Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 26, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Southward to California
Eastward through Nevada
; Ogden Route
Overland Limited
Pacific Limited
San Francisco Limited
- ; Atlantic Express
Comfort and Convenience
Liberal Stopovers
Ask the Agent at the Station
General Pas, Agt., Portland, Ore..
Watching the Scoreboard $
sc sfc sjc )c sc sfc
. Pacific Coast
I.os Angeles
San Francisco ....
Salt Lake
League Standing!
W. L. Pet.
11(1 77. .601
J.... 11 8S .564
101 100 .503
. 05 9B .49
1 95 .486
72 132 .353
Yesterday's Results
At Sail Francisco 10 Portland 4.
At Sale Lake 6, Oakland 10. .
At Log Angeles 3, Vernon 5.
Buuny Brief smote two homers for
the Salt Lake Bees, making his record
0 for the season. P. Kodio made that
number lit li10. ' , '
Despite'Brief 's willow work, the ecl-
larite Oaks walloped Halt Lake 10 to 6.
Al Sothoron of Portland after having
hurled 14 straight victories was beat
en by San Franeiseo, 10 to 4. The Heals
fouud him for 13 swats, and Al's hopes
of cracking Pete Browning's record
16 straight faded away.
Fleichmann of Vernon hit .1000, get
ting four singles out of four trips to
the rubber. His swats beat Los Angeles
5 to 3. There were Inrge gobs of ennut
around the field all afternoon.
Take Chamberlain's Tablets and a
dopt a diet of vegetables and cereals.
Take outdoor exercise daily and your
complexion will be greatly improved
within a few months. Try it. Obtainable
The .bowling team of the Oregon
theatre made "Pi" out of the print
ers last night on the Club alleys when
thev rolled to vietorv to the score of
2444 to 2425. Doolittie of the Printers
took high game with 222 points and
Laflar of the Oregon took high aver
age with 182 points.
The score. follows: ,
i Oregon Theater
! (1) (2) (3)
Hagedorn 128 154 174
Sundinl... .. 199 177 147
Prunk 117 140 179
Whorley 196 159 129
Laflar-. 201 148 196
456 152
523 152
436 145
484 161
545 1S2
Totals .'. .. 481 778 82
Team average 165.
Doolittie .
Freelan'd .
(1) (8) (3)
... 149 149 222
.... 199 130 188
.... 144 133 165
... 157 131 178
179 188 163
520 173
457 152
442 147
466 155
540 180
Teamj average
'01 910 2423
(Continued from page one.)
nasty. ;He gambled and drank. Once,
to protect myself, I threatened to ex
pose him. He was making side money
on government contracts. His reply
then was: 'I'll kill you!'
"When I had toy 'first babv. in the
Philippines, he ordered me away. I
was bo happy, that I went to Hong Kong
to live wnn a missionary's family, Then
I went to San Francisco, but when my
funds ran out I went back to the Philip
pines. For a while we lived in Jamaica.
Then back to the Philippines, where he
threatened "me with a razor. Then we
went to Atlanta and finally to Berlin.
Wherever he was with me he subjected
me to horrible cruelties.
"In spite of these things I clung to
him for the sake of the children. hen
ho became -involved in difficulties, 1
went to Washington and saw Secretary
of War Garrison."
Describing the death scene between
them, Mrs. Beutinger, crying all the
time, gave the gaping court room the
details rapidly, almost hysterically:
"He came toward me very fast, say
ing, 'I'll kill youl I'll kill you!' I
saw his eyes glaring. ' He grabbed at
me. Then I fired and screamed for help.
That is about the last I remember.
When I came to he was dead." . -
Concluding her testimony Mrs. Beut
inger said: "Before he entered my
room for the last time I let him see me
conceal .the revolver under the pillow.
I did it to frighten him." ..
As she stepped down from the wit
ness stand Mrs. Beutinger covered her
face with her hands and wept. A couple
of the jurors hastily turned their gaze
out of the window and more than one
of the-12 furtively wiped their eyes.
Direet testimony for the defense was
concluded, at 1 P. m.
