Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 28, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Horf power
New Series
RoadsUr $62)
. $.9 to. Te14 ,
ihoiisarids Behind
Three to fifty per hour on high that's
the speed report we get from owner's
all over the country. .
And 20 to 25 miles per gallon of gas is
the economy report.
A corking good car
A price that makes it the greatest value
on the face of the earth
That combination has kept the factory
thousands of cars behind sales for
weeks and weeks.
But we're getting them in right along.
Better see us about yours today.
D. MISNER, Agent, 245 South Commercial Street, Phone 97
The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio
"M.J. In U.S. A."
(Continued from page one.)
will want to bo thorp to get acquaint
ed with your neighbor.. If yon nre nn
older resident you will want to moot
the newcomers. Music and refreshments
will be furnished.
The Hotel Marion management on
always found nt Kaleni theaters. A Friday ni(lit will be host to the city,
speaker will also nv a few words ns to This is the formal opening of the grent
tbe significance of " ISnlem Week." er Marion hotel. Meet Manager, Miller
The Htyle Week displays in the win- nnd Mrs. Miller and inspect the hotel,
dows of -the. big downtown stores will Salem has one of the finest hotels in
open in a blaze of light Wednesday j the state nnd yon ought to know some
nijiht, lie downtown with your machine thing about it.
if vou have one to see the gorgeous I Kenieniber, nil this will not cost you
a penny, liv getting into ino spirit oi
display and help swell the volume of
mm ml. Whistles will ..blow and bells
ring and everyone is expected to odd
to the din. Take a look in the store
windows at the big prize cup awarded
to the winner of the window display
by lliirlniniin llrotliers.
; Nave Thursday night. On thut' even
ing you are expected to be at the Com
mercial club with your family to meet
Iho (dher folks. This is Newcomers'
night nnd if you nre a uewcomer you
thn week vou will learn a greut deal
about your ei'.y and why you should
11 'livilv interest in its affairs. If
'it results in-having you line up with
the other public spirited men and wo
Jmeu who aro giving much of their time
to promoting tne general woimro me
first anuiml "Salem Week", will have
accomplished its purpose.
Cm the Journal Want 4 W.
yet wo had not altered our policy or
our point of view. The great European
war has served at least to show us this
one thing, thnt tne worm itseii nna
changed: that it had become at once
too big a world and too little a world
to submit its destinies to tne nostue
rivalries and ambitions now of this nnd
again of that member of the great fain
ly or men; too compact, too miiiinbic hi
its" contacts, too universal in its way
of intercourse, to make it any longer
possible to limit the effects of any na
tion's action to a single, sepnrate sphere
where the rest would be untouched. An
inevitable partnership of interests has
been thrust upon tue ntaions. iney are
1917 Model
$685 SALEM
X Absolutely complete, with Electric Starter and
t Electric Lights. An improved car at a lower price.
The most amazing fact about the 1917 Maxwell is
its new price, $685, which is $60 less than the price
of the 1916 Maxwell car, and this price includes
t everything: electric starter, electric lights, every
modern feature, every refinement.
The Maxwell has lowered all economy records for:
t First Miles per set of tires.
SecondMiles per gallon of gasoline.
X Third Miles per quart of lubricating oil.
X Fourth Lowest year-in-and-year-out repair bills.
t Halvorsen & Burns
X High and Ferry Streets Telephone 959
(Continued from page one.)
immediate and systematic development
of out oarrying trade on the seas. They
have at -last supplied the means by
which the nation may be bound togeth
er, materially and spiritually, by a net-
work of gooa roads upon which both
commodities and sympathies may move
freely from comunity to eounity. They
have' put the farer upon a footing of
pertect equality with business men nnd
men of nil other callings in respect of
bis access to commercial credit; have
placed a, great bureau of the govern
ment at his service in seeking and find
ing his' best markets; have protected
hiin by the establishment oi definite
standards in the sale of his products,
and have put the 'scientific knowledge
of the wor d at his disposal by practical
demonstration at the expense of the gov
ernment upon the farms themselves.'
