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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCT 23, 1916. NINE "7 : r r OliABBirifUJ ADVERTIBLNO RATEb Eat per woTd New Today: Each insertion, per One , week (8 insertions), per word..5t Onejonth(26 insertions) per word 17e The Capital Journal will not be re ponBible for more than one Insertion for errors in Classified Advertisments. Bead your advertisements the first day It appears and notify us immediately Minimum charge, 13e. lBfi8PA88 Notices for sale at Jour nal office. tl ETJBBEE Stamps made 165 8. Com') HARRY Window cleaner. rhone 70S. . novll WANTED Baler to bnlo same straw. Phone C2F14. oet2:i FOR SALE Horse. 13.-.0 lbs., 25.00 Phono 4:F2. gentle, Oft-U TOR SALE Fresh Leghorn cockerels cows, also Brown Plume 30Fi:i. o23 FURNISHED Apartments, also ban suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage ; WAITED Old sacks, rails and second hand goods. Phone ."..)4M. oet23 WEi HAVE Baled hay and onts for! sale. George Sweigle, Garden road, tfl FdR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. - tl FOR RENT Mv ('. room bungalow nt -HO 8. 20th St. Cull nt house. oct24 PAY WORK Wjinte Phone 10.1GW. il bv voung lailv. oct2.S JFOH SALE At bargain, n cvcleenr, 1'hone 1022, 201 Court St. ' oet. GET PRICES On farm albills at The Journal office. OLD PAPERS For sale at Capital Journal office 10 cents a bundle, tf FOR RENT Modern five room house, bath, lights, $10.00. fiSl S. 15th St. Inquire 1001 1'iiioii St. tf irivunn t t .,- . WANTED A job cutting t rem 11.) to :r cords of wood. Address R. 3, box ' 0:Uo luiUSE Buggy and harness for sale , trade tor good cow. Impure. waller. o rOK SALE-3 Jersey cows, one fresh, one win l'reshen soon, at S2 X. Front .t. M. .1. Hunt. oct24 FUR RENT Ten acre tract with ei ..l.. ynr room house, on W'nliiue road. For fur ther particulars, phone 30 F2. 0t't2C l'Ol'ND Jersey heifer on Turner road. Owner identify and pay expens es. Phone 2oU!.ri." ' oet 23 WANTED (food young work horse, blocky built, weight 1400, color dark brown preferred." Phone SHF12. oil FOR SALE Fresh cow und heifer calf, Price ;."). Also ouo cow for beef. Phone 111F12. ct24 FOR SALE Cheap, new vit trola und records, also one heating stove. En quire 810 North 20th. oct2.'i I'Ol'XD A chauffeur's badge, owner nfny have same by calling nt Journal office and paying for adv. oct23 WANTED Middle aged lady as house keeper, 2 in family, nice home, small wage. Address i'.. care Journal. oct21 WILL TRADE Auto for good milk tow and $."o. Inquire 1720 Lee St. oct2S GET YOUR Trespass Notices, new supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour nal tf FURNISHED Booms and housekeep t , " " ! reasonaoie i close in, 160 Court. tl WANTED A boy about IS or UJ years old to work on farm. Mrs. O. Myer, it. i, Dox .sa. t'litine evenings Mr 21 oct25 PLEXTlf Of money to loan on income or inside city property, lar & Polinger, 4iHi Hiibbartl good ott 24 WANTED To buy 0 or 8 choice milk cows, must be fresh now or soon, none but parties owning choice cows need call. Phone 1431 or 401. tf . A SNAP Grocery store for sale by owner; will sell building with stocli. or lease building to purchaser. Good location nt and Trade streets, good business. Phone !:HIJ. oct24 MONEY TO LOAN On second hand men's clothing, jewelry, musical in struments, tools, guns, etc. Also bought, sold and traded. Capital Ex change, 337 Court St. Phone 403. no! 7 FOR SALE Or trade, house and two lots, fruit and good well on place, pear school. Write owner, box 40, general delivery, or call at 14 Co lumbia street. oct2.j WANTED Man with team and imple ments for about two weeks plowing, by day or acre, state price. W 22 care Journal. oct23 WANTED School girl about 15 ns companion fur smaller girl in ex change for home. Address A. (J. care Journal. oct24 FO R.SAL E G oo d fnmilr horse. 