Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 23, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Standing of Teams
In Bowling League
Team standings 'tor the teams in the
City Bowling League were compiled late
Saturday. Individual records of the
players were also figured . out. Both
team and individual records follow:
Team Standings
Team. W. L. Pet
W. O. V. 6 0 1000
Watt Sbipp .... 4 2 .667
Printers . 4 2 .667
Oregons . 3 3 .500
Elks '.. 1 5 .167
.Salem Alleys 0 6 .000
flnd we Can Prove it
JfcjRlP THAR'S two critters you can't I
fiill lirilf fool yo' automobile and yo' S
HFHAR'S two critters you can't
fool yo' automobile and yo'
pipe. If you want 'em to work
smooth you've got to bum the
right stuff in em.
Nature Makes VELVET
Right for Your Pipe
Individual Standings.
I'layer". Team..
Noud, Watt Shipp
I.aflar, Oregons .-. .
Pntton, Salem Alleys ...
Herrington, Salem Alleys
Bean, Woodmen .'.
Doolittle, Printers . ... .
Vail, Printers ,
l.loyd, Woodmen ,
Pierce, Woodmen
Kay, Elks ..- ,
Li. Price, Watt Shipp ....
Donaldson, Woodmen ....
Hill, PrinteM .1 ,
Freoland, Printers ,
Whnrley, Oregons
Willis, Oregons
Hiissey, Elks
E. Price, Watt Shipp ....
Craven, Watt Shipp
Sundin, Oregons
Stutesinnn, Elks
Oomognlla, Watt Shipp . ,
Dick Day, Oregons
Campbell, Sulem Alleys ..
Ralph, Elks
Kirk, Salem Alleys
Pratt. Kilts '. ;
Dull Duv, Oregons
I'ilkeiiton. Printers 0
' .197
. .170
.1 1.1
Swieniuk, Sulem Alleys 6 .129
.. .Co. .ii ....(-. . taoin un un cnifwypp
And nobody can make t&
bacco any "lighter" than Old
Mother Nature.
Nothing can take the
place of the two years'
natural ageing that gives
VELVET its mellow
