Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 27, 1916, Image 1

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xUL-Jcj 1WU LJiilNliS htands five cents
t &
1 V
British Destroyer Missing a 1 Mansport Sunk Two German
Destroyers Sent to Botl t-Germans Sweep Oyer Ru
i mania and King FerdmaJti Makes Personal Appeal for
- Aid-Allies May Attack on Southern Fronts-Fierce
Fighting at Verdun
London, Oct. 27. British and German destroyers
clashed in a sharp naval engagement in the English chan
nel last night, the admiralty announced this afternoon.
The German warships attempted a raid under cover of
darkness. Two enemy destroyers were sunk.
It is feared that one of the British destroyers was lost,
the admiralty added, and another was disabled.
"Last night ten enemy destroyers participated in an
attempt to raid the cross-channel transport service," said
the admiralty statement.
"The empty transport Queen was sunk. The crew of
the transpoht was saved. Two of the enemy destroyers
were sunk and the rest driven off.
"The British destroyer Flirt is' missing and it is feared
is lost. The destroyer Nubian was disabled and forced
The naval fight last night is the first engagement of
the war in the . English channel, excepting submarine
activities, and the first serious clash between British and
German warships since the great battle off Jutland on
May 31, 1916.
German destroyers and fast cruisers have made sev
eral daring raids in British waters, approaching near
enough to bombard east coast towns and darting back
to port at the approach of British warships. Teuton
destroyers also have raided English - shipping off the
Flanders coastH taking ships into Zeebrugge. .
The destroyer Flirt was one of the older British
destroyers. She was built in 1897, had a displacement of
:'80 tons and a complement of 62 men. The Nubian was
built in 1909, displaced 985 tons and carried normally 71
officers and men.
There are several British steamers named Queen. It
is probable that either the 4,956 ton London Queen, or
the much smaller Southhampton steamer of the same
name, is meant.
Rumania In Bad Way.
Berlin, Oct. 27. Fleeing Russo-Ru-itinninn
forces are evacuating practical
ly all Dobrudjn, said an official state
ment from the Bulgarian war office to
day. "On the whole front the enemy is
retreating precipitately townnl Tulcea,
Braila and TlarBova, pursued by our
forces," said tho statement issued at
Pofia. "Wednesday' capture included
15 officers, 771 men and 13 machine
(Tulcea lies 70 miles north of Con
ptunzn, on the southern arm of the Dan
ube and a few miles from the Russian
1'rontier. Brniln lies about 70 miles
mirth of Cernavodn on the Danube and
Hnrsova nbout 25 miles northwest of
Curnavoda on the Dnnube.)
King Ferdinand dispatched personal
npepals to the rulers of allied nations
to save Rumania from disaster after the
fall of Constnnzn, according to Buda
pest dispatches.
The messages were sent following a
stormy session of the Rumanian cabinet.
Rumnninn military leaders were said to
liave been harshly criticised by several
nf the ministers but supported by the
I: in g, who declared the Rumanian de
Tent was due to the fact that Russia
L'ditur Cale Fluhnrt fay corn on th'
rob is all light but beans on th' string
i th' limit. Time seems t' deal gently
with some folks nn' takes :) chance
with others.
had failed -to supply the artillery and
munitions she had promised.
German military men expect an early
demonstration by the allies, probably on
the Italian and Macedonian fronts, in
response to King Ferdinnnd's appeal.
Because of the allied armies luck of
sufficient munitions for great offens
ives on these fronts, the attacks are
expected to be short lived and directed
largely for the purpose of encouraging
the disheartened Kumainnns.
"South of Predcal aud in tho direc
tion of Campolung our attack progress
ed," added the official statement. "On
tho southern 4nrt of the Carpathian
forest renewed Russian and Rumanian
attacks failed. Hostile advances on the
east frontier of Transylvania were re
"On the Macedonian front there is
nothing to report."
. Armies Im Full Retreat.
