Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 27, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Get into the circle, and
do your part in making
Salem-Week a,
Grand Success V-;
Salem Week, Oct 29-Nov: 4
Fruitland Notes
(Capital Journal Special Service) -
Fruitland, Oct. 20. H. C. Bressler Is
now at Eugene with his painting nia
'hiue. Ho reports he has in sight somo
.s'SOO worth of work in that city. He
has worked at Corvallis and llarrisburg
doing well financially. - The . machine
is said to do the work of several men.
ttitbtho old style hand brush. It blows
or forces the paint into the wood work
to which it is applied and does not
put it simply on the surface.
Little Peter Baractt practically an
orphan is now staying in the family of
Mrs. Ben Bressler a relative. The child
is now going to scliool. The father is m
Australia. . The mother I believe is
A. D. Anderson 's new house is Hear
ing completion.
Ifenry Smith who lived hure all his
life till a few months ago, when he. re-,
moved to the vicinity of Marion, died
Sunday at the Salem hospital following
an operation for appendicitis. He was a
young man well known here, quiet and
of good habits. The father,-John V.
Smith, died about 0 months ago.
' Last Saturday H. (': Todd, teacher of
tie Fruitland school, took two of the
dghUi made pupils, Misses Mildred
Donaldson and Olniuline White, over to
the Donald school. There was a fine
display of garden and other products
by the Donald pupils. Mr. Todd states
there were no finer displays at the
Htute fair. Such work is useful as well
as encouraging. The Donald school is
combined with three other districts..'
A neighbor tells me 1 should correct
the statement going through tho local
press that Oregon has had an unbrok
en drouth of 40 days or more. He says
this is not correet as we had one lieavy
rain in this month. In this he is right.
In consulting my diary which I have
keit for nearly 30 years, making daily
entries, I find we have had just one
rain since Sept. X, a period of 4H days,
up to today; Sept. 2(. That rain was
Sunday .Oct. 1. Jt rained hard here for
about an hour and a. halt -trom 4 p. m.
till 3:.'I0: A clover hullinjfoutf it had to
quit work and seek shelter.
Along with this I will stute that we
have had frosts here every night but
two or three, since Kept. 27 .till now.
Now-let the old inhabitant rise up and
mntch i)un record.
Rev. Edward Simpson of Yakima,
Wash., stopped over night with his sis
ter, Mrs. Hell Bressler, on his wn to
Albany to visit his aged father. Mr.
Simpson is a minister of the Methodist
church. j
It was just a flviug rumor..", Ves, and
a mighty dirty, sneaking one. Lot us
hope it will fly away anjl never come
Today an intelligent and religiously
inclined lady, of Salem asked me if I
believed in' "a higher power " Told
her I certainly did. Especially should it
be high enough to lower the present
high cost of living for which there is no
good reason. When a food necessary as
flour for instance 'jumps'' two or
three times a week it is a fictitious
piece of business and the alleged rea
son is fiction.
Independence Items
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Independence, Oct. 27. A. B. Robin
son of Dallas was an Independence vis
itor Wednesday.
Frank and Jack Dixon purchased the
Peoples -Meat Market from A. Nelson
this week. They will take charge of
the market the first of tho month.
A hunting party consisting of Her
bert Hoyser and John Becker, returned
home this week from Yachats, where
they have been spending a week.
-Mias Florence Burton motored to Mc
Minnville Sunday, she was accompan
ied Jy Mesdnines :. Burton, " Robinson.
Merwin and Bascue.
C. A.- McLaughlin and wife and Mrs.
M. Fluke were Salem visitors Tuesday.
Miss-Vale Hilterbrand, a teacher in
the Airlie ; school spent the week end
at her, home here. , . . -
. Pole Pomeroy and wife visited with
lorvalhs friends tor & tew days this
week. ... .
Mrs.. P. L. Hedges was al Portland vis
itor this" week.
