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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1916)
1 " . FULL LEASED . WIRE DISPATCHES 4 . f - )c 4 CmCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY -.: V. . ". . ; i ITHmTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 227 SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24,. 1916 vmTrm mrrrz-k nniTma OH TRAINS AND NEW JLI4 1WU liCJi AO STANDS FIVE CENTS ICIf NSEN DRUG RUh'ANIANS LIKE SHEEP r Captures Town,. , Rasavo on the Danube and Only Bridge by Which Russians and Rumanians Can Withdraw To Old . Rumania-Germans Meet Some Success in Transylvania Berlin Says Loss of Allies Tremendous Serbians . Press Nearer to Monastir London, Oct. 24. With more than half the Constanza "Cernavoda railway in his hands, Field Marshal Macken sen is advancing swiftly northward aiming to destroy a . large part of the Russo-Rumanian army. . Mackensen's left wing has captured ' the town of Rasavo on the Danube, it was officially announced at Ber lin today. Rasavo is only eight miles south of Cernavoda and the only bridge over the Danube by which the re treating Russo-Rumanians can withdraw to old Rumania with their guns and other equipment. The Teutonic center has captured the railway junction of Medjidia, the center point of support of the Russo Rumanian line. The right wing has swept on through Constanza in pursuit of the retreating Rumanians, pursu ing cavalry having reached the region of Caramurat. ' The German-Bulgar-Turkish armies have captured 0,678 prisoners and 52 machine guns, it was officially an nounced at Berlin. The German war office, however, claims no large . amount of booty, apparently confirming a Rome report that supplies were removed from Constanza several days ago. While Mackensen was winning his victory in Do brudja, the resumption of the offensive in Transylvania with the purpose of crushing Rumania between eastern and western armies has met with some success, Berlin re ported. ' The Austro-Germans have captured the Ruman ian town of Predeal after several days of fierce fighting near Predeal Pass. Both the Rumanian and Russian war offices issued statements today admitting the loss of Constanza, Petro grad reporting also the capture of Medjidia by the Teu tons. The Rumanian war office explained that the Ru manians' left wing has been compelled to retire from Constanza by enemy pressure, falling back upon Cara murat. Both the Rumanian and Russian statements, however, announced Rumanian victories near the Transylvanian frontier, especially in the Oituz valley, where the Ru manians attacked on the whole front, capturing ten of ficers, HO; men and ten machine guns. In Macedonia the Serbians have resumed their of fensive toward' Monastir, capturing German-Bulgar trenches. In the other theatres of war there have been no newdevelopments. The German Nut Cracker. Berlin, Oct. 24 Two powerful armies, nttueking from enst tuid, tliroateu to crush Rumania in a mighty vise nnd put her out of the beforo fiuter. Field Marshal Mackensen's Gerraan-Iliilgnrinn-Turkish forces have captur ed nearly a third of the Constanza Cernavoda railway and are pressing iu upon Cernvoda itself. The Rumanian force that evacuatoil Constanza is fall ing back hastily to escape annihila tion . On Rumania's western front, Fisld Marshal Fnlkenlinyn has resumed the offensive and is currying the battle to the Rumanians at several iliffereut places on Rumanian soil. It is believed here that serious riots will occur iu the Rumanian capital Cantaloupes were unusually fair -an' lionorahle this season. l'rof. Alex Tansey want t' know what has be come o' th' ole time anti-rattkr cuff I'll 1 1 mi s f when news of the loss of Rumania's only important seaport Is made public. Mackensen's easy victory at Constan za was due partly to the Rujso-Runinn-ians' lack of atrillery, it is understood here- When Fnllceuhnyii began sweep ing the Ruinnninns out of Trnusvlvau ir.n passes to check the invasion of their iVet-tern borders. The Russians brought reinforcements in men to Pobruilja but were unable to bring adequate artillery equipment nnd the enemy batteries were unable to offer effective opposition to the Teutonic advance. One report from Sofia today said that Constanza was won with hardly any fighting, the Rumanians evacuating .shortly after German detachments cut the railroad to the west. Cavalry forces entered the city in the afternoon and found it deserted by the enemy. The decisive victory over the Ruman ians is expected to have a tremendous influence in Greece, stifling the allies' attempts to win Greece's armed sup port. Dead Lie in Bows. Berlin, via wireless io snyville, L. I., Oct. 24 Fighting of the greatest vio lence continued yesterday ou the Som- me front, it was officially, announced today. "in order to break through at any price," says tfto statement, "the Eng lish and French continued their attacks ...:tl. .l.nn.i fimau Tn uitita nf tlwii- of these masses north of the Sommo, they suirereu sanguinary ucieui. "Kntire rows of dead are lying, one upon another, especially west of l.e- 1 ransloy. ine nrmsii war on ice iai ..l.rl.. .iinnnnnuil th CHlltlirO flf 1 OltO Mllll ' I - yards of trenches in this region.) The conduct or our troops was as spicmuu as possible. "Mouth of the Somme the French pre pared to advance on the sector of Ablnn court -Chaulnes but our annihilating fire made the attack impossible. "Ou the Verdun front the enemy tried to assist the Somme attacks by at tacking. Our positions east of the Meuse were strongly snencu our nosmc infantry was held to its trenches by our strong and efficieut artillery. At- (Continued on page eight.) Grand Old Veteran Honored in Death Portland, Or., Oct. 24. Flags were hoisted to half . mast today in memory of General James Jackson, veteran civ il war leader, indian fighter and for mer inspector general of the Oregon na tional guard, who died at his home here last Saturday. His body lay in state at the armory, surrounded by a guard of honor from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. . Chaplain W. S. Gilbert of the Third regiment,' national guard, is to conduct the funeral ceremonies. Local posts ot the G. A. K. and the Spanish war veter ans have been summoned to escort the cortcee through the streets th's after noon. Governor Withycombo will at tend. All branches of the militia will ahto participate. United States regulars from Vancouver, Wash., have been ordered to take part, firing three volleys at the grave in Fairview cemetery and sounding "taps" after the body has been laid to rest. WITHGREAT HAUL Tackletf Home of Sporting Man and Got $109,000 Worth of Jewelry ew York, Oct. 24 One of the big gest robberies that has occurred about New York in years was reported to the when Frank Grey Gris- wold, prominent Wall Street and sport ing man, told of burglars entering his Long Island homo lust night and escap ing with jewelry and silver. valued at between $SO,000 and $100,000. This estimate "of the loss was made by Griswold and his wife who motored in to headquarters to report the rob bery. Griswold, his wife and her daughter, Miss Murv Canfield, are believed to have been chloroformed by the robbers at the Griswold house, one of the show places on Long Island. Griswold and Mrs. Griswold told the police they a woke this morning with a severe head ache and the daughter was ill. In one of the rooms was found a rag or liand hercliief, which was believed to have been saturated with chloroform and to have been used in rendering members of the household unconscious. Foot prints were found in all of the sleeping rooms. The burglars aparently took their time. Thev ransacked drawers and clos ets throughout the house, opened jewel cases aim 'picked out only the most costly gems and piled the empty boxes up behind curtains in rooms of the lower floor. All indications were that the robbers came to the house and escaped in an automobile. Griswold said automobile tracks leading up to the house were found in the grass. is oircje SLOGAN If You Do, the Club Expects You to Prove It by Your Helping Upbuild It A splendid example of scientific re organization is seen in the Kiilera Com mercial club which, 10 months ago, cast precedent to the wind and-set out to supplant theory by practice. The plan of reorganization as applied to the city in the beginning was large ly theoretical. It remained for the management of the club to make it prac ticable. Has the management succeeded! Judge for yourself. Instead of a deficit the organization today has a cash balance of more than $2,000. It's net worth is more than $0,000. 1 Instead of making the city fit the club's needs the club has been made to fit Salem's needs. The promises of the reorganizes arc now about to become facts. It is up to you. The man anil woman who lives here has the future of the city in his or her hands. Let's get together. Let's stick to gether. Hearty co-operation v.ill result in these things for nalem within a com paratively short time: j I An industrial fund of $'.'50,000 to be used in bringing to the Capital City factories which will prosper in this com- muntiy. i 2 A new Southern Facme depot. 3 A co-operative commission house to handle the produce raised by the farmers of this section. 4 A public dock and warehouse on the river. In addition the installation of a lock nnd dam system between Sa lem and Oregon City is also possible. This will secure a competitive water freight rate for this city. 5 An inter-county bridge All these things are within Salem's grasp. Can Salem afford to neglect the opportunity f Are these things worth working forf Then do your share. Line up with those who are giving freely of their time and efforts to bring these (Continued from page one.) BOTH SIDES V80 WOMAN WITH VOTE BUT SHE IS FLIRTY SBBSsSaBsa.SB Each Side. Claims ' the Women Are for Them But "You . Never Can Tell" WADS OF LOVE LETTERS SENT BY EACH. LOVER 4,000,000 of Them to Vote and of These Illinois Has 800,000 By Car D. Groat. (1'nitetl l'resa staff correspondent.) New York, Oct. 24. Four million wo men 's votes aren't to be sneezed at this presidential year. The two big partios admitted this frankly today and said thev 're turning every possible attention to wooing the suffrage ballots. fcacn side claimed the maioritv of the women would be for them, but each was just Us frank in