1 TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, TUESDAY, OCT. 24, 1916. P C IE T Y s By ALINE THOMPSON . One "of the most delightful events Scheduled in the calendar for this week is the bridge party for which Sirs, ;jward K. THIinghnst and Mrs. Frank Brown will be hostesses at the residence of the former on Wednesday. .. .. . .. - At the V. W. C. A. an oriental ten will be given Saturday afternoon, by the Salem Woman's club. : The club had first- planned to give tne atrair at a private residence, but at a meeting of tho social committee, Sat urday afternoon, it was decided that the function be given at tho Y. W. (,'. A. The reception is an annual event and is given in honor of the club s new president. Hesides Mrs. William Gallo way president, Mrs. .Willis C. Hawley and Mrs. James Withycombe will bo the Honor guosts. A group of young girls in oriental costumes will assist. ' a Of interest to Salem's younger set will ue the wedding of Miss Jonc Lam bert of Portland, to (leorae F. KnL'les by of La Grande, Oregon, which will be solemnized tonight at tho residence of the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lambert. Miss Clementine Lambert, a sister of the bride-to-be, win ue ncr main or nonor. The function will bo followed by a iiiHii recepiion. a Miss iTaxel Price entertained recent ly with a delightful informal afternoon her guests being the members of the "Otiineo Jour" club. The rooms were prettily adorned with roses and bril liant autumnal foliage. The afternoon wns devoted to sow ing and music. Miss Marie Dennett as sisted tho hostess in serving a dainty repast. Mrs. M. P, Baldwin of Pendleton formerly of Salem, who has been visit ing friends here, returned home Satur Miss Treno Curtis, who is attending tne Oregon Agricultural College, came Home tor toe week end. a Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ifauser had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. IJoyd llauser of Eugene. At tho Commercial club on Monday evening, October 110, the Salem Floral society will eelcbrnte its first birthday with a Hallowe'en party. A splendid programme has been arranged for the event and will include music and "goli blin" readings. A diversity of interest ing things to do will make the evening a gala one. The committee in charge of the cele bration will appear in sheets and pillow eases with weird faces. John Alden and Priscilln will be there to greet the guests. Refreshments will round out the gny eties, in which Uin public is cordially invited to participate. a Mrs. W. M. Persons of 129(1 North Commercial street, entertained Satur day afternoon with a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Ruth Sehultz, whose engagement was recently bn nounc to John Robert Addison. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Joseph Sehultz. About 13 of tho bride-elect 's friends were present anil she was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. ,1 The Misses Rhoda and Oilillie Per sons served thp ret'i-cuhmontu 1 ft Mr. and Mrs. W,-II. Cook motored to Sweet Home for the week end and were the guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Dr.-and Mrs. Ivan Bellinger. ... Friday evenine, October tho twenty seventh, a basket social will be given at the Mountain View school house in Polk county, under the auspices of the parent-teachers association. A feature of the evening will be nn interesting programme. All friends and members are invited to attend. Miss Bertha Duncan, whose marriage to Karl Waldo Baker, will take place Sunday, October the twenty-ninth, was the honoreo for a delightful linen show er Thursday night. The atfuir which was given at the home of the bride elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Duncan, was planned by a group of her girl friends. Miss Duncan formerly was a teacher in the (irant school and has many friends in Salem, who are regretting tha fact that after her marriage she will make her home in Detroit, Michi gan. Tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry liartels, south of Macleny, was the scene of