Portland, Or., Oct. 20. A carload
of blooded British Columbia hunters
and jumpers arrived in Portland today
to compete in the horse show, which
opens tomorrow night. One of the best
contenders is Credential, owned by W
S. Holland of Vancouver, 11. C. I his
horse will attempt to break the world's
record by clearing a bar 7 feet, 10
inches above the turf.
Is Your Tire Cost
Less Than One
Cent Per Mile?
We can show you ; how if you
others in proportion.
use Ford sizes-
Lined Gloves for cold mornings. .-,
126 South Commercial Street
Agaii four $1-Wh
This $2.50 Aluminum Cooker
The cost of Aluminum has doubled since we ordered these lifetime
Cookers. At present prices, this offer would be impossible. So, in all
probability, after our supply is exhausted, it cannot be made again.
Next week the grocers of this city will once more feature this
Quaker Cooker offert And for the last time, we believe.
We have supplied Cookers now to over 1,000,000 homes. We have
supplied $2.50 Aluminum Cookers for $1 to Quaker Oats users. But
this offer ends with our present supply, and probably forever. Unless
Aluminum drops 50 per cent, we cannot again offer a Cooker like
this for $1.
But next week only we make the offer below. You can get this
Cooker for $1, by buyingtwo of our cereals which should be cooked in it.
This offer is made to induce better cooking. To bring you Quaker
Oats and Pettijohn's cooked in perfect form, with the flavor kept in
tact. Our reward will come in your doubled delight in these foods.
But we supply only one to each family.
Unless you have the right flakes, right cooking does not help much.
But,ifyouuseQuakerOatsandPettijohn's,thiscookerisyoursfor$l.This' ,
is for one week only. Get the packages from any grocer named below.
One Week Only Your Last Chance
Olir Off AV T TTilc Purchase wo packages of Quaker Oats and one package of Pettijohn's or three pack
VUr V-ZllCl 15 llllo. ages of either. Get a Sales Slip from your grocer showing the purchase. Send us check
or money order for $1 with the Sales Slip and we will mail the cooker by parcel post. We ask the Sales Slip just to show
that you use our cereals. Sales Slips must be mailed next week. This offer applies in this vicinity on'y. Address
The Quaker Oats Company, 205 Maynard Building, Seattle, Wash.
Rolled Wheat with 25 Bran Flakes
A Modern Bran Dainty
Pure Aluminum F
Extra Large and Heavy 5 H ' i 5 11
Cereal Capacity 2 Qt. ' p : ml
A Lifetime Utensil S g :j
Retail Value Ll Jf Wj
Quaker Oats
The Extra-Delicious Vim-Food
Flaked from Queen Oats Only
k tbs world over, Quaker Oats holds first place anion oat foodsTOaT
lovers of a hundred nations send to us to get it. A billion dishes are
consumed each year. Nowhere in the world do connoisseurs find any oat
food to compare with it-or.srsr.- .. .ww.V
P The reason is this: Quaker Oats is made from queen grains onlylust
the big, plump, luscious oats. No puny, starved grains are included. A
bushel of the choicest oats yields only ten pounds of Quaker.
The result is a flavor which has won the world a flavor which is match
less. Yet these large and luscious flakes cost you no extra price.
1 Nature stores in oats a wealth of vitality, which everybody needs. We
want you to know this fascinating vim-food, made as ws make it and
cooked ia our way.
Every doctor advises bran, as essential to ri&ht Hvins?. It ia Nature's
laxative. Everybody every day should eat it. It means better health, better
spirits, sunnier days. Without it, our diet of fine food forces folks to drugs.
' Pettijohn's is made to meet doctors' requirements. The bran is hidden
in flavory flakes of wheat. The food is a morning dainty which everybody
likes. Yet it oontalns 25 per cent tender bran.
The bran is in flake form, which makes it doubly efficient.' Ground bran
will not do.
Try Pettijohn's one week.' Note its delightful effects. Never again will
you go back to a branless diet.
Then try Pettijohn's Flour. It is 75 per cent fine patent flour mixed with
25 per cent bran flakes. ; Use it like Graham flour in any recipe.
