TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 26, 1916. padded M v'7 HiNoeo v:l TOP il 1 . .,.-- X T"" if ' They unpack without a wrinkle. No pressing necessary. And remember, this is possible only with a Hartmann. In place of the usual bungling straps and tapes a simple adjustable device com presses the clothes and prevents bulging. Hartmann unbreakable hangers provide for quick and easy packing. Let us show you this and other Hartmann Trunks and you'll understand why Hart mann irunks are Special Price Dress Trunks Black Walrus Grain Leather Bag, divided pockets, brass lock and drop catches, :: sPecial $3.25 Uther Uags lrom This week we offer you a splendid value in an all fibre case, anchor handle, brass lock and catches, inside straps, well sewed and riveted, special $1-20 Other cases from v ........................ Q $12.50 C. S. 340 Court St. Complete Housefurnisher SOCIETY By ALINE THOMPSON On Saturday afternoon from 3 to 8 o'clock, the Salem Woman's club will give its annual President's Day reeop- :... Un V l' A rm.A .ff,,!. Ill lie.iu Lho nature of an orientul tea and lunuaual attention is being given to de tails which will make it one of the most krtislio events of the early season. The guests will include tho club members New Coatings and Dress Goods Inef A?! A delayed shipment of Fall JUbl arrive U Worsteds and Coatings, comprised of handsome Plaids, Stripes and Solid Shades. This lot was ordered months ago to be de livered in August. Because of the increased demand for these goods they were placed on back order. Since ordering them the prices of dress goods and coatings have advanced. This advance does not affect the price of this shipment Therefore we offer them at a price lower than the present market value. Coatings To be found here are Flaid Coatings, Plush Coatings. A beautiful col lection of the best goods in the newest shades of brown, black and green. Don't fail to inspect them. Worsted Fabrics A mammoth stock of pop-' mar worsted Fabrics such as San Toy Poplins Serees. French Nprtrps Plaids, Shepard Checks,1 uroaacioths, 0 1 1 omans, Gabardines, Batistes, at ; i . , , I puces lower man can oe found elsewhere. A good many of these fabrics are still priced on the old basis. Qm tne choice ox experienced travelers fotmltd htr and abroad . This Week on all Wardrobe from ALL GRADES AND SIZES HAMILTON and their iavited friends. Mr. nml Mrs. A. N. Hush, accompan ied by Dr. and Mrs. Harry K. Clay, mo tored to Portland Tuesday, returning tho snme evening. Mrs. John J. Huberts and Mrs. Thom as ('. Win i I h , Jr., motored to riilvorton Suitings Worsted Suitings in pret ty Plaids and Stripes. A much wanted variety. They represent the cream of this line of merchan dise and are increasing in popularity. The assort ment is unusually large. Every Garment Instantly Accessible THE PADDED HINGED TOP on the wardrobe section of the Hart mann &3sC Wardrobe Trunk permits instant access to any-garment You don't have to fumble through the entire contents of your trunk to get what you want. Any article of clothing may be removed without disturbing the others Think of the time and annoyance this saves. Better yet, in maNN the hinged top of the wardrobe section is f added. This holds the clothes in a firm ut cushioned eria immovable en route. every wnere. Trunks $21 to $35.00 f , $5.00 to $15.00 $4.00 to $15.00 Phone 29 today to be guests at tho bridge party, for which Mrs.' Claude P. Slndo wjas hostess this afternoon.. . They will return tonight accompany ing Mr. Roberts and Dr. Smith who will motor to Silverton this oVening to be guest nt a birthday dinner to bo given in honor of Mrs. Claude Hlnde and Mr. William Hlude. it Mrs. O. A. Selhlrede of Mnrshfield, Oregon, is visiting at the home nf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Down ing, of 111) State street. ft At tho studio of Miss Minnctta Ma tters, an informal reception will be giv Here Is The Reason Why we have succeeded in building an enormous trade in Children's Footwear. It is, convincingly sufficient. , uister Shaping last Shoes Make Shapely Feet naBniBiiiBiiiBiiiH lAtthl Ith child's J foot U vary ' rf!tthr and FiIwiIih, with thick anklM. As 1 nil the fond mothr uftft good judgment and t th aho r vcAnsillTfflw aaar. I Tha alandcr ll'lf Hnaa cama ' "naturally. with not a aua (ntion of pinch. Tha ankla llnaa ara 1 I airtight and allm, I Iniurlng a graeftful tape aa aga add. rEA flftfth. The heel-hugging principle of Baster Brown Shaping Lasts continues through all sizes. They intelligently anticipate the needs of the growing feet and assure shapely, useful and graceful feet when the child is grown. Buster Brown Shoes are broad when the foot is 1 