Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 28, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 11

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Sporting News
Magazine Section
PRICE TWO CENTS stands!"?!.".
Expert Sizes Up the Football, v
Sitaation Among the Big
gest Kickers
By H. C. Hamilton, "
(United. I've Staff Correspondent.)
w New York, Oet. 2H. With Dart
mouth meeting Priiieeton, Hnvard bat
tling Cornell and Vale facing Washing
ton and .lefferson, there should be
enough collide yells and songs in the
east today to make a noise in the west
if the far west only eared to hear it.
Cornell stands a better chance of
coming through victorious than any
f the other teams booked to do stunts
with the "big three''. The Ithaca
gang lias not lost a game in more than
two years ami this year no opponents
have scored on them.
IVrcy Haughton, the Harvard coach,
thinks enough of Cornell's chances to
make considerable preparation tor the
struggle, lie had his warriors locked
up yesterday in secret practice and ho
is expected to turn loose some of the
plays today that -lie had saved for the
benefit of Yale only.
Prince! in isn't in tho same boat
with Harvard by any menus, except inL
that Speedy Rush 's long countenance I
has taken some of the nen out
Of the,"
jungle town rooters. At Old Nassau I MeiJahnn for district attorney for good
they are confident Dartmouth's solid j and sufficient reasons, but does not
backfield, veterans all, will be unable propose .to speak ill of any opposing
to pierce the defense that Tufts (lis-1 candidate. We know that Mr. JlcMa
1 covered was something in . the stone . ban is supported by many of the henvi
wnll line. est taxpayers of Marion county; that he
1'i.itif.Alnit fwkct n rrnnil lefpnsn n is nil fillip mnn. nil hmient itimi mill iimm.
grand light backfield, but a poor of- j
tense nt tile smashing game. Jiowever, y iue ring nnu nicrerore one enn near
Kddio Driggs is nno of the best punters such erroneous statements that he will
the cast ever has seen and by his own not receive much support in Salem re
efforts could, in a pinch, work the ovfcil ; gardlcss of what he will have in the
to a point from which Dave Tibbott county outside. We have heard from
might trv a field goal. Field goaling some of the most influential men of Sa
hns come to be a pet hobby of Dave lc' "lnt ' '" Rt l"g vote there and
Tibbott 's. B lnrgo plurality. The Independent
Yalo fiices a hard task. For two"val,t8 Jtr- McMahan elected to that of
years in succession the Washington und in r,ll'r to lmve tllp taxpayers of
i..tf,snn toon, t.n .vun.lcr,.,! intn Ww! this county protected. His record prov-
I In von for a few hours and returned to if?
Washington, Pa., with the lung end of
!,., l,.., t n,f u-.,l,;.,.r.
ton and Jefferson hud plaved Yale to I ,T.lln the taxpayers of this county
a scoreless tie " , will display wisdom in electing Mr. Mc
If the' l'enn'svlvania eleven is ,,,! Mahan who now has such strung back
to put across a victorv todav it will 1 "J ,h-at hl" opponents have reason to
have the distinction of being "the only '''"""-v .w . ,e "'"" '";
... ., . ? ., ; stain point. o n burn Independent,
team, with tho exception ot Harvard, (jjel) 1
1,i trample the blue three times In j 1
Mil-cession. . ,,',,. 1.. H. MeMuhnn is milking an active
I appears from here that Bob Jol-; ni fo. his ,,,..,; fo h0 ,(.fi(1(.
well, Pennsylvania coach has bit off a ; ()f ,iNt,.i(.t llttl)nl(,v tlie imicpendent
hunk that is a size too large tor his .ti(.kct. nj it mij;llt l)0 sM fhnf
face in the name with I'lttsburir this i.. ..f,,,iu ,:,,i,t,. ,j i,.,. i i
iifternoon at Pittsburg. After making':.
grand showing against Benn State n'1(miwil Mr. McMahan for a good manv,
week ago and winning the praises or
football critics everywhere, Folwell
lias been busy figuring out a way to
down (ilenn Warner's gang. I
The Army and Navy have comparn-!
lively-easy games today, tho former
...I.A.1..I...I .:tl, v;lt. V ot
"'" "
.West Poiut ad the Navy.
i .
