Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 28, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Special Dress-Up Week Program
The best Western Round-Up Picture of the year.
Could not equal one member of the sew
ing circle which helps Lucy White make
clothes for the poor.
Little Miss
Which tells how a little country girl as
sumed the blame for a neighbor's child
Pallas Pictures
The National Favorite
tjs 'if .1
"The Parson of Panamint
From the Story by Peter B. Kayne.
Here is a photoplay with real, live-wire,
blooded people whose lives are punctuated with
punches. How the "fightin' bob-cat" of a parson
strikes a western mining town; subdues the bul
lies; reforms the unrighteous; and proves him
self a hero that will live forever in your memory,
is graphically portrayed by Dustin Farnum who
is the star of this production.
Not operated on the Free Ticket Plan.
University Notes
The sudden departure of Boger Lyon
for Alaska Wednesday evemug upset
the plans of more thun -one organiza
tion with which he was affiliated. To
fill his place in the Glee club, Earl
i Cotton was shifted from baritone to
-second bass and Paul Anderson, a quar
tet man of 11)10-12 fame, was elected to
britone- But it was not alone as glee
club singer that Lyon is missed, for as
commander-in-chief of the varsity root
ers, his presence was of paramount ne
cessity. By student body executive ac
tion yesterday afternoon La ban Sleeves
was elected "yell king" emeritus. The
choice is a happy one for Steeves is a
general favorite with the students, de
spite a clever runaway marriage which
greatly interested himself, the student
body and Salem in general lute last
spring. There is no doubt that Sleeves
is the man for the job.
Edna Billings and Harold Enkiu were
elected to the forensic council yester
day morning as a result of student body
balloting. Inasmuch as Harold Doxie
is the only oratory "W" man in school
he was automatically elected to repre
sent that branch of Willamette activ
ity. These three- together with l'rof,
Helen Miller Seun, of the faculty, and
Earl Flegel, president of the Btudent
body and ex-officio officer, comprise
what is known as the forensic council
which maps out with the manager the
prospective schedules in oratory and de
The laud of the cherry blossom, Jn
pan, was echoed in the spirit of the
Thursdny afternoon meeting of the Y.
W. S. A. under the le.dership of Miss
Mary l'arounagian- An interesting talk
by Miss Ruth Emerson, a missionary
from that charming land, was much ap
preciated as was a solo bv Miss Hazel
HockeiiBmith. Delightfully informal
was the epilogue followiug when six
attractive Japanese maidens served tea
under the direction of Miss Ruth Green,
who presided. These included the Misses
Irene Gordon, Guie Leo, Lela Johnson,
Edith Stovel and Hazel Freeman.
, - f
1 sj'- t
When you go to see Etfa Tauguay at of vaudeville, seem to hold the secret
of. I he lauguny gowns, eccentric, are
still marvels of beauty. Their rich
ness and vlilue are easily discernible
within any reach of the footlights;
they fit her snugly and add charm to
her ampleni'88 of form.
Her songs arc not new; indeed, many
are to familiar. thnt you anticipate note
and verse, but still they ring in your
ears, they attract you mysteriously.
You listen attentively, though you may
not applaud; you stare in wonder at
the enthusiasts about you and turn
your eyes again to the stage. And you
do m t leave the theatre until the sing
er bows herself from the scene. It is
a strange gift, this Tanguay magnet
ism. It is doubtful whether Eva her
self understands it, or even cares to;
she realizes its strength, she exercises
it to its fullest; she packs theatres and
draws the largest salary in vaudeville,
The Grand Theatre on Wednesday,
Nov. 8th, for of course you will sec
her this most talked-about women in
the world you will leave the theatre
perhaps with a newer outkok on life
and with a wonder in your heart, and
you will puzzle long .on the wonderful
personality thn.t has made Eva
Tanguay what she .
For Eva Tanguay is an enigma: Her
voice is not her charm; her beauty is
not amazing.
Her gestures defy all Delsartian
rules, and her graces conform to few
accepted theories of the ideal or artis
tic; yet she sways her audiences at her
will, moves them to enthusiasm, com
pels their laughter and leaves them
still demanding more of her presence
The attendance at Dr. Alden' class
discussions in "Comparative Politics,"
would literally think young Americans
Tvnrrt nnfl reti iatu in hf.ni ihn wo v thn
f i,.. : th A.o.;n ...t.n. f ,.ni, and her songs,
government are dissected and analyzed I " magnetism of some .sort, a pow
?. .i...:. i... :..i ..... .,i,. er nossessed bv but tew, an mexpliC'
Even though statesmen-to-be do thinkable something that the ..Scotchman, and that, to her and the manegement
the United States could iret alonir fa-1 Louder and the amiable and remark- is the one, the only important thing to
mously without a congress at all, it is able Miss Tanguary, alone of all stars know. . .
well for their spiritual, physical, ma-1
terial and niornl welfare that they live;ex. ni were pleased to learn that their' night his wife noticed that his hands
under "Old Glory" today rather than I ,. ,-, to hns been elected editor of the I were cold, and on lookine at hiin !ie
in the barbarical gloom of Europe. pacific college Crescent, the bi-monthly 1 found that he had passed away' in his
1 publication of that thriving little eauca- sleep.