7 years old, weight 1000, good any place, sell reasonable or trade for good rmlK Jeows or sheep. Phone 3."1'31, J. R. Macy, Rrooks. Ore. oct2 $1000.00 REWARD I will pay $1000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who set fire to and burned my barns on the Ball ranch three miles and a half south of . Salem. R. 3, Wednesdav night. Oct. 4, lHlfi. ( has. D. Schmidt. oct2." NEW TODAY - t FOR SALK A fresh cow, or trade for beef cow. Phone 1150W. oct21 ROOD ft passengorcFord for sale, 23 State St. . oct23 PIGS For sale, II. V. Powers, Rt. 5, box 80, phone Turner 175. oct24 POTATOES WANTED Phone 203 or :- call 220 N. Liberty. oct24 blX CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard bldg. . " r ' novlfl WE HAVE No. 10 and No. 0 hop wire 1200 ft. lengths for sale. Price 3c per lb. George Swegle. oet24 CORN' FOR SALE Corn in S or 10 bushel lots, phone 823R or call at 267 N. Cottage St. . ott23 FOR SALE Cheap, Manns green bone cutter, also No. one grain seeder. E. J. Miller, Turner, Ore, oct20 FOR SALE Apples, several kinds, 1st griulo apples SOe, 2nd grade 30c, . bring boxes. 2720 Cherry Ave. oct24 I'DK SUV 1 fi .,,,o,, ..,: ly Ford, 191") model. 8300.00 cash uys same with auro extras. Phone 1054. robe and few oct23 . run hA.J-.-l team of horses, and 10 years old, weight 1200 each; 1 double harness, 1 heavy truck, at a bargain. uieiu ice .o., pnone tat. oct-o HORSE FOR RENT Do vou want a good driving horse for his keep, good home desired. Address box 233 ur'K". oct-i v niitu iMarket Went Wild and Wheat to $1.75 Chicago, Oct. 23. Opening of the gruin pits today was marked by intense excitement as speculators wildly bid for wheat, confident that the long predicted shortage was now n fact nud that the leading grain would go to $2 before long- The statement of seabourd ex porters that the United .States has sold as much wheat as it can comfortably 11 r""1 ttii-v iv-mit-u iu at iiji untie uutllltr. December whwu. nt iinon wm - l. nl)0V0 ,a8t Saturdnj.,8 dos(1( whil(1 M.,v had risen four poiuts. December was "l ?? svm' onu M"y up 1 te,,,s Oat took strength from other erttins , mid December was uu 1 I S cents at .".! I .1 .,... M , o i ' vt-nirt uuu .tt.t tuj i o-n ucms ui nn r u ........ . wti t -o i-t-uit. Provisions were higher. Husum, Washington, Surrounded by Fire w X, - .. ,. .,.4. The Dalles, Or.. Oct. 23. Forest fires completely surround the little iiuttn ui uiiMim, asu., accoruing to reports received here today. Every man in the. danger zone is on the fight ing line. It is believed tho town can be saved. Spreading with . lightning rapidity along ground covered deep with dried autumn leaves, the flames nre sweep ing White Salmon forest. Ranchers and government rangers nre battling the niennce day and night. A huge store of cordu'ood on the much of (.leorge Larder wns destroyed. Dozens of smaller fives arc racing around the base of Mount Adams. Many are reported in Trout Lake (lis trict. Some have been blazing for uavs, Second Trial of Caplan Begun Today , J Angles. Cal.. Oct 23.