Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 27, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Bate per word Ney Today:
Each insertion, per word lc
One week (8 insertions),, per word (lc
Cp month(2G insertions) per word 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one Insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisments.
Bead your advertisements the first dny
it appears a"' noti" us immediately
Minimum charge, 13c,
TRESPASS Notices for (ale at Jour
sal office. ..... V
RUBBER Stamps made 105 8. Com'.
HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 70S.
" r novll
FURNISHED Apartments, also ban
suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage
WE; HAVE Baled hay and oats for
sale. George Sweigle, Gordon road, tf
TOR BENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. V
DAY- WORIO Wanted bv voung ludv.
Phone 1050 W. . - oU!8
IlfitJsEKEEPiNG Room for woman,
very reasonable. 2SH S. 21st. oc-t27
800; MORTGAGE For snlo at n dis
eiouit,' well secured by, Orchard tract.
Address T.. M. eare Journal. octs
HOARD And room nt 2S0 X. Hluli
home cooking. nov-
WANTED Two wood choppers, work
to begin at once. Phone 13-2.1. oet27
GOOD MEALS Well served nt 2!12
North Church St. Thone 1013. oct2"
call 220 X Liberty. nov2
WANTED Second hand cars at 240
State St. oct2S
FOR SALE Zinn's caiulv store, moke
me nn offer. octSS
GET PRICES On farm sale bills al
The Journal office.
OLD PAPERS For sale at Capital
jPJourual office 10 cents a bundle., tf
COOD PIANO For sale or trade for
auto, 790 Market St. Phone 2081W.
FOR RENT Small house and acre lot
cheap, 2S00 Brooks Ave. B. S. Leach.
. . .-octal
PHONE 200 When you have wood
sawing to be done, all work guaran
teed, Jim Rpgers. .nov24
WILL TRADE Auto for good milk
cow and -450.. Inquire -172U Lee St.
- , ... oct2S
GET YOUR Trespass Notices, .new
simply of cloth ones at Capital Jour
faal it
FURNISHED Booms and housekeep
ing apartments, rates, reasonable
Close in, 160 Court. tf
$3. worth more. Dr.' May, Hubbard
bldg, ' ., : novlfl
COW FOR SALE "Jersey, just fresh.,
4 years old next month. L. A. (Irote.
I box 5;"), routei, l'i miles west of
bridge. ' i- oct27
WANTED To buy 0 or 8 choice milk
cows, must be fresh now or soon, none
but parties owning choice cows need
call. Phone 1431 or 491. tf
FOR RENT Furnished (I room house,
modern, close in. $1.".IMI per mouth.
I'honc 1737W evenings or call at )!"
South Com'l St. oct2s
3-YIH TRADE 1 10 acres good farm
laud, 1 mile of Lebanon, for proper
ty in or near Sulom-. Address -A I.
eare .Tom mil. oi'tSll
WILL CONSIDER From ten to twen
ty acres, three to six miles from Sa
lem of equal value for twenty acres
well improved, close "to -McMiiinville.
room 14 ltreyman ll'ldg. oct27
FOR SALE Or trade for cows, or what
have you, balance l'i per mo. i.nt.
on principal, my ti room new modern
house. Address 11. W. C. care Journal.
,- - Xovl
MONEY TO LOAN On second hand
men's clothing, jewelry, musical In
struments, tools; " guns, etc." Also
bought, sold and traded. Capital Ex
change, 337 Court-St. Phono 403. nol
FOR SALE; Modern ."i room bungalow,
complcrelv furnished, all oak furni
ture, lot -4.-ix 137 'i,. Price l.-)0O. IMM
rash bulitiue ;" vears at 5 per cent.
Inquire ,'i:i," N.'l.Sth SI. oetliN
NEEDY WOMAN With three small
children, wishes place as housekeep
er, no wages, country preferred. Ad
dress Mrs. M. E. Downey, Corvallis.
Ore. 1 ' oc!2S
"OK SALE Fi ue five year old Durham-Jersey
cow. just liesli, heavy
milker, good tester, very gentle; also
fine large Jersey cow, fresh, gentle,
test ok'- Firs)" St. cost, 2nd house
north lisvlum. - bit-7
h ANTED Elderly couple to do light
work on farm, home accommodations
and small pay for services (German
people preferred Apply at 403 South
Commercial street for particulars.
