Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 24, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Bade per word New Todays
i-aflU, insertion, per wora
Oosweek ( insertions), per word....5c
CSSe month(2C insertions) per word 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified AdvertiBments.
Bead your advertisements the first day
it appears and notify us immediately
Minimum charge, ,13c. . . ....
TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal office. t)
RUBBER Stamps made 165 S. Com 'J
: ti
, '
HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 70S.
I novl 1
tiH; SALE Ait Airedale dog, call lit
a.v N. 24tu. oct'24
FOR SALE Horse. 1T.50 lbs., gentle,
If-..00 Phono 4ul'2. oct20
1YIH.SALE S C. White Leghorn pul
lets. Plume N-7H. . uct2(i
FURNISHED Apartments, also ban
suitable for garage., 491 N. Cottage
Jlf !SEKi:i:i'i:i Wanted, in country
Address K. 11. caro Journal. ocfti1
WE HATE Baled hay and oats for
sole. George Swoigle, Garden road, tfi
. ; 1
"OR BENT SIGNS Pot sale at Cap
ital Journal office. tl
FOB HKXT My (I room bungalow nt
2li0 S. 20th St. Call at house. oct24
I)AV WORK Wanted bv voung ladv.
Phone I05GW. ' 0ct2S
FOR SALE At bargain, a cvclecnr.
Phone 1022, 201 Omit St. ' oct2y
GET PRICES On farm sale bills at
Tho Journal office.
OLD PAPERS For sale at Capital
Journal office 10 cents a bundle, tf
GOOD PIAXO Fur sale or trade for
auto, 7!Mi .Market St. Phone 20S1W.
FOR RENT Modern five room house,
bath, lights, 10.00, 5SI S. 15th St.
Jnquire 1001 Union St. tf
PHONE 2ll(i When you have wood
Hawing to be done, all work guaran
teed, Jim Rogers. nov24
WANTED A job cutting from 115 to
200 cords of wood. Address B. 3, box
7A. oet25
ROOMS Or board anil room, reason
able; also single meals 25c nt 404
Potith High. oct2ti
WANTED A woman nr girl for gen
eral house work. H, Steinbocji, ;t02
P. Com'l. oct24
V :
tiilRSE Buggy and harness for sale or
fr'tide for good cow. Inquire .1990
Waller. ... ... , - oct24
IXTTl SALE 3 Jersey cows, ono fresh,
one w ill freshen soon, at 7S2 X. Front
St. M. J. Hunt. oct24
FOR RENT Ten acre tract with eight
room house, on Wallnce road. For fur
ther particulars phone 30F2, oot20
FOUND Jersey heifer on' Turner
road. Owner identify and pay expens
es. Phono 250W1. ' ' oct25
WANTED Good young work horse,
lilocky built.- weight 1400, color dark
brown preferred. Phone 91I'12.0-I
FOB SALE Fresh cow and heifer calf.
Price 35. Also one cow lor beef.
Phone 111 F12. oit-4
FOUND A chauffeur's badge, owner
inay have same by calling at Journal
office hud paying for adv. oct23
WANTED Middle aged lady as house
keeper, 2 in family, nice home, small
wage. Address E.. care Journal. oct-l
WfLL TRADE Auto for good milk
cow nnd .50. Inquire 1720 Lee St.
GET YOUB-r-Trespass Notices, no
supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour
nal tf
FURNISHED Booms and housekeep
ing apartments, rates reasonable
close in, 1G0 Court. tt
P&KXTY Of money te loan on good
Income or inside city property. ' Laf
Jar & Ilolinger, -400 Hubbard bldg.
rlr ocl 24
WANTED To buy 0 or S choice milk
' ifows, must be fresh-noW'or soon, none(
hot parties owning ehoico cowa need
call. Thone 1431 or 4D1. tf
A : SX'AP Grocery store for sale by
owner; will sell building with stock,
or lease building to purchaser. Good
location at 25th nnd Trade streets,
good business. Phone 034R. oct24
MQXEY TO LOAN On second hand
men's clothing, jewelry, musical in
etruments. tools, guns, etc. Also
'.bought, sold and trailed. Capital Ex
change, 337 Court St. Phone 403. nol7
FtR SALE-Or trade, house nnd two
lots, fruit nnd good well on place,
-War school. Write owner, box 40,
general delivery, or call at 154 Co
.lumbin street. oct25
WANTED School girl about 15 as
''companion for smaller girl in ex
change for home. Address A. G. enre
Journal. octil
PGR SALE Good family horse. 7 years
Old, weight .1000, good any-place, sell
feasonnble or trade for' good milk
fows or sheep. Phone 35F31, .T. R.
