Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 28, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 14

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1 V
J-XJjr r j2m lr
WITE tha call came to move
south. Chance laid It to tho
prairie fins.
"Nowadays, the minute I soo that
yllow in the air, and tho grass
e:acklea up erisp and ready under
S-'.wash'a tooUlea, why, I don't atop
t i do nuy plowing or back-firing. SI
,V) v;h and mo get the call of the south
i .lok, and we tuko the trail toward
Y niklon."
'Coins to stop off at old man
' uvn'a place, as per usual?" inquired
Hill mildly.
Sure." B.ild Chance.
( ioinn to hiln;; a missus back wltn
yr1" Still the tone was gentle.
I Chance laughed and rubbed big nn-
KTii up through bis thick, curly balr
".She wouldn't like It 'way out her,
.T'xild she, Hill? Even you and me
I Unci It lonely. I gusus a woman would
j "ts'opo." Ono of the brown pupploft
rilled iiouchaluntly ov.ir into tlia pun
r mint, nud Bill lit lied blm out cure
it'll ly and rolled hint on tho ground
ia tender, motherly fiuhlon, to I'ry
dim olf. "Woman don't mind beim
Mlongaome if they've got tho man they
I 9'tve best, and a few chickens to look
i iwi for ami otu doic and cats and
Sixth and Kverctt streets, Port
Inijd, Ore., 4 blocks from Uniun
Station. I'uder new manage
mont. All rooms newly deco
Rates: 50c, Toe, $1, 1.50 pi'r day
1 ongiivstiiimii W, ('. llnwler in his
Kui-ciie nihlii'ss sain that foreign L'ov-
c ii iiienls li.nl two liillinn dollnis worth
of products in stock wailing to dump !
tl i into t!.e American markets as :
.'ii as the war ends
Kx Senslor :
iH-verulge, now campaigning in Hie in
lores! of Mr. Hughes, when lie re '
turned fr.iiii ilurope where lie hail tone
li" a special writer, iu nn article pnh-, I'lc, while we line only a few tlious-)i-hed
in the Saturday Kveuing Post ud. -No other division of any coun-('.-uie
of Dee. I. 1111.1), said: j liy has made, such rapid progress as
.hcisi cerininly none or the bleed
ing nations can stock up while the war
lasts. lie millions of nrtisans who
Hi" are soldiers cannot manufacture
while they are at the front; and, with
the possilde exception of Kngland, in isl
of I ho plants that are slill running ,ire
making war materials.
'Allll llllU- Ko.tll .Mill llw.l ..v.-w.l.. ....
exporting surplus after the war ends?!
war eiulsr
jviyuoiiy wlio lias stmlicd hurnpean eals a few of the many resources of
ec. mimic couililious on tho ground uu-1 the west. What has 'been accoiu
ileistnnds that this cannot be d-.nie in j plislied iu Hie last few years furnishes
n ilash. The wastage of human ma-. for an epic, n romance of human en-
...!..( ..II ,1... I li' . . . I . .... . .
; , , -1 1 .', I . .
1 'r",'"" "1 ''""' un!ll"l,',n l01s,,"", '' 0,ll'y ' ' I
the Inst shot is fired. or instance, llieliind today it is a great storehouse for .
iiiuii iii iin iii iieuim-reilT coil il lies :
ii.--iii, ssiiicii o. ...line esum.iie li.u
it ill require nt least three and prob-; It is here that the finest waul ' is ter I'roin which the great commercial
Jiblv five years t restore French bnsi-' found ; the world's snpplv of lumber . war of the next half eenturv will be
liess to iu. i ami conditions utter the comes from Hie west, and it also ex-': waged.
tn-aty of pence Is signed." i ports into many countries hops, can ! While there has been a quickening
Mr. ilevciidgc made this statement nod meats, grain, dairv products and of the people across the waters, siiuul
ut'ror a visit to (he countries actually ' fruits. ' i tareously here, there lias been progress
ra-agcil in war. Mr. llawley offered .Millions of dollars north of inelnls 1 that placed 'the west in a position to
v. auilior.ly lor Ins assert i in. In Ihe i
).,',.( of the campaign, it would uppear
dial the Congicssliian fri lie tiist 1
ili-lrict is gelling a little wild in his'
(itloriinces. Kugeue flunrd. !
