Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 26, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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:::: We cater to men and young men. Our store is your
:::: store, and our business is to look after your per-
We handle high
well known brands. The names
If articles is protection to the buyer:
Kuppenheimer Suits and Overcoats,
if O. J. Schei & Co.
(Continued from page one.)
a veritable bnrrnjre Multilist the airmen
for the double purpose of driving them
hack and obscuriiif; their observation.
Bombardment Terrific.
Ou Sunday evening the (iermuus, fear
fug an immedinte attack, launched a
terrific barrage, using 1100 guns. On
Mini day the French resumed their pre
paration. At the height of the bom
liardment a -tllO millimeter calibre shell
Pendleton Normal School
Proven Necessity
(Copied from Portland Oregontun )
MONMOUTH. Ore., June 2ti. The Oregon Normal
Bchool opened this week . . . students enrolled 785,
largest on record for atato Normal In Oregon ....
Iiow to caro for large student body a problem ....
800 being crowded into auditorium with Heating ca
pacity of 660. Galleries filled with extra chairs In
aisles. Moro than 150 students seated on platform.
Now boarding houses completed, additions to room
ing houses built and tents used. Ono hundred Kir la
Bleep on upper floor of school.
The official Bchool report gives 1GU grade pupils
in Monmouth, for teacher practice.
Read what those you have elected to handle the
affairs of your state and who are thoroughly informed
regarding school conditions in Oregon have to say
concerning measure 308 on the ballot at the coming
By James Wlthycombe, Governor of Oregon:
"Oi'tnii Is oiiiiiiiKlHiiiaiilv III need of m normal
School work noil l-iontlclnll In th logical lil.HO it
school of Mils iIusk In K.iMihi Oregon."
By J. A. Churchill, State Superintendent of Public
"I Hum Unit I tin volns lit His Klutft will assist In
rulsltiK l)u Htunilaid of our mi hoola l,y ealahllsluiig a
Htule .Normal- School at Tciiillrtoii.'
By P. L. Campbell, President of the University of
"At least oik! ulilltlotiul Normal Hi hoot .Is urgently
nceitcil th Urritoli."
By W. J. Kerr, President of the Oregon Agricultural
"Klin e the people of I Vmlli h.n nre Initiating a nicusiir
for the esluhlishinciit of a Nminal School at that ulaca.
It wilt glo me oleusiirit lo siioikm t this uicusotu."
By J. H. Ackerman, President Oregon Normal School,
at Monmouth:
"A careful analysts of the situation will convince sny
one Unit Oregon needs a Niuuml s,-tuol in KaNtprn Ore-
' and Pendleton fills all the urn ei luiielit i cuuh emculs."
By the County School Superintendents of Oregon:
"IWsolVeiJ, I hut It Is the sense uf the I'ouiily .School
Rupei luleudents of the Slate ul Oregon. In convention
iikkc inhlMl. thut the hesl Interests uf Ihv sellouts if the
Ulale ili-niiiiid tncieuscd facilities lor the linHllng f
teachers, and that we, Iheiefure. endorse I lie lultlallvs
meusuiu to establish u Xiirnuil School ut I'enilh'tnli."
By Mrs. Charles H. Castner, President of the Oregon
Federation of Women's Clubs:
"I most hparllly endorse, tin liieatloti of said Normal
school at Pendleton-"
Prof. Robert C. French, Former President of tho
Normal School Located at Weston:
"An Immediate establishment of such a school at some
central point such as Pendleton would piofv u great asset
lo the Slate of Oregon."
B. F. Mulkey, Ex-President Southern Oregon Normal
"I shall support (lie location or an Kusluin Oregon
Normal School at Peudleton."
Slate Board of Regents of Oregon Normtil School
: declares thut "the necessity lor additional Normal
school facilities in Oregon is"iinrcnt."
Portland Chamher of Coinnirivi' endorses measure
30H and say Pendleton most logical location lor Nor
mal school in laslerii Oregon.
308 X YES is a
JOafftern Oregon
(Paid Adv.)
Hy J. II.
class merchandise
Eagle Dress Shirts,
Conqueror Hats and Caps
Cooper Underwear .
Gordon and Ferguson Gloves
Mackinaws & Working Clothes
struck in the renter of Douuiiinont. Tho
explosion was visible ou the eutir
front and flames burst forth from three
sides of the fort.