Macy, Brooks, Ore. 0ct25
Rioo.OO REWARD I will pay 1000
reward for the arrest and conviction
-of the person or persons who set fire
to and burned mv barns on the Ball
ranch three mile's nnd a half sonth
Of Salem. R. 3, Wednesday night,
Oct. 4, Hilfi. Chas. "D. Schmidt. oct2o
PIGS--For sale, H.- W. Powers, Kt. 5,
box 80, phone -Turner 175. oct24
-ball 220 N. Liberty. - oct24
SIX (.'in ROPRACTIG" ' Adjustments
". worth more. Dr. Mav, Hubbard
hldg. ' novlC
VK,If AVKttNo. 10 and Xo. C hop wire
.1200 it. lengths for; sale. Price Xc
per lb. Gejirgo Swegle, oct24
FOR SALE-MIheap, Mauiis green bone
cutter, also No. one grain seeder. E.
. : J.' .Iillor, Turner, Ore. ' -.- oet20
FOR SALE Applos, soveral kinds, 1st
grade npples-50c, 2nd grade . 30c,
bring boxes. 2720 Cherry Ave. oet24
POTATOES We arc alwnys in the
market for potatoes iu small lots or
car lots. Mangus Bros. 1'hoiic 717
Salem. Or. " oct:0
WHILE Pood stuffs are so high there
will be no mure meals served at the
Kutlitf House. Rooms, and apartments
will be lor rent. oct25
FOR RENT Cheap, furnished house
keeping rooms, hot nnd cold water,
also use of phone, (.'all 340 Union or
llione 1549R. oct24
HAVE YOUR House reshingled, tar
red or repaired by Kays ami Donald
son, phone 044R or 747 M. Work
guaranteed. octSO
FOR SALE One buggy, oue mountain
hack, good as new, one span brown
horses, weight Hliout 1100 each, will
sell for cash or trade for cuttle. For
any information call 252. oct28
RENTAL AGEXCV S. H. Snyder, suc
cessor to L. Beehtel & Co., Renting
of houses and looking after property
for non residents especially solicited.
341 State St. Salem. ' nov24
20 ACHES Plow laud for rent, horses
and cows taken to pasture, also 100
cords 2d growth fir for sale nnd
stnmpage. W. M. Sehuett, R. 2. rhone
Nr'23. . oct2(i
FOR SALE Fine 5 year old Holstein
and Jersey cow, just fresh, heifer
calf. 715 South 12th St., over garage.
When you want (o go in
haslo with a clean car nnd
small fare nnd you must get to
a place, rhone to nie, 1 'II take
you there.
Phones: Day 13; Nights 882.
Oct.3t Hubbard Bldg.
sj! 'jjt SjC Jfe 3jS jjt 5C sjt
Write for free booklet.
Scad sketch and description or -model,
mentioning this paper,
for thorough FREE scureh for .
311 Victor Bldg..
Washington, D. C. Nov.ll
Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment
Southern Pacific Will
. Build 2500 New Cars
To Meet Growing Shortage
Portland, Ore., Oct. 24 The Union
Pacific system yesterday called for bids
.... 1 ItOl) niiti.nn.liilli IMirrt tlllll 1.500 lOX
cars.' requiring nearly 15,000,000 'feet of
him iter.
" The specifications require that nil
the lumber be purchased from mills iu
Union Pacific territory Oregon, Well
ington and Idaho.
It is probable that Twohy Brothers,
of Portland, will bid on this contract
as thev are equipped to build cars in
their East Side plant and have been
eager to eater this field of activity for
several months.
