THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL; SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCT. 28, 1916. n Just Arrived Big Shipment n ii ii ii ii Bell-ans II - . - . - l ot Trunks, Bags, butt Cases ot every de- Traveling ii Absolutely Removes Indigestion. OneDackaore j J , proves it 25c at all druggists. jj scription the largest line of DALLAS ITEMS !! II II II M n ii it ii ii ii ii ii i: ii ii !! II ii II II II Accessories in Salem. Trunks of all sizes arid makes to suit each individual re quirement at: fiiod erate prices. : r ii ii n Capital Journal Special .. rSveice) Dallas, Or., Oct. 27. Quito a large crowd of democrats attended the rally at Falls City last night leaving this citv about' seven o'clock in autonio-. 1 1 j biles. Senator Ham-Lane was one of the principal speakers, of, tho evening. The Dallas band was engaged to furn ish .music, for the occasion; " ',". . . ' ' Citizenship'' Papers Filed ' Homer liliberty, a native of-Can-aida, has wade 'Application to the i'otk County circuit- court for cttiwnship pa pors'Mr.'. Laliberty is a resident of Iii-, dcpcnil6n'e.- The case will-come up tit the April terra of circuit court. Two Diverce Suits Filed - Two 'divorce- suits- -were filed -this week- 'with ' County Clerk -Robinson. Mrs..'OnaT." SteBgVll seeks separation front her husband Hubert Stengcll and Joseph Mnjcska asks for a .divorce fronr Mrs.'." Jessie. Ma,joska The' The Mnjeskaa have' one child, n little girl about eight years old. '. t WEST SALEM - Hand Bags and Suit Cases in the quality and style you want at the price you wish to pay. See our display in i west window. Get our prices on Trunks, Bags and 11 Suit Cases and buy now while -11 stock is complete and prices right ii 1 1 u L A AAA A A A A A A A AAAAAAAAA rTTTTt T TTTTT tTTTTTTTT Kill the Chill in Boad Convention this Week A big road convention will be held in the court honsc in this city on Sat urday afternoon October 28th' at which time delegates from each district in the county will be present." The object of the meeting is to form definite plans for road, work tor the coming year und to talk over the general subject of road improvement. The financial needs of each district' will also be ascertain ed at this meeting and will be present ed to the county court ot the December meeting when the budget for the com ing year is ninde up. The convention is called together by Roadmnstcr Wal do Finn, who is desirous of having the co-operutioirof all sections' of the coun tv. in the future road work. with one of our Heaters. . Many patterns and styles to choose !! i Th."":? t" kKR""t from. Prices to suit every purse j ' . ." Dallas Men Honored Oscar llayter of this city has been appointed one of the twenty vice pres idents of." the West Side Highway as sociation which was formed in this city several weeks ngo. Among the honorary lAewuerg is presment ol iiio associa tion. . ' ' iiiiii i rm x r H U Tn a head on collision between a couple of hand cars, on the railroad I track, near the Kingwood depot Friday, I Harold Smith was somewhat bruised! and shaken up, one thumb being so j badly cut that it required twelve stitches to close the wound.?.. Mrs.' K; Lnhtz of Tillamook and Mrs. F. A. Thompson of Salem Heights were recent guests. at thc'D. Cade home. ..There was a " reception Friday, even ing at the Methodist parsonage for Rev. end Mrs.