Keccntly Frank Siliinvy met with
what might hnve been a fatal accident,
.1. . : a 7 v d:.i,.
lilt' rMCUMUIUU litllll Uti 4. li ll nntLii; hi (.kit inunvp r.n iiiirii ll u I ii u i tu , inn i iitiin , . .. .,
the Hamilton place above Mchnma. 1 was thrown to the ground and was s.v.nptou,., ot shortage ordinarily ap
"When going down the Tietze hill tho , conscious for ome time. No bones l"'1,r- TIP KmH "' ''"' Kr""1
brake failed to work and tho team broken, but lie received several bruises movement, .lowever. was In altord re
could not hold bac'.: the load. Frank did nnd was badly shaken up. Stnytoa Hef for the condition of which it wns
not stop to think of the consequences .Standard. ' . a symptom. The extraordinary de-
A"triihe3 corpi oT demonstra
tors is travelling throughout (lie
sute, visiting tobacco dealers'
tores and proving to smokers by
actual burning tests the purity of
Sweet Caporal Cigarettes, i irst.
Ihey produce a roll of high grade
imported French oaiier; and. by
leaves behind
tiny flakes of
Then they
dinary cigarette paper, winch pro
duce heavy smoke, a pronounced
odor, and a black, thick, sooty ash.
The superior French paper, it is
explained, is
turning it,' show that it makes nn
kmoke. cives off no odor and
Sweet Lapornl
Tor nila'
loral has !
pver. Ai
nearly 40
today ill.
The positi
Caoral Ir.
t has stoo
The one
is bweet
more thai
tusy in li
Swtet Caporal Cigarette ire
o!d in every hotel and club in
America and in hundreds of
clubs and the best hotcU in Eu
rope. Every officer' toe army
and navy lias bweet Caporals.
I is the best-
loved cigarette that has ever been!
produced. Sweet Caporal has1
started millions of men on the
fijiht road to cigarette enjoy
ment and kept them there through
. (
Watching the Scoreboard
3c 5c sc sc sjs sc sjc jc sc jc s(c 3jc
Pacific Coast League Standings
. AV. Ij. Pet.
os Angeles 117 7S . .p'nl
emon ' 111., nil to
San Francisco .v. .-. -Pi2,lfl .oO
Salt Lake f7 W .Sim
Portland !2 tl(i .4KI
Oakland 72
- Yesterday's Results
At San Francisco 1, Portland 4.
. At Unit Lake 7, Oakland "!
At Los Angelw-l,-Vernon 0.
Shortstop Davis of Los Angeles at
tracted the spotlight at all stages of
the Angel-Vernon session.
.Davis performed some stabs worthy !'
of the worlds series. Incidentally the
Angels at. last turned
d on Vernon and
shut 'em out, (! to 0.
Hannah of Salt Lake got a homer
and a double, helping beat Oakland 7
to ;i. The Oaks rallied in the ninth
too late
Muivhv of Oakland participated In
three double plays. Dick Daviess slam
med out three singles, making
1 1 swats
'tor Itn-hard in tour games
Portland solved "Spinder Hnuin
anil beat San Francisco 4 to 1. Keuth
er for the Beavers held the Seals to
only one hit up to the seven installment
i '
1M" ""---""--"l xium.n ... u.
lnr throughout the county. He is feared j
hi probity beyond a doubt and that,
his beut of mind hus always been to
-save taxpayers money. e icei conn-
ti,e ;,.,. ivrsonnllv. the writer Imsl..
years, and we know thnt he iu thorough-
y competent to fill the position. He '
i, yer of wide experience and ex-
ceptionnl abilitv. He has nlwavs been
the friend of the taxpayer and a vote
for him will be appreciated and vou will
..... i. . i, n
""i .....I- ,u r.M-v .1. JOU.HII
. . i.- I . i i. i j: .i
to himself, but .thought only of the in-.
j....:. .i... i... ... ... ..u . t : .i
iiiiics uie noises nutuu receive ir uie
load came down on them. So he pulled
.the team out to the side of the road in
ti,. i..,. .i .... x' i. I
Sweet Caporals were
nothing but 1 few
pure while ash.
bum samples of or
popular lurkish and Virginia cig
asette.' They art the only cigar
ette whose popularity has never
waned. Sweet Caporal is tile best
loved cigarette that h.ii ever been
produced. Sweet Caporal has
sinned millions of men on 1 lie
rieht rond to
used exclusively
iimiini'nT -r--t-1- &Plu'm1r 1 . C-'i ' now
You enjoy the blend of choice
Turkiih with the t'c, sunny UMe
of Virginia-North Carolina to
baccos in Sweet Caior.il. No
other cigarette has this wonderful
Mavor of bweet s. t
niuW Sweet Caporal
lloiitf. and your throat will
tccl coj! and pleasant.