broad, slim when the foot is long and thin, and neatly tapered as the arch develops. Put your child in BUSTER BROWN SHAPING LAST SHOES and stick to this last ORDERS NEW LINERS . San Francisco, Oct. 26. That Chinese shipping men, operat- ing under the American flag, may become a factor in trans- Pacifio trade is indicated today by the placing of an order with a British Columbia ship yard for two liners by tho China -Mail company. - The firm , contem- plates purchasing two other steamers later on. en by the last year's faculty of the talent high school in honor of the new teachers. - . n Mrs. Frank B. (Triton, ttho has been visiting Mr. imiV Mrs. K. F; srleton, for several days, left Tuesday for hijr home in Haverhill, Mass. About 50 members of the O. E. S. club of Cbadwiek chapter, Order of- the Eastern Htar,were entertained with an informal sewing bee at the Masonic Temple on Tuesday afternoon. i The hostesses for the affair weri: Mrs. Elizabeth 'lamb -Mrs. Clnra.Olson, Miss Mary Cliadwlci-and Miss Edith .Sherman. Late in the afternoon the hostesses served a dainty collation. ft ; The Highland Union of the W. C. .T IT. will hold a mother's meeting at the residence of Mrs. ' Josephine ilockctt, 915 Highland avenue, on Friday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. Mothers and friends are cordially invited. , The first meeting of the season Of the Highland Parent-Teachers' associa tion was held In tho-school on Wednes day. W. IV Hingh?, president of the association, presided at the meeting and interesting talks wcro given by Mr. Lee, president of the Bi'hool board, Su perintendent Todd, and Mrs. Lnmoine Clark. Following the talks Miss Jsola Smith sang a solo and Miss Uertrduc Tucker gavo a reading. ft Mr. and Mrs; John Gary of Coqnille, Oregon, are receiving congratulations upon the advent of a son born Sunday. He will bo called John Everett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary formerly lived in Salem, i the former being a student of Willam ette University. Airs. Uary was -Miss Marie Thomasion before her marriage, . . The Unitarian Alliance will meet at tho residence of Mrs. Clarence S. Ham ilton on Friday afternoon. ' . : ft . , ' Tomorrow afternoon the Ladies Aid society of the". First Presbyterian church will meel) I In. the church par lors at 2:30 o'clock. The marriage of Bert L. Jones and Miss Elizabeth M. Green pf Turner was solemnized at the parsonage of the First Christian church, this morning, Rev. P. T. Porter officiating. Only the immediate families were present. Fol lowing the ceremony, . Mr. and Mrs. Tones left for Portland, where they will pass the winter. ' '' Tho Jones family is an old one .in Saloni and Mr. Jones has many friends here. He is tho. soil of Mr. and Mis. T. B. Jones and another of Miss Alta Jones. ' -,Ln . , w '. The basket social which was to have been given Fridny evening by tho parent-teachers association of the, Moun tain View school has been postponed until a later date. On November the tenth the association will hold a bud' ness meeting. f t The Daughters of the American Rev olution will hold their October meeting Saturday afternoon, the 2Sth, in the ( omniereial club parlors. There will be a brief business session at ' 2 o 'clock, after which Dr.' CarVO. Doney, presi- Browni BStllSIIIStllflMl Th haall has baan I i .u.k.i. I v M llftad. tha ' ankla lima hiva feaaa ducad, tha arch ffa In avldcnca and thai ahapaly to Hnaa now begta ta' appaar. ilH e VEARSII 'III An Ideal adult foot. I .dainty lo (i f lo llnaa, I V . .. . arcnaa ana wnn out a blamiah. At a t a waa tha I child conadoua of th j ahaplog pro.'. a. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. (tout of (Willamette University, will talk an Immigration. Kaeh member is privileged to invite a gueet and a cor ilial invitation is extended to the Sons of the American Revolution and their wives. . Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Stevenson (Toy I'liene Robinett) and small sou, Billy, of Brownsville, who have been passing a few days in Salem as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Winicr, motored. to Portland lodsy for a visit before ye turning libme. ; . ECZEMA Also Called Tetter, gait Rheum, Pruri tus, Milk Crust, Water Poison, Weeping Skin, etc. - I believe eczema can be cured to stay. I mean just what I say t'-U-R E p and NOT merely patched, up to return a gain. Remember, I make this statement after handling nearly a half million enses of eczema and devoting 12 years of my life to its treatment. 