVEN If you suffer backache, sleeplo.-s nights, tired, dull days nnd distressing urinary disorders, don't experiment, Read this twice-told testimony. ,lt's Salem evidence doubly proven. J. H. Pentoii 1405 Leo St., Salem, says: "On several occasions a coll settled in my back, across my kidney, causing pain, that extended into my loins. . 1 knew . from other disorders, that my kidneys were to blame and started using Dean's Kidney Pills. I found them just the thing to rid rr.e of the pain and disorders." (State ment given December 11, 1912.) Ou April 12, 1910, -Mr. ronton saw: I" I have never found a more reliable Astoria Unionists Support President The Astoria Central Labor Council at its session last Tuesday eveniiu. lie it resoiven, iiihi mc .cninti Labor Council of Astoria dues hereby advise and nrge all trade unionists and nil unorganized workiiiginen and woni- en together with their families and nd progressive citizens to vote for the, election of Woodrow Wilson for presi dent." Oiegon Labor Press. FOR COUGHS AND UULUb Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment AT ALL OBUQ aTORIS Tueca 26c Jans 60c -.4 I