SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCT. 27, 1916. A MAN'S foolish to Xsputa With hi wife, f r she's jury an' judge, an' the verdick's shore t be in her fnvori Smoke a pipe of waive a hearin'. - ttHMt1MtnmtlltnmHiHnnm (mr I Sport News Watching the Scoreboard Pacific Coast League Standings. W. L. ret. .n Anirelos 1 HI 78 ,BHK ! iVeruon m us 102 100 III) I'D HI 0 72 i:w Sun Francisco Salt Luke ... 1'ortlnnd .... Oakland -. Yesterday's Results. At Hun Francisco, 8; Fortlnutl, S At Hult Lake, 7; Oakland, 1. At I.m Angeles, 0; Veruon, fl. Vernon continued the work of milking flie Angels' nice new pinnnnt look rath r shopworn, healing llorstinnnn 'A to 0. That makes three striii(ht for the Tig er. Dn ley, Cnllnhnn ami Mcdnff igan bunched hits in the sixth for the runs thnt lickeil l.os Angeles. Hunny Brief broke the Coast league home run record when he sailed one over the .'fence. 'Twas his 31st quadruple, of the season. ' Ping Bodlo got .10 home runs in his palmiest year. Also, it was Rrief 'a fourth round trip per of the week, and he batted .1000 per -ent yesterday, rapping out three sing le besides the fat swat. Sun Francisco smashed Hip Hngermnn out of the box in the third, liinnl count fnu Fftincisco, 8; Portland, 2. Tana Were Not Noisy. Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 27. lVnf and dumb football warriors of the Wash ington stale school fur mutes were fig uring on challenging Harvard or Yale today lifter their l.'l ty 0 defeat of the Commerce high school eleven. The deaf mules called signals on their fingers mill hail the enemy going south from alphu to omega, while up in the bleachers a crowd of frenzied boys and girls wildly spelled out "rah, rnli, nth, lieuf school! It r-rith!" on their twink ling digits. League Has Law Bult. Chicago, Oct. 27. The Chicago Nil tiiiunl league club is today fighting a Hun, hoi) damage unit brought in the cir cuit court here by the Mctnl rpeeialty company. The dispute is over rental fees fur patent buck wuts used 111 the Cub park. The seats were removed aft er twu vears. Willard May Scrap. Sun Diego, Cnl., Oct. 27. That Josk Willard will meet pit Iter Hnttling Levin ky or Jnck Dillon at Tijuana, Mexico, just across the line from here this win ter was the belief of local fight bugs to day. Tex Itiekard is said to be promot ing the scrap- He is trying to get Welsh mid Dundee down there for a prelimin ary to the big bnttle. A DAGGER IN THE BACK That's the woman's dread when she gets up in the morning to start the day's work. . "Ohl how my back aches. - GOLD MODAL Haarlem Oil Capsules taken today eases the . back ache of tomorrow taken every day ends the backache for all time. Don't delay. What's the use of stifferingl Begin taking GOLD MF.DAI, Haarlem Oil Capsules today nd be relieved to morrow. Take three or fuur every day nud be permanently free from wrench ing, distressing bacK pain. Put lie sure to get GOLD M F.DAL. Since 100(1 GOLD Ml) DA I. Haarlem Oil has been tin Rational Remedy of Holland, the Gov ernment of the Netherlands having granted a special charter authorizing its preparation and sale. The housewife of Holland would almost as soon be without bread as she would without her "Real Dutch Drops" as she quaintlv calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap sules. This is the one reason why you will find the women and children of Holland so sturdy and robust. (K)LD MEDAL ore the pure, original Haarlem Oil Capsules Imported direct from the laboratories In Haarlem, Hol land. But be sure to get GOLD MEDAL. Look for the name on every box. . Sold by reliable druggists in senled packages at 25c, BOo and H.00. Money refunded if they do not help vou. Accept only the GOLD MEDAL. "All others are imitations. 1 VELVET an' VELVET'S smoothness helps make- the rough spots even.1 And two years natural ageinz makes VELVET, smooth. Willamette to Play , Columbia University If comparative scores may be taken as a unit of measure, 8nturdny's football game between Wilinmetto und Columbia universities' elevens Saturday after noon on Siveetlund field promises to be .507! an interesting struggle. .500 ' Whereas the heavy Multnomah Ath .500! letic. club warriors of l'ortliind trimmed ,4H;ti the Catholic lads by a IB to 0 score at ..'15l 'he same time AVillnmette was overcome I at Kugcne, the signal victory of the I Methodists over Albany college last ; Saturday shown the opposing forces will weigh in about even when the whistle j blows tomorrow afternoon at .') o'clock. 