Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 28, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
October 2S, 1010.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President. Vice-President.
Sec. nnd Trcns.
Daily by carrier, per year
Daily by mail, per year ..
, 3.00
Per month 4.1c
Per month 35c
New York, Wnrd Lewi Willianis Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chicago, W. II. Stockwell, People's Gag Building
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
porch. II! the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phono the circulation manager, as this is the only
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instruction.
Phone Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be scut you by speeiul
messenger if the currier has missed you.
' Next Monday "Salem Week" will be ushered in and it
will be a busy week, full of interest and life and local
There are many reasons why Salem should dress up,
and why its people should put on their best raiment and
feel proud.
Salem has gone through the period of depression that
followed the bursting of the real estate boom on the
Pacific Coast and has come out unscathed. The people
of its trade area stopped speculating on realty three or
four years ago and went to work to develop the country
and raise something to sell and they are succeeding.
This year the fruit and agricultural products of the Salem
trade area totaled $2,540,000. Then there is to be added
the output of our local mills and factories which are ship
ping their products to all points of the compass. Isn't it
something to dress up over and feel proud of this
grappling with adversity and conquering it. And even
in the midst of financial depression Salem has improved,
built new and attractive buildings, improved many
others and made public improvements all in a conserva
tive manner, but enough to show the world that we had
our nerve left.
Now the dawn of prosperity is reddening the horizon;
bumper crops, big prices are rewarding the efforts of our
people and the banks are filled with money and our
merchants are doing business as of old.
. Why not dress up and feel proud for a week? It is
coming to a people who have prospered because they re
fused tb"be downcast in the face of hard times. It will
stimulate local patriotism and home pride to stop a
moment and look around at the many things that should
make and will make Salem a splendid city; its surround
ing farms and orchards; its mills and factories; its homes
and schools and churches; its broad paved streets and
well kept lawns and attractive parks.
.This "Salem Week" when the people are dressed up and
the stores are made attractive by their finest displays
and people realize what a fine and beautiful place the old
home town is, ought to help everybody and prove
to be so stimulating and delightful that it will become
an annual event to be looked forward to with pleasur
able anticipation.
President Wilson will probably be elected because his
administration appeals to sober second thought of the
American people. Party if eeling has gradually disap
peared because there has been little since the civil war to
keep it alive. A majority of the voters expect no political
preferment they are interested only in good govern
ment at a moderate cost in taxes under which to live and
do business. Neither democrats nor republicans want to
"ruin the country" as we frequently hear the stump
speakers assert why should they when the welfare of
one citizen is the welfare of all? In fact stump speakers
of the old school, who deal . in abuse and ridicule and
distort facts and figures to score a point, do more injury
than good to the cause they espouse in such campaign as
that now in progress. The people read and think for
themselves and become disgusted with the party whose
speakers seek to befuddle them with oratory, or gain
their votes by appeals to party loyalty when they have
come to realize that party after all should be used as a
means to an end; to be taken up or discarded as the voter's
best judgment prompts him to do in the interest of good
President Wilson undoubtedly has the confidence of a
large majority of the people, who believe that in the main
he has handled national problems well, and guided the
country through a great crisis when intemperate judg
ment might have involved us as a people in devastating
and costly warfare.