Judge K. S. I.ovett, chairman of the
Union-Pacific, will be iu Portland this
week and is expected tu give some at
tention to the prospects of successful
ear building here. When questioned
about it at his office iu New York a
few weeks ago Judge I.ovett declared
that other things being equal, he would
prefer to have the cars built on the
The advantages of building cars con
venient to the place where the lumber
is produced are obvious. The eastern
builders must pay freight on the ruw
You will soon
find that the
and flavor of
Krumb les
Is evident
more and
more, as you
chew It.
Look tor ITi'i'i'il'TI.
One of New Incorporations Is
Shipbuilding Company "of
-Articles of incorporation filed with'
Corporation '.Schulderman today aggre
gate the sum of one million dnllarH of
the California Paper and Bonrd Com
pany, which has , a capital stock of
2r0(04KK- .' "' .
In Dayvillc, Grant county, The
Stewart Livestock company has been
formed to deal in Teal, estate- and
livestock. Their incorporators are
Surah Stewart, B.-E. Ste'wurt, and Ed
na Stewart. .Their capital .' stock -is
given as $250,000.
The Burnt Biver Dredging Company
announces an increase in its capital
stock- from JrTiO.OOO to $250,000. The
Fashion Stables of Portland were
given a certificate of "dissolution- as
was tho firm of Hennemau and Julian
son, also of I'ortland.
: For the purpose of building, owning,
and operating, sailing vessels and
steamers, the Oregon Shipping Com
pany, with headquarters in Portland,
has been organized with a capital of
$200,000. The incorporators are Carl
ton E. Spencer, George E. Hobson and
C. A. Sheppard.
With Louis Reno, William Bullis, and
Alaze- Satterlee. as the incorporators
tho "B and B Realty Company," of
Portland, has been formed with a cap
ital stock of $40,000.
Former Salem residents figure in the
forming of the Ball Manufacturing
'company of Portland. They arc Wil
liam J. Ball, who formerly lived on
the Slough road and who is well known
in Salem; Palmyra Ball,, and Myrtle
Card, who vas also a former resident
of Salem. The company b formed for
the purpose of manufacturing wearing
apparel and goods manufactured from
fabrics. The office is in Portland and
the capital stock is given as if 10,000.
A certificate of decrease in capital
stock was given to the Clackamas Hop
Farming Company of Portland through
its secretary Lee Fung. The decrease
was from 30,000 to 24,000.
Long Branch, J., Chit. 24. Henry
Ford and Alfred Lucking,' a Michigan
politician, came to Shadow L'awn this
afternoon for a conference with Presi
dent Wilson.
Corns Loosen,
Right Off
Nothing But "GETS-IT' VWU1 dp This
To Corns and Calluses '
If von've ever had corns, you've
treed kits of things to giit rid tf them
salves that -at ..vpitr Jfe, nud leayo
the corn remaining, cdlton rings that
You Cn' Hide Com MUery. Stop Foolm
Around I Un "GETS-IT" Tonight ud
S tht Corns VnUh.
make your corns bulge out 'like pop
eyes, scissors and knives that niiikc
corns bleed and sore,- harnesses and
bandages that till up your shoes, press
on the corn and make your foot feel
like a paring block. What's the use!
Whv not do what millions are doing,
tnke 3 seconds off and apply "GETS-
IT". It dries, you put your stocking
on right away, and wear your regit
lar shoes. Your corn loosens . from
the toe, it lifts right off. It's pain
less. It's the common sense wny, the
simplest, easiest, most effective way
iu the world. It's the national corn
cure. Never fails.
"GETS-VT" is sold and recomntend
ed bv drimcists everywhere, 25c a
bottle, or sent on receipt of price, bw
E. Lawrence Co., hicago, 111.
Sold in Snleni and recommended as
the world's best com-remedy by J. C.
Terry, l. J. Fry nnd Opera House Phar-
Will Not Change the
Ten Commandments
St. Lois, Mr., Ocl. 24. That the
"Catholic" party i if the Protestant
Episcopal conference still has , consid
erable vitality was the declaration to
day following n resolution introduced
iu the house of deputies last night to
'incorporate the phrase "the holy Cath-
olice church ' on the title page or inc
ancient church liturgy.