London, Oct. 27. Falling bnck under
renewed hammer blows from Macken-
, sen's army, the defeated Kusso-Ruman
iian forces have retreated more than 20
; miles north of the Cernavoda-Conslau-,za
railway. Tho Gerinqn war office
.announced this afternoon thut Macken-
i sen's forces are approaching Harsova,
z3 miles north, northwest of Cernavo
da in their pursuit of the enemy. An
official statement from Sofia claimed
that the Husso-Itumnnians were every
ivbere in 'flight, evidently planning to
evacuate practically all the Dobrudjn
The Russian wnr office admitted a
further retirement toward the line of
Harsova and Casaicliiof, paralleling the
Constanr.a-Cernnvuda railway at a dis
tance of about 25 miles.
On a laige part of the Transylvanian
front the Rumanians continue heavy at
tacks against the Austro-Oermaus,
though the Oermnn wnr office claims
the repulse of these attacks and furth
er progress in the invasion of Rumania
from the west.
The battle on the northeastern front
of Verdun continued with great violence
last night, with Fort Vauxyhj objective
of the French in heavy attacks. The
Trench wnr office announced today that
the French made progress both west
and south or Vaux, taking 100 prisoners,
but the German war office claimed the
complete repulse of all French attacks.
. Berlin also reported the repulse of
heavy Russian attacks and agreed with
the allied war offices and there are no
fresh developments in Macedonia.
Closa in on Fort Vaux.
Paris, Oct. 27. French troops began
closing in upon Fort Vaux, the last im-
(Contiuued on page five.)
By Dr. Harry A. Garfield
President Williams College
. and Son of theFormer Re
publican President of
the United Stale.
I have derided to support Mr.
Wilson. His character as a man,
his sympathetic understanding of
the problems
of the day, his
record in office,
h : s unusual
ability, pre
eminently dis
played in meet
ing and deal
ing with the
three great
emergencies of
his administra
tion, and the
importance of
maintaining an
policy at this
juncture in
world affairs
lead me to believe that the best
interests of our country will be
served in keeping the present Ad
ministration and its party in office
for the present.
I have therefore enrolled my
self 'with the League of Inde
pendent Voters of Massachusetts.
$2,540,000 VALUE OF
Manager Paulus of Salem
Fruit Union Makes Care
ful Estimate
Mr. Salem Citizen, do you know how
much money has been brought into the
Willamette valley this season in ex
change for the products of the farm?
Approximately two and a half million
dollars. A neat sum.
Most of this will ultimately find
its way to Salem in payment for things
sold or produced here. This is genuine
prosperity. It is made possible by good
hard work on the part of many men.
lour Commercial club has done much
to bring this about. It has co-operated
with, the various establishments handl
ing farm products. It has also helped
secure credit for the grower who need
ed capital until be could realize on his
crops. It is now working in accord with
those trying to make the rural cred-;
its legislation of alue to the growers
of this section.
The Commercial club is yours, dedi
cated to your service. Next week is
Salem Week. Realize that it's spirit
is harmonious. Believe in Salem 'b pros
perity. Read this letter from Manager Rob
ert Patflus of the Salem Fruit union
and then judge whether or not it is not
to your interest to work tor a contain
mice of these conditions.
Mr. Paulus Gives Figures
Mr. Ivan McDanicl,
Mannger Salem Commercial Club,
Salem, Oregon.
I am in receipt of your letter of Oc
tober 24th, asking approximately how
much money has been brought into tnis
sectiou tis year, by crops of various
kinds, especially as referring to money
which would ultimately find its nat
ing place in Snlem.
