Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 28, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 13

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Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page
RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per vvok-d f or the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion
FOR KXCHANGE 110 acres good,
nearly level land, all under cultiva
tion, one mile from good town and
H. R. Will accept Salem property to
20OO.0. Square Deal Realty Co.' 202
U. S. Dank bldg.
FOB RENT Fine opening for room
renting or board and rooming busi
ness; seven to fourteen rooms, two
blocks from post office. Specially
favorable terms to suitable party
See William Fleming, Bayne build
ing. nov2
Inc., 428 Hubbard bldg., Salem. All
' drngless methods taugbt. Flora A.
Brewster, M. D., dean, private pa
tients 1 to 5 p. m. Phone 2124R. tf
from all points, east, on all houshold
goodB, pianos, etc. Consolidated car
load service. Capital City Transfer
Company, agents for Pacific Coast
Forwarding company, 161 South Com
mercial street. Phone Main 933.
BENTAL AGENCY S. H. Snyder, suc
cessor to L. Bechtcl & Co., Renting
of houses and looking after property
for non-residents especially solicited.
341 Stato St. Salem. nov24
OREGON Wholesale and Retail Hide
and Metal company. Highest cash
price paid for hides, pelts, rags, used
machinery and junk of all kinds. A
good stump puller for sale. 197 South
Commercial. Phone 309, nov27
SB. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got no relief, try Chiroprac
tic spinal adjustments and get welL
Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone Mam 87. Residence
Main 82S-B.
earner Commercial and Trade streets
For water serviee apply at office.
Bill payable monthly in advance.
T7EBB fc CLOUGH CO. C. B. Webb,
A. M. Clough morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern Jnethods
known to the profession employed.
89 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888.
directors-and undertakers, 252 North
High street. Day and night phone
Co., 220 N. Liberty
i'hone 2b3. A com'
plete line of Electric
Supplies and fixtures
CHEERY urvT WOOD 8 AW We live
ad pay taxes in Salem. Let Salem
people saw your wood. Phone 269.
tiro a. Zlat. T. L. Keister, Win.
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard ana cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Maia
2247. Residence Main 272.
Money to Loan
ON Good Real Estate Security.
Over Ladd fc Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon
aaonnt; low rates; promptly closed
attractive pre-paying privileges. I
tare 5V4 per cent insurance money
te loan on Salem business and resi
dence property. Thos. A. Roberts,
205 U. S. Nat'l Bank bldg.
HONEY TO LOAN I have made ar
rangements for loaning eastern
money, will make very low rate of
interest on highly improved farms,
"lomer H. Smith, room 9 MeCornack
Bldg, Salem, Ore., Phene W.
Military Legislature of
Late Congress Reviewed
By Senator George E. Chamberlain.
Chairman, Senate Military Affairs Com
mittee. There is a strange sentiment in this
country aguinst tho maintenance of a
larije standing army, but every patriotic
citizen favors the maintenance of a
sufficient army for our defense and pro
tection anil believes that whatever army
we have ought to be kept at the highest
point of efficiency. From Revolution
ary days to the present timo whenever
this country has been engaged in war,
whether with a foreign country or dur
ing tho Civil War, experts in military
affair's from Washington to Sherman,
and from Sherman to the present gener
al staff, individually and collectively,
have called attention time and time
again to the inadequateness and ineffi
ciency of the unorganized militia.
Prior to the Spanish-American war we
maintained an army of about 25,00 men
divideu into 25 regiments of Infantry,
10 of Cavalry and seven of Coast Ar
tillery. Of these the mobile army con
sisted of about 20,000 men. When the
war with Spnin beenme an accomplished
fnct tho army was o badly organized
anil so insufficient in numbers as to
bo wholly insufficient even in a war
with so weak a power as Spain. The re
sult was that congress enacted hastily
legislation looking to the reorganiza
tion and increase of the army so bh to
vitalize it and render it efficient. This
legislation, however, was not well dir
ected and the army organized under it
even when increased to the maximum
must have met with disaster in an en
counter with any but the disorganized
and poorly equipped army of Kpain-
Santiago was fought in the main by
trained regulars because a sufficient
time had not elapsed to enable the vol
unteer fortes to bo sufficiently mobiliz
ed and trained for foreign duty. Wo
weie wholly unprepared in 188S, and it
will never be definitely known what
that condition of unpreparedness has
cost our country in men and in money.
