-r ". rvht leased ' WIRE DISPATCHES . , n- rTOrm.ATTmM ts i OVER 4000 DAILY ;., trmRTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 231 SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1916 npin? mwA TPIMTQ olf XAI" AMU SW j7IVJ.li.Ej J.WU LCXMi.i3 frrm ttvjs . ntww m AIM II I II 1 1 'm !)" oi I I -rrJ I 1 1 : 1 1. 1 1 1 1 II I r 1 1 1 1 ! I . 3 Russo-Rumanians Demoralized and Retreating "In Haste" , -Mackensen's Forces Clearing Province of Dobrudja of Enemy-Allies Renew Offensire On Somme Front-Great l:: Russian Offensive About to Begin in Poland and Galicia : -Nine Norwegian Vessels Torpedoed Berlin, Oct. 28. Both jaws of the great Teutonic vise are closing in upon Rumania. . Striking southward with two columns, Field Marshal Von Falkenhayn's Austro-German army threatens the early capture of the'Rumanian railway towns of Sinaia and Campolung, seventy miles northwest of Burcharest. : Mackensen's forces are rapidly clearing the defeated Russo-Eumanians from the Black sea province of Do brudja. Before his swift advance the enemy abandoned the fortified line of Harsova-Casapchioi and is now in re treat nearly forty miles north of the Constanza-Cerna-voda railway. The Russo-Rumanians are poorly equip ped with artillery and apparently unable to make a stand against the invaders. Only on the northwestern frontier are the Rumanians on the offensive. Here they have achieved some local suc cesses, but the position of this whole northern Rumanian army becomes more perilous tis Falkenhayn drives for ward against its supply lines. The Berlin newspapers, though expressing regret at the loss of Fort Douaumont to the French, term this a slight reverse compared with the victories over the Ru manians. The Lokal Anzeiger declared that stores of benzine were exploded and set afire inside, the fort as the French attacked in the fog, making necessary its evacuation. Russo-Rumanians Retreat. London, Oet.' 28. Continuing their Bit flay retreat in Dobrudja; the Russo-Ru-niunians are showing sign of demornl i.ntion under MackenBen's swift pur unit, the German war office declared to day. .' -." ;The pursuing armies have brought in ,500' enemy stragglers, cut off from the main Ruaso-Rumaniaa column several munitions columns and quantities of baggage. - The' defeated forces are of;' ieriug 'little resistance and apaprently are Tetreating in haste." The Bulgarian "wnr office announces the capture of . Heraova, 25 ilea north-northwest of ernav.nda. .-- 'On' the Transylvania sector" Falken- liayn's armies are -making fierce attacks' -.at -several points,, the Russian war of fice, announced. . . Berlin, - however, bf ticiully claimed, only, the capturo of a Rumanian position on the heights south of Kronstadt, though unofficial reports J'ront the (terman enpitar said that Jul , Venhayn- is neariug Sinaia and Campo-l"jr- : ' .' " . Bitter fighting went on on both the .' Somme and Verdun fronts last night, the war office' reported. The French war office announces the capture of a l'uarry near Fort Douaumont, but the Berlin official statement reported the repuise or trench attacks oa the Ver dun front. The German war office also mention ed violent French and English attacks north of the Somme, though both the British nud French war offices declared there was only light fighting on that 1'ront. The Russian war office admitted the Jvs in the Bistritza river heights to the enemy in sharp fighting in Galicia yertorday- Berlin also announced this victory and claimed the repulse of Rus sian attacks west of the fortress of I.utzlc. I ..lie Niles Turner-wants t' know who kin recall th' day when reversible in If s wpre on th' high wave o' popular 'tyt Ther's alius a "bumper" crop o' holioes. iff Nine Ships Torpedoed. London, Oct. . 