Editorial Page of "TOhe Capital Journal" FRIDAY LVLNIXU, October 27, l!Hli- CHAELE8 H FISHEB, Editor nd Manager. 1 ! t j i J f i - 1 1' , i PUBLIrjHKD VEBY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. Im 8. BARNES, CHAS. H. FISHER, President. Vice-President. DOHA C. ANDKESEN, fccc. and Trens. fciUBSCHII'TION KATES Daily by carrier, per year Daily by mail, per year .. .$5.00 . 3.00 Per month 45c Per month 35c FULL LEASED W1KE TELEGRAPH KEPOKT EASTEKN REPRESENTATIVES New York, WnrdLewis-Willinms Special Agency, Tribune Building Chicago, W. H. fctockwell, People's Gas Building The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not'do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phono the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers aro following instructions. Phone Main 81 before 7:30 O'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the carrier bus missed you. WORKING OUT THEIR OWN DESTINY There is one phase of the Mexican situation that is not given the consideration it should have, and that is that the Mexican people are advancing in civilization, emerg ing from a state of semi-barbarism. The classes are so widely divergent so variously ranged in the scale of in telligence that it will require many years yet for them to reach a stage where they are really capable of intelligent ly governing themselves. What might be called the upper classes are intelligent and educated, but those of the lower strata are uneducated and of a low order of intelli gence. This class is composed of a mixture of Spanish, Aztec, Indian, and negro blood, and the sprinkling of Spanish is small indeed. This heterogeneous mass, given citizenship and a part in the government is what has caused the trouble. It is exactly the situation that arose in the south just after the war, when the negro was given the ballot before he had learned anything of government, only in Mexico there is no Ku-Klu'x Klan, to restrain by force the indulgences of new found and not understood liberty. The Mexican idea of liberty is not the civilized world's idea of it; but their ideals will change for the better as time passes, and it is only through trouble and struggle that this higher ideal will be reached. The peo ple must work out their own salvation, and they must work it out in their own way. It is not a nice way nor is it the way Americans would go at it, but then they are not an ignorant people struggling up to the light, nor do they look upon life from the low viewpoint of our Mex ican neighbors. Yet with our high ideals we have to look back but a few centuries to discover that our ancestors were followers of the barons of England who lived large ly by robbing each other when they could find no one else to rob or plunder; or to the denizens of the Black forest, lawless bandits, or if we trace our lineage to some other source it will not be many generations back before we r.un across some ancestor who was as Byron puts it: "As "mild a mannered man as ever scuttled ship or cut a throat, with the true breeding of a gentleman." We worked up from that by slow degrees by our own efforts, by abusing and robbing each other until we awakened to the fact that the other fellow was no worse than oursleves and that decent treatment of him would bring the same kind of treatment in return. The Mexicans will learn in time through their sufferings, that might does not make right, and that every citizen of a country must be con ceded the rights by every other citizen which they claim for themselves. Florence, Or.. Oct. St. A. II. ItucU. manager of the Monroe Mill company of jlonroe. Wash., has begun construction of the company' new shingle mill on the Piusliiw river on what -in known ntt the Hoffman property. The mill will tic modern ami much larger than any similar mill in southwestern Oregon. It will have six machines with a en parity of about IWO.IWO shingles per day. Mr. Unci; says the mill will be operated at full capacity continuously. The company ha an eastern market for its output and the terminal rates recently granted this section was the cause of the early construction, The newspaper dispatch reprinted above is interesting mainly because this is the mill that Mr. Buck was not go-' ing to build unless Hughes was elected. At least a dis patch from Eugene to the Oregonian a few weeks ago, and conspiciously printed in that paper, asserted that Mr. Buck had bargained for the property and would erect a mill upon it in event of Hughes' election, other ' wise the deal was to be called off. Since the mill is al ready under way, the Oregonian must have been dissem inating false information in order to influence the elec tion, or Mr. Buck, seeing the futility of waiting until Hughes was elected, concluded to build the mill at once and thus participate in the Wilson boom which is cover ing the entire country with the mantle of "prosperity and peace." Senator Jones in his speech here Tuesday night said: "I would have taken the army into Mexico and estab lished peace." That is just what President Wilson has done, taken the army into Mexico and established peace along the border. That is the only peace this country has a right to establish. To undertake to establish peace in Mexico would mean taking f omble possession of the ennntvv nrwl fldmlnistprinp our laws there. This of course would mean war. So what Senator Jones would have done, would have been to make war on Mexico. THEY HIRED A PETTIFOGGER The railroad companies were not fortunate in select ing a mouthpiece to voice their complaints when their