TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT; 26, 1916. "W. B, Corsets" "Munsing Underwear" gwinimTmnnmmmmnmmfflmmrmnmm Surprising Clearance Prices on Women's Silk Suits and Silk Dresses We have collected for easy choosing a large number of stylish Silk Suits and Silk Dresses-made in desirable models of fine quality fabrics and popular colors. On ac count of the season being late we have decided to take a loss, so out they go at a sweeping price of Formerly priced up to $39.85 Women's Stylish Boots An excellent assortment of the season's favored kid top Boots in button or lace. Shown in plain colors, also in. color combinationsdark vamp with lighter top. Priced-- $6.00 and up We Sell Grover Comfort Shoes Ask to see the new seamless, plain toe, lace Shoe with rubber heels at $3 50 WANTED An experi- enced Dress Goods Sales Lady. Apply to Supt. Itttttttttttttlltltttlttlltitttttl ilHUWMUlinWwHllUMHHlWIl Wit- Putting Prices on the Kibosh Clearance Sale of Groceries at 4 Jbs. Small White Beans or n COC Best Valley riour on CI m sale $1.60 lt worth that wliolosulo now. lbs. cuive Out Macaroni or O" Mle 5(J 6 tolls Toilet Paper, Urge, or on sale Picnic Hams, on sale i r Pound 1J)C Best Creamery Butter, on J A ale 4UC Full Cream Cheese, on OA sale, pound ZUC Worth 20o wholesale now. Canning Tomatoes, 85c bushel box. Canning Tomatoes are go ing to be high better can some. 35c Steel Cut Coffee 30c 30c Steel Cut Coffee 25c 3 lbs. nice Strained Honey for Bring a quart jar. 30c 25c package Baking Powder, on aale 20c Buy now at these low Prices. We need $roo more and this sale will end. I.I Damon & Son 865 N. COMMERCIAL STREET ' PHONE 68 xmL' JUL PERSONALS ' W. L, torduy. MeDougul was in Purtluud yes F. K. F.bhnon was in the city yester day from Tillamook, C. K. Spauldhig was iu Portland rents tercu in ut the Imperial. Mr. mid Mr.. C. T.. H..litt m,.tr,l ' this morning to Portland. , Attorney lllen E. Unruh is attending to legal affairs iu Albany. Charles Cook, of Sheridan, registered yesterday at the Capital hotel. i Jcanotte Booth was a Portland visit-' or yesterday, registered nt the Neward. Walter Domes and Henry Bross, of! McCoy, were registered at the Bligh yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Spencer left this morning over the Oregon Electric for Los Angeles for an indefinite stay L. M. White and L. S. Barnes returned yesterday from a deer hunt about 00 miles west otkhuuene. briiiirinir back a big buck. A. L. Wallace, who has been study- ing optometry for the past six months' Funeral services were held this nftor iu Los Angeles, is expected home about noon from the chapel of Webb & Clongh, the first of next month. couuucieu oy uie Kev. ueo. i. Holt. J. K. Scott, who has been attending Burial was iu .the Odd Fellows' cenio to real estate affairs iu Colorado, Texas trJ, and other eastern points for the past six weeks, is expected home Saturday or Sunday. Mr, and Mrs.. George H. Stratham and sou of Koxhurg, Idaho, left this morning for California after a two mouths' extended visit nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Sim, of Hazel ureen. Airs, ntratliam and Jlrs. Sim aro sisters. 1 ' Journal Want Ada Get Results You want Try one aaa fee. LITTLE TALKS By 8. W. STRAUS PniiJint Amir 'uan Stcitty , Ti'ift 1 II death should come to you today, would your family be practically or entirely pen niless? Would your wife nave to go to work? Would the diildren have to quit school before they . had learned enough to earn a decent salary? What outlook would they have for the future? , These are the problems the widows and children of the average man have to meet and solve daily. These are questions every nun should ask I himself seriously . 