1 don't en re what all you have used nor how many doctors have told you that you could not be cured, all 1 ask is just a chance to prove rav claims. If you write nip TODAY, J will send you a FREE TRIAL of mild, soothing, guaranteed treatment that will surely convince you as it has me. If you are disgusted and discouraged, I dare yon to give me a chance to prove my claims. By writ ing mc today I believe you will enjoy more real comfort than you really thought this world held for you. Just try. it, and I feel sure you will agree with me. Dr. J. E. CANNADAY, 335 Court Blk., Sedalia Mo. References: Third National Bank, Se dalia, Mo. Send this notico to some eczema sufferer. TELEPHONE CONTEST E Court Holds Jurisdiction of Such Matters Is With Public Service Commission On account of the Oregon supreme court holding that the circuit courts had no jurisdiction oyer tho regulation of public service corporations because the power of regulation has been dele gated to the public service commission by tne voters ot the state, and because the supreme court held that the, inter position of tho court of equity to grant an injunctive relief wits not warranted, the case of the First National bank of Albany against the Pacific Telephone nnd Telegraph company and the Home lelepnone and ielegraph company, which was dismissed by the judge of the circuit court at Albany, will come before fhc public service commission on November '2.1 in this city at 10:30 o clock. According to the supreme court de cision, the bank of Albany has a pri vately owned and operated telephone system in its building and that it dc- sneil to nave this system connected with the Pacific telephone system so that communication could be had from any office in the bank with any office in the city. A connection was made by the bnuk and the suit was brought in the circuit court to permanently en join the company from disconnecting. I interfering with, or changing it. The connection was made, it is asserted, ! without the knowledge or consent of Ithe telephone company, with one of the I trunk lines of the Pacific company I which connected with a booth in the jbank building. When the suit was dismissed in the circuit court at Albany it was appealed to the supreme court, which, because of the law which provides that the pub lic service commission regulate public : service corporations, ainrnieit ine ,)Uitg ment of the lower court. The case is I believed to be quite import nut as num erous other institutions have like telo i phone systems. j Members of the public service com- mission, who have been in Portland at Ithe hearing concerning the reasonable ness of Tates for salt in car load lots i out of Portland into eastern Oregon, jhave returned to Salem. The transiorta jtion committee of the Portland chamber ; of commerce intervened to get cheap ;cr rates for salt out of Portland, j Ojher hearings of the commission are i scheduled as follows: Stayton, Novem ber 1, at 10 o'clock a. in., on water rights; Canyon City, November S, 4 'o'clock p. in,, electric question; La 'Grande, November 1(1, B:30 a. iu., on express problem; Portland, November 14 and 17, at 10 o'clock on telephone : troubles, and Salem, Nov, SI, 10 o'clock a. m., telephone. STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Sort Cream Applied In Noa trill Relieve Head-Colds at Once. ! if your nostrils are clogged and your head is stuffed and you can't breathe i freely because of a cold or catarrh just get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little- of this fragrant, antiseptic cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate ; through every air passage of your head, soothing and healing the inflamed, swollen mucous membrane and you got instant relief. th how good it feels. Your nos trils ara open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no more headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Kly'a Cream Balm is just what sufferers from head colds and ca- Uarrb need. It's a delight. Jonraal Want Ads sell the goods. A little want ad will make big sales. MM r SHIP Carter's Knit Underwear Display Week " You Can" Stretch Carter's to 2 1-2 Times : . Its Width ; And every time it wilt spring back instantly to its original shape. It-'is this ;;unequalled "give" of their "one-by-one elastic rib"---product of the 'wonder ful Carter Knitting Underwear so supreme ly comfortable, perfect fitting, durable. And this is but one of the features which . ( establish the supremacy, of :; : . h CARTER'S KNIT UNDERWEAR U. G. Shipley Co. 145 N. Liberty St. . Salem, Oregon STARTS ON HIS FINAL DRIVE Visiting Connecticut First Will Go To Indiana, Mak ing 34 Speeches By Perry Arnold. (United Press staff correspondent.) New York, Oct. L'8. Charles K. Hughes began his final drive of the campaigu today. Ho left at 8 u. m. on his fourth an dfiiuil stumping tour 11 