Car Shortage Breaks Record;
Due to Prosperity, Wave
The Railway Ago Gazette, in an
editorial in its current issue, publishes
statistics snowing that the shortage ot
freight cars on the first of October of
l,'i .Stilt"''8 years was tho greatest that evor
existed on mat date; but lroin an
alysis of the American Railway Asso
ciation for the lust ten yeurs it finds
that the peculiar conditions existing
this year are such as to warrant uu
optimistic view of the situation. The
net shortage as reported for September
30th is til,0:SO ears, distributed about
...... .r..-;,.nt.tl.. fix tin.; tiimtlinvti
, ,, .. .
'V , . , 7
v- ivuiuru wincu uu icn-mums mc
present shortage from those that have
occurred in previous years is brought
out by a comparison of the present
shortage by classes of curs with the
shortage of 1!HJ7. On October 2, 1917,
there was a net shortage of all classes
of freight cars,' and the aggregate net
shortage was within 3,11(10 of the ag
gregate net shortage on September 30,
liHif. In 11X17, however, of a total
shortage of 5S,270-cnrs, 43,13(1 of the
total Were box cms. In 101(1 the total
net shortage of til, 030 cars includes
only 33,010 box cms. The other prin
cipal component of the total is a net
shortage of 111,872 coal cars and gon
dolas. Car Shortage and
Oct. 1
190S .....
.. 133,702
jM J
1912 2(1.754
1913 ". 41.99
ltl4 "'WW
1915 SS.'fil
1910 2(i,20l
"For the reason that it is the largest
net shortage at this time of the year the
greatest possible effort should be put
forth in the way of cutting out uiinec
ccssury delays in movement iu seeing
that cars are loaded to full capacity, and
ill exercising moderation in requisite
of cms for loadiuir.
On the other hand, a certain feling of
relief may be entertained that the short
age up to dato is no worse. The peak
of the demand for cms ordinarily i ics
in October or early iu November. In
previous years the maximum net short
ages were reached on these dates: Oct
ober 30, 1907, .H(i,Sll cars; November
10, 19011, 3,2Hli cars; November 7, 1912,
51,209 cars; and October 15, 1913, (i,
048 car. These are the only years during
the life of these records when net short
aues have cccured.
It is, or course, well understood tiini
1 ?'U"U " vf!!?... i .1.. v '
nsoii for horliiijes occurring in
October or early in November, if they
, ,' . , , n ;J .1,, i th,.t ,,,,itr, ,re,i,.i'-1
'" "',' " hoavU-ii 1
"f., re, ' s, ' Lt o r doxi i
r m' 1 tm, " ; ' ! X . '
V , 1 s. ' ' 11 '1,1 . . , V. .. . ....... I
l .oiu i)cinK vi ui si- i hum u 10. vm . .
. 11i.,n..1,ll ,.,.,iitias iirevuiliiiB
'other countries there was a large early
I .... :.. 1 .. ..il Tl I
movement or kiiuii i.y inn. iiu-u- na
, , i i i r
also been a spend demand ir cms tor
t, i, , .... ,
r'":!:: t '
ars which af'.'ordcd premonitions of a
shortage earlier
the season than
Sweet Caporal is the (treat
Igrand-daddy of alt cigarettes now
on the market, and still it is the
1 1 vest youngster of thenr all. Eu
rope, Asia, Africa, North and
South America wherever civil-'
ized man is found there you'll
the first
find Sweet Caporal.
SOOtV flill.
Light a piece of Hie hih. grade
iniM)rted I'reneh paKr uu Sweet
Caporal Ciiranttcs and note how
it burns evenly conialelcly
odorless leaving a pure white'
sh. That's why Sweet Caporal'
burns evenly, stays lit no char-'
riuir nor smouldering and eivea
Ivou the pure, wonderful flavor of
us choice blend of Tuikish ani
irginia tobaccos. In over forty
years the world has been unable
ou can
all ilav
10 produce a better cigarette than
iSwcct Caporal.