The proposition was referred to the
lumber that goes into the enrs even
when it is carried by the railroad that
buys them.
To remove freckles, blotches, or any
complexion difficulty, the best thing to
do is to remove the skin itself. This is
easily nnd harmlessly done by the np
idication of ordinary niercolized wax
The wax peels off the defective outer
skin, n little each day, gradually bring
;inc the second lavor of skin to view.
The new skin is beautifully soft, clear,
i white and young looking. Just procure
an ounce of mercoli.ed wax at r,
drug store and use like cold cream.
o V - - ;
J v. ,
r . - h
4 ! h'
' t v' '.-V'9
xM8'-' 1
"r'f"-""irTiwrn " -tr--l..-Jr,..-. .
William Morse Bummcl, who nppea
Sord-Rummel Lyceum company iu the
management yf Glenn J. McC'addam.
By Perry Eeigleman
An artist who is an artist to his fin
ger tips yet who does not look like
the conventional picture of a man who
has stirred audiences from the Atlantic
to the Pacific ocean, is William More
Rummel, violinist, who. appeared here
in the armory last night in concert with
the Cord liunimel company.
Modest, unassuming) ami somewhat
reluctant .to talk about himself, . Mr.
Rummel was found in his rooms 111 the
Marion hotel yesterday afternoon. Yet,
once the strangeness is worn away, he
is a delightful conversationalist.
Naturally, he was full of his subject
and talked music and the way the au
diences In the different parts of the
United States "took" his plnying. He
was frank to say that he liked the west
ern people best because they were not
so blasej because thejftwerp not atranl
oi snowing enthusiasm lor anything
they liked. In the east; he said it was '
proper not to he too demonstrative even
Over the finest artistry iii" the world.
-,Hoth Mr, and-Mrs j1, Hummel like the
west because of the genial bqahomiuie
they have found and -She appreciation
with which they hnve.'beon met. In his
opinion the northwest feels ireei- to ex
press itself, is more generous iu its ap
preciation of his art,' than anv other
part ot tho coast, not excepting Los
Angeles, which is reputed to be a ecu-'
icr jor an, music, anj iirama. lonso -
quently, he has a deeper feeling of
fri I 1 1U , H ,""""."'"
This is theeconu time he has visited
, , . , . ,
h ,h i l,C,,H, rrV T'U ,'"!','HS:,
r ht MS C TwTli h
M,in.., v.,,!;,,, ,. i ,i .
meat of Miss Mi.inetta Mugers, it
February nnd the weather was-had.
is 'the first trip of Mrs. Ifummoi
Bnd sho is well pleased, with Sa- j
here and
lorn, rshe siivs
she liked the western
men, and slie smiled nt her husband, I
because of their code of .morals if von
steal a horse you get shot immediately,
etc, etc.
Mr. Kummel is an interesting person
ality and the more one knows him the
better he is liked. Hut hi is n man
without a country; he has no flag he
can really cull his own. His case mny
be likened to the kittens that were born
in n bake oven were they biscuits?
Ho was born in Berlin, Germany, yet
he is an Englishman.. His grandfather
was William Morse, the inventor of the
telegraph. When he was hem bet ore he
owned the English flng. Now he has
taken, out his first citizenship papers,
which means he renounced allegiance
to-England. He is hot a full fledged
American" yet.
lie had numerous 'dates made in Can
ada from Montreal to British Columbia
but on account of this war he had to
cancel them. His naaui is very German,
so if he steppeil across the line into
Canada he would probably be seized
and sent to a detention camp, if he
proved hi' was an Englishman, lie would
bo; sent to (he-front to-fight; Hind even
if he went into Canada he would lose
his first papers and have to start all
over again to be an American. So he
stays this side of the Cnnndian border.
Among the artists of the musical
world Mr. Kummel ranks high. He
counts among his personal friends ar
tists like l save, whose favorite pupil
he was,' Kreisler, Ximhalist, Thihaud,
Maud Powell, Godowssi, Bauer, and
PaMerewskl. At the end of his lyceuin
season, which will tnke him over a
large portion of the-Tutted States, he
will appear as soloist with the Roches
ter Symphony Orchestra He is also
joint commission on common prayer
and probably will be acted on late to
day. It was thought tho "Catholic"
faction would not ask any changes fol
lowing the luck of interest in a propo
sition earlier in the conference sessions
to change the name of the church to
the "Catholic church of America."
