Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 25, 1916, Image 1

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    , -
nnirni nrnrn mvmo . ON TRAINS AND NEW
r? a
Unexpected Attack by V $nch Compels Crown Prince to
Call for HelpTroops, fished from Somme Arrive Too
I Late to Save the Day- rmans Capture Bridge Across
1 Danube Body of Russian and Rumanian Troops Trap
pedEstimate Russian Loss Since June 1 at 1,797,522
Paris, Oct. 25. Two violent German counter attacks
were delivered last night and this morning against the
positions on the Haudromont-Damloup line northeast of
Verdun, won by the French in yesterday's great assault.
Both attacks failed, the French maintaining all their
positions, it was officially announced today. The French
spent the night cleaning up Fort Douaumont, captured
from the Germans yesterday.
Among the three hundred prisoners is the German
commander of Fort Douaumont.
German reinforcements are being rushed up to the
Verdun front to meet the new French offensive, accord
ing to advices from the. front today.
In response to the crown prince's appeal for help, the
Teutons are shifting regiments back from the Somme to
the Verdun front. German units from the Somme battle
field arrived before Verdun yesterday while the French
were smashing their way northward, but too late to take
part in the day's action.
General Nivelle's lightning stroke northwest of Ver
dun yesterday accomplished a two fold purpose. It
definitely removed the German menace to Verdun and it
halted the massing of a huge German army on the
Bapaume-Peronne line for a great counter attack on the
The German lines were thrown back two miles at the
point where they had made their nearest1" approach ' to
Verdun. Fort Douaumont, the village of Douaumont and
other positions were captured. The battered Fort Vaux,
surmounting a hill southeast of Douaumont is the only
important work on the northeast front of Verdun re
maining in German hands. A terrific artillery duel east
of the Meuse gave Paris an inkling that important in
fantry actions were approaching on the Verdun front.
It is believed here that the Germans miscalculated the
strength of General Nivelle's forces and stripped their
Verdun lines past the danger point to prepare for a
counter attack on the Somme. Whlie the troop shifting
was in progress, French guns began tuning up and
French infantry struck before the German regiments
could be recalled from the Somme.
Capture Big Bridge.
Berlin, via wireless to Snyvillo, I,. I.,
Oct. 25. Cernavodu, eastern terminus
of the great 14 mile railway bridge
crosBing tho Danube, into Rumania, was
enptured by Field Marshal Muckensen's
riny this morning, it wus officially an
nounced todny.
The victory is regarded as of vastly
more importance than the capture of the
(eaport of Constnnzn three days ago.
"On Recount of the rainy w-enther on
the Somme sector, activity diminished
yesterday, except that the 'artillery fire
temporarily increased. In the- evening
liours French attacks from the line of
Lea Rouefs to Rnncourt broke down be
fore our barriendes without success."
"Cernnvoda was captured this morn
' Sua." said tho war office statement.
"The details arc not yet known. Bv
this the Rumanian-Russian army operat
ing in uouruiljn. is deprived of its last
Constable Plum says some Yolks eat a
roast in' ear like ther wuz a valuable
prize waittn' fer 'em at th' other end.
Why don't some one design a different
lookin' trophy enpf
railroad and an exceedingly important
success gained.
"On the east front, in.Transylvanin,
the situation was unchanged by local
attacks. North of Campolung (Ruma
nia) our attack progressed. Vulkau Pass
was taken by Herman and Austro-ltun
gar inn troops in a storming attack with
hand to hand lighting. '
Loss of the Cernnvoda, admitted by
the Russian war office is a more serious
blow to the Rumanians from the mili
tarv standpoint thnn the fall of Con
stnnzn. It not only cuts off the retreat
of the Russo Rumnnian armies driven
frcni the Constauza-Cernnvodn railway.
hut opens up the way for A drive on
Bucharest from the east, while ialkeu
hayn'H Austro-Gerninn armies arc ad
vancing from the west.