They have emancipated the lnborersof
the country from the unjustified re-
Turn Over Motor by v
Hand at Times to
Test the Machine
. Motorists who would be sure that
their car is as is as it should be should
occasionally turn over the motor of the
ear by hand, instead of using the elec
tric starter. This will disclose many
ills, according to A. . "Dad" Foss of
the Oilson' Garage in Portland, who has
played with automobiles since the day
when Haynea and the boys were making
them with one and two cylinders.-'
This authority on electrical equipment
says that the starter has added still ano
ther point to the category of ills that
the - average, driver will - overlook just
tecaose- the-car -will run and -does get
him. around. - . . " . "v.- ?
' ' Nothing will -tett -a- driver more a
boot "the condition of his motor than
occasionally . getting around in front,
inserting the erank handle and lifting
it he motor rorer one cylinder at a time'
declared. "Dad. '" '' i '-.L-t.m
-.- Lesson 1 ObTtnus, . wj-.
"If he has not done that for six or
eight months and has run his car con
siderably, be will find that the first
or second cylinder can hardly be moved
against the compression. He braces
himself to lift the next and finds that
it slips away from him, so little is the
compression.. '
: "A fourth or fifth cylinder may not
work quite so easily but still is much
easier handled than it. should be.
' "The lesson, of course, is obvious
those cylinders which do not work hard,
inwhich there isno compression, need
immediate attention. Kither, the rings
do not lay properly or the valves need
grinding. ''
"To let them go on in that manner
is the quick way to heavy expense bills,
the leaking piston rings mean that when
starting, condensed gasoline vapor, leaks
past the rings and mixes with the oil,
rapidly breaking down its lubricating
qualities. Lubrication, therefore, is
impaired and the results are a guess.
Another Trouble Seen.
"Still another trouble, resulting from
the lack of compression, is the explo
sions of greatly varying intensity. In
other: words, the power in the different
cylinders is so uneven that the-rnotor!
hobbles, which is excessive strain on'the'i
bearings and every part of the ear. "
. "It is queer hovr discoveries change
the viewpoint. Four years ago when
almost every car was hand-started, that
was nothing agninHt the Tiuto. ' It was
the accepted thing and starters" were
still , an experiment. Today .drivers
bring their car. iu to have the starter or
the battery repaired, but Tather lose the
use of it for days, whore much work is
to be done,-than have the trouble of
starting it by hand, whiclf little exer
cise might be a very good thing for
tnem. -"-Portland Journal.
A GOOD " "...
Used Automobile
. ' Is better than a cheap new car.
Complete Stock Guaranteed, Modern USED CARS,
: y: with Electric Starters and Lights
Studebakers, Overlands, Maxwells, Cadallac, .
Paige, Hupmobile, .
' - " WINTER PRICES $350 to $700 ' ;:
Liberal terms if desired.
Come and look oyer these ; Bargains. Refund of
railroad fare from'.any point in Oregon or, Wash
ington to Portland made to all purchasers of our
used cars.
r - -
Car Co.
Efficiency and Courteous Treatment to Ona and AH
. perience in Municipal Work.
-Six Years' Ex-
H. W. Elgin
City Recorder
(Paid Adv.)
tv ,
City Primary' Election Nov; 6, 1910 '
: General Election Dec 4, 1916"
... . it.: lliw
neiirnoors aim must, accominounie mnr . . . . ,-.,, . i, j
interests to one another, or else disturb! b mia,aken applications of law
i.a lii-.s ami tttttlinroHu Hm rnrttinps or ....
men everywhere. No wonder that in
such an age men in America should be
cried awnke and feel once more, as thcy
felt them in the days when their great
republic was set up, the compulsions of
humanity and of justice!
These are the freshening winds tlow
ing out of the lire or mniiKiim every
where, that have brought on a new day
in American politics. We have looked
once more very critically nt our own
laws and our own practices nnd have set
about to square them with the actual
conditions of our lite and tne lire or ine
"Four years ago thero wor two par
ties in the field whoso program was
conceived muter tho influence of these
great forces of progress and adjustment,
the democratic party nnd the progres
sive party. This year there is but one,
the democratic party. In the presiden
tial election of four yeurs ago some
fifteen million votes were cast. Of these,
near ten and a half millions were cast
for the candidate of the two progres
sive Darties. only three and a half mil'
lions for the candidate of the republic un j lif BU(l
party, tho party which lingered in the4'cJ 'natim
oiu ways aim icit none oi me ne
indue lif a new day- More than two
thirds of the voters of the
favored then, and favor now
whose object is to serve
needs of lntmnnitv und progress.
