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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCT. 24. 1916. "Salem's Big Department Store" , PERSONALS ttH ffitmmrrrmmnnrmrmmmmmmimnmfflmmtr EIGHT Tomorrow's Big Sale of Women's Silk Handkerchiefs, 3 for 50c This is positively the biggest Handkerchief event of the year. New, dainty Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs in white or colors. Colored borders and flowered borders, with plain white centers Handkerchiefs of one color in yellow, bright blue, pink, green, etc. A really wonderful assortment to choose from. O tf Take your pick Tomorrow . . O lOl OvsC See the window display. Prepare for Xmas. WANTED -A" experi enced Dress Goods Sales Lady. Apply to Supt. QUALITY AND SERVICE mtwmunnmnmminiMmmminii.n.ji 7mtmnntmtmufflmmmmmtKtnttumtnKtnnntnnmre iiuuinunnri All Around Tow n I t4-4-M I w COMING EVENTS TONIGHT. Oct. 24. Six O'clock club meet at M. K. church 6:30 p. m. Oct. 24. Sonutor Jones of Washington at opera house. Oct. 25, Cornelius Lehane loc turo at Union Labor Hull. Oot. 30. First annual meeting of Salem Floral Society ut Commercial Club. Oct. 30-Nov. 4, "Dress Up Week" In Salem. 0i;t. 31 Senator Goro of Okla homa will speuk at the armory. Nov. 1. United Artisan home coming. November 6. City primary . election. November 7. Presidential eloo tion. Nov. 10. Victrola Grand Opera Concert, 11 Trovntoro, at Pub lic Library. Nov. 11. Football, Salem high school vs. Eugene high. Nov. 18. Football, Willamette University vs. Pacific Uni versity, Willamette. Field. Eeal bargains in shoes at 297 North ( oinmercinl. A, C. JJcVoc, the shoemnn. Walter L. Spaulding returned this morning from a visit to Portland where he attended a meeting of tlie officers of the Oregon militia. Special price on wardrobe trunks this week, ('. S. Hamilton, house furnisher. o The Ladies' Aid society of the Sev enteenth street United Brethren church will meet with their pastor Mrs. Bertha M. Peoples at her residence 1492 Court- ut 2:30 ,,: Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glMse M eorreotly. U. S. Bank. Bid,;. R. B. Dabney, who works in the White House restaurant, reported this morning to the police thu loss of a bicy cle, Frederick 8. Lamport, lawyer, has moved to No. 1213, Hubbard bldg. tf Now it Is 45 days and no rain. The weather continues rather chilly especial ly early in the mornings, as the govern meut thermometer registered 33 degrees above as the coldest for lust night. Chas. B. Hodgkln, general insurance, 301 llubbnrd building. Phono 3.S0. novl7 The associated student body of the Lincoln junior high school is prepar ing for the winter work and yesterdnv ho following officers were " elected: President, Vera Dinger: vice-president, Kuth Mendelsohn; secretary-treasurer, Warren Brasher; sergeant," Jesse Hal MIL Your vote will be appreciated at the city election on Monduv. November ti. J. A. Mills. (Pd. Adv.) ootSt Drink Cereo, the nquia food, the health drink. Ask your grocer. tf Manager Bligh is making improve ments ut tlio Urand opera house from ( street, Wednesday afternoon time to time and the lutest is that of o'clock. remodeling nnd repainting nil the seen cry. As evidence thut something of this hind was needed, Mr. Bligh says this is the first timo in 15 years that "anything has been done to. improve the appear ance of the stage scenery. o Dance at Central Howell hall Oct. 28. Oood music and good floor. Tonight Senator Jones, of Washing ton, will present the issues of the cam paign from a republican standpoint nt the opera house. He has been active in Washington politics for ninny .veins anil will tell what the republicans think would bo the right thing for Oregon voters to do two weeks from today. sPeclal meeting of De 'SW'SX ."OIR.V Cunimnmlrey No. ", K. 1., this evening. Work in the Tenuilo de- Visiting Sir Knights welcome. W. S. Fltts, who keeps a fish market on Court street, reported to the police this morning that the wire screen in front of his store hud been broken last night and that 25 pennies had been stolen from the till in his cash register. Nothing else was molested. Officer Howe investigated. Mr. Fitts says that he leaves the register open every night so that should any ono decide to break in they would not damage anything by forcing it open. Ho says he leaves a lew pennies in and that this is the sec ond break in ne has had in 15 years. o- gice. D. H. Mosher is now comfortably lo cated ut 471 Court street. Miss Esther Gremmeis, who is attend ing Willamette