II ll MIW -
aTt:J... i'.'.a lh I II-
'The relatively largo number of coal
cars and gondolas wliii'U help to make
up the net shortage, in l!l(i, and tho
relatively siiiull proportion of box cars,
point out at once what is perhaps the
principal cause of a shortage this year,
foul cars and gondolas have been the
classes of cars principally employed in
the transportation of coal and ore to
the large manufacturing plants. It is
probable, also, that a material part of
the box car shortage is due to the de
mand for such cars' in the transporta
tion of manufactured products from
the factories to the ports for export.
Tho whole condition is, therefore,
somewhat different from that which
has controlled in previous years and
deductions bnsed upon the precedents
furnished by previous years may go
wrong. -
'This net shortage of 01 ,(1.10 cars is
worth consideration from two points
of view. Tt is true that it is the larg
est net shortage' reported for this date
during the ten years in which the
American Railway Association has
compiled these figures. The figures
for a substantially corresponding date
in eacli of the preceding years, since
and including 1007, ars ns follows:
Surplusses, 1907 to 1916. '-
Net Short-
(i4,4()9 .
17, lit!
age or surplus.
5S,27(i shortage
125,078 surplus
3S,80li surplus
24.52S surplus
50.03S surplus
17.(9.) shortage
10,347 surplus
131,027 surplus
7S.299 surplus
01,030 shortage
mauds for equipment to carry other
material would not hnve existed but
for abnormal conditions abroad.
"But an outgrowth of the same cause
that brought ubotiti the earlier move
ment of "rain in I'.llli re acted to slow
llOV. 11 UIC IIHIVI.llll.lll I It I v I. l ill" lli-llltl ,mi
for grain for export coupled with n
- . . . - 1 ....
down the movement 'later. The demand
partial deficiency riniie crop resdlti'd
in prices for some grains, particularly
wheat, soaring to an unprecedented
height. Many fanners are only now
marketing their wheat nt 1.5(1 n bushel
and muny of them are still holding
their supply for $2.00.
"On the whole, then, this incipient
shortage may be regarded with mixed
feelings, notwithstanding the necessity
of putting forth every e.'fort to prevent
it from growing to more serious pro
portions. It has been suid before by the
Huilwov Aire (iu.ctte that a car short-
" '" ''"'I. it is nn un-
"'iitakiible evidence of transportation
l,ruHl,ori-v- 11 is l'""''"11"'1 "'
1 -v r'a"0" of '""llit . 11,0
1 'lv '"" iruf!ie t,',"lH ,0 n,,sp n
ia "!"'ral vl'r s1"'1' " lll,,i'"1
thnt the maximum of business may be
, . . . .
handled with the minimum of distur
bnnci?. And under these conditions the
precautions Hint me to be taken to pre
vent a threatened shortage' roni be
coming n serious matter can be taken
calmly and effectively willi but Ijltb
effort upon the part of en:-h responsible
If Diot'iics should return to earth,
ho niiht be kepi luoderntely busy at
his original uvot-ntion uf looking for an
hont'st mnn. Or he inilit turn his un
doubted talents in 11 still rarer iiiest
according to (!.- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hire in thu
New Vork Tribune.
Diogenes Up-to-Date
lio(;enes dwelt iu 1. tub, so iiurieut
stories suy,
Which showed thnt flats remained on-
chauii from that old (irecinu
And day noil 11 i ti h 1 with luuteru lihl
he wandereil n' and down,
I'atrollin nil the avenues which twist
ed through the town.
As each citizen pussed by Dioueues
would throw
His lantern liuhl upon ein-h luce and
siyh in ab.jei-t woe;
And through the throat; he'd niovu
nloiiK i-ont iiiuitit; his searih.
A vain and most unhappy one that left
him in the lurch.
The natives marveled at his .job, which
lett them all at sea,
They wondered what the nb.ject wns
and what his umft could be;
"Oh, tell us, plen-e, Diogenes," at Inst
each passer ci ied,
"What are ymi liiiiitiny fur, old dor'
und straiylit way he replied:
"I'm hunting for 11 southpaw who is
yisiil as Ivld'c IManli;
I 'in hunting tin a poet w ho has money
in the hank;
I'm hunting fur a college kid that
hasn't signed with Mack;
I 'm him t i u t! for a Yankee slur without
n broken back.
