Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 28, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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ONCE again society Is indebted to
the visitors in town for the prin
cipal diversions of tho past week.
The resumption of several clubs ulso
have added impetus to the scant list
of affairs that have marked tho early
Teas, dinners ami bridge parties with
Uie inevitable Kensington have formed
a large part of the social affairs of the
week and the most interesting event
was the oriental tea given by the Sa
lcm Woman ' ( lull.
Another smart affair of the week
was tho large tea for which Mrs. F. A.
Elliott was hostess Friday to honor her
Kister, Sirs. A. T. Hill of La Grande,
Oregon, .
lerham the first notable gathering
of tho winter's festivities will be the
premier party of tho Monday night
dancing club which is to bo given at
the Moose hall .Monday night.
Looking n head in the calendar there
re several things to claim the attention
of Hnleni folk, tho most interesting be
ing the Whipp concert at the Presby
terian church Wednesday night.
.... "
Society gathered at the V. W. C.
.&. this afternoon to attend tho bril
liant oriental tea given by tho Salem
Woman 'g club.
The reception w..icli is an annual
event in honor of the president of
The club, was one or the most artistic
affairs of the early season.
During tho hours of ,'i to ." o'clock
scores of matrons and maids thronged
the attractive rooms.
Besides Mrs. William Galloway, pres
ident; the honor guests were Mrs.
James Withveombe nnd Mrs. Willis ('.
fiawlcv. others in tho receiving line
were, Mrs. Alico H. Dodd, Mrs. George
O. Brown, Mrs. A. N. Moores and Airs.
F. O. Bowersox. The guests were in
troduced to tho receiving line by Mrs.
P. A. Elliott.
. Huge feathery chrysanthemums in
tones of yellow ami clusters of bril
liant foliage decked the reception
roam, as well as the room whero the
Booth string orchestra played during
the tea hours.
Assisting about the rooms were Mrs.
Russell Catlin, Mrs. A,' N. Mush, Mrs.
William Kirk, Mrs. Kichnrd Cartwirght
Mrs, Perry Kaymond, Mrs. George A.
Wood and Miss Mattio lieatty.
,. The dining room was a veritable Jap
anese garden. It was all done in fes
toons of soft colored sweet peas, with
; cherry blossoms and oriental lanterns
adding to the artistic effect.
' Here -the guests gathered for tea,
mall tables prettilv adorned with the
.ame pink and lavendar blossoms be
ing placed around the room.
Assisting in tho serving attired In
dainty and charming oriental costumes,
were Misses llertrude Oray Cuthnrinc
Carson, Hazel Downing, Mary Creed
Howard, Veda Cross, Margaret Oray,
X abel VVithycorabe,' Rita Steiucr, Flor
ence Cleveland, Constance Cartwright,
.line Fry, Aline Thompson, Grace Mean,
Helen Wood, Barbara titoiner and ltuth
Miss Mary Creed Howard will leave
the first of the month for tho south,
where she will pass, the winter. It in
the source nf much regret to Miss
Howard's host of friends that she will
be away for so long a time, as the
charming little southern girl has be
come very popular in Salem. Miss How
ard will first visit relatives In Mem
phis, Tenn., and Aberdeen, Miss., going
later to Knoxvillc, Tenn., whero she
will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
Perry Locklett, a prominent society
liming her visit in the southland.
Miss Howard will be extensively enter
tained by her many school friends and
Mr. nnd Mrs. John D. Sutherland,
who have been enjoying a few weeks
at "Arden Crnig", the K. AI. C. Neil
country homo, near Grants Pass, are ex
pected home tho tirst of the week.
4tMtMtttM tttttttttltttttt1ttttttttHttttMiMMMMuii(inM t
J Ji
Mr. and Mrs. Hartridge Gardner Whipp, prominent
Portland artists, who will appear in concert at the Pres
byterian church, Wednesday night, under the auspices
of the Salem Woman's Club.
Delightful in every detail was the
pretty tea for which Mrs. F. A. Elliott
was hostess Friday to honor her sis-
cr. Mrs. A. T. Hill, a charming matron
of Ln Grande, who is visiting her for
u few weeks.
Huge yellow chrysanthemums and
palms udorned the living room whi're 0
throng of smartly gowned matrons and
maids gathered to meet the "visitor.