university, has entered the employ of the law firm of Martin o'ct24 us stenographer, and Miss rio.ier, formerly witu tlie mm, is now with Me-N'ury & ilcNury. Tonight the Moose will install the re. cently elected officers nnd Charles Uloss, state supreme dictator and oth er officials aro expected to assist. Aft er Uie installation," there will be an open meeting for the Moose nnd their friends. A musical program has been arranged to be followed with a banquet. Dr. Stone's Drug Store makes free delivery. Phono 3"i. Sixteen members of the Knights of Pythias of Salem, visited the Inde pendence lodge last evening. J. A. F. Sehoupp nnd J. W. Richardson, of In dependence, gnve welcoming addresses and short talks were made Jjy W. T Rigdon, ,T. F. Davis, Otto Scholburg, C. t.. Barber aud W. B. Summerville of the Salem lodge. Edward F. Burns, of New York, na tional lecturer of the Modem Wood men of America, w ill be in Salem Thurs day, October 2(, and will speak nt the Woodman hall in the MeCornuck build ing. He is known among the fraternity as an interesting speaker. Besides the Mies KllOWland of 421 Court. Rt nHll demonstrate the Sonorii Tulkimr Mu-1 n',ll,'eH!, program has been arranged ..1.:.... a ... tt " ! I'l.... ...:n 1 i. : . . ., iiiiiie ror you near it. In Bpite of the frost, corn maturing lute is in good shape and nil that is needed by which it may be used for ex hibition purposes this 'fall is kiln dry ing or haiignig in a dry place, to take the moisture out of the cob. There will bo plenty of corn for the various corn shows in Marion nnd Polk counties, ac cording to, I.. .1. Chapin, who will have charge of the Marion county corn show to be held in Salem from December 4 to H. Previous to this show, all the places that held shows lust year and several other districts, will put on their show) aud the prize winning corn will be shown nt the unnunl Salem exhibit. Your gift with our imprint needs no further recommendation. Set your watch by our street clock. Gardner & Keene, Salem 'a most reliable jewelers. Annnouncement of New Tailor Shop In Salem vVhere you will find a large line of new Fall and Winter Woolens To Be Fitted to your each indi vidual need. My business is to put your personal appearance in first place, where there can be no criticism. John Sundin, the Tailor Seven Years in Salem 1 347 State Street Salem, Oregon There will be no admission fee and all Modern oodmcu and their friends arc invited. Shoe sale in full blast at A. C. De Yoe's, the shoeman, 297 North Com mercial, On account of the increasing demand for boxes aud the difficulty it has had in filling orders with its present equip ment, the Spaulding Logging company hns purchased the machinery of the South Salem Box factory. During the present rush and demand for boxes, the South JSalviu Box factory will bo oper ated in its present location, in charge of the Spaulding employes. Later, the machinery will bo removed to the box department of the company. The big de mand now is for dried prune boxes and apple boxes. See me at my new location 474 Court St. 1). H. Mosher, Tailor to Men and Women. State Treasurer Thomas B. Kay and Dr. Curl (ircgir Donev of Willamette j university, w ill speuk tonight at the dinner given by the Six o'clock club i of the First Methodist church this ev ening nt 0:30 o'clock ut the church par- lors. Mr. Kay will discuss the "Land !Tax and Loan Fund Amendment." j President Doney will speak on "The ; Repeal of the Sunday Closing Law-" : Voters arc urged to attend the dinner j nnd hear what these men have to say ! on these two important measures. The i dinner w ill be served by the ladies of the church mid there will be a charge ' of 25 cents. o Salem weals will be every week you smoke Salem made cigars, Hygrado, Salem's best 5 cent smoke. The dry forces will hold several ral lies this week. This cveninir the Rev. James Elvin will assist in the speaking lot Liberty with the Cherry Bud band j supplying the music. Wednesday even ! ing at Central Howell, F. H. Reeves will I speak, Thursday evening addresses w ill le made nt either. Kocky Point or Vic tor Point. W. H. Trindle and R. P. Hut ton will speak Friday evening nt Turn er nnd the same eveniug the Rev. F. T. Porter and F. H. Reeves will talk at Venerable Shacks to Give Place to Handsome $12,000Structure A two story modern brick building will soon be erected on Court street be tween Liberty and the opera house that will greatly improve the appearance of that part of the city. Major Willis who owns the