w ;; CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY ' ' . .' " " '. ". ' , FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES T PRICE TWO CENTS SS? THIRTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 232 SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1916 -1 S i r CAR SHORTAGE TO REMAIN WITH US AT I OF RflA iii ii ill vi iiui; Commission Makes Volumi ous Report and Some Suggestions RAILROAD IS ASKED TO 1 SAY WHAT IT WILL DO Is Given Twenty Days To Do This Nothing Doing Until Then , The Public Service commission has rnde public the result of its investiga tion or the Intolerable car shortage and its suggestions as to a remedy. The southern Pacific took the ground that it had plenty of cars for normal cou ; ditions, and that it was uuablo to get '. curs sent east returned. The commission 1'i'ints out that the present conditions were foreseen by the commission and . the attention of the S. P. called to them in October of last year. It was urged to . take steps to prevent the present condi tions, but did nothing. it appears from the roads showing it in not lack of finances that has prevent ed it building more cars for in the last futir years, besides pnyinir six uer cent ! dividends, it lins created a surplus of U. 270,570.114. The commission points out that the ! F.vstem of car distrioutiou is faulty, and - unit snippers aro negligent about load ; ing cars. . The report contains many tables, and hIiows that the Southern Pacific has . jicver paid any attention to the recom wendiitions of the commission, and has -Jiuide little effort to relieve the nituft- ' tion. The company flatly denied that Oregon is being discriminated against in favor, of California, but its own fig ures show most conclusively that it has done so, and undoubtedly is still doing After a full review of the situation , in which it is disclosed the Southern l'acifie has done nothing whatever to relieve conditions the commission in con clusioit says: "The question of the opening of the . Portland gateway to northern routes wtis brought up as a measure which would afford relief. In this regnrd, the company announced that while it was -: believed it was doubtful if such action vnuld have, any considerable bearing on the question here under consideration, Jin interchange of this kind was looked upon with favor and negotiations for lliat purpose were now under way. 'This action on the part of the re- . siondent is a eonercto illustration of the desire, which was so apparent ; throughout this investigation, to eo- . operate in the solution of this Droblum The commission takes this opportunity . to tender to the company any nssist- nno.o it may be able to lend in this be lutlf.- "In view of the earnest, desire mnnl fested by the carrier to co-operate with ; the commission and the shippers in the ; fcolution of this problem, no formal n. ; tion will be taken at this time other . than tho submission to the company for .their consideration and acceptance, or . rejection, of the following suggestions , and recommendations: . "1.. That active steps be taken by ; the company to compel the return of their'equipment from connecting linos ; within a reasonable time, and if under Tiie present rules they are without re- Th' result o' th' straw vote taken nt th' saw mill this uiornin' showed three undecided, seven .evasive, nine ii i m iiii m it t a 1 an one fer two dollars. 37:s. Tilfotd Moots, who wuz throws from her horse in Saturdav night's pe rr.de, is rcstin' some, worse t'day, but is still fer Hughes. n't zht-fc g- taoin un un unnn Farm Journal Takes Poll; Wilson Leads by a Large Majority Now York, Oct. 3(WThe Farm Jour nal lias announced tho result of a straw vote it has been taking on the presi ilontlal election. Wilson runs practical ity 2 to 1 ns against Hughes in the poll. esTne figures are as follows: ' Wilson 1494, Hughes 737, Benson Ilanly 107. O The poll was taken as the result of l brief paragraph in the Farm Journal 5 sking its readers to express their pref 3 rence. No post cards or letters were 5 ent out, anil so every vote is a volun M jry indication of how country people fel about the election. Voting has been toing on for some four or five weeks. FUTURE OF LABOR Mr. Hughes Again Calls At tention to Conditions After the War By Perry Arnold. (I.'nited Press etnff correspondent.) . Kast Liverpool, Ohio, Oct. 30 Ten thousand assembled in the open air to hear Nominee Hughes vigorously de clare today that "the American work iiigmnn is not to be deluded by the sug gestion that we now have a satisfactory prosperity" and quoted Edward II. Hur ley, chairman of tho federal trade com mission, to back his prediction that Am erica must redouble her efforts if she it successful to compete with Europe aft er the wur. It was a direct answer to President Wilson's Cincinnati soeech. "The present cumpaign