28. Nine Norwegian 1- i i v y-i ' ' . j mnris uavu ueru guuit uy uermnn SUD marines within 24 hours, said a Christi nnia dispatch today, in the canmaien directed against Norwegian shipping as a protest against 'Norway's decree re fusing submarines . admixsinn in - tier 'waters. ., ' . I The Cliristiania.' newsnnncr r nrir. ing the government to stand firm and aot to be coereed by German threats. ' '.'The deliberate murder of so many Norwegian sailors inevitably makes bad' will be a long time before they are for i" gotten in Norway," said the Vcrdens uug. iuo uruuii aeeas or werman submarines, however, have not caused any hysterics among Norwegian ship owners. - Trade and commerce go on as usual and there is no symptom of- any nervousuess on the bourse. .' The Nor wegian government is confident that the nation was strictly within its rights, according to international law.M righting on the Somme. Berlin, via wireless to Sayvillo, L. I., Oct. 28. Allied troops resumed the of fensive on the Somme front yesterday after a several days'. lull, the war office announced this afternool. t "Preceded by strong atrillerv nrcDnr. ation the English attacked across the line Of Geudecourt. ami T h.f,ll said the official statement, "and the French in the adjoining district of llor val in the evening hours. Our troops repulsed the attacks by artillery and ma chine gun fire and northeast of Morval with the bayonet. The positions were completely maintained." Russians to Oet Busy. London, Oct. 28. The wireless news agency today gave out a Rome dispatch asserting that news from German sources indicator thA K i . , v. I tremendous new Russian offensive in I Pnl.nl an H 1 : : fTL: i. . - " uajivia, iuib 1 1 p u r l is nor confirmed from any other source,' but if iruu is ueuevea 10 marK Hie Deginning ui iao Bines- attempts to relieve tha pressure on Rumania. Another wireless message from Rome said that Bucharest estimates Austro German losses in Transylvania at 800. 000. ' Trench Gain at Verdun. Paris. Oct. 28 French hwim and captured a quarry northeast of Fort isuuaumuur. in a Druuant attack on the northeast front of Verdun last night, it was officiallr nnnnimpMl tnilnv A artillery duel continued in the" region of luc IVIl. On the Somme front there was only in termittent cannonading. . Germans Capture Heights. Berlin, via wireless to Hayville, I.. I., Oct. 2S.-7General Falkenhayn's forces have captured a height from the Ruman ians south of Kronstadt, said an official statement thin nfternoon, reporting also that the Russo-Rumanians continue in flight in Dobrudja. Take Danube Town. Sofia, Oct. 28 Bulgarian troops have occupied the Danube town of Hersova, 25 miles noitli-northwest of ternavoua, in their pnrsuij of the Russo Ruman ians, it was officially announced today- VhY AM FOrVJLSON By Dr. Charles W. Eliot Pnsulent Emeritui of Harvard '" ' Univeriity. ,-. Anvnn whn aurvevs the extrn- r ordinary, series of legislative nd executive acts aceompnsnea Dy the Democratic party in three years and a half will realize two things: First, that President Wil son has proved himself 1 party leader of unusual pow er; and, sec ondly, that the party thus led has-done much more for the country than the Republican party accom plished in iive times as many years. Irtdenendent voters are likeltf 4c act next No vember on two simple, well grounded convictions: First, that the Democratic party has done such an extraordinary amount of good work during the present ad ministration that the period from 1912 to 1916 will be memorable in the history of the United States; and, secondly, that the man chiefly' Responsible for this consummate service to the American people should be again mad) their chief servant. IS Court's Instruction Woman ; Must Show She "Retreat ed,'' the Cause . By Cart D. Groat. (Un'ted Press staff correspondent.) Newark, N. J., Oct. is. After 22 hours of deliberation the jury that sat in judgment in the ease of Mrs. Mar garet Claire Beutinger, charged. With the murder of her wealthy husband, Christopher Beutinger, this, afternoon reported its utter inability to agree and was discharged. - ' , " After 18 hours' deliberation the jury trying Mrs. Margaret Beutinger for the i murder of her wealthy husband, Christo pher Beutinger, reported to Judge Mar tin at 9:23 todav that it had been un able to agree and submitted to the court two questions. - . . After the questions had been answer ed the. jury retired again to deliberate. . The questions were: . . "Does the law impose upon the de fendant the necessity of taking all ren sonable steps to avert' a tragedy when she wishes to establish a plea of self defense!" , ' v ' "Pleas define' again the 'difference of degrees of homicide." " ' " . The first question evidently arose from the portion of the judge's Instruc tions to the jurors yesterday in which he declared that, to establish -self de fense, the defense must show that Mrs. Beutinger retreated before her hus band's threats in her bedroom, if she had an opportunity to retreat. Her coun i sel took exception to that portion of the Charge on the ground that she was lying in bed when her husband made his ad vances and was unable to retreat. Judge Martin went into a more detailed tech nical explanation in response to the jur tors' questions, citing court decisions. The second question asked by the jury tended to confirm reports that several of the jurors had refused to acquit Mrs. Beutinger, but were holding out for her conviction for a lesser degree of bomi cide. One rumor in the court room was that three jurors favored acquittal and the others conviction of a lessed crime, The little woman defendant went in to hysterics when she was brought into , the court room and saw the jurors lined up Deiore tne uage s oencn. I When the jury retired at 3:05 yester day afternoon Mrs. Beutinger was con ifident of acquittal. Throughout the night the jurors fought and wrangled over the question: "Has a married wo man, the mother of five1 children, the right of ownership of her own body and the right to kill, if necessary, to pro tect iH' i So certain was Mrs. Beutinger that she would be freed that she bad arrang ed a party for her five babies last niulit, The jury came in at 9:23 this morning unable to agree and with a request for further instructions. For one brief moment, as the jury was dispersing, Mrs- Beutinger attempted to compose nerself while she looked wild lv about the court room for her children! jThen she burst out in fresh shrieks and 1 her cries could be beard throughout the court room as she was led away by jail matron who towered above her. The jury's failure to vote an acquit tal wa a great surprise to court attend I ants. Judge Martin set a new trial for i -November 20. Wigg That fellow Guzzler is a hard steady drinker, isn't he? Wagg "He's mighty unsteady at times. 6 SALEU TO DEVOTE VEEK 10 AWAKING THE CIVIC SPIRIT WI Believe In Salem," the Faith On Which City Must ; Be Built CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS , WILL HELP GOOD CAUSE Get Interested, Get Busy, Get Noisy, Get In Line to Help Salem Tomorrow will be the first day of Salem Week.'f a week devoted to awakening civic spirit and to bring every citizen into closer touch with those forces working for the advance ment of the eity The spirit engendered is to be a helpful one, helpful to the individual aud to the citizens in gen eral. - Every mini.itef jn Salem will tomor row deliver a sermon pointing out why those who live hore should be interested n furthering the welfare of their home town. A mention will bo called to the work of the organizations charged with the work 01 conducting the city. Neat reminders of "Salem Week" "will be distributed in the form of postcards on which are printed a civic creed. Go to church tomorrow and get the spirit o me ween. John, H. Albert, president of the Capital National bank; V. M. Muniti on of the r, K. I,. & P. Co., and Rev. James Elvin, jiastor of the First Con gregational church will carry the tia- Irm message into the schools Monday. In each' school brief addresses will be made with the objoct of interesting the scnoor cn.iurew ,rnctr city anrt snow ing how theyiuui: do. a share iu .mak ing it better. "1 believe in Salem" buttons are to' iistributed wholesale Monday and pla cards are to be displayed by all Salem mercnanta carrying tne same declara tion, i ., 'The big event of Tuesday night is the mass meeting and smoker, to be held at. the rooms of the Commercial club for all members. At this time there will be refreshments and music. , ' O. M. Clark:, president of the. Port land chamber of commerce, will ad dress the gathering at this time as also will W. V. D. Dodson, executive sec retary of the same body. George Rodg- ers and J. J. Albert will give the as sembly an, idea of what Salem is do ing and what it proposes to do. Wednesday