Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 26, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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W h Price
-IL Portland to Ciiic
is the running time of
Crack Western Train
Leaves Portland Union Station 10 a. m. Daily
Via the famous Columbia River Route.
Joins West and East with a
Boulevard of Steel
Write Wm. McMurray, General
Passenger Agent, Portland, for'
Tickets, Reservations, Train
Schedules and other information.
Use the Night Service of the O.-W. t
R. R. & N., the Short Line between I
Portland and Spokane. It saves a
business day.
Bats per word New Toddy:
Each insertion, per worJ .lc
One week ( insertions), per word....6c
One month (26 insertions) per word 17a
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
(or errors in Classified Advertisments.
Bead your advertisements the first day
It appears and notify us immediately
Minimum charge, lSe.
TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal office. tl
BTJBBEB Stamps made 165 S. Conol
HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 70S.
FOB 8ALE Hoibp, 1330 lbs., gentle,
$25.00 Phone 45F2. oct20
FURNISHED Apartments, also bark
suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage
HOUSEKEEPER Wanted in country
Addrens K. H. care Journal. oct2b
!WE HAVE Baled hay and oats for
sale. George Swciglc, Garden road, tf
FOB BENT SIGNS Tor sale at Cap
ital Journal office. tl
DAY WORK Wanted by young lady.
Phone 1056W. Oct28
GET PRICES On farm sale bills at
The Journal office.
OLD PAPERS For sale at Capital
Journal office 10 cents a bundle, tf
GOOD PIANO For sale or trade for
auto, 790 Market St. Phone 2081W.
HOUSEKEEPING Room for woman,
very reasonable. 200 8. 21st. oct27
BOARD And room at 2S0 X. High
home cooking. uov2
WANTED Two wood choppers, work
to bogin'at once. Phone 1H22J. oct27
GOOD MF.ALS Well served at 292
North Church St. Phone 1013. oet27
call 220 N. Liberty. uov2
WANTED Second hand ears at 240
State St. oct28
FOR SALE Zinu's candy store, make
me an offer. oct28
WANTED Good 2nd hand typewriter
must be standard machine uud reas
onable. Phone 75F5. oct27
WANTKD $li00 nnd 900 on first
class security at 7 per cent. Address
I 5 care Journal. oct27
STUDEBAKER 6 Late model to ex
change for mortgage on real estate.
Address B 21 Journal. oct28
WANTKD Place to work for my room
and board. Address H. G. care Jour
nal. oct27
FOR SALE One Oliver typewriter, al
most new, a real bargain. 1980 South
Liberty. oct27
WANTED TO RENT 3 or 0 room bun
galow, close in, occupy after Nov.
15. Address B 0 care Journal. oct28
FOR BENT Small houso and acre lot
cheap, 2800 Brooks Ave. B. S. Leach.
TIIONE 20fi When you have wood
sawing to be done, all work guaran
teed, J im Rogers. nov24
BOOMS Or board and room, reason
able; also single meals 23c at 404
South High. oct26
FOR RENT River bottom farm near
Salem, and stock. 302 Salem ltank of
- Commerce bldg. tf
FOR RENT Ten acre tract with eight
Toom house, on Wallace road. For fur
ther particulars phono 30F2. oct20
WILL TRADE Auto for good milk
cow and $30. inquire 1720 Lee St.
GET YOUR Trespass Notices, , new
supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour
nal tf
FTJBNISHED Booms and housekeep
ing apartments, rates reasonable
close in, 100 Court V
$5. worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard
bldg. novlG
. FOR SALE Cheap, Manns green bone
cutter, also No. one grain seeder. E.
J. Miller, Turner, Ore. oct26
COW FOR SALE Jersey, just fresh,
" 4 years old next month. L. A. Grotc.
box 53, route2, 1 niiles west of
bridge. oct27
WANTED TO RENT Wholly or part
ly furnished house, family of throe,
lio children, give rent and location.
H. K. Capital Journal. oct28
WANTED 12 to 13 men to clean out
ditch nnd swamp land, wet job,
should have gum boots. Phone 1035W
or see Lee W. Acheson. oct2(i
POTATOES We are always in the
market for potatoes in small lots or
car lots. Mangus Bros. Phono 717
Salem. Or. och'SO
HAVE YOUR House reshinglcd, tar
red or repaired by Kays and Donald
son, phone 044R or 747 M. Work
guaranteed. oct30
FOR SALE Or trade for cows, or what
have you, balance $15 per mo. int.
on principal, my 0 room new modern
house. Address G. W. C. care Journal.