Is an import ant one." Hughes asserted; "because it involves the future of American labor. The American workingman is not to be deluded with the suggestion that we now have satisfactory prosperity. He has a memory that reaches back of the condi tions created by the European war. It was only 20 months ago when we had ( hundreds of thousands, of unemployed worKingmen inrougnout me uinu. Hughes' entire speech was a direct reply to President Wilson's declaration in a speech at Cincinnati urging Amer ican business men not to fear for pros perity after the war. irst of all, he declared that $'J.OOO,00O,OO0 of exports represented almost exclusively the de mand created bv the European war. Continuing, he said he desired to "commend to the serious attention of those who speak for a business policy," the words in a recent speech at New York bv Ldward M. Hurlev, chairman of the federal trade commission, whicl supported Hughes' own assertions thai America would face a reorganized E rope. "This is such a plain proposition,' Hughes said, "that 1 was amazed the (Continued on page five.) course, a determined effort be made to have such rules amended. "2. That arrangements be made to move nil company material possible dur ing times when no car shortage exists. '3, That immediate action toward acquiring an adequate wupply of new equipment, especially box and flat cars, and necessary motive power, be taken. "4. That a car distribution bureau in charge of an officer with authority to act, and supplied with a sufficient force to handle the situation, be estnb lished at Portland, Oregon, or an equal ly advantageous point, at once. Bv sufficient force" is contemplated not only clerical and other assistance neces sary to handle the office work in all its details, but a corps of inspectors, or spe cinl agents, who will continually be in the field, lending assistance wherever possible, and Keeping the bureau sup plied with first hand information as to the conditions existing. 'a. That the proper steps be taken to insure routing instructions, where necessary, being delivered immediately upon cars being spottedand to prevent the placing of more curs than can be loaded within a reasonable time. "C. That necessary steps be taken to prevent loaded cms remaining on sid ings after the passage of the first local freight train in the direction in which tho shipment is to move. "7. That all interstate demurrage rates be increased to the basis of intra state rates, and that all free time on interstate export shipments, after th first S days be abolished. "(t. That rules and regulations be es tablished which will prevent discrimina tion in the furnishing of cars due to tin manipulation of car orders. "W. That the discrimination now ex isting between Oregon and California industries be removed nt once. "The Southern l'acifie company will be required to indicate to the commis sion within 20 days from and after the service of a copy hereof upon it, what action will be luken in regard to the suggestions and recommendations above set forth. Jurisdiction will be retained herein bv the commission for the pur pose of such further consideration and action as mnv be deemed proper. "Dated nt Knlem, Oregon, this 2Stl dav of October, 1010. "prnuc SERVICE COMMISSION OF OREGON." "By Thos. K. Campbell, "Frank J. Miller, "H. H. C'orev, "Commissioners. "Attest Edward Ostrander, Secre tary." RUMANIANS MAKE THREE MILE HI . IN FIERCE ATTACK At Nearly Every Point On Transylvanian Border Teutons Halted MACKENSEN ALONE IS STEADILY ADVANCING Brandenburgers Cain and Hold Position South of the Somme London, Oct. 30. Falkenhayn's army has been thrown back more than three miles by tfie Rumanians in a battle north of Cainpoluug, said a Petrograd dispatch today. The battle is continuing, the leu- tons have been reinforced and arc des perately couuter attacking seeking to regain the lost ground, inner strong Austro-German forces are attacking northwest of Campolung- At nearly every point on the lransyl- vnninn border the Austro-German inva sion seems to have been blocked. The latest official statements from lenna and Berlin claim some further progress but apparently bear out Bucharest claims that Falkeiihayn 'a offensive hak been Btopped at least .temporarily. On the northern front, the Teutons arc ev erywhere being swept Daca against me Transylvanian uoruer ann at some places have driven across the frontier. In Uohruilia, juacKensen's pursuit or the retreating Husso-numnmnns con tinues. The defeated-armies are retreat ing toward the bend of the Danube. ' Hade Brilliant Attack. London, Oct. 30. Berlin and Brand enburg troops, famed for their fighting power at erdun, launcnea one or ine most violent counter attacks of vthe whole Somme battle against the French lines south of the Somme last night. The French War office admitted this afternoon that