1 Two semi-serious necldonts of the I week will have a tendency to weaken .Mathews' bnttle array, lu a mixed line-up Wednesday afternoon. Arnold (irnlnpp received n badly cut eyebrow which required t li roe stitches to stop the gap. Luckily his sight will not bo im paired, nltliough the doughty guard will be unable to scrimmage for a Tew days at least. Results of a similar line buck got the best of Krrcil Proctor and he id now hobbling mound on a enne owing totfoiy to the east warn; at uueuueoourv a dislocated knee. Likewise uuenn is still inrnpneitnted with his bug leg which, while promising to mend, is ii Hii i n in a relaxed state. .fust whnt tile Columbia university stnrs huve in the line up is not known, but these interscholnstic lengue stars of I'ortlnnd always have enjoyed the repu tation of being serious contenders for championship honors. Home of the brightest stnrs of Northwcxt football have been nurtured under the helters of that institution, so vngue predictions as to what the score or line up will be, tire only a matter of guess, work. Willamette's hopes were considerably strengthened bv the appeiirnnce of Bra y.ier Hnuill and Charles .Muck in suits this week. Both are players of recog nised intercollegiute ranking and they bid fair to make applicants for steady berths step lively to retain their posi tions. Little change in the pot-sound is expected, even though a few shifts in the interests of general efficiency hnvo marked Mnthevvs' determination to continue the winning process. The probable line-up for tomorrow V giiine of the defenders of old Wllliiiuette will be: Center, Peterson; guards, Muck, Flegel ninl Guerin; tackles, Taylor and Tobiej ends, Hntelit'fe iind Uexford. In the buckficld will be Booth, quarter; Tenll nud (Irosvenur, halfbacks; Dimick or Bnrtlett, fullback. Manager Arlie Walker is tanking ef fort to laud another team for a local game a week from Hutui-diiy, but as yet has been unable to complete nrrnnge tnenls. Pncifie university is the next tidbit definitely scheduled for the local field. Its defenders will meet Willam ette on Koveniber 11. )c )(( sc sjc ift sc )(t sc sc sc s(c sc sc il State House News )t it )t s(t i(c )ft s)c ijc ift jc ie j(c An application for the itiMiillation of n railroad crossing in Portland on East Washington street was filed with niUsi.ii. mission inis tlie ptmhe service com morning. A communication from the Kin ninth Kails Coininercinl club to the puldie service commission asked Information concerning the advisability of granting a franchise to a second public utility corporation in that city. The communi cation states Hint the council of thnt 'city refuse to tuko tho responsibility nnu in piiiiiug up i ue question 10 a voie or the people. Heeently people of P.end voted down nu application of a compet-ihip nig utility as they believed thev had complelu recourse from oppression bv the monopolizing utility iu the public I service commission, J lie rvlumntli appli-, cation was for a s.'cond electric light and power plant. Articles of incorporation filed with the state corporation eomniisHioiier this morning are Lniithers Mercantile com pany of St. Johns, which increases its capitalisation from '.'.",0(HI to ."0,000; the Commonwealth Cleaning and Press ing company, of Portland, with a capi talization of 2,000; the Otto and llnrk son Kcalty company of Portland, with n cnpitali.nlion of 23,0(iO, Governor Withvconibe went to Port land todnv to attend the Portland horse show, which is scheduled for this even ing. Snturdnv he will pay a visit to irelmm, where he will speak at a Hughes meeting. ALLIES HA VE MADE BIG GAINS ON SOMME FRONT SINCE OFFENSIVE BEGAN ON JUL Y 1 on Aur. 9.S . I ' iiPMWJ,, - JULY I, OH SEPT. 2.1 j . A y" F)q)(v"" ip-H ok I 2. 3 I , , i I , Hill . wyJarfjfcw v&atMmmc3uc3axwHrtmM aisawuwswiial With the capture of Combles the gains of the allies were made at three points on the Homme front at Combles, where the continued Frnnco-BritHli offense swent over the village and gained terri- which was carried by the British, and at Thiepvnl, which had long becu an ob stacle to the British advance nt the point where the battle line makes a sharp salient as it turns to the north ward. A semiofficial ocooiint of the buttle of the Homme from, its beginning on July 1, appearing in the Bulletin des Amice's, says the French-have captured ISO square kilometers (about seventy square miles) of territory, captured 30, 000 unwounded prisoners, removed 4, r03 wounded and taken 144 cannon WAS HELP TO SEATTLE Number of Suicides Just Half i and Death Rate Cut Ten Per Cent Seattle, Wash., Oct. 27 Because there me no saloons in Seattle, the commun ity's already robust health is improv ing, nud the local death rate, lowest in the I'nited States, will be still lower in UM0, according to Health Commis sioner MeBride today. There have tieen 70 fewer denths dur ing the nine mouths of ISUll than there were during the same period last year- "One reason why we are ahead this year," said M?Bride, "is the slump in suicides, homicides and injuries, so far this year. We know from the way vic tims came to the city emergency hos pital when the suloiins were running, that there are fewer tragedies uoiv." Ho pointed out that there have been ;itl suicides so fur this year as compared with 72 in the nine months of 1015. "Denths from external injuries," as t result