1 have given this nntter considerable
thought in the last tew month's, and
when vou spoke to me a few di.v ago
about thjs topic, I mentioned Ui'tt 1
thought the agricultural and hortk'itl
turul products of districts in the vicini
ty of Salem, would yield the fruit grow
ers and farmers over ' two million dol
lars. Of course, I nm better versed in
the fruit industry than in the agricul
tural products, but 1 have consulted
with a number of various firms who
handle the agricultural products of this
section and after getting the various
estimates together, 1 find that they will
total over two and one half million dol
lars. I account for the above estinrit'i as
Gooseberries and
strawberries $ 10,000
Cherries 7.".,VJ1
Loganberries 300,T:(;0
Kvergreen blackber
ries 40,000
Peaches ... 25,000
Pears 20,000
Apples 00,000
Miscel. fruits " 10,000
rfunes 500,000
Vegetables 25.000
Potatoes 100,000
-Miscel. products 10,000
Clover and vetch
seed 100.000
Hav 15,000
Grain 300,000
Hops 300,000
Creamerv, eggs and
poultry products .... 300,000
1.1. 50.000
Live stock, wool, etc.
Fully one quarter of this money H
turned loose in labor of harvesting and
curing these crops, in addition to this,
(Continued on page five.)
On John Wannamaker's Invi
tation Will Speak at
Cooper Union
Expressing Contempt for Wil
son He Twice Likens Him
To a Woman
By J. P. Yoder
(United Press stnff correspondent)
Chicago, Oct. 27. Answering ;pub
lished reports that he was to bo gagged
into pussy-footing on the German 1b
sue, and that as a; result a coldness had
arisen between himself and the powers
behind the Hughes campaign,- Colonel
Roosevelt today Announced that ho will
probably make five more speeches in
the interests of the republican presi
dential candidate.
Besides Baltimore, the colonel will
speak at Cooper Union, in New York
city probably next Friday evening, and
at Toledo and Cleveland" earlier m the
week. The Baltimore speech is set for
next Saturday evening. He speaks in
isrooisiyn Tomorrow mglit.
The colonel denied the reports of fric
tion in the following statement to the
United Press: '
"It's nil nonsense. I am in absolute
agreement with the managers of the
campaigu, with Mr. Hert, Mr. Willcox
and Mr. Perkins. The question here was
whether all that 1 've said should be in
the evening or afternoon. The gentle
men named askevme only to state. my
innermost and ' best-, convictions ' as
strongly as 1 desired. 1 am in entire
harmony with them. The only question
1 had to decide yesterday was whether
I could meet the desires of tho chair
man Hud the national committeeman
of Ohio ami speak in Cleveland and To
ledo. After getting in touch with Mr.
Willcox, J am happy to Bay 1 have
been able to do so.
' Wanamaker Invites Him
"I have also accepted the kind offer
of Mr. Wanamaker to speak at Cooper
Union next Friday. I shall speak at
Baltimore Saturday of next week."
The Wheeling, W. Va., Bpeech, which
had been only tentatively set, has been
cnlled off.
The colonel's party left this morning
at 8:25 over the New York Central and
will reach New York at 8 o'clock to
morrow. By the time it arrives there,
the trip will have included speaking
through fourteen states and 6500 miles
of travel.
Although the colonel has insisted he
will adhere rigidly to his plan not to
make any real speeches aloag the route,
republican managers hore, in Indiana,
and Ohio have his promise for "plat
form appearances," and perhaps very
brief talks and handshaking at all reg
ular train stops. Elkhart was to be tiff
firBt of these today.
The Colonel's Birthday
' Today is the colonel's birthday. He
is 58, and says he is as replete with
Roosevelt ginger aud pep as of old. He
looks it today and he looked i yester
day when he was given a reception that
everyone here said was noisier, bigger
and more enthusiastic than those re
cently aecordeil President Wilson and
Hughes here. He spoke twice. In the
afternoon he hit all hyphenates hard
and spoke on woman suffrage and
Americanism before 4000 women pho
packed the auditorium. In the evening
lie even went stronger against "pro
fessional Germans and any citizens who
are of the 50-50 allegiance variety."