The ladies of the Presbyterian church
will .hold a parcel post sale here Satur
day. During.-the afternoon, they will
serve pumpkin pie and cider.
Koy DeArmond, Wen Huff and Guy
Walker returned home from a hunting
trip" at Yachats tho first of the week.
Dole l'omeroy ot uraya Hiver, wtrsn.,
is the guest of S. K. Owen and family
for a short time.
H. 6. Hastings of Albany, is visiting
at the home of his sister, Mrs. P. L.
Hedges, this week.
Tom Hart, was an Albany visitor the
first of tho wecK.
M. Merwin was a Capital city visitor
A. D. Davidson and wife and Mrs.
Lena Hewitt returned home the first of
the week from Bar View, where they
have been spending n few days.
Moss Walker went to Portland last
Saturday to see' the big football game
between Nebraska and O. A. ('.
Mrs. J. W. VanOrde of Corvallis and
Mrs. J. B. Thompson of Albany, spent
Sunday here as .the guests of their
brother, Moss Walker.
Miss Zelphn Cross returned home
from Portland Saturday night after
spending a few days in the city.
A. Nelson has rented his farm near
hern and will move to town soon.
Mrs. H. Walker formerly of Salem,
visited her mother who resides in Sa
lem for a few days the first of the
W. W. Percival was taken to Port
laud to the hospital Friday for treat
ment. ,
Dr. O. D. 'Butler and wife were pas
sengers to Portland Friday.
Dr. (J. H. Purdy and wife were Inde
pendence visitors Wednesday.
m. wv.
Xi, y
Most every woman
wants a nice, clsar com
plexion, and can have it at a trifling cost
Constipation in women is increasing to
an alarming extent, and this causes poor
circulation which accounts (or yellow,
muddy, pimply complexions which so
many women ere trying to overcome.
I; Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
is the one dependable remedy (or had
complexions. They act cn the liver and
, bowelslike calomel, yet have no dangerous
artei-effect. 1 hey assist nature to throw oa
the impurities that.net into the blood. They
I will surely clear up, even the most distress
1 ingcondirion quickly and toneupthe entire
j system, giving a pure, fresh, ruddy skin.
Thsy are absolutely pure easy to take
and correct constipation; They act quick
ly, cleanse and purify and make you
feel fine. Start treatment now. Get a box
from any druggist 10c and 25c.
The Loaf
The soaring price of wheat has decreased the size
of the loaf or increased the price. - Either means in
creased cost of living. - .......
The makers of
have neither advanced the price, decreased the size
of package, nor lessened the quality of this splendid
wheat and barley food. - " ". .
It contains the full nutriment of these sturdy
grains, including their valuable mineral elements,,
so vital for maintenance of strong bodies, steady
nerves and capable brains. ;
Quickly digested, appetizing a household word
for nearly a score of years Grape-Nuts easily
stands at the head of. all prepared cereals for
delicious flavour, concentrated nourishment, and
Every table should have
daily ration of Grape-Nuts.
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
Look Years Younger! Try
Grandma's Recipe of Sage
. and Sulphur and Nobody
Will Know
University Notes ;
Although the task of securing the
$125,000 endowment for Kimball college
of theology is a big undertaking, satis
factory progress is being made in tht
campaign to raise it, according to Dean
Talbot ot the college. It is planned to
endow five chairs that the expanding
college may be assured of sufficient
means to meet the needs of a larger
student body. The necessary sum for the
endowment of the Father Flinn chair is
now well on the way toward completion.
Twenty-Seven of These Are
Salem Boys and Seven
from Nearby Towns
Carrie Cooksey, a senior in the college
of liberal arts' and society editor of the
Willamette Collegian, was elected presi
dent of the Ladies' Glee club at the
regular rehearsal yesterday afternoon.