aiternoon, if yon wisn, yon may attend any -of the theaters without charge. Uo to any one you line, to air if you care to go, tou will tinu the same high grade motion pictures (Continued on Page 8.) Program First Week Oct SUNDAY Hermons in every church will deal with some feature of 8alcm Week. Civic creeds to be distributed at churches. MONDAY, Visits to the schools by leading citizens and brief addresses to schtK ars. Distribution of buttons and placards. Annual meeting of Salem Floral society at Commercial club, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31 Prize contest among- school children. Three cash prizes for best es says dealing with, soma- phase of Salem Week. Mass meeting and smoker at Commercial club in evening. O. M Clark, president Portland Chamber of Commerce; W. V. D. Dodson, executive secretary; i, H. Albert and George Bodgcrs, among the speak ers. . WEDNESDAY, All theatres will be open to the public without charge during the aft ernoon. Motion pictures and brief addressee by picked speakers. 7:0 p. m. Dress-up Week window display and contest for Hartmann cup opeas. Willamette University Glee club will give megaphone con cert on roof of downtown building. 8.-00 p. m. Now-comers' Night at the Comemrclal club- Men and women just arrived in Salem especially invited to meet the older resi dents in informal gathering. 8:30 p. m. Style Show opens at Oregon theatre. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 9:30-12:00 Membership Campaign of Commercial club. 12:00 1:15 Banquet for workers at Hotel Marion. 2:00-0:00 Visiting day at Salem manufacturing establishments and state institutions. FRIDAY, 9:30-12:00 Membership campaign Comemrclal club. '12:00-1:15 Noonday banquet Httel Marion. 00-4:00 Style Show featurec in stores and theatres. 8:00 10:00 o'pening of the grenter Hotel Marion. Reception to the public- ' CROWDS GATHER AT SHADOW LAWN IN HONOR JF THE DAY Trainloads From New York and Delegations of Working Women There ONLY ONE PROGRESSIVE PARTY NOW SAYS WILSON Bryan Given Great Ovation by Those Celebrating Day in Illinois By Robert J, Bender (United Press staff correspondent) Shadow- town, Long Branch," N. J., Oct. 28. Much needed reforms may be interrupted perhaps for a' generation to come, should the democratic party suffer defeat on November 7. President Wilson told a great gathering of New Yorkers on the lawn of the summer white house this afternoon. The president made his address be fore delegations that poured into Long Branch on special trains to celebrate "Wilson Day", which is also " Empire State Day" in Mew lork. Included in the big throng were several trainloads from Tammany Hull and depututionf of working women from New York and surrounding cities. 1 "Pour years ago there were two par ties In the field whose program wnt conceived under tho influence of these great forces of progress and adjust ment the democratic party and the progressive party," Baid President Wilson, "This year there is but one, the democratic party. Iu " the presidential election of four years ago some fittoen million votes were east. Of those near- ily ten and a' half million were Cast 'or h candidates of the twos pro- gressive parties only .three and a halt million for the candidate of the repub lican party, the party which has linger ed in the old days and felt none of the impulse of a new day. '.'.. The president paused to review -the record of the democratic party and its progress in the work of reform. . . - "And still the great work- is - not finished,", ho said. ','It. can never be rounded off and concluded so long as circumstances change and the fortunes and relations-of men-shift ad alter. .The question yon have .to decide one week rrom next Tuesday is wnetner it shall be .prematurely interrupted, per haps for a. generation to come, sod all the generous forces of the age - and world thrown back upon themselves In discouragement and confusion." -i The president's address follows: , "My Fellow-citizens: This is called .'Wilson Day' only because for six years, first aa governor of New Jersey and Annual Salem 29 - November 4 OCTOBER 29. OCTOBER 30 NOVEMBER I NOVEMBER 3 Wheat Goes Up to $1.90 In Chicago Market V ' Chicago, Oct. 28 Wheat continued to bound upward today, December eclips ing all records set in the present ad' vauce with a figure of (1.90, an advance of two points over today's, opening. There was a loss of 5-S before tho close, however. Buying was heavy in the pit and bullish enthusiasm ran wild. Argen tine markets reported insufficient rains and there were repoi's of an urgent de mand for export grain which high prices and scarcity would not diminish. De cember wheat closed up 1 3-8 over to day's opening at l-89 3-9 and May was up 5-8 at 1.8ti 5-8. Corn was down slightly, due to pros- Sects of an end to the car shortage and eavier receipts, although buying was good. December corn was down 1-8 at 89 1-8 and May down 1-2 at 90 1-2. Oats had a sharp advance on good buying, but realizing sales forced a de cline later. December closed unchanged at 55 1-2 and May was down half at 59 cents. Provisions woro steady. ATTEMPTED TO KILL Conscription Causes Much 111 Feeling and Was Cause , of Attack " ' Melbourne, Oct. 28. An attempt was made early today to assassinate Prime Minister Hughes at his homo in Kow, Victoria, but the attempt failed. A mau forced a window In tho prime inister's home and fired a revolver at Hughes. The shot missed tho premier. The man leaned to the ground and fled. A referendum vote on tho Question of conscription is being held In Aus tralia today. Premier Hughes, by his advocacy of the conscription measure, drew the bitter fire of a fraction of the Australian labor party, of which he himself is a member, and it is possi ble that the would-be assassin belonged to a group of his most bitter opponents. He has favored an unrelenting war on Germany and it Is possible, also, that the attempt on his life wm made by a Teutonic sympathizer. '- The Australian prime minister is years old. He was born in Wales and went to Australia in 1884. He figured prominently in trades union affairs be tore becoming a member or parliament and government official. ' Premier Hughes only recently return ed from England where he created a tremendous impression, being hailed by the London press as tlig greatest colon ial imperialist who had ever visited London. He persistently, urged greater recognition of the colonies in the coun cil of the empire after the war and was the first to suggest the idea of a trade war against Germany. His own labor union recently expelled him for.-advo eating the conscription measure, but be. ignored tne expulsion. . (hen as president of the. United Htates, I have been permitted to lead first a great atato and then a greaf national party along tho ways of progress and of enlarged and regenerated life which our people had so long sought and so long been held back from by the organized power of selfish interest,' and because the great honor has fftllerl to mo of be ing chosen onee more epokesman and representative of the men, who mean to hold the countrty to '.these ways of peaco, humanity and progress. . It is of these forces that I shall speak, and not of myself, who am merely their servant. "What are these forces! Whence do thev sorinsf What have they accomp lished, and wiiat is tneir program ana purpose for the future t It is plain what thev are. Thev are the forces of humane, righteous, and patriotic purpose which have sprung up in our day in the minds of those who preceive the shortcomings of the law as it has hardened in Amer- ica and who look forward with purpose and conviction to a new age in which government shall be indeed the servant of liberty and not privilege. These are men who perceive that American law has not kept pace with American senti-. ment: that our law has been holding us rigid and immovable, until class has be- gun, in free America, to be arrayed against class; until what was legal has begun to play a more important part in our thoughts and determinations than what Is human and right; and until America has begun to lag instead of lead in reconciling what is with what ought to be. A new age had dawned upon us while is- those wno were attempting m n-au u were stumbling along with their heads it ever their shoulders, intent upon pre- serving the conditions of a day that is gone. America had changed and the