FOR EXCHANGE 110 a.-res gwil.
nearly level land, all under cultiva
tion, one mile from good town and
K. R. Will accept Salem property to
20iKi.O(l. Square Deal Realtv Co., 202
U. S. Bank bldg.
OREGON Wholesale and Retail Hide
and Metal 'company. Highest ensh
price paid for hides, iielt. rngsl used
machinery and junk of all kinds. A
good stump puller for sole. lu7 South
Commercial. Phone .".HO. -. nov27
FOR SALE A good top buggy and
harness. 720 Cherry Ave. oct31
FOR RENT 3 well furnished house
keeping rooms, 094 N, Commercial,
v Phono 2434 W. . . npv2
FOR SALE A light colored Reed baby
carriage. Address M 30 care Journal.
WANTED Men to work in logging
woods. Enquire at SpUuldiiig Log.
Co., office Front & Ferry St. oct2S
FOR .SALEr-Or trade- auto - in i.'gpnd
running condition. Salem Garage, 000
N: Capitol. 'Phone' 1010. novS
YO 1,'NG MAN Would like steady
:-. work in eou'ntfy.-pr. town. E. A: E.
care Journal. oct-S
WANTED Good 2nd hand typewriter
must be standard machine and reas
onable. Phone 75Ef. oct27
WANTED il500 and $900 on first
class security at 7 per cent. Address
J 5 care Jourunl. oct27
STt'DEBAKER 6 Late model to .ex
change for mortgage on real estate.
'Address B 21 Journal. ' - oet28
WANTED Place to work for my room
- and board. Address R. G. carcvJour
nal. voct27
FOR SALE One Oliver typewriter, al
most new, n real bargain. 19it0 South
Liberty. ' o'ct27
WANTED TO RENT S or 0 room bun
galow, close in.. occupy after Nov.
l.". Address B 0 care Journal. oct2S
WANTED TO RENT Wholly or port
ly furnished house, family of three,
no children, give rent and locution.
II. K. Capital Journal. oct-S
20 ACRES Plow land for rent, horses
and cows taken to pasture, also 100
cords 2d growth fir for Bale and
stunipnge. W. M. Schnett, R. 2. Phone
8F23. oct2G
POTATOES We are always in the
market for potatoes in small lots or
car lots. Maugus Bros. Phone 717
Salem. Or. oetSO
HAVE YOUR House re-shingled, tar
red or repaired by Kays and Donald
son, phone 044K or 747 M. Work
guaranteedf octSO
City Is Now Without Railroad
Communication Except
: ' to North '
" El Paso, Texas, Oct. 7. Chihuahua
City has been cut off from the south,
both wire and railroad communication
being severed yesterday through a coup
executed by Villa, and the heavy Car
ranza forces coming up from the' south
to reinforce tho garrison will be de
layed and ammunition supplies stopped
except from the north.
Acting under orders from Villa him
self, n detachment marched across from
Santa Ysabel and cut the Mexican Na
tional railway near Ortiz, , about 30
miles south of Chihuahua.
Agents of three t'nited Stntes de
pnrtmens obtained this from a source
declared to be reliable. t
The severed line was the only rail
way from the south entering Chihua
hua City and tho city now is virtually
isolated except from northern Chihua
hua. At the same time the main force
of A'illistns are moving southward.
Until the present time Villa has not
attempted to cut the railway lines, al
though he had access to them, because,
he declared, the civilian population of
northern Mexico would suffer.
This is the subject of the ' famous,
film endorsed by social workers all
over the country. The name of Ben
Lindsay needs no introduction to the
thinking and reading public of Salein.
This picture features the splendid
work that has been done in behalf of
unfortunate boys and girls by Judge
Lindsay's famous Juvenile Court of
Denver, Colorado. It is suid to be one
of the greatest temperance pictures
ever placed before the American pub
lie. In order that all who aire to do
so may see this picture, it will- be
shown in the .First Congregational
church Saturday evening nt 7:30, Oct.
2Sth; also Sunday, evening. No ad
mission. Saturday evening. Supt.
