THE DATLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCT. 28,1916, 9 WOTi? PWK TP (TV P rL!(lfl 1V U3ffa I. II - -ig 1 taeJBiij GbpTalksMttid y mi rftrKr uutior-. Airthor mPij Terry, the Big Cop, paused before 'Banana Joe's fruit stand and looked ,over his stock with an experienced ;ye. "Joe," he asked, "do you wont jlicace or war?" ' "I want sella de banan," grinned Uoe. J ' I'll let yeu," said he Ilig Cop. "I prefer apples, anyway," and he took .the beat apple in sight. With mock deference Joe took the apple from Jiim and polished it carefully before . iiunuillg UUCK to nun more whiskers than Woodrow hasj and there would be less to laugh ati It would be a clean, straight issue) 'Do you want a whiskered president or a shaved one?' The staunch Re Ullblicans would Innw mlmf thai were for and what they were agninsti There would be less seen of the mart in me audience who gets up, when; the Republican spell-binder is telling What the fifillliltliimna otun.l t- thia year, and says, 'Excuse me for liv-i in k 1 "Hi ""v i-'cmucraui nave neeir, r iuy mesa jour years ana woou- ....... .B .u iur tnui inese lour vears ana wonu iou must think I'm Vnt.,1 i auit as a KepuMican campaign ora- ready done it and done it well.' I.'iT'i a'Vhe Bi Coo pleasantly, f - "Has anyone yot priod into youij it looks to me as if they were not ivory dome, Joe, the fact that the satisfied to get everything they wont Democratic administration has madei rrom the Democratic administration, twenty-feur treaties of peace with all lint huil ft t L.l ........ i. n. ,1 .... j. . . . . . niviv umu niv-y Km n. -ui great nations or me worlu, ajrree-i '1 was not talkinir throueh my hat, Joe, when I asked you did you want peace or war." . . "No?" asked Jim rnciiulW "I was not," said the Bi(f Cop firm I ii a inara ahu a a n u . n t diibii io nu war vy or AWUintit 11.4 Until th nnufWil haa Kak thoroughly investiuted by a perma- uvui uuernaitonui vomniiH.sion, and a; report mudo and for twelve months' aft... .11. t.. 1 J 1M ly. '1 thouirht maybe 1 could add .alter diidumucv hat fnilorf. if f..ii it you to the large and toothful wandoes? lias anyone told you that; these agreements bind twelve bun. dred million people? If Woodrow! Wilson is so baa there are twelve1 hundred million glad to be like him. ' "iou see. Joe. Wilson has said nartv. At tii nMMni ti,.t in habitants of the United States are divided into two grand divisions those who want peace and those who want wan Tl... . I ' . ni T j V, .'" CU""' oil iou see, joe, Wilson Has said,' iheodore Roosevelt, and the second with the Republicans and Democrats. ... ... ui us. iHtrnng nis ions in ine senate agreeing, "Let us have; and grandsons, whom he threatened j no more citizen-murder if we can' to enlist, Theodore's war party has I settle our quarrols with foreign na-1 not grown much. I hoped he might !tions without it.' 'But what if wel dd a blood-thirsty banana man like can't settle it that way?' you say.! yi u a., . , . 'Suppose,' you say, we have to nick: '1 nave a kid at home. Jne. A un th Li li,.L,.r l,.i,T uh.oi fine little lad he is. too, and it is none iclub?' I ask, and you look around for! it and all vnll find ia m willa, ouit..n 1 which is hardly the weapon to tackle! u iiiuu enemy witn. "iou see, Joe, the Democrats and ftf his fault Km ia a Kol.t, !. I.een born twenty years earlier he would lie a man by now, but babe he it Anrl ha kua 1 tl,A n . i i vT . . V. " . " ,u m temocrats ana l t, t T ' Republicans both thought of that 1 w.. ju uu v tveep iiTCjimHRers uu your lot you ; Cives his heart to it! Vnn run . i..i, j . ... ., . . , vM, m null uu llUfc pwtven, ior 1 wnen mey come they bring a clubi with them. So, whilst arranging' every means to avoid trouble and I slaughter, the Democrats and Repub- ci lim a mil. Anil Anna ha tiu.1 tiling to bawl about? Indeed, no. Hues ho want a iii. of i.u,wl W'aw! wawl wuw! The neighbors - -7', -.Kiiviuio nmugmcr, wis ucniucrau ana nepuD- thtnk we are niiiril.ti1nit him thA I li,.a..a i u ..i o i wt imy reuiemuerea: no howls. So we give him the lolly-1 preparedness and have cut a stout' pop he wants. He -cries ten times ! hickory club to have handy in case of louder than he ever did before. Wawl , need. In the national program of' 1W Wuw' wuw llu'n .,( -V...t 1.- ...1 n fin? I . - - n. "..v iisjvriiig aim wr tne iwpuiuicans are wants, but he bawls because we gave I like my babe the only howl they it to him and did not let him climb have is that we gave them what they the she ves of the closet and get it wanted and they are sore that they himself! The little nkeesick. he re-1 did not have the chance to giv ex minds me of the Republicans, this,actly the same things. To my mind campaign. whiskers would be abetter campaign 'Have you heard any of them, issue, by far. The Republicans are JoeT You should. You .