admitting that it's nara to tag 'Women voters and that there'll be much independent voting. As the republican woman's branch put it, "the women will not vote as ihoir husbands, brothers and sweet hearts do-" The democratic camp said, "suffrngc will not be u determining factor. Wo men will reason for themselves and vote as they see tit, though we believe they will see that Wilson is their best hope." Thy are very earnest folk these wo men campaigners. A few around head quarters of both parties looked as though this hunt lor the elusive vote might be a lad, but for the most part they had theiriuts off and were hust ling. Both sides are making a big drive on strictly economic questions, arguing that what affects men also affects wo men. Workers at Hughes headquarters were busily engnged in mailing out a list of questions for women to ponder, involving largely matters of higr-nr liv ing costs, tariff and the like. Theilr circular suggested, too, that on strictly women's and children's matters the G. O. I', had been the moro favorable. Around the corner, near the Grand Central station, the democratic women were just as busy mailing out literature to prove that the children's bureau, the commission on industrial relations, the child labor bill aud even the federal reserve act and rural credits measures are big arguments why Wilson should have the women's vote. The states where women vote are Wy oming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Washing ton, Oregon, Arizona, Kansas, Illinois, Montana and Nevadu. Illinois leads with about 800,000 votes, while the whole registration totals about 4,000,- 000. Barrett Murder Case Puzzles Detectives Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 24. Detect ives today spread out a net for an al leged accomplice of llcntnn L. Barrett. aged slayer, who confessed to tho mur der of his wife and 17 year old stepson, following nn attempt to bum a barn on the Hnrrett farm, where the slayer admitted the murder was done. The case, officers admit, is one of the most puzzling to solve in local criminal history., Barett, altering his first story, gave his version of the kill ing iu the barn, refused to give any other motive than that of self defense, while detectives declare his very story contradicts this statement. While a police officer stood guard over the death barn last night, a fig ure stole up out of the darkness and tried to throw a flaming cloth into the hay loft. Officer Henninger, who was ou guard, surprised the would-be incen dnries, who escaped despite a shower of bullets from Kenningcr's revolver. Providence Journal Makes Wild Claims Providence, R. I. Oct. 24. That Cap tain Boy-ed, debarred German naval attache of the Washington embassy, de spatched the C-O.'t mid two other sub marines here to force a United States ruling on their activities, wus claimed by the Providence Journal today. Further, that paper stated that the U-5.1, the V-4H and the U-81 still are in American waters. In support of its claims, the Journul presented a letter which it claimed Boy ed had written here, saying: "In order to ascertain where we stand we must, therefore, force the is sue and see to what extent America is willing to carry out her alleged human itarian ideals by helping us to save the live of those whose ships we destroy in the coming campaign in the western At lantic." Gloves, belting and other leather ar ticles have been made from sea lions' hides iu a British Columbia factory, PRESIDENT GIVEN WARM PRAISE BY OREGON'S SENATOR Great Audience Applauds as Achievements of Adminis tration Are Named EIGHT HOUR LAW DUE TO PRESIDENTS INITIATIVE Defens of President's Course with Mexico Brings Tremendous Applause. "This ampaign is in mnnv respects more important than that of 1800. Then the question was of saving the Union intact. Now it is a question of saving it for our people rather than for the interests." "This administration has kept evcrv premise it made to the people, and be sides has fulfilled tho pledges made by tne progressive party, as well as the constructive measures long promised by tho republicans but never fulfilled." 'Congress has performed more con structive legislation in three and a half years than all congresses before it in to years." "The federal reserve bill took the control of the people's money out of the hands of the New York money kiugt and placed it under the control of the people's representatives. In doing so it pulled the teeth of the gang and made their bito harmless for it took from them the power to create panics. "It took little children out of the grasp of the bloodless corporations, out of tho grind and gloom of the sweut shops and gave them a sight of God's sunshine and a breath of uncontuminat cd air. It put humanity and human life, children's Jives, above the dollar.'" "In passing the erght hour law. the country was saved from appalling dis aster, and in the only wnv iu which it could have bcn so saved." "The rural credits law is the grentes! piece of constructive legislation passed since the country became a nation, ami for the first time placed the farmer on a level with other business, in the mat ter of borrowing money for his needs." "the