On Monday night French officers re
ported, more tluui 10(1 (ierniHus mid
three officers descried and surrendered
to the French rather than the impend
ing attack. They are said to have given
up viiliinlil information.
On Tuesday the French resumed the
bombardment more violently than ever.
Half an hour before the attack was be
gun we visited Verdun and were shown
the operations of the machinery of the
last subterranean city, with its water
vote for your children
Slat Not niul-Mchnnl t'ouiiolttev
I'ooilidttev. .
Hi, Oro. '
ilium mi ii nil
(Iwlon, Hi-v . reliillelon, Oro.
Ready for Your Inspection
of standard and if
of the following
344 State Street
lind electric plants, bakeries and 'even
printing presses operating in their usual
I methodical manner. The garrison then
lire even had a performance scheduled
'for that evening though all the soldiers
I now elated at the prospect that they
j were to begin a great offensive after
! many months of defensive fighting.
! A Krench general, speaking in Kug-
lish, drank a toast to America, which
he declared to be the greatest stickler
j for the rights of humanity. Ho proudly
'showed a laurel wrenth sent the heroic
defenders of Verdun bv two Americans,
I the bnrones .Muro and Mrs. Diefenthal-
er, both of new ( nnaiinnn, t oon.
University Notes
William A. AViest, president of Wil
lamette law school student body and
president of the senior class, was the
only uspiriint to the bar from Salem at
the recent slate examination to pass the
require incuts necessary to become a
full-fledged lawyer. Mr. Wiest's suc
cess in his examination is remarkable
in that he still has nearly a year of
study before lie will have completed the
three year course the Willamette school
A special feature of Wednesday morn
ing's i Impel hour was the presentation
of Willamette insignia to the writers
of the yells in the recent contest which
seemed most appropriate for introduc
tion into the Willamette category of
rooting. "Crown Prince" Austin, as
sistant yell king, very impressively pre
senter! the first prize, a felt monogram
pillow top, to James Fletcher and the
second award, a table cover, to drover
A. Hates. The applause which resound
ed from the student body showed the
student uppreciatiou of the new cheer
Interest in the tipproaching 'formal
functions of the Adelante-Websterinn
societies is rapidly increasing in the
degree that these large organizations
lire seeing the renovations to their halls
progress. Friday afternoon from 4 un
til 5::i0 the Adelaides will hold their
formal "at home" to all new and non
society girls in the university. As ninny
of the prominent tiluiuno are expected
to return, the committee is sparing no
pains to make the affair as elaborate,
and enjoyable as those of previous years.
Saturday evening both societies will
hold their allotted formal "point"
party of the semester. Plans which are
now being worked out assure the mem
bers a royal good time-
Of more than current interest are the
informal talks presented by President
C. ti. Policy of the institution nt the
regular morning devotional hour. The
problems of today nre analyzed with
marked directaes and force, so that the
fundaments are duly impressed on his
student listeners. In discussing "Jus
tice" yesterday morning, l)r, loney
said :
" Problems today nre more essential
ly concerned with justice. People are
asking that all ill be immediately that
will concent their lives. This striving
for justice and outreach for conditions
that will let every man reach out of
his own did not prevail in pagan times.
Justice is modern and we have come to
its social interpretation with halting
steps. The real factors of progress are
mental factors."
Realizing the vital importance of fae
stirring strains of bund music, plant
for tho organization of an nil utiivcrsiM
band have been initiated by Kdwin
Payne, a freshman in the college of lib
eral urts Fifteen men responded to the
first coll which speaks well for a suc
cessful musical organization this year.
Among those already out for proctiec
are! Clarinets, William Kelts and Mer
rill Ohliug; cornets, Kdwin Payne, Wnr
reu rilnbaugh. lov Madsters," Millard
Ooughtou and Walter Ooughty; saxn
phonea, Frnacyl Howard and (jcorgo
I fi fc
. :
San I'rnnciseo, Oct. 2((. .Six l
, I'ent bread becomes a reality in '
California next week. The Cal- ,
) i torn in Slate MuMter Bakers as- !
j sociution not only decided to 1
I advaace the price of the nickel
loaf tint today began a state-
wide movement for petitions to
President Wilson, seeking that
an im )'ti r,ii be placed upon the i
se exportation of wheat. j
The new price is effective No- j
venilier 1. !