Hale of the Boys Training school will
deliver a brief address. Sunday even
ing the -address ' w ill be delivered by
Judge T. .L Cleeton of the Portland
Juvenile Court, who will emphasize
particularly the relation between in
temperance and the Juvenile Court.
Stocks Keep Climbing
On An Active Market
New York. Oct. 27. The Now York
Evening Sun financial review today
says: .-' '. : ...'.
More than one stock market issue
moved to a new high range in today's
operations, while in the greater part of
the five hours of business the general
tendencv was in the direction of price
iniprovie'ment with especial strength re
ported in the steel shares, the paper
and sugar issues, in some of the speci
alties and in low priced rail. Real
izing sales, although heavy, especially
in the afternoon when operators made
adjustments incident to the end of the
week, weje easily absorbed.
International Paper, American Writ
ing Paper preferred and Chicago Great
Western preferred wore among the is
sues' which advanced to new high
mords. Trading was in heavy volume.
, Write for free booklet. i
' Send sketch and description or
model, mentioning this paper,
for. thorough FREE search for
' patentability.
'" A. M. WILSON,
311 Victor Bldg..'
! Washington, D. C. ; Nov.ll 4
Wireless Says She Has Fire
In Hold and Is On Way
New'jYork, Oct. 27. The Marjtime
Exchange this afternoon received: a.
message reporting that the French
liner Chicago was afire at -fea and was
speeding toward Faval, "one of the
hislands of the Azores group.
steamship Chicago, French, bound
from Bordeaux to New York, fire in
number 3 hold," read 'the message
''Expects arrive at Fayal today."
The Chicago left Bordeaux Sunday
for New York and should have been
several hundred miles vest and north
of the Azores today. Under ordinary
conditions she carried 250 to 300 pas
sengers on her western trip:
Officers of the French Hue reiter
ated late this afternoon that they had
no confirmation of the report . that
the liner ws afire.
The Chicago was due here next Mou-
I day or Tuesday. She 'Is a 14,000 ton
steamer, coniniauilca y captain .uace.
State Engineer Lewis
Plans State Highways
John H. Lewis, state engineer, who
has returned from a tour of inspection
of the proposed highway routes through
'litrnl and icastern Oveyon, Teports
concerning the through route it has
been shown by surveys that a grade of
five per cent in Wheeler and Grant
counties can be secured from Fosil
down Service creek and up the John
Day river to the national forest above
Prairie City. The trip was mnde with a
view to milking a five-year highway
program, which plan was recently sug
gested by . the secretary of agriculture,
so that government funds could bo ap
plied to tlie principal routes with the
hope that they might soon be complet
ed. .,
The "engineer states that roads are
dusty from the heavy , wheat hauling,
and that construction work on the por
tion. of rogd.jiuutli of. Beid,, which has
a length of 17 miles, will b completed
probably this week. The .state of Ore
gon nail Crook county are co-operating
in this construction work and the
grades on The Dalles-California high
way will be considerably improved.
in Wheeler county the engineer
found the sentiment in favor of bond
ing for $SO,000 to help complete the
through route. A portion of this mon
ey, should it be voted, would be spent
in making better roads on the Mi-Ken-zie
river-Prineville ronte to where it
conects with the John nv road near
Coast WuTBuild Six
of Twenty Destroyers
San Francisco, Oct. 27. Six of the
twenty destroyers for the nnvy will be
built by the I'niou Iron Works at its
Alameda ship yards, it is believed to
day, following a telegram from John A.
McGregor, head of the iron works, ask
ing if the yards can handle that much
new construction at this time. The ans
wer was affirmative. McGregor, who is
in Washington, is also expected to- sub
mit bids on the construction of one of
the four battle cruisers and some of the
scout cruisers and submarines.
Doctor Points Out
Effect of Birth Control
Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 27. Cham
pioning the birth control cause for
which Mrs. Margaret Sanger again, was
arrested in New York a few hours
since, Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf declared
here today that "under government
regulated birth control, the children
born in this country will become men
and women only, a little lower than the
angel imnges of their creator."
Dr. Knopf, professor of medicine at
New York Post .Graduate Medical
school, was speaking before the annual
convention of the American Public
Health association.