The meeting at the Stock Yard pavil
ion in the evening was unique. Bedlam
got loose the minute he catapulted his
way to the platform, ami continued
loose and excessively noisy for 35 min
utes. The speech in the afternoon was very
similar to the one he delivered to the
women in Denver Tuesday afternoon,
except that the colonel was more bit-
iii)I in l,n ueiiuiii-iBiioii ui iiyiiurimitjs.
And his condemnation of 'resident
.Wilson's European and Mexican poli
cies was also more scathing than at any
time since he mounted the stump. He
declared "any man who even thinks
of another nation ahead of the United
States should be driven not." He said
he has sim-e discovered he flattered
President Wilson in a previous speech,
when he said "he speaks bombastically
and carries a dishrag. "
Is Hillr As A Woman
"It is more true to say he speaks
softly and carries a powder puff, said
He described "peace at any prie
ers" as being "gentlemen whose shoul
ders slope like a champagne bottle who
tell us Wilson has kept ua out of war."
"Interrupted only once at the evening
meeting by hecklers who called "what
would you have done with Germany f"
he railed it a fair question and said:
"In the first place, I never would
have gotten in that fix.' But if I had,
I should have seized every interned
Get man ship in our ports. Then 1 should
have discussed with Germany not what
Expect to Force President to
Act On Account of
Flan of Revolutionists Is to
Attack Pershing's Army
to Start Trouble
Wsnshington, Oct. 27. Secretary of
War Baker and Secretary of Stato
Lansing both declared today that a
Mexicun, not American, plotter is re
sponsible for the border raid danger
outlined in Baker's startling statement
of last night.
"1 cannot imagine any American citi
zen so unpatriotic, heartless and wanton
as to join m such notion," said the sec
retary ot state.
"The Mexican opponents of tho de
facto government,'.' said Secretary Bak
er, "would, of course, be glad to com
plicate tho relations between the United
States and Mexico and our information
is that they think this is an appropriate
time to do so. The statement made by
the department ought to discourage any
adventure on their part in this direc
tion." Administration officials said today
Baker's statement was intended as a
warning to the Mexican government
and a guarantee of the American gov
ernment's good faith.- The administra
tion expects the Carranza government
to take final and effective measures for
the suppression of Mexican banditr.Wi
Secretary Baker returned today from
Martinaburg, W Va., where he spoke
last night.
Shows Our Good Faith.
The belief of other administration
leaders as well as Baker's own was ex
pressed in tho startling statement of
last uight. The administration, by mak
ing public its knowledge of a danger
seriously threatening the relations be
tween this government and tho Carran
za government, expects Carrnnzn to
realize fully this government's unself
ish purpose. In consequence it hopes
for more active co-operation between
the military forces of tho two countries
for common action against the Mexican
Discussing his statement today Secre
tary Baker said:
"The obviously appropriate comment
of the secretary of state should pr?
vent any possible misunderstanding oi
the purpose of the statement."
Bukcr referred to Lansing's state
ment that conspirators on the Americal
side are Mexicans and not Americans
"There is not the slightest political
significance in the issuing of the state
ment at this time," Baker said. He ad
mitted that some of the most important
information on which the statement was
based-only reached the department half
(san hour before he issued the statement
yesterday afternoon.
Referring to the "enemies of the ad
ministration" phrase in hia statement
Baker said: "Tho Mexican opponents
of the dc facto government of Mexico
would be only too glad to complicate the
relations between the United fitntes and
Mexico. Our information is that they
think this is an appropriate time to do
so. The statement made by the depart
ment ought to discourage any such ad
venture on their part in that direc
tion." There is reason to believe that should
the Carranza government ignore the
opportunity presented and fail to briag
about a better condition in Mexico, the
American government will seriously
eonsider independent action toward that
May Check Conspiracy.
