THE T AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCT. 23, 1916. "Munsing Underwear" - 'Merode Underwear" - "Onyx Hosiery" - W. B. Corsets For Mother A new Suit, Coat, Dress, Waist, Gloves or pair of Shoes will be in keep ing with ''Dress Up Week" ; : Xtragood Clothes for Boys uuuuiuiuuuiiiiiiiiiiiuuuiiiuiuiiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniiinmimn ti Bmtmtntmttmmttttitiintnmtmmnttnnmtmmmnmttittmmnniitiir I Y W C.A. N0TES (Contiuued from rage 6.) mm each study. Evorv member of the class is a great admirer of their able instruc tor and her sweet personality. ' Mrs. Park is president of the Young Woman Christian Association is dear ly loved for her sacrificing and un selfish work, The Happy Hour club will reorganize next- Tuesday evening with a delightful Hallowe'en social at 8 o'clock. - Miss Gertrude Kelly of Portland has taken up her resilience at. the Y. V. C. A. The girls of the junior high school are cordially invited to eomo to tho Y. W. ('. A. next Tuesday at 4 o'clock. Miss Catharine Carson "and her two enjr helpers. Miss Nell Sykes and Miss Eleanor Kodgcra. have planned a num ber of Hallowe'en amusements and they want everv girl to be present. The following are new members and renewals since October 7, Mrs. W. T. Grier, Miss Mary Tohuiau, Miss Anna Fischer, Mrs. Kay Collins, Miss Blanche am till, finlv tiifwnla in perfect ' taste 13 they look exactlvlike sinele vision classes. :lear glasses sign of a line . touch of distinction to your appearance and help to keep you young looking. And they enable you to see near and far objects perfectly. miss a. Mcculloch Optometrist 208-9 Hubbard Bldg". Phone 109 OMStyligifbcals MorrttsKtiSke Are You Going to Celebrate Daring Dress Dress Up Week is Salem Week. It includes everyone A week of improvement in the appearance of the home and its surroundings and a week of "dressing up" "the personal appearance of every member of the family. Buy Your "Dress-Up Togs" at Meyers You get the best styles and guaranteed quality at a rea sonable price. For Father A new Shirt, Neckwear, Hot, Gloves, Hoso or Shoos .will improve his looks for "Dress Up Week." For Sister A new Dress, Coat, Rib bons, Middy Blouse, Knit Scarf, Stockings, or Shoes will help to gelebrato 'Dress Up Week." Wednesday Surprise Sale Number 819 A Sale of Imported Japenese . Crepe Kimonas, hand embroi- VI QE Frt dered, to sell at - - - JJ Luix. If you want to see real Kimona bargains,, attend this sale next Wednesday. Genuine Japanese hand embroidered garments in pretty styles choice of lavender,' light blue, delft blue, coral, light green. We place these on sale next Wednesday as a special "Dress Up Week" attraction. Wednesday Sur prise, one day only, at , 95 Sale starts at 8:30. See window display QUALITY AND SERVICE Ty$fr Applegnte, Mrs. Charles Dick, Miss Huby Baker, Miss Audrey Hicks, Mrs. Elsie B. Simernl, Miss liiice Bell, Miss Ethel Forbes, Mrs.' Blanche Morris, Miss Nell Sykes,.. Miss Elizuheth A.. Sehultz, Mr. J, K. Chnpmnu, Miss Mol lis Vtck.-Sliss Lydn V. Bel), -Miss Anna Butte, Mrs. J. A. Thompson. Miss Chris, tnbel Jowett, Mrs. V. G. Shipley, Mrs. Nadio KeytrMis8 L. -Mac Kam-h, Miss Pearl Martin,' Mrs"(leorge Viek, .Mrs. Arthur Benson, Miss Lorilla Bolter aiid Miss Catharine Carson. ' MOTHER , DIES IN EASTO '" Mnnlins, N. Y., Oct. 27. 1916. Mrs. Mary Jane Wheeler, aged .03,' died at her home here Thursday as the result of grief over the death . of her son Thomas two months ago. She leaves three sons, two daughters and a brother. One of her sons, Charles Wheeler, resides at Salem, Oregon. Charles Wheeler lives on route 0, Salem, and this dispatch received by the Capital Journal was the first news he had of his mother's death. He is expecting further particulars by mail. A CORRECTION. In a recent issue of the Journal in a column with the report of a W. C. T. U. meeting was printed vote 312 yes. The writer had no authority for this and tho W. C. T. U. wish' it under stood that their organization does not stand for the repeal of - our present Sunday laws. The good housekeepers who were not forehanded enough to lay in a fair sup ply of flour will be obliged to pay five rents more a suck for all kinds of flour, beginning next Alonduy when the price of the best hard wheat flour will be $2.50 a sack or $10 a barrel. o Familiarity breeds contempt. It is much easier to forgive the enemies of other people than our own. Journal Want Ada Get Eeaultl Too Want Try one and see. because These smooth. free from any or seam add a Kruptok Invisible T-Jfc. ! - Up Week? For Brother A new Extragood Suit, ilnt, Tie, Shirt, Stock ings, Shoes or Overcoat arc bound to make him look better for "Dress Up Week" M ..The first anniversary of the Salem Florul society will be celebrated Mon day evening at the -Commercial club in tho way of a get-together meeting. Hal lowe'en entertainment and. a luncheon prepared oy the ladies of the society. A specially interesting' 'program has been arranged.' ' Mans-for beautifying the erty will' be briefly discussed and suggestions made by which the children may become interested itt the care -of fruit trees and gardening. .' -...