an enjoyable dinner Sunday when a number of friends gathered, to celebrate Mr. Bnrtels' birthday. The guests numbered 30 and were for the most part neighbors, with n few Knlem folk who motored out for the oc casion. Among those going from here were: r. and Mrs. C. J. .spitzbnrt. Mr. and Mrs. August Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Kehiberger, Air. and Mrs. Kruger, Miss Martha Corrodi and Mr. Corrodi. Dr. Staples will be at the Y. M. 0. A. tonight at 7::i0 o'clock to see all those who have not had their physical examinations for thq Y. W. C. A. gym nasium classes. On Thursday the Woman's Relief Corps will meet at the home of Mrs. Jessie Pope in Locus avenue, lor an af ternoon 'of sewing. All members arc asked to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Orover Jones of Kaiser, are receiving congratulations upon the advent of a daughter, born Friday, Oc tober the thirteenth. She will be enlled Olcta i-ne. Saturday afternoon the Star Sunday school class of the Jason Lee church was entertained at the homo of Miss Ruth Miuton. Out door games were played and later the gayeties were closed with refreshments. II II !! II II belling out our store with no thought of profit. Many bargains for less than cost. ii ii u m GOING TO QUIT SALE OPENS WEDNESDAY Pendleton Normal School Proven Necessity (Copied from Portland Oregonian.) MONMOUTH. Ore.. June 2C The Oregon Normal school opened this week . . . students enrolled 786, largest on record for state Normal in Oregon .... bow to caro for largo student body a problem .... 8(10 being crowded into auditorium with seating ca pacity or 650. Galleries filled with extra chairs In aisles. More than 150 students seated on platform. New boarding houses completed, additions to room ing houses built and tents used. One hundred girls sleep on upper floor of school. The official school report gives 150 grade pupils In Monmouth, for teacher practice. . Read what those you have elected to handle the affairs of your state and who are thoroughly informed regarding school conditions in Oregon have to Kay concerning measure 308 on the ballot at the coming -election: By James Withycombe, Governor of Oregon: "On-guii la uiiimlimmlily In need or mora normal sehfMil work and 1'biiiIIi.ioii is tlie lojticul plucs for a schoul of lliis cIusm In tOasti-in Oregon." By J. A. Churchill, Stats Superintendent of Puhllo Instruction: ' , "I Irimt thai Ine volrrs or Hie Stats will assist In- raiHliiu Ihu alumluul n( our schools by cslutiliahliiK a Hlat Normal Kchool ut I Yiidlcliiii.'' By P. L. Campbell, Prtsldent of ths University of , Oregon: "At Iruat on additional Normal Hi howl Is ursrntly naedmi in Oregon." By W. J. Kerr, President of the Oregon Agricultural College: "Hnn the propla of I'emlleton ara Inlllatlnf a mcusiir ' - ; Tor tha establishment or u Normal School ut that plat-a, -, It -will glva iu pleasure lu support this measure." By J.' H. Acksrman, President Oregon Normal School, at Monmouth: "A careful analysis of the situation will convince any one that Orae-un needs a Normal Hchool lu lCiistcru Oca gun and I'andlaloii (Ilia all the government requirements." By tha County School Superintendents of Oregon: "Iteaolred. that It la tho aenae or I he County School Bupei Inlciulciila of the Mate of Orrton, In convention nssenthlao, that tlie heal Interests or the schools of tha State demand Increaacd facilities ror the training ut . teachers, nad that we, Iheiefore, endorse the Initiative, neaeuie lo aatabllah a Normal School at Pendleton." By Mrs. Charles H. Castner, President of tha Oregon Fadsratton of Women's Clubs: "I roost heartily endorse tha location of anld Normal School at I'endlelon " Prof. . Robert C. French, Former President of tha Normal School Located at Weston: - "An Immediate earahllahment of such a school at soma central point such mm I'endlelon would proee u great asset to Ihe State o( Oiegon " B. f. Mulksy, Ex President Southern Oregon Normal School: "I shall support tha locution of an liastern Oregon Normal School at Faadlelon." State Board of Regents of Oregon Normal School declares that "the necessity for additional Normal school facilities in Oregon is apparent." Portland Chamber of Commerce, endorses measure, 308 and say Pendleton most logical location lor Nor ntal school in luistern Oregon. 