1 " In the three principal cities of Hol
' land, since the establishment of na-
tinnal birth control clinics, the avcr-
age birth rnte dropped from 33.7 per
thousand in IWI to 2-.3 in 1912, while
the death rate has dropped from 24.2
to 11.1 .and the population has in
creased in physical stature and well
New York, Oct. 27. Bethlehem Steel
common sold at a new high record at
047 a share on the stock exchange to-
day. Thirty shares were sold at the
$3 advauce.
Lniteil SMutos Steel also was digner.
opening at 1 19 S-H, up half. United
States Industrial Alcohol, 1411, up l'i.
Union Pacific 151 3-4, up 3-4.
The general list was irregular.
Chicago, Oct. 27. "Owing to the in
creased cost of living," the president
of tho People's tins Light and Coke
company here today announced a 10
per cent increase in wages for 3,700
employes effective November I. It
will cost the company .'5.",0,000 a year.
Governor Wants Trusties
Kept at Work, Kay Wants
, Experiment Successful
On call of Governor -Withycombe the
board of control met this morning in
what proved to be a highly' interesting
session, although no action" was record
ed, with -the result' that the" 700 tons
of flax now-.on hand, probably "will not
bef- retted until next Spring." H de
veloped at, t,he meeting tbat because of
the unfavorable weatfier for ' retting
the fla'i this fall that" the season's
work, will, probably be a. financial
failure. ' "" .'
It was tho opinioij' of Governor
Withycombe that the industry was
established for the employment of the
nie.il at tho penitentiary, arid he said
that ,so far Robert. Crawford, superin
tendent ot the flax industry, had done
no. retting aim that it was too late in
the season unless sonic artificial means
was devised for doing' the work. The
governor attacked the overhead ex
penses and said that too much money
was spent for guards and for truck
hire in hauling the men back and
forth from the penitentiary to the
fields. .
Bobort. Crawford replied that on ac
count of the size of the crop the ex
penses were normal. He declared the
weather had not been suitable for flax
retting as it had been too dry. The
governor disagreed and charged that
Crawford was looking, toward making
the industry more of a financial suc
cess than as a means of affording em
ployment to the convicts.!
Treasurer Kay demanded to know
why suficicnt men had not been fur
nished by the warden for tho work and
Warden Minto replied that he had
divided up tho number of trusties and
assigned them to gathering the v.TriouR
crops. The governor charged- him . with
making the flax industry .secondary
to tho other farm work. '
.Treasurer Kay and, the Governor
clashed over the.opinibn that the flax
industry 'waa to. be conducted only ' for
affording work for." the convicts,' Kay
holding that it should be made a .finan
cial success if possible. Last year ho
said was not a success financially in
this department although it afforded
work for the men. Kay also suggested
that a drver be buil so ,thnt retting
could go on during. the winter months
but Crawford pppoijfiit' it because ho
said it was not warranted and the ex
pense would be too great for the return
No action was taken on this sugges
tion and it is probable that the men
will be idlo during the1 winter. The 80
or 00 tons of flax on. hand will be ret
ted but the remaining 700 tons will
probably have to remain until spring.
Fate of Mrs. Beutfriger
In Hands of Jury
Newark, N. J., Oct. J27. Mrs. Mar
garet Claire Beutinger,' 'pretty 28 year
old matron, who shot and killed her
wealthy husband, Christopher Beutin
ger, because, she said,, he made repul
sive demands onJ)ex,probably will
know her fate before iiight.
Judge Martin bogtin. charging the
jury at 2 o'clock after! the . closing
arguments. Mrs. Beutinger 's connsel
pictured the dead coal broker as an in
human, lascivious brute," -who had
threatened the womanfe life after she
had borne him five children, and ex
pressed confidence that she would be
speedily acquitted.
Prosecutor Newman, called upon the
jurors to repudiate " the idea that a
jury of men could nof accord the same
brand of jnstice to a woman that they
would deal out to a man.
The low water mark for the river
this season was reached yesterday with
the guage rending 1.2 feet below low
water mark. The range of temperature
Thursday was OH maximum und 30 min
imum. Just now there seems to be some un-
certaintv as to what turkeys will sell
for during Thanksgiving week. One
year ago the retail price was 30 cents a
pound and so far the farmers have not
been in any big rush to sell.