How Is Your
Ts your digestion wonkf
Is your appetite poorf
Anv distress after entingT
Stomach Bitters
holfers and plant and kids.
They Ilka to be the whole
show and boss a place like
this. They'd boss us
something fierce if one
ever did get a foothold
here, Chance."
"Wouldn't it do us.
good T" protested
Chance. "You and
mo, Bill, we're get-
ting too set in bur
ways. We're getting
like a couple of halt
petrlfled polllwogs down
under tho creek bed. We're getting
so plumb set that we don't care what
we turn into In tho next thousand
years, 1 they'll only let uu alone. I'm
going to ride south to-morrow, and
I'm going to stop oh' at old man
Nawn'a placo and say 'howdy.' "
It was a challenge to further argu
ment, but Bill tool: It not up. He
knew tho spring vraa against him, as
well as tho memory of Madelaine's
tanned, dimples! face, with its quick
smilo and big, soft, dark eyes. So
I he next morning at daybreak Chance
rode south, rode with bis head hold
high to greet the dawn-light over his
ahoulder, and bis hat brim turned low
with a jaunty twist, as beflttiug a
wooing cavalier.
Every spring, for six years back,
ho had taken tho same route. It
had constituted his spring run after
the long, alow, unowbound wintar
hack up in tho Icolhllls whera tho
pralrlo breaks against their base like
long, rolling waves.
Through the whiter lie and his part
ner would livo quietly in tho lltlo
roush chuck' that hnsiged tho shelter
of tho shelving tutto tohind it. When
a big storm was in tho air, they would
ride out with the dogs nud drivo tha
hards down into tho gullies. It was
tho only cxeillnsr thin.! Uin'. eve? hap
pened froi-i November to April.
But when it was over, tho winter
wgji, then Ik.') cr.p cf kyrlug rau fast
By R. O. Dykstra,
Principal Salem Heights Public School,
Perry dale, Oregon
Hulf a eenturv ago, Horace (I reel v.
Opportunities of Oregon
with tho authority of a prophet issued : our three seiilioard states and in Idaho,
the eoiiiniaud, "(io, west young man, I Nevada and Arizona all eager to take
go west." I advantage of the magnificent inilus-
Toclny no other part of the world is trial and commercial opportunities of
iittractiag so in tie li attention as the fercil, but our resources are merely
portion of the Viiited States known as j touched upon at the present stage of
the great west . Professor Slmllor j development. Thousands of acres are
stated in a recent lecture that the nat- still unoccupied land which is fertile
llr"' resources of the western coast ns'nml productive. Ity irrigation, urid sage
compared with Unit of the eastern brush tracts are transformed into a
tVl'ie aliout three to one. Whether this
is true or not, we know tint t nintiv of
our resources surpass those of eastern
"tatcs which support millions of pco
Mho wet. Unlv n lew venrs uno and i!
I was a waste ot sage brush and forest
wilds, through which rivers nud falls
n .lied with no sound, save the boating
upon the basal! roelcs and walls of
weathered marble. Today the wonder
ful achievement in all lines of effort
iu the stales bordering on the Pacific
lend tile important role which (lie com
inerce of a grojit ocean now play
ilea vor. -l he west lots trvnw-ii to m
limnv ol tho countries o lie ivm .
have been taken out of its hills ami
(he uncovering ,,f fabulous wealth is
oiilv beirllll. l ilies have sl.runu in. ns
if i,v mimic, n.nl Ihe sum. brush i .1.. '..is '
and hills, once thonulit to be worthless.
I I"" " proved to be rich nnd valuable.
, Many industries have been established
and new entetprises are daily showing
to the world new possibilities.