National banking laws, rural credits, rights of work
Ingmen and a dozen other things have been national
issues in the platforms of both the great parties for thirty
years or more but nothing had ever been done to enact
these promises into law until Woodrow Wilson, the
schoolmaster, was placed at the head of the nation. Be
ing a schoolmaster and not a politician he seems to have
taken these promises of his party seriously and as a re
sult we have the Federal Reserve banking act, the farm
ers' rural credits law, the eight-hour day law, the anti
child labor law, the income tax Jaw, the nonpartisan
tariff commission and a number of other enactments
which seem to constitute the first big step ever made by
any president since the war toward carrying out the
pledges made in the platform of his party. The voters
all know about these things and they recognize an honest
attempt to govern the country in the interest of the peo
ple and to enhance their welfare. They are going to
think twice before they listen to the frenzied appeals of
the politicians to turn such a man down and the sober
second thought of the American businessman, farmer and
workingman will render a verdict in favor of President
Wilson. .' "
There is a growing conviction among the voters of
Marion county that L. II. McMahan should be elected
district attorney because of his superior qualifications
for the office over his competitors. It is likely that his
majority at the polls will reflect this conviction in the
most decisive manner. 1
Mr. McMahan is an independent candidate in the full
est sense, both of the leading political parties having
. n t . -r r . 1 i . 1 1 "
nominees in the neid. tie is wunout partisan uaciung ue
cause he was urged into the race by business men and
farmers who realize that a man of positive character
and good legal ability should be chosen to fill this im
portant place. McMahan has shown in many instances
that he knows how to fight an important case through
court and win it in the end. He is fearless and independ
ent but fair and just as a prosecutor. Politicians are not
backing McMahan's campaign but a committee of tax
payers is behind it and back of them are the thousands
of voters who want to see a district attorney elected who
is qualified for the place.
Marion county will participate in the building of a
bridge at Salem next year, costing $150,000 or $200,000
and there will be contracts to draw up and other legal
matters the district attorney must oversee. Should a
man who never practiced law in his life be entrusted with
this work? That is only one of the many reasons why
Marion county should elect L. II. McMahan, and at this
time it looks as if there was no question about the voters
doing their duty in this matter and recording that verdict
by a decisive majority.
LADD&BUSH, Bankers
Established 1863
CAPITAL - - - - $500,000.00
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
Professor Hotchkiss, of New York University, told a
bunch of advertising men a baby's cry was an advertise
ment. He was correct. It is "a want ad"'and like those
in the Capital Journal, always brings results. Some ad
man who heard the professor, and who is no doubt a
father, suggested that the baby seemed to have a prefer
ence for the early morning editions.
Now comes a heartless doctor who says infantile
paralysis is caused by gasses from automobiles. This is
probably why the disease is most prevalent in the tenna
ment districts. But how does the learned physician ac
count for the disease being epidemic at times long before
automobiles were invented? His statements like those
of the warlike colonel, do not square with the facts.
Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards, a wealthy woman of Mount
Washington, Pennsylvania, is the boss adopter. She
wanted Mrs. Elizabeth Evans, who is 38 and the mother
of eight children, to have a share in her estate, and so
adopted her. Here is a suggestion for John D., for while
he is not generally popular lots of fellows would not object
to having him for a brevet father.
. 9 9 . . . . n . -w
. (Eugene Daily Guard.)
Congressman W. C Hawley, candi
date for re-election from the first con
gressional district, if ho had the inter
ests of the men who work in the lum
ber mills at heart would know how
much Canailian lumber had been im
ported into the United brutes. In his
address in Eugene he said he did not
know, but he made the assertion that
since the pn.ssuge of the Underwood
law immense amouuts of Canadian lum
ber hud been imported and Hint the wor
kers in the mills in this country suffer
ed as a result. That Mr. Hawley had
just returned from Washington ami did
not have figures to quote on the impor
tation of Canadian lumber into this
country is conclusive evidence that he
has rio business representing this or any
other district in the Congress of the
United states.
Congressman Hawley 's off hand sta
tement as to the importations of Cana
dian lumber is not supported by facts
or figures and is untrue. The importa- j
tion of Canadian lumber into this
country reached the high point under
the administration of President Wm. H.
Tnft, before the passage of the Under
wood tariff, and has never been equal
led at any time under the administra
tion of President Wilson. The depart
ment of commerce of the United Stntcs
government will supply any one inter
ested with the figures on application
and Mr. Hawley, if he renlly wanted to
know how miuh Canadian lumber had
been imported could hnve obtained this
information easily.
Mr. Hughes also spoke of cheap labor
in the Canadian mills and asserted that
the Underwood tariff was responsible
for American labor being thrown on the
market in competition with this cheap
labor. Whnt are the facts? Is the la
bor employed in the Canadian 'mills
chenp labor? If so, lion- do these re
publican campaigners account for the
fact th"t lumber nnd shingles are selling
nt higher prices in British Columbia
than in Portland nnd Seattle.