She is to be assisted in her duties by
Ruth Spoor, viee-presidetit; (Sienna Tee
ters, secretary ; JTreda Campbell, treasur
er; Louise Benson, librarian. The popu
larity and marked executive ability of
all the new officers assures a successful
year uuder their leadership.
Announcement was made at Thurs
day's chapel hour that Miss Hazel Hoek-
entmith, of Albany, vs the successful
candidate as accompanist of the Ladies'
club for the season's concerts. Miss
Hockensmith is a junior music student,
a member of the. popular Owyhee club,
and a gifted organist of no mean abil
ity. The club members consider them
selves fortunate in securing her serv-
Alniost everyone knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded
urings I ack the natural color and lus
tre to the hair when faded, streaked
or gray. Years ago the only way to get
this mixture was to make it at home,
which is inussv and troublesome.
I Nowadays we simply ask at any drug
istore tor "wyeth s Sage and Sulphur
'Compound." Von will get a large bottle
of this old time recipe Improved by the
uddition of other ingredients for about
.")0 cents. Everybody uscsjhis prepara
tion now, because no one can possibly
tell that you darkened your hair, as it
Idoes it so naturally and evenly. You
1 dampen a sponge or soft brush with it
and draw this through your hair, tak
ing one smnll strand at a time; by
morning the gray hair disappears, und
after another application or two, your
hair becomes beautifully dark, thick
and glossy and you look years younger.
Wyeth 's Sage and Sulphur Compounl
is a delightful toilet requisite. It is
not intended for the cure, mitigation or
prevention of disease.
Pendleton, Ore. Pendleton's claims
for the establishment of a State Nor
mal School are baaed upon the unusual
advantages offered for such an Insti
tution. It Is ideally located with re
spect to railroad facilities and in the
canter of the country which It will
serve. Its health condltious are ex
cellent. It has a bountiful supply ol
j clear, cold, pure mountain water.
It offers a library of 12,000 volumes,
to which arc added 3000 annually,
i housed in a beautiful new building,
erected at a coat of $40,000. Tht larg
est athletic stadium In the Northwest,
capable of accommodating 20,000 peo
ple; a natatoriuru, modern and equip
j ped for the use of men and women.
built at a cost of U,000; ample audi
torlum room for lyceum courses and
I lectures and a school system that Is
' without equsl.in a city of Us size. Its
facilities and the students necessary
for practice teaching have been guar
anteed by the city board.
You belferAet acquainted with
ourWant Ads-Tney willbrinA
yoi. results nomatter whit
your want may ba;
Apparently the lid on Dante's "In
ferno" was removed Wednesday even
ing by members of the Websterian
Literary society in their halls when nine
applicants to membership were subject
ed to fire und water ordeals of unusual
violence. The royal bumper which had
been chained in the stvgiau darkness for
many months was freed and that the old
plunger was none the less ferocious on
account of his con'finepiet, the initiates
vouched for unanimously. Those surviv
ing the shock and now wenring a brand
ed W around the city on their forelieuds
were Edward Bolt, of Mnrshfiild; Jhii.cs
Bedingfield, of Nixn, Missouri; Sylvest
er Burleigh, of Enterprise; Oscar Ol
son and Harold Dimick, of Woodburn,
and Hilbert Tasto, Victor Taylor, Wal
ter Doughty and Frederick Tenll, of Sa
Snn Francisco, Oct. 27. Boyes
Springs, Calif., prepared today for a
ripsnorting celebrntion tomorrow night
to welcome back home tho towns great
est hero, Duffy .Lewis, of the Huston
Bed Sox. Lewis wired friends today
that he would arrive tomorrow morning
He started to make the transcontinent
al trin bv automobile, lint abandoned
the plan when lie found the roads bad.
Jump from Bed
in Morning and
Drink Hot Water
Tells why everyone should drink
hot water each morning
before breakfast
Forty-seven young men have joined
the United States army from Salem
since the establishment of the recruiting
stution here early in July. Twenty-seven
of this number have their home ad
dress as Salem while -seven were from
the towns nearby. ' - -' ' -
The following is a complete list of the
recruits received since the opening of
the ottiee July J, and the date of en
listment: ' ' : ,
Brown, Wallace E., Salem, . enlisted
July 13.