seaman s bill and the initial stcp3 toward securing a merchant ma rine, will in a few years make the Am erican flog visible in every port of tho world, and the shipping trust, the wins! monopoly the country is cursed with, will bo broken." "The building of the AlnsV.a railroad alone prevented the grabbing of that vast territory with its untold mineral wealth by the Guggenheinis and that class. W'e built a railroad with the people's money over the people's land to snvc and open up the people's prop erty." Made Profound Impression. These are some of the main points brought out by the senator in his clear and forceful way. The senator has been part or these things. He has helped pass these laws and knows even the minutest details of them. As he elucidated these details, and showed the why and where fore of the measures passed by congresB the big audience as point after point was driven home and achievement aft er achievement piled on top of one an other until a great pyramid of benefic ial legislation wus built up, sat breath less only when appreciation broke into expression in tumults of applause. And through it all the senator held up President Wilson as tho great central figure, the moving cuuse of much of this great work of congress. "lie asserted that tho charge that con gress had surrendered to furce in pass ing the eight hour day law was abso lutely false. Tho railroad employes had met the railroad managers in New York City for the purpose of settling their grievances between themselves. Neith er asked congress or the administration to interfere in any way. They could not agree, and the men's representatives were ready to start for home and call a strike to go into effect September 4. It was then President Wilson of his own initiative took a hand- The men nnd the managers thought they wero settling a private quarrel. They overlooked one hundred million American citizens who would be the real sufferers should their quarrel be not amicably settled. Presi dent Wilson as the people's representa tive called both men and malingers to Washington in an effort to settlo the dispute, and he failed. I(e then called on congress, and the Adnmson law was the result. Had that striko materialized, had it not been prevented by President Wilson's forethought and prompt action, this country would have hud ruin and starvation to face. That one act for which he is condemned by the "vocal element" as ho called Mr. Hughes nnd Mr. Roosevelt, should win him the grati tude and support of every citizen. He eallod attention to Colonel Koose velt's classing it as "cowardly surrend er," and also to the fact that when Roosevelt was president, the big finan cial interests behind United States steel wanted to violule the Sherman laws, and absorb the Tennessee Iron A (Continued on page five.) Bethlehem Steel Makes $25 Jump New York, Oct. 24. Bethlehem steel, one time leader of the "war brides," came to life today with an advance of 39, to $025 a share, $25 above its record price, established October 25, 1915. Bethlehem steel furnished the star performance of the war bride move ment lust year, starting at about $30 a share before the war and finally Bell ing at an even $600. For months the atoclt nns been inactive gradually climb ing back toward its record level recent ly. United States Bteel opened at 120 1-2 today, up 6 a. Republic steel was up 1 5-S at SO 1-8. Changes in the general list were irregular at the opening. Before 11 o'clock Bethlehem had sold at $025. Texas company made a new high rec ord at 232, having gained S3 points since oune- kock island advanced 1 1-4 to 20 1-4 on earnings reported. .Utah copper set a new high of 102 up 1 3-4. Hirst hour sales were 378,000 shares. Automobile Plunges Through Open Draw Carrying Four to Their Death Chicago, Oct. 24. Police boats today aro dragging the Chicago river at Twelfth street to find the four bodies of the social workers who were drowned late last night when the automobile in which they were riding plunged into the unguarded open draw of the river. J ho dead: Hugo J. Warner, age 31, official of Lord and Thomas Advertising Agency. sytvitn tinsel, age 20, law student at University of Chicago. Mrs. Lillian lvlausner, ngo 30, social worker. Miss Jennie Klausner, age 22, cousin of Mis. Kluusner, teacher. J lie rescued: Mrs. Henrietta J. Warner, age 30, widow of Hugo J. Warner, volunteer social worker. Tho body of Hugo J. Warner was re covered today one hundred feet from the sunken automobile. Miss Sarnh Bernstein, age 30, settle ment worker. The party was returning from an evejiing's work at tue Maxwell settle ment. The limousine approached the bridge nt Twelfth street lit tho fog cautiously. Survivors said the signal box sounded no alarm mid tho car plunged into the open draw. Investiga tion showed tho fuse controlling the signal was blown out. it was through the heroism of one of the drowned men, who freed her from the wreckage, that Mrs. Warner is nlive today to tell her story. Jt is believed the tour bodies aro in the limousine at the bottom of the river. Later the police recovered the other threo bodies. Mrs. Lillian Klausner' and her cousin, Miss Jennie Klausner, lied in