At the close of the war the army con
sisted of 30 regiments of infantry, 15 of
cavalry, six of field artillery, and a
coast artillery corps, and certain special
troops, consisting of about 90,000 men,
the infantry, cavalry and field artillery
constituting the mobile army. This force
was wholly insufficient to properly gar
rison the outlaying possessions which
fell to the United States as the result
of that war and at the same time leave
an adequate force to defend continental
I'nited States even against local disor
der and disturbance. It left continen
tal I'nited States with a mobile army
not much, if any, grenter than the police
force of New York City or Chicago.
The present administration has been
severely criticized by distinguished gen
tlemen who were largely responsible for
conditions that existed prior to and dur
ing the war with Spain. If these men
had been as ardent advocates of proper
preparedness prior to 1898 and during
tnai lime tne nistory ot that war might
be rewritten and the lives of thousands
Write for free booklet.
Send sketch and description or
model, mentioning this paper,
for thorough FREE search for
311 Victor Bldg..
Washington, D. C. Nov.ll
ORB. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville,
Mo. Post graduate and specialized in
nerve diseases at Los Angeles college
Treat acute and chronie diseasea
Consultation free. Lady attendant
Office 505-506 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone 859. Residence 346
Nth Capital street. Phone 4
50 years experience.
Depot National and Americas fence
Sizes 26 to 58 in. high.
Paint, oil and varnish, ete.
Loganberry and bop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250
- 6t Phone 124.
of young men from every section of the
country; untrained in military affairs
and ignorant of sanitary precautions,
might have been spared the horrible
deaths which occurred in detention and
mobilization camps.
It remuiued for the present congress
to realize the iinportaucc of the reor
ganization of the army and the rehabil
itation of the organized militia of the
country along lines of modern military
requirements. As the first and necess
ary steps the National Defense Act of
June, liilil, was passed. It is uot en
tirely as it ought to be, but it places
tho regular army upon a safe and sane
basis for any ordinary military contin
gency mid undertakes, whether success
fully or not, to federalize the National
guard and make it more effective as a
military force in time of emergency. Ex
perts in military science and tactics
claim that so far as the regular army
is concerned thin act is the best piece of
constructive legislation that has ever
teen passed and they hope that the at
tempted federalization of the National
guard will eventually result in a more
efficient volunteer force.
In order that it may be seen what this
act does, as briefly as may be I call at
tention to its provisions. Under it the
pence strength of the regular army is
approximately 11,000 officers, not to ex
ceed 175,000 combatant troops, and ap
proximately 40,000 noncombutant troops
including the unassigned recruits, tho
war strength about 12,000 officers, 225,
000 combatant troops, and about 00,000
noiiconibatant troops. Tho regular ar
my is made up of 05 regiments of in
fantry, 25 regiments of cavalry, 21 regi
ments field artillery, 7 regiments of en
gineers, 2 battalions of mounted engi
neers, 203 companies of const artillery,
a signal corps, enlisted men of the medi
cal department, the quartermaster corps,
und the l'hilipinne scouts.
The organization of infantry and cav
alry regiments has been changed by the
introduction of three new companies,
the headquarters, supply and machine
gun companies. These companies have
heretofore existed as provisional organi
zations, but the personnel therefor had
io do taaen irom tne otnor companies
of the regiment, thereby depleting the
ordinary companies and at the same
time not making the provisional com
panies as efficient as they should be.
Kach regiment of field artillery has
been increased by a headquarters and
a supply company for the same reasons.
As now organized they represent the
very latest improvements known to mili
tary experts.
The increase in the regular army is
made in five annual increments, but in
case of emergency the president may in
crease it to full strength or more rapid
ly than by one-fifth each year.
The enlistment period in the regular
army is for seven years, three with the
colors and four in the reserve, with a
provision that at the end of one year's
service any enlisted man within the
continental limits of the United States
may be discharged if he becomes a pro
ficient soldier in that time. Postmast
ers of the second, third and fourth class
es are authorized to recruit for the army
and enlisted men in the regular army
reserve are to be paid 424 per year to
enable the government to keep in touch
wi(h them.