Last evening was initiation night at
the Elk lodge and the following were
given the hailing Higu and the grip of
an Kile H. O. droves, E. L. Kelly, C. II.
Durdnll, J. P. Alexander, J'. D. Wiggins,
h". M. Murphy, ( has. N. liilycn and
ieo. H. Patterson.
The state Bchool superintendent of
California is so pleased with the book
on rural architecture published by Su
perintendent J. A. Churchill that he
has asked the privilege of using a num
ber of the plans in a pamphlet, which is
being prepared bv the California de
partment of education. . .
Miss Neva E. Vaughan, of San Fran
cisco, deaiMiuncss, has arrived in. Salem
to take up work-in tho-Kirst Methodist
ichurrb. She will.be associated with'Dr.
R. N. Avison, minister, in the work of
the .church. She will reside with Mrs.
Eminn Cornelius on South Fourteenth
street. ' -
W R- Hale. mnerintendMit of the
Oregon state training school will' speak
naiuruay evening at me nri .Hjngre-
..',: i -i......L i.:- '..i. :..4
''Ui.lulinn- nt I iitiulinerniii.A unit ltnvn
Training School. " The address will pre
cede, the showing of tlie film, "Saved
by the Juvenile Coirtf v Judge Cleeiua
of Itirtlfllid will sKHk Sunday' -evening
at the church on " Iiitemnerance and
the Juvenile Court."1 ."
The members of the Illahee club will
meet this evening at the Commercial
club at 7:30 o'clock and take. up the
, -
The market story today may be read
without fear and trembling as there is
no advance in any line over yosterday.
The tendency upward in prices seems
to have been halted at least for a day.
Artichokes are now jn the market
quoted at $1. ;
Oats, new
Rolled barley . . .
Bran .
Shorts, per ton
Hay; clover '.,..
Bay, cheat
Hay, vetch ..
.; $28.00
:. $o$io
Byj tijnothy.
'. Buttec.
Buttcrfat .1,.. 37c
Creamery buttor'.pcr pound 40c
Country butter .i........ 30c
Eggs ana Poultry. !
Eggs, case count, cash 38c
Eggs, trade : :....'." 40c
Hons, pound : ... 12V-j13V6c
Boosters, old, per pound ; 9c
Broilers, under 2 pounds .14 Vic
Broilers, l'.j lbs., or less 15c
Turkeys , 19(a20c
Fork, Veal and Matton.
Pork, dressed 12 l-213c
Pork, on foot 8 l-9e
Spring lambs, 1910 7Vi7V4e
Veal, according to quality ...89c
Steers ........... 66
Cows 3 l-24c
Bulls S3 1-4
Ewes . 4c
Wethen l-2
- Figs and Dates;'
Figs, 70 f our oz. s, ;. $3.60
Figs, 36 12 oz. $2.75
Figs, 12 10-oz. 90c
Bluck igs 9c
White fiirs 10c
Dromedary dates 3.75
vegetaDie. .
Tomatoes. Orceon 80c
Cabbage 40c
Cucumbers - - 200
String garlic - 15c
Potatoes, sweet , . . ; . . ... . . 2 3-4c
Potatoes, per 100 pounds...U.:$1.101.30
Green onions ....... ."...... 40i
Green peppers ............I.,....,. 7c
Carrots, dozen 40
Artichokes ' .....-..'. $J-
'. ... v- Frolta.
Muskmelons '. 50c
Peaches, Oregon ..... ....... . 2560c
drapes .v.., $l.io
Apples 50c$1.00
Oranires. Valencies ............. 14.75
Lemons, per box .......... . $0.00(0,50
wassavas , . , . , . ........ ... . .'. . . i x-cc
Ice cream melons'.... 2 Vic
Cantaloupes, per- box $1.00
Bananas, pound h
California grape fruit $1.00
Pineapples 8t
Cranberries - , $10.00
, Eetail Prices.
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch.....
Sugar, cane
sugar, beet'
...... $2.20(rt 2.45
Creamery butter i...
Flour, hard wheat .,
Flour, valley
Portland, Or., Oct. 27.
Wheat, cluh $1.54
Bluestem $1.00
Forty fold $1.58
Bed Kussian $1.33.