the Oermans penetrated LaMaisonette term, west 01 l'eroiinc but claimed the repulse of other heavy attacks. The German war office reported the capture of LaMaisonette and all the French positions extending irom mo farm to Biaches, together with 412 pris oners. British gains in the fighting north of the river were admitted at Ber lin. All along the Transylvanian frontier the Austro-Germans and Kumauians are encaecd in a series of battles. The Ger man war office announced the capture of several hemhts southeast of the fa mous Red Tower Pass, but conceded a Rumanian victory Bouthweat of Szurduk Pass, i nofficial ' reports trom retro grad declared that Falkenhayn's forces had been pushed bacK three nines oy tne Rumanians north of Campolung. In Dobrudia. a fresh battle is be lieved imminent.' The Berlin official statement reported that Mackensen's pursuing detachments are now in touch with the retreating Kusso-Jtuinunian in fantry and cavalry. Took '412 Prisoners.' Berlin, via wireless to Sayville, L. I., Oct. 30. "South of the Somme, Ijx Maisonette farm and French positions extending from the farm to Biaches were stormed in a brisk attack by in fantry regiment 35!, composed of Ber lin and Brandenburg soldiers, It was of ficinllv announced this afternoon. "The attack was efficiently prepared by artillery and splendidly assisted by the observation of our tlyera," con tinned tho sttaement. "We brought in 412 prisoners including 15 officers. '?ortIi of the Somme, many places were under hostile fire to which we strongly responded. The enemy during an attack from the line of I.es Houeti to Morvni, enlarged his place of entry into our most advanced trench east of I. as Bouefs southward for a small ex tension. At all points where tliu euoiny was aide to advance through our cur tain fire he has been sanguinarily re pulsed. "On the eastern front. Prince Leo pold's sector, a Russian mass attack prepared by the strongest use of muni tions was launched west of Pustowyty and a short time later east of Szolov Both attacks failed under heavy losses. On the Archduke Carl's front, in th forests of the Carpathians and Hungar inn Kumniinin frontier and adjoinin mountains the day was rainy and quiet Only patrols were active." Rumanians Still Retreat. Berlin, via wireless to Snvville, L. I Oct. 30. "The Rumanians still retreut and their dav of reckoning is coming,' declared Field Marshal Von Hlndenburg. Germany's great war hero, who is pay ing Berlin his first visit since the begin mug of the war. "I welcomed their entrance Into th war." continued Hindenbnrg,' for by it we got out of the trenches. "The French have shown great ten acity, but they are exterminating lives by their present methods of fighting. (Continued on page five.) hyamforilson By Actios Pinchot Former Progretiive. Men like Mr. Wilson on the one band, and Hughes, Ro sevelt and Perkins on thai other, embody in their attitude', toward . society ; the larger con--; fiict between democracy und absolutism that is going on in , this country. The -Rapub-. Means, as ' . whole.' stand; fr . the -tde, that the. coun try should b governed by si' small jrroup of efficient, !povW erful .pernt aires wha-wirf tell th people what to think and whet to do, and make them do it. Men like President Wilson seem to me to tan for the opposite idea that democracy, after all, with its mistoWjes and inefficiency, to the wiser plan, because it allows r ccple ti. think for themselves and leaches thm t jorm themselves t-y governing themselves. SUNK BY SUBMARINE Was Sent Down Without WarningHer Status Yet Unknown Washington, Oct. 30. The steamer Marina, sunk by shell fire by a German submarine Saturday, was sent to the bottom without warning, Consul Frost at Queenstown cabled the state depart ment today- .','The American embassy later received a message trom the con- ul confirming this statement." -' The Marina was sunk about 3 p. m. Saturday, 100 miles west of Cape Clear, Frost said. Thirty-four of the crew of 101 Had been landed at Brook Haven, he said, while lifeboats Nos. 1 and 3 were missing. In fixing the blame tor the destruc tion of the vessel, it will be necessary to determine the character of its char ter. Some of the horse ships, which have been plying between the United States and England have been under direct or indirect charter by the British and French governments. In such cases they assume the character for the time being of admiralty vessels and are sub ject to attack without warning. These Questions must be, settled De- fore it can be determined whether the sinking o fthe Marina may again raise the submarine issue between this coun try and Germany. Consul Frost also cabled today the Furness freighter Kowaumore, Baltimore to uverpooi, was attacked by a German submarine and sunk while attempting to escape. Two Americans and five Filipinos, his cable