1 It has been said that the difference between rich man and a poor man j is a few cents: A rich man spends I a little less than he earns and a poor I man a little more than he earns, j The poor man looks at the rich man and throws discretion to the winds. j "I'm going to have those things, too," 'he says. And he cuts down on his I savintrs or ceases to save altotrcther. t The Germans have always been held up to us as models in the mat- iter of economy and thrift; and now wnen economy is more necessary than ever before, their ingenuity and resource! ulnen are notable. It is jenorte d that Oerman troops when ' i 1 I "Butterick Patterns" UP ittttiiKittttammirKmmitiiiiMitwtww.?J? t?;inmmn:intKnitmit!ttntrmttinitrTtt,rttt..... 1 : DIED. .GRUNDY At her home, (i70 North Summer wtreet, October 23, IllKi, .Mrs. Mvn Grundy, in her 03, year, after J a year's illness. ' She is survived by her husband, Rich- aril uriindy, and a daughter, Jessie. funeral services will be held Friday afternmm at :;I0 o'clock at the chapel V f, 1(v! ",mLwi." '""'1,"'t- "! bntho, uv-. Vu' K11'"U of the 7 f,?, ,"x" chll,""h- Blirinl ,vi" bo m 1,10 0lla 1?"""g cemetery. M1RIJN At his home, 1108 North High street, October 25... 1111(1, Frederic Robert Ehrlin, in hi 71st year, He is survived by a son, Charles F.hr- Iin of L Angeles; a daughter, Mrs. ' oia uures, oi iircen reenncres. Wash.: tour sisters. Airs. C. Ling, of Salem; Mrs. ftlina Brostcdt, of St. Paul, Minn.: Mrs. '0 Johnson, of Wheatland, Minn-, and A- rorsherg, of Sweden: a niece, Mrs. A. C. Nelson, and u nephew, Ben Ling, of Salem. The High school football team will leave tomorrow morning nt six o'clock ny trucK for their trip to Tillamook play the toothall team of that high school - Friday afternoon. Sixteen of the boys will make the. trip. Very lit tie is known of tho playing of the Tillamook team ns tins is their first game with a team from the vallev. On November 4 the Sulem team will play on the Salem grounds with the Salem high ON THRIFT working to the rear from the trenches are extended in long lines' so that they may hunt on the way for bullets from French rifles. These' are made from copper alloy and can be used in the munitions factories of Germany. For every two pounds of bullets 2 cents is paid, and for every French 75-millimeter shell S cents is paid. More is paid for the large English and French sheila with the copper bands. And this is not all. A well-known German doctor ha suggested to the German govern ment that experiments be made with crows, with a view to using the tens of thousands that follow the armies as food. Dr. Schnee himself has experimented and says that pickled the flesh is edible and that from the fat can be produced lard which the Russian peasants use. It would seem from these instances that there is no end to the ways in which thrift can be practiced when necessity demands. ' With all our reputed extrava gances as a nation the report of the , postal savings just issued show that the- habit of thrift is increasing in ' this country. In the month of July, ; the mid-summer month when vaca-; tions and holiday spending of hoarded funds reach their height, it. Is shown that all records in postal savings were surpassed, with a net gain of more than $3,700,000, against one of f 32,940 In July, 1915. While ; the gain is -reported from all parts! of the country, it is noted that New, 1 nrk. (liit-ncrn. HAilnn rtotriMt Pittsburgh. San Francisco, Portland Ore., and Philadelphia hold about 42 per cent of all deposits. All Around Town .tMMMM (MING EVENTS TONIGHT. Oirt. 26. Kdward F. Burns, - Modern Woodman lecturer, at McCornack's hall. ' Oct. 30. First annual meeting of Salem Floral Society at Commercial Club. Oct. 30-Xov. 4. "Dress Up Week" in Salem. Oct. 31 Senator Goro of Okla homa will speak at the armory. Nov(. 1. Senator Lane at Opera House. Nov. 1. United Artisan home coming. November 6. City primary election. November 7. Presidential elec tion. Nov. 10. Victrola Grand Opera Concert, II Trovatore, at Pub lic Library. Nov. 11. Football, Sulem high school vs. Eugene high. Nov. 18. Football, Willamette University vs. Pacific- Uni versity, Willamette Fjeld. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bld. The Young People's League of the Salvation Army will give an entertain ment Friday evening at the army head-' quarters on Court street. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Frederick S. Lamport, lawyer, has moved to No. 21213, Hubbard bldg. tf A. T. Woolpert, of the Central Phar macy, reported to the police this morn ing that his bicycle had been stolen from his home at 450 South Fourteenth street. The poliyq are investigating the matter. Chas. B. Hodgkln,' general insurance. 