Oats, No. 1 white feed $33.50,
Barley, feed $37 "
Hogs, best live $0.40 t
J'rime steers $7.75 i
Fancy I'lfws $6.50
Calves $7.U0(ri8.OO
Spring lambs $8.75
Butter, city creamery 37'ic
Eggs, selected local ex. 4.1c
Hens 15c .
Broilers 14(a10e
(icesc life lie ( -
proposition of building a country club
house. The interest tnken in golf this
summer lead the members to believe
that within a year the membership will
be largely increased and that there will
be a demand for a suitable club house.
The Salein (Hiess and Checker club
is taking on new life and with the re
organization a few days ago, is pre
paring for a hard winter campaign in
which challenges will bo sent to the
best that Portland can produce, besides
the local champions in the smaller
cities of the Btate. Permanent rooms
have been rented in tho McCornack
building and they ore now open for all
who wish to practice up for the games
to be played this season. At the meet
ing lielii this week, C. 0. (liven was
elected president, D. W. PiBher and
secretary nuil treasurer. The members
enrolled nt the first meeting arc:
Davie Drager, C. G. Given, Fred Orager,
I. (ireenbnum, Paul Plants, J. -N.
Smith, W. L. Bryant, D. W. Fisher, J.
A. lioliuid, Jumes T. I'eiin, C. G. Hover,
Ralph Miller, F. F. Towusend and
Hnrrv Hill.
Money to Loan
OK Good Real Estate Security,
Over Ladd ft Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon
mount; low rates; promptly closed
, attractive pre paying privileges. I
iave 5 Mi per cent insurance money
to loan on Salem business and resi
dence property. Thos. A. Boberts,
, 205 U. S. Nat'l Bank bldg.
HONEY TO LOAN I have made ar
rangements ' for loaning ' eastern
money, will make very low rate of
interest on highly improved farms
Homer. H. Smith, room 9 McCornack
Bide.: Salem. Ore.. Phone 96.
, SO-years experience, ,. "-
Depot National and American fence
Sizes 2G to 58 in. high. - .
Pint, oil and varnish, etc. . '
Loganberry and hop books.
Salem Fence and Stove Works, 230
- - 8t. Paona 124.
v Telephone
:i :S " '" i - ; ' ."W .-. .. : '.
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
aiuunuiu fiiiiiurjuuJUi
Salem Eleatrla Co., Masonie Temple, 127 North High Maia 1W
T. VL Barr, 164 South Commercial street ............. -..v...... . lUl!lH
Salem Track Dray Co., corner State ana front street . Kola T
Ko. 10 Oregon Kspress 5:55 a.m.
No. 24 Coos Bay 8 :5'2 p. m.
No. 28 Willamette Limited ...8:22a.m.
No. 12 Shasta Limited 11:55 a.m.
Na 18 Portland Passenger ...1:35p.m.
No. 14 Portland Gxpmw 7 r65 p.m.
No. 222 Portland fast Freight 12 :01 a. m.
No. 220 Local way Freight... 10:20a.m.
Na 15LCa!tfornla Express ...11:05a.m.
Na 17 Ashland Pawenger. . . .3 :32 a. m.
So. 23 Coos Bay ..10:01a.m.
No. 19 Cottage drove Pass. ..4:16 p.m.
Makes connection with N. 74 Geer
Ka 11 Bhnsta Limited 5:43 p.m.
No. 27 Willamette Limited ...6:20p.m.
No. 13 San Francisco Express 10 :06 p. m.
No. 221 Ban Francisco .Fust
Freight J2:01 a. m.
Na 225 Local way Freight. .. .11 :40 a. m.
Na 78 Arrives at Salein 9:15 a.m.
No. 70--Iaves Salem 9 :60 a. m.
Na 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) ....2:00p.m.
No. 74 J.?ave Solent '.'.. .'...' 3105 p. m.
No connection south ot deer.
Bkunt, Fills Citt and Was tern
No. 161 IjV. Salem, motor 7 :00 a. m.
No. 103 Lt. Salem, motor 9:45 a.m.
No. 105 Lt. Salem (or Monmouth
and Alrlle 1:40 p.m.
Na 167 I.v. Salem, motor .....4:OOp.m.