MONEY TO LOAN On second hand
men's clothing, jewelry, musical in
struments, tools, guns, etc. Also
bought, sold and traded. Capital Ex
change, 337 Court St. Phone 493. ol7
WANTED To buy 6 or 8 choice milk
cows, mnst be fresh now or soon, none
but parties owning choice cows need
ealL Phone" 1431 or 491. tf
FOR SALE One buggy, one mountain
hack, good as new, one span brown
horses, weight about 1100 en'h, will
seU for cash or trade for cattle. For
any information call zos. octzu
20 ACRES Plow land for rent, horses
and cows taken to pasture, also 100
eords 2d growth fir for sale and
w i s-hnptt R 1. Phone
8F23. - - y B(.VG Phone 81
NEEDY WOMAN With three small
children, wishes place as housekeep
er, no wages, country preferred. Ad
dress Mrs. M. E. Downey, C'orvallis,
tire. oct28
teacher," will begin her lessons on
French grammar and conversation,
the first of November, 1910, at her
home, lloO orth loth street.
FOB SALE Fine five year old Dur
ham-Jersey cow, just fresh, heavy
milker, good tester, very gentle; also
fine large Jersey cow, fresh, gentle,
test 5Vj. First St. cast, 2nd house
north asvlum. octJi
Vv ANTED Elderly couple to do light
work on farm, home accommodations
and smalj pay for services (Herman
people preferred) Apply at 403 South
( otumercial street ror particulars.
By Bainbridge Colby
Progressive Candidate forUnited
Slates Senator in New York
State, Who Twice Nominated
Theodore Roosevelt for ' the
Presidency in Progressive
As a Progressive, I am supporting-
President Wilson because
ho is the foremost progressive in
tho country today. Ilia record is
one of devotion
to progressive
principles and
o f extraordi
nary persist
ence and suc
cess in trans
lating them in
to law.
The opposi
tion to the
President i s
sinister and
It is composed
of all the shrill
and discordant
forces of envy,
s e If ishness.
privilege and faction, both alien
and native.
j The speeches of Hughes are
nothing but calculating evasions.
He is trying to play both ends
against the middle, and by con
fining himself to timorous gener
alities he hopes to avoid offense
to any section of his motley fol
lowing, and thus "get" the voters
"coming and going." His insin
cerity is contrasted with the
courage, candor' and patriotism
of the President, whose re-election,
I am thankful to say, ia as
sured beyond doubt
lis 1
V "
? A
Wheat Drops Back
to the $1.80 Mark
Chicago, Oct. 26. Wheat recovered
its early decline when new buying was
encountered, but further liquidation by
weak holders kept prices steady. De
cember was ud one over today's open
ing at $1.80 1-2; May unchanged at
$1.79 3-4.
Corn opened lower but recovered un
der pressure from pit traders and
longs, who feared the early movement
of new corn. December was up 3-8 at
87! May down 1 at 88 3-4.
Oats were down slightly on free sell
ing. December down 3-4 at 53 3-8; May
down 1-8 at 57.
Provisions TVere lower on scattered
Company M In Peculiar Shape
Will Take Law to Dis-
; charge men
In order that the men of the Third
regiment who did their three months of
service on the border unci who did not
sign the federal onth and thus come
under the control of the United States
government may be given legal dis
charges, the acting adjutant general of
the Oregon .National guard, -Major V.
V. Wilson, proposes to go before the
next legislature and ask for a law by
which the men who do not come under
tho pay bill can be discharged. This
information was received this morning
by Captain Max (iehlliur, commanding
M company.
According to Captain Gehlhar, the
enlistment contract is n public contract
and neither party can legally Bever it
except through due process of law. Un
der the new federal statute, the enlist
ment contract with the state has not
been abrogated but the men who did
not take the federal oath cannot be
held by the state because the federal
law prohibits the state from maintain
ing any troops other than those (ire
scribed i 1 11 the act. To clear up this
situation the adjutant general will ask
the legislature for a law granting legal
discharges. Under the law . discharges
can be granted for several reasoiiB but
in the case of the men who are hero
in Salem they are not operative and
the only way to discharge them legally
is to have a law passed granting that
Under the new law that went into
effect July 1, the old national guard
companies had three options on muster
ing out of the federal service. They
could be mustered out entirely and lose
identity as an organization; or they
could take the men who had taken tho
oath and organize a new company; or
muster the old company into the fed
eral service. This hist is what took
place with M company at Clackamas
on September 19. So the company is
still an organization.
Coos Bay Towns Make
Big For Naval Base
San Francisco, Oct. 20. MaTslifield
and other Coos Bay, Oregon, towns
are the only Pacitic coast seaports to
make any real effort lor the locating
of the big naval base by forwarding
written staOements, data, etc., it is
learned from Washington. The delay on
the part of San Francisco, San Rafael,
Astoria and other cities seeking the
base to furnish data regarding their
claims is delaying the work of the nav
al committee seeking to recommend a
Now it is the bean situation that is
attracting attention. It seems that Cal
ifornia has a fair crop but of poor
quality nnd that Michigan has a good
crop, the best in many years. The dif
ference between the Michigan and Cal
fornia crops is 73 cents a hundred
freight and the general feeling among
local commission men is that there is a
prospect of the market weakening when
the California crop of inferior grade
is thrown on the market about Novem
ber 1. Farmers in this part of tho val
ley nre holding for higher prices.