The defeated Russo-Rumnninn armies,
! driven northward from the railway, ore
n a precarious position, the mission ot
ficial stntement indicates. There are
no other bridges across the Danube
north of Ornavoda and it appears prob
able that upuless a large part of the
Russo-Rumauian force escaped across
the bridge before Ceruaroda was evacu
ated they will be trapped east of the
Danube ,suffering the fate of the Ru
manians at Tutrnkan fortress.
Rumanians Retreating.
Berlin, Oct. 25. The Rumanian force
that evacuatod CouBtnnza has retreated
nearly 20 miles and is falling back
steadily toward the Danube.
Official dispatches indicate that the
Rumaninns are forming their lines iu a
semi-circle, the ends resting on - the
Danube, fur a ctubborn defense of the
Cernnvoda bridgehead. The whole Black
sea front north of t'onstanzn it being
evacuated by the enemy.
Interest is divided here between
Mackeuaen's decisive victory in Dobr
udja and Falkenhayn's new success in
the invasion of Rumania from the west.
The Austro-Oerninns are now attacking
violently, following up their success at
Predeal and are pushing on toward
Full details have not been received
here, the war office announced, but it is
believed that considerable Russian and
Rumanian troops have been trapped east
of the Danube, in Dobrudja, and are In
a very precarious position.
On the Transylvanian frontier Fat
kenhayn's Austro-German armies have
won another great victory, capturing
(Continued on page six.)
. San Francisco, Oct. 23. The
price of bread will be raised to
six cents a loaf or higher this
afternoon at a meeting of tho
California Master Baker associ
ation. With the price of wheat touch
ing such a high figure, having
risen 90 cents a barrel in a
week, the bakers declaro it is
impossible for them to sell a
12 ounce loaf for five cents
and make a profit. The law
sets the weight of a five cent
loaf at 12 ounces so the bak
ers propose to meet the situa
tion by selling a slightly larg
er loaf for a higher figuro.
Manufacturer Says It Is Not
Charity But a Matter of
Detroit. Mich., Oct. 25. Four hund
red women employes in the Ford Motor
company factory in Detroit and several
hundred others in branch factories and
offices, will benefit from the $3 mini
mum wage scale, announced yesterday
by Henry Ford following his conference
with President Wilson at Long Branch.
Ulticials or tne 1'ord company de
clared today that the new wage plan
aifects all women employes of the com
pany in the United States who are more
than 21 years old. Women under 21
who have dependents will also share
in the higher wage schedule, it was
stated. Tho new scale became effective
October 10.
Ford officials einphnsizcd today that
the decision to pay women on a basis
of onunlity with men must not be re
garded as a philanthropic project. They
expressed conviction that tne princi
ple will be vindicated from an economic
standpoint and poiuted to the last
annuul statement of the Ford company
as absolute proof of the financial suc
cess of the $5 minimum plan, both to
the company and its employes.
the financial statement, covering
the year ending July 31, showed profits
of approximately $00,000,000 by far
the biggest year in tho history of the
Ford concern. Of a total of 49,870 em
ployes, the statement showed 36,320 re
ceived $5 or moro per day.
Wheat Makes New High
Record In Northwest
Wheat bids in the country markets
were raised to A cents on the aver
age yesterday, but as was the case on
-Monday, when there was a similar lift
ing of prices, the advance made no
marKed impression on farmers, tho sell
ing, in fact, being lighter as the price
moves upward.
At tho Merchants" Kxchange blue
stem bids were rained 4 cents to 1.54(a
1.50, and offers for other kinds of
wheat were 3 to 0 cents higher than
Monday, but sellers kept well above
tne bids and no deals were closed.
The top price offered for bluestem
brought the local market within 3 cents
of the record quotation established last
year, but at some points in the couutry
business was put through at prices far
in excess of any quotation heretofore
known in the northwest.
Junes At Patton is quoted in an
eastern paper as saying that while he
is not holding anv wheat, the pros
pects nre for a price close to 2 per
bushel this season. Mr. l'at ton nays that
the exportable surplus of the country
has been eaten into quicker than gen
erally supposed nlso that high prices
for wheat would be the best thing, just
now, as economy would be forced, and
sup lies would be made to go a longer
way. the opinion is further expressed
that this last big advance was caused
almost entirely by tho heavy export
buying. Chicago interests had compar
atively little long wheat, and they were
rather unprepaced tor what transpired.