property on muri street between the Fits fish market and tho alley adjoining the Roberts' grocery has contracted for the erection of a two story brick 54 feet front and 82 1-2 feet deep. The building will be of a buff brick, two stories with a basement. The lower story will have a 17 foot ceiling, the second story of 14 feet and the base ment, to extend under the sidewalk, 7 1-2 feet deep. Thirty eight feet of tho building adjoining the alley will be occupied as a second store by E. L. Stiff &.8on and they will also occupy the entire second story with a width of 54 feet and length of 82 1-2. The west 16 feet of the building will be taken by Walter S. Fitts fish market, including 16 feet of the basement. Mr. Fitts will install everything that Is modern for a fish market including all new fixtures. Both Mr. Fitts and Mr. Stiff have taken ten years' leases. The new building will cost about $12,000 and the work of removing the old frame structures on the lots will begin within a few days. And thus one more mossy land mark will givo way to tho modern spirit of nnpr'Vmeiifc , ' ' ening, W. H. Trindle and R. P. Hutton By J. P. Yoder, (United Press Staff Correspondent) Denver, Colo., Oct. 24. This was booked as the busiest of all the busy days Colonel Roosevelt has had since he started on his 6300 'mile jaunt through the southwest and middle west in the interests of Republican Candi date Hughes. He arrived here shortly after 10 o'clock, got a ''strenuous" welcome, was paraded through the main streets to the Brown Palace hotel, attended a luncheon, had an automobile tour among the nearby hills and spoke at a women's meeting this afternoon at the Auditorium. This evening he is to lead another parade; attend a dinner tendered him by the Hughes women's special and address another audience at the Audi torium. Colonel Roosevelt today for the first time expressed himseJf regarding the -i.: - ...,: j...:- i. ..!i.ii. i tee, went to Portland this morning. this incident as one of the subjects in his speeches this afternoon. The speech was extemporaneous. ' The colonel believes his meeting to day with tho members of the women's Hughes campaigners particularly pro pitious tor defending the against the ''silk stocking" Ernest Auderson was in Portland yes terday. Bert Magcrs was in the city yesterday from Albany. Ben S. Via is home from a short vaca tion at Tillamook. D. T. Sears, of Lincoln, registered at tho Bligh vesterdny. Albert tfaylor, of Newport, was a Sa lem visitor Monday. W. H. Steusloff was in Portland yes terday buying cattle. Dr. Hickman, of C-ervais, was a Sa lem visitor yesterday. t harles Cook ami wite, ot Mierulan, were in Salem Monday. -Art Richards was in the city yester day from Centrulia, Wash. H. H. Marshall was in Portland yes terday registered at the Washington. Mr. and .Mrs. Sherman Swank, ot Aumsville, were in the city Monday. S. B. Mills and wife, of Mossy Rock, Wash., were registered yesterday nt the Capital hotel. Judge Charles L. McNaiy, chairman of the republican state central coinmit- mndc against them. Roosevelt had an cxtra speech wrung to her home at Mill City yesterday after a short visit here with relatives. J. A. Churchill, state superintendent of public instruction, was in Portland yesterday, registered at the Cornelius. J. A. Spiro and wife, of New York Citv. arc visitors here tho attests of women Brick brothers. Mr. Spiro is the west charges cnl representative of a New York cor poration. from him yesterday by the local com-1 mittee at Las Vesgua, N. M., where the DIED. will talk with the Willamette university vthc juvenile bench quartette singing. poiuilntion is 00 per cent Mexican Colonel Roosevelt surprised the local republican committee here today by de claring he is supporting Judge Ben Lindsey, who is running on the demo cratic ticket here to succeed himself on Wardrobe trunks at special prices this week. $35 values at, $19.50. C. S. Hamilton, house furnisher. Watch your children, when they be gin to scowl or show a lack of desire to read or study, briii" them to me for an eye examination. 1 have nil the latest appliances for the corection of defect ive vision. 