Brilliunthued autumnal foliage and
Boston ivv also was effectively arrang
ed about the rooms ami hall.
Presiding at the tea table which was
centered with an artistic bnsket of
lovely uink roses and greens tied with
an airy bow of purple tulle, Were Mrs.
A. JS. Hush, .Mrs. w. E, Mik, .Mrs. kus
sell Catlin and Mrs. It. C. Miles. .
Assisting in the reception ami- din
ing rooms were: Mrs. Frank H. Spears,
Mrs. Charles L. Dick, Mrs. K. O. Seieke,
Mrs. William' Council Dyer,' .Mrs. R. J.
l'emberton, Miss. Vedn Cross, Miss Haz
el Downing, Miss Catharine Carson,
Miss Carolyn Dick and Miss Grace Beau
Those nsked to meet Mrs. Hill were,
Mrs. George H. Burnett, Mrs. C. 1'.
Bishop, Mrs. 11. J. Benn, Miss Grace
Mean, Mrs. Robert Chauncey Hishop,
Mrs. William 11. Hurghnrdt, Jr., Mrs.
George M. Drown, Mrs. F. G. Bower-
sox, Mrs. Hoy llurton, Mrs. F. At.
Brown, .Mrs. John Caughill, -Mrs. K. C.
Cross, Mrs. Harry K. Clay, Mrs. 11. J.
Clements, Mrs. Curtis 11. Cross, Miss
Margaret Cosper, Mrs. K. F. Cnrleton,
Miss Veiltt Cross, Mrs. William AIcGil
christ, Jr.j Miss Florence Cleveland,
Mrs. John A. Carson, Mrs. Alice 11.
Dodd, Mrs. Robert Downing, Miss Es
ther Carson, Miss 'Catharine Carson,
Mrs. Charles L. Dick, Miss Hazel Down
ing, Mrs. S. C, Dyer, Mrs. Frank W.
Durbin, Mrs. Asa Koff, Sirs. William
Connell Dyer, Mrs. II. C. Eplcy, Mrs.
Daniel J. Fry, Miss Jane Fry, Mrs.
Anna Rogers Fish, Mrs. James II. Fair
child. Mrs. 'Clyde C. Ira lip in, Mrs. Wil
liam T. Orier, Mrs. Kdgnr Hartley, Mrs.
Henry J. Tnlbott, MrB. C. O. Rice, Mrs.
II. U. Shipley, Mrs. William Steusloff,
Dress Up
was Mother Eve's first idea and
Dame Fashion reigns today. For
six days next week Salem will cel
ebrate Dress-Up Week and the
whole city will be in gala attire.
The instinct will be to dress up and
we will help you. Everything to
improve the ladies' appearance at
Fuller tons
415 State
Mrs. Charles K. Spaulding, Airs. E. O.
Sieekc, Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mrs.
Fred Steusloff, Mrs. Carlton Smith,
Mrs. Frank II. Spears, Miss Steusloff,
Mrs. H. J. Schulderinan, Mrs. Henry B.
Thielsen, Mrs. Frank Talkington, Miss
Cora Talkington, Mrs. H. W. Thicdsen,
Miss Ellen Thielsen, Mrs. G. A. Wood,
Mrs. E. K. Waters, Mrs. John D. Suth
erland, Mrs. Clarence Hamilton, Mrs.
Merlin Harding, Mrs, Hoffwell, Mrs. D.
A. Hodge, Miss Hodge, Mrs. Lawrence
T. Harris, Mrs. Thomas Holt, Mrs. John
H. Lewis, Mrs. Carey Martin, Mrs. Roy
II. .Mills, Mrs. Douglas Minto, Mrs.
William AlcGilchrist, Sr., Mrs. Craig
Marvin, Mrs. J. C. Nelson, Miss Mar
gery Marvin, Mrs. L. K. Page, Mrs.
George- J. Pcnrce, Miss Penrco, Mrs. E.
C. Small,. Mrs. Charles Weller, Mrs.
James Withveombe, Miss Mabel Withy
combe, Mrs. A. D. Palmer, Miss Emily
Palmer, Mrs. W. G. Allen, Mrs. Russell
Catlin, Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, Mrs.
X. D. Elliott, Mrs. G. Ebsen, Mrs. Wil
liam Gallowav, Mrs. S. M. Endicott,
Mrs. Robert 8. Gill, Mrs. B. C. Miles,
Mrs. Rollin K. Page, Mrs. Milton L.