Mr. Patton believes that corn will sell
higher; he states that the amount al
ready sold for export is heavy, and
prospects are for a continuance of the
foreign buying of corn. Italy is stud
to be among the heaviest buyers, and,
according to the information Mr. Put-
ton has, the country in many cases is
feeding upon com, instead of wheat.
Hop Market EU Slowed Down
The hop market has quieted down
at all points on the coast. A small -
mount ot business was reported yester
day in Oregon at 6 to 11 rents, accord-
ng to quality.
The Kentish Observer says of the
English hop market:
"trade during the past week has
been fairly steady; a demand has de
veloped for coloury samples of ' new
Knglnnd hops, which are not so plenti
ful as desired, and sales have been ef
fected at improving prices, ranging
from 120s to 140a per cwt. The lower
grades have been freely offered at
90s to 105s per cwt., but buyers are at
present slow to accept them. In the
American and Belgian sections there
is no change to rejiort, the attention
of buyers being centered on the new
Ifome produce."
Helmets for aviators have been in
vented with wireless receiving tele
phones built into the ear flaps.
Price Jumps to $1.86 But
Drops Back to $1.82 As
Market Closed
Coast Prices Jump, in Sym
pathy and Potatoes Get
on Aeroplane
Chicago, Oct. 25. Wheat continued
its climb toward the expected $2 mark
when the Chicago grain market opened
today, amid scenes of excitement com
pared only to grain conditions during
some of the historic corners.
Brokers were bidding wildly !for grain
and the pit was in a turmoil. Heavy
demnnd from millers and - exporters,
which has already caused some select
ed grades of ca.h wheat to sell for $2,
seemed to craze the market. It was al
most impossible to buy cither December
or May except in small quantities mid
at a startling advance.
December opened up 7-8 over the close
yesterday. May was up I 1-8, within
half an hour December had jumped
3 1-2 to $1-83 1-2 and liny was up 3 1-4
to $1.83 1-4 over the high opening.
Fortunes are being made ia wheat.
One deulcr . holds a million butdiels
bought, nt $1.00.
Grain men reported that the Armour
Grain company, and "wheat king" Jim
Patten were heavy holders of futures.
Recent cables from Argentine indi
cating that South America will not be
able to export anything like the normal
amount helped the advance here today.
Just before noon, the market had ad
vanced to 184 3-8 for December and $1.
83 3-4 for May; approaching the maxi
mum of 1.85 during the Leiter corner
in 1808.
At one time during trading December
wheat went to 1.80 and May to $1-84,
December exceeding and May equalling
the high figure set during the famous
Leiter corner in 1898.
Closes Around 11.82.
Chicago, Oct. 25. After a thrilling
session in the grain pits today in which
December wheat went to $1.86, one
point higher than the mark set in the
famous Leiter eorner in 1898, tho price
fell back to around $1.82. May reached
1.85, but also declined. Alnrmiug
Argentine crop reports were au import
ant factor iu tho new advance today
and big grain men were buying heavily.
December was up 2 1-4 cents over to
day's high opening at ,82 1-4. May
up 2 cents at 1.82.
Corn was relatively steady, despite
the violent fluctuations in wheat. De
cember showed the wheat change be
ing down 1-8 at 88 3 8 and May up 1-8
at 90 5-8.
Oats were steady with December un
changed at 55; May down half at
58 3-8.
Provisions were Bteady after heavy
gains yesterday.
No Hope" From Argentine.
Buenos Aires, Oct. 25. A severe
drought thnt threatens, severe damage
to the Argentine wheat crop has boosted
I wheat prices out of sight and has killed
all chances that the Lmted States may
obtain relief from rising flour prices
from Argentine shipments.
Wheat sold at 15 pesos per hundred
kilos yesterday, a new record on the
! Buenos Aires market. Exporters say
that a prolongation of the present
I drought for a fortnight will destroy
three-quarters of the crop. Thousands
j of cattle are dying for lack of fodder.