said, were aboard. The Rowanmorc, according to Frost 'a report, tried for 50 minutes to escape from the German submarine. Her steer- inn sear was shot away and the master brought the xessel to a stop, signalling he was abandoning her- The submarine continued shelling and shelled the life boats after they had cleared. There were no casualties, however. At 11:30 a. m. the submarine torpedoed ' the Rowan- more, but she did not sink until Z:.)U m. The crew were landed at Han- try. Tho two Americans on board were George Murphy, 7049 Jefferson avenue, Brooklyn, and Albert Messier, 42 Sharon street, Boston. Frost will get affidavits trom the two Americans. The Marina was a steel screw steamer of 5,204 tons built in 1000 and owned bv the Donaldson line. She flew the British flag and was registered at Glas gow. Bakers Will Ask for Embargo on Wheat Chicaao. Oct. 30. Hour will drop to a normal price if the campaign launch ed by the Chicago Master linkers as sociation today is effective. Thev are visiting each Chicago con gressman to win hU support for an em bargo on Hour and wneat. No matter how strong they make their campaign, however, few bakers believe they will be able to induce con gress to vote the embargo, and Taut Schulze, one or the bakers, gives tnis reason. " Congressmen are influenced by the farmers, who want the high prices, and congress would rather see the coun try pay famine prices for its bread than offend the fanners." HIGH ITIiOUR RECORD Portland, Or., Oct. 30 Flour was boosted another 20 cents bv Portland dealers today, mak ing the rate S.40 a barrel. This is a new high record. . OF OF Bryan Campaigning in Home State for President Wilson CHAIRMAN McCORMICK CLAIMS ITS A LANDSLIDE Hughes Speaking in Ohio Willcox Expects Demo cratic Tricks Lincoln, Neb., Oct- 30. V.r. J. Bryan is todnv campaigning over the state of Nebraska, this morning having begun his week's tour for prohibition. Drys of both parties for state office and for President Wilson. The next big fight, he declared at Fullerton, where he spoke shortly before noon, will be for national prohibition and he declared he will be in the thick of the fray and will bat tle to have, the national democratic par ty in favor'of making the nation dry. Bryan has so far made no statement regarding the charges made by Senutor Lodge relative to the president's alleged plan to send a supplementary note along ' . 1- iL. T . .. xA .... .1 wim tuts jLuaiiniiin. uuio .u uci ninny niiu the subsequent resignation of Bryan from tho cabinet. Whether he will do so later is considered doubtful. Bryan is devoting about half his time to the support of the prohibition amend ment to the Nebraska constitution and to urging the wiping out of party lines and electing dry the "driest of the dryB" to the state legislature regard less of party affiliations. Tho latter part of his speeches deal with national issues, defending President- Wilson's policies and branding Hughes as a reac tioaary whose nomination was dictated by the old guard. ';'. ' ' Claim Landslide. t Chicago, Oct. 30. President Wilson will have majorities in Illinois, Ohio. New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia, acocrding to Vance McCormick, chair man of the democratic national commit tee here today for a party conference. Indiana can. also be regarded as a Wil son state, he said, " . This statement is tn contradiction to that given out recently by Frank H Hitchcock, which claimed" all of these states except Ohio, for Hughes. "It looks like a landslide," McCor mick said. "I find conditions Ml over the country improved over what they were when I was here two weeks ago. New York is for tho president and for htm big. Newspaper polls and private advices all go to show that President Wilson is making gains steadily." i Hugtuoa In Ohio. By Perry Arnold. (United PreBS staff correspondent.) Kast Liverpool, Ohio, Oct. 30. Can didate Hughes rolled into Ohio today for the windup of the republican cam paign there. This was his second jour ney in the Buckeye state where just now the republicans are centering their heaviest artillery. They are relying on Hughes to bring a forceful message on his doctrine of false and unnatural prosperity and on the Adamson eight hour law. The candidates entered the final cam paign week supremely confident of the ontcome of November 7- It is doubtful if he will presont any new lines of at tack in this home stretch period. Hughes has 23 speeches during the week, winding op with a mass meeting in Madison Square Garden, New York, Saturday night. Of these four are in Ohio, nine in In diana, and 10 in New York state. Hughes arrived here at 10:30 a. m. and was scheduled for speeches also at Steubenville, Zanesvillc and Columbus. Expect Trickery. New York. Oct. 30. Republican Na tional Chairman Willcox expects the democrats to fire another explosive I bomb