"Creaon, Cycel H.,' Salem, enlisted Sep
tember 28. '
- Dawson, Ray Salem, enlisted Aug
ust 3.
Derungs, John' J., Salem, enlisted
July 17. - .
Emraett, Orval t,., Saleni, enlisted,
July 3.
Hinz, Robert C, Salem, enlisted, Aug
ust 3.
Jackson, Wayne C, Salem, enlisted,
July 15.
Jensen, Edward H., Salem, enlisted
August 12.
Xnvannugh, Charles Saleni, enlist
ed August 8.
Kavaunugli. Kenneth v., Salem, en
listed August 12.
Lee, Jesse JL, Saleni, enlisted July
Lockmnn, Frank M., Salem, enlisted
August U. . .
McBride, Harry, Salem, enlisted July
McElmurry, Oren, Salem, enlisted
July. 7.
McMillan, Ellis H., Salem, enlisted
July 7.
Randall, I nomas M-, Salem, enlisted
August 81.
Rickmnn, Timothy, Salem, enlisted
August 12.
Rush, Floyd M., Salem, enlisted
September 14.
Rvnn, Earl II., Salem, enlisted Aug
ust 31. . .
Schmidt, John H., Salem, enlisted
August 10.
.Scott, Floyd M., Salem, enilsted Aug )
ust 2. I
Smith, Wesley J., Salem, enlisted.
August 22- !
Vincent, ' James E., Salem, enlisted I
September 21. i
Walker, Forest J., Salem, enlisted 1
July 12.
Flynn, Walter M.j Salem, enlisted Oc
tober 13.
Lane, Ben F., Salem, enlisted Oc
tober Hi.
Wheeler, Retil J., Salem, enlisted Oc
tober 2.
Bushhv, Walter E., Turner, Ore-, en
listed July 13.
Trim, Cecil II., Albany, Ore., enlisted
July II).
Dnvis, Lloyd M., Vancouver, Wash.,
enlisted August 10.
Dethlefs, John P., Gaston, Ore., enlist
ed August 12.
Dickenson, Warner J-, Bums, Ore., en
listed August 2.
(fardner, Zennetli C, New Rockford,
N. D., enlisted August 3.
Origgs, Lloyd L., Mill City, Ore., en
listed September 1(5.
Heudee, (ieorge I.., Los Angeles, Cnl.,
Unlisted July 22.
McCuslaml, Frominie, Greenville, 111.,
enlisted August, 22.
Moe, Carl It., Mt. Angel, Ore., en
listed September 28.
Moriun, Harold L., Roseburg, Ore.,
enlisted July 8.
Renfro, Lee, Newport, On'., enlisted
September 28.
Smith, Orval J., Rolmeisville, Cnl., en
listed July 8.
Tolliver, Roswell B., Springfield, Ore.,
August 2.
Topping, Hay W., Williams, Ore., en
listed July 3.
Warner, Arthur L., Mehumii, Ore-,
enlisted September 28.
Wolbert, Robert P., New Rockford,
N. D., enlisted August 3.
Brown, Andrew, West Stayton, Ore.,
enlisted October 2.
. Cionu, Raymond L., Livesley, Ore.,
enlisted October 11.
The reason is that
We Have the Good
We have the latest in Balmacaan Raincoats
Our Mackinaw Department is complete. Come and
look it over. - :
Our nationally known Crawford" Shoes are always
with us, in all shapes and styles.
Come to the House that Guarantees Every Purchase
Brick Brothers
Corner State and Liberty Streets
The House that Guarantees Every Purchase.