I Littler wheat was shipped to the Uni
I ted States from Argentine. The Argcn
i tine surplus was sold largely in Eu
ropean countries which must make larg
er requisitions upon the United StnteB
if the Argentine surplus is wiped out by
the drought.
Record in Portland.
Portland, Ore., Oct. 25. Wheat hit
(Continued on page five.)
Chicago, Oct. 25. A jump of
100 per cent in the eost of staple
foods in the last two years is
shown in a striking table com-
piled by David Rosenheim, a re-
tail grocer here, today.
Present 2 Yrs-
Price Ago.
Sugar, per pound $ .08 $ .04
Flour, barrel 10.00 6.00
Navy beans, per
pound 00 to .12 .03
Butter, per pound. .40 .30
Kggs, dozen 45 .25
Potatoes, sai-k .... .40 .20
Lard, pound 18 .12
Cheese, pound 30 0
Questioner Stirs Colonel's
Wrath, and He Boasts of
What He Did .
CaHs of "We Want Teddy"
Forced Mrs. Robins to
Cut Her Speech
By J. P. Yodor. .
(United Press stuff correspondent.)
Denver, Colo., Oct. 25 Colonel Roose
velt stnrted the last leg of his Hughes'
campaign tour today, with one moro
scheduled speech on his program nn
address that ho has labelled his "100
per cent Americanism" message. As ho
went, 10 days ago, into Wilkesbnrre
Pennsylvania's greatest labor center
to denounce tho Adumsou law, bo he
turned Chicagoward today to denounce
in the midwestern metropolis com
prising perhaps Amorica'a mont nolvelot
population, "50-50 alleginnce" to the
sturs and stripes.
The colonel left Denver today at 9
o'clock over the Union Pacific with
auto horns honking and Denver's whis
tles tied down. It was n second "Ted
dy day," the enthusiasm being peculiar
ly Kooseveitinn, as it was at yester
day's two meetings when Roosevelt ad
dressed nn audience of 9,000 in the nft
ernoon and 10,000 iu the evening at the
Roosevelt was never in better form
than at those two meetings. He was
admittedly glad ' of tho opportunity
which pluced him i Denver at the same
time that the Hughes women campaign
ers arrived here, for he had previously
expressed a desire to" meet the Hughes
woman's special to join with them in
their efforts for the republican candi
date. And what he enjoyed as much as
meeting the womfflT campaigners was
the heckling which greeted him at the
tort of his speech last night.
i ne colonel Brags.
When shouts of "throw him out"
greeted quostions of "What would you
have donct" Roosevelt, looking toward
the gallery where policemen were hust
ling out- the interruptors, shouted:
"Don't put him out. Let me answer
him. I'll tell him what I did. At the
first sign of trouble with Germany, and
at the first sign of trouble with Japan,
when I was president. I put the Unit
ed States navy in first place among the
world's navies in point of efficiency.
Then I sent the battleship fleet around
the world and I dug the Panama canal
in between times."
"Eat 'em up, Teddy," shouted scv
oral. "I think I have thorouehlv masticat
ed thnt gentleman," replied the col
onel, his teeth literally snapping, and
his face beaming at the verbal combat.
Roosevelt interpolated much into the
speech not prepared in advance. When
he turned to the Mexican issue he drew
from his pockets a score of pictures
which a friend had given him yester
day. They are pictures of ravaged
towns; one was the picture of several
hundred bodies of Mexicans piled iu a
colonel Gets Angry.
'I wish I could ahow these pictures
to you all," he said. "But they are
loo horrible. They show the kind of
peace that is now raging as furinously
as ever in Mexico while our govern
ment in Washington prattles on about
self government, and likens the band
itry of Mexico to our own great revolu
tion which gave us liberty."
'Hurrah for Wilson, anyway," shout
ed several.
'Yes, go pn with your hurrahs," said
the colonel, leaning far out over the rail
ing, "and don't stop until you hurrah
for Carranza and hurrah for our murder
ed citizens on tho border, and hurrah for
he Americans murdered on the Lusi-
tania, on which 103 babies under two
years of age were drowned."