-T want to win mr freedom solclv on the merits of mv case and I would not do thing to win it any other way." This was the declaration of David Cnplan, accused of the murder of Charles Ilnggcrty, employe of n Los Angeles newspaper plant that was dynamited, as he went to trial for the second time today before Judge Willis. The trial was postponed from last Mon day because of the inability of Horace Appel, newly retained counsel for the defense, to fainilinri.e himself with the case. The jury at the first trial disagreed, five standing for acquittal. MUST GUARANTEE FUTURE London,' Oct. 23. Speaking at .a luncheon of foreign newspapermen, Viscount Grey. British foreign secre tary, reiterated this afternoon that terms of peace must be formulated on lv by the allies, acting together. " The war will not end, lie said, until there is a guarantee that future gener ations will not be,subjttcd to such a terrible ordeal. WHEAT SOLD AT $2.00 Chicago, Oct. 23. Wheat sold for n bushel here Saturday, it was learned todav. A local miller, needing ' number one hard wheat badly, paid $2 a bushel cash for 3,000 bushels. Us Laura Cummings, second assist ant city librarian, who left Salem last Julv to take a position in tne r.veren, Wash., librnrv. writes to -Mrs. nowaru and Alma Ashby, of the Salem library, tlit she i well ideased with her new position. She has charge of the chip . . . f . . t. .1. .V. dren'.; aepartment for which work she especially trained. CASTOR I A For Infants and Childrea In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of up two over today's opening nt $1.75, or nud Mnv nn 7-! nt 1 f T.S 1900 Qora 's)lowe& g00j gans 0 uenvy buying. December was up 2 8-8 cents is - , ........ . EXFBESS COMPANIES . . MAKE 100 FEE CENT GAIN. Washington, Oct. 23. A four hundred per cent increase the operating income of nine, interstate express companies" during tho fiscal yea of 1910,? over the fiscal year 1915 was reported by the interstate com merce commission today. The figures were $10,506,000 against $.,5,-b000. A total of 173,000,000 was collected during the year as ex press charges. - -. . . . .-I- L, I p p p p -p Steamer Edward Hines . Lost In Tropical Gale New Orleans, La., Oet. 23-Tlie steam er Edward Hi'nes, with captain and crew of 17, was lost in the recent tropical hurricane ,according to a statement by owners today. The ship was at Swan' Island when the hurricane was at its height. The boat 's cargo was valued at 8200.000. A cable from Port Belize, Honduras, this nP,A...n.. -I.!..- ; .1 mimuvuu sum me ciiR-i. engineer anu two seamen of the Hines were picked up in an open boat. They reported 17 P in an open boat, others had perished. " Bishop Arthur Lloyd Re-Elected President tn l J'.T10," to the re-election of Bishop Arthur Sel- i ., . ...... I1 h'a as presiaent of the board of 0 ,.'., . , ... . .. ... ,. The deputies took, this action, how-' declaring that w,ho,lt war ll0 n8" ever, only after a vote by dioceses, in 8ecur, al1 tho protection and bene which considernble oppos'nion to both fil" thllt would have accrued from a Llc-d developed. This opposition was successful war, and asserts that at based on Bishop Lloyd's action in send- home the labor movement "has been ing Episcopal church representatives to al' to secure recognition for the a Pan-American missionary conference rights of human beings and opportuni ty iion-rmiansiic Dodies m I'anama I ity last year. The high church party neitis innt uisnop L,ioyd exceeded his rights. It was learned the conference would be adjourned next Friday evening and with much business still on the calendar of both houses of bishops and deputies, the night sessions will begin tonight. Chicago Grand Jury Indicts Chief of Police Chicago, . Oct. 21!. Tho October grand jury, sitting in criminal court lute today, returned indictments against Chief of Police Charles Henlcv, charciner him with mnlfiHani in V .fice mid ennanirnpir tn ,.n nl. I J t ,B'WUD onenses. t I WllllflT William Luthardt, sccretarv to the chief, was also indicted. Charles Essig, secretary of the Sportsmen's club, who was held in con nection with the slot machine ex