strenuous eight day session, which will carry him into Connecticut, Massachus etts, New York, Ohio and Indiana for 34 separate addresses- - The republican nomingO departed in vigorous physical shape, ajid in splendid enthusiasm, follow ing' the big 'demon stration which Brooklyn gnve him lust niglit4 4ii Academy wf Musitt. - ... The Brooklyu speech was the first of a series of "specialized" addresses which the candidate plans to deliver on his trip starting today. It was a plea to "young America" and in it the nominee summed up succinctly his entire repertory of critical analysis .of the campaign issues. Hughes "and his man agers planned tho Brooklyn address as the candidate's final "building" speech of the campaign it w ill be cir culated wholesale in the few days re maining before election. The portions of his speech evoking the grentest enthusiasm from the Brook lyn audience were relative to the pro tection of American lives and property at sen and abroad and preparedness. I'or tho first time, he predicted his elec tion. Market Is Active and Prices er New York, Oct. 26. The New York Evening Sun financial review todav said: Irregular price movements with de clines reported in many issues marked tno course or trailing in tho greater part of today's session in the stock ex change. There were strong spots also, particularly among the low priced rails and the coppers, the latter moving up under the lead of 1'tah Copper, which advanced into new high ground on nn active volume of business in it. To a great extent the losses in various groups were based upon renlizinir sales and tho absence of ag(;cssivc new buy ing, rattier man on active operations by professional traders for lower pric es, while tho demand came in great part from Wall Street interests, both pools and individuals, who apparently were not alarmed over talk heard in speculative quarters of au old fashion ed election scare iu the financial dis trict. There was more talk on polities as a market factor and to a certain degree it was effective iu restraining public participation in the dealings. .Last Hour trading was in active volume,- with prices generally moving to ward a better range, especial strength being reported in the sugar shares, American Can and United States Steel. Every Home can have' H IT .. a musical . instrument Jj Wonderful Values in Piano. Plcjfer Pianos a or Talkini Mochin. Etc ' -"T.T 0, Ve are known to carry only what i Rood, vhat will endure and what iafuOr worth the price aikrd. Our easy payment terma place the beat musical instruments within every one' reach. Fill out the coupon or write for catalogue. Sherman ay&Ca KTIAND. LEY ' S Will pay for the chance to heal Cairn After an experience of 25 years, during which time 50 million Americans have used Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly, the manufacturers of this remedy feel so sure that it will relieve catarrh that they offer to pay . for a chance to prove its benefit to any catarrhal sufferer. They announce that any resident of this community can go to almost any drug store and get a com plimentary trial can at the expense of the manufacturers, if the druggist has no gratuitous packages, the person may buy a 25 cent tube with the unqualified understanding that if that first tube does not do that person more than a dollar's worth of good, he or she can Ret their quarter back from either the druggist, or the Kondon Com pany at Minneapolis. Over 35,000 druggists know Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly is effective, harmless, clean and pleasant to apply and they know the Kondon people will gladly live up to this offer "quarter back if not worth a dollar." Address MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. Mrs. Sanger Arrested Over Birth Control Clinic New York, Oct. id. Mrs. Margaret; K. Sanger was arrested this nfternoou at her birth control clinic at 4d Am boy street, Brownsville, a tenement fc tion of Brooklyn. Tho raiders, who took Mrs. Sanger to tho Brownsville police station, were led by Mrs. Margnret Whitehnrst, a ma tron of the police department. She bud visited tho clinic several times dis guised as a poor Herman woman, push ing a bnby carriage in which was an infant she had borrowed for the pur pose. She told the attendant in charge that she had too many children anil wanted to know what she could do to stop the supply. She says she was giv en information. About 20 women were found in tho clinic. Their iiimies were tnken, to be used as witesscs when the case is called for trial. o Why the Journal is popular it print the world's news to- . day. Bee g- Co., enA1- Sfcerruauor..-- Mow--" 1an.iai - i-, iaal tW0 A3J" IP X W" . aj M VII 1 t w -