of homicides hnve dropped from )u su lw exl),niml(,( ,.1(nd muruv,.s total 17 instead or 21." The total number of denths in Seat tle from all causes, so far this year is 1,7(3. There were 1,81:1 deaths up to this date lust year. . TO BUILD riVE SCHOONERS Portland, Ore.. Oct. 27 Three five masted auxiliary schooners will be built here this winter by the new Oregon Building company, it was learned todnv. The corporation, organized by Portlanders, is capitalised for t200,OOO, and is the latest to enter the ship cou- sirucuou neiii nere. shby-Lexicon'i'i ARROW COLLARS I I S et. ach, for SO on. most of them of heavy calibre, 500 ma chine guns and other material. Since the opening of tho battle, the account says, the Germans have thrown into bat tle sixty-seven new divisions and seven teen battalions, on the French front, visions were on the English front and thirty-three divisions, with the seven teen bnttnions, on the French front: Combles, just taken;, had 2000 popula tion before the war- It had been of no table value to the Germans because as long as they clung to it the Granco British freedom of action in pushing their offensive movements toward Ba paiime and Pennine on either side of it was hampered. Turned ibto a strongly fortified position by German defensive Barrett Confesses Killing But Some Think Him "Unbalanced" Los Angeles. Cnl., Oct. 27. Whether Benton L. Barrett, aged farmer, who confessed slaying his wife and stepson, is guilty oi murder or is the victim of a hypnotist, is a mystery thut may only be solved bv a jury trial, in ths jipinion of District Attorney Woolwiue. "We have sufficient evidence to go to trial and convict Benton Barrett o.' murder in the first degree," declared Woolwine today. His statement was backed up by the findings of Dr. I.ynink B. Stookey, anatomist, who examined ihe bones said to be those of Mrs. Bar rett and Raymoud Wright, her 17-year-old son- Dr. Stookey declared the bones were "green" or those of a person who recently died. "There is no evidence to show that Bentou I.. Barrett is guilty of murder. We are iu a position to prove him in nocent," dee In red Lewis D. Collings, at torney for the defense. Collings' state ment was supported by Captain H. R. Ziuinier, an expert investigator, who de clared the bones found in an outhouse on the Barrett farm were those of a per son who had been dead forji long time. Collins declared he had information of skeleton having been stolen receutly. He declined to give details in this mat ter. Doiv't fuss arouivd half i i a 4 arenxixoa wiveix pPl?fcfl$H BRAND REFLEX SLICKER 3i will koop yoi dry aid coiwfortabla DEALERS EVERYWHERE OUR 80 ii YEAR A.J.TOWta CO. SOSTOM SfZ DOUGLAS HAIG MflP OF ALLIES' ADVANCES ON SOMME FRONT ingenuity, it persistently held fast like a rock in the course of a turuuient stream that had tb be blasted loose be fore the channel was fully Opened up. This process was accomplished .only by long continued, severe and costly effort on the part of the allies. Driving in front the south, the French succesively swept by Hardecourt, Maurepas, Le Foret and finally reached Fregicourt, a mile to the east of Combles. t More slowly but none the less surely the Bri tish pushed their advance on the north of the German salient. Shaded portions of map shows allies' advance after Com bles fell. Sir Douglas Haig, commander of the British forces, is given credit for the fall of the stronghold. I AS HUGHES ELECTOR TO SUPPORT WILSON J. W. Dawson, Coal Operator, Disappointed; Fears Old Guard Will Control Xew York, Oct. 27. The New York World publishes the following dispatch rrom innriesion, w. va.: "J. W. Dawson of Charleston, coal operator, in a letter to State Chairman Joseph H. (iaines of the republican state committee, asked, that his name as a Hughes elector at large be with drawn from the republican ticket. "I have been a great admirer of Judge Hughes since the insurance in vestigation in New York vears pnst. says Mr. Dawson in his letter. 1' was for him originally when Mr. Taft was nominated ami elected president, and at that time hoped to some dav see Judge Hughes president of this coun try. But 1 was at Chicago during the republican convention in June; I have been a student of public questions since that time; I have read - Mr. Hughes, public addresses with a great deal of anxiety: 1 do not find m them any good reason why we should change administrations at Washington at this critical time." A. K. Matbesou, conservative repuhli WMi, Tatt elector in 1912, and law part ner of ex-Senator John M. Whitehead, lu'.e candidate for the republican nom ination tor United States senator in Wisconsin, has announced thnt, from motives of patriotism, he will support President Wilson for re election, while at the same time adhering to the re publican state ticket in Wisconsin. "There are several grounds for my supKrt of Mr. Wilson. One is what seems to be a real iuterest in the socinl welfare