posures, was also indicted. Court House News Three committments to the Oregon stntc hospital for the insane were made today, by County Judge Itushey. They were Joseph Fritz, a Tailroad fireman from of Dallas, Oregon, who had been confined in the hospital in 1015 on ac count of delusion; John Lnnden, a sales man of Portland, who was confined ir an asylum iu California for IS mouths, and Daniel Whetstone, of Medford, who its occu committed several tunes to the Salem institution end who has been in a Stockton, Calif., institution for tnree years. Dr. L. t . Griffith was the examining physician. Edna DeMott is asking a separation from William DeMott, according to a complaint she filed this afternoon in the circuit court. She stutes thev were married October 3, 1908, und that they men as nusnaiid anil wite until No vember 3, lilOO, when he deserted her. She alleged cruel and inhuman treat ment ami says she was compelled to sell her furniture and household goods in order to keep herself alive. She charges excessivxc intoxication. There nre no children or property rights in volved. a tieiTce or ine court m the case of Christian Engi acainst Ellen Chap- until, ei hi, a sun to quiet title, declared that the plaintitf is owner in fee flimjile ui i lie jireniiBes in uispute. An action asking, the court to set aside a judgment of $100 as commission for selling real estate granted to Geo. .incons against O. if. Wilson, was com menced this afternoon by ). H. Wilson against Jacobs anil J. O. Wil son alleges that JrcoIis misrepresented things falsely promised to kt!i the case out of court so that wnen the case was finally brought Wilson did not appear to defend himself with the result that judgment was entered for Jacobs. Now Wilson asks the judgment set aside. All Attacks Repulsed. i Oct. 23. Kcimillinir vpater. Bcrlii day afternoon and extending fn'r into last night, the French and English at tacked German positions north of the Somme between Le. Sars and Ran court, it was officially announced to day. The Teutons repulsed all these at tacks except northeast of Saillv, where the French penetrated a small trench section. STRIKE MAY BE WEDNESDAY Winnipeg, Oct. -.'(. Refusing to grant the request of - the Canadian Pacific railway for a hoard of concilia tion under the industrial disputes act, the Canadian government this after noon took a step that seemed to mako certain a general strike of Canadian Pacific trainmen from, coast to coast Wednpsdav. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A . Portland, Or., Oct. 23. Euro- pean demand for raclClc north- . western wheat forced prices up ' - four to five eents. oir. the Port- land market today. ' Thirty thousand' bushels were sold on a basis of $1.47 per bushel for December Club. Spot Bluestem was bid ot $1.50. In - the country districts $1.55 was ,-. bid for liluestem, liven. - Flour jumped 20 cents to , $7.60 a barrel. It was ono of ' . the most exciting days in the . history of the northwestern ..industry. Gompers Urges Labor 1 to Support President . Washington, Oct. 23. Organized labor's first official appeal to its mem bership in behalf of President Wilson's -re-election was made. public today at tne American federation of Labor headquarters. It is in the form of a circular letter to all officers of oaean- . . . ... . . - ized labor, calling on them to hold special meetings if necessary to consid er the issues of the campaign and see to it that wage earners go to the polls to protect their interests against "Wall street." The letter is signed by Samuel Gom pers, president; James O'Connell, vice president, and Frank Morrison, secre sentation committee, and it has been i .. . .. tary, as