It was also learned today that no
change in the Ten Commandments
would be made at this conference.
Last week it was rumored the house
of bishops, the upper house of the
chunh, favored the shortening of the
commandments. Todny it definitely
said the joint commission on revising
and enriching the liturgy of the church
would not present' the matter at the
present conference. Whether the com
mission would continue its work and
report to the next Detroit conference
in 1!' 11 could not tie learned.
red at tho Armory last night with the
first concert of the season under tho
engaged for reeitul with the fnmous
"All Americnn Stars" concert series
in Lockporf, New York.
Mr. Bummel takes his .art very seri
ously. He feels that it is the mission
of the- artist to go into the heights for
his inspiration and then bring it back
to the people, give them what they
want vet do not satisfy them fully,
leading them on and upward into new
and keener appreciation. He feelB it his
duty to instruct, to educate, without
apparently doing bo, -rind that is why
the true artist succeeds and holds his
audiences. The artist who only tries to
amuse for the time being will'pass like,
the leaves of summer and after a few
years is forgotten. He believes in giv
ing the best in him nil the time, wheth
er in the Metropolitan opera house in
iew xork city to an nudience of ent-
ics or to a tank town on a far western
circuit. That s Rummers principles,
It was a keen pleasure to meet Mr.
and Mrs. Uuinuiel tor they were jjoth
jolly and pleasant."' '.
t . n v.
Senator Chamberlain
Meets Old Friends Here
It was like a real home coining for
Senator Chaniberlaiu to visit Saii-m
yesterday for during his six years in
ho governor's chair he got to know
ro-,nOH1.lv everyone in Salem, and everv-
ono know George. It was for this rca
. v "v iv id he pain iibv
getting back among his own folks.
V?" V0S,Pr' JVr"00',1 -I",
the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. E.
son it seemed to him as he said like
,, ' , ,, ,
,w aii.un wno a .or tan ,g n.m
for l"ve through tho city
dropped him off at the Marion Hotel
"hortly after 7 o'clock mid there in-
iiuiiirmuio jriciiiiH uocueu
in to say
''hello George" and shake hands. The
Stoudcmneycr band played several
numbers iu front of the hotel and at
S o'clock led tho crowd to the Grand
Opera House which was packed to its
utmost capacity long before ho ar
rived. Chairman Attorney John Bnynr
called upon Mrs. Hinges who in splen
did voice sung "Go Right Along Mr.
Wilson,'' which brought n storm of
I wish to tell vou of mv condition of
about four years ugo. 1 was afflicted
with kidney and bladder troubles and
hud a constant pain in my buck all the
time for about two or three months. I
did not have any appetite nnd could not
rest at night and 1 was hardly able to
do my house work. I saw Dr. Kilmer's
advertisement and decided to give
Swnmp-Koot u trial; after taking four
bottles of Swamp-Koot I was restored to
health anil have not been afflicted since
I will cheerfully recoijimend Dr. Kil
mer s Swanip-ltoot to others afflicted
with kidney and bladder troubles.
Yours trulv,
Will K. th St. ( 'of fey ville, Knits.
State of Kansas, Montgomery county,
Be it remembered, that on this 17
I ii V of April, 1915, before nie, W. G.
Bowman, u notary public, in and for
snid county and state, rnmo Sarah rrn
ycr, who is known to me to be the same
person who executed the within state
ment, and such person duly acknowl
edged the execution of the same to be
her free and voluntary act ami deed.
In testimony whereof, I have hereun
to set my hand and affixed my notarial
seal the day and year first above writ
ten. . W. G.. Bowman,
. Notarv Public.
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer fc Co.
Binghamton, N. Y.
Prove What 8wamp -Boot Will Do
For You.
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size
bottle. It will convince anyone. - You
will also receive a booklet of valuable
information, telling about tho kidneys
and bladder, when writing, be sure and
mention the Salem Daily Capital Jour
nal. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar
Vizc bottles fur sule at all drug stores.