301 Hubbard building. Phone 38B. novl7 A small smudge fire Brothers' welry store of Liberty and Stale afternoon at 3 o'clock fire department. The In Hartman lit the corner streets, this ailed out the auto pumper and the chemical responded. No da in- age was done. SUnk Cereo, the liquid food, lealtb drink. Ask your grocer. the tf The sweet potato market is- in rather an unusual condition. Just now it is not so much the price ns the difficulty of getting thenn iiom California and commission men predict that unless the car shortage situation improves, the potato eaters will have to eonfino them selves to the regulation Murphys. Dr. R. Meuric Roberts, osteopathic pliysician, 30 Masonic bldg. Phone 4U!I A get-togetner meeung was nem night at the First Christian church in 1 which 400 members met 311st to tulK over the general situation in regard to what should be done the coming winter. hort tnllU were made by T. B. Kay, Mrs. Flora Clark, Adorn Bums, Mrs. Eu genia Gilliugham and Mrs. F. T. Porter. Your gift with our imprint needs no further recommendation. Set your watch by our street clock. Gardner & Keenc, Salem's most reliable jcwclors. Walter W. Whiteson and J. G. Moore, of Milwaukee, Wis., were in Sulem this morning ou a tour of the state. They are members of the Y. M. C. A. nnd stopped at the Salem association to greet Secretary Compton. JTliey will visit all Y. M. C. A.'s along the line. They lire on their way to Fresno, Calif. Democratic headouarters room one Knyne building. Those desiring pictures of the president call there. 0 An appeal Is being made to the Am erican people lor a noiiiiu soiun-rs tobacco fund to be administered by the Overseas club of New York. Letters were received by several business men this morniuir askinir for n small remit tance, .setting forth the miseries of the Belgian soldiers who are without the comforts of tobacco. Democratic headquarters room one Bayne building. Those desiring pictures of the president call there. The story this morning at the Oregon City Transportation company's weather department is as follows: Tho temper ature yesterday hud a range from 5!) to 34 r the river fell one-tenth of an inch and the gungo now is 1.2 feet below tero; there have been seven foggy days so far this month and today marks the 47th day of the drought. Hear Edward F. Burns tonight Mc Comack bldg. (i o'clock sharp. Bert L Jones of this city and Miss Elizabeth M. Green, of Turner, were married this morning by the Rev. F. T. Porter at the church parsonage. The ceremouy was witnessed by the parents of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Jones, of 417 North Commercial street, and a sister. Mr. and Mrs. Joues left for Port land where they will spend the winter and next spring,-. mnk their home in eastern Oregon. Hear Edward F. Burns tonight Mc- Cornnck bldg. 8 o'clock sharp. Harry E. Albert, national bank ex aminer, writing to Joseph II. Albert from St. Paul, relates that at a meet ing of commercial travelers held last week in St. lul two straw votes were taken, both showing a. strong Wilson sentiment. The polttirUns iu that part of the country are placing Oregon in the doubtful list, with a strong lean ing towards Wilson, according to the letter. Best out of town dance Stayton Sat-1 iirday October 28. Salem orchestra, i Fine floor. o Sergeant French of the TJ. S. recruit ing office was in Staytuu, Sublimity and Aumsville yesterday interviewing postmasters and posting bills notifying the young men of the country that re cruits were wanted. ' Buy your range -07 Imperial Furniture li and net set of g. t set oi ; Company this month dishes free ., : ' ' Governor Withycomue will get Into huying the two pieces of real estate, the campaign next week and will deliver- Wedel this morning bought an cr addresses Tuesday evening at stay-'automobile in order that he might visit ton and Wednesdav eveniue at Jeffe'r- i among his Mennonito friends iu the son. Ha will be accompanied by men who are deeply interested in the out come of the November 7 election. Friday evening at 7:45 o'clock an en tertainment will be given by the Young Peoples League ot the Salvation Army, 343 'a Court St. County School Superintendent Smith is. sending his bi ennial report to the state superintendent ot public instruc-i :.... ..,.1 ...:u i. : i ' nun luunt , nnicil mil ue mem puril into that official's report to the state legislature next January. He has gone to St. Louis today uud will attend a school fair at Scotts Mills Saturday. $10.00 worth of dishes free with each range sold this month at Imperial Fur niture Co. O. P. Hoff, state labor commissioner, and his four field deputies V. B. Chance, C. H. Cram, W. A. Dalziel and Carl Caufield are attending the log- crinrr I'otirrrnss find Vni'ifii. t'nrfst nnd ennsprvatinn cnnfirini' in Portland. It is probable they will go to the session that will be lielid in Aberdeen, ash., ou Grays Harbor. Music while youwalt-if you have! a Sonera Talking Machine in vour home Myrtle Knowlaud, 421 Court St. o Having heard two United States sen- ators this week, the good people of Sa- Ipm will iinvo n phntipp tn lunr two more uistinguisuea speaaers from tne Liiiteu States senate next week. tJciintors Gore will speak Tuesday evening at the arm ory and the announcement is made to day that .Senator Lane will speak at the opera house next Wednesday evening. Four United States, senators within 10 days is Salem's political record. Dr. Stone's Drug Store makes free delivery. Phone 33. Homer A. Robb, candidate for county surveyor of Folk county on the republi can ticket, was in Salem this morning. He is campaigning in West Salem today nnd is making his way among the elec torate on foot, as he says iu this way he can get closer in touch with the vot ers. He was on the Mexican border last summw with Company L, of Dallas. At that time he was wearing a beard, so that when he returned his friends did not know him. For political reasons he has shaved it off. o Can. tin On nil lnw .ha. ..no. a. m ,.., jtl,re C"o. g The potato situation is about likeimittee of the Commercial club for the this: There is the smallest crop iu the awards next Wednesday. The pupils will country since l'.HL The condition fig-jail write on the same subjects, but the ures 02 per cent of a normal crop. Thea : competition for the three five dollar there is the car shortage that is prevent-1 prizes will be between pupils of the ing shipments and very little steamer! same grades, space to be had. Under these conditions I 0 commission men are offering extra high prices for shipments to California where the crop is under the average, all of which figures in fa'or of the farmer. Potato experts predict even higher prices. Smoke Hygrade cigars and boost for Salein during Salein week.. 0 The annual rally of the First Chris - tian church to take place next Sunday wui do more 111 me way ot securing permanent pupils for the Sunday school, rather thun in the number of new pupils to be enrolled. Last year the enrollment fos- the day was 1,015, against AOS two years ago. Special music has been pro pared, including a violin solo by Miss Mary Schultz, singing by the ladies' quartette of the church and readings by Mrs. F. T. Porter- Music of a mili tary nature will also be included as the rally has been named "Mobilization Dny." Wonderful laundry work Since Feb ruruy the Salem Steam laundry has been using the electric process in their washroom. To demonstrate, see two shirts nt Joe Haines' storo window. 305 State street. After sixty washings they arc hardly distinguishable from new shirts of the- same pattern. Why not get the best laundry work to be had. It costs no more. The Salem. Steam laundry, oldest, lurgestK best. tf Cornelius Lehaue, noted Irish labor leader, told last night the graphic story of the Irish movement known as "The Irish Republic," in the Labor hall to an audience estimated to be over 400. He declared that because of the British censorship the real truth of the affair I was never made known and said that the battle of Dublin, which ended con- ..,;.; i., T,ln,t .nv,i .), liv... ..f ' 217,000 men although 217 were killed. He said votes for the socialist candidate Benson would be an endorsement of the Irish cause under James Connolly. L. E. Cannon introduced the speaker. Tor the purpose of furthering the interests of the music teachers of Sa lem it is proposed to choose officers next Monduy night at a meeting to be called for that purpose, according to a decision reached last night at a meeting of musicians