Mills; alto, Kenneth l.egge; basses,
Bernard Morse and Victor Taylor; bari-
tone. Dean Pollock; trombone, Hurry ..
! Crisp; drums, Derrill Kexford.
! Members of the student body were
greatly disappointed to learn Tuesday
1 morning that Roger R. Lyon, "jell
king," manager of the glee club, bari-
tone singer and all around campus live
wire, lias leil lor Aiusaa 10 eiuei mc
mining business, ii is loss is almost ir
reparable to the rooters, for "Durk"
had a way of gTting "the old fight"
lined up in his cohort that produced re
sults, .lust who will succeed him as
commander of the rooting contingent is
not known as yet. .Mr. I.yo'n expected
to associate with liarold McQueen, a
former student of the university, who is
now engaged in business in those north
ern latitudes.
A tremor of excitement was felt on
the campus yesterday afternoon when
it became known that Joha .. Oary, a
graduate in tho days, hnd just be
come the father of a nine-pound bnliy
boy, already named John Everett. While
in' Willamette Jlr. Oary was one of the
most popular men enrolled, being a hust
ler and engineer ot mote live wire stu
dent enterprises than al st any of his
fellow associates. As tnanager of track
and forensics Mr. Gary was highly suc
cessful as was he also as university cor
respondent for the Daily Capital Journ
al. The host of friends still hibernating
on the campus are united in extending
their congratulations. Mr. Gary is now
teaching at Coquillc, Ore.
Reports eninnnting from the Coos
County Teachers' Institute held at
Murshfield Inst week say that Profes
sor James T. Matthews, head of the
lunthemuticrt deportment in the univer
sity who delivered a series of eight lec
tures, wus exceptionally well received
by the coast county delogntes. The
professor's long experience as a peda
gogue combined with his whole-hearted
personality, found tin answering re
sponse in his hearers. On his return he
declared it to be "the happiest institute
in his long cxperiorfeVns a teacher."
So that a greater . specialization in
foreusies and oratftfy may- lie achieved
this year Manager A. 1- Orulapp an
nounces that no essay contest will be
held. This fen t tire is regretfully elimi
nated in the interests of Willamette's
stronger teams in platform activities.
A - fetuiniistie invasion of political
realms is the schedule mapped out for
the program of the rhilodosiou girls for
their meeting Friday afternoon. After
a song liy -Miss (irnee Sherwood, Miss
tllndys Nichols will discuss "Party
Platforms" and Miss Clara Perkins will
explain "How pud Why the Faculty
Will Vote." An impromptu debate will
fill the interlude before the Misses Hel
en Ooltra and F.sthe Cox give a mando
lin and guitad duet. '
Hoping to get a bigger attendance nt
the Y, M- C. A. devotional meeting this
year, the members met in the "Y." rest
room Inst evening to henr Conch R. 1..
Matthews speak. Holo selections hy
Ferris Abbott, n new singer in univer
sity circles, were also much appreciated
bv the men who attended.
The ever-expanding classes o'f the uni
versity demand ninny fine adjustments
to accommodate the unusually large en
rollment. Dr.-llnll is the latest to move,
his classes in economies are now held ill
:i third floor recitation hall.
The establishment of rushing week in
the course of the next few days by
members of the l'liilodosiua society
promises a series of social functions of
unusual interest to prospective appli
cants for admission. Just what consti
tutes the plans for the week is not
known ns yet, hut in all probability, the
popular slumber pnrties and "pink
tens" of former years will be given re
newed attention.
When a girl is a belle it is quite na
tural for her to announce he engageaient
with a ring.
dry out: can bt iiboI to th..
i atxip; liquid stmi poM i
one quit'ity; absolutely no I
wntc; noiliint r ilirt. l ou I
gi't your uuMMiy s worth.
Black Silk
Stove Polish
la not
iT mot nomte!u hot tt jrtws a hrilll
c ltiHiru tlmt vnniKir SoobinitKtl w ith any
ant. silky
run off il lasts tour li ici as ton as ordinary
polish -ao it Mvesyou tune, work and nnw)r.