the last two or three days of the onmnaicn. in "a Inst desncrnte effort to hurl doubtful states their way," ho said today. He believes, however, that the expected bomb will contain "damp powder." "in view oi tneruci mat our menus, the enemv. have hurled charges of se cret intrigues, border plots and other political whatnots," anid Willcox today, "I am expecting another bomb of like harmless quality tho lust two or three days of the eampuign. When it cornel the public should bear in mind the com plete failure of its preccdessnrs." Willcox insisted he "had nothing specific in mind," but "if they did it previously they will do it again. " Willcox radiated optimism todoy. He said he "felt less doubt than at any previous time," that Hughes will be the winner. "We can count absolutely on from 270 to 300 electronl votes," he said. "I look for at least 310. We are gaining every day. New York, Ohio, Illinois and Indiana are certain to go for Hughes. I am not so sure about Wisconsin and I'tah, because of varying reports from the former and because of the terrific local fight in Utah." HODGE PODGE POLITICS AND POLITICIANS . . SENATOR GORE SPEAKS. ' IN SALEM TUESOAYs Thomas P. Gore, the famous blind senator of Oklahoma, will speak on the political issues of the day in the armory at Salem tomorrow, Oct. 31, at 8 p. m. Senator Gore ia believed by many to be the greatest plat form orator in America at the present time, and despite his blindness is well informed on. every public question. His gifted and devoted wife travels -with the senator always, reads to him and keeps him in touch, with the events of a world that he has never seen. ' Aside from its political sig nificance the address of Sena tor Gore will be a treat well worth making a special effort to hear. DRESS UP WEEK AND SOTSSIYLE SHOW Perfect Models Display Beau tiful Things Imported for Occasion The race for the most popular local model in the big Merchants Dress Up Week Style Show that will be staged at tho Oregon theatre on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, has started. Al- ready tho nine local girls are calling upon their friends and letting the good news go forth that they are in the race and intend to win. Those nominated arc: -Verna Cooder, Mrs. Klla Cooley, Florence hsch, A It tiea Escb, Charity Burleson, Mabel West, Mrs. Grace Pink inton, Marie Breitenstoin aud Pnscilla Fleming. Of courso the stores who have nomi nated theso young' women will all ex pect their nominee to win tho title and the prize and they are going to stand solidly behind their favorites. It is a matter of prido and each of the many establishments who are taking part in tills -big co-operative exhibition, intend to see that their young lady nominee is declared the Winner by large odds.' - By tomorrow night all of the mer chandise for tho Stylo Show will have arrived. Several of the local merchants who are participating have received word from eastern houses that the ex press was bringing the very latest ideas in late fall and early winter styles to bo secured from America's foremost designers. All of the local stores have made special efforts to secure the very finest showing of merchandise that it was possible and here, again will pride take the leading role In the success of the style show. You see, it. is like this. Each mer chant naturally wants his merchandise to appear to the best advantage in the eyes of the public. Thev all know that the Oregon theatre will be packed for the three days of the Style Show. And they know that each merchant will have an equal show. So, it is un to the mer chandise. That is why all of the local stores are making such efforts to bring in the very finest merchandise it is possiblo to sccuro. Think what all this means to the ladies of Salem. All of the merchandise brought in will be kept for sale. It will give Salem ladies a wider and better variety of the very latest modish garments than could be seen in any of the large cities on the coast. No doubt there will be a rush to the stores immediately after tho Style Show to se curo the many beautiful, yet inexpens ive garments that will be worn by the living models. Besides showing gowns, dresses, suis, coats, shoes, hats, etc., etc., the models . ...in ..i...... .nn.A...iu nj ;.,...t... rri.:uil part of the show is in itself a big drawing card. Local jewelers have set up pieces of rare beauty and wofth which will adorn oua of the models at tho show on Wednesday, Thursdny and Friday, The professional models arrived last evening and rehearsals for tho show will commence this afternoon, although most of the local girls have been re hearsing privately for several days past. "They arc doing fine the Merchant's Style Show will be an artistic success" was the comment Manager Allen had to offer on the local models. Frofti every standpoint the Dress Up Week show will