! Por a long time manufacturing
establishments were rendered difficult
impassible hern use of the absence
ii.-i; lull .Miiuif mis niioii n, .
i. ..., ...... .i ... i...
lavish iu her endowment and now ;
tibundnure of coal nud oil have been -
j found. Furthermore, during the de
velopiuent of our oil products, there!
I has I. cvu a marvelous increase in tho!
I control nnd adaptation of electricity,;
with a corresponding utilization ot !
water power, la (his way industrial!
undertakings have had placed at (heir.
; command (ho triple provision of oil,',
fuel and electric power, and the west.
In Chance's veins and he took the
southern trail for relaxation.
He was whistling softly as he rode
this time. It was getting on toward
sunset before be checked Siwash and
rested to take his bearings. -They
were on the crest. of a creek bed. It
was one of those meandering, drled
up affairs, with tangled masses of
mud-caked grasses down in the bot
toms and a few scrawny young cot
tonwoods here and there along the
slopes. The bleached, weather
beaten skull of a steer lay half burled
in the Bun-baked earth midway down
tho slope; but It was not a mere
skull that caused Siwash to droop
his long neck and whinny restlessly.
"Not meaning to argue with you,
Si," said Chance, '-'but I don't see a
blame thing suspicious on this hori
zon." Tbo horse nosed at the long, dry
grass tops; and suddenly Chance
looked down, not at the creek bed,
but at the deep, tangled mass of
weeds where the land dipped to the
slope, and he swung off the pony's
back with a sharp exclamation. It
was the body of a man. -
"Si, you're the most sagacious and
perspicacious animal on four legs in
the State of South Dakota." '
He turned the body over and looked
at the face. The eyes opened widely
and stared back at him, dully at first,
then with Blow-gathering conscious
ness In their listless, Aimed depths.
"Hallo, Chance," whispered the
parched, blackened lips. "Hallo,
Lucky Chance. Give me a drink."
Chance drew the bottle from his
hip pocket and put it to the dry lips.
Tho man drank thirstily. Chance laid
him back on the dusty, yello'v grass
and sat on his heels, his square chin
tilted inquiringly forward.
"Where's Leroux?" he asked.
"Heard you nnd he had swung into
partnership since he got thrown out
of tho reservation, Pete. Heard be
and you were making quite a bit of
money out of land speculation. In
dian mortgages ain't much value when
Uncle Sammy uses pen and Ink, are
they, Pete?"
Tho half-breed closed his eyes b-
stinately, his lips shut in a curious
half moon of bitterness. Chance
watched him closely. Pete Frozen
Nose he was called outcast from his
own neople, and from the whites also.
because of crooked deals carried on
In Indian mortgages. Not by his own
wit, however. Chance knew he had
been merely tho outward symbol of
ilu business intricacies of Leroux,
0Riima luuKin agent, and now a
uirolter from Etallon to station unions
the hiil camps and prairie ranches,
getting money where ver It grew easy.
for over thrca years the two had
carried on their tratfa iu their own
from being handicapped in innnu
f net lire, at once leaps into a position
of advantage cn'er older common
wealths. Many people have of lute settled in
teeming, populous empire beyond the
comprehension ot those untaiuiiiar wiin
such conditions,
Dairying is nn industry yet in its in
fancy, iut extended and systeiuuti.ed,
il will soon lie bringing an enormous
revenue to the west. So with the sugar
beet industry already established on n
considerable scale, but capable of al
most indefinite expansion.
We nre growing everything that
l'nrms and gardens can produce. Our
fruits are known throughout the world.
The commerce of the Pacific states lias
! increaseil many lolil. 1 on years ago this
I coast was the fringe ol I lie world's in-.