I'm hiintiuu for a pitihcr who is keen
on facinii Ty;
I 'm tmntiii s for a beu!en club without
an alibi;
i in looking for a ball club that can
hammer out a score
Kaeh time it faces Leonard, Kutli, 01
l-'oster. .Mays or Shore."
This is a 11 i c time of year to be fired
with the winter coming on.
What's the matter? This is canning
time, roi 't it J
By Constance Drcxel
What does the world expect of
America, at this moment, the
richest, most powerful nation on
earth? Lord Bryce hns Just said
It Lord Bryce,
closely con
nected with
the British
He has said
that America
must take the
lead in the ef
fort to prevent
a repetition of
the present
European kill
ing contest
My own ex
perience as a
Red Cross
nurse in
Franpn; m
more recent observations in Ger
many and England, convince me
that the people there are sick and
tired of slaughtering other human
beings as a means of settling na
tional difficulties. I found them
fighting, that this might be the
last war, and they look to Amer
ica to point another way. Do we
not owe it to them, as well as to
Americans, not to make r chance
of administration at this crucia1
period, especially when we know
that President Wilson has thi?
very subject of world peace close
to his irreat mind and heart? Let
ns at least give him chance t
tnr it '
rri.". .1. ......
jut; ,nii nil it'll Hinui-utill Hie
.... , ,
sage of what is commonly known nsi
" . J j
the Deer Amendment, No. 314 on the
ballot, linv' pledged themselves ns de-
icrniinen 10 nave tne law, it . passed,
l "ri,'- "-'ord.nK to its true in tent !
mid iiiiviiohiI. nnnuMV. ns innridv mtttitlfr.
and purposo, namely, us uiordv putting
-all I
tho Oregon hop growers and. brewers enneti'd nt the instunce of President menu by the oood tiini'S of a fc-yei. s
on an eiiinl footinc; with outsiders. Wilwin. Wo In. vo print icily agreed I n;o f What is the t'u nil n men till basis .f
The Committee feels the public will 1 that ''anadian lumber does no! come in-! u,ood times iu OrcKonf Is it not fi ii
believe such eminent biwyers ns J to competition with the Oregon lumber! products of the, the things that the fi i
Messers. Montntjue, (Ipnrin, 1'ipen, ; because of the tariff, that (tropin lum-iners raise and the lumbermen pnnluc I
Carey, Fulton, Simon, Tternsteiu, Cohen j ber is hiyher under the present ndniiu-; When the prices o!' thes:' staples 11 e
and others, who hnve iven their care- istration thnu under the Taft ndminis-1 higher is not the country more prospi'
l'ullv considered opinion thnt no at- trntion. T.et us admit that the Aduuwoii . mis Then let us take the prices if
tempt to establish saloons, bottle
houses or other unregulated sales of
beer would be successful. It would be
turning the law nwny from its plain
intent, nnd therefore impossible. Hut
the enthusiasm of the Prohibitionists
continues to misrepresent the purpose
or tins law nnu tne goon mini or "
onnnittee, anil Having ananiioiieii
idea of the general saloon, the I'rohibi-
tiouists now insist thnt it is the 'bnt -
tie house'' which is to be feared. They
suy that the Committee can only spenK
lor itself anil nor ror me nrewers.
Wishing to meet nil objections, how
ever fanciful, the Committee finally
thought best to lay the matter before
the brewers, and ill response to our re
quest we hnve received the following
To ('. K. S. Wood niul I'. T. Hans,
chairman and secretnry of the " l.ipial
Kights for Home Industry" Committee,
nnd to the several members of said
( oinmit tee;
We, the undersigned, tjirmerly in the) JW
brewing business iu the State of Ore-1 Vou, Air. Filmier, do you wind to re-
gnu, in answer to v.iur reiiuest, beg tnturn to good times of 11 few yeurs ago
say,' for record nnd publication.. tli;it j "inlcr the Tuft, administration f Mr..
in case the constitutional aiuendment i Husiuess Man, do you fanl to see a re-
No .'11 1. providing for the manufacture j 111111 "' limes when the farmer did
of n light beer not exceeding four per . ""' have the money to spend?