the federation's labor ropre cum iu Lilt, ut:uii ul uit Hiiiiinff.n fir- anizations. In reviewing the record ? president's course in foreign affairs. ty tor an to participation in the af fairs of the nation in a degree that never before has been accomplished, i m i Big Fire Raging in Los Angeles Harbor Los Angeles Harbor, Oct. 23. A fire furiously raging in the California Fruit Products company's warehouses at Terminal Island here this afternoon threatened shipping iu the immediate vicinity. With the blaze still raging at 3 p. in., it was estimated that damage ex ceeding $250,000 had been done. The conflagration was caused bv an explosion of a lnrge gasoline container which was quickly followed by a blast of 20,000 gallons in another tank, Herbert Mclntyro of Long Bench, nn employe, was ' severely burned. He, with two others, was rushed to a hos pital hero. Fire apparatus from Los Angeles and Ijong lieuch was summoned, it was feared that the blara'-wourd spread to nearby ships, as it appeared to spread beyond control of fire fighters. Docks were reported burned at several places, but tho fire there was not serious. COWS KICKS LANTERN. W. C. Harrier, who lives one mile east of this city lost his barn and the contents Fridny morning by fire. He had gone to the barn to do the morn ing chores and when ho commenced milking set his lantern on the barn floor. The cow kicked over the lantern spilling the oil and the burn was soon a seething mass of flames. About ten tons of hayf-farming and garden utensils which were stored in the barn were destroyed. Ho" has de cided to sell his cows and is offering them at private sale. A small amount of insurance was carried. Silvcrton Appeal. GIFFORD PINCHOT TO SPEAK Portland, Or., Oct. 23. Campaigning for Hughes, Clifford Piuchit, former head of the forestry department nt Washington, will speuk in Portland to night. He is due to arrive from Chi cago 13 minutes before tho republican mass meeting starts- proceedings. Mrs. William Kent, wife of Representative Kent, California, is also to speak in be half of the candidatae. COLONEL JACKSON DEAD. Portland, Or., Oct. 23. 'oUmel James Jackson, V. S. A., retired, died here last night, aged 74. He fought throughout the Civil war and in subse quent Indian wars, and in 1WH was ap pointed inspector general of the Ore gon national guard, which position he filled actively until two years ago. His illness was of several months' dur ation. DIED Ill'RRII In the city, October in, HUH. William Burril, in his 75th year. He hail been in. the city but two weeks, coming here from Drain. The budv is at the undertaking parlors of Webb k Cluiigh. Burial will be in the Odil Fellows' cemetery. The time of funeral services have not been an nounced, awaiting won! from relatives- WHEDBEE At the Salem hospitnl Sat urday evening, October 21, 11! HI, from anoH'ratiou for appendicitis, Edward J. Whcdbee, in his 2!lth yenr. He is survived by his wife, his moth er, Mrs. 11. Wheel bee, ot l.enanon; two children -and' four sinters, Mrs. Laura Taylor of Bandon, Mrs. Jessie wands of Siilcm, Mrs. Flo Russell of I'rineville, and Mrs. I.ula Brown of Lebanon. Mr. Whedbec was formcrliy in busi ness in Salem anil for the past live years has been living at Jefferson. He had been ill but a few days. The funeral services will be belli Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the chapel of Webb k Clough and will be conducted bv the Aev. O. H. Lovell, of the I'liiteil Evangelical church. Burial will be iu the City View cemetery. t THE MARKETS : . The following prioea for fruit and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, aid not what is paid to the producer. All other prices are those paid the producer. . Corrections , are made daily. ', , Several lots of potatoes were sold Saturday for 75 cents a bushel but they were of 'fair sire and selected. Wheat went to $1.73 this morning on the Chi cago exchange but locally this specula tive market does not reflection the price of valley wheat, simply because there is no nicaus of transportation across the continent with the continued car short-. aSe'. ' Orr&xnj. Wheat ........ $1.15 40c ,..f.... $40.00 : $25.00 $28.00 $9$10 ..$10.0011.00 $11$12 $15$lfl Oats, new Rolled barley . . , Bran 8horts, por ton tiay, clover Hay, cheat Hay, vetoh Hay, timothy, , Batter, Butterfat Creamery butter, per pound Country buttor 37e 40c : 80c Eggs ana Poultry. Eggs, caso conut, cash S8c Eggs, trade 40c Hens, pound i2Vi(g'13c Boosters, old, per pound 8 Broilers, under 8 pounds 14V&C Broilers. 1V4 lb. or less 16c Turkeys . 21c Fork, Veal and Matton. Pork, dressed llV,13c Pork, on foot 8 l-29c Spring lambs, 1916 ...7V47M!C Veal, according to quality 8(Sl6c Steers 68 Cows 3 l-24c Bulls 83 1-4 Ewes 4c Wethers 5 l-2 Figs and Dates Figs, 70 four oz Figs, 36 12-oz. Figs, 12 10-oz Black figs White figs Dromedary dates . $2.60 $2.75 ... 00c ... 10c .. 11c .. 3.75 Vegetables. Tomatoes, Oregou ....... Cabbage Cucumbors .. 80c . 40c 20c String garlis 15t Potatoes, sweet 2 l-2c Potatoes, per 100 pounds $1.10(51.30 ureen onions 4Ch Clreon peppers ; 6c Carrots, dozen 40s Fruits. Muskmelons SOe Peaches, Oregon 560c Grapes $1.75 Apples 60c$1.00 Oranges, Valencies $4.73 Lemons, per box $6.50(5 7.00 Cassawas ; 2c Ice cream melons 2Uc Cantaloupes, per box . $1.00 bananas, pound B California, grape fruit $3.50 Florida grape fruit .. $6.00 Pineapples 8c Honey . $3.60 Cranberries $10.00 Retail prices, Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 45c Sugar, cane .... $S.60 Creamery butter 4oc Sugar, beet $8.40 Flour, hard whoat $1.902.25 Flour, valley $1051.85 PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Ore., Oct. 23 Wheat:" Club, $1.44. Hlucsteiii,'$1.50. Fortvfgld, $1.45. Red Russian, $1.41. Oats: No- 1 white feed, $31.50. Barley: Feed, $37. HogsT Best live, $0.35. Prime steers, $6.85. Fancy cows, $ti. Calves, $i'.50. Spring lambs, $8.75. Butter: City creamery, 3!lc. Eggs: Selected local ex., 42(T43c. Hens, 15c. . Broilers, lfic. Geese, lltjill 12c. CLOVER BRINGS HIGH PRICE Two wagon loads of red clover seed marketed ia Eugene yesterday bronchi $1087, or in the neighborhood of 15 cents a douikI. The seed was raised on the Middle- dule farm near Creswcll and was sold to J. J. fjiglit, who conducts a feed store on Ninth avenue east. Tho raising of clover for seed is be coming more popular in Lane count v I him ever before. The farmers who have tried it and have properly cared for the crop have found it to lie very profitable, as evidenced by the good price received for the two wagon loads sold in Eugene yesterday. This has been a good season for tho clover, say the farmers. The weather was about right during the summer and while a few showers in September during threshing time, threatened to dnmnge tho crop, there was not enough rain to cause any grent worry. Eu gene Register. EIGHTEEN BODIES RECOVERED Itirniingham, Ala., Oct. 23. Eighteen bodies huve been recovered from the MarvW mines, wrecked by a gus ex plosion Sunday. With the death of fleorgo Jones, rescuer who fell from a ladder, the death toll is made nineteen. Tho mines cannot be reopened for several weeks. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER S HASTORiA CLASSIFIED THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business "Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy peopla EVERYTHING Salem Electric Oo Maaonie-Temple, PXitmBINd. (TEAM T. M. Ban, 104 South Commercial street .............,,.., Kala 1ft m . TRANSFER AND DRAYAQB - ' 3alem True Dray Oo eorner State ana rroot streets fal M TRAVELERS' GUIDE 4 SOUTHERN PACIFIC, NORTH BOUND No. 16 Drcfron Hxprees . . No. 24 Coos Bay No. lis Willamette Limited No. 12 Shasta Limited ... No. 18 Portland Passenger No. 14 Portland Elnrmt . . .5 :SS a. is. ..3:52 p.m. ..9:22 a.m. .11 :CB a. m. . . 1 :35 p. m. No. 2L'2 Portland fust Freight 12:01a.m. No. 220 Local way Freight... 10:20a.m. BOOTH BOUND No. ISLCallfornia Express ...11:05 a.m. No. 17 Ashland 1 .iwenger. , . .8 :82 a. m. So. 23 Coos Bay 10 :01a.m. No. IB Cottage Drove Pass. . .4 :lfl p. m. Make connection with N. T4 Oeer branch. No. 11 Hhnsta Limited 8:48 p. m. No. 27 Willamette Limited ...6:20p.m. No. IS Ssn KisnclBco Bxpress 10:00 p.m. No. 221 Sun Francisco Fast Freight 12:01a.m. No. 226 Local waj Freight. .. .11 :40 a. m. SAUtU-GKBR LlNB. No. T.I Arrive at Salem 0:15 a.m. No. 70 leaves Salem 0:COa.m. No. 75 Ar. Hulem (mixed) ....2:OOp.m. No. 71 Leave Salem ....... 8:0Sp. m. No connection south ot Geer. Baleu, Falls City and Waa-rann No. 161 Lt. Salem, motor T :OOa.m. No. IBS Lt. Salem, motor 9:45 a.m. No. 105--Lv. Salem for Monmouth and Alrlle 1 :40 p. m. No, 167 Lt. Snlcfii, motor 4:0Op.m. No. 10 Lt. Balem, mottr 6:1 Bp. m. No. 230 Way Fr't It. Sslem. .. .6 :O0 a. m. No. 1)12 Ar. Snlein 8 :30 a. m. No. 1114 Ar. Salem , .. .11 :10 a. m. No. 16 Ar. Salem 8 :16 p. m. No. 1B8 Ar. Hulem 6:00 p.m. No. 170 Ar. Balem 7:45 p.m. No. 240 Way Fr't ar Sulm.... 2:30p.m. WILLAMETTE) RIVER ROUTE Oregon City Trantportation Company. The Grabamona leaves Salem for Port land at 6 o'clock on mornings of Mon day, Wednesday and Friday. No boat sooth of SaJem. Boat Icara Portland Tuesday, I'hnrsduy and Satuidaj morning until T :oo p. a. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets For water service apply, at of fife. cuut pay u oie mommy in advance. UNDERTAKERS nnr.RR i, vriTinir rn n n to.m. A. IS. Clough morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 490 Court Bt. Alain 120, Alain 9883. RIODOX-RICIIARDSON CO. Funcra director and undertakers, 252 North High street. Day and night phone ion. FOR 8 ALB FOR SALK 1 1-8 acres just outside 'cUv limits, good land, small bouse and barn, small cash payment, bal anco monthly instnllmeata if desired, . Square Denl Realty Co., -02 U. S. Hank Bldg. KLKCTRIC 81'PPLY Co., 220 X. Liberty Phone 203. A com plete line of Klectric Supplies and fixtures WOODSAW ijherbv enr wood saw we ht and pay taxes in fialem, Let Salem people saw your wood. Phone 209. na ii. ist. T. L. Keister, Wm. Frost. BOAVANGER SALEM SCAVENGER C'-nrlea 8oos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Mais 247. Residence Main il-72. FOR RENT FOR RENT Fine opening for room renting or board and rooming busi ness; seven to fourteen room, two blocks from post office. Specially favorable terms to suitable party See William Homing, Bayne build ing. nov2 STALLED ON CROSSING Hanford, Cel., Oct. 23. A. X facta no and his wife of Hanford were dangerously injured today when their automobile stalled on a Southern Pa cific .railroad crossing and was struck by a train, liotli sustuiued fractured skulls. Caetano was pinned under the wreck age of the ear, which was hurled 100 feet from the crossing.' The victims are in a critical condition but have a chance to survive. JUDGE BRENTS DEAD Walla Walla. Wash., Oct. 23. Judge Thomas II. Brents, well known Walla Walla attorney, died today after an ill- ness of six weeks. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday, ADVERTISING TeiepuwM A ELECTRICAL 127 North High . ...... auim im PTTTrwn A Km TIM Mi ma ? OREGON ELECTRIC BAILWAI CO. Lt. ftalra 4 :ft a m. T :1ft a. m. B :45 a. m. 1 Vi'M . m. 1:60 p. m. 4 :0O p. m. 6 .30 p. m. T :66 p. m JldKTH BOUND Train No. Ar. Portlanol 2 Owl . . 6 :6B a. m. . . 9:2oa.av ..11 :35 a. sa. ..11 :3Sp.Wi .. 4:00 p. mw . . 8 0 p. v .. 7:40 p. sa, ..10:00 p. aw 6 .... 10 Limited.. I'.'.'.'H tanked '. 20 2a SOUTH BOUND Portland to Balbm Lt. Portland 8 :30 a. m. Balea 8 :88 Bugcn 10 :B8 a. 8:80a.m. ... 6 Limited 10:11a.m. StS"" 7 - - ia . ... o t.i n i ta , 6:05 p.m. 17 Local . 8:20p.m. IB .... 11:40 p.m. ll orl .. NOtTH BOUND Lt. Corrallla 4 :10 p. m to Lt. Eugene. . :40 p. , . 8:10 p.m. .11:30 p.m. . 1:68 p. SB. Ar. Balea . 6:80 p.m. Ar. Balem . :45 a.m. . 4:00p.m. . T :54 p.m. . 4:36a. a 7:86i . 10 Limited . . 18 Limited 22 .... .. 1 Owl ... SOUTH BOUND 1 :G5 p. m. , 6 :2S p. m. 12 :05 p. m. I Lt. Balem. 1 :ftS a. m. , 10:15 a.m. . Lt. Salem 12 :58 p. m. Lt. Salem. 4 :18 p. m. , Ar. Rogeme ,..21 Owl 6:50 a. ,. 6 Limited ....12:26pm. At. Albany T 1 :B0 p. sa. Stops at CorrAllla Ar. Albaa 9 8 :10 p.m. Ar. Albaa .. 7:85 a.m. Ar. Bugcaa 18 8 :50 d. Ml Lt. Balem. 0:43 p. NOBTH BOUND Lt. Corral!). Ar. Balea 8 :25 a. m. 10 .... ... :45a.m. ... 1:45 p.m. ... 4:00p.m. . ... 8:30p.m. ... 7:65p.m. Ar. Certain ...11:38 a. sa, . ... B:36p. a . . . 8 :20 p. sa. ... 8:00 p. 12:12 p. m. 2:41 p. m. 4 :IOp. m. 8:18 p.m. Lt. Balem. 10:16 a. m. 4 :15 p. m. 12 :65 p. m. 8 :40 p. m. , 14 .... i 16 .... 20 .... 22 .... SOUTH BOUND 6 9 T ..... 18 .... OmROPRACTICMSPINOLOGIST DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro ; prac tic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you' have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get wolL Office 406-7-8 U. a National Bank. Building. Phone Main 87. Besidenca Main 828-R. MISCELLANEOUS OREGON SCHOOL OR NEUROLOGY Inc., 423 Hubbard bldg., Salem. All druglesa methods taught. Flora A.: Brewster, M. D., dean, private pa tients 1 to 3 p. m. Phone 2124R. tf REDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and from all points, east, on all houshold goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car- : load service. Capital City Transfer: Company, agent for Pacific Coast. Forwarding company, Ml South Com nereial street. Phone Main 933. . . Money to Loan ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K FORD Over Ladd ft Bush Bank, Salem, Oregoa CITY AND FARM LOANS Any - mount; low rates; promptly close, attractive prepaying privileges. I iave 6 Mi per cent insurance monoy to loan on Salem business and resi dence property. Thos. A. Roberta, 205 U. S. Nut'l Bank bldg. HONEY TO LOAN I have made ar rangement! for loaning eastern money, will make very low rate of Interest on highly improved farms. Homer H. Smith, room 9 McCornack Rldir.. Salem, Ore., Phone 98. OSTEOPATH DR8. B. H. WHITK and B. W. WAIj. TON Osteopathic physicians ana nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican echool of Osteopathy, Kirkrvilla, Mo. Post graduate and specialised ia serve diseases at Los Angeles eollega Treat acute and chronic disease. Consultation free. Lady attendant, Office 505-500 U. S. National Bask Building. Phone 8.19. Residence 341 North Capital street. Phone 4U STOVE REPAIR PNG HTOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 60 years experience, Depot National and American fence Size 26 to 68 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 38 - 8t. Phone 124. LM. HUM CARE OF Yick So Ton? CHINESE MEDICINE AND TEA COMPANY nas medicine which will ear Any known Disease Open Sundays from 10:00 8. m. txfltil 8:00 p. m. 1S3 South High 8tret S-lam, Oregon. Pboue S33 5