whole world had changed. Our com- merce and industry had grown to such a bulk that the domestic markets of which our former leaders were always so solicitous were glutted and we were bound, unless we were to burst our jacket, to find a free outlet into the markets of the world. I he time had come when our commerce needed free . dora and would be throttled by furth- er restraints- We had acquired foreign possessions, had been drawn into the ff politics of the world, had begun to play ' a part which could not be played ty I provincials but must be played by citi- sens of the great world of nations.. And ' (Continued on page eight.) MANAGERS REPORT AMOUNT EXPENDED IN HPAIGtl Republicans Have Paid Out $1,578,934 in Fight for Hughes DEMOCRATS HAVE USED $1,006,283 FOR WILSON Congressional Campaign Cost Republicans $316,390, Democrats $2,5646 New York, Oct- 28. Contributions to the republican campaign fund total 4,1 Ut7,759.29 to date, it was announced at republican headquarters todayj" . ; A statement from the democratic aa- tional committee last night announced . contributions to the campaign of $1,-. 000,283. Expenditures to date in the am- paign to elect .Hughes total $i,os.- 0:14.30. The campaign funds this year have come from 22,220 contributors, the re publican statement announced, while years ago only a little more than 2,000 names were on the contributors list tor the entire campaign. An average of about 500 cheeks for. 410 each reach the treasurer daily the statement said. A high record for small contributions was made on October 13, when 1,300 checks for $10 were receiv ed. . The democratic statement given out last night showed 41,882 contribution. Contributions of over (10,000) New Jersey Bepublicun fctttat com-. inittoe, 425,000. . B. T. Crane, Jr., Chicago, 425,000.. . - Arthur Curtiss James, $2S,0UU, Ooorge F. Baker, Jr., 425,000. H. P. Whitney, 430,000. . , Edward Harkness, 420,000. . ' W. It. Allen, 420,000-. " . , ... Clarence H. Mackay, 420,000. J. 8. Bache and company, $15,000. . , William T. Clyde, 419,000. .. ... A. 1. Juillard, 415,000.. "-. . Julius Hosrnwald,. 415,000..- , . ' Contributing 410,000, weret., . William B. Thompson, Ueorge -Jr. Ba ker, William Wrigley, Jr'.,.T. Coleman DuPont, Mrs. ii. M., Anderson,. Thorns. Cochran, Warren , Delano, Mrs. -Maiyv Lilly Flagler, Henrv Veeder, .Mailea ei. u. a if ...... n i-;l5;..., u n.nk I and W- Seligman and company,' Motti-.. mnr.l,. Ruhiff. J. P. Morcan. A. T. Bert. ... Hornblower and Weeks, Lewis I Clarke V. H. Adams. Judire William H. Moare. Percy' B. Payne, Louis F. BothsebiM. F. M.. Goldsmith, J; B, Duke, Oofneliu Vnnderhllt. John N Villv and Mrteneer renrose. ' ---.-. - - i Contributing 1)8,090 ' . ii . rv rMi.vn. v i;n!M 1 .ui. campaign fund; J. Ogdcn Armor, J. D. Rockefeller, Jr. '. ' Ogden Mills, 47,500, ' Edwin C. llolter;'. 45,500 .. . Contributing 45,000: C. N- Bliss, Jr., J. Horace Harding,' Robert Bacon,- Robert W. Ooelet, Via-" cent Astor, James A. Patten, H. P. Doy- idson, Charles Hteele, Francis L. Iline. . William Nelson Crowmell, Edward Palmer, II. F. Hinclalr, W. L. Haihnesa, Mrs. Stanley McCorinick,' Mrs. Henry B. Rea, W. Hinkle Smith, Theodore N. . Vail, John F. Dodge, F. B. Keech, AdoK fo Htahl, telix M.. warnurg, . wuiura straight, w. f. nony, uinpiown vrj Goods association, Frederick H. Bourne, Oeoree Lauder. B. Livingston Beekman, c.. M. MacNcill, A. E. Carlton,. L. U. phlpps, Ueorge S. Myers, C. H- Morey, w. H. Yawkey, Colonel Samuel P. Colt, Moses Taylor, K. ohnsou, r.. n. pm- tinus, William H. Porter, James . H. Wainwright, John W. Prentiss, C..,C. Dula. . There were several 44,000 confribu- tions, 48 who put up 42,500, and 24 of 42,000 each. '. - . Republicans $316,930. . Washington, Oct. 28 Contributions) to the republican congressional commit- tee's campaign fund have totalled 4316.- c nifnrding to the statement filed lih tho clerk of the house of represen- tatives today by former Senator N. B. Scott, treasurer of the committee. The contributions were from 2,073 persons, n average of 4152.87 1-2, he said. W M W M 1 '"lTT THE WEATHER Oregon : To- night and Hnaday occasional rain, warmer tonight; southerly winds, Increasing along the coast. , i: u