-W.. ,1. JVrtrrcn and -fam-l ily. Air.. Warren is minister, of, West ' Salem circuit this year. The Ladies-Aid watt reorganized and officers elected as follows: Pres.,, M rs,' Warren, vice prtjsi- j dent Mrs., James,, secretary, Mrs. ,Bed-j t'ord, treasurer, Mrs. Hunt. . Delbert. Moara had the misfortune to give the 'middle, fingernail his. Iff t hanil.l a imi cur. win aa-axe raiuruay morn ing, when (itteuijitilig to split kindling' wood. lie worried more'nbout not being able to play his beloved violin for a while than for any pain the blow caused 'him."" . . ... . . , ... . Mrs.-V. McLaren of Highland was a Wednesday guest ut the J, R. Bedford home. '.. . ...... " . . . . v '. , . The Ladies Aid met with' Mrs. Bed ford Thursday p m. Soiiie routine busi ness was transacted and plans laid' for future work. Light refreshments were served and meeting adjourned to nicet with Mrs. D. K. Brminon on the second Thursday in Xovember. The Ladies Aid will serve 'n hot din ner on election day at the J. T. Hunt residence, it. being convenient to the polling place. The ladies will appreci ate patronage as they arc in need of' funds. I Dave Purviiie and family of King-j wood have moved onfi a farm near Mc- i Nary. , j A family by the name of Oudirkirk from Falls City have moved into the J. T. Hunt house.' Mr. Oudirkirk wus call-! ed to Canada some time since to set tle up some money matters in connec tion with n brother's death and has not yet returned. ! The" Simpson tifmily hnve gbno to Turner to live and Looneys have moved to Molalla to live on a farm. ' (leo. Toliiu has been suffering from : boils on his rifiht 'hand. Klood poison-! ing set in but prompt attention and ! -treatment brought it under control and I his hand is now 'much better. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore arrived' home from Southern Oregon Friday for n visit. with Jlr. . Moore's parents; on! Monday they went to liiienn Vista for a visit, with Mrs. Moore's people and Thursday Mr. Moore went to J'artlnnd on a business trip. . (ieo. Frusairo is very ill at his home on Front street. Clinton Wood and family recently, moved into the I'inckuev house. Mr.! W. L. Soehren was a Capital city'vis itor Wednesday afternoon. 0. It. Hundberg and F.lmer Matho ney were Salem visitors Thursday morning. V V PulL.r r.tiiriin,1 TI,.,rU,l,,v morning from Portland where he hadWu"1 W'H "ssist alioiit the dairy, been for sever n I duvs attendiug a " '. lumbermen's meeting. I Wnnflhlim NPWC U. L. Starr, fi. nroininent flttornev of ,i vwmwmi.. iiviiv ;Portland, was a Dallas business visit or Thursday. Willis Snnontipn, democratic nominee (Capital Journal Special Service. 1 Woodburn, Ore., Oct. 29. The. mem- 'MTMMtMMMMtMiMTttMMHMMMMMMMmMMMMMtM . A. Willamette Valley News MMMtt dnv Central Howell Items Branch. I Jliss May Moores and Frank Sim- mons were Portland visitors last Sun- (Capital Journal Special rSvcice) I day. Central Howell, Oct. 2". Last Sun-j Mrs. Kmma McLugal of Portland was day Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brnncli were!1 U1K V V.r- aI,u Jirs-cter oter- in attendance at a birthday dinner at i , fen's and family. Ira Leighty was so excited last Sun- Ailnm Burns', given m honor of Mrs. '.lay when he took his girl to church, Adam Burns, mother of Mrs. Kthel . he' forgot to remove the tugs from his Ml ," STOPIIffllll VI " 1 II If we all would spend our money in Salem Salem Merchants would have more money to tempt manu facturers to come here with more pay rolls we will have more Salem. Let everybody help Salem" next week Salem Week, and dress un week;Tv J patronizing Salem Merchants. new suit. !) u M I U.. Miss fena .Meften is staymg with old Rj,l, and Miss Pearl Rich motored Mrs. Fred Durbin. Little Helen Zanders of Salem, daugh ter of P. F. Zanders was visiting the to fnlcm Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. K. D. Cosper is Visiting with relatives in Salem this week. M:.. v:n U......1. ..e D....I :.. nnut n.nAl '! M- . , , ..llj-B . 