308 X YES IS A VOTE FOR your children I Kastern Oregon Mute Not ma I School Committee. (Paid Adv.) J'y J. II. (Iwinn, 8ecy., ivndleton, Ore. CHINAWARE Regular 15c ' Now 10c Including Cream Pitchers, Sugar and Creamers, Plates, Bone Dishes, Olive Trays, Hatpin Holders, Mush Bowls, Oatmeals, in several decor ations. CUPS AND SAUCERS Small Decorated After Dinner Cups and Saucers. 'Japanese Decorated Cups and Saucers. Majolica ware. Thin White Ovide China Cups and Saucers. 10c Chinaware 5c Including Plates, Cups, Saucers, Toothpick Holders, Sauce Dishes, Cream Pitchers, Mugs. GLASSWARE Regular 15c Now 10c Including Berry Dishes, Celery Trays, Vases, Covered Butter Dishes, Open Sugar and Creamers, Lemon Extractors, Candlesticks, Footed Blown Sherbet Cups, and Lamps. Regular 10c Now 5c Including Lemon Extractors, Measuring Cups, Sherbet Glasses, Olive Dishes and Pickle Dishes, Spoon Trays. SALAD SETS .05 Salad Sets 70c Variety of decorations for selection. $1.05 Caster Set 50c 75c Salad Set 50c 70c Celery Set 35c This' going out of business sale gives you the chance to get good standard merchandise at cost, and in many cases actually below. We are going to quit business and must dispose of our stock. We've forgotten what profit means, our prices are down to cost and below. Read every item in this ad. v Ladies' and Children's Hosiery Special Regular 15c Stockings SPECIAL 10c Handkerchiefs Men's and Women's 10c Handkerchiefs. .... .2 for 15c 15c Men's and Women's Handkerchiefs 10c Ladies' Barred and Plain Hemstitched Handkerchiefs; regular 5c, now 3 for 10c 1 Oc Baskets Sc A table of 10c Fancy work and Flower Baskets ..... 5c 15c Dripping Pans 10c 15c Baskets . 10c 15c Shopping Bags 10c LACES 25c Shadow Lace, yard ........ loc :)0c All-over Lace, yard ; 15c 15c Torcheon Lace, yard 5c All 5c Val Laces and Insertions 2 yards 5c ,50c Pure Linen Cluny Laces, " yard 15c 15c Oriental Laces 10c RIBBON 5c Ribbon 3 yards for 5c 7c Ribbon, yard ; 3c 8c Ribbon, yard 5c 10c Ribbon, yard 6c 12c Ribbon, yard 7c 15c Ribbon, yard 9c 25c Ribbon, yard 15c EMBROIDERY All 10c Embroidery and Insertion, yard 5c All 15c 17-in. Embroidery Flounc ing, yard 10c All 25c 24-in. Embroidery Flounc ing, yard lfc All 15c Lace and Embroidered Aprons 10c Stamped Embroidery Work. Pillow Tops, Dresser Scarfs, Doil ies, Corset Covers, Guest Towels and other items. Regular 15c Now 10c Plain and gilt frame pictures in both metal and wood, regular 10c and 15c articles, now 5c to close out V All 10c and 15c Hallowe'en goods go on sale at 5c Each. n n ii u ri u E3 M D n D B a H CI El El U U u El U n a a a u H El 11 El 11 El II El a n H a El m n a u u n El El El El El EJ n a El H El H a n H El El El U H El El El El H M Ii a a m a a a a ii a a El El El M u n a 15c Tea and Coffee Pots Hobson's 5-1 0-1 5c Store 1Qc North Commercial Street 10c Silko Crochet Thread Ot Thoso itrrsiMit were: Mra. Grace Kou- silior, tho MiHScs Dorothy Coolcy, Beth el Johns, Hentrii'o Livingston, Frsnccs upozley, RprnifO Bt'p.lpy, Marie Hitch cock, l)tlhiiR .riihns, Klla Rinke, Ade line rtpyniour, r.sther Keuscher, Murion Uoberts, elina Tnylor, Olta l'earsny, Myrtle Smith, Josephine Seymour aiid (jladys 1'owell. Gifford Pinchot Still a Progressive rortltind. Ore.. Oct. 24. Parrvinir nn appeal to nil progressives to vote for t nitries r.. nunes, whom he styles a "true progressive," Gifford Pinchot, former chief of the United State, for. estry department, will leave for Cali- lornia at h:ou p. m., making his first stop in fun Francisco. nncnot sike to a ng crowd here last night. He assured his auditors that he Was at i 1 1 A lirmrrtiMiva Ba.i.. II T am not a republican, and heaven knows oiu uui n m-iuucriu, n is as a progres sive that I nnmuil tn vmi n ... Charles K. Hughes- He stands for pro- n.noi.o iiriiii'ipies, as nis recora as gov ernor of New York