I'on't lorl -wot yow
Wru't ftiH-o uoliah, bo sure to
tv k for Hlack Silk. Kit isn't
tho Ixttt tove polish you rwr
u.-l - yn , : r deokr will raluud
your awMcy,
Black Silk Store Polish
Works. Sterling, lllinoia.
tle nlack Silk Alrtkrytas;
Iron Ena-iol on mitra, ntr-it-ra,
al" vTipv,iHl auttM
BH410 luv runs, s'rwwiitis
IW-iutf. Try it, an
RHrfc Sir Metal Pol.
m fiwUYrnw,iictt-t,tu-wnrv
or brsKa. It Wivks)
Qtuokhf, vily nnd lmvia a
briiUttitt surface. It haa no
equal (or tfeM ou automwUios.
quettes with a tender, nut-brown crust and all
v the insr'Je goodness produced by perfect deep-frying.
Cottolene is not absorbed by foods fried in it, but keeps
their good taste and quality intact for your enjoyment.
Try our tested croquette recipe.
Cottolene is a pure food product; whether used for short
Upward Surge of Value
Gains Renewed Force
New York, Oct. '21. The upward
surge in values gained renewed force.
This applied to commodities and securi
ties alike, not only in the Vnited
States, but in the world over. All neu
tral countries nre enjoying exceptional
prosperity, and ill this respect the 1'nit
ed States far outdistances every one of
them. The war, of course, is the su
preme influence, all other factors be
ing of minor importance compared with
this one. liven our election, full as it
is of important potentinlties, is com
pletely overshadowed bv the cataclvsm
across the sea. This war is almost en
I tirely responsible for tho scarcity of
both commodities Hnd Inbor. Short
I crops are n factor that cannot be over
j looked; nevertheless the old and sup
posedly ohsolete law ot supply and de
mand is working ceaselessly with an
energy never before experienced, be
cause of the struggle now devastating
Kurope. This week wheat ami corn
tone lie, I new high points, with indica
tions that still higher figures may pos
sibly be reached. All food products nre
rising, and the same is true of clothing;
while our mineral industries iron,
steel, copper, petroleum, etc are rush
ed at a pace far exceeding the most
during expectations of a year ago. Iliad
street's commodity index number was
I2.IKHI1I October 1, an advance of '2-2
per cent since the war began. Indus
tries dependent upon agricultural and
mineral products are reaping directly
or indirectly large profits as a result
of war inflation, but their prosperity
is smnll compared with what has been
reached hy a few of the big industries,
notably those engaged in the fabrica
tion of steel.
No Changs in Sight
The question forced upon our minds
is how long can such hih tension pros
perity laat; and have we in the I'aited
'States reached the crest of the wavef
I think not; because the end of the war,
on which all this feverish rush depends,
is not yet in sight. Apparently there
will he no peace for- many months at
least. Signs of serious exhaustion on
either side are still wanting; reason has
lost its sway, and mad passion rules all
belligerents. I'atil the power of one
side or the other is broken it would
seem Hint pence will he impossible. The
allies are already negotiating for an
other big loan on this side; sand tor
munitions is being ordered deliverable
into the third quarter of 191", and
ships, guns and munitions are being
turned out with greater intensity than
at any time during the war. Such ef
forts do not portend pence. They rath
er suggest further sacrifices, further
destruction and more and more waste;
although it may be that change of mind
or breakdown of strength will develop
when least expested. In any event, the
immediate outlook for pPace is remote
and this conviction is the prime source
of present market strength. America
cannot avoid looking on in sorrow ni
the harrowing spectacle, hut our peo
ple and our government are alike in
capable of interfering or nftectiin; the
issue in nny way.. All neutials Are
benefiting from the needs of the bel
ligerents: the I'nitcd States, owing to
its industrial capacity, naturally profit
ing far more than any other. When the
war is over, this country will fiiol it
self in u vastly strengthened position.'
It will he financially independent of
Knrone! iin.l not nf the vast lirnlits
I made from the war, it will doubtless
be enabled to assist many of the suffer
ing nations of Kurope to recover their
impaired positions hy depending large
ly upon this country for the capital
and material needed for reconstruction.
The world has never seen such an ex
ample of the txdly of war, or the wis
dom of pence, as will appear wheu
pence arrives.