Baker's statement is also expected to
have an important effect in checking
the reported conspiracy on the Ameri
can side of the border. While no def
inite statement could be obtained to
day, the impression was given that
these cousiprators are Mexican cienti
ficos of the Diaz faction and Dial
agents, who have headquarters in sev
eral large eastern cities and in horde!
towns. The financing of the Villistat
and other bandits is being done by the
leaders in the eaBt, through agents
along the border in Mexico. Attention
was first called to tho possibility t the
plot by the paying of the bandit In
silver, which is scarce in Mexico, even
the government lacking it.
For weeks the war department has
been working upon reports received
from tho interior in Mexico by army
officers, agents of the state and justice
departments and the secret service. The
source of supply of the silver was traced
to the American side of the border, it
(Continued on page five.)
Germany should give us. but how much
we should give back to Germany."
Speaking at another time of " pacif
ist natterers" ho said they could be
described at "creatures of the mid
Victorian maiden aunt variety."
jc jfc )c ijc )c sfc sc sfc sjc sc fc sc s(c sc sfc
By J. P. Yoder.
(United Press staff corf v
Aboard the Roosevelt Train,
Elkhart, Ind., Oct. 27. "J he
blood of the 103 babies "jut
were murdered on the Liisit.ki'iia, .it
is on the lintils of the ite .J
House," Roosevelt told se'vral '
hundred peoplo hero durmnJiis . "j
brief stop, " because President
Wilson was too proud to fight."
"He didn't have the nerve,"
- yelled a man in the crowd.
"No, he didn't have the
nerve," eaid RoosyH. "I ask
you therefore to repudiate the
present administration. Weak-
liags and cowards never were
any good."
State Forester Elliott Tells of
and Work of
F. A. Elliott, state forester, who has
returned from the meeting of the Log
gers Congress and Western Forestry
and Conservation meeting in Portland,
is of the opinion that the conference
has been a great benefit, especially in
bringing together into mutual under
standing tho government forest offi
cials and the timbermeu. Ho said there
was a greater feeling of co-operation
between these two interests than ever
before. All the meetings were well at
tended, he said, there being about 200
lumocrmeu aad forestry officials pres
ent. As fur ns results go, he believed the
sessions were the best ever held. Co
sidornble discussion was brought forth
by the paper by W. I). Greeley i on
"The Government and tho Timber In
dustry," and by the paper on '.'Reor
ganization of rrost Industries, by
11. 1). Inngille.. It was brought out iu
the discussions that a movement is on
font to get nil the forest industries to
affiliate with tho American forestry
association. A committee was appointed
to see if (his was feasible.
Of interest to the forestry people
was the paper by Weather Forecaster
Beals in which he showed the develop
ment of the weather bureau's efforts
in predicting the east winds when the
fire conditions are bad. He showed
how tho fire associations benefitted by
this work, which has been developing
for the past three years. It is believed
this will become more and more impor
tant in the control of fires.
H. R. McMillian, who spoko on .the
"Necessity of International Coopera
tion," is said to be an expert in the
study of lumber conditions, and be told
or his work in studying conditions
throughout the world bo ns to cxpaad
the lumbor interests of Canada. Instead
of getting orders from foreign coun
tries and shipping the lumber without
any regard as to how the people were
to use it, he believed It was necessary,
if trade was to be held, to send an ex-
Iiert along with the shipment to show
low the lumber should be used to get
the best results. He said the lumbermen
needed waking up to the fact that they
need to introduce scientific business
methods in their disposal of their pro
duct. Mr. Elliott said the aeroplane patrol
was touched on nnd discussed, the dis
cussion bringing out that tho govern
ment wished the lumbermen and the
forestry department to co-operate in
this work and mukc it a part of coast
What danger there was of fireB
spreading in the mountains, was con
siderably lessened by the rain of Ins:
night and this morning, iu the opinion
of the forester.
Wheat Makes Record
In Chicago Market
Chicago, Oct. 27. Wheat took an up
ward turn today on cables stating that
Argentine rains yesterday were too
light to benefit wheat greatly. Kenliz
ing sales caused a temporary setback,
but ready buying more than offset the
earlier decline. December was up 1 ',i
over today's opening at l.H.')lj and
May up Vi cent at 1.8I2 j-4.
