Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" TfRfDAV EVENING, October Si, l!Ut. CHARLES H FISHEB, Editor and Manager PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OBEOON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S. BARNES, CHAS. H. FISHER, President. Vice-President. DORA C. ANDRESEN, Sec. and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION KATES Daily by carrier, per year $5.00 Per month 45c Daily by mail, per year 3.00 Per month 35u " FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York, 'Ward-T.cwisWilliams Special Agency, Tribune Building Chicago, W. U. Stockwell, People 'a Gas Building The Capital Journal earlier boys nro inHtructcd to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not tlio carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81 before 7:.'I0 o'clock and a puper will bo sent you -by speciul messenger if the carrier has missed you. WHY PAUSE FOR A REPLY ? The Oregonian commenting on a paragraph in the Capital Journal anent that paper's indorsement of Cleve land, points out that it at the time indorsed him just as it did recently. To prove this it points out and names the headings of several editorials praising him for his stand on the gold basis issue; also his stand in the Venzuela matter and then asks questions and wants to know what if Wilson would have done what Cleveland did in the Venzuela case, and if Cleveland would have done as Wil son did in the recent Mexican matter, and pauses for a reply'!" As for its indorsement in 1895 of Cleveland, it was of his gold standard position only, which was identi cal with .the republican idea, and the Oregonian could not take any other stand without going back on its party. That it indorsed the gold standard and therefore Cleve land's position on the same is freely conceded; but that it did not keep up a round of attack on him on other mat ters is not. As for its questions, we frankly confess we do not know what President Wilson would have done had he been president when the Venzuela incident was acted upon; nor do we profess to know what Cleveland would do with Mexico were he president now. Cleveland took his own course and kept us out of war. Wilson with the far more dangerous situation has taken the course that seemed best to him, and he accomplished just what Cleve land did, kept us out of war. We being a "Little Amer ican" in the Oregonian's opinion, can of course not tell what other people would have done under given circum stances, but the Editor of the Oregonian being a "Big American" can tell what anyone else is thinking about; what they would do or leave undone, as well as telling what they should do or should have done, and how they should have done it. Why should it "pause for a reply" when it knows everything in advance? President Wilson took a sly dig at Hughes and Roose velt in his speech to the Farmers' Day audience at Shadow Lawn, Saturday, when he said: "I am not expecting this country to get into war, because I am not expecting cer tain gentlemen will have a chance of making a mess of it. I know the way we have preserved peace has been ob jected to by certain gentlemen. But these gentlemen say they would have acted in a manner that would have in evitably, led the country into war. "In the light of Colonel Roosevelt's declaration that he would have been "into Mexico up to the hilt;" and the further statement that he would have "seized every interned German ship," after the Lusitania incident, the president's reply is time ly. Portugal seized German ships interned with her, and the answer was a declaration of war. Is this what the gory Colonel wants? The whole question of transcontinental freight rates was thrown wide open again when the Interstate Com merce Committee decided to grant another series of hear ings on the matter. Spokane started the row by insisting that as there is no water competition between the Atlan tic and Pacific ports, the reason for the maintenance of lower freight rates from coast to coast than to inter mediate points does not exist. The interstate commerce commission has begun an investigation of the car shortage. By the time it dis covers what caused it the shortage will be over. That is where the beauty of the American system comes in: Relief is always at hand when the investigators get through. The goldbug train is on its way back east from whence it came. Its being sent out on the campaign was one ol the minor mistakes of the party managers. Sending Hughes and the Colonel were the major errors,' compared to which the women s special was a small an air. Flour is now the highest priced since the civil war, and sugar is fast making a record. At present there seems no signs of either having reached the summit. Bread is rising so rapidly that the bakers should be able to get along without yeast. . A FAST DAY FOOD : .. A writer in the Oregonian telling of the good things to eat now in the market among others mentions carp. The carp is supposed to be a fish, probably because it lives in the water. The writer says "it is a rarity and can be bought for 15 cents a pound." The only good thing about a carp is this rarity, and anyone who has tried to eat one of these brevet fish will indorse this statement. A porcupine turned inside out would be an improvement on