Idustrial enterprise. Infreipiciit stenm
icrs crossed the Pacific, but the gnat
j steamers of passenger traffic, still
I more of freight traffic, t lowed from our
.eastern states, as well us from Kurope
' in the opposiicj direction to the Mcdit
errnneaii, through the Miez cniuil and
across the Indian ocean. Todav eoudi-
,, ,0 ,,mp,.,ely reversed. The Pn-
.1 ;.i. :,..,n u -... ,.,
Hike ndvantage of altered conditions
in Hie Orient. At our gates, besides the
great nnd over growing home field of
commerce reaching back to the l.'ockios
'oyon,, there nre the vast open
ing markets of the Orient. Soon the Pa-
M-ilic. now ploughed only by n score or
so of regular steamers, will have its
! hundreds of ocean liners afloat, going
lo nnd keeping close touch with Aus
i tinliii. opening up new trade with South
America, nnd with the Panama canal
completed, brings Kurope into swift
j,t,l ..i.sv
communications with our
Dennis Eucalyptus Olntmtnt
the reservation Indians, the name of
Leroux had been enough to lend con
fidence to any deal the half-breed pro
posed, until mile of the best land
lay under paper bearing tbe Leroux
stamp. ''
And from out the far' cast of red
taped officialdom had .swung the thun
derbolt. After years of bickering and
dallying, the reservation was to be
opened up that fall.- The Indians had
moved northward to good, arable,'
guaranteed land, homeseekers had
crowded In down at Dallas, and, as a
side issue, totally unimportant, two
light-fingered gentlemen partners had
found themselves and their projects
"It's too bad, Pete, It sure is." laid
Chance soothingly. "Who gave you
this one?"
Hatred showed In Pete's eyes.
"Leroux," he muttered. "He not
want me to tell Madelaine Nawn."
"Tell what?" demanded Chance.
The half-breed shivered, and his head
dropped lower on his chest. The sun
was bait an hour above the line of
the earth and sky. Before that time
the soul of Pete Frosen Nose would
have slipped out paBt the sky limits.
Chance pulled him up on his arm and
gave him another drink. He didn't
want the soul to slip out before he
had all the news. ;
"Did he try to kill you, Pete?" he
asked, bracing the half-breed's head
against his own shoulder knee.
Siwash whinnied anxiously, lifting
his nose to tbe wind.
"He shoot about the girl and the
land," began the half-breed slowly.
"She draw big land last fall big In
dian land down at Dallas."
ii) know," interrupted Chance Im
patiently. "At the land drawing. Go
on, quick."
"Mo an' Leroux bold Indian mort
gage on'that land. Last week Leroux
finds ore there, some silver, some
gold. Then he go down an' get old
man Nawn, and they play cardB, and
Leroux gets back tho land."
"But it's the girl's land," broke in
"Sure." Pete's lips formed the
words stiffly. "Girl rode down with
old man Nawn to buy stuff. Come in
where Lcroux'g making the old man
give up, and stirs up big row. Then
they chase Leroux an' me out of town,
and Leroux says wait for the two out
"Walt out here?" Chance lifted up
his head and stared dully around at
tho v.'ido expanse of "out here," miles
upon miles of bleak, silent land, with
no living soul as far as the eye could
see. "What for?"
"To kill old man Nawn'."' Then we
tall; about Madelaine; and I cay I
tako Madelaine, and Leroux Bhoot me
like one yellow dog." , N
"Which way uid he go? VvjJi.
Hui-h is the present economic; c-ondi-
Hons of Ihe far wes! the bursting bud
of promise just beginning to unfold
the petals of achievement.
Rich- will be the harvest for those
who come to the golden west, the land
of opportunity.
The Lewis unci Clark fair nt Portland
was an eye opener to the world. Whilo
this expedition brought P.'0,imO per- j V'.trl,"i. ot, ." , 1 " (mn .
sons from the enst of the Rockies to!Nt'' "k 8 leading merchants, nnd
the west const, the AJaskn-1 ukon-Pa
cific exposition that was held in Seat
tle, Washington, l!Mli), brought nt least
1.1(1,000 more. The good accomplished
bv the Panaiun Pacific international
the Panniun Pacific international
not be over .ostiinnlod
mid no nttemp! will be made here to
ell of the "nod accomplished.
Here iu Hie west is oportnnitv (or
both the capitalist nnd the laborer.
Vast resources are being developed,
new railroads nre being built, ennuis
ami irrioution projects nre being form-
ed, nnd ninny other active enterprises
nre being sucrcasf ullv carried out.