choice fell on Samuel O. Dunn, editor of the Railway Age Gazette. Mr. Dunn shows himself a special pleader from the start, and from the first page of his pamphlet which is sickening in its fawning subservience to the great corporations lor which he spoke, he resorts to the most barefaced pettifogging. There is hardly any matter con nected with the case that is not stated incorrectly and without regard for the truth, unless it is put in a mislead ing way, and is attempted to be passed on to the public as the whole truth, when, while the language is true, the effect of that language is false and misleading. One ex ample will suffice to show this. Speaking for the roads and accusing the railroadmen of conspiracy in restraint of trade while at the same time condemning the pres ident, he says: "The railroad managements repeatedly offered to arbitrate all the matters in controversy." Now that statement is true in letter and yet it is not the truth about the strike situation. The railroads offered to sub mit all the matters in controversy to arbitration, but they also demanded that all matters that had been in dispute for years back and which had long ago been settled should be included in the matters submitted. It was true they offered to submit all matters in controversy, but the eminent pettifogger did not state that they insisted on submitting dozens of other things which were not in con troversy at all and which had been settled years ago. The roads demanded that the men give up all they had wrung from them in years gone by and submit all these old things to arbitration. This is one of dozens of just such misleading statements made by the roads' hired man, who assassinates Truth in doing the bidding' of his big, masters. Fuctionnlisni in Wisconsin is not injuring republican chances of success us in ii-li as has been reported, says State Chairman George A. West. "The situation in Wisconsin is much better than has been generally reported," he savs. "We will carry the statu for Hughe by $,"10,001)." Eugene Register, Hep. The fellow who mailed that information out to the loyal party press was probably thinking of the size of some of the checks he had sent into Wisconsin when he estimated this majority. To carry a state by $50,000 is not such an unusual thing but the amount shows that the Hughes managers are pikers compared with one Marcus Aurelius Hanna in those good old days of Mc- Kinleyism and high protection to the industries that came through with the campaign funds. The railroad managers should take heart from the Oregonian which says that instead of tke -railroads being compelled to pay more for labor that the eight hour law will require the men to work longer to earn the same money. That is the roads will not have to pay them so much wages. According to this the roads are for once philanthropic and are groaning because they , have their expenses reduced. If the Oregonian is correct the roads would not be sending out their wails so abundantly, in fact would wipe their weeping eyes and try to smile. Republican arguments for Hughes should be censored so as to at least not refute each other if they cannot be made to harmonize. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1863 CAPITAL $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT The republican campaign managers are sending to voters a pamphlet entitled, "Hughes or Wilson," with the further cover announcement that this is "the view point of a college man." This ought to settle it. When the farmers and laborers of the country are told how they should vote, and this by a college man, qualified by education and experience at hard work to do their think ing for them, they should flock to the polls and be thank ful for the generous advice. Repeated torpedoing of Norwegian ships while the submarine trouble between Germany and Norway has about reached a crisis, has brought those countries to the vpvo-p nf war. Germany's Drotest aeainst the Norwegian decree, barring submarines from Norwegian waters is practically an ultimatum. It is possible, if not probable, that Norway may soon be numbered among Germany's avowed enemies. Bunny Brief, the Bee slugger, broke Ping Bodie's record for home runs in the Pacific Coast League yester day when he sent the ball over the fence and ambled around the bases for the thirty-first time this season. He made the record breaking run at Salt Lake, and like Steel and other stocks, still higher records are possible. While Mr. Hughes' statements are a little vague and he is given to rambling in his speeches, it would seem tVint Vip Is pnripnvnrinr? to make the country believe that he would be as good a president for the next four years as Wilson has been during his term of office. Colonel Roosevelt when expressing his supreme con tempt for President Wilson invariably compares him to a woman, is being a woman really the coionei s iaea oi being the lowest thing on earth? It would seem so from his comparisons. The meanest thing the. Wilson men have done to their opponents in this issue is to steal their "full dinner pail" argument Maybe-its the tin cans that makes old High Cost of Living hump himself. Most small boys can vouch for the fact that they have this effect on a dog. The Medford Sun had a cartoon recently showing a farmer looking at the - price of wheat and bread and blaming the Wilson administration for it. Fancy a farm er kicking because wheat was high, and that for once he was really getting something out of the high cost of living. RippHnf Rhumbs' S W5MI HctfOn THE BUSY DAY A man