. Tho democratic pnrty was entrusted
with the tusk. These powerful forces
of the ntw Hgo were put under its direc
tion. And under that direction what
have they accomplished t They have put
both the' bin-incss' nnd the life of the
country upon u new footing. They have
lelensed the financial credit, upon wuicn
to new ciroumstances and conditions-
They have released the children of the
country in large part from hurtful lab
or; have sought to safeguard the lives
and the health of our laborers in danger
ous occupations: nod have put ageuciea
of the government itself at the service
of those who seek employment. And
most of these things have been done
within the brief limits of a single ad
And still the great work is not finish
ed. It can never be rounded off and
concluded so long as circumstances
change and the fortunes and relations
of men shift and alter. Tlie question you
hnve to decide one week from next Tues
day is whether it shall be prematurely
interrupted, perhaps for a generation to
come, and all the generous forcej of the
age and of the world thrown back upon
themselves in discouragement ana con
fusion. Tho program remaining is ns great as
the program accomplished. The - pro
cedure of our courts is antiquated and a
hindrance, not an. aid, in the just ad
ministration of the law. We must simp-
reform it as other enlighten-
ons have done, and make courts
I of justice out of our courts of law. We
. n...u. u.l i;l Ia mMni nf lirinir.
t'nited States .., j ,,,.. tn i,,nr unlier.
$ $ $ ir $ $ $ $ $
Court House News
One of the largest tax turnovers of
the year was made this morning when
Sheriff; Esch turned over to. Treasurer
Drager the sum of $106,478.62, Of this
sum the city of Salem receives $16,
048.92 and school district No. 24, $8,.
202.42. The feature that brought up
the figures was . the Southern Pacific
tax of over $35,000. There will be at
least one other turn over during the re
mainder of the year and it will probab
ly be a large one also on account of the
taxes of the various utility corporations
which are yet to come in. the grand to
tal of taxes already turned over is $239,
urcr, an action to recover $814-alleged
to be due and owing as part of a be
quest, the money of which was turned
over to the county treasurer because
Pugh was not to be found at the time
of the bequest, the defendants this
morning filed a demurrer to the com
plaint of Pugh, on the ground that the
complaint does not state facts, r.uf- -
ficieut to constitute a cause oi action.
A marriage license was issued this
morning to Delbcrt Engene Bliirston, of
Salem, and Ethel Marjory Mantel, of
Jefferson.-: -
There were few real' es'tate transfers
in the county recorder's office-- this
week. The filing of mortgages was
heavy, at' least three-fourths of the
business. However, this is not a bad
sign as the general fall business has
been good. . .... .
In the matter of the estate of Joseph
Pculi, who died in Marion county March
2, 1915, a hearing was held yesterday by
County Judge Bti-schey aud as a result
he has decreed that the estate shall be
divided according to the will of the deceased-
The papers filed in the cos
show that Mary Puuli, executrix, has
paid all debts and thut there is money
on hand to pay the bequests. Mury
Puuli is to receive $3,500 at once on
account of her being over 21 j-enrsjof
age, and .die has ordered to pay to the
other children the Bums of $2,000 each
upon theiik arrival of age.
of California, has been taking no.
chances and for a week has been put4,
ting the 'squad through a stiff drill
ing. ...
Today's game is looked upon by stu
dents as a test. . They believe that un
less the squad shows speed and class to
day it might as well abandon nopo of
making any showing against Washing
ton on November 18.