cent alcoholic 'strength, is passed, we! If supporters of ifr. Hughes would
will not llttompt to open saloons or,
buttle houses, or iu any way directly
or indirectly to violate the plain tcrm-i
of the Inw which we understand is in
tended to give us only the rights en- j ""ts m the stute, our self interest
ed in Oregon by brewers outside the
state, and we will join 111 eiilorcing tne ,,,. , pjir,V:il of the pnbne. by
law iiccording to its sp'nit. Knr our h ii ,,; IIM honest interpretation and ea-
own protection mid in the interest of ,,. ,,, , ,),,, Wl, 1IW (,,IV(l
the proposed amend ut, we respe-t-:it , t)1(, )1( j i.. to ileleiuiine what this
fully request your Committee to pre- . , m (() 1 1 , a ,.ntip state, not
pare 11 plan bv which the sale of state-' nv li -nijlt the preservation of the
brewed beer, if permitted, may be fill-, ,p and allied industries, but as tend-lv-
and satisfactorily regubited, nnd wiug toward true tempeiaiice. We hope
suggest that a registration bonk of 1 y,uir efforts niny be successful,
those entitled to receive beer . 01 , signed:
opened, ami the taking of affidavits be ,., v w,.;,,!,,,,-, plant, by Paul Wes
handled bv some public official. We, Bi,,,,,.,. 11,.,,,-y Wagner.'
w ill oursolvci. ask cities and counties
to make proper regulations, nan 11111 "
the extent i;f our ability 111 tneir en
lorcenielil. Also, 11 musi 1 -
.. , ,, , ,, i,M f,,.r
gotten that within four weelis alter j
this amendment I nes effective, if,
passed, n buy may 1 nacteit or tnejcj(v lirewery, Pendleton, bv Willielm
full uad eomidete regiibil 1011, and nn-
til some other plan is ad ipted by
cities and counties, we will be coin-
pelled to follow the pro lure now in,, ),,.-. mainifacl urers arc acting in g,
.-..... .,1 it vnros offices for their.,:, 1, ,,,.,1 ;n 1.,,. ,,, ,1., : ,,..
importation id liquors, namely, we . ,,,). 1(, ,,,,,. nfi iciiit their honest
will not sell or deliver to nnv person IIHI,-lh1l,0 ; ,.,,1-ryiug out Hie law nc
wh. 1 is a minor, habitual drunkard, or i ,.,irie u its true intent mid in see
who is not properly entitled to receive ;M), ,llt neither, direclly or indirectly,
his quota of beer under the existing , publicly nor secrellv, is it disobeyed,
law, and we will
exact 1111 affidavit
diowincr all these
fads, and also
stating thut the affiant has not williin
I I...! li,.ii,,rteil his iltlola of
beer or any other liquors from outside
the state or rece.veil it et-en nere. in
other words, we will cooperate in n de
tailed regulation of the sale of beer
permitted by the nnienilinent.
W'e desire to add what should be
self evident, thut our heavy invest-
"The Vital Issues
(Kugene Daily Ouard ) 1
'The vital issues of the present cum-
paigu nro bread and butter issues,"
pils-il'ti " " w--.. (
s louis i e r.ucene a online; nceisrcr. iioii ot tiic sn i more sevi're i cpressrin
... . , . ,, h.. . " ... , ,, , . , , . ,. 1 .
All right. For tho present we will leave that occurred ,tist before the war begun
, 0f thc ,liHcussioii the fact that l'resi-; are tilings that concern every per.i-i
dent. Wilson has, with honor, kept theVhnt we all want more than "iiiytlii,g
United Ktates nt peace wheu the rest ot
. ... ' . 1
(he world is at war Let us pass over.s
Ik., n,iiii,u.uiu. l.t. ilul.it ..,, ll..,. lmu ......n
tho prouressivo leuislatiou thi't has been
law, 1 lie .Mexican summon, 111111 en rne;inose iinu;ii mat the tanners ot tins u
other issues that the supporters of Mr. .cinity pnnluced under the Tai't udniin
ttunlics have uttempteil to raise, ulceration anil under the Wilson Miliums-
dead and buried, nnd thnt "hi cad and
butter' 'lire now before the people.
Taken from the Rutin ot'
Out. 25, 11112.
wiienl 77f7i 7H
Burlrv No market
i()nts :i(l(Ti '40
jiiny ijnifti)
1 Huiter :15.;
Kggs 115c
Poultry 1.!c(T,l:i l-2c.
Wool l!l(7i22
Mohuir .'i2c
(Inod Cows if'.'Kff 5
Prime Steers $5.511(0 il
Hogs W.-ifii M.5
Soring l.nmbs $4.25(11 if5.HI
Hides Not ouoted
: Hums IMn III
: B is Not rpioted ....