Meyers, Mrs. H. J. l'emberton, Mrs. J.
N. Smith, Mrs. II. E. l'emberton.
Mrs. William II. Lytlo asked a few
of the younger matrons and maids to
tea, Friday afternoon. Tho affair was
most informal and the early part of
the afternoon wag devoted to sewing
and chattur.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkins (Laura
Taylor) whose wedding was an event of
last week in Albany, have returned
from their honeymoon and are at their
apartments in The Court.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Brown uiul
small grandson, Master Chandler, Brown
who have been sojourning in Ashland
for several days, will return Sunday.
During their stny there, the Browns
have been devoting much of their time
motoring to nearby places of interest.
114 Liberty I
Mrs. John II. Scott entertained Mon
day afternoon with a charming bridge
party in honor of Mrs. John Paul
Jones, who soon will leave Salem to
make her home iu Portland.
Tho residence decked with loveljy
yellow marigolds and brilliant nutumnal
foliage effectively arranged in the var
ious rooms, made an artistic background
for the playerB. ".
Four tables of bridge. were arranged
for the guests, who were tor the most
part the close friends of Mrs. Jones.
The high score honors fell to Miss Edith
Mrs. Scott was assisted bv Mrs. John
II. Albert.
Those nsked to bid .ndieu to Mrs.
Jones were: Mrs. Frederick S. Stewart,
Mrs. William II. Iny, M(9- R- R
Goodin, Mrs. Eugenia Oilltiigham,' Airs.
John B. Craig, Mrs. E, Cooke Pattou,
Mrs. A. II. Moore, Mrs. Homer II.
Smith, Mrs. E. W. Hazard, Miss Edith
Hazard, Mrs. Alfred Lovelace, Mrs. Ed
ward Gillingham. Mrs. Frank Irwin,
Mrs. James A. Wilson, Airs. Charles
II. Robertson, Mrs. David W. Eyre, AIr9.
J. W. Wilson, Mrs. Everett Anderson,
Mrs F. J. Chapman, Mrs. Daniel J.
Fry, Mrs. Fred Steusloff, Mrs. J. W.
Woodruff and Mrs. William Tl. Steus
loff. . .;.
Mrs; Clifford Brown went to Port
land Friday to bid good bye to her par
ents, Mr. nml Mrs. W. W. Bretherton,
who sailed lust night for San Francis
co, California.. Althoni as ,yet their
plans are indefinite, Afr. and Airs.
Bretherton expect to remain in the
south, for several months.
As a little attention to her house
guest, Misb Helen Whitney of Portland,
Miss Ellen Thielsen entertained sever
al of the younger set, at. an iuformnl
line party Wednesday night. Later the
party gathered at the Thielsen home
for a delightful supper.
The guests were Miss Whitney, Miss
Gertrude Gray and Atiss Alargaret
Gray of Seattle, Carl Gabrielsen, Pnut
Wallace, James Young and Roy Barth.
rrofw"or WaI,ar MacMurray. the po
will introduce the Class Kooin I he
"Jit: W
x 1
. The marriage of Aliss Bertha Eliza
beth Duqcan and Earl Waldo Baker of
Detroit, Michigan, will take place to
hiprrow evening at 5:30 o'clock at the
home ef the bride's parents, Air. and
Airs. R. B. Duncan, on North Liberty
Btreet. Rev. James Elvin of the First
Congregational church will , officiate
and the couple will tie unattended.
-'Only relatives and a few close friends
havo been asked- for the ceremony.
it will be a simple artair and the
resilience will be attractively decked
with clusters of brilliant foliage and
flow, rs.- '
Alisa Beatrice Shelton will play the
wedding -march.
Following the ceremony a, nutfet snp.-
riqr will be served atter wnicn tna cou
ple will leave for Detroit, "AIMiifeaif,
.wlierc they will make their nome. A
group of the bride's cloBe frjends will
assist about the rooms and In the serving-
. . '. ' ,. '-. "
Afrsr'F: A. Elliott and her sister, Airs.
A. T. Hill, of La Grande, Oregon, went
to Eugene today to visit Airs,- Hill's
daughter, who is -a member of the G-ant-lpa
Phi Beta sorority at tho university-
N .Tonight Airs. Elliott and Airs. Hill
w ll be guests at tho supper dance to
be given by the Gamma l'hi Beta sor
ority at the Hotel Osborn.