-an go in! making a great cry these days, Joe, free and they re twice as funny as; but it worries the nation no more Charley Chaplin. One-half of thm Uhan the bawl of my babe John when lira Bhnntiitiw t !.......! ...... I . i I t . . . - '--'n .iwiiimn iiuuiso lur m nus airway got wnat be wants.! honorable peace and the other half but there is one thing more close to yelling their heads off for adeauate the keniihlirjtn l.wa hmr ii... ' rAllurpflnAKSI. Hmrha la In nnt nil that, do you mind! "If I was running the Republicar. campaign, Joe, I would confine the issue to whiskers. On that platform I would be safe. With the naked eye any .voter can see that Hughes ha "What?" asked Joe wearily. "A government Job for the Re. I .a. .LI! 1 I M " . S .V V.. n I uuuncan maiiur, aa:a tne Big cop, J "and that is what all the pow-wow is i aoout wnen you com right down to it." CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING YOU RESULTS. Justice Charles E. Hughes and Senator Elihu Root Both Endorsed Wilson Ac York, Oct. 28. "The presidi-nl is doing magnificently," This is the endorsement Clmrles E. Hughes gave to 1'iesident Wilson to wurd the end of the first six months of the democratic administration. It is vouched for by Dudley Field Ma lum1, collector of the port of New York who says Mr. Hughes made the riMuiiik to him in Washington in dis cussing the difficulties that confronted the president. This endorsement recalls n similar one by ex Senator Klihu lioot made on April S.1, lllll, before tin1 American Society of International I-nw. The following nccount of it is taken from the Washington I'ost of April L'li, l!M4: With tears streaming down his cheeks and in a voice that shook with emotion, Senator Klihu Knot st iod be fore the guests at the annual 1m liquet of the American Society of Interna tional Law at tho Willard last night and declared his loyalty to the presi dent in everything he. might do in this country's complications with Mexico. Senator Hoot did not know then that plan of mediation was under way, through the good offices of Argentina, Chili and Uracil. Apparently he had not the slightest fukling that mediation was about to intervene between this country and dread war, though nt the moment he was spenking a score of newspaper men were vainly trying to reach him to ask him if he was in fa or of or opposed to mediation. The Senator's first knowledge of the move wns when the secretary of state arose and, after n few preliminary re marks, made public the interchange of notes between the Department of State and the South American countries. The moment the trend of the media tion notes wns understood there was a storm of applause that continued sev eral, minutes. It wns one of the most dramatic scenes ever witnessed at a gathering in the national capital. The intense relief over the sudden change in the' war situation wns seen in every face. The secretary of war was the last speaker, and his message of pence was a complete surprise for though the I'ost had announced m an extra ine proposed plan of mediation, it was after the banqueters had assembled, and probably no one in the room knew of it, outside of Secretary Bryan. Senator lioot's pledge of loyalty to President Wilson was dramatically eloquent. I have been tecling very unnnppy during the last few- days over our af fairs in Mexico," ho said. "It is not in the. possibilities of human nature to avoid differences of opinion as to policy, and every one who has a duty to perform must act according to the dictates of his own iudmnent and own conscience in the performance of thar dutv. I wish the cup eould pass trom us." At this point in his speech the Sen ator's vioice Brew husky and tears welled from his eyes. 'Hut the president has acted upon his responsibility and his conscience, lie is the head of this great Nation. It is for tho Nation that he acts. No matter how we may have differed in our opinions of policy in the past, we must all, every one of us, "stand loyally by him. There must be no backward look, but forward, for the success and honor of our beloved country, which we best serve in loynl support of the chief magistrate upon whom rests the responsibility of leadership. '"Thank Hen1en, wo have a presi dent in whose lofty chinictcr, in whose sincerity of purpose?, in his genuine desire to do what is right, wise, patriotic, and what is best for the country nnd humanity, we can all trust absolutely. I trust iu it. 1 have dif fered from him in questions of