--, -. Through error, the. StatesmaiNthis morning announced the wrong speakers in the city schools on Monday. On Mon day the following will visit the schools anil make brief addresses: .T. H.Alhert, president Capital National bank;W. M. Hamilton, superintendent of the 1'. R., L. & P. company; Rev. James Elvin, pastor First Congregational church. The speakers in the theatres on Wednesday will be: Attorney Allan Hall, Be'n Brick and Fred S. Bynon. o- The car shortage story may become tiresome to those who are not interest ed in the shipments of farm produce out of the valley but it is becoming a se rious reality to almost .all kinds of business. Members of a local commis sion house went to Chemnwa to place an order for two cars and learned that already orders for 17 cars were ahead of them and that the only cars that had arrived at Cheinnwn for several weeks were loaded with shipments for that point. Notwithstanding their 100 mile auto ride in the rain and over bad roads, the Salem high school football team managed to put up so strong a game yesterday afternoon at Tillamook with the Tillamook high school team that they lnnunged to bring home a score of 13 to 7 in their favor. Two weeks ago they were defeated by Jefferson, one week ago played a draw with Xewberg and next Saturday will play McMinn- viuc. o The funeral of the Oregon pioneer, William H. Brtink, who died Friday at the age of 73 years and 11 months, will be held next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the First Christian church and will be conducted by the Kev. F. T. l'orter. Burial will be in the City View cemetery. The son W. H. Bruuk, Jr.. will arrive Sun,.ay from Oakland, California. Tho death of Mr. Brunk was the first of seven brothers, the yoiiug est now being 52 years old. o The Potato market and in fact all farm produce markets are iu rather an uncertain couditiou on account of the lack of shipping facilities. On top of all the car shortage, comes the an nouncement of the North Pacific steam ship company that uo more shipments will be received from Portland to San Francisco until they have shipped the freight accumulated on thoir docks. Iu other words, this amounts to an embargo on farm products shipments to- the south for about two weeks bv the water route. Judge William Galloway will enter tain the Moose next Tuesday evening with an address telling of his receut trio to Tennessee and other southern points. s I For Babv I A new Coat, Dress, Hood, Sweater, Mittens Leggins, Bootee,- Shoes or blockings wiU lit tbo baby in oh "Dress Vp Week" too. Butterick Patterns Dance tonight, Stayton, Salem or chestra, fine floor, good time for cverv body. . ; o The Wocdrow Wilson league has es tablished headquarters iu room No. 1 of the'Buyne building where there will be fin abundance-of campaign reading 6u ha'ud at all times.. 'Adolph A. Gueffroy, the only candi date for city recorder who is running oft a ."no deputy, platform", Vote X 10" '.. . - ' . . (I'd.. Adv.) o The Rev.' William Roesbraugh will deliver the gospel temperance address nt tha W 1 It Un.J.. ..f. at 4 o'clock at the W. C. T. U. head quarters, .Commercial and Ferry streets. Johnson's Hat Works, phone 1979, room 4 Glen hotel. Hats cleaned, block ed and renovated. Hats called fur ami delivered. A free lecture on Christian Science will be delivered next Tuesday evening at the opera honse" by Bliss Knapp, of Brook line, Mass, He Is a member "of the lectureship board of the First ChiiTch of Christ, Scientist, of Boston. Tho public is cordially invited. o Trade your old dining table for one of our new quarter sawed oak tables. Our prices are the lowest in the city. C. S. Hamilton, 340 Court St., house furnisher. . J. C Clark, a Y. M. C. A. worker from Shanghai, Chifia, will address the young men of the First Congregational church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. In the evening motion pictures will be shown of the work of Judge Ben l.ind sey, of