An Officers' reserve corps is provided
which will authorize the commissioning
of civilians up to and including the
grade of major. These reserve officers
are to be selected and trained in time nf
peace, and the officers so obtained will
be far better prepared than any volun
teers that could be raised hurriedly at
the outbreak of war In order to obtain
many of these officers a reserve offi
cers' training corps is authorized, to be
composed of units at the various col
leges, academies and universities throu
ghout the country where military in
struction snd training will be given,
and these students may be given six
weeks' field training each summer in
An enlisted reserve corps is authoriz
ed for duty in engineer, signal, quarter
master corps, and ordnance and medi
cal departments, which will provide rail
way operatives, chauffeurs, hospital at
tendants, nurses, bakers, conks, tele
graphers, etc., for the balance of the
army mentioned.
Training camps to be conducted by
regular army officers are authorized for
civilians who are unable to secure mili
tary training otherwise. All the expen
ses of such camps are borne by the fed
eral government, including transporta
tion, uniforms, subsistence, and equip
ment. The period of training may be
for not to exceed 30 days in a year.
Under the act tho National guard, as
the organized miitin will be known,
will consist of approximately 17,000 of
ficers and 440,000 enlisted men to con
form to that of the regular army as will
also its equipment and armament. The
enlisted period in the National guard
will be for six years. Three with the
colors and three in reserve. The presi
dent is authorized to draft the National
guard into service of the United States
and to draft additional men to keep
these units at war strength. Horses are
to be furnished mounted organizations
of the guard, with a provisiou for their
care and maintenance. The training of
the National guard will consist of not
less than 48 periods of armory training
of not less than one and oue-half hours
each ,aud 15 dnys field trainingNa
tionnl guard officers and enlisted men
may be sent to the various army ser
vice schools for instruction aud while
there receive pay.
In ordor to provide for the regular ar
my officers necessary for duty with
the National guard, at the various col
leges where military instruction is giv
en by army officers, and for other than
organizational duty, an additional 1,
022 officers over and above the num
ber required to be with troops are au
thorized. To encourage target practice, the sec
retary of war is authorized to establish
ranges and to supply rifles, ammuni
tion and instructions lor rifle clubs
throughout the country. '
The president is also authorized in
time of v.nr to compel munition factor
ies to furnish supplies ami arms that
are needed. A board of mobilization of
industries is created to investigate pri
vntely owned plants suitable for the
manufacture of arms and ammunition
in order to ascertain the capacity of the
Would Keep Rural Credits From Oregon
After years of preparation, which in
volved an extensive study of the sys
tem used in European countries, con
gress has passed a law providing for
rural credits. Much of the work of put
ting this new system for the develop
ment of the United States into opera
tion has already been accomplished. But
if the single tax bill on the November
ballot is adopted, Oregon w'ill lie shut
out from participating in the benefits
of the rural credits act.
- Furthermore, the state-wide campaign
for a system of state rural credits will
go for naught if the single tax amend
ment is adopted, for this system, like
that of the federal government, is bas
ed upon the integrity of present land
A section of the federal act provides
that "no such loan shall exceed 50 per
cent of the value of the permanent, in
sured improvements thereon, said value
to be ascertained by appraisal." Ano
ther section provides that the commis
si oner shall examine the laws of every
state regarding land titles and assure
himself (with advice of the attorney
general) as to whether or not they as
sure the holders of first mortgages ade
quate safeguards: and if not, such state
may be declared ineligible to partici
pation in the benefits of the farm loan
The single tax bill, framed to force
all land out of private hands and into
state ownership through excessive taxes
or "land rentals", appears on the bal
lot under the name of the "Full Rental
I Value Land Tax and Homemnkera' Loan
Fund Amendment" to the state constitution-
It is the first initiative meas
ure. The rural credits bill, with which
I it is often confused because of the title,
is the seventh initiative measure.
On all sides it is acknowledged thnt
Oregon is a state which needs the in
vestment of outside capital to develop
its wonderful resources. Other states,
i however, have great mineral wealth,
, forests, and great water powers as well
as have Oregon. The man with money
finds opportunities beckoning to bim
from every point of the compass.
How will the capitalist consider in
vesting his money in a state which even
allows a confiscatory measure to go on
its ballot f It is generally believed that
adoption of the single-tax bill v. ill re
Nult in its being thrown out by the
courts because of unconstitutionality.