iu the college of music of Willamette university. The meeting was called b.v Dr. Chace, dean of the col lege, aiid a large number of Salem music teachers were present. At next Monday 's meeting delegates to the state eonveution of musicians at Portland from November 30 to December 2. Dr. Frank Chace is vice-president of the atate association and Miss Minetta Mag ers one of the managers at large. Mr. Wedel and Family Here to Open Hospital F. B. Wedel, who will establish a Meuuonite hospital in Salem, Accom panied by his wife, daughter and two ' deaconess nurses arrived in the city today. The first ear load of household furni ture and hospital supplies arrived thief morning from American Fulls, Idaho, where Mr. Wedel has already estab lished a hospital. - The property at the corner of Win ter and Oak streets had already been purchased; by Mr. Wedel for hospitul purposes and this morning, for a resi- dente'"r "i""-'" """J t'1"'1"' ,he "er wed b.v M. A- KUm- at the corner l 0gk au(l Univcrsity .,,, become the property of Mr. Wedel. Besides the property vallev. As soon ns other shipments of house hold furniture and hospital supplies are received, the hospital will be opened to the public. The meeting tonight at the First Presbvterian church in charge of lr. Hutchinson, will not begin until X:3) o'clock in order to give those who de sire time to attend prayer meeting. The discussion toniuht will be, "Was tho War inevitable.' The funeral of Mrs. N. J. Moore, a sis'.er of Mrs. John Bay lie, who died nt Agute Bench Wednesday, will be held from tlfc home of John linyne, 414 Bellevue street Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock instead of from the chapel of Webb and Clough ns first announc ed. , The oldest grocers in the city, those who have been in the business here for a quarter of a century or more, arc hav ing a hard time trviug to remember nlicii flour was higher than yesterday Also wondering how long ago it was 1 wnen sugar una m-mug ii price today. Pascal TragUo, who was sent from Sa- lein to the naval training station nt Coat Island, San Francisco, has re- turned to Salein to have a growth re- moved I'rom his arm. Ou arrival at the naval training station it was found that a oroivth in his left arm prevented his iiiKEuitwr t hp PYRimnntlnii. lie win nave it removed and then return. I 0 I Those who wish to give children books 1 for Christmas but have doubts -e.s to ; what is appropriate, will be greatly us-! sistcd in making their selections by nt-! tending the book exhibit to be held; early in November at the public library under the direction of the librarian, Miss Anne D. Sweezey. The books to bo shown will follow closely those suggest ed by Miss Marvin, state libiariau, in her list named "The Golden Staircase." The books will include those for chil dren of all ages and will be shown in fine editions and also in the less ex pensive, 0 Plans were completed last evening whereby all the pupils of the public schools from the seventh grade up will be instructed to write essays ou Salem's j dress-up week, under the direction of -Miss Rigdon, of the Knglish depart- nient of the high school- The teachers . ..f a.i.li nine. ..'Apo iulnmf.J ... nnli.n two of the best essays next Tuesdnv, am, ,lirn tll(,m in s,)(M.i8l conl. Because there is no statute in Ore gon that permits soldiers while absent on duty to vote at elections, Governor Withycombe plans to bring before the next legislature a bill remedying this state of affairs. On this account the members of Battery A and Troon A who are now in service on the border, jaro nbt allowed to vote- The governor ! believes that provisions should bo- made , so they could vote as they, if any, are j entitled to do so. According to tiie nt- .torney general the remedying of tin 'condition is a simple matter nnd wil II be brought before the next legislature in order that a repetition of this situation will not be possible. 0 A series of addresses by tho heads of the various state institutions will be made during the winter Sundny even ings at the First Christian church, be ginning a week from next Sunday ev ening, when the first talk of the series will be given by Dr. Smith, superinten dent of the Oregon Institute for the Feebleminded. Next Sunday evening at the Christian church, state treasurer T. B. Kay will talk on several proposed tax amendments and the Rev. F. T. Por ter on the proposed liquor amendment. Atter the two short addresses, thero will be a general discussion in which all will be invited to express opinions. 