1 use no drugs or drops in making examinations. Dr. M. 1. Meu delshon, roomB 209-210-211 United States Nat '1 Bank Itldg. A meeting of the members of the ma lice club has been culled for Friday ev ening nt 7:30 o'clock at tho Commercial club by President Asahel Bush. Besides tho annual election ot officers, the principal business to come before the members is that of arranging for the building of a country club home at the Finzer golf links. During the past few weeks there has been great interest tak en by the golf players of the city and those also who are just learning. At present there is a membership of ubout 50 and with the interest now taken in golf, it has been thought advisable to take up plans for the erection of a coun try club houae. The biggest dance ever given in Woodburn will take place Saturday Oc tober 2Hth at tho armory hall. Check and hat room free. Tickets 75c. Free punch. o Cornelius Lehane, Ireland's most fa mous und eloquent labor leader, at Cn ion Labor hall Wednesday, Oct. 25, S p. m. Admission Free. Cornelius Lehane, though young, is a famous Irish union labor leader, and comes to America with the unceiiBored truth about the po litical, financial and industrial affairs of the war-devastated old world. He has been one of tho national organ izers of the British federation of la bor nnd the Irish federation of labor, and was first secretary of the socialist party of Cireat Britain. oct2, Fifty years ago from last Sunday, the Rev. W. Osborne living nenr Independ- No Interests to Serve But the Public Interests Hawley 'Hut I miuht add, " said .the Colonel, 'that Ben Lindsey is the only Wilson supporter that I'm for. 1 want to see him win.' sje sje Gives a brilliant cloppy shine that doe not rub off or ditst off that anneals to the Iron time last tour times as long as any other. Black SilkStove Polish Is In a claim by Itaelf. It's more carefully made and mude irom better materials. Try it on ytmr parlor vtoyl', your cook siuvu or your (r:is run pa. If you don't fiml It i nv Lresc paiisn you ever usodt your hardware or nrrocerv dealer is authorized to r fund your money, Thmr'm"A Shlnm In Evmry Drop' WANTED Household Furniture. Woodry the Auctioneer will pay highest cash price, for same. Phone oil. SMITH In the city October 24, 1111(1,1 niy ,m Henry Smith. (Ml mil llie- body is at (he umlcrtuking par lors of Kigdon & Kichardson. Kunerul nnnouncenients have not ns yet been made, awaiting word from relatives. ence, dedicated the La Creole Baptist church at Crowley station in l'olk coun ty. Fifty years .nttcr that dedication, Mr. Osborne again appeared in the church, preaching the ermon for the fiftieth anniversary. Two who heard th sermon on October 22, 18(lfi, were present last Sunday to hear Mr. Osborne tell of the chnnges of the 'past 50 years. These two were Mr. Hunsiiker, of Mc Minnville, and Mrs. P.'K. Crowley, and it just happened that they also crossed the plains together more than half a century ago. The church at La Creole is the second Baptist church in Oregon. After the basket dinner Sunday, u col lection was taKen nnd if!)!) presented to Mr. Osborne. He now lives on a farm near Independence and continues to preach nt the La Creole church. At 1:37 o'clock this morning the fire department was called to the home of A. R. .Tneob, nt 127! Market street, but before the machines arrived tho house was ahlaze and the flames pouring from the windows and roof. The house which belonged to Mrs. Klizabcth McCov, was I a complete loss. Mr. Jacobs lost all household goods nnd considerable mer ci.nndise stored in the house. There was $500 insurance on the goods and $1,000 on the merchandise. Mrs. Jenny E. Glaeser, French teach er, will begin her lessons on French graininnr and conversation the first of November, 11) Hi, at her home, 11 "i0 .'. 15th street, Salem, Oregon. o BETTING IS EVEN Xow Yo'rk, Oct. 21. Five thousand dollars was placed at even money on the election on the curb today. Odds quoted were t)'o to 10 on Wilson, with Hughes backers asking cveu money. Je sjc sje 5): sje FIFTEEN MORE LAWYERS Fifteen nppliruuts out of a total of 2(i who took the recent bar examination passed. Fleven of these were from 1'ort land. Those who passed the examinations are: Alois Haunignrtncr, Cournd C. Hur baek, Ralph II. Cake, I). 