In the ease of Hoy Pugh ugainst Mu
rion county and T. B. Kay, state treas-
look forward, to which it la our purpose
I to move forward with enthusiasm and
; irresistible ardor. AVe will not pause in
ltI'eC"ng!,',umli,,8 ot' ,h,''ir Cv0m,".in i.,,tterc8,"'iwe stand at one of the most critical
nlL. k V'lich a P other than the intcrests innctur in tho hi9torv of tno worU,
o ttne nation vseit as a when 11 hopeg hang in the balance. Ve
We must release our great undeveloped ; wU, guff(lr no m(nl nQ bo(, Q.f
natural resources upon some sensible , th ,jlnidity or foar or jealousv, to
plan of use nnd conservation. W e must ; ael or hillder or eiparrilsl( us. R(1.
recruit tho votes ot lorwaru-iooaing iaction . have no ,a(,e of tolerance
.Monday County School Superinten
dent Smith expects to begin checking
the books received from the J. K. Gill
company for distribution to the various
school districts of the county. It will
probably require a week for the check
ing over before they will be sent out.
: George P- Griffith, according to
complaint filed this morning, only lived
with Agnes Griffith two days atter they
were married iu Portland, August 4,
1913. He alleges she deserted him on
August ft, utterly disregarding her mar
riage vows. The only reason he can
assign for her defection is a want of
affection for him and a desire for travel
and the company of strangers. He says
she threatened to ruin hiiu and has em
ered his place of business and caused
unpleasant scenes. He asks a decreo of
divorce and the custody ofthe child,
William A. Griffith. '
Sheriff Esch is getting the election
boxes and supplies ready for shipment
to the various precincts next week. The
office force of the county clerk and the
sheriff are. busy getting everything
ready for The big battle of the ballots
ou November 7.
Little Football and
a Couple of Scraps
" In California,
Berkelor, Cal., Oct. 28. Determined
to give California a hard fight, but da
daring there is hardly a chance ot vie
Meehan Had Best of It.
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 28. Willie Mee-
han, San Francisco heavyweight, out
classed Frank Farmer, of Tacoma, last
night and was given the decision after
four rounds of fierce fighting.-
On the same bill "Muff Bronson, the
Portland school boy, annexed the north
west featherweight title when be stop-,
ped Joe Harrnhan in the second round
Bronsou outclassed the- Seattle young-"
ster and had him nearly out when BetV
eree I.onnie Austin called a halt. ' .
, Willie Hoppe, San Francisco light
weight, is matched with George Ingle,
of Seattle, for a boat next Friday night.
Negro Outclassed Him. -Tortland,
Ore., Oct. 28. Joe Gorman,
the Oakland boxer, was credited with a
draw today in his fight with Leo John
son, negro featherweight champion . of '
the Pacific coast, but many believed
the negro beat him. Johnson appeared
to know more about the game.
Frankie Sullivan, of I.os Angeles, got
the verdict over Delaney, negro light
weight, when the latter quit in tho
fourth round.
This country
farm laborers.
men by tho votes of women so thnt we amonst ug when au the world wait8 tory, the Occidental college football
Call for
Cherry City Flouring
Mill Products
Cherry City Patent Flour
Economy Flour
Oregon Graham
Oregon Wheatola
Tip Top Pan Cake Flour
may have a fresh insight in all matters jhose who ,au .ust!ce gnd
ot social retorm and move more certain- j 8llmmon you not only to
1.. a., ..... -r,,,.tlv in the Hnllitinil ot . ... ..V. ' . , .r . .
.lik. .lom.n.1 1 1 . - .""s... ..u I . ' !,w,'u " ll0SIa V
.,.,,. ...... ..... - me nuinv new prooiems oi sucicij- " f., ,. . n..rii, he Unlit
4,.viva r , must unite ine .-mericns, iunn iumi
centers. They have released the com-, S)Utu in liew m iupnthv and co-opera-merce
nnd industry of the country f rom , fi()a Wc mU!i( w(lc jUBtit-e and the right
llie UOIUIUIITIUII ur iuuie nu rri' mum
ing up their power by seltisli and un-,w must , America in all
eleven prepared today for this after
noon's game with Laliiornia at valiior
nin field. .