Here is the home of comfort and inde
pendence; n healthful climate, wide(''; he would have acted if compelled
awake, progressive people, increasing ' I'''"1.0, questions which have fac -
facilities for education and culture. ''' 'resident i son ,s due o the tac
Croat will be Ihe destiny of this fast
growing Pacific empire, the future ot
which, as yet, we can but faintly pic
ture. Well has a poet said:
" llnililers by ir Western Sea.
Where the golden rivers run,
Scarcely has your work begun; ,
(renter slill your tasks shall be.
Here at end of nil the world
Lies the goal of empires' courc;
Here centripetal the tone
Around which nations shall be whirl
Heady markets for the entire out
pur of the Oregon Cooperative. Ilairy
exchange butter, at prices topping tho
highest quotations, are being found,
latch week sees an improvement ill tho
qunlity of tins butter, due to the edu
m r. -uu- ... ...v '"'is ,,. r,1IM (nnlf a menace even
,ed on as part of tho!!mlt(,r ,',,., it ., in Mr cu-veland s
il ers. Nncc . Ins re-, f: h , ,.untrv emphatically
t-.nl iiiuii ntilv tun ' ... ... . 1 .
cut tonal work came
servi.-e H its mi nil
suit !ins been so: ured within only two
.. .n..,u., u:n l. :..!,... ...:..u ..., .,vi..,..i...l
7""? ' ,'" ".''" ; -i
, ' , . 1 ,
name, me iiemnnu is away aneau oi
the siipi.lv.
mo i.eneius o. meinner:ui in inu
Kxchange are beginning to attract at-
teiitioii of Orj'gon cro'iiniorymon, and
through the exacted growth in member
rhip the Kxcliunge should soon be hand-
ling butler ill carload lots.
Tins i!l bring distant markets with -
in reach of Oregon butter, and give
dairymen the advantage of the high-f
-r pii.-cs emu ot.en prevail. J imports.
Th Kxchange is on a secure founiln- third, nnd perhaps less im-
j lion, having back of it the Orange, l'nr 'porlant argument against Mr. Hughes.
mere' Pnion, all State Dairy socia-i would urge his resignation from our
jtions, the Agricultural college and the j highest judicial tribunal and his en
I state Hairy and Food conimissioncr.Tlie trance into partisan politics. I believe
, College Kxtension service assisted to or .that a precedent such as this should be
gnniie the Kxchnuge and is still acting -ombatted. and that the defeat of Mr.
j in an advisory eaiiaeity to it. The man- Hughes will bo a deserved rebuke.
ager is K. C. Krevcrt, formerly in the i "If principle is the impelling nio-
dairy work of the I'. S. Department oitive of the progressives. I feel that they
Chance bent over the form that sud
denly grew heavier as he held it.
"Which way, Pete, which way?" he
cried, shaking the half-breed almost
savagely to force him to speak again.
And Pete lifted one hand slightly,
with a queer, unsteady motion south
east, hut he made no answer. Power
of speech had left him.
Chance w'aited a while, staring
blankly out at tho wide, darkening
land with half-shut eyes. When the
last sunset glow broke hazily through
the still, yellow haze in long, widen
ing lines of dull red, he mounted Si
wash and rode southeast, leaving a
defunct half-breed in tho dry, mud
caked grasses of the creek bed.
Miles to the southwest lay" what bad
been tbe reservation land, covered
now with the mushroom growth of
tents and shacks of the fall home
seekers. Miles north and east
stretched the prairie, a great dry sea
of tawny, heat-scorched grass; and
every time Siwash lifted his nose and
Bniffed the air, It meant a fresh whiff
of fire on the wind. -
Chance lifted bis hat and rode fast,
as fast as he da'red with Si wash's
dread ..of,, a stray badger hole. He
knew enough of old man Nawn'a weak
ness and Leroux's far-sighted guile to
guess' the'' njlsijlng pa'rtr in the half
breed's narrative. Leroux held an In
dian mortgage on the land drawn by
Madelaine Nawn. While It didn't
amount to the paper it was written
on in the eyes of the law, still be had
made old Nawn believe the claim was
a just one. v v
Steadily the scrawny, long-limbed
pony pushed ahead, his nose pointing
out aggressively toward the point his
rider aimed at. Just ahead lay old
man Nawn'a home, a meager dot
somewhere out under the waste of
the darkening blue sky on the soli
tary prairie. To Chance that night
it was like a Bheep shelter and be
herder, hurrying to save it from
"Home," he muttered. "As if any
spot on the face of God's earth could
be a home just because it was ground
with your own particular tag on it.