0 School districts of Marion county will soon receive the books of refer ence, and fiction which the county school suerintendeuthns reeoivVd froiii the J. K. Gill company ot Porflund ns part of the allotment of books pur chased each year with the special ten cents per capita fund. The fund is 'nnca under tne direction of the 8,n,f 1'br" designated how y'"V . 1 s,,uum " . ."'I. tot "e schools aro purchased 111 this way. much cheaper than ordinarily be cause the .1. K. Kill company has a contract for supplying the state with books. Silverton's school library re reived ifOS.SO; Woodbnm, iMti.OO; Stay ton $2S, while the smaller rural dis tricts average from $3 to School Girls Will Bake Their Own Bread San Francisco, Oct. 20. San Fran cisco school girls today declared war on the increased price of bread. At the Lux school of industrial train ing, hundreds of girl students started a bakery iu competition . with local bread making concerns. Heretofore the school cafeteria has been supplied by bakeries. Now the girls will make the bread in the cooking department FRANK M. SHEDECK Candidate for the office of (u) City Marshal My record in this office is open to the public. Kqual justice to all. ,No favors. A square deal for everybody. Ytfur support is solicited. oct28 (I'd. Adv) ' " PUBLIC 1 SALE I Tuesday, October 31, at 10 a. m.,. nt the Philip Roes farm a miles south of Salem on Jefferson Road. Sale will include Horses, Cows, Young Stock. Harvesting Machinery and all kinds of Farming Implements. Terms of J sale, cash. I DAVIS REUS, Administrator. 4. Auction Sale FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1910. Located at the J. W. Rankin farm, 0110 and one-half miles east of fair grounds, between Silverton nnd Garden roads, or one-quarter mile west of Holly wood brick yard. Consisting of horses, farm machinery, and household furniture. See bills for particulars. J. W. Snarrah, Owner. F. N. Woodry, Auctioneer Phone 511... Salem, Or. Auction Sale Of (i-rooin modern bungalow with fireplace and built-in ef fects, on lot ."iOxlOO feet. Also household furniture and piano, nt 200 S. 20th street, on Mon day, Oct. 30, 1910, at 1:30 p. in." Chas. Rector, Owner. F. N. Woodrv, Auctioneer. Phone 511 WANTED Household Furniture. Woodry the Auctioneer will .pay highest cash price for same. Phone oil. CAR5 op Any kimd Any time PIANO TUNING First-chiss work. All kinds of repairing. All work guar anteed. Twenty-five years' experience. Leave orders at Wylie B. Allen Co., phono 1187. Residence phone 1405. J. E. HOCKETT, 915 Highland Avenue.. When you want to gn in haste with a clean cur and small fare nnd you must, get to a place, Phone to me, I'll tnko you there. Phones: Day 13; Nights 882. J. A. KAITIIAHX, Oct.St Hubbard Bldg. NOTICE OP TRUSTEES' SALE Notice is hereby given that on Sat urday, October 2S. 1010. I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for caeli, all counters show cases, stoves, cook ing utensils, dishes and equipment be longing or pertaining to the business operated at 420 Court street, under the name of the Jitney Coffeo Club, such sale to be held at 420 Court street ot the hour of ten o'clock n. ni. W. II. TRIABLE, Assignee. ' oct27 of the school. Special classes in bread making have been started in other city schools where domestic science is taught. GLYCERINE AND BARK " PREJ7ENT APPENDICITIS The simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glvcerine .etc., known as Adlcr-i-ka, astonishes Salein people. Becau'-e Adler-i ka acts 011 BOTH lower Bud up per bowl, ONE M'OONFl'L relieves al most ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gns. It removes such sur prising foul matter that a few doses often relieve or prevent appendicitis. A short treatment helps chronic stom ach trouble. The INSTANT, easy ac tion of Adler-i-ka is astouishing. J. .'. Perry, druggist. Wedding Invitations, Announcements tnd Calling Cards Printed at the Jour nal Job Department.