The Tiniberninn, published at Port
land and mi authority on west const
lumber products, nt pages 55 and 5H in
its September issue, gives the prices of
cedar shingles at Vancouver, B. C, rang
ing from $2.05 to $2.70 per thousand,
to the wholesale trhde according to
grade, and at Seattle from $1.50 to $1.
SO, and nt Portland from $1.55 to $185
per 1,000, according to grado. The prices
given for cedar logs at Vancouver are
10.50 per 1,000 feet for shingle cedar
and $12.25 to $12.50 per 1,000 feet for
logs suitable for cedar lumber, while nt
Portland cedar logs were quoted nt $9
to $10 per 1,000 feet and nt Grays Har
bor, Wash., $11 was the highest. No
specific price wns given at Seattle for
cedar logs. According to the quotations
given, the cheapest or lowest priced
shingles in British Columbia nre 20
cents higher than the best or highest
priced ones in Portland, nnd 25 cents
higher than Seattle.
As reported in the Timbernmn for Oc
tober, E. G. Ames, a prominent lumber
man, in his remarks on the lumber situa
tion, said:
"I think they are getting in British
Columbia $1 to $ii 'more per thousand
than we are getting for shingles. In
Hritish olumbin they get $12 for tim
ber ns against our $0. They are get
ting $27 for flooring ns against our $22.-
)0. We have nil we want in the wav of
business and I cannot see why we can
not hold for higher prices."
these are figures taken from a trade
publication and compiled for trade pur
poses. They discredit the statement that
Canadian lumber is cheap and that Am
erican labor has suffered because of im
portations from Canadian mills.
The lumber producer in this country
today is underselling the Cannlian lum
ber producer. This is reflected in ex
ports during the past week from Colum
bia river points to Australia and other
British possessions. These are facts
which the men in the mills should think
The consumer in Oregon nnd Washing
ton is today paying more for lumber
than he did before the pns-sage of the
Underwood bill. The market has not
been broken down by importations of
lumber, on the contrary, the market
reflects that Canada cannot now supply
Great .Britain 's demands. If tins is true,
what can the Pacific coast mills in the
United States expect when the re-construction
period in Europe sets in, fol-
William Galloway
Circuit judge Third
Judicial District
Candidate for Re-Election.
(Paid Adv.)
vW ' TOR
You are invited to investigate..ny public and private record.
(Paid Adv.)
They dread my coming, east and west, and
north and south they dread me, and if my
person they possessed, no doubt they would
behead be. Along the country roads I go,
still striving to go faster, and every other
mile or so I spring some small disaster. To
beat all records, west and east, it is for that
I hanker! And here and there I kill a priest,
and here and there a banker. I'm worse
than lightning's lurid breath; I am the
scourge titanic; I'm battle, murder, sudden
death; my other name is panic. With
Azrael I deftly work, to fill the churchyard acre; and here
and there I slay a clerk, and here and there a baker. I am
a threat to all who drive their motor wagons sanely; by
care they try to keep alive, and free from wounds, but
vainly. I whiz around a comer sharp, and grind such
people under; and while my victim draws a harp, I scorch
along like thunder. To all who in this valley jog, I bring
the last trump closer; and here I spoil a pedagogue, and
there I bag a grocer.
I J City Recorder
Please remember that the city recorder is also police judge and pre
sides over the police court. If I am elected to this office it shall be my
earnest desire to so conduct the police court that no boy or girl who may
be unfortunate enough to get into its toils shall ever be done an injus
tice. I will apply Twentieth century methods in the matter of dealing
with all juvenile cases. No child will be thrown into the city jail or re
commended to the reform -school so long as there remnius any other way
to dispose of the case in conformity with the law. Many a boy has been
made a criminal through the stupidity of some officer."
. A. M. DAI.RYMri.E.