No. 109 Lv. Salem, muter 6:16 p.m.
No. 239 Way Fr't It. Salem. . . .5 :00 a. m.
No. 1U2 Ar. Siilem 8:30 a.m.
Nal64 Ar. Salem 11:10 a.m.
Na 106 Ar. Salem 8 :15 p. m.
No. 168 Ar. Salem 6 :00 p. m.
No. 170 Ar. Sulera 7:45p.m.
No. 240 Way Fr't ar Balm..,. 2:30p.m.
', Orrton City Transportation Company.
The Orabamona leaves Salem for Port
land at 6 o'clock on mornings of Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday. No boat south
ot Balcm. Bout leavos Portland Tuesday,
Thursday and Satutday mornings until
further noilvu
7EBB t CLOUGH CO. C. B. Webb.
A. M. Clough morticians and funeral
directors. Lutest. modern methods
' known to the profession employed.
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888.
directors and undertakers, 252 North
High street. Day and night phone
FOB SALE 1 1-3 acres just outside
city litiiits, good land, small house
and barn, small cash payment, bal
ance monthly installments if desired,
Square Deal Ilcalty Co.4 202 U. 8.
Bunk Blrlff.
Co., 220 N. Liberty
Phoue 203. A com-
Slcto line of Electric
upplies and fixtures
and pay taxes in Salem. Let Salem
people saw your wood. Phone 269.
xioo ii. tut. f. L, Keister, Wm,
proprietor. Garbuge and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yrd and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Main
2247. Residence Main 2272.
FOR RENT Fino opening for room
renting or board and rooming busi
ness; seven to. fourteen rooms, two
blocks from post office. Specially
favorable terms to suitable party
See William Fleming, Buyne build
ing. nov2
DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Uead, Davenport,
Iowa. It you have tried everything
and got no relief, try Chiroprac
tic spinal adjustments and get well
Office 400-7-8 V. S. National Bank
Building. Phone Main 87. Residence
Main 828-R.
corner Commercial and Trade streets
For water service apply at office.
Bill payable monthly in advance.
Inc., 428 Hubbard bldg., Salem. All
drugless method tangbt. Flora A
; Brewster, M. IX, dean, private pa
tients 1 to 9 p. m. rhone 21248. tf
from all points, east, oa all bouabold
' goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car
load service. Capital City Transfer
1 Company, agents for Pacific Coast
' Forwarding company, Ml South Con
mercial street. Phone Main 933.
RENTAL AflEXCV S. H. Snyder, suc
cessor to L. lleehtel t Co.. Renting
of houses and looking after property '5
for non-residents especially solicited. E
341 State St. Salem. nov24,
iit4 '
hobth. BOUND
Lv. Salem Train Na Ar. Portion
4:35 s. m. ...... 2 Owl ...... 8:65 a. so.
7 :16 a. m. 8 9:25 a. aa.
9:40a.m. ..... 10 Limited. . . .11 :S5 a. aa,
11:20 a.m. -. 12 11:85 p. am.
i:50p.m.v 14 J....... 4tO0 p. m.
4 mmi p. m. .... ie Limited ... 5 AO p. aa,
5 :30 p. m. ....... 20 ....... 7 -.40 p. aa.
7:55 p.m. 22 10:00 p. a.
Lv. Portland
6 :80 a. m. Salem 8 :SB Eugene 10 :55 a. m,
8:80a.m. ... 6 Limited .... 10:11 a. sa.
10:45a. m 7 12:55 p. sa,
2:05 p.m 9 4:15 p. aa.
4:40d. m. ... 13 Limited a:40n.m
6:06 p. m 17 Local .... 8:10 p. nv,
v:up. m. iv ..ii:2up.sa.
11:46 p.m. 21 Owl 1:55 p. aa.
Lv. Corvallla Ar. Bales
4 :10 p. m. 20 6:80 p. sa.
Lv. Eugene. Ar. Bale
7:35a. m 10 Limited .... 9:45 a. to.
1:65 p. m 18 Limited ... 4:00p.m.
5:20 p m 22 7:55p. m.
12:06 p. m 2 Owl 4 :85 a. at.
sotrra bound
Lv. 8n lem. . Ar. Binges
l:56a.m 21 Owl ..... 6:60a. nv
10:15 a. m 5 Limited ....12:25 pm.