These Grocers .Will Feature the Cooker Offer Next Week
,R. D. Gilbert & Co., 211 Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
Smith & McLean, I52G North Commercial St., Salem Ore.
Damon & Son, 855 N. Commercial St., Salem, Ore.
A. Daue & Sons, 10p:i S. Commercial St., Salem, Ore.
Roth Grocery Co., Salem, Ore.
J. L. Busick & Son, Salem, Oregon.
Poisal & Shaw, 1199 S. Commercial St., Salem, Ore.
Nob Hill Grocery, 19G0 S. Commercial St., Salem, Ore.
Lebold & Co., 1144 East State Street, Salem, Ore.
Weller Bros., 155 N. Commercial St., Salem, Ore.
C. S. & C. E. Welborn, 1601 Center St., Salem, Ore. .
Asylum Avenue Store, Salem, Ore.
Demasters Cash Grocery, West Salem
Cooley's Grocery, 1275 N. Church St., Salem, Ore.
Ward K. Richardson, 2:595 N. Front St., Salem, Ore.
The. Fair Grounds Store, Salem, Ore.
C. M. Roberts, 456 Court St., Salem, Ore.
Reddaway's Grocery, Cor. Sixth & Hood Sts., Salem, Ore.
(Continued from page one.)
against the bandits necessitated by mil
itary reasons, as there are far reaching,
encircling movements of forces in the
field, converging toward the objective
point at Santa Ysabel. "
Another official Carrauzista an
nouncement today told of small skirm
ishes yesterday on Hearst 's ranch at
Baliicora, between a marauding band
of Villistas and a Carrauzista patrol.
Four of the bandits, including Major
Marrazo and Captain Lopez were made
prisoners, according to the statement,
with several killed on both sides.
Every one in Chihuahua Citv with
sufficient funds to reach the American
border is fleeing the city, according to
United States government agents here.
As it became known that the families
o. General Trevino and other Carran
zista officials had left the city, a panic
seized the people. Another train bring
ing 4UU refugees, reached Juarez dur
ing the night.
New Chief of Division
Washington, Oct. 20. Brigadier Gen
eral William A. Mann has been appoint
ed cnier of tno division1 of militia af
fairs of the war department. Secretary
Baker announced today. General Mann
now in command ot the American
forces at Laredo,
Texas, lie is from
(Continued from page one.)
Cinciniati. He was given a noisy reception.
Mayor Puchta said Cincinnati has a
citizenship deeply interested in the af
fairs of the I nited States "a citizen
ship deeply loyal to the United States
nmi its governing officials. It is deep
in ils obedience and loyalty to you."
Keprying President Wilson said:
"I can't say I have the least feeling
of strangeness in Cincinnati. My fath
er was born in Ohio and so was my
uncle. I spent much of my time in the
great state of Ohio during my more ir
responsible days.
llie dignity of my office limits me
now. fcven a Scotch-Irishman can't let
go and say what he wishes."
1 lie president paid tnbuto to Ohio,
saying in this slate much of the zest
of history, much of the energy of the
country got its start here.
there is no zest in secrecy or mon-
oply- Ileal zest is joiuing your zest
Quick Way
to End Coughs, Colds
and Croup
T Am Excellent, Iaexpeaslve Home-
I Made Remedy thatl X
X Prompt and Sure. X
If vou have a severe coimh or chest
cold accompanied with soreness, throat
licKle, Hoarseness, or (liiucuit breaming,
or if your child wakes up during tha
night with croup and you want quick
help, just try this pleasant tasting
home-made coiigh remedy. Any drug
gist can supply you with 2U ounces of
Pinex (50 cents worth). Pour this into
a pint bottle and fill the bottle with
plain granulated sugar syrup. Thus
prepared, you have a pint of really re
markable cough remedy one that can
be depended upon to give quick and last
ing relief at all times.
You can feel this take hold of a cough
in a way that means business. It
loosens and raises the phlegm, stops
throat tickle and soothes and heals the
irritated membranes that line the
throat and bronchial tubes with such
promptness, ease and certainty that it
is really astonishing.
Pinex is a special and highly concen
trated compound of genuine Norway
pine extract, combined with guaiacol
and is noted for its speed in overcoming
severe coughs, throat and chest colds.