Denver, with an address by Judge Cleeton, of Portland. o Tour old range or gas store will be taken in exchange for -a Duplex Alca zar Mange. C. S. Hamilton, 340 'Court St. ' : ' ' Weather permitting, members of the Salem Rifle club will endeavor to make some fancy scores tomorrow at the Finzer range. Monday evening there will be the regular drill at the old arm orv. , Pacific Lodge No. 60, A. F. & A. M wilftoiect at the lodge rooms Ma-sonic Temple at 1:30 p. m. Monday to conduct the funeral services of late Bra. "m, H. Brunk. late a member of Ashland lodge Xo. 23, A. F. & A, M., of Ashland, Oregon. All Masons urged to be present, per order W. M. Tomorrow morning is the annual rally day for the First Christian church There will be attendants at the doors and efforts made that all may bo com fortably seated. The Marion County Poultry associa tion will call its members tngcher next Tuesday evening at tln- D. A. White commission house to consider ways and means for holding the next annual poultry-show. Heretofore it has been held in January and at this meeting the time jof holding the exhibit will be decided. 'George Shaw is president of the associa tion and Walter 11. Smith secretary. All Around Town .. COEMJYENTS Oct. 30. First annual meeting of Salem Floral Society at Commercial Club. Oct. 30-Xov. 4. "Dress Up Week" in Salem. Oct. 31 Senator Gore of Okla homa will speak at the armory. Oct. 31. .Special membership meeting at Commercial club. Oct. 31. Christian Science Lec ture at Opera House. Free. XoV 1. Senator Lane at Opera House. Nov. 1: United Artisan home coming. Nov. 3. Mark Weatherford, democratic candidate for congress, at armory. November 6. City primary election. November 7. Presidential elec tion. Nov. 10. Vietrola Grand Opera Concert, 11 Trovatore, at Pub lic Librnry. Nov. 11. Football, Salem high school vs. Kugene high. Nov. 18. Football, Willamette University vs. Pacific Uni versity, Willamette Field. i Dr. llcndsiiohn, speclajtsjiflts glassa- eorrectly. U. S. BanKTBld. After an automobile tour from York, Neb., .Mr. and -Mrs. T. O- Carroll are in the city, guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Chipper, 120! North Nineteenth street. Thev will probably pass the winter in Salcm. Dr. R. Meuric Roberts, osteopathic physician, 309 Maspmc bldg. Phone 4U Asa Tindall, an express man of this ity for a number of years, was this morning charged wun nniawiuiiy inn ing and carrying aw ay a yip rone .which is the personal property of H. A. Per- sev. -Mr. I'ersey swore to. me euarge. which is petty larceny, as the robe is not valued at more than $35. o Your gift with our imprint needs no further recommendation. Set your watch by our street clock. Gardner & Kecnc, Salem's most reliable jewelers. The local convention of the I. B. S. A. will meet one"diiy, October 20, at the Unitarian church- The pruise service will .commence at 10 o'clock in the morning, the lecture for the public by A. A. Yerex will begin at 7:30 p. m. and the subject will be, "The One True Church." Drink Cereo, the liquid rood, health drink. Ask your grocer. the tf Officers White and Varoey investi gated a call 'from the Leslie Methodist church at the corner of Commercial and Mvers streets where a party ot rjui- lowe'eners were making merry and it developed that a band of hoodlums was making trouble. The incident took place about 9 o'clock'. Frederick a Lamport, lawyer, has moved to No. 212-13,. Hubbard bldg. tf Bill Monroe was charged with forgery this morning by Fred Tabb, who alleged Monroe forged an order for 10 on Nel son O. Freeman,-who held in trust the sum of 30. Not only did Monroe get the 10 but he secured the entire fju, it is stated and proceeded to have a merry time. Chief Welsh is on tne case. Dr. F. H. Thompson of 416 Bank of Commerce bldg., specializes . in . hyc Ear, Nose and Throat. tf- Jess Barkhurst. who along with seven others was in Justice Webster's court for having in possesion a mutilated deer and also for having, in possession a spot ted fawu, was in the justice's court this morning on a charge of resisting an of ficer. He was arersted September 1!) and his trial in this last-case set for 10 o'clock but- this morning it was postpoued until November 4, at. 1:30 o'clock. Chas. B. Hodgkin, general insurance, 301 Hubbard building. Phone 380. nov!7 Thirty blanks containing the formula whereby members of Company M who had wives, children and mothers do--pendent upon them while they were serv ing on the Mexican border can lure teh silver dollars from the government I treasurv into their pockets