policy, and doubtless shall differ from him again. Men coming up with different environments nnd associations nnd ideas must differ; but I have con fidence in the character and purpose of (lie president of thj United St.ites. He is my president, and I will stand behind him in his leadership.'' Senator Itoot then asked all to stand and drink the toast to the president, which he said should be always the first regular toast in nil American meetings of thnt character. HOME CANNING OF TISH. To can fish carefully and cut into pieces to fit the jar to be used. Tut in to jnrs (preferably pints, unless the family is large.) Add 1 tenspoonful of salt to each pint. If desired, one tab- lespooutul ol olive oil may he added but it is not necessary. Adjust the lid losely and place the jar on a rack in the wash boiler or cnaner. If the wash boil er is used, cover the jars completely with water. When the wnter is jump ing in the boiler, begin counting time and cool: three hours. If a pressure cooker is used do not have the water come up the the jnrs. Cook nt ten lbs. of pressure for one and a halt hours nt end of sterilization period remove from the container nnd seal. Test to see thnt the seal is complete, and store in a dark cool place. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness ia caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it ia entirely closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many eases of deaf ness are caused by catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafneea that cannot be cured by Hall 'a Catarrh Cure Circulars free. All Druggists, TSe. T. J. CHENEY ft CO, Toledo, O. FARMERS' AND HOMEMAKEES' . WEEK IS JANUARY 1-6TH. Farmers' and Homeinnkers' Week nnd liuiul Life conferences, January 1 to (i, is the annual occasion for Oregon rural population that believes in more profitable farms, brighter homes, ami more nttnrctive social and business re lations, to assemble at the Stutc Agri cultural college to measure practice by science, sift the false from the true, iind bring the tested principles of the college into the industries, business, nnd society of rural lite. Opportunities to do this will le many. Good fnrmcrs, and bad, will rub should ers with better farmers. Housekeepers will unite with homcniukers. All will meet state uud nntiuiiul lenders and mingle witli each other in the rculms of country ideals and country possibili-l tics, l'lensure will vie with profit in inspiring and guiding to higher things, with the intellectual and spiritual lead ing the material. Conference for organizations and lec turers for individuals, with demonstra tions and exhibits for all, are parts of each daily program. Students may ex amine and test ninny types of farm ma chinery; judge standard breeds of all classes of farm livestock; study const ruction and operation of farm engines; see demonstrations uf food preparation; garment making; dairy manufacture nnd stock feeding; study fruit, vegetable and flower growing and handling; in vestigate seed-rrop production and test ing; nud attend conferences of leading state organizations- All this in addition to the instruction in regular und special lectures. Farmers' week is held during the college Christinas vacation, tanking stu dent quarters available for raring for the short course students. The faculty will be available for advisory work. Registration free. Expenses reasonab le. Reduced railway fares. A welcome and n value for all. Complete program ou request. OREGON HENS LEAD. Hens from the Oregon Agricultural college won first priite as best layers for September at both Storrs, Conn., and the Missouri contest. They also stand near the head in the year's con test, being second at Missouri at the close of the first week in October, and third at Storrs, October 1. The con tests at both stations end Nov. I. The Oregou hens are representatives of the new breed developed nt the col lge by Professor Dryden, and are known as Oregons. Both pens are descendants of the ;tt-egg hen, and show great uni formity in laying qualities. In Sept ember the pen at Stoors averaged 21.S exgs, and at Missouri 21.2. The Missou ri pen is slightly ahead in the entire number of eggs laid to September 1. having an average of S17 to their credit This was better than any pen at Storrs has done, although the records there are considerably Higher than ever before. For their performance at Missouri. Professor Dryden has received a beau tiful silver eup, which in the second awarded for the beat monthly pen rec ord. For the same month, September, a first prize ribbon was received from t'torrs. The Value of Knowledge. R. G. Dykstra, principal of thcSnlem