shows. "Every progressive and everv true advocate of progressive, principles should vote for Hughes." Alleged Cement Trust j Case Practically Ended Portland, Or., Oct. 24 November 20 will see the end of sensational litiga tion recently instituted hero by Aman Moore, vice president of the Oregon Portland Cement company who sued certain other officers of that corpora tion and 14 big cement concerns in all parts of the west for heavy damages, alleging violation of the Sherman anti trust law. On petition of a majority of stock holders tu Moore's company, tho fed eral court dismissed his suit! His appli cation for a temporary injunction, to prevent the defendant officials from performing their duties, wss denied, but the court will hear arguments for a permanent injunction November 20. Stockholders opposed to Moors filed a resolution with the federal court, de manding his resignation. Chicago, quoting from a newspaper of August 3. 1SS1. HOW tltta h all(imrllsa population of 8S,800, an increase of 10, 000 iu the last year." TEN DECISIONS BY THE SUPREME COURT Indictment for Selling Liquor Must Show Sale Was Made in Dry Territory Because the indictment against, Al fred Alpin, charged with selling intox icatirg liquor in Marlon county, did not state that the sale was made in dry ter ritory, and because the offenso is not stated sufficiently to bring it within the provisions of the local option law, Judgo McBride of the Oregon supreme court, affirmed the judgment of Judge Kolly of the "circuit court for Marion eountv in sustaining the demurrer of Alpin to the complaint filed against him. There were, .four indictments against Alpin and he tkmnrred, alleging they did not state facts sufficient to consti tute a rime and because theydid not suostantially comply with the law in that they failed to state the particular circumstances or the crime. Judge jveny sustained the demurrer and the state appealed. - In the opinion written b Justice Mc Bride, it is stated that there are .three ingredients of the crime: First, the de fendant must have sold intoxicating li quor; second, he must have sold it out side the limits of any incorporated city; third, he must have sold it without a license. It wss also stated that the passage of the prohibition amendments did not have the effect to- extend the statute to cities and towns not thereto embraced in its terms. The court de clared that the facts as stated iu the complaint might be true and yet not comply with the law. There were ten decisions handed down this morning. The others follow: William Greenberg, respondent, vs. German American Insurauce company, appellant, appeal from Multnomah county Judge V. N. Gatens, an action for damages resulting from breach of an alleged oral contract; reversed and remanded; decision by Justice Burnett. F. M. Tooney, respondent, vs. J. D. Cssey 'nd J, H. Hutchison', appellants, appeal from Multnomah county, Jndge Kobert Morrow, second appeal to the supreme court; judgment . of circuit court reversed by opinion of Justice Bean in former case, which was au ac tion for the recovery of (10,031.42. Ke versed and remanded. E. L. Giles, et al, respondents, vs. the City of Uosobisrg, et al, appellants, ap peal from Douglas county, Judge U. F. Skipworth, from a decree enjoining the enforcement of a special nssessuicnt on property; affirmed by Justice Moore Flora 1. Forman, appellant, vs. School district No. 25, of l oluiubia county, re spondent, appeal from Columbia coun ty; petition for rehearing denied by Justice Benson. r State of Oregon, respondent, vs. Otto Edmund, appellant, appeal from Coos county, Judge J. W. Hamilton, for con viction of unlawfully selling liquor; judgment of lower court aflirmed by Justice Moore. K. N. Magness, respondent, vs. Hattie M. Ditmcrs, et al, appellants, appeal from Yamhill county, Judge Webster Holmes, of a suit involving the validity of a deed; affirmed by Justice Harris. Douglas Creditors association, re spondent, vs. J. H. Hutchison, appellant appeal from Douglas county, Judge t-Kipworth, a suit on accounts; affirmed by Justice