have neon received by Captain Max Gehlhar. The blank covers practically every detail the war department can thinlt of. There are 19 questions in all to be answered. The maximum sum allowed is 50 per month and the appropriation is $2,000,000. O- Lost Oct 17, a cameo brooch. Tal lied very much as keepsake. Will finder dense return to Journal orrice. nc ward. oct2S Edgar' M. Rowland, who has been in Portland and Seattle for the past weeK, ot temperature tor yesterday was from has returned to Salem. After Novem- 67 to 40 and the coldest recorded last ber 1 he will take harge of the Beaver night was 30 above. There is no change Printing company's business as proprie- in the guage of the river. tor. He has been the owner of a half I o interest in the business and has recently I The public Is cordially invited to at acquired the other half from his father, tend a free lecture on Christian Science, L. S. Rowland, who will work iu tht to be given under the direction of First state printing office after the fiist of Church of Christ, Scientist, Salem, by next t month. Wonderful laundry work Since Feb ruray the alem Steam laundry has been using the electric process iu their washroom. To demonstrate, see two shirts at Joe Haines' store window, SOS State street. After sixty washings they are hardly distinguishable from new shirts of the same pattern. Why not get the best laundry work to be had. It cos's no more. The Salem Steam laundry, oldest, largest, best. tf Dress up your home with a Sonora Talking Machine. Myrtle Kuuwland, 421 Court. Dr. Stone s Drug Store for trusses. Allen Pemberton, who lives on South Commercial street, is reported seriously ill with but little chnnce of recovery. Vote for J. T. Welsh for city marshal City primaries November U. (,1'uid-Ail.) The Rev. Robert S. GUI, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, returned last evening from the general conference of the church recently in session in St. Louis. Dr. Stone makes no charge for con sultation, examination or prescription. Herbert Hoefling, who lives on route No. 1, aged 17 years and 11 months, has made application to join the U. S. navy. He was taken iu charge by Ma chinist Adams at the postoffice. Vote for J. T. Welsh for city marshal Citv primaries .November 0. (Paid Ad.) A party at 469 North Eighteenth street was disturbed lust night by a gang of boys. Three bunches of celery were stolen and tho police nabbed one boy who is scheduled to appear this aft ernoon in the police court, 10152 1015a 10151j Ficst Christian Bible school mobilize Sunday 9:3(1. Special program, come ami help us mnko .1013 tba Iistlf will be there. Vote for J. T. Welsh for city marshal City primaries November ti. (l'uid Ad.) There seems to be plenty of work for the man who wants to work. Not only lias there been a'constant demand from the fruit sections, but now tlnjc is a shortage of loggers and the Spnulding Logging company is iu need of extra men. m o S 15X H. W. Elgin for city recorder. (Paid Adv.) , . nov4 I would appreciate your vote at the primary election one week from Moil dav, I am a candidate for citv record er.' J. A. Mills. (Paid Adv.) Superintendent Todd of the city schools, will appear as a soloist at the Baptist churcii tomorrow morning and evening. For several years Mr. Todd was soloist of one of the Tacomn churches and also director of a male chorus in Tucoma. Dr. L. O. Alt man, homeopathic phy sician, 2!ld N. Liberty, Phone 147. Seven candidates are in the race fT city recorder, six of tliem wjll be dis appointed, I do ii'ot want to be one of the six, therefore I need your vote. J. , Mills. .... .t Paid.. Adv.) Drygoods houses are in receipt of no tices that beginning next month stand ard calico will be quoted at 8 3-4 cents a yard. All of which looks as if calico would retail at. the. same price Amos keag ginghams did about two venrs ago. Twenty cent cotton is. responsible.. --, 1015r1015 i 1045';, ' First Christian Biblo. school, niotolize Sunday 9:30. Special program", come and help us make 1013 the half will be there. . , ., . . . - Dr.. R.