(Paid adv.)
E. E. Cooper
I believe in civil service for the police department, and in a more
full co-operation between the police department and the home, for the
protection of young girls and boys. With the assistance of all good
citizens, I shall if nominated and elected enforce nil laws alike, play
ing no favorites. I earnestly solicit your support. (Paid Adv.)
One of the Republican Nominees for
Circuit Judge
Practiced Law in This District for "H
Address, Salem, Oregon
Paid Adv.
peace that will boom the lumber trade,
lowing the close of the European war.
It is not going to be a high tariff, but
The maunfacture of oil from birck
bark is becoming an important industry
of the southern states.
la " . .
Muriel Franklyn came in the day aft
er I met Burton'aud I saw at once that
she had something on her mind. Before
she spoke I was sure Burton had told
her that I had questioned him-
"I met Mrs. Gardner as I came
along," she commenced, "and she look
ed stunning. But for heaven's sake.
Mildred ,dou't be jealous of her. She's
almost old enough to be your mother."
"I know, and if she were an ordinary
tvpe of a woman I shouldn't be a bit
jealous.. But she is so horribly fascin
ating even to nie tha,t I can't help
feeling that she is dangerous, She is, I
am sure, a person to be reckoned with.
She frightens me with her diabolical
beantv. I believe she is in love with
Clifford, and doesn't care a rap that
he has a wife."
"Oh, pshaw, Mildred! She may be
trying to make him fall in love with
her; such women are never happy un
less they have the devotion of every
man they meet. But Mr. Hammond
would never dream of leaving a young
and pretty wife you ARE pretty. Mil
dred for" a woman of Mrs. Gardner's
age, no matter now lascinaung sne
"But I am afraid he will!" the wail
broke from me in spite of my effort at
"Not if you try to prevent it."
"But Muriel, I enn't bear to hnve to
TRY. It is terrible to feel that he pre
fers her to me his wife."
"See here, Mildred," Muriel re
proached, "are you a baby or a wo
manf "
"1 guess I am a baby, Muriel, but I
am glad to try to be a woman."
Dressing to Please Clifford.
I set myself immediately to work. I
cautioned Mandy not to notice anything
Clifford might say or do, and on no ac
count to let him see that she resented
anything he said or did to me. Without
Mandy I should be so absolutely cut off
from everyone I had always known that
I could not couteuiplate losing her with
out trembling; yet I -knew it would
take but little more interference or dis-'
approval of Clifford's treatment of me
to have him discharge her.
As the days passed I couldn 't see that
all my efforts amounted to anything,
yet I would not be discouraged.
"Rome. wasn't built- in a day!" I
would say to myself and then jry to
do something which might win me a I
word of love or approval. I would not
have anyone think that Clifford wns
always unkind actively unkind, I
mean, for he was not'. He was often
carelessly pleasant or indifferent. But
he seldom gave me a loving word or
caress; and he never praised me unless I
was handsomely dressed.
The result wns that I spent money
lavishly for clothes. If that was the
only way I could win his admiration
why I would use that way. Fortun
ately Lorraine was a wise modiste, and
while charging me outrageous price
she made my clothes very simplv, ap
propriate for my ago, of soft, clinging
fabrics and delicate colors.
The Way to a Man's Heart.
During these weeks I took great
pains with my table. I studied cook
books, and tried in every way to have
a well-balanced menu; always of things
Clifford liked. I had heard" people joke
about the way to reach a man's heart
beiug through his stomach, so I spent
many hours on the consideration and
purchasing of food, only perhaps after
getting up an elaborate dinner to have
it carried out untasted. For when Clif
ford failed to c.ome home without tele
phoning that he was detained or gi
ing me some excuse I could not eat
Sly food choked ine.
At SUch times I Uftllftltv rlrflnlr a ,tn
Of C0fffe. And wnf 111.rt.iM a t U
library and spent the time reading ar
studying. . That was the only way I
conld get my mind away from the
thought of Clifford 's neglect
(Monday Musie Hath Charms For
I Some.)