When he reached that portion or bis
prepared address in which he declared
the great war was brought to our
doors when the German submarine sud
denly appeared at Newport," a clarion
ed voiced citizen got a laugh from the
crowd when he bellowed: "Some Ger
mans! "
Roosevelt, at the night meeting wa-s
forced to the rostrum sooner than had
been planned. Miss Mnry Antin of the
women's specinl, managed to get in a 10
minute talk. Mrs. Raymond Robins had
to stop after a few minutes, in face of
clamorous cries of "Teddy, Teddy; we
want Teddy."
San Francisco, Oct. 25. Although ef
forts to float the liner Bear, which was
wrecked on the Humboldt coast in
Jimp, have been abandoned, she may be
saved by being dragged ashore.
A local firm has proposed to jack up
the steamer and drag her up a runway
to the beach before the winter storms
set in. If this can bo accomplished, t
Winnepeg, Man., Oct. 25
Canadian Pacific railroad otfi-
cials announced this afternoon
that there will be no Btrikc of
trainmen on Canadian lines at
five o'clock this afternoon, ns
scheduled in the railway broth-
crhood strike call.
The men win -a. wage increase
of two cents per hour.
The formal order calling off
the strike was sent out this af-
ternoon. -
Although details of the con-
ference at which the strike
was averted were not given
out, it was said a strike recall
order would be sont by the la-
bor leaders.
L ;
Eastern Bids for Other Ves
sels Lower Than Those
of Pacific Coast
Washington, Oct. 23. The Newport
News Shipbuilding and Drydock com
pany .was the lowest of four bidders in
bidB openod todny by the navy depart
ment on four battleships.
Its bid on one electric driven bat
tleship was (110,470,000 and on two elec
tric driven battleships $10,375,000 each.
On tcam driven battleships it bid $10,
990,000 for one nnd $10,890,000 each on
The one battleship is to be completed
in 39 months and where two are bid for
the second is to be completed in 45
Conditional figures of the Fore River
company were lower, but they depended
on a provision that the bids be in
creased or decreased according to the
price of labor and material ns it rose
or fell. The company proposed that the
federal trado commission adjudicate
claims which woufd arise under fhis
proposal. Under the flat bid, such as
the others made, the Fote River coin-
pauy bid, -$1 0,875,000 for electric driv
en and $11,475,000 for steam driven
. The Cramp company, Philadelphia, in
a letter said in view of the abnormal
Inbor and mnterial conditions, they
were unable to bid.
. The Bath Iron Works of Bath, Maine
presented the lowest bids on torpedo
boat destroyers.
The Both company bid for two de
stroyers, $1,185,000 each and for four,
$1,150,000 each. The f ore Kiver com
pany agreed to construct six ships for
$1,105,000 each and eight tor $1,100,
000 each.
The Seattle Construction and Dry
dock company offered to build one de
stroyer for $1,380,000, or two for $1,
370,000 each.
Tho California Shipbuilding com
pany in a letter to Secretary Daniels,
refusing to bid, said it was impossible
to compute against the proposals of
shipbuilding concerns which are "in
league with the large eastern steel and
machinery combinations." They of
fered, however, to turn their plant over
to the government for use in building
ships, asking only a fair rentul.
The Union Iron Works, San Fran
cisco, bid on two destroyers, $1,195,000
each; four nt $1,190,000; for eight $1,
190,000 for the first six nnd $1,185,
000 for the lust two.
Explosion Shakes
Up New York Traffic
New York, Oct. 25. An explosion in
the subway at Lenox avenue nnd 111th
streot curly today missed a crowded
train by two minutes, injured two men,
rattled and broke windows at somo dis
tance, and blocked traffic.
Two employes were thrown a great
distance, but were not badly injured.
Stores on tho street above were shaken
and in two instances robberies were
committed after tho windows had been
The explosion created a panic. Men
and women scantily dressed, rushed out
to learn the cause while firo engines
responded to frightened calls.
Inspector Kgan of the bureau of com
bustibles, investigated a report that
a bomb bad been set.
Cotton Above 20 Cents
First Time Since War
New York, Oct. 25. For the first
time since tho civil war, cotton crossed
twenty cents. May options sold nt 20.01
u.:tn n. m. The cot
ton sinning report was a bull factor in
the advance.