- T. Mclntire, physician and surgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. I'hmie 4411. On account of their Increasing busi ness requiring more display room for their ladies' wear department, Kafoury Bros, have found it necessary to build an addition to the rear of their store. These rooms w ill lie used - exclusively for their shoe department, nud also for store rooms. Boost for Dress "Up Week and smoke La Corona cigars. o Reduce your taxes by voting for Adolph Gueffroy for city recorder, the onlv candidate whose platform is "no deputy." Vote X 111. (Pd. Adv.) When D. A. White talks of the pres ent situation iu the grain markets, re garding the present high prices, he says never has he known the time when wheat and barley have brought such prices us those offered at present, but that oats and hay have been higher nt times and that the potato market sev eral times has been at a higher figure than today. Good oak dining tables from $8.50 to "M0.00. C. S. Hnmilton, 340 Court 1st., .house furnisher. 1015'i 1015, i 1015V2 First Christian Bible school mobilize Sunday 9:.'I0. Special program, come and help ns make 1015 the half wll be there. The rain of yesterday morning that threatened to break the drought to the satisfaction o'f the farmers iu this sec tion, didn't amount to much of a ruin after all. The government's gunge nt the O. C. T. dock recorded onlv .40 of ' an inch and that is all the rain Hint hna fallen since September P. The range I Bliss Knapp, C. S. B., of Brook'.ine, .Mass., memiicr of the Hoard of Lecture ship of the Mother Church, the First church of CIii-ist, S-ientist. in Huston. Mass. The lecture will be given in the Grand opcrR house. Tuesday evening. October 31t, at eight o'clock. 1015' ,r1015Vj 1015' t First Christian Bible school mobilize Sunday 9:3il. Special program, come and help us make 1015 the half will be there. sfr . . Benjamin Brick is home from n tlirie days' visit in Portland. Herbert Fawk, of McCoy, is transud ing business iu the city. C: B. Webb and family motored to Portland yesterday afternoon. Fred Lamport went to Portland this morning to attend the horse show. J. L. Standifer was a Portland visitor yesterday, registered it the Seward. J. D. Baker, of this city, was in Poi t lnnd yesterday, registered ut tho Ore gon.' Attorney Glen Unrnli is home from n trip of several days to the south includ ing Albany. George McGilchrist, who is attendii the Oregon Agricultural college, is home over Sunday. Mrs. W. Al Jones will return this ev ening from a six weeks' visit in Joi-c-pliine county., , ' '.. ; Mrs. Iva l.arone, who has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. Myrtle Tillsou, left this morning for her home in Alberta. .Miss Grace. Pratt, of Snleni, left fur her home last evening after a few dnys spent here with friends. Uoseburg Ue view . ' ' W. J. Liljcquist returned lust evening from a business trip to McMimiyilli-, Newberg mid other west side pointu the interests of the Spnulding Logging company, Airs. J. E. Brophy, of Snlcm, is in Eu gene visiting with Mrs. J. C. McKlroy, of this city, while Mr. Brophy is in tin Lorane district on a hunting expedition. Eugene Register. j Mrs- 0. A. Sehlbredo hus written judge Sehlbrede that her father, George Downing, is rapidly growing weaker and !tha doctors say there 1s no hope. Mr. Downing is one of the pioneer valley i residents and has lived at Salem fur ! many years. Mr. McDowning, 'under I Governor Pebuoyer, served us warden of the state penitentiary. .Marshfield I Record. ' I He Why do you refuse me when 1 suy I can't live w ithout you? She Yen have aroused my curiosity.- 4tttH Tuesday, October 31, at y) a. m., nt the Philip Hees farm 5 miles south of Salem on Jefferson 4- Road. SaW, will' include Horses, ' Cows, Young "Stock, Harvesting ;. -Machinery and all kinds of Farming Implements. Terms of . sale, cash. . ....... , - DAVIS R E liS, Administrator. t 4 t---fTT'--f- ; Auction Sale !' ' Of B room ' modern ' bungalow 'with fireplace" and built-in ef-' 'fects, on lot 50x100-feet. Also i household " furniture and pinno," ijt Slid Si "20th '"-afreet, "'on' Mon day," Oct. .10, 1916. nt 1:30 p. !m. ' Chas. Rector, Owner. " P.- N. Woodrv,- Auctioneer. ' ' '--":- " Phoue 511 WANTED 1 Household Furniture. Woodry the Auctioneer will pay highest cash price for same. Phoue 511. FRANK H. SHEDECK . '. Candidate for ih- office of . City Marshal My record in this office is open to the public. Equal justice to all. No favors. A square deal for everybody. Your support is solicited. oct2S (Pd. Adv) s!e -" - :-: CARS Of ..vDf.Art" Any kimd Any time PIANO TUNING First-class work. All kinds of repairing. All work guar anteed. Twenty-five years' experience. Leave orders at "Wylie B. Allen Co., phone 1187. Residence phone 1405. J. E. HOCKETT, 915 Highland Avenue. When you want to go in haste with a clean car and small fare and you must get to a place, Phoue to me, I'll tako yon there. Phones: Day 13; Nights 882. J. A. KAPPilAHV. Oct.3t Hubbard Bldg. ' 'PERSONALS PUBLICi SALE I