Potatoes, bu. t;j(f 75 .
Cabbage l.()ll(i ifl.L'5
' '.t ""i un-n
''il""" material 00K I Me tacts t s, either
ninke it necessary that we win tin
. ; m l.ri .. us llrew ing Co., by 1(. T. l ux.
1 irt Plowing Co., bv A. .1. Illit.,
i.a liruilie Irewerv, iv .Mi nis Kncsc 1,
. . ,, ',. . , , ,,
American llrewing & ( rvslnl Ice Co.,
)lV c,.lr,.s ,,leau. '
(' ..,v lti---imr Co.. bv ( has. Thorn.
I ci,,, ;.,.. : '..; 1 il,.,i
id the Committee desires
, VH1y "trl)11K coaviclin based on lhe
,mctical test and success in Norway i
I , , ,1 M.., 1...,,.!
i ,l(.,in f a ii,,ht beer will be to
.Iiscouruge me increasing e..im.mpii..ii
if heavy alcoholic beverages which is
now going on.
In the HciinilinMiiin cnunfries and
rinlii.nl. after an investigation iuclud-
ing the prohibition states ot this
of the Campaign"
In this connection the lieginter says:
"Kuding the depression that exists .m
the coast now and preventing a repeii-
- - , .. -
i else is a return to. Uio.iiood , times ai
. ..'
veial year, ago."
Wli.il ,l.i..M ..m. ,ia.i
i What docs our esteemed cimtomiiorn
trntion anil see the result. ' tilauci
; these figures:
Taken from the Register and
Orecouii.il,' Oct. 25, III III,
Wheat 1.V
Hn 1 ley $:i7.H
Onts 45
Hay l.)('il '.
Putter .'ill
Kggs 420 I
Poultry I I l-2(o l"i
W011I :ill(ii.'l.'
.Mohuir 4-
(lood Cows 5.25ii $5.7.",
Prime Steers iHl.iiodi
.. iiogs !i.nn((i if!!..'!'.
Spring l.nmbs $S.5(l(u $s.7
Hides lh
; -. . . . Hams 2 '
.. lteans Ii
Potatoes $ 1. 25(11 1..".
Cabbage $1.5 '
in the face, they would have to adii if
that this country is just emerging fiim
the depression ruuscd by misrule n". I
luistukeu ideas of previous rrpiiblii-i.il
administrations. The vital issues of t'e
picseat campaign are bread and butler
issues. Ves, verily. A ml you can't fi I
llie .enpie ny silllieitilges nun lllsin.
Paid Adv.
country, a three per cent beer (iu pn-e-lice
allowed to be four per cent) is
fiee of all license, tax or rcgubtli.in :.s
a mc
of di
cliecklllg the coriMlillpt. 11
il its.
For the Commit tee,
C. hi. S. Will 111,
. liaii man.
Secretary, October 2n, 111 HI.
(Puiil Adv.)
The Southern l'acii'ie v. iring tr.ii n h
finished its wo.': mi Sixth ytn-et 11: d
left C.rvallis. The train began i t.
... ,, , , , , , ,. , . ,
Wellsdale am strung tndlev wires n: d
I ,, , . ' , , .
cable. Another tiani worked trim
" ellsitale to liiilepeinlenee. 1 lie spa -o
bctv.ecn Ythitcsni. and AI-Cov alien,
M""1 '"'en cunpleleil und now the trai
'aie at work on the laid strcM. of t in
i "e. When this unit is complete, 1 the.
1 li n w ill be ready to have t lie juice 1 111 n-
I on.
Hut the juice likely will not l.e
turned on for some little time as tiais
former stations will le required rt'l
along the line. .The machinery has n -t
. if .,'ibien received, locnl representnl ives sti.
to add its .... , , , , , .... .. ,
but is expected about, the first of f
When the Southern pacific ctunpn.-'y
i nsked tor hoot on the machinery tn . q-
!llil. tli..i- ll-.n,.l'. r utnltons n,il- .,.
; finll in ,. ,-nit,,, stlt,,N Ni,mi,,,,, ,k
. u rml s,. lnV N Y.,
'firm. It is reported thev have given
lf,surnnce that the inuchinorv will
,elivered ns per contract. Cnrvallis