outshine any style show held in Oregon this season. The stage settings will be especially constructed. The young women have been more thor oughly rehearsed ana the snow nas neen in contemplation and preparation long er than any show held in Oregon. "And it will be toe best show that nas Deen produced in tho state," added Mr. Al len. Join the fun. Pick out one of the lo cal models as your favorite. Start out and make a campaign in her interests. Help her win. Do your part to make this feature of Dress Up Week a suc cess. GERMAN AIR FIwHTER KILLED Berlin, via wiroless to Sayville, L, L. Oct. 30. The death of Captain Hoelcke, Germany's greatest air hero, was confirmed by the semi-official news nifencv today. During an engagement Saturday Boelcke collided with another aeroplane and died as he landed behind the Ger man lines. The day before he had shot down his fortieth hostile aeroplane. Small favors are thankfully received and often nnthnnkfully remembered. VILLA CAPTURES SANTA ROSALIA WITHOUT BATTLE " ' as Part of Garrison Fled, Others . Fired Shot or Two Before Skipping PUTS TROOPS ON TRAINS AND STARTS FOR SOUTH . I 1ST Attack On Jiminez With Its Big Garrison Will Be - Next Move El Paso, Texas, Ocf. 30. The town of Santa Rosalia, about 80 miles south of Chihuahua City, is in the hands of Villistas bandits today, while the main force of Villistas on three trains is mov ing southward toward Jiminex and Par ral, according to reports made today United States department agents. and to- mining companies representatives here. The occupation of the town took place Saturday with little bloodshed. As the v llhstas approached Santa Ro salia part of the garrison fled to the hills. The others fired a few shots at the bandits and followed. Colonel Fern- , aiidez commanded the Villistas, reports in Juarez stated. Leaving a small occupation force in Santa Rosalia,-the main body of Vil- ' listas marched south of the point where the railway was cut and, boarding three captured trains, pulled out for the south, according to details received by the San ta Mosana springs company, an Amer ican owned company with offices here. Military men here expect aa attack upon Jiminex within a short time. - The iirrisan there numbers several thousand. i, facto government troops under cou niauil of the Arriets brother. .The import-nt town of Parrol has heavy Car-, ranzista 'garrison under General Luis -Hcrrera, a former Villiuta general, who accepted amesty from the de-facto rov-, ernment. Villa has promised to capture Parral and execute ; Herrera with his own hands. . . - , Revolutionists nre becoming more ac tive in the state of Sonora. General F Elias Calles, military governor, of that ' state, here on his way to Mexico City "for".. conference with First Chief Car rnnza, 'narrowly escaped death ifhea the train on which he was a pamtenger paia ed over a dynamite bomb on its way la the border. A freight train following tin: iuo0vTugirr imiu nan uiuwn ujr. ' Two American 'pegroes, now being held in Juarez jail 'following their ar rest uy a vBrrttiizisin -patrol wm oe sens to Chihuahua City for trial. - They n made prisoners by the Carranzieta lute yesterday, eight miles south of here. United States state department officials are investigating the affair.. The pris oners claim they were shooting rabbits and when the Carranzistas opened fir they fled to an adobe house. The Mex icans followed, 'overpowered and robbed them and carried them into Juarez. Mexican de facto officials declare the negroes were Yiring on the patrol Cnrranzista Consul Setrriano Brave announced today that Mexican de facto troops had re-occupied Santa Ysabet, 30 miles west of Chihuahua City, used as a, base by Pancho Villa until tho bandits moved southward. There was no fieht- ng as the baidits had departed from th town. - : An official bulletin from Chihuahua City announced the de facto troops had captured and executed Roasaria Garcia, Vlllista chief, and three men bearing letters to Villa signed by Colonel Regan. Consul Hrnvo exhibited a telegram dated Saturday declaring Santa Bosabav had not yet been attacked. Mining men here say they do not believe Villa oc cupied the town, but merely passed through on bis way south. , Deserters from Villa, impressed at Cusihuirinchic, brought the first def inite information of the strength and condition of the bandits. On October 12. when the deserters escaped Villa had 2,0110 men fully armed and an additional 1,800, but they were unarmed. ' Ai; ( usihuiriacluc by seizing residents and holding them for ransom, Villa ob tained $500, which was paid immediate ly to his men, who were complaining of receiving no pay. Many soldiers were ucrompnuying the bandit chief unwil lingly, under guard. THE WEATHER ik Oregon: To night and Tues day rain; Increas ing southerly winds, reaching gale force along tho north coust. f