Defvincr any loyal son of the demo-. tinnnl inntitntinn. The success which I The funeral service was held nl the
CTatie ranks to remove it, a flarid stab i attended Miss Miles' work in English at ' Catholic church in this city this morn
ing at 9:'ii0 o'clock, conducted by the
Rev. Fr. I.iuiuU, and was largely at
An obituary will be published next
week. Htnvton Standard.
at Wilsoninifpriiiciplcs remained posted Willamette lust year assures continu-
nnaer loeit ana Key on me taion nan ance ag the editor ol that newspaper.
bulletin board for approximately 24
hours. When James Ewing happened to
see it, however, the donkey's turn to
bray was in order for a few deft touches
with nn axe severed the door from its
hinges and the obnoxious : slain was
speedily torn into shreds.
Ever alert to the needs of the ffom
munity, Paul R. Smith, a dual graduate
definite program and many friends pre
dict a good race fer that position in the
Sixth ward.
At the family home in the Waldo
Hills, Monday, at 11:00 a. m., occurred
the death o'i Miss Henrietta Denny, af
ter an illness lasting only from Satur
day. Miss Denny was boru in the Waldo
Hill. Feb- 14. 1H59. the dav in which
Although there is no real estate move
ment urouud St. Paul, there have been
several smull deals in city property of
. n... r i a: 1 1.1 t.
" - , ..... ..... : i'ihii. tr. .1. .1. urivf r. uiir iiu.tv uiuuii'.
in lnw nn.1 libepnl nrts lnut venr l,n -Oregon Detnme a Plate, one receivcu -- -
tlvrihU That Zl Z Mnall education in the school nearomith and l.orsesl.oer, has purchased the
tossed His nat into tne political ring as , , J v;nmtt rtim mwl nrnnertv he hun heen occunv-
an aspirant to aldcrmanic honors. Hwi"" ' u. t,l u th i ni.f from I'eter McDonalil. Mr. E. L.
For fifteen years she followed the
vocation of teaching, in which she prov
ed very successful. She then returned
to the home place where she has since
made her home with her brothcrErnest
and sister. Miss Clara, who with her
Betting Even Money
On Election Now
New York, Oct. 2S. The first large
sized election wager to be made at
eve money was reported in Wall
Street today. It was b a wealthy
democraat of Goldfield, Nevada, who
if said to have placed $25,000 at even
money on the president's re-election.
Berne wagers were being placed at
odds of 10 to 0 on Hughes, but business
was small.
Ten to Nina On Wilson.
Pan Francisco, Oct. 28. John Cole
iosn, a local sporting man, today bet
$0,000 on Hughes to win at the presi-
' I
Woodburn Business
Mens Ticket Put Up
Woodburn,.. Or., Oct. 28.--At a meet
ing of the business men of Woodburn
today the following city ticket was
placed in nominaation to be voted upon
at the municipal election November 7:
Mayor, John F. Steelhamnier; council
men, M. J. Olson and W. H. Broyles;
recorder, G. H. Becbe; treasurer, H. M.
From a preliminary survey of the Wil
lamette field which it is the function of
the junior class to mirror in the Wallu
lah each year, there is no room for
doubt that this year's annual bids fair
to he a very creditable production. As
editors. Errol Proctor, soldier of Com
pany M fame, athlete, social lion and
all-around favorite, has mapped out a
"dummy" which is teaming with the
spirit that makes old Willamette fa
mous. That work may be systematized in
interests of efficiency, the respective
features of the book have been assigned
to various embers of the junior class.
Afiss Helen Goltra is to have charge of
the social affairs, Miss Ruth Spoor the
campus organizations as well as the ad
ministration, and Miss Margaret Gar
McKern of Portland, recently became
the owner of the A. Hombeck property.
There has been $1U,U(I0 worth of red
clover seed shipped out u'i the im
mediate vicinity to .Portland and east
ern Market.'! this season. It is conser
vatively estimated that at leant 20 cars
brothers, Elmer and Byron are left to will be shipped before the season closes.
mourn ner passing, aiiss lenny was uuu pmuiuro i inuiuR up iu. - uum
vell liked by her acquaintances and 'els per acre and selling up to 75i: per
her death will be a sorrow to her muny bushel, there seems to bo no compluint
friends, who will sympathize with the from that source.
bereaved ones in their loss. - Joe and Herman Bumiing and Tho-s.
The funeral took place this afternoon ' Mullen left 'J or 'Frisco Sunday, going
at 1:30 o'clock in the Methodist church. Ivii Portlnnd and taking the Great Nor
Kev. Lockhart officiating, and there! them boat from Fluvel.
was a large attendance at the services. The E .It. Nelson place has been at
Wtayton Standard. trading njany people to St l'aul very
seldom seen on our streets.