But what view will be taken by Eastern
capital of a state which depends upon
a court decision to knock out vicious
laws its people have passed through ut
ter misconception of its purposes!
The single tax bill is on the ballot un
der the name of the "Full Rental Value
Land Tax and Homeseekers' Loan Fund
Amendment". It is the first initiative
measure on the ballot. Its voting num
bers are 30(1 yea and 307 no.
When the socnlled "people's land and
loan measure" began to be advocated
country in the furnishing of munitions,
aud the ordnance department is author
ized to prepare in time of peace neces
sary tools specially required for the
manufacture of arms, ammunition, etc.,
so that they may be ready if needed at
any time.
For tho production of nitrate neces
sary in the manufacture of ammunition,
a plant of plants are authorized, aud an
appropriation of $20,000,000 made for
their erection.
A further provision of the act is de
signed for tho protection of the uni
forms of the army, navy, and mnrino
To secure a highly specialized corps
of officers for the regular army tho
corps of cudets at the military academy
is increased from aliout 770 to 13:-', un
der the act of JJay 4, 1910.
In addition to the National defense
act which I have called attention the
president is authorized in timo of war
or when war is threatened, under tho
act of April 25, 1914, to organize a vol
unteer army. This act, like the Nation
al defense act, is a splendid piece of con
structive legislation, and with both on
the statute books there is no doubt but
that in case of necessity the probabili
ty of raising an nrniy which could be
mum; tv 11..11-111 wiiiiui u reiiHuiiHUie iiuiu
would only be limited by the readiness
with which our citizens volunteered for
During no administration since tho
Civil war has so much been done to pro
vido our country with an army or to
place within the hands of the president
the power to organize an army sufficient
for national defense, mid at the same
time limitations are placed upon this
power to prevent the maintenance of a
large standing army by any president
who might feel disposed to do so even
where no necessity therefor existd.
I by single tax adherents one of the stock
I arguments wiib thnt "The man who is
I holding raw land idle will be forced to
cultivate it and not merely speculate
I with it. "Hut fine-sounding phrases do
I not disguise the fact that the man who
has corao to Oregon within the last' few
years nnd is working hard to convert
land covered with brush and stumps in
to a renl farm will, under this scheme
be made to pay the same per acre that
the owner of a prosperous, improved
farm will pay. This is looking on the
other side of the measure now named
on the November bullot the "Full Rent
al Value Lund Tax aud Hnmeniakcrs'
Loan Fund Amendment. " That is but
one of tho culumitous results of this
scheme. It is a single tax under a new
name, a name that is designed to lend
the voters to confuse it with the tate
rural credits bill, which appears later
on tne naiiot.
Within the state of Oregon are some
300,000 acres of Carey act projects land
and (12,000 acres of school laud. None
of this great area can be sold if the
"Full Rental Value Land Tax and
Home makers' Loan Fund Amendment"
to the slate constitution is adopted by
the voters this year. The bill specifi
cally says that the state shall not sell
any land, that being one of the few
perfectly niimistnliiible ehiuses the mea
sure contains.
The policy of absentee landlordism
is to prevail, for the stute, by tho very
nature of things, can be nothing but an
absentee landlord; and, acting through
its agents, be unable to show mercy but
hound to collect the last penny of rent,
whether crops fail or not. Such a con
dition renting by five-year leases the
property they now own outright will
bo whut the farmers of Oregon must
face if this amendment i-s adopted and
its provisions ever made operative.
The measure is drawn to force nil
land out. of the present owners' hands
snd into state ownership. It will accom
plish that purpose beyond a doubt unless
the voters can crush it with their bal
lots. This measure is the first initiative
bill on the bullot. Its voting numbers
are 300 yea and 307 no.
Socialism seeking to put all forms of
wealth into a common fund out of which
each individual shall, theoretically, re
ceive his share, is generally considered
a revolutionary plan of distribution.
But the single tax bill 'which appears
on this years' tmllot under the mislead
ing title of "Full Rental Value Land
Tax and Homemakers' Loan Fund Am
endment" is not as revolutionary but
far less fair than socialism, for it is
drawn to force all land into state ow
nership but leave every other form of
property untouched.
Horse Show Opens at
Portland Tonight
Portland, Or., Oct. 27. Society will
By Mort.