comes in where I am toiling, to keep the pot at home a-boiling. He sees the sign, "Be brief I'm busy," but he is fatu ous and dizzy. Time on his hands is heavy hanging, and he is fond of vain harangu ing. He talks of Europe's battles gory, or tells a long bewhiskered story, until I take him by the galways and push him down the stairs and hallways. And to the office boy I mutter, "I left that old gun in the gutter. If you would earn your weekly pittance, you'll see he no more has admittance." How welcome is the man who enters our offices or business centers, as though he knew our time's worth money, who has no chestnuts labeled "funny," who springs no weari some orations .about the foreign warrjng nations! He gets right down to crucial matters, nor for a minute yawps or chatters of things which cut no grass or clover, but hastes to get his business over. We all admire this fellow greatly, admire his manner, calm and stately, ad mire his tact and princely carriage; we'd let him have our aunt in marriage. LITTLE TALKS ON THRIFT By S. W. STRAUS frtiiJtnt American Society fir Thrift L '"""Jit ' t The college is one of the best places to exercise fru gality. Here there are strong temp tations for 'money spend ing, and the youth who is strong minded enough to save during his university days will, without doubt, be a successful man when he enters the great world of affairs. Some of our most successful Americans worked their way through college, and it Is interesting to note what is being done along this line. A notable instance of heroic thrift comes from the University of Arkansas, located In that portion of the United States where thrift is particularly necessary. Almost one half of the men and a somewhat smaller' per cent of the women enrolled in the State Univer sity of Arkansas- are supporting themselves in whole or in part. There Is a student labor fund appropriated by the Legislature, and students are employed to do all university work which can be done efficiently. More than 130 boys and girls last year per formed such services as janitor work. cleaning up the campus, stenography i and typewriting, and various oilier ! forms of manual labor. University dormitories also employ many stu- ! jdents as waiters, dish-washers, jani- i tors, etc. Many of the girls obtained , employment in Fayetteville doing household work for their board and room. One instance of much interest was that of the Potter family, of live brothers and sisters, from Arkansas County, who graduated in the same class two years ago. This family kept a set of books during their four years in Favctteville and spent on an average of $160 per year, all of which they earned themselves. Another young man not only worked his way through college during the four years, but had $50 in the bank when lie graduated. : Joseph W. Bell, a St. Louis mil lionaire, recently celebrated his 90tli birthday by retiring from active par ticipation in many big business proj ects. He gives advice thus to those who would be successful: "Hake it a point to deposit something in the bank every week. Start with $1 if nothing more and add to it as you can. Women are the best savers, they put away two-thirds of all the money that is saved.- When a hus band opens an account in her name he may be pretty sure some of the money will he put away, instead -( being spent,"' Summer Homesites and Public Camping Grounds On Marion Lake Portland, Or., Oct. ST. District For ester (icorge II. Cecil, Portland, Ore gon, has just approved the survey and location of two groups of summer home sites on Marian Lake .in I. inn county, Oregon, which can now be occupied by the public under permit. The lots have an average of approximately one-third of an acre, with nearly 100 feet of frontage facing the lake. Though somewhat isolated, being 24 miles by trail from Detroit, the lots arc ideally located in one of the best fish- QUIT MEAT IF YOUR mm BADLY Take Tablespoonful of Salts If Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers Drink Lots of Water We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with uric acid, saya a well known authority, who warns u to be constantly on guard against kid ney trouble. ' The kidneys do their utmost to free, the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork: they get sluggish; the diminutive tissue clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel tike lumps of lend, and you have stinging pains in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irri table, obliging you to seek relief durinff the night; when you have severe head aches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleep lessness, acid stomach or rheumatism in, bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of .lad Salts; take & tablespoonful in n glass of water be fore breakfast, each morning and in a few days your kidneys will act fine, This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, om- Dined with uthia, nnd has been used tor generations to flush and stimulate! clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in unno so it is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disorders. , .Tad Salts is inexpensive nnd cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent litlna-water drink, and nohodv caa make a mistake bv taking a little occa sionally to keep the kidneys clean and active. ing grounds within t ho Suiitium nation al forest and make an ideal locution fur a secluded summer home or hunt ing and fishing lodge. Scenicnlly the lots have one of the very best locations, with an outlook on the