Airs. Willis C. llawlcy arrivod from
Albany Friday to attend the Woman 's
club oriental tea this afternoon, at
which she was an honor guest.
Airs. Hnwley, who is passing the
jrreater part of her sojourn in Oregon,
with her father iu Albany, will return
Mr. and Airs. A. L. Brown were hosts
for a card party Tuesday, when they
entertained the members of the E. O. T.
club with an Informal evening of
Guests mode un three tables of the
game, the score honors falling to Mrs.
,W. I. Stnley and Lee Lane.
The rooms were effectively adorned
ulnr lecturer and dramatic critic, who'
- 1 re to fraiem literary tolk this winter
Carter's Knit Underwear
Display Week
. You Can Stretch Carter's to 2 1-2 Times
" Its Width
And every time it will spring back instantly -
to its original 6hape. f , -.- s
It is this unequalled "give" -of their "fine-'
by-one elastic rfb" product pf the Wonder-
- ful Carter Knitting Underwear so supremV'
ly comfortable, perfect fitting, durable. .
And this is but one of the features which
, establish the supremacy of
U. G. Shipley Co.
145 N. Liberty St. . Salem, Oregon
with autumn leaves and decorations
suggestive of Hallowe'en.
Airs. G. W. Hhand assisted tho hostess
Thursday afternoon Airs. Brown had
a number of matrons nt her home for
nn informal sewing bee, her guests
being members of the l'riscilla club.
The affair was the initial gathering
of the clnb this season, and the early
part of the afternoon was oevoten to
a business session and to preparing the
year's calendar.
A small informal dinner was presid
ed over Wednesday evening by Air. audi
i ,?nu.in m..i::i..i.;u
Circling the table which was artis
tically centered with yellow pom pom
chrysanthemums, were: Air. and Mrs.
Cloyd D. Ranch, Aliss Laura Grant,
Frank Churchill and the hosts.
Miss Ida Simmons left this afternoon
lor Portland, where she will pass tlieluetta Alagers and Miss Ethel Kigdou
week end visiting her aunt, Mrs. Har
vey Wells.
Tonight Aliss Simmons will lie the
guest of friends, at the horso show.
About- 20 Of tho younger folk made
merry-Friday, night nt- the delightful
Hallowe'en patty give by Aliss Paro;
th Orny 1'vttronfrt he. hoioivof ilwSr
parents," Air. and Airs. Edward G. Pat
terson, 'i., ... i
Old fashioned games'. formed tho dT
vrsions and later the gayetics were,
closed with a Hallowe'en supper.
Mrs. Patterson was .assisted by the
Misses Carolyn and Emily N'erod.
Those asked were the Alisses Pauline
Dick, Mary. "Jane Albert, iMargarot
Griffith, Kuth Barnes, Frances. Hodge,
Harriett Griffith, Prudence Patterson,
Zenda Brunk, Elizabeth Dyer, Gladys
Aloorc, Eva Miles and Malcolm Smith,
Frank Deckebach, Ben Howard, Asahei
Koff, Milton Stoiner, Hie hard Goodin,
Paul Ktaley, Earl Shafcr and Kenneth
Air. and Mrs. Thomas A. Livcsley, ac
compauied bv Mrs. 8. Guv Sargent, mo
torcd to Portland W ednesdny, and were
.joined by Air. bargent who came home
with them, lhey returned Wednesday
Mr. and Airs. John II. McXary will Hallowe'en party given this afternoon
entertain Tuesday night with severaljat the home of bis parents, Air. and
tnoies or "ouu . J. no mcniners ot incurs. Arnnu otcmer.
' AIcrry-Go-RouniJ '' club will be guests
Airs. E. E. Waters, who has been the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. William C.
Knighton in Portland, will return to
dav. , '
Aliss Eleanor Hodgers went to En-
gene Friday to attend "the dancing par -
ty given by the Chi Omega sorority,
Friday night. Aliss Hogers is the -guest
jot' friends at the Chi Omega house and
willovisit in Eugene until Sunday,
Governor Withveombe niid daughter-
Miss Mabel Withveombe, went to Port-
land tTniay to attend tno norse snow.