1 1 .1 llll II til tllll IS I ! r-n. .iBB urey uuggen. , itil,K , t, ,,, f inr,.llt8) M. C IIUllllHI V I .---.- ., w., x..,. . " Hiviir for county, treasurer, was a Falls City, "' of the Woman's club are giving visitor Thursday afternoon. - j a Hallowe'en carnival at the armory A. S. Campbell, the Main street mer- Tuesday evening, October 31. chant, was a business visitor in Port- ' Walter C. Griesol, of Portland, spent land Wednesday. j Monday and Tuesday in this city. W. L. Barber, street, commissioner,' Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray McKinney were has returned from a short visit with presented with a nine pound baby boy relatives in Corvallia. . j Tuesday morning. A. E. Thompson and D. C. Heistnnt' Mr. and Mrs. Dunnels, Mr. and Mrs. ! former Dallas residents now residing flnrrie ilnynes and daughter, Mrs. at Corvallis were in the city Wcdnes-, Dwire of Silverton, motored to this T city Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs- D. A. ' Smith, Miss Maude !McKee. j .Lynn Fuller, who is attending Mt. ! Angel college, spent the week-end here, i Mr. Karl Sims and Miss Ksther Herge ! of this city, were married nt Vancouver, Wash., Wednesday. I Mrs. Sadie iJimick returned Sunday j Francis Sharpillos! is working, forjund Mrs. 11. Clay Burch in this citv. I brother. Hichmd Wri.rl.t nf v..ln.. i Fred Durbin. Miss Buich is taking training in oj Aldon Ogle from Sun Francisco, who uy uiu jra i.eignty iook so sail "re course in i oi-iinnii. tins lieen visiting relatives here, return- nr. nnl -Vis. A. H. istnrbuek nccom-i,., home Saturday panied by Dr. ami Mrs. II. II. Bender-1 MrSi j) A- (,w'iiiiif Los Angeles. Ciil., schott, of Portland, returned from was a guest of Mrs. Harold Austin Wed severul ilays hunting trip on Salmon : .,.ki1iiv river, Wednesduy night. MiM Alllin As)loc Bi(itl,r ,T, ,h n n nn . Mrs. r. J. ( raven returned V ednes-: visite,, in nrtillll( Slln,ny ,, Moll. day trom a short visit nt the home ut!(ny her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Win. Tyler The dunce given bv the Woodburn Smith at Sheridan. high scl .tliletic club in the armory .Mr. and r.Ms. R. L I rati xhave re- Mturday night by p ,le from Silver turned to heir home at Riverside, ( nl- tnll M Uonald, Portland, Mt. An .torn,,,, at er a short visit at the home , , , , ; Every one enjoy of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sweeney on M.lljJ;,, gl)()1 tim() -1 street. i ii;., vi..,.. , ..... .. i,.....i , ... .no nil,!,', . iini.l , ill l III l 111 nil, spent the week-end with Cressentia Mllntt ami iittended the dance. I Mr. and .Mrs. K. 0. Syiou left for j Oregon City Friday, where they expect ; to make their future home. I Karl un, I Blnm-hc Waller, of Portland, J s t the week-eml with Naomi Hicks. .miss iieien rtcoimni visited in 1'ort- Wednesday night. Ask Ed Schar he can toll. Last Sunday Abo Steffen and family motored to Clackamas. Mr. anil Mrs. Sinn Spitler are expect ed home soon. Last Friday night the boys gave Mr. and Mrs. Jim . Luuderback" a tin pan serenade. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy RogerSt were visiting with triends. The Cherry Bud band was surely fine at the temperance meeting Wednesduy eve. Mr. Reeves and Rev. Klvin were me speakers of tne evening. Every body glad to see 1 Burns at the temperance meeting. Amos Branch's moved on the Mc Corkle place. Fred Durbins have moved on their place. Karl Rumsilens have moved on the Walker place, Mrs. Abe Stcffeii, Mrs. Albert .Ian, and Miss Laurel .liuiz visited the I'en trul Howell school Thursday. Hayesville News (Capital Journal Sscial Service) For one week only we propose to sell perfectly good Dining Room Furniture at an Astonishing Discount Listen to This: ; No, 492- Quartered Oak Pedistal . Extension Table, nusn top 04-in. Dyb-it., regular $35.W, now.J25.20 ; No.' 202" Quartered . Oak Pedestal Extension Table; ; plank top 52-in. by, 8-ft.r regular $45.00, now $29.70 I NO.-497 'Ouartered Oak 'Pedestal Extension Tablp: ' ! 48-in. .by. j5-f t. top, -regular $25.00, now ' ; -. $18.45 - 1 AT.' "ii , A 1. . f-k V a 1 1- . 'm " ' t . JJ m ' V '" 1 J" aw asu reaestai extension raDie,-42-in.; by b- ft.; regular $i2.oo; now . r::iCv. . J7J5 , Also about ten other Tables reduced in proportion, BUffETS ,. ! No. 25:3 Ash Buffet, top 42-in.x21-in., beveled French ; Mirror 10x2-in., regular $24, now . . ;T.jj2.00 No. 555 Fumed Oak Buffet, top 48-in.xl7-in.', French beveled Mirror 8x44-in., regular $:5.00,.now $21.00 No. 180' Quartered Oak Buffet, top 48-in.x22-in., French beveled Mirror 10x:)8-in., reg. $:i5, $24.50 No. 080 Quartered Oak Buffet, top . 48-in.x22-in., . French beveled Mirror 14x:8, regular $:50, $19.50 Other Buffets too numerous to mention, reduced in same proportion. CHINA CLOSETS No. 297 Fumed China Closet, mission pattern, : height 56-in., width :$2-in., depth 16-in., regular $27.50 ;...............;...;...........;. : $12.75 No. 50:5 Golden Quartered Oak, hight 64 inches, width :)Q inches, depth 14 inches, regular $25, $16.25 No. 642 Golden Quartered Oak, colonial pattern, : height 60 inches, width :6 inches, depth 15 inches," ! regular $27.50 ...1 ........ $17.75 '. No.' :&) Fumed Oak, Mission pattern, height 6: ' inches,, width 46 inches, depth '16, inches, regular m-oo..... .......................$18.85 CHAIRS No. 062 Ash Dining Chairs, per set of 6, regular $10.00, . .................. ......:..:.v.v..$725- No. 481 Golden Oak, dull finish mission pattern, per ' set of 6; regular $13.50; .'v ; . ; .; ; .... . -. , $0.75 No. 921 Oak Leather Seat Chairs, per set of 6, reg ular $19.50 ...................... .... .... $1425 No. 721 Oak Leather Seat Chairs, per set of 6, reg ular $30.00 p.80 These goods are up to date, stylish, well finished, and the best bargains in Dining Room Furniture ever offered here. Call and be convinced. Visit this store frequently if you wish, to know the lowest Prices. , , , . ;. Max O. Buren HOUSE FURNISHER Chicago Store Block Commercial and Court Frank (iillium, a prominent rancher in the reiii'e country, was a Dnlius vis itor this week on business. St. Louis News (Capital Journal Special Service) St. Louis, Oct. 7. .Mrs. John I'Vr- rhwciler ami sou, Lawrence, who went 10 . l 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 - last Siiuilay to attend the funeral of Mike Fery returned home yesterday. Mr. Fery was buried yes terday. Mrs. Charley Leltruu ami two chil dren who went to I'cnilleton lor a two weeks stnv returned . home last Weil- Prepare This for a Bad Cough It's Fine Ckraplr aad Easily Made, but Uun the Work Quickly, The finest cough syrup that money ran uuy, costing only aiiuut onc-littu as Hnvesville, Or., Oct. 27. J. Brume- nesdny uiulit. ciu-cio. and family have moved to Su j Mr. Dene is visiting in I'ortliiud this lein and are living on Front street. wees. MlHfl Killill Titta I'liiiiii hiinin frmi. ' Most lit tllC l)lOlill in St. l.Ollis II fC Monmouth on Friday evening to spend .ligng- their potatoes and are selling ; "' ISXl the week end at home, returning to , them at HO eeiitj a luislie ; luk.j, j,,,,,, Bn, ,,, uiHtr,.eBinj coiiL'iis, tnroat and chest colds will really make you enthusiastic about it. Any druggist can supply you with 21j ounces of l'illex (All rents wnrthl tl .I'iMir this into a pint lxittle aid till the I Imttle i syrup. With ids in irranulatcd Shake thoroughly and sugar it is her school duties Siindiiv evening. A local school fair will he held to- Rev. Douglas of (irants I'ass spoke morrow iln the St. Louis'si hool. at the church here on Tuesday even- Louin Dubois made a flying trip to Sa ing and the Salvation Army conducteilj lem Wednesday, he will leave for I'ort the servicex on Thursday evening. limit .""atiiriiay wnere he nileiius Attorney F. II. Reeves snoke at the work all winter. Hnvesville church on Sunday morning. Mr. and .Mrs. Al .Manning Hud their rcadv for use. The total cost, is aliout The Hayesville' literary society met ! infant son baptized last Sunday, tlicy.M cents and gives' you a full pint a on Friday evening, the 'first meeting named it Walter Joseph. ! family supply of a most effectual, since last spring.. (I. K. McAfee was j Mrs. Kdinond doff in visited friends : phasant tasting remedy. Jt keeps per elected preaidant. I'ompkiii iiio, dough-; here Wednesday. K'(,,,i ..i: 11 ,. , , nuts and cider were served. . Miss I'hil Fers. hweiler who '"i"'' J," SlS' 'lila PlT, A dry rally was held at the church home for a few days visit returned 'passage of the throat and lungs loosens on .Monday night, -P. II. Reeves and O. I'orilinul Wednesday evening. land raises the phlegm, smithes and heals M. Klliott were the speakers. The Wil-! J ' jthe in Humid or swollen throat mem- lamette quartet furnished the music, j INDEPENDENCE SCHOOLS hranes, and gradually but surely the (Several persons from here attended MAX Itl USJiU BX WOKlJAi, , " . 1 V-ii "u o.reaoea ... i . 1 COIIvll 1 1 1 ili.nnnnu. ...... v.. I .. V,.iI.Ih.. . ,r .'.- a. ... .11.1,. ..uiiiiiik the Baptist state convention, held walem last week. on iii .. ... i. .:." " ; Independence, Ore., Oct. 27.-A move- v, " , , ; ' ' TV " V- Several in the coniiuunitv have folds: ment is on foot here and at Monmouth I 1'inex is a special and highly concen- or la grippe. . 'to use the Independence grade school : Ira ten eomiMiund of genuine Norway Audrey While is among the sick. i for a truiiuag "school for the state norm Little Kruest Snvage is recovering nl anil much discussion, is henrd con rrrom an attack or the measles. : J'otato digging and apple picking is the order of the day, both are a splen- did crop. She Are they very poorf He l'oor, I s!:ould say they are (They don't even own an automobile. pine extract, combined with vuaiacol mil is known the world over for ita cemiug its advisability. On Tuesday I mVmi'ranes 16 lUr" afternoon I'resideiit Ackerman, of the Avoid disappointment bv asking vour. 1 normal school, addressed the lndciend- iruggist for "2',i ounces of )'inex" with t ence t.ivie league on the sulip'ct. hol iu" uireciions ana uont accept soy- I lowing his tulk. Mrs. Civile Kcker reiid U,1'";.'l"e- A guarant. of absolute, sat- : a paper on "Old Oregon Trails." The ",lXh "T,, m-'nprnmptlv refunded . i i . i .ii-. loea with this preparation. The Puiex I club is stuilyiiig the history of Ore-j .o., j-t. Wayne, Xud. ' gou. laud lust week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Watson, of Cliaiu pnign, III., arc guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Oscar Lewis. C. C. (ioudulu and family visited in Brownsville Saturday. -Mrs. Walter