PEATH OF MICHAEL FEEY. j The unuuul forty hours devotion will
. - be h"Id at St. Puul church on Novem-
Hiahael Fery, who for a number of ber 1 to 3 this year ami will be conduct
ed ny tne neuempuoiiitji xuiuera ui
.a..ir..., u..u rKrel t-, resijent of this place, died sud- ed by the Redemptioi
rison the respective classes. Assisting , " . vl u l" ""-). "" ' i
in the task of assemblage of material isl'' ' his home Sun.iay night He Portland.
TT.nl.l v.Hn Ai.h.,l. th WW had been in hH, usual he-;b -e-1 Several applicants fi
H DnHilBlllllllQ
aimiiiiiiin a
A Novelty Surprise
Both Sides of Vaudeville
Harmony Singing, Dancing and Yodling
7 People 7
de Luxe
The Man From Ireland
i inniiimiini I
Sweden's Representative Athletes
Matinee and Evening
I GRAND Theatre i
dential election November 7. He put
down $9,000 of this against $10,000
Wilson money. The odds he got on
other bets is not known, although
much of it is belieed to have been at
' even money.
also Harold Eakin. Although the book
does not appear until May Day, Man
ager Harold Miller is sparing so plans
in working out the business affairs cen
tered around the success of this big
junior undertaking. A studio has al
ready been chosen for the photographic
work and the printing firms have sub
mitted their bids. With such admirable
enthusiasm ushering in the work as far
in advance, the '1918 Wallulah will as
suredly be s credit to all concerned.
The many friends of Miss Lyra Miles,
Hiram Musical Comedy Co.
A Feast of Laughter for Young and Old
All New Company, New Girls, New Comedians, New Costumes
15 People, Mostly Girls 15
1 Bligh Theatre, Sunday-Monday
tiring did sot seem so well- During the take part
rum St. Paul will
u the Knights of Columbus
initiations at Mt. Angel on November
12. Woodburn Independent.
Macleay Items
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Macleay, Ore., Oct. 27. The Parent
Teachers' association began tho work of
the season Inst Friday evening at the
school house when they met to discuss
the various problems of school neces
sity. Lamps and playgrounds apparat
us received attention in the discussions
of the evening. Miss Bertha Clurk, of
Salem, entertained the association with
bor great talent of whistling, rendering
several selections, much to the gratifica
tion of the company.
Eluborute plans are being made for
the social side of next month's meeting
and the committee in charge, Mesdames
F. E. Ooodell ami H. E. Martin, are
I working hard to secure talent of large
enough calibre for the association. Al
ready the rumor lias spread that several
speakers of note will be present.
Mention has been made befure in
i Wednesday 's paper of the Rient Hal
lowe'en and harvest festival to be held
Saturday evening, October 28, at 8 p. in.
at the Mackenzie. As was stilted before
everyone old or young is eertiiintly ex
pected to come and enjoy the best time
As a further evidence of the good
times which are prevalent in the north
west we note the erection of a new barn
by Arthur Dalrymplc, the erection of a
new home by August Lent., and the
construction of a silo by 11. K. Martin.
Among the other building improvements
of note are the reshingling of Firman
Nash's burn and the recent repairing
of the F. E. OOodell home.
We of Macleay huve been assured of
Wilson ' re-election by several of the
stand-pat republicans of Snlem. In con
versing with one recently your writer
was told that Wilson was a sure winner
even though he (the republican) did not
vote democratic.
Others have assured the correspond
ent that Hughes has no show. In speak
ing of Wilson recently one said: "Wil
son hus the people behind hiin wherever
ho goes. It is marvelous."
II. O. Taylor and wife are again at
home ufter u long motor tour which in
cluded a trip to The Dalles. They ar
rived home early this week.
11. E. Martin und wife motored to
Perrydule, Polk county, Tuesday ami
returned with several boxes of delicioim
Theron Hussell was a Salem visitor
Wednesday. At present he is engaged in
diKKing potatoes. He reports ti5 acres
of summer-fallow sown to grain-
Homer Russell returned home recently
from Shclbum, where h hus been en
gaged in drying prunes,
O. B. Chnpiiinn is assisting at the h
O. Swales home in Bethel during tho
family's absence in Washington caused
by the death of Mrs. Swales' brother.
Word hus been received that llev.
F. P. Allen, of McMiunville, will be ut
the Sunday school Sunday afternoon,
October 20, at 2 p. in. Mr. Allen is an
engaging and pleasant speaker and a
hearty welcome is extended to all who
w ish to heur hiin-
Frank Nicswunder is hauling cord
wood to Salem at present.
Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Morris, of Turn
er, dined Sunday at the 11. hi. Mania
Miss Byers spent the week end ut the
Vnrtin home.
I'lii'le And what does your young
mail do I'or n living Niece Why, unc
le, you can't e::pect Jack to do anything
for n living while we are en'jned.
irection of
Wm. Morris
Frank Kelly of Kelly-Kneeland big Musical Revue which will open a tv
A Sensation!! EVA TANGUAY
Assisted by Charles J. Ross and Company in a
Travesty on
A Scenic Production of Oriental Splendor
Prices 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.0 O
Seat sale opens Monday, Nov. 6. Mail orders now
Reserved Early