Tells How To Open Clogged Nos
trils and' End Head-Colds.
Tou fed fine in a few inomj"nts..Your
cold; in head or catarrh will be gone.
Your clogged nostrils will open.' The
air passages of your head will clear
and you can breathe freely. No more
dullness, headache; no hawking, snuf
lling, mucous discharges or dryuess; no
struggling for breath at night.
Tell your druggisi you want a small
bottlo of Elys Cream Balm. Apply a
little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream
in your nostrils, let it penetrate
through every air passage of Ihe head;
sootho and heal tho swollen, inflamed
mucous membrane, and relief comes in
stantly. Jt is just what every cold and catarrh
sufferer needs. Don't stay stuffed-up
and miserable.
applauso, and the response to the en
core, was ''When tho Boys Come
Home." 1
Senator Chamberlain wag then in
troduced and for-.two hours held the
audience sjell-bound as they listened
to' his description " of tho president's
achievements, a resume of which is
givkm elsewhere. The fact that many
stood for two hours heedless of time or
discomfort, shows tho appealing force
of the senator's address.
San Felice Standard to Be
Maintained, Says Makers
All Dealers Now Sell Famous Cigars at
5c Straight. In Effect Today
fOwing to the greatly increased cost
-- quality tobaccos, in fact every
thing pertaining to high grade cigars,
the makers of the San Fclico cignr,
The tcisel-Wreinmer Company, hnvo
advanced tho Belling price to the job
bers and dealers, and henceforth this
cigar will positively he sold to the
consumer at 5 cents struight instead
of six for a quarter as previously.
The SAX FEUCE is national in its
scope and character, having justly at
tained this eminence through its tin
excelled excellence. To maintain this
uncounted standard of quality, the
advance in question is absolutely un
avoidable. The geuerous support of all
men using quality cigars is earnestly
)(C 3ft 3ft 9fC l(C 3 3( 3ft 8t ft 3t 3
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables nre those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not Vvhat is paid to the producer.
All other prices are those paid the
producer. Corrections we made
'. Wheat responded io -the! sensational
a.dvnncc in. Chicago, yesterday and quo
tations now are from fi.no to l.s.i.
After holding at H cents a ound for
the. past six months roosters -have
caught the spirit for a higher flight
and are now quoted at 9 cents a pound
Veal is weak with w cents tor tops.
Broilers are ulso off a cent and tur
keys on foot are rauier weak, although
the I'ortland quotations for dressed are'
five cents higher.
The continued advance in the price
of wheat had effect yesterday and ten
cents a suck was added to the burdens
of the good housekeepers.
... i,l.20t(i1.25
Oats, new .,
Moiled barley .
Bran ..'
Shorts, por ton
Hay, clover ..
Hay, cheat
Hny, vetch
Hay, timothy,
.tl0.00Cu.ll. 00
Butterfut 37o
Creamery butter, per pound 40c
Country butter 30c
Eggs and Poultry.
I'ggs, caso count, cash 38c
F'ggs, trade 40c
Hens, pound - 12ad3V4o
Roosters, old, per pound 9c
Broilers, under 2 pounds 14e
Broilers, I'j.lbs., or less . loc
Turkeys .. lOfftMc
Fori, veal ana anmon.
Pork, dressed liy.ra13c
Pork, on foot 8 l-29e
Spring lninbs, 1910 7(a)7VjC
Venl, according to quality Wane
Steers BtaXI
Cows 3 l-24e
Bulls 33 1-4
Kwes 4c
Wethers B l-8s
Figs and Dates
yiUH, 70 four oz $2.G0
Figs, 30- 12-0 2 '5
Pigs, 12 10-oz 90c
Black figs IOC
White figs 11c
Dromedary dates 3.75
Tomatoes. Oregon '. 80c
Cabbage 40c
Cucumbers JOo
String garlic - lSe
Potatoes, sweet
2 l-2c
Potatoes, per 100 pounds
Green onions . ...