St. Clair, of Coipiille, was a week-end guest of Mrs. K. V. Nicklen. Mrs. J. L. Fit.putriclt uud duughter visited with .Mrs. John Hunt Moudiiy. Mrs. S. A, Kempt will spend the win ter in Portland with her duugliter, Mrs. C. K. Nebergult. Mm. Vedders iilid Ida Bremen spent the week-end at (Hailstone visiting 1'iof. Ved.lor. Mr. nud Mrs. O. (). Fresher, of Sun Francisco, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. fcduurd Boscoe. The Necdlecrnft members were de lightfully euterluiiied by Mrs. Fred Dose lust Friday uf tei-noou, Charles Tyler went to Newport Fri I'uy to visit his grandparent-, .Mr. and .Mrs. B. F. Hull. Mrs. J. V. McAdoo, of Salem, spent Thursduy with her sister, .Mrs. Fiord Haskell. The firemen 's bull is nil event to be looked forward to. It will be given No vember 20 and promises to be something out of the ordjnary. Mrs. R. B. Houston and sou Eugene, of Salem, were guests of .Mr. uud Mrs. 10. (I. Kmnictt Sunday. F. W. Settlemier inude a business trip to Wasco county Saturday. Miss Florence Htover visited relatives in Salem Sut unlay. Mrs. Alice Smith, of Portland, spent the week end with relatives in this city. Mr. nud Mrs. I'lius. Multcu, of St. Paul, motored to Womlhurii Siiniiuy. Hayesville Notes (Cupitul Journal Special Service.) Hayesville, Ore., Oct. 27. Hayesville Ladies' Aid society met and elected the fiillowillir board nf nf t'iceCj: Prctiiilcnt .Mrs. thus. Reed; vice-president, Mrs.' William Powers; secretary, Mrs. Wil- I limn Fitts; treasurer. Mrs. Burr Teel. The next meeting will be Wednesday,! November 1, at the church parlors at w hich time all members are earnestly j requested to be present to attend to final arrangements rcgui-iliug lluyi. villo Chrysanthemum slum. The ho -r of meeting is 2 o'clock slmrp. Thursduy night's showers have lad the dust uud freshened vegetation he e to n wonderful extent. Much ) t u ' digging and apple picking ure In pio. gress here, but everybody rejoices ovt the mild shower. Hayesville Literary society which made such a hit lust year lins ngniii re assembled for the winter sessions. Tie first meeting wns Friday evening with the following new officers: President, U. LvMcAfee; vice-president, Mr. A. K. Ximincrmun; secretnry, Mrs. X. I). Heechler; treasurer, Miss Ruth Suiiey; sergcunt-at-urius, Albei t Wiill' r. Meetings will be held first and third Friday of each mouth. The next n t- ing will be Friday, November J. Open ing night was nhserteil by the follow ing prngium: Rending, Miss MmIi'c Starr; reading, Oscar Noren; anecdote, Joseph Teal. The following young peo ple each gave a one minute speech: Mi-s Sturr spoke oil "What 1 Know About Prunes. A Wulfeniever spoke on " Fords, the Best Machine Made. " Je Fitts gave a one minute tulk on "Music, Mostly Chin-Music." .Miss Kduti Fitts was ordered to discourse upon "The Boys of Monmouth School.'' Tier n muiks were clever and proved that the young woman is a close ohxerver. Pump kin pie, dough nuts and nppleju added to the pleusure of those jirosent. Dr. John Kvuns nud Mr. Samuel Parks are expected home from their Onkridge hunting trip on Tuesdnv, Octo. ler .11. IS BADLY INJURED. Dr. Brewer was called Monday to si e Alois I in per, owner of the Stnytin cheese factory, who met with nn acci dent while digging a well at his place. It seems that Mr. Imper was in the well, which was quite deep, when owing to some cause unknown, he fell, cutting a gash in the back of his head. H" wus unconscious for about 2t hours, bet' at last report was doing nicely and a speedy recovery is expected. Stuytnii Standard. Journal Want Ads Get Bciults.