The Withycombcs have a box for the
event and have asked friends to be
their guests for each performance. This
afternoon Miss Withveombe entertain -
ed a group of her girl friends at the
matinee. ' ' .
Preceding the show Friday night
Governor Withycombe and Aliss Withy-
combe were guests at the ' dinner for
which Mr. and Airs. Ralph lloyt were
Ono of the gayest parties of the
week was the dance for which Mr. and
Mrs. James A. Wilson were hosts, Wed
nesday night. The affair was delight
fully informal and the gayetics were
rounded out with a snpier.
Their guests numbered about 2ti of
the married contingent.
- www
Quite a furore is being caused to
day among society folk and golf de
votees over the announcement of a
Absolutely Pura
No Alum No Phosphate
country club house at the e,olf links.
l'la ns already have been drawn fur
the building, and the work is to be in.
full swing as soon us possible.
A club house has long been needed to
give the necessary stimulus to the pluy
eis, and promises upon completion til
bring put the tair sex iu great force.
ine links ulso will uccomo the mecca
for many jolly parties and will be an
ideal place for nicm.Ders to entertain
J .
I Aliss Helen Whitney, who lias been
ltlio house guest of Miss Ellen Thielsen
for several days, returned to her home.
;., ....,1.... I.'-;.!.... A
One of the most delightful affairs of
the week was the int'orniHl reception
given by the Salem high school teach
crs Friday night ut the studio of Miss
Minuet ta Mauers, complimenting the
Inew members of the faculty. Alias Aliii-
received the guests.
The decorations, which wcro all ii
tho autumnal colors were arranged bjf
ALiss .Mariam, Aliss Thompson, Aliss
Paulino Hick,:;
The studio was prettily decked with.
chry-fantlieumiiiB, scarlet berries and aft
tumii lca?i.'- Mrs. Hand presided over
Uho-sBiiivi-hd Airs. J. 0. Neltrtun
served the ices. Assisting were, Mi$
Hopkins, ajnl. Miss Edn;ajils. . j.
' Ihiring Ihe cH'itiug n deligtlfful p'ro
gramme was . given including a piano
solo, Miss Cox; duett solos, Aliss Ala
gers and Air.- Todd; stories, Alisti.Mar.;
iiim; vocal solos, Air. Todd; vocal solo,'.
Aliss Miigeis, accompanist, Aliss Evelyn
Do Long. . '
In celebration of the fifth anniver
sary of their wedding, Mr. and Mrs;
George Palmer Putnam entertained
with an informal evening of . music.
Thursday." Their guests were a few;
fricuds who aro. especially fond of mus
ic. Mrs. "R. B. Houston will leave Alon
lay for Koscburg, where she will be
! the guest of Mrs. II. D.
Graves for
several days.
A group of littlo playmates of Mas
ter Karl Steiner reveled at the menv
G nines were played and lute in th
afternoon the party, closed wi.th de
lightful refreshments. Airs. Steiner
planned the most artistic decorations
for the party. Tho table was all done in
yellow with ' appointments suggestive)
of Hallowe'en'.
Those participating in the gayetics
weS - e: Peter 8cliuldermaii, Sherman
: Plimpton, llanford Post, Deryl Alyers,
David Steincr, Jr., Charles Biers, John
Caughill, Jr., Howard Baker, Robert.
Atchcson, Owen Hogan, Bert Hoffine,
Alvin Burton, John Evans-, Hurry Mar
shall, Chester Kuntz, Fred Hemington
J and Alvin Kuntz.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Johnson were
hosts for nn informal "300" party,
Wednesday night. Their guests were
I the members of the T. A. AI. 0. club,
i which was reorganized for the season,
Thc house was effectively decorated
with autumn leaves, and Hallowe'en
; decorations. The high score honors were)
awarded to Air. and Mrs. Frank Ward.
Airs. Johnson was assisted in the.
serving by her daughter, Aliss Thelnm
Thos; making up tho tables were, Air.
and Mrs. Paul Johnson, Air. nnd Mrs.
rrank Ward, Air. and Airs. I.eRoy Hew
lett, Mr. and Airs. Roy Richardson,
Aliller Bevier and the hosts.
A delightful informal afternoon wan
enjoyed on Wednesday, when Airs. M.
C. Pettys and Airs, llunn entertained
the members of the Sweet Briar club at
(Continued on page six.)