Heights School, has issued a pam phlet for the benefit of his pupils that is worthy of much wider circula tion than tho limits of his school district. What he says is trite for it is the old idea that "Knowledge is Power." He puts it negitively, that ignorance is slavery. His "credo" is as follows; "Men say that slavery has been abolished. Is it a fact? True negro slavery has been abolished. But what about the hundreds of thousands of whito men in our country who are in a worse condition of slavery than ever negro endured in the South Can you imagine a worse slave than a man who is competent to do nothing except common labor who sees that he is shut in by a wall over which it seems impossible to climb, doomed year after year to drudge away at the same thing, with absolutely no hope for the future f You say this is a laud of the free that he is a free man. I say that he is a slave, because he is absolutely under the control of some one else of a master. His tools are not in his head but in his muscles. 'Where some one controls your tools he controls your oppertunity to work When he controls your opportunity, he is your master. You are his slave. "Indeed, in many respects, the block slave of the past was far better off than the white slave of today. True, the black man could not quit, but he was fed, clothed and doctored during sickness, and had little to worry about. The picture in "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Is much overdrawn. Tho negro was far too valuable to bo mistreated very much but you if you are a white slave, how much are you worth to your master! How much will it cost him to replace Vou when you get old and wear outt "You say '1 am not a slave. I can quit.' Yes. vou can quit and go to work iu tho same old treadmill again or starve, unless you have some technical knowledge that will enable you to become your own master. A man is free, and free only, when he controls his own oppor tunity to work when he has somo special knowledge that eunbles him to use his brain, instead of his muscles when he has educated and trained not only his hands but his mind. Then and then only has he the tools of a free man. Then ho has his foot on the ladder and is competent to climb. 'This is an age of education along special lines. Never before in the history of tho world has the demand for specialists been so great. Every branch of business has been systematized and reduced to a science, and a man must know his business and know it tboroughlv, in order to successfully compete in these opening years of the twentieth century. "Fate hangs no red lights at the cross roads of a man's career." There are no sign boards along Life's highway, and the highroads to success or failure are not labeled at the beginning. It is only when we have reached mature years that we can look back and see just where the cross roads were; just where the sign should have been placed reading "This way to success." We can then begin to see just where we took the wrong road; just where by not going the right way, we can lose so much while had wo done thus or so we would have gained honor, wealth and fame." The reason why many men fail in life today is because of the fact thnt they squandered their time and their manhood in their youth; they would not go to school, or, if they had gone; they wasted their time, skimmed through their text books, annoyed their clnss mates and teachers, and impeded the progress of many faithful workers. Let the boys and girls of our schools today wake up and heed this fact lest some of them find themselves in the" race with the slaves in the years to come. To waste and squander your time now, instead of engaging in laborious study, menns that you will suffer defeat nnd dis appointment when you get out into the world to grapple for a liveli hood with mankind. Ask yourself the question: Am I going to be con tented to plod along life's pathway with the great mass of humanity in the line of least resistance, contented to do the little things and let . the more ambitious class take the lead, or shall I place my shoulder to the wheel and improve every spare moment, in as well as out of the . school room, and thereby let the world know that I cannot be turned aside from my settled purpose! It is the young man or woman who confronts the world with an unflinching heart, who cannot be discouraged by the scorn or laugh, but masters every difficulty set before him, that mnkes his mark.' Do not wait for age to tench you this dear lesson but grasp your opportunity and fill your place in this grand old world or vou may some day reflect back and say, "Well, I am still a slave." R. O. Dykstra.