A Famous Physician's
Wonderful Discovery
After a series of enreful experiment
.ind tests at the Invalid 's Hotel and
Surgical. Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., eov--
. i- -r.; .1. ,f f
cmig nuiuy jeara ui, i'lerce, lue meui-;
nl director of that hospital made an- j
nouueement that he could prove that a j
medicine which he called "AJJURIC".
was the best line! acid solvent now to
be had. As a remedy for those easily !
recognized symptoms ol inflammation I
as scalding urine, backache- and fro- j
qifent urination, as well as sediment in
the urine, or if uric acid iu the blood '
has caused rheumatism, lumbago, sci
atica, grout, it is simply wonderful how !
quickly "Anuric" acts: causing the
pains and stiffness rapidly to disappear, j
swollen nanus, ankles, Tcct ore due to
a dropsical condition, often caused by
disordered kidneys. Naturally when tho
kidneys are deranged the blood is filled
with poisonous waste matter, which
settles in the feet, ankles and wrists;
or under the eyes in bag-like forma
tions. .
It is just as necessary to keep the
kidneys acting properly as to keep the
bow Is active.
The very best possible way to take
care of yourself is to take a glass of hot
water before meals and an "Anuric"
tablet. In this way it is readily dis
solved with the food, picked up by tlje
blood und filially renches the kidneys,
where it has a tonie ef "ect in rebuilding
those orgnns.
Stop into the drug store end ask for a
50-cent package of " Anuric," or send
Dr. Pierce lOo for trial pekg. "Anurtc"
many times more potent than Kthin,
eliminates uric ncid as hot water, melts
sugar. A short trial will convince yon.
Why is man and' woman, half tli
time, feeling nervous, despondent,
worried; some days headachy, dull and
unstrung; some days really iiicapni-i-tatcd
by illness, -
If we all would practice inside bath
ing, whnt a gratifying change would
take place. Instead of thousands of
half-sick, anaemic-looking souls with
pasty, muddy complexions we should
see crowds of happy, healthy, rosy
cheeked people everywhere. The rea
son is that the human system does licit
rid itself each day of all the waste
which it accumulates under our pres
ent mode of living. For every ounce
of food and drink taken Into the system
nearly, an ounce of waste material
must be carried out, else it ferments
and forms ptomaine-like poisons which
are absorbed into the blood.
Just as necessary hh it is to cleun
the ushes from the furnace each day,
before, the fire will burn bright and
hot, so we must each morning clear
the inside organs of the previous day's
accumulation of indigestible waste and
body toxins. Men' ami women, whether
sick or well, are ndvised to drink each
morning, before breakfast, a glass of
real hot water with a teaspoonfiil of
limestone phosphate in it, as a harm
less means of washing out of the
stomach, liver, kidneys ami bowels the
indigestible material, waste, sour bile
and toxins; thus cleansing, sweeten
ing and purifying the entire alimen
tary canal before putting more food
into the stomach.
Millions of people who had their turn
at constipatitm, bilious attacks, acid
stomach, nervous .days and sleepless
nights have become real cranks about
the morning inside-bath. A quarter
ouud of limestone phosphate will not
cost much at the drug store, but is
sufficient to demonstrate to anyone,
its cleansing, sweetening and freshen
ing effoct upon the system.
Telegraphic Tabloids
Rosedale News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Rosedule, Ore., Oct. 27. Thomas j
Voot is making some extensive repairs ;
oh his house in tho way of the inside
finish. The carpenter work is being.
done by J, YV. Ihonias, of this place,
A company of young people Trom the
Highland Friends church, Salem, visited
the Friends here last Sunday morning
which was enjoyed very much as they
were all good singers. Come again.
Mr. and Mrs- J. W. Thomas were la
Salem Thursday on business.
The new store building at Rosedale is
nenring completion.
Mrs. Pickett, the Rosedale merchant,
motored to Oregon Ciry Thursday on
Journal Want Ada Get Sesultt Ton
Want Try one and aee.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
Sun Raphael, Cnl. If a man hits his
mother-in-law, is he cruel to his wile
This is the question put up to Superior
Judge Zook for decision by Mrs. Cliiia
Couley, who is seeking a divorce.