each other s arms. Their bodies were found in the rear of the limousine by the driver who had been working on the bottom of the Chicago rivr'r all day. Tho body of Sylvan Kusel was found entangled in the front sent of the auto mobile. Mad Scene from Lucia Worked Over Again In New York Apartments New York, Oct. 24. The hall boy, who had just hail the mad scene from "Lucia" made over into n new fall necktie and was feeling very good a bout it, decided to permit the report er to interview Miss Heiupel. Miss Frieda Ilempel, that is, the grand opera prima donna who lost her music to the German censor at the frontier a few days ago, and her equili brium hero today when she saw what the decorators had done to her upurt ments. The hall boy did his best but with a hall boy who can't speak German and a maid who wouldn't eak Knglish, an appeal to a janitor with a deep bass beard was necessary. Thus, by the aid of a funereal ele vator man with a fuce as long and monotonous as a Liszt symphony, was Miss Ilempel located In B flat, in the mill. lie. of a high note and a low neca. Miss Ilempel was singing in a glass room, something the average New York apartment vocalist wotildn 't dare to do; not with tho neighbors reeling as incy do. Miss Ilempel stopped nnd, threading her way carefully among the decorators who had torn ut everything and were playing rngtimo with the furniture, camo out, "1 cannot, cannot talk to yon," said Miss Hcmpel. "I am mad, insane, fren zied. Always the-elevator is running (Continued on rB three,) - GENERAL RORLES WITH 22,000 III AFTER CARRANZA New Revolution Takes Form and Demand Made 0a Carranza to Resign CLAIM ROSLES IN FULL CONTROL OF ONE STATE i t Hundreds of Refugees Flock ing Into Juarez to ; Escape Villa . El Paso, Texas, Oct. 24. Hundreds of refugees, fleeing from Chihuahua City, strcumed into Juarez during the night and early today bringing continuation of the reports of Villa s presence out side Chihuahua City. These refugees declare that the Villistas are on the western side of the city and an attack ou the northern Mexico capital is ex pected ut any moment.. About midnight three hundred resi dents of Chihuahua City arrived in Jn-iiroz- v Another train brought the family of General Trcvino, Carrauzista com mander. In one car were 30 girls, daugh ters of the most prominent families i the capital. Many of the refugees cross ed to the American side of the border. Nearly all these refugees had left be cause they feared Villa would again attack Chihuahua City and some of the in believe General Trcvino will evaeoats the city with his forces when the as sault begins. Tho situation is believed serious be cause Treviuo's family had returned to Chihuahua City only a week ago. The refugees also brought confirmation ef the defeat suffered by the do facto government troops in the two day bat tle Vtlduy and Saturday at Palomas. While hunting Caches of amuunitioa recently near Namiqulpn, Villa stopped on the Santa Ana ranch, a Hearst prop erty, according to arrivals in Juarez. At one time a scouting party from the Americnu Fifth cavalry wag only 25 miles away. Six hundred beeves wtro killed on the ranch oy Villa's men, it is declared. A New Revolution. Kl Paso, Texns, Oct. 24 General Jose Robles, in command of several thousand revolutionists, has started a march on Mexico City to drive out Mrst Chief Carranza, according to a state ment made hare today by Kmiliano C'an tu, secretary to Robles( who arrived from the national capital after deliver ing a letter demanding that Carranza, abdicate and release certain political prisoners. The revolutionists columns have al ready entered the state of Pueblo, south, of the capital, Cantu declared. Washington state department offic ials hero have reliable information that Rubles commands 22,000 men and con trols tho entire state of Oaxaca. Largs numbers of this command were former ly adherents of Felix Diaz. Robles was sent by the Mexicnn de facto govern ment to campaign against Diaz. Instead, Rubles and Diar fused their commands, the former taking tho leadership. Villa at Chihuahua, Kl Paso, Texas, Oct. 24. Refugees ar riving from Chihuahua City today re ported another skirmish between out posts of the de facto government troops ami Villistas at Fresno, 10 miles west of Chihuahua City- Fresno is Villa's own rnnch, purchased by him while lie was in control of tho state of Chihauhua. No details havo been received as to the out- co mo of the fight. Start Work on Portland's Big New Ship Yards Portland, Or., jet. 24. V"ork started today on tho yards of the new Oregon shipbuilding corporation, a $500,000 concern which hns already closed con tracts for the contsruction of i fonr SSIIO ton stcamerB for Norwegian inter ests, at an aggregate cost of $4,000,000. The dredge Columbia was shifted to tho area south of the Northwest Hteel company's plant this morning, for taa purpose of dredging 200,000 cubio yards of earth and sand from the river into the fill, which will have a frontags of 4.,l.r feet ou the Willamette. The Smith and Watson Iron Works is largely In terested in tho new venture. THE WEATHER : Oregon: Fair tonight and Wed nesday; frost to night; easterly winds.