Shortly after tho wheat nit closed to
day heavy buying sent December up
three points over today's opening to
1.85. Mav was up 2 1-8 over the open
ing at l.8U r8.
December wheat closed at 1.80 3-8,
the highest point reached during the
present movement.
Corn opened strong and there was
general buying in the pit. Big dealers
were fighting tho advance, however,
and had corn for sale right at the
start. December was up 5-8 at 88 3-8 i
cents and May up 3-8 cent at 80 7-8.
Oats showed gains on general buying.
December was up 1-8 at 54 3-8 cents,
and May up 1-8 cent at 58 cents.
Provisions were generally higher.
Dealers in soda fountain supplies, ex
cept ice cream, say that the nation-wide
increase of prohibition is appreciably
reflected in added business for them,
the demand having increased about
11,000,000 in each of the last two
Reception at Cincinnati and
Enthusiasm Clinches,
"Not So Much That We're for
Wilson As That Wilson
Is For Us"
By Robert J. Bender.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Cumberland, Md., Oct. 27. They
sprung a new one on the president and
his party in Cumberland this afternoon.
It was a banner reading: "It's not so
much that we're for Wilson, as that
Wilson is for us."
It was one of several banners declar
ing Wilson is for labor held aloft in a
crowd of several thousand people who
met the tram with band music and
At Piedmont and Keyser, W. Va., bic
crowds of rnilroad workers greeted the
president. While he was shaking hands
from the rear platform a small boy who
could not see what was going on climb
ed upon a car and called out: "Hey,
mister, what are you giving awayl"
He got a laugh from everybody in
cluding the president.
President is Pleased.
Grafton, W. Va., Oct. 27. President
Wilson was returning today to Whadow
Lawn to preparo for the final fireworks
of the campaign. Tomorrow is Wilsoir
day throughout the nation and democ
racy will obsorve it generally, reading
at local meetings the name message that
the president is to deliver to a gathering
at the summer White House.
, Next week, the president goes to New
York for addresses designed to swing
the Empire state into the democratia
column. He leaves Shallow Lawn Tues
day for Buffalo, where he upenks No
vember 1, following a day iu New York
City.4 Both days promise to be full of
The president's reception in Cincin
nati was a pleasant surprise to his lieu
tenants. Politicians there said that nev
er before had there been such political
demonstrations, leaders predicting that
after the president speaks in New York
the betting odds will swing from even
to favorable odds.
The uresideut was strenuous in the
four addresses yesterday in which unity
of purpose, allcginnco to the country
and determination to save the country
for the-work to be done after the war
the president's three points f em
phasis received applause whieh eou
vinced his friends there is no doubt
about which way Ohio is going Novem
ber 7. . -
Considering everything, there is
mighty confident party of democrats re
turning to Shadow Lawn today.
Bryan Is Welcomed
at His Boyhood Home
Sulem. HI.. Oct. 27. Boyhood friends
of William Jennings Bryan greeted him
today when ho, with Governor Dunne
ami other democratic state candidates.
stepped out of thoir car. Bryan's return
to the town of his boyhood was the oe
casion for handshaking with old timers.
who had watched him play in me ria
lem streets. After half an hour of .
handshaking the crowd domanded a
speech and Bryan took the platform to
advocate the re-election of President
Wilson. Governor Dunne and the entire
democratic state ticket.
"Of Governor Dunne s many achieve
ments, I especially commend his siga
ing the suffrage bill in the face ot
threats of political extinction," Bry
an said. He attacked Hughes' attitude
toward the eight hour law and praised
President Wilson's handling of foreigu
Portugal was formerly known a
Lusitauia. The present name is derived
from Port Callo, the ancieat name of
the town now known as Oporto.
Oregon; To
night and Satur
day fair, cooler
interior north
west portion to
night; westerly
winds. .