the internal construction ot a carp. A few handsfull of fine tooth combs boiled in a clam chowder until the mix ture was inspissated would pass in the dark any time for a feed of carp. A couple 01 gross of toothpicks fried in batter would make a good companion dish, that is pro vided one could tell which was which, and which was a section of barbed wire fence with fish remnants clinging to it. I he bones are individual and fascicular; and ap parently the fish, if it can be called that, has all its fins inside of it and they have hatched there. A hungry man would starve to death while trying to pick the splinters out of his feed. The carp may be "a good thing in the ii i j i i . i i ill it i. marKet, ana cms oeing so it snouia oe aiiowea to remain there. OPEN FORUM Gifford Pinchot, notorious as the man who, under President Roosevelt, attempted to include practically the entire Pacific Northwest in national reserves for the benefit of future generations to come, spoke in Portland last night in advocacy of Huehes' election. Anionc j ether things the Oregonian quotes him as saying that the Underwood tarilt bill has ruined the lumber business of Oregon. This is a funny remark to make when the Portland Telegram only on last Saturday reported the lumber market breaking records for strength with the price advanced $1 per thousand feet, the highest level reached in years, and the Oregonian on Monday report ing three large schooners loading lumber cargoes for Australia, in direct competition with Canadian mills. And this morning the Oregonian reports the Southern Pacific company asking bids on 15,000,000 feet of lumber for building 2500 new cars, made necessary by the record breaking prosperity of the Northwest, according to the railroad company's explanation of the present car short age. Mr. Pinchot will find that the reign of the calamity howler is over if he lingers in Oregon long enough to mix with the people who are going to do the voting on November 7th. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 CAPITAL $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Candidate Hughes is fearful lest the honor of the nation be besmirched while Socialist Candidate Benson is fearful lest its stomach be left empty. Hughes is talk ing fancy and Benson facts. It reminds one of an old story of a Frenchman and a German who were talking about the merits of their soldiers. The Frenchman said: "The German fights for money but the Frenchman fights for glory." Yah, dat is right," said the German, "everybody fights for what he needs de most." Mr. George W. Kreidt, who is a deaf mute, has brought suit in Judge Kavanaugh's court in Portland, for a di vorce. He alleges that his wife called him names on her fingers. ,The court should take into consideration the fact that George is guilty of contributory negligence. He should have looked the other way. Chicago is facing a hard-coal famine due largely to car shortage. It is claimed the city will be smokier than Pittsburg and that the laundries will do a big business keeping Chicagoans clean collar supply up to normal. The Southern Pacific Company is preparing to build 2,500 cars, a proper thing today but several months behind time. Illinois may yet get into the Wilson column. Colonel Roosevelt is to speak in Chicago Thursday. Carranza's troops are sure some league team, make a home run every time they go to bat. RipplihORhimiQ m - r 1 f II li. T wm m They f 'WaK Macon JL.' an l THREATENED MEN Doc Whiskers says, "I am not joking when saying you must cut out smoking, or cross to t'other shore." I listen to the admoni tion of that renowned and learned phy sician, and then I smoke some more. The docs are fond of threats and bluffing; they like to scare you while they're stuffing their puis into your craw; they like to raise a little riot about your exercise and diet, while brandishing the saw. Long years ago the doctors told me that graveyard vestments would enfold me, unless I ceased to smoke; I heard their rede, then, late and early, I kept on smoking good old burley, and quite forgot to croak. At least a dozen famous surgeons, apothecaries and chirurgeons, have told me of my plight: "Unless you can your old rank briar, the nicotine will knock you higher than Gif roy's famous kite." And still my briar is a fixture; I still consume the Four Flush mixture, and buy it by the pound, the while the docs stand round and threaten, re proaching me that I'm f orgettin' I'll soon be underground. MB. GEHLHAR'8 POLITICAL ACTIVITIES To the Editor I'rior to the primar ies, Mr. Gelilhar was widely mentioned as n candidate against Hen W. Oleott Evidently Mr. Gelilhar decided 'that to defeat Olcott was too big a job for him to undertake, and not liking the idea of being out of office he tinned his attention to securing the republican nomination for district attorney. To this end there was issued at the exnonse of the taxpayers, of this county, what is kuowii as tno juio Taxpayers vuicie- aim several thousand copies were mailed to the voters at the ex pense of the eounty, although the iiuiuc was designed to be and in fact was an advertisement personal to Mr. Oehlhnr and not primarily issued either to enlighten or benefit the peo ple to whom .