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Salem Elestrle Co., Masonic Temple,
T. V. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Haia HI
Salem Trnek A Dray Co, eorner State ana front streets If sla T
No. 18 Oregon Express 5:55 a.m.
No. 24 Coos Bay 3 :52 p. m.
No. 28--Wlllamette Limited ... .0 :22 a. m.
No. 12 Shasta Limited 11:55 a.m.
No. 18 Portland 1'asBengcr . . . 1 '.36 p. m.
No. 14 Portland Express .... 7 :55 p. m.
No. 222 Portland fast Freight 12:01 a.m.
No. 226 Local way Freight. . . 10 :20 a. m.
No. ISLCullfornla Express . . .It :05 a. m.
No. 17 Ashland Passenger. . . .8 :32 a. m.
So. 23 Coos Buy 10 :(ll a. m.
No. 10 Cottage Grove Pass. ..4:10 p. m.
Makes connection with Na. 74 Uecr
No. 11 Shasta Limited 5:43 p.m.
No. 27 Willamette Limited ...6:20 p.m.
No. 13 Hun Fiunclsco Express 10 :0s p.m.
No. 221 San Francisco Fust
Freight 12:01am.
No. 220 Local way Freight. ... 11 ;40 a. m.
Salxu-Uiecb I.ins.
No. 73 Arrives at Snlem 0:15 a.m.
No. 7 Leaves Sulem ...0:50a.m.
No. 70 Ar. Sulem (mixed) . . . .2 :(K p. m.
No. 74 Leave Salem 3 :05 p. m.
No connection south of Uccr.
Sausii, Fills Citt and Wcstebn
No. 101 Lv. Salem, motor .....7:00a.m.
No. 103 Lv. Sulem, motor 0:45 a.m.
No. 105 Lv. Salem for Monmouth
and Alrlle 1 :40 p. m.
No. 167 Lv. Salem, motor 4:00 p.m.
No. lilt) I. v. Sulem, motor 6:15 p.m.
No. 2.'19 Way Fr't lv. Salem. . . .5 :00 a. m.
No. 102 Ar. Sulem 8:30 a.m.
No. 104 Ar. Salem 11:10 a. ro.
No. 160 Ar. Salem 8:15 p.m.
No. 1U8 Ar. Sulem :0(l p. m.
No. 170 -Ar. Salem 7:45 p.m.
No. 24 Way Fr't ar Salm.... 2:30p.m.
Orcoon Oil Traniportatton Company.
The Urabamona leaves Salem for Port
land at 6 o'clock on mornings of Mon
day. Wednesday and Friday. No hoot south
of Snlem. Boat leavos Portland Tuesday,
Thursday and Satuiday mornings until
further uoi-w.
he nut in force tonight at the opening
of the horse show, presented by the
Portland Hunt Club.
W. 8. Holland of Vancouver, II. (,
owner of the fnnious jumper Credent
ial, expects his horse to clear the bar
at 8 feet, 3 inches, which is consider
ably over the world's record.
Muny Canadian horses will be
brought into competition with Amer
ican entrants. Tho arena is said to be
the finest in tho United Htates, ex
cepting Madison .Square Harden.
A sparrow for a short distance can
snurt by wing up to SO miles an hour.
Yick So Ton?
Has medicine which will eare
Any known Disease
Open Sundays from 10:00 a. m.
wrtil 8:00 p. m.
163 South High Btrrt.
Si1 am, Oregon. I'houe iZZ
Regular conclave fourth Friday In rack
month at 8 o'clock p. m in Maaoalc
Temple. Sojourning Sir Knlghta art
courteously Invited to meet witb ue
Lot L. Fearce, EL C, Frank Turner,
con Cedar Camp. No. 5240. meets every
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock la Me
Cornack ball, corner Caurt sad liberty
streets. Elevator service. Ceo. Kelnohi,
V. C.l J. A. Wright. Clark.
M. Burger.
Kiln lift
127 North High
Lv. Salem Train No. Ar. Portias
4 :.1B a. m 2 Owl 6 :65 a m,
T:I5a.m a 0:25 ash
0:43a. in 10 Limited. ...11 :35a. m.
i in m J-. 11:35 p. aa,
:30p. m 14'. '. 4:00 p. at.