Burnett. John E. Butson, respondent, vs. W. H. Miss, et ux, appellants, appeal from Multnomah county, Judge H. H. Belt, suit to have defendants declared trus tees of $700; affirmed by Justice Bean. Court House News tho answer of Scttlemier asserting that part of the stock was not as represent ed as filed this morning. The reply states that on account of the charge that part of the Hazznrd cherries stock was inferior they demanded from Set tlcniier a statement as to the inferior stock, which ho has neglected to dn. The reply also states that Settlemirr owes the compnny $i22.77 on a note and that with the sum of $1:UI3.50 for the nursery stock amounts to $2023.3 in all. The company usscrts that by reason of the sale and delivery of stock Scttlemier is estopped from setting up any claim for damages. They pray judg ment as asked for in tho complaint. The estate of John Guldati, who died August 24, 191H, was filed this morn ing with the county court. Tho value of the estate is given as 13,300, which is in real and personal property. The widow, Barbara Guldau, ago 72, living at Mt. Angel, renounces her right to act as administrator and asks tho court to appoint Joseph Kcbcr as administrator. tally ink, hlol- v '. An action for the recovery of 40 tons of hay or its equiva'ent'in money, (375, and $.r0 special damages for wrong ful taking and detention of property, was begun in the circuit court this morning by the Willamette Valley Irri gated l4tnd company against George Boersema, et al. The company alleges that it is the owner of 40 tons of hay located on its premises, which are oc cupied by Borsema, sear West Stayton. They allege that Boersetna on August 1, 1914, wrongfully took and detained the property and they ask the court to cause its return. In the case of E. R. Taylor, repre senting L. B. Taylor and Sons, of To peka, Kansas, against F. W. Settlemier, of the Woodburn Nurseries, an action to recover money for nursery stock sold on February 28, 1913, and deliver ed F. O. B. cars at Topeka, a reply to Marriago licenses were issued to Er nest Vernon Pntton, a fanner of Ma eleay, and Lillian Albertine I'riem, al so of Macleay; and Edward Domognlla, of 5(10 N. Capital street, a fireman, and Lou Dover, of 333 Leslie street, .Salem. County School Superintendent Smith is getting out a special report of the! schools of -uarion county to Hend to J. A. Churchill, state superintendent, of public instruction, for incorporation in his lii-enniiil report to the Oregon legislature, which convenes in January, The report will sum up the work of tho past two years, enumerate the progress made in sanitation, building, fairs, nml institutes. Ballot boxes for 72 precincts of Mor ion county were delivered to the sher iff today and will be sent out next week with all the election supplies. The sup plies consist of white nttd colored bai lors, pou hooks, otiiciai seals, sheets, -copies of election laws, liens, nceillcs. striiur. nenlitu. wiix ' ' , v o Appeals to Patriotism to Prevent Strike Winnepeg, Man., Oct. 24.l'smg oti appeal to patriotism, Premier Borden, at Ottawa today issued an Jtddresa to tho Canadian Pacific trainmen to de lay their general coast to coast strike, scheduled for live p. m. tomorrow. Tho men replied that . a delay now is im possible, pointing to the road's bountU fill earnings on account of the war. (?. I). Robertson, Welland, Ont., sent hero by the Ottawa government as in termediary, today admitted he is un able to change tho men's attitude. Late this afternoon he will confer with rail road officials, who are sai dto have no desire to tie tip their road at this time, of wheat moving. Co Hole le "The Natural Shortening" Test Cottolene the next time vou make muffins. Eryoy their lightness and fine flavor. You will fenow then that it is better than anything else youuhave ever tried for shortening; this also holds true for frying. Cottolene is' a pure food product makes foods more digestible. Your gro cer will supply it in large or small pails. Uive him your order today. t'l?w "Cotfoem nulti lJLtfAIRBANrUSHaj 4V a 'I J Mat