-it was sent, but rather to promote Mr. Gelilhar 's caudidncv. On tint first of this folder is the stntenient: "Compiled from the Marion eoiintv records and published hy Max (iehlhar. county clerk, January 1, Now the fact is, while it was com piled by Mr. Gelilhar, it was published by nn order of the county court, that authorized the publication of certain tacts, hut did not authorize nor have knowledge prior to the printing, of the seir advertisements inserted therein liv Mr. (Iehlhar. This ' (initio on the front page an nounces to ami advises ihe people that lr is sent tneni --witn tno compliments or Ainx (ieliiliar, county clerk. ' .Now, the the phrase. " Coiituliinents of Max (iehlhar, eounty clerk,'' was in tended to convey nny meaning, it was to impress upon the people the idea that Mr. (ieliiliar was sending the "Guide" to them at his nwu expense; and taken in connection with the state ment that it was "compiled and pub lished by Mux Gelilhar, county clerk" justifies me in saying, that Mr. (Iehl har designedly attempted to delude Un people into believing that Mr. Gelilhar had compiled, published and mailed the "Guide" as an individual and without expense to the taxpayers. The fact is, the people paid for the work Mr. Gelil har did in compiling it, the cost of ad dressing each copy and all the postage. Why, then, except to mislead, did Mr. Gelilhar employ, without the knowledge or consent of the county court, this mis leading phrase, which appears twice in the "Guide." On the back of the pamphlet, I find in large print, the following: f'For county information telephone eounty clerk 's office, write county clerk's office, call at eounty clerk's office. Max Gelilhar, county clerk, Sa lem, Oregon." That this is gratuitous self advertis ing at the expense of the people, is self evident. It may be as one man de scribed it, "mighty smooth,'' but it is rather undignified and hardly in keep ing with the idea that "smoothness" is not a requisite of the public service. And it is fair in this connection to di rect attention to the fact that the tickets sold at the military balls bear on their backs, in his own writing, the name ot .Max (iehlhar. hvidently Mr. (iehlhar is an adopt in the art of ad vertising. I The "Guide" is In some respects misleading and taken in connection) with Mr. Gelilhar 's own advertisement; in a county paper that "every other of-! fiee in the county has increased its ex-: penditures," is ' exceedingly unjust. For instance, the "Guide" shows that the assessor '8 office increased its ex penses from $11.1 to $050 a year, but it does not show the fact that the ncwi law took the extension of tho tax toll from Mr. Gehlhar's office and made the nssessor extend it at a cost of from $000 to $700 annually. The "Guide" shows that the treas urer's office, under Mr. Dragor, in creased 'its expenses about $900 ft year, but it does not show the fact that the law took the tax collecting from tho sheriff and turned it over to the treas urer, and that this increase in expenses was caused bv the employment of nec essary clerical aid in that office on the Children Cry for Fletcher's 1 n Tho Kind You Have Always Bonght, and which lias been iu use for over 30 years, has borne tho signature of and has been made under his per- CjT jCj6HWi-- . ' sonal supervision since its infancy. v- UCA4AI; Allow no one to deceive you in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jiint-ns-guod" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare Boric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ape is its guarantee. It destroys AY otitis and allays Foverislmcss. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, AVind Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR j A ALWAYS ) Bears the Signat y4 Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THC CtMTMl. rOM.tNV N g W VOWK CITY, approval of the county court. 1 am perfectly frank in saying that I am opposed to Mr. Gelilhar in this election. Not only does his personal advertising in the "Guide," on ball tickets ami in the newspapers condemn him as lucking sincerity and dignity, but the fact that is inexperienced as an attorney and is, in my judgment, ut turly incompetent, precludes my sup porting him. Now if any person doubts these statements about the "Guide" they are at liberty to inquire of the county nssessor, of the treasurer, of the county judge, as to the allegations in this let ter. If Mr. Gelilhar claims to be quali fied to fill this office, so important to the people, let him publish when he ever tried a case in u court of record. In conclusion, 1 have this to say: If Mr. Gelilhar is elected and he cannot give better satisfaction to the people as district attorney, than he did to Company M, us their commanding offi cer, he would be promptly recalled. ' 1). W. I'lSHKR. prices for the fish and there has bee prosperity in the Rogue river country. East Oregonian. As an indication ot the rise in farm land within this county ia thep nst five years the sale of a half. section of wheat laud near Adams to day for $40,000. The land was sold by Art Grovcr, of Helix, for $125 per acre, and this same land Mr. Xelsou bought five years ago for $24,000 or $77.50 an acre. The land lies Jibout four mile from Adams and is good as any -wheat laud in tho county. STATE NEWS Marshfield Record: Roderick Mac leay, president