Sail IFraneiw-n, Kobprt Khea sueil
the Western Auto Klectric company for
damages when he "barked his shins"
on n desk in the company's of lice and
it threw him into a fit of apoplexy.
.New Vork. When l.zy Weismnn
told the judge he didn't steal the duck
found under his coat the duck said
"quack, quack" and as the judge felt
that way about it, too, Weismnn was
held for trial.
Portland, .Mniiie. It's nothing to see
a man wandering around looking for
police headquarters, but its something
(dse to see police hendquatters wander
ing around lookin" for a man. New
Vork cops have just built a 7(l,lMifl j
police headquarters unrlior ship.
Cincinnati, Ohio. Chickens, 700 of
them have been provided for the dinner
to be here today for President Wilson.
Not chickens of the liroadwuy type, but
fried southern style.
Alliuns, Ohio. Machie llrusco prom
ised visits from the stork on the pay
ment of a generous sum, Several
"would he-dads" paid, but no stork.
Now the police are investigating.
Cleveland. Tins city has been terri
fied by n empty revolver. 'Wiree boys,
alleged auto bandits, under urrest said
thev iiover loaded their revolver be
cause "they might go off." j
l'ittsfield, Mass., is to have a woman
police officer. '
9 9 9 9 9 !
for something we nlieudy possess a Stale Norma' School pltiut hi
Kastern Oregon!
Why vote tin nniiiial tax of nne-twenty-fiftli of a mill for a
'Pendleton .Normal when one-fortieth of a mill would provide, ample
maintenance for the Weston .Normal
Do you want to be out of pocket .'I2"),(IU0 in ten years This is
the approximate sum thut a I'cuillctou Normal would cost over and
T above the cost of the Westun .Normal, allowing for a nominal increase
in suite valuations.
Kvery man, woman and child in Oregon is annually taxed :!0, ac
cording to A. 11. Ilurrls, a Portland .writer. Taxes fur ull pur
poses in UMli reached the enormous total of 2,000,i)i'O.(l4. Schools
alone cost $7,000,000. Why toss tax money away by grunting Pendle
ton's absurd dcmandsl
It's ready for use and consists of four buildings nud ten acres
of ground. It has been recently inspected and approved by such
prominent architects as Beezer Hros. of Scuttle and Ostennun A
Siebert of Walla Walla. Beezer Bros, say that 20110 properly ex
pended on the principal building would bring it to an ''almost perfect
condition." These substantial taxpayers, officials and men of affairs
denounce tho Pendleton scheme, as one, of "extravagant folly:"
J. M. Banister, Mayor of Weston; Homer. T. AVntts, Mayor
of Athena; B. B. Richards, Recorder of Athena; Jl. A. Barrett,
Merchant, Athena; ('. A. Barrett,' Slate Senator, Athena; II.
H. I.ee, ex-County Commissioner, Milton; J. F. Shiver, Mer
chant, Freewater; C. D. Ilobbs, Mayor of -Milton; 11. ,' ,
Fraz.ier, ex-County Commissioner, Milton.
Why did not Pendleton confine her bill to a normal school propo
sition? Why does she seek to 'validate" institutions that are
firmly and lawfully established f Is it not clear that this is a
Vote-catching device! Isn't i ''log-rolling" of the rankest, variety
And finally, would you care to send your children to a town im
pregnated with Round I'p atmosphere! Isn't it n fact that a great
Hound I'p town is for that very reuson a poor state school town.
Would you want your children to carouse, dance ami gamble in Hap
py Canyon or to oven witness its wanton revelry
(Paid adv., F. I). Watts, O. E. De
Moss, Wm. MacKenzie. S, A.
Barnes, Clark Wood, Weston, Or.)