Lv. Salem Ar. Albany
12 :65 p. m 7 1 :60 p. m.
Stops at Corvaliia
Lv. Salem, Ar. Albany
4 :16 p. d. . .' 9 6 :10 p. m
Ar. Albany
. . 7 :85 a. m,
Lv. Salem. Ar. Eugene
6 :45 p. m IS 8 :60 p. as.
north bound
Lv. CorTattla, Ar. Balem
8:25 a. m 10 9:46 a.m.
12:12 p.m. 14 1:45 p.m.
2:41 p.m 16 ....... 4:00p.m.
4:10p.m. ....... 20 6:80p.m.
0 :18 p. m 22 7 X5 p. m.
south bound
Lt. Balem. Ar. Ctrvallla
10:15 a. m 5 11:83 a.m.
4 :15p. m 9 5:86 p. aa
12:65 pm 7 2:20 p.m.
6:40 p.m. II 8:00 p.m.
DBS. B. H. WHITE, and R. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican .school of Osteopathy, Eirksville,
Mo. Post graduate and specialized ia
nerve diseases at Los Angeles college
Treat acute and chronic diseases.
Consultation free. Lady attendant,
Office 605-506 U. 8. National Bank
Building. Phone 859. Residence 844
North Capital street. Phone 4IW
Regular conclave fourth Friday In each
month at 8 o'clock p. m., In Masonic
Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are
courteously Invited to meet with ua.
Lot I.. 1'earce, D. C, Frank Turner,
Friday night at 8 o'clock In McCarnacfc
block. A. J. Kwelnink, C C; L. 8. Geer,
clerk, 507 Court Street Phone 693,
Stilted communications flrat Friday la
each month at 7 :.'I0 p. m. In the Munonle
Temple. Clioa, uccaner, w. u. , a. a.
Suiver, secretory.
UNITED ARTISANB Capital Assembly,
No. M4, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m.
In Moon bull. C. O. Matlock, M. A. I
C. A. Vibbert, secretary, Crown Stub
itoro, 338 State street.
A. O. TJ. W. Protection Lodge Na. X
Meets erery Monday evening at 8 In the
McCornack ball, wirner Court and Liberty
streets, A. K- Aufrance, M. W. ; 8. A.
Mrl''6iiten. recorder; A. L. Brown,
Bunuclcr; R. B. Duncan, treasurer.
CENTRAL I.ODflB, No. 18, K. of P. Me
Cornack building. Tuewday evening rtl
enrh week at 7 :30. C. K. Barbour, C. C.
W. U. Ullson, K. of B. and B.
B. N. of A. "Oregon Grape Camp." No.
1300, meets erery Thursday evening In
Mct.'ornuek building. Court and Liberty
streets; elerntor. Mrs. Sylvia Scbaupp.
1701 Market, oracle; Mrs! Melissa Per
sons, recorder, 1208 North CommercilL
Phone 1480 M.
prealdent; Mrs. Iau Tlllson, secreUrw.
All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb
animals should be reported to tbe
secretary tor investigation.
Htuted snsenibly first Monday In eacn
month. Masonic Temple. N. P. Rasmon
sen, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glenn C
Nllea, recorder.
SALHM COUNCIL NO. 2022 Knlgbts an
Ladies of Security Meets every 2nd ant
4t It Wedneailny eaih month nt Ifurat
Hull. Visiting members are Inrlted ta
attend. K. b Walton, financier, 480 B.
14th Street
PACIFIC LODGE No. 80, A. F. ft A. It
Stated communications third Friday
In each month at 7:30 p. m. in tbe
Maaoulc Temple. Hal V. Bolam, W. aL
Ernest U. Cuoate, secretary.
gon Cedar Camp. No. 6246, meets every
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Mo
Coroaek hall, corner Court and Liberty
streets. Elevator service. Geo. Belnonl,
V. C. ; J. A. Wright. Clerk.
Yick So Ton
Has medicine which will
Any known Disease
Open Sundays from 10:00 a. a.
Irfiril 8:00 p. m. ..
153 South High Street.
Silam, Oregon. i'notia 23