of the Wcdderburn Trad ing company, on the Kogue river passed through the city on his way to Portland He arrived Saturday night from Curry county and left for the north on the Sunday morning train. Mr. Macleay has been at his Kogue river property most of the summer and will be in Portland during the coming winter. The season wan an exceptionally good one for sal mon fishing. The Macleay cannery put up about 20,000 cases of salmon and the pack was the largest ever known on Kogue river- The men were paid high Myrtle Creek Mail One Myrtle Creek prune man reported a yield of $.157 per acre this year from dried prunes. Other report yields of inure than $300 per acre. This should be encouraging news, to to men who planted good land to apple several years ago and have grown dis couraged and disgusted with tire country- They should plant prunes. Bnndon. A. U Winegar and Marios Zumwalt who pichen up at sea the life boats of the Congress, received $400 a salvage. They were first offered $150 but asked for $500, and finally com promised on $400 which was pretty good for two hours work. COTTON NEAE3 20 CENTS i i New York, Oct. 24. Cotton climbed toward 20 cents today. In early trading on the cotton exchange there were ad vances of 12 to 25 poiuts to new big levels. July cotton sold at 19.09, up 23, December ot 19.14, up 22. She Knew. Hunter You mean to tell me that you have shopped all the livelong day without buying anything? Mrs- Hunter Yes, but I know what everybody else got. i IVlY IMS nJqbo Phelps JL 4 i 1 0 CHAPTER LYH. After Clifford left in the morning I was so glad and happy because of his unusual amiability that I sang and laughed all day long. "It sholy is good to sec yo so peart! " Mandy said, lookiug at me over her glasses- "What's don' happened, Honey T" "Oh, nothing, Mnudyl yes, there has, too!" I qualified. "My Tam mond was so nice this morning, nice to me I mean, that I can't help singing." "Ef he wut nice to yo nil re time it wouldn't hurt' him none!" she return ed with her characteristic sniff. But I paid no attention to her remark, know ing how she loved me, and how jealous ly she guarded my happiness. "Come Edith, you and mother will go for a nice walk. Perhaps we will go to see Aunt Muriel," as she had been taught to call Mrs, Frauklyn. "But I'se feared it am goin1 to rain!" Mandy expostulated. "Thar's a big black cloud over thar!" She pointed out the window, "Every cloud has a silver lining for me today!" I replied happily. "Isn't it so, Edith T" and I gave my precious girl a "bear hug." "You are the sil ver lining to my clouds, darling al ways," I said more soberly. Then I laugher at the puzzled expression in her little face. Her mother moralizing was something unusual. "The very idee callin' that blessed j lam' a liuin't " Mandy grumbled aa the THE SILVER LINING helped get her charge' ready. A Morning Call. -It was quite'a long walk to Muriel 's, but we walked slowly, occasionally stop ping to rest. Edith was getting too big to be carried, and I didn't want to tire her. "I am so glad to see you!" Muriel exclaimed. Then to Edith: "Kiss me this minute, you blessed lamb! " "That's what Mandy called me," Edith told her as she kissed her cheek. " Mandy 's a wise old owl!" Muriel laughed, "Be careful what you say about Mandy," I warned. "She and Edith have no secrets." "What's happened to you. Mildred?" Muriel asked after she had found some toys with which Edith was to amuse herself while we chatted- "You look so bright ami happy. Really you don't look over 16. I don't believe you are Edith's mother at all." "She's my muver," Edith interposed, before I answered. "Oh, I AM happy this morning! I slept so well, and oh! everything has Leen so pleasant that I am just plain happy." "A very lucid explanation," Muriel teased. "I understand perfectly," but in spite of her laughing tone, I imagined she DID understand. Perhaps more clearly than I had intended she should. We remained for nn hnnr hnn .,ii. - v-., .Mv-u niuA- ed back home. A New Costume. After luachcou I dressed and went to the dressmaker's for a fitting. I had ordered a black velvet street eint, a coat and one-piece dress- Clifford should never again have cause to com plain of my appearance if I could help it. I was now in danger of going to th other extreme. But as yet he had mad no objection to the bills, so I did not consider them at all, but ordered what I fancied. My dress wos so pretty, so etyliak that I was elated. It was trimmed witk chinchilla fur, and had dainty yellow lace ruffles at the neck and sleeves. Otherwise it was severely plain, but fit ted me perfectly. It was all finished and a sudden whim seized me to wear it home. Lorrain hod "built," ao she ex pressed it, me a cunning little toque of fur, and velvet to match the costume, aad I knew that I looked extremely ehis as I walked home. When about half way there I saw Clifford coming along a side street aad turned to meet him. "Whew!" he ejaculated. "What ia the world are you dressed up like ion nere are you goingl" "To meet you," I answered, tucking my hand in his arm. I had seen by hi expression that he was pleased with my appearance. "You are certainly learning how t dress," he approved, "but don't send ine to the poorhouse." (Tomorrow The Line of Least Besist-auce.) a this -4