Despite this lack of confidence on Oc
cidental's part Head Coach Andy Smith
the dnwn of a new age begins to bright-
1I1: and I summon you with confidence,
ti'itl, n,luin av ,,.iiiti t .... nt iho ..
turougu eveiy rniinneiyuni ... ; n America and her great people nre to
I -A nmut A tnwrllMl 1 II Hll lift I IITCC. ' . i , . t ,
fuir methods of competition. They hnve, i( aU is wea,mi ai,Ke of phvsK-al pow- , '. ,,
supplied those who wished to conduct ' w lul Hpir-ltuai ntliusinsm, at the serv-, -- . - ;
their busines sin conformity with the, .(f of tho othr nlMions of the world Enthusiasm "Fremied"
spir.t of the laws with friendly g.ud- jwhp e foinca on tho 0,her HilU. of s.,rillKncMi ,., 0, t. 28,-Ten thons-
nee and delivered ttafui aervr. u tn, SIWS to mnU penef wnBIlrllt , , ; , jamm(1(, h(j
tear of the courts, lhey have re leased bj. eHtll)ia,lill(t it on the everlasting int0 ,'lu, 8tatc , t0llav t0
our foreigii trade trom the shackles of foundations of right, co operation, equal-1 hvar William Jennings Brvan deliver
numtf contrived in the interest of spe- if am, jstice. These things we mustth( lo(.trine of .!,.,,. ra ,. x" to central
cuii groups. i iiiiiuiirrro, ,, Bn,i a vim tliHt may serve man-1 Illinois.
, vf erenie.i . nn,i commission "';' : kind. . Hrvan's speech, which was the cul
eu to suosuture puouc mr private in- ...i,l our mnttn must be " foopera-' ,!.;.,.. f ik. wil,. n.iv l....rv......
fluences, facts for theories nnd preten- tin. ,he uUui, not the hostile rivalry, in s,,iiiigf iol.l, amused tlie assembled
sions, 111 all future legislation with riof th( f,. r Kt,ti,.y within the nn- tl,u!mnl8 to frenzied enthusiasm.
Ignrd to duties nnd restrictions on mi- titm all(l ,vi,hin the fiunilv of nations.) the midst of those spasms of deiu-
por.s. mei .iirniii.iriiiiii.iin.ri..i':The interests of mankind can never ( wr,t i,. enthusiasm, a yellow cur near
'i i .'sniii be served by aggression; the l-tln plutform, aroused by the cheermg.
I terests of no nation pr group ot nntions , again stnrted the diminishing cheering
(can ever again be served by aggression. 'und it was five uiiniitos before Jlryan
i The contests of jealousy are as bitter Iranld resume.
nnd ns dangerous as the contests of The meeting was attended by several
arms. The world must heiiceforth seek j thousand women, who, upon the slight
the menus of accommodation, not the . est provocation, rose in their seats and
means or arresting qtmrerls merely, ine
nation wo love and serve must be among
the first and foremost of those that rise
to the new ideals with spirit and well
directed force. Our own reforms, our
own actions in the interest of justice
waved flags.
Bryan's interpretation of the presi
dent's refusal to intervene in Mexico
brought forth the greatest 'outburst of
cheering of the meeting. Bryan receiv
ed a remarkable ovation from the
and humanity must be the earnest of our I thousands who lined the s'reets between
spirit nnd purpose iu the affairs of the the depot and the state arsemil.
world outside our own borders. I luunediiitelv after the arsenal speech
Such is the prospect, such is the pro- he continue.! his Illinois speech making
I gram, my fellow-citizens, to w hich we tour.
Buy a Bicycle
The sturdy, steady, always ready steed that goes
every where
Make Your Boy Happier and Healthier"by
Buying Him a
That will be his choice for he will want a Bicycle
that will give him service at low cost.
Come in" and see our complete line of Bicycles,
Sundries and Tires, and get our Special Prices on
Bicycle Lamps.
Scott & Piper
has 2,000,000 womeu
There are many things learned from
experience and observation that the
older generation should imprrss upon
the younger. Anions them is the fact
that scrofula and other humors, which
produce eczema, boils, pimples and
other eruptions, can be most success
fully treated jvitk Hood's Sarsapa
rilla. This great medicino is a peculiar
combination of remarkably effective
lood-purifying- and health-giving
roots, barks and herbs, jthieh are
gathered especially for it.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has stood the
test of forty years.
Get a bottle today now from
your nearest drug store. Always
keep it on band.