Its millions of enthusiastic users have
made it famous the world over.
There arc many worthless imitations
of this noted mixture. To avoid disap
pointment, ask for "2 V. ounces of
Pinex" with full directions and don't
accept anything else. A guarantee of
absolute satisfaction or money promptly
refunded, goes with this preparation.
The Pinex Co., it. Wayne, Ind,
peace," one woman shouted.
"I certainly hope so," he replied.
Speaks to Women.
Cincinnati, Ohio. Oct. 2li. In a Biiir-
ited address before the women's citv
club here this afternoon, President Wil
son referred sarcastically to those who
are "trying to throw fear into the
hearts of American business by predict
ions of economic disaster to America ut
the close of the war,"
hurope will be so absolutely exhaust
ed at the war's end, the president de
clared, that "the entire budgets of each
country will barely be ublo to pay the
debts of these countries."
He scoffed at the idea that belliger
ent countries are manufacturing goods
"to dump for these alarminsts love tu
call it dumping on American shores."
lheso men, lie said, "have silly imaginations."
He assailed those who. he said, aro
complaining because we are not fight-
iuk. --iney say our spirit is not the
mm inni or your reuow man. inis zest i 8ame . tht n,h, ,,:. u...
: has marked the great tidal wave of Am-1 , i ,.. "" " , " ..." T
enuin nistorj. the disnosnl nf snocinl itort. aj
. the problem is to sec that a shoul(1 'we do mJ
fVTrZTlTLTl1 toSB,h"hrOU,d 3in the ch f conVeting and
er from coast to coast. Unless there hostile conditions-"
is spiritual unity, America cannot find .
herself. America is now finding her
self. -It is the great movement now.
i Every man must exemplify himself in
i spirit and action whut he would want
all the world to know America stauds
for. Ve must nil pull together now
and tuove forward the great chariot in
which rides the goddess of liberty."
Big Crowds Greet Him.
Parkersburg, W. Va., Oet- ,20. Carry
ing a lucky piece, given to him by a
workingman at Philadelphia yesterday,!
"to be returned after your second in-'
nuguration next March," President I
Wilson today passed through here en I
route to Cincinnati where
"One Touch of Nature
Makes MorldAkin"
Mrs. W. B. Morgan, who lives in the
Popcorn district of the Polk county
hills, whose husband was killed on the
rani I road near the fairgrounds two
years ago. is much happier today be
cause her friends and neighbors yester
day gathered at her home and sawed,
split and piled her whiter 's wood in her
woodshed. The affair was what is
knownas a "wood frolic" and the
neighbors brought their lunches and had
ii nusv nil v . . .. . . . . .
awaits him. He is down for four i , XiMrtn .Ki 7'a ,"t"lln
speeches there today. i. tii m V b," husbaml
l.ast night the president remained up ! " J l"' T '.''V"
late greeting crowds that surged about i m?k V r nVlfif .'! ,hC ""IV
the train when brief stops vvere made It?' ,;, " ' Sm,Jh "responsible
along the route. The president nten''VJ-e,llnn-
what he believes the best evidence of
support Lu these gatherings.
"It shows a large number of my fel-' j.
low citizens believe in me, anyway," he :
i present.
said todav.
More than 1,000 persons greeted him
at Martinsburg, a -strong republican!
stronghold late last night, clamoring ',
loudly for a speech, but the presideui i
refused, saying, "I would much rath i
er work than talk about it."
New Today ads In the Journal
He will be lead in all live Marion
county homes.
I Welcomed in Ohio.
Ohillieothe, Ohio. Oct. 2(i. Several
thousand people greeted President Wil
son at 8:13 a- ra., including seven hun
dred shopmen given liberty in order to
see the president. ,
There also were many railroad men in
the crowd that gave the president a big
"I had lot of fun tnrough here
when I was a youngster," the presi
dent said. The crowd laughed and manv
called out: "Better stop off and look
us over again."
"With you the country will remain at
How Is Your
Is your digestion weakf
Is your appetite poorf
Any distress after eatingt
Stomach Bitters