wildly pictur esque country around Alt. JefiersoJfc Three Fingered .lack and other cele brated peaks in the vicinity. It is re ported that i'aiiiv good trails branch out from the lake to the principal points of interest. The lake is stocked, with cut throat trout from S to ;ip inch es in length. The forest service issues permts to maintain summer homes or other similar uses upon a nominal charge, which ha been tixed in this case at from si.;0 to :fl.").00 per annum, depending upon the size und outlook of the lots, Permit tees are allowed the free use of timber for fuel and free pasturage for a limit- u number of stock. Timber lor con struction purposes can also be obtained , rroni the torest without cost. Two kinds of permits may be obtained, one which can be terminated in the discretion of the disrict forester, with the right of apeal from his action to the secretary of agriculture, or one for o definite term of vears, usuallv not to exceed fifteen. The latter form of permit usu ally costs tho permittee about ifo.OO per annum more than the former. The tor est service is now ready to receive ap plications ior permits on these lota ami a map of them is on file in the office of tho district forester at Port land, Oregon, and in the office of the forest supervisor at Albany. Public camping grounds have bcoa reserved on Marion Lake for the use, of anyone who cares to have a tempo rary camp there without taking out a permit for a definite period. The use of the public camp grounds is absolute ly free, with free wood for fuel. Fur ther information in regard to the lota or the public camp grounds mar be 'oo- taiued from the district forester or the forest supervisor. Tho "trench knife" is a new weapoa of warfare, with a blade of about 15 iuches. It is used for fighting in the trenches where there is no room to swing a sworn or nayonet. MY HUSBAND Wane Pliolpsr I'LL BE GUIDED BY YOU 'CHAPTEB L5. One day I accidentally met Burton Frauklyn. Clifford had evidently ar ranged any business troubles satisfact orily, and was again treating me with neglect, remaining out very late often not- coming home to dinner. Burton walked along with me, and impelled by unsatisfied curiosity, jeal ousy, and iinhappiuess, I determined to question him. I was encouraged to do so because of his knowledge of the res taurant affair. - "Burton, who were those two women with Clifford the other night Yon re member he did not mention their names when he introduced them." "Haven't you founcVout yetf The one with the dark blue dress was Mabel Horton, a widow. I am surprised you haven't met her. The other is a Mrs. Gardner, Lola Gardner. She. belongs to the same set. They are older than our crowd so we are not at all friendly, al though I have known Mrs- Horton cas ually for some time. Mrs. Gardner I never met nntil the other night I wouldn't bother my head about either of them if I were you. And if you are the wise little lady I take you to be, vou'll not aunoy Mr. Hammond about "them." "I" try to do as you say," I return ed, but all the time I was wondering if Clifford cared for either oi them, aad that was the reason he neglected me. L. O. So that exotic creature was the L. G. of the letter I had opened. The woman who was intimate enough with my hus band to call him "Cliff" and make sport of his supposed devotion to his family. My heart sank as I recalled her beauty, the unusual quality of it, and the fascination she had exercised over me. If I was so attracted could I blame Clifford! Then I thought of what I had once rcr.d. The husband of the woman in the book had neglected her for a woman or girl much her inferior. The author makes her heroine say; "I could understand it, perhaps en dure it, better if she were more beauti ful; more cultured than I. but to know am neglected for one whom I know to be my inferior in every respect is al most more than I can bear." But I could derive little comfort from the other woman 's point of view. What difference did it make WHOM it was, what she was like if she stole my hap piness t But as I remembered the dark, vivacious face lighted with those won derful eyes, I shivered. What had I to oppose to such charms? Youth an Asset. Suddenly I remembered what Hal Lockwood had said. "Youth is a wo man' greatest asset." If that was so. I had one thing in my favor. For L- G. I had decided was at least 32 or 33 yeara iiu, n iiuc i was iu years younger. Could I use them as a foil nim'inst ho nnd wonderful attractions f I made ud uiiuu mm x wouia. Had I known that Lola Gardner waa Past 40 I Shoulit llAV Lun n trillo fearful of her influence. Yet whyt Wo men ui nisipry nave fascinated until much older. "I will show her!" I said aloud as I walked along after bidding Burtoa. goodbye. "I'll not let her fascinate him if I can help it." Woman-like I blamed the ' ' other wo man" entirely. Clifford was hypnotia ed, I thought, he liked gay company, brilliant talkers, and my milk and water school-girl conversation must often have bored him almost to death. But I would turn over a new leaf. I r.,i studynot the novels and love stone uicu interested me, but histories, and the works of famous authors. I would learn to converse; acquire the wit and repartee of older women. Little did I realize the task I had set myself, or the discouragements that would follow my attempt. To set one'a self a task to please someone who is in terested in its fulfilment is one thin. To attempt something to gratify a per son to whom you and what you" do is a matter of indifference, is another. (Tomorrow A Baby or a Women.)