- , - Railroad Outlook Better
for some time to come our leading
industrials promise to experience much
speculative activity, the steel issues
which are earning fabulous profittt
heiim naturally leaders. Attention, how
ever, is now being turned to other in
dustrials in the war group; as these
The Natural Shortening
Nut-brown, tender croquettes
When Cottolene is used you are certain of
ening or for frying it makes the food
more nutritious and wholesome bet
ter in every way.
m sib
,are benefiting from the impetus given
general trade and are less hazardous
i than somo of the highly inflated nut
' nition shares. Railroad stocks are also
receiving more favor from both in-
vestors and speculators. All the princw
I pal lines are reporting excellent earn
jiugs, and in spite of growing expenses,
their net results are highly encourag
ing. A few lines have already increased
their dividends, some have passed out
of the stage of doubt in this respect,
while others seem likely to advance
their dividend rate in the not distant
future. The betterment of the railroad
situation is apparent in other direc
tions than improvement in dividends.
One of the most important things to
remember in railroau matters is that
public opinion is at lust turning from
chronic hostility and prejudice to an
attitude of justice and fair play. Al
last it is being recogni.ed that the rail
roads have been the prey of unjust
treatment, that much legislation hns
been oppressive and unwise, that la
bor's demands have about reached the
limit of public sympathy, and that if
our transportation system is to develop
in keeping with public requirements,
the vallrouds must be placed under ra
tionul federal protection, where it is
possible for them to escape the conflict
ing authority of forty-eight different
states and to earn a fair return for
their services. This change in the at
titude of public opinion isi significant.
One effect is the forthcoming issue
ot 2).0I)0,(MHI New York Central stock,
a transaction which may soon be fol
lowed by similar issues of other promi
nent systems. This is the first import
i rnnoL-3PERCENT.
the SluuMchsaudBawlsii
Opiumorphine nor Hiatal.
Not Narcotic.
jtomtm r
uunimm fkrfr
Y onus, it ir? p
la'cSfouk Signature ot
Net Contents 15 Rnid Drachm 6B i I IBtflll
wit i UH0 1 Ultlfl
I sssr-a I I I r T
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Chop fine any kind of cooked meat
or fish. If short of material, add
mashed potatoes, or rice, to beef,
mutton or fish; and to chicken, flab,
oysters or veal, add soft bread
crumbs, or rice. Moisten light met
with thick white sauce, equal
amount, and dark meats with to
mato, or brown sauce, made quite
thick. Season with salt and pepper
and onion juice if liked. When very
cold, rhnpe the mixture into bnlla
or cylinders: roll first in sifted
bread crumbs, then beaten egg di
luted with one tablespoon milk,
then crumbs again. Fry one min
ute la deep Cottolene, hot cnoug't
to brown a bit of bread while yon
count forty. Use a basket, anl
cook only four at a time. Drain on
paper, and be sure that the fut Is
hot for each frying. - Serve plain,
or with sauce like that in the
mixture only thinner.
From "HOME HELPS." moiled frc
if you write our Gerund
Office, Chicago,
makes good
ant block of railroad stock offered ill
a number of years, financial require
ments having heen meet hy a mass of
short term notes and bond issues, which
left the roads burdened wild lixed ob
ligations. The relief of this hazard
I should be appreciated by nil railroad
; managers, ami will iiinloiintedly liavo
an important effect upon the values of
railroad properties.
Money is abundant and relatively
easy. There is a plethora of Soads seek
ing investment, and desirable issues
are readily absorbed, tlold imports havo
been resumed, the total arrived sineo
.lunuury I being $4II!,IHHI,(KI0, With tho
prospect of still more to come. Presum
ably these recent' arrivals arc to pavo
the way for the rumored $jU,()IIO,000
British issue. Argentina, Franco and
liussia iire also understood to be financ
ing part of their requirements in this
market. The stock market conditions
favor continued activity anil the Isenil
of values seem for the present upward.
Frequent reactiuns must be expected in
case of unfavorable news of overbuying;
Milhollaud Itoissevain, noted suffrage
worker, announced today through
friends that her transcontinental tour
in opposition to the re-election of Pres
ident Wilson has been "cancelled as a
result of severe illness caused by throat
trouble. Mrs. Hoissevain will return
east as soon as her condition permits.
When you feel discouraged and de
spondent do not give up but take u
dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and you
are almost certnin to feel till right
within a day or two. Despondency in
very often due to indigestion and bil
iousness, for which these tablets uro
especially valuable. Obtainable every
where. For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
hjr Use
vJ For Over
Thirty Years
m w vail