of men and women; his human itarian impulses and purposes. He is trying to do something for the man who is struggling whether' the man is in America or Mexico. , " "I think Wilson has handled foreign affairs with large vision and looking to the future as well as to the pres ent. I commend Wilson for acting with fine poise and balance in very trying times. "I put my Americanism above my partisanship, and in these critical times I deem it my patriotic duty to stand by President Wilson." Louis Bamberger, one of the foremost business men of Xew York, . sent a check for 11000 to the democratic na- A Used Automobile . Is better than a cheap new car. . Complete Stock Guaranteed, Modern USED CARS, with Electric Starters and Lights Studebakers, Overlands, Maxwells, CadaUac, Paige, Hupmobile, WINTER PRICES $350 to $700 !v ": ; . .. Liberal terms if desired. ' ' v - Come and look oyer these Bargains. - Refund of - railroad fare from any . point in Oregon or Wash ington to Portland made to all purchasers of our used cars. . . ; - Oregon Motor Car Co. STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS, PARK and DAVIS STS., PORTLAND, OREGON tional committee yesterday with the following comment: "It might be of interest to you to know that at the last presidential dec tion I vote'd for Mr. Roosevelt, but ns Wilson's administration, in the face of perplexing conditions, has accomplished in mv juugmen, all tnat any reasonable citizen would expect, 1 shali take pleas ure in casting my ballot for him." C. F. Long, of 42 Brondwav. Xew York, ynds a check for $100, enclosing a cony oi a leiier renivine to n renucsr tfor a contribution to the .New Vork re publican committee. "I will say that during my voting years i nave voted tor republican pres idential candidates," Mr. Long says, "but my next, presidential ballot will be cast for Woodrow' Wilson."' Fred B. Lynch, chairman of tho club organization bureau of the democratic national committee, is receiving thous ands of letters from independent voters who pledge themselves to the support of Wilson. Notable among them today are indorsements from ,C. Brandleo Hunt, architect, and Charles S. Brand, attorney, both of New York and hot a former republicans. Jackson Josnson of St. Louis, chair man of the board of directors of the International Shoe company and one of the biggest manufacturers in the world, announced today that he will vote for President Wilson. "I have learned the great construc tive measures of the! Wilson adminis tration against the ill advised measures of previous republican, rule anil I have concluded to support Mr. Wilson for a second term," says Mr. Johnson. "Mr. Wilson has faced the most try ing times of any president since Lin coln, Through his leadership the in adequate currency nienstiiji! known as the aldrich law was amended by n democratic congress to. prevent what would have been the greatest panic this country has ever known. In my judg ment, the federal reserve act is one of the greatest and inost beneficial pieces of legislation ever placed upon the statutes. It has served to advance the business of this country and has done more to bring property to the whole population than all other thimrs com bined." Wedding Invitations, Announcements and Cal'.ing Cards Printed at the Jour nal Job Department. facturers to come lay rolls we Mi ST0PI1I! 1 I If we all would spend our money I in Salem ill . Salem Merchants would have 1 li si more money to tempt manu-. 11 II 1 ?2 . II Ik 111 more Salem. Let everybody help Salem next week Salem q Week, and dress up week, by 3 patronizing Salem Merchants. GOOD ALL WRONG The Mistake Is Made by Many Salem Citizens. Look for the cause of headache. To be cured you must know the cause. If it's weak kidneys you must set the kidneys working right. A Salem resident tells you how. M.-i. M. B. Churchill, 705 Bclmcnt strcr, Salein, says: "Three years ags I wis down in bed for a week with my back. 1 couldn't get up or down with out assistance and my back felt weak and lame. I was sick all over. Hearing so ninny recommend Doon's Kidney Pills, I sent for a box and had taken, only n few doses when I felt better. Two boxes stopped tho trouble and in every way I feel like a different person.- Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doau's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Churchill had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N.. Y. CHANGED BOWLING DATES Because of tho delay in completing, the Corvallis bowling alleys the sched ule of the Valley bowling league, which was to have been opened soveral weeks ago, will begin on November with Al bany, Corvallis, Salem, and two teams from Eugene playing. It is expected the Salem team will play Kugeno oa that date in the np-river city. Ourwant Tk attractive want ad is vyondcrt ul TrycneifyounavclostsomcthiiA Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A here with will have n mciAnel RjwcrofaLojdofound