Classified Ads
Prompt Service
A $200,000
From the Little
Rooms for Rent
Want Ads
There's a woman in Cleveland, Ohio, who has
amassed a fortune of more than $200,000 through
the use of want ads.
Beginning with a small house with but two extra
rooms which she advertised for rent, the foundation
of the total was made in less than five years.
As' income increased entire houses were leased
and re-rented to roomers through the mighty little
want ads.
Eighteen years have elapsed since the humble be
ginning, but methods have not been changed the
little want ad costing but a few pennies a day is still
renting rooms still piling up profits.
YOUR vacant room may likewise prove the be
ginning of a fortune.
Advertise it in the "Rooms for Rent" columns of
The Journal, and keep the revenue coming. Then
get MORE rooms, and keep them in the live, pro
ducing class, by the SAME unfailing means.
What one has done, others can do, and the little
"want ad" will help you to success. ,
I m Try the new "
It's made the
Wriijlcy Way
How Three Flavws
Have a package of each
Always in reach
Don't forget
after every meal
(Wis! ' . I 1 TTL
v V
A "Mini" of Pleasure
m mm.m m m 0 A W
tor a mete or iosi jp-g
Court House News
Mrs. Lillian Sims, wife of Paul Sims,
of this city, on petition of Mrs. Mabel
Jenson was examined this morning by
Dr. W. If. Hyrd and committed to tho
state hospital for the i una no by Judge
A inarriago license was issued this
morning to Karl Waldo linker, of Clyde
Michigun, and llertha Elizabeth Dun
can, a Salem school teacher.
According to lien F. West, county as
sessor, if tho amendment to the consti
tution making provision that school
districts can only levy six per cent of
tho past year's tax levy passes nt the
election in November, a number of
school districts in Marion eoiintv will
'liuvc to hold an election and make an
other levy. Under the present liingham
law the tax levy for school districts is
not to exceed six per cent of the past
two years. The new amendment would
reduce this to one year, which, as the
tax levies have practically all been
made, will cause some school districts
to exceed the six per cent limit should
the measure become a law. The school
district election would have to be held
in order to comply with the new law.
deorge Fcndiich, who Is charged by
J. F. Jones, district sealer of weights
and measures, with "operating scales
for hire without keeping a record of
all weighings made and for using false
weights," was taken before Justice
Webster this morning, who bound him
over to tho grand jury. Mr. Jones said
this morning Femlricli, who runs a
slaughter houso south- and eiiHt of Sa
lem, had 1 l.i- lit ounces ot leua in ins
weights, which, when computed on a
largo scale, is said to make considerable
difference in wviunts. The discovery
nt in i if f itrjtm.a wuu inuiln in the
... - i.. i L . . ... 'I....l..a
I'm lis.
The Parent-Teachers association, of
tho Highland school mot last evening
for a general social gathering nnd also
a discussion of topics of special inter
est to the neighborhood. Short talks
were mmlc by Superintendent John W.
Todd and director A. A. hee. Arrange
ments were mndo for a picture contest
this winter whereby whichever room
brings the greatest number of purents
to a meeting, is entitled to tho picture
for tho coming month. There was a dis
cussion regarding tho bad sidewalks
leading to tho school and tho decorating
of the school grounds. The patrons of
the school expressed their pleasure over
the fact that tho partition in the as
seinnly room had been removed.
Portland Has Many
Big Ships to Build
Portland, Or., Oct. 2U. Toi-tlnnd
ranks next to Sun Francisco in 1'ucil'iu
Coast shipbuilding, according to i'ig
uros compiled here today. Thirty-eight
contracts totalling 2l,ii'J0,0(Ki in valuo
urn in tho hands of local shipyards, tho
statement shows.
This table gives the following line
up: Sun Francisco art contracts worth
Portland :H contracts worth if-'!,-020,000.
Heutllo 21 contracts worth 21,0iM),
000. Astoriii-St. Helens 22 contracts
worth .,:iiHi,OiHl.
RIOHtV-To Mr. and Mrs. M. Riggs, at
tho Salem hospital, Thursday, Octo
ber 211, lOin, a son.
The eight circles of the Ladies' Aid
Society of the First Methodist church
met yesterday and decided on several
plans for the coining winter. The most
important was the decision to eventu
ally have the church covered with a
climbing ivy, similar to tho one ou tlm
city hull. IJcforu this ivy is planted,
the church will be painted with ;i
waterproof pnint. Other improve
ments contemplated by the aid Hiciety
is thnt of tinting tho walls of tho la
terior of the church and tho placing of
a rubber nintting on the hulls and
stairways. The ladies are also plan
ning to hold their animal lmzaar tho
first woek in December. A report whn
made to the effect thai the aid socie
ties had cleared 710 by their work
during the state fair. Mrs. .1. A. Mills
has served as president of the eight
circles during the past year and will
be succeeded by Mrs. II. U Steeves
who will preside beginning at the next