Green neiHors 5c
Carret. dozen 40
Muskmclons 50c
Peaches, Oregon 2500
Grapes $1.75
Apples 60c1.00
Oranges, Valencies 4.76
Lemons, per box t).507.00
Cussawas 2c
Ice cream melons 2c
Cantaloupes, per box $1.00
Bananas, pound (
California, grape fruit ................... .3. 50
Florida grape fruit 0.00
Pineapples 8e
Boner SJ.w
Cranberries $10.00
Retail Prices.
Kggs, per dor.cn, fresh ranch 45c
Sugar, cane $8.00
Creamery butter 45c
Sugar, beet 8.40
Flour, hard wheat ..
Pur, vallr
... 1.75(5)1.95
Portland, Ore-, Oct. 24. Wheat :
Club, 1.48.
' Bluestein, (1.54.
Forty fold, $1.51.
Red Russian, $1.40. . .
, Oats: .No. 1 white feed, (32. "
Barley : Foed, $37. ; '
- Hogsi Beet -live, 9-35.
. Prime steers, 6.65fl,75. .
Fancy cows, $6.25.
Calves, $7.50.
Spring lambs, $8.75.
Butter: City creamery, 39c-
-fcggst Selected local ex., 45c
Hens, loo.
Broilers, 16e.
Occse, 1IU 1 2j.
corner Commercial and Trade street:
For water service apply at office..
Bill payable monthly in advance.
A. M. Clongh morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern jnethods :
known to the profession employed.:
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888.-
directors and undertakers, 252 North. :
High street. Day and night phone
FOB SALE 1 1-3 acres just outside
city limits, good land, small nonae
and barn, small cash payment, bal
ance monthly installments if desired,
Square Deal Realty Co, 202 U. S.
Bank Bldg.
Co, 220 N. Liberty
Phone 263. A com
plete line of Electrie
Supplies and fixtures
aKEBav crrr wood saw we u
and pay taxes in Salem. Let tnlesm
people saw your wood. Phone 260.
xio n. isc T. ju. Keister, Wm.
ProsL '
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of alt
Kinds removea on moauiiy contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Maim
2247. Residence Mam 2272.
FOB RENT-!-Fine opening for. -room
renting or board and rooming Dusi
ncss; seven to fourteen rooms, two
blocks from post office. Specially
favorable terms to suitable party
See William Fleming, Bayne build
ing, t - nov8
DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro-
practic's Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got no relief,, try Chiroprac
tic spinal adjustments and get welL
Office 408-7-8 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone Vain 87. Residence
Main 828-R.
Inc., 428 Hubbard bldg, Salem. All
drugless methods taught. Flora A.
Brewster, M. D, dean, private pa
tients 1 to 5 p. m. Phone 2124R. tf
from all points, oast, on all housholl
goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated ear
load service. Capital City Transfer
Company, agents for Pacific Coast
Forwarding company, liil South Coia
mercial street. Fhoue Maia 933.
Money to Loan
ON Good Real Estate Security.
Orer Ladd It Bnah Bank, Salem, Oragoa
mount; low ratcsj promptly closed
attractive pre-paying privileges. I
iave 5 Mi por cent insurance money
to loan on Salem business and resi
dence property. Thoa. A. Roberts,
205 U. S. Nat'l Bank bldg
itONEY TO LOAN I have made ar
rangements for loaning easters)
money, will moke very low rate of
lsterest on highly improved farms.
3omer H. Smith, room 9 McCornack
Bide.. Salem. Ore.. Phone 96.
DBS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians an4
nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican school of Osteopsthy, KirksvilK
Mo. Post graduate and specialized la
nerre diseases at Los Angeles eollega
- Treat aeute and chronio disease.
Consultation free. Lady attendant,
Office 505 506 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone 859. Residence 348
No-th Capital street. Phone 4ftQ
50 years experience.
Depot National and American fenea
Sizes 20 to 58 in. high.
Paints, oil and varnish, etc.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Works, 25
'St. Phone 124. '
Yick So Tong
Has medicine which will cure
Any knows Disease "
Owen Sundays from 10:00 a. .
bfiti) 8:00 p. m.
153 South High Street.
Oregon. Paoua IjS