1). Hall, K. V. Lansing, Jr., David ('. I'h-kett, Ralph Ferdinand Read, Louis Schaefer, Hom er T. Shaver, C. T. Terrill and .Tallies 1. Zimher, all of Portland; Celia L. (.Sav in, of The Dalles: Kliner W. Leader, of Corbctt: Roberts Day Lytle, of ViiU", William Allen West, of Salem. At the special meeting of the city council called for this evening, a bill will be up for final passage providing for a codification of the ordinances con cerning the initiative and referendum powers reserved to cities bv the consti tution of the state. It amends present ordinances by allowing measures to be CAR5 Of Any kimd Any time jc r 5pt sc sje s(c sfc sje dfc )Jc sc ! PIANO TUNING First-class work. All kinds of repairing. All work guar- anteed. Twenty-five years'- experience. Leave orders at Wylio B. Allen Co., phono 1187. Residence phone 1405. J. E. HOCK.ETT, 015 Highland Avenue. NOTICE OF TRUSTEES' SALE Notice is hereby given that on Sat urday, Octirtier 2S. I!U, T will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, all counters show enses, stoves, cook ing utensils, dishes and equipment be longing or pertaining to the lmsinen operated at 42H Court street, under the name of the Jitney Coffee (lob, such sale to bo held at 420 Court street ut the hour of ten o'clock a. m. W. II. TRINDLE. Assignee. oct'27 Jess Millet, who waa fined $25 in the ""S'" If . HAWLEY Republican. and Progressive diwet pri mary nominee for Congress A vote "for Kepreseutativo Hawley is one for a Faithful. Honest, Clean, Ca- muiiiciiml court lust week for bootleg' ging and who served one day in jail and who paid a fine of $23, is wanted by Chief of Police Welsh today on account of tho dentil this morning of Millet's wife at the 'Willamette sanatorium. Mrs. Millet has been suffering from lung trouble and yesterday it developed un operation was necessary. Chief of Pff lice Welsh endeavored to get into com munication with Millet or relatives but wiies to Klamath Falls, where Mrs. A. E. Millet, his mother, lives brought no answer, nnd the doctors would not op erate without permission. This morning after the dealh of Mrs. Millet was an nounced, further effort was made to -locate Millet. Officer Vnrney has been on tho job but has been unable to locate him as yet- It is believed that, fearing further prosecution under the stute law, thnt he has left "the state. Benjamin S. Via candidate for city recorder, a resilient of Salem nine years, a taxpayer ami practicing attor ney. Owing to his duty of acting as police magistrate, legal knowledge is a necessity to the citv recorder. (I'd. Adv.) papers. Several other minor changes w;ll ulso be made. o " Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Swales, living cast of the city, were called to Washington this morning bv the death of n lirothor of Mrs. Swales. Duriuir their absence the farm will be in charge of (). B. Chap A, man, of Maclcay. Walter L. Spaulding and Clifford Suauldiimi of Xev.-berg, went to Benton whereas the old provisions required n filing 00 days prior to election. Under the old ordinances, measures to be voted on bv the neoide had to be lmblished in the. newsimners five duvs and a conv county this morning on a tour ot sent to each voter. The new ordinance spection of the logging camps of tho w ill eliminate the publication by news-. Spaulding mill in that section. Last night at the Bligh theatre, pictures of the two leading candidates for president were thrown on the screen. When the Hughes picture was shown, there was a mild clapping of hands, -but when the likeness of Presi dent Wilson -ppcared, there was such a continuous applause that it almost stopped the show. Cornelius Lehano, the famous Irish orator, will lecture tomorrow eViiing at the. Union Labor hall on Court street. HKAUTI1TL WKATT1KR like this wont last always. Better take advantage of it und have that sitting made at once. Von '11 need photos for the Holidays and your friends will want and appreciate them. New designs arriving coii tiniinlly. THE PARKER STUDIO Court St. Sulem, Ore. ill . 2BIG STARS TODAY 2 puble and Successful public servant 1 81 who has won for himself and state a j position of influence aud standing in! congress. Sjinntor William E. Borah of Idaho ; 1 1 voices the sentiments of his colleagues ; 1 1 when he rays: "Mr. Hawley is a most faithful aud vigilenf .nnd CApable !! member of congress. He holds the rc-li spect and confidence ot bis associates, II and colleagues because of his sound i f il NORMA TALMAGE and BILLIE BURKE judgment, his courage and his faithful-! S a ness to duty." is! You Can See Our !i For further information please road, II JMaUIWcS the pamphlet sent io every registered' FREE voter by the secretary of state. l Tf v Menu i lean I'onirresr-ona ( omuuttce. : . " " W I f-l VLU I h.,;P,u.. I n R B El a n n n ca is a a r n Start Now to Boost Salem Style Week K U m In "GLORIA'S ROMANCE" "THE DEVIL'S NEEDLE Last Times Today - VAUDEVILLE GRANDMA HUXLEY, in Violin Selections Oregon Theatre Always Good Aumsyille. At Mill City Suturday ev-J (Paid Adv.)' czzssEszzQEzssz&zsBzsasicsszszscsoaaasasaaEDaaafc