-4:iMli. m 16 Limited ... 5 :50 p. at,
g : p. sm 20 7:40 p. .
7:55 P-in 22 10;00d. m.
Lv. Portland
6 :30 a. m. Sulem 8 :35 Eugent 10 :55 a b.
8::i0a.m. ... a Limited .... 10:lla.i.
lOjlJa. m 7 12:55 p..
2:0gp.m O 4:15 p.m.
4:40p.m. ... 13 Limited .... 6:40p.m.
6:05 p. m 17 Local .... 8 :10 p. a.
0:20 p. m 10 11:20 p.m.
11:45 p. m 21 Owl 1 ;65 0. m.
Lv. rorvallls Ar. Salem
:1 P- m 20 5:80 p. as.
Lv. Eugene. Ar. Salem
7:35 a. m 10 Limited .... 0:45 a aa.
1:35 p. m 18 Limited ... 4:00 p. at.
.5 :;6p. m 22 7:65 p. av
12:0 j p. m 2 Owl 4 :35 a. at,
Lv. Sulem. Ar. Kit gene
1:55 a. m 21 Owl 6:60 a.
10:15a. ni 5 Limited ....12:23pm.
Lv. Salem Ar. Albsnn
12:55 p. ra 7 1:50 p.m.
Stops st Corvallla
Lv. Snlcm. Ar. Albaa,
4 :13 p. to. 9 8 :10 p. nv.
Ar. Alhaaa
.. 1:aaa-aw
Lv. Salem. Ar. Kiin
6:45 p. m IS 8 :60 p. m
Nourn bound
Lv. Corvallla Ar. Salts
8 :25 a. m 10 B :45 a m.
I2;l2p. m 14 1:45 p. am.
2:41 p. ra 16 4 :') p. at.
4:10 p. m SO 0:30 p.m.
:18 p. m 22 7 :65 p. m.
Lv. Salem. Ar. Camilla
10 :15 a. m B 11:33 a.m.
4:15 p. m 0 6:36 p. aa
12:53 p. m 7 2:20 p. m.
6 :40 p. m. IS 8 :00 p. sa.
Friday night at 8 o'clock In McCarnack
block. A. J. Swtlnlnk, C C U (. Utr.
clerk, 607 Court Street Fnoae 503.
8A1.EM LODGE K. , A. F. ft A. M
Stated communications nrtt Friday la
each month ut 7 :3I p. m. In the Musoale
Temple. CIiuki McCarter, W. M. ; S. Z.
Sulver, sccreupy.
JNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly,
No. M, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. i.
In Moose hall. C. O. Matlock, M. A.
O. A. Vibbort, secretary, Crown Drug
store, 338 State street.
A. O. TJ. W. Protection Lodge Ne. 2,
Meets every Monduy evening at 8 l tba
MeCornack ball, corner Court snd Liberty
atreeta, A. B. Aufrauee, U. W. ; 8. A.
McFcriden, recorder; A. L. Brown,
financier; R. B. Duncan, treasurer.
CENTRAL T.ODOB, No. 18, K. ef p. Me
Cornack building. Tuesday evening t
each week at 7 :30. C. E. Harbour, C. C. I
W. B. Ollnon, K. of R. and 8.
B. N. of A "Oregon Grape Camp," So.
13K0, meets every Thursday evening la
MeCornack building. Court and Liberty
streets : elf rator. Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp.
1701 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa I'er
sona, recorder, 1206 North Commercial,
l'hon 1436 M.
president; Mra. Lou Tlllaoa, aecrctarw.
All canes of cruelty or neglect of dumb
animals should be reported ta the
accretury for Investigation.
itodpon cor.vciL, No. t. r. a s. u.
tated asaemlily first Monday In each
month. Masonic Temple. N. P. Itaamua
aen, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glenn C
Nlles, recorder.
SALEM COUNCIL NO. 2622 Knights and
Ladies of Security Meets every 2nd aod)
4tb Wednesday each month at llurti
Hall. Vlalting memhera are Invited te
attend. E. F. Waltsn, financier, 480 8.
14th Street
PACIFIC LODGE- No. 50, A. P. A. If.
Stated communications third Friday.
In each month at 7 :30 p. m. In the
Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolam, W. M.
aii'Uest 11. Clioate, secretary.