SI, a few hours back I was homesick.
I wanted some doggone little holo in
the ground for a home; wanted plants
at the windows, and a real clothes
line out back, with women's aprons
and genernl dingbats hanging on it,
maybe kids' dingbats, too. And in
the middle of the dream. Si, was a
little girl-woman, understand. . Name
of Madelaine."
He pursed up his lips Into a'whistle.
He had almost forgotten that stark,
dead body back In the tangled dry
grasses of the creek bed.'
"Little bit of a girl-woman," Siwash,
with brown eyes and curly hair good
deal the color of thlB here prairie
grass. iNamgofj Madelalne.TAnd she
M , Vnrlr'e I corlmrr
nci ; iiv n ivino jutauuig
Merchant Stands Strongly
By Wilson's Policies
1 Sllllir
New York, Oct. 2S. Jesse
son or the late uscar Minus, business
man and philanthropist, is another ofamit in everv presidential campaign,
the miiny lug men ol affairs, of thejl ook i,U(.k with .truh, t() ,hc fi
l inteil states, to announce ins align
: "u'nt Wltn ,he llKlv if"r"rj' . iIr'
: "u 111 nml '" .'"only an occasional public appearance,
Straus, treasurer of the Wilson Business n,l thou in rti,,ifi...l. entiNtriii.tii-n
i frails, treasurer of the Wilson Business
National League, has entered
,h' campai jn actively, declaring that
I Mr. ilson s iword, his experience, and
I unwisdom of a change nt I his time,
I ee r. .. .....i"....
""i i "V .-.
. 1 K "is reasons .or supper, ,.,g
; the president, Mr. Straus says:
I "I am satisfied that .Mr. Hughe's
' failure "to answer the finest ion as to i
I , . , . , , , . . , ..
"fT nis neuri. ne reeis ,e M
have done exactly as the president did.
" Kurtheriuore, I am satisfied Mr.
llut'hes feels that the judgment of pos
terity will approve the president's
course throughout an ndmiuiitriation
beset more than nnv other administra-
tioo iu fifty years with internal and
externa I embarrassments.
"Not since the Civil War has there
been an election in which experience in
tiie .oliniiustiati.nl of the presidential
office was so important a factor in de
termining the iiiudiilate for whom, the
voter should east his ballot. President
Wilson has given us nn administration
rightly clin.ni-teii.ed by president Lov
ot of the I'uii.n Pacific, and President
I iidcrwoo.l ol the l-.ne l!i. .Iron. I, ns
successful and worthy of n t'other trial.
"It appears to me that one of the
srentest menaces oi our national life
U'chUM nuiiinst it. It wo wouM sell
,Ve ms,t
Imv, it ml it' we built) a wall
I against the production of o'her conn
,, ..,,..i:.,,:. ,i..,; ,.,., : ,
tries, retaliation on their part is inev
itable. Furthermore, most ot' our indiis-
,,-, , ,:r,..- nsi..l,li.h,.,l t.. r..
, iri, babviug.
: . ( ,,' h,ywve ,,r(. is Htn- doubt
. in xhe mi, of ,. ,,, ,, tlu; ropu,,.
i,.an ,.artv, if in power, will enact, in
.gratitude ' for ihe financial aid now
,0 )0 j pro,.0sS of contribution
t(1 it tnnt o,roilt,,st aid to nionolv in
this country, the extra heavy dutv on
should all turn to President Wilson, for
needs us now, Si; she aura aeeds us
There was no" moon lit the sky. A
strange, nebulous glow seemed to
overhang tho prairie aince the night
had come 'on; it wai hard to take in
a deep, full . breath. 'And suddenly
Siwash came to a dead stop, head up,
ears pricke forward, listening.
From somewhere out of the dark
ness ahead there came the troubled
whinny of a horse.
Chance, peering keenly ahead, could
see nothing; but the noise came again.
The land was not level. It lay in
long, deep rolls; and fuiwash made
straight for tho nearest dip of land.
Behind it, at first sight, reposed a
peaceful and unsuspecting camp. A
couple of pomes were picketed in the
shelter ot the slope. A buckboard,
with boxes of provisions protruding
from its buffalo robes, stood by. Un
der it reposed old man Nawn, sound
asleep. But, standing, facing each
other, were Jim Leroux and Made
laine. The sound of tuelr voices came
clearly on thesilence'bf the night.
"It don't make no . difference what
you lay)" Madelaine was saying, her
head back like a fighting little wild
cat. "I know, all about oj,' Jim Le
roux. You can't talk ypuf.'way round
me the way you , do with daddy. TJie
land belongs to me. I drew it. Daddy
never even knew I was putting in a
bid for it- It was my idea and
mother's. You can't have It. We've
lived ever since I can remember in
that old shack, and first it wasn't
even a shack. It was just a dugout.
And daddy ain't got a mite of ambi
tion. He'd just as soon we all died
there. But we ain't a-going to. We're
going to have that land of mine do
you hear me? and we're going to
have a real house on it, a cottage
house like mother used to live In back
East. And we're going to be real
town folks. I know all about you,
Jim Leroux." Her voice rose higher.
Chance listened, the muscles ot bis
throat tightening, his hands clenched
on Siwash's bridle as he watted.
"You've followed daddy and me out
here all the way from town. I ain't
afraid of you, do you hear? You can't
do a thing to us."
"Can't I?" Leroux threw back bis
head and laughed.
He was in no hurry. The turn
things had taken amused him. He
sat down on tho backboard's shaft
and looked at the girl. It seemed al
most a pity to do what he meant to,
and leave the two of them at the
mercy of the fire that was certain to
come, t Perhaps tbere'd be a chance
of Bavlng out the girl it she'd behave
herself, it she wouldn't tell on him, if
she'd get tamed down and give up the
land wjtooiit a holler. . ' .
i. ......vy- wuKf."
his administration has realized in great
measure tiie legislative aims of the
progressive party, la this connection i
feel keenly the unseemliness of an cx
president touring the country, passion
ately nnd vituperativelv condemning
I the head of our government, both us
man ami president. I resent the sorry
; f iiirn nf nil n v.m-siiliiii f ni tin i oiiiii r
01 lis an extreme partisan, and fomenting,
aU9 011v ,. fomcnt tlllt unrPst
,..i..i, : ,..,. nr i.... ,ir i
- tof Mr Cleveland in retirement, making
e"'.v occasional public appearance,
I j thcil
; anj impnrtiul manner, giving the couu
try t,p benefit of his mature ejsi.cn
I cm.e an, ril,e jml jment. ,
' During President Wilson s ndiuin
istration we hnve had prosperity and
i pence. i an inenns let us re elect
hvery doltiiM worth of teed nut.
into ambs
, hl rotu
lambs has brought lis two dollars
a profit or over 5uO n
" " mi n noil oi irei.nig l-Alieil-
.ments at the Kasteru Oregon Branch
station ut I'liion. The report explains.
however, that conditions were excep
tional, and equally good results are not
expected another year. The lambs were
bought near the end of a period of de
pression when many Oregon feeders hud
quit, leaving but little competition.
Market conditions were also ideal. But
it was shown iu the experiments that
gnins were larger and costs less tliau
nre gencrnllv supposed.
Don 'i Suffer Longer
and allow yourself to become grouchy, upset, nervous
and depressed Ihese conditions usually indicate a dis
ordered digestive system, which, if neglected, may be
hard t o remedy. Remove the disturbing element and put
wufvuouamuu worKing order by taking
They sentlv stimulate the liver, act on the bowels tone
T ?JlTactpunfy thelod and reflate the system
These benefits are particularly marked by women at
tneir vitality, 1 hey act promptly and safely
Give Quick Relief
and before she was aware of his intent
he had deliberately shot the tw
ponies dead. I
At Madelaine's scream old man;
Nawn (tumbled heavily out from uri
de'r the buckboard; but, before Ltn
roux could shoot again, there camejai
noise that checked bis move, theH
steady, hard thud of horse's hoof!;:
and, even louder still, a low, queer:
roar and the soft, quick wind that
comes before a prairie fire.
"It's got us!" yelled old Nawn, as
he raised both hands helplessly sky
ward. Leroux rose. His own horsa'
stood safe, and he hesitated, looking
at Madelaine. And even as he lin
gered, there whizzed out over .
head tin circling line of Chances'
Haiues' l .riat, thrown neatly and with!'
precision, until it threw him flat oa
the earth, roped as surely and safeiyj
as any steer. t
"It wasn't that I meant for him tqi
die outright,' Chance was fond ot ex
plaining. "But there wasn't no tim '
for fine calculations. Here was two1
dead horses. Here was a prairie fir.4
a-sweeping down on us like kingdom?
feme, at short range. Here was old'
Pa Nawn, and over there was my owrif
little girl. How was I to atop aha
take notice of Jim Leroux againsIS'
such odds? All I had time to do waa!'
to put him out ot business. And I
sure did. Then pop took his horse
and I swung the little girl up close
to me, and we were off. That's alt,
ain't it, Madelaine, honey dear?" ,
Madelaine said nothing. Al
"missus" of the ranch, besides a real
house in the making, she fed tha
brown puppies and let Chance do
the talking.
"It sure must have dawned on Jim
pretty sudden that he'd landed in the
right place when the fire caught
him." said Bill as he Borted out
flower seed envelopes on the wash,
bench outside the kitchen door.
"God help blm, anyway," whispered
Madelaine, with a shudder, and sha
leaned her head back on Chance's
shoulder. "Let's have morning glories
all over the porch, Chanco. And
double hollyhocks, pink ' ones with,
deep-red hearts, Chance."
"Sure," laughed Chanco, kissing her
upturned lips. "You can bang Bill
and me up for ornaments, if you want
to, honey girl. 'Cause why? 'Causa
It's going to be home. And you won't
be lonesome, will you, with just old
Bill and me and the dogs?" Ho gazed
at her tenderly.
"Lonesome?" she repeated, her big
eyes wide and reproachful. "Lone
some, Chance, where you are?"
Bill looked up thoughtfully at tha
blue sky and winked with an u,de;-
Yes, Dick, you bet we reckollect that
good old game ot' tug,
An' chasin' fame is epiite a gamo be
neath our I'ucle's flag.
Sny, do you pipe Charlie Hughes
ridin' around iu Pullman trains,
Ashin' you nud me nnd women folks
to vote him in the game.'
You pipe (linrlie uin't mentioniii
when he had his fingers crossed.
'Way back iu New York state where
I "e vetoed nud bossed
i The tWO-CCllt railroad fare thn u-nm.
- en teachers' equal pay,
- 1 An ' five-cent fare to Conev so port
folks' kids might plnv. '
- 1
"'K ousincss howls tor Charlie, but he's
headed for tl frost :
The independent voters of the IT. S.
A. has got their lingers crossed.
Our chum Wood row sure told it straight
savin , "One terms u lot."
II be "IT" again as sure ns fate,
the voters won 't let him stop.
cum, pipe what he's done. lirr-
tectin' workiu' kids, stoppin' bank,
llelpin' out Hie railroad boys, elimi-
natin' trusjs,
Keepiu' peace and plenty here' when
the world's about to' bust.
We'll play agin' ami keep him in, wo
like his fingers crossed.
John Uell.
Use the Journal Want i Wr,
siauuiug u.geri. iu- otner two JTjra
silent ffcgSFg, M