The twenty cent mark was reached
.. .aunril fltiva nf Mteflllv fldviini'CH.
which caused an excited market yester-
and again this morning early gains
........ 1 nn hn lift 1 1
ncin in u i vj mi. . " --- -
Covering by shorts who had sold on
belief that tho crest would be reached
before cotton sold at 20 cents contrib
uted to the advance. Government gin-
fln.ipna warn hulf a million bnleB
below private figures and this brought
L ; .1.. -Lit
neavy uuying iiuu ic mmci.
is proposed to repair er as she rests
on the beach and then, to skid her into
deep water next spring.
Heavy Outposts Left, De
ceived Officers As To His
? ; ' Movements
At the Same Time No More
Is Sent Him for Fear
Villa Gets It
El Paso, Texas, Oct. 25. The main
body of Villistas are voluntarily retir-
ln today in the direction of ban isi
dro, west of Chihuahua, City, pursued
by Mexican do facto troops, according
to reports mado to United States au
thorities by refugees arriving nere to
day. . i i
The illita withdrawal began yes
terday, hut heavy outposts were left
entrenched about five miles out of the
city until today. Shots were exchanged
yestordav between Carranzistas and the
bandit outposts. Today outposts and the
roarguarcT of the Villistas have with
drawn to Palomas, 20 miles west of the .
capital, while the main body of bamUta
aro continuing westward.
Until the bandit outposts marched
awny- the de facto military authorities
believed Villa's entire forces wore out- .
side the city and thnt tho city waa
virtually in a state of siege.
Villa s failure to attack Clniiuanua
City when within striking distance waa
duo to fear that the American expedi
tionary forces would move against him.
nccording to information given United
States agents here by retngces.
Lleven trains, many of them carrying .
quantities of supply and equipment,
are now in possession of .Villa. Those
trains were abandoned by General
Ozuna, following his defeat at Palomaa
last Huturday, according to refugees.
In State of Siege.
El Faso. Texas, Oct. 25. The city of
Chihuahua, capital ui northern Mexico
is virtually in a state of siege today.
On the southern and western sides of
the city, about five miles from the out
skirts, heavy forces of Villiftas are en
trenched. The residents ot the City are
almost panic stricken, fearing another
attack, United States, government au
thorities learned today.
During yesterday numerous skirm
ishes occurred between small detach
ments of bandits and Carranza troops.
Meantime the Villistas were throwing
up trenches and digging rifle pits, mak
inir no further attempt on the city ex-.
ccpt to repel attacks.
An evacuntion of the city Dy tne
Mexican do facto government forcea
within a Bhort time is expected by Unit
ed States department officiant here.
General Trevino, commanding tho Car
ranzista garrison in Chihuahua City, is
suffering from a serious shortage of
rifle ammunition and the garrison locks
sufficient cartridges to withstand de
termined assault, fleeing citizens le
clare. A large amount of ammunition
and rifles sent out with General Ozuna'a
column Inst week when Ozuna set out
to attack the bandit chief wan captured
by the Villistas when Ozuna's column
was routed. Supplies of ammunition ex
pected from the south are held up
through fear they will be taken by the.
bandit Brmy commanding the railway.
Villa's action in throwing up earth
works outside Chihuahua City puzzles
military men here. By many it is be
lieved he is equipping his men with
newly captured munitions nnd nwaitinsr
cither evneuation of the city or tin at
tack by General Trevino.
Chihuahua City is the best fortified
military stronghold in northern Mexico.
The garrisou is estimated to number
5.000 men, equipped with several pieces
of the famous seventy-fives artillery.
Authorities on the border regard Gen
eral Ozregon's announcement that 12,
000 de facto reinforcements are to b
sent up from the outh as tacit admis
sion that the Carranzista forces of the)
north have lost control of the situation.
Reinforcements on Way.
Washington, Oct. 25 Carranza of
ficials report a column of do facto
(Continued on page six.)
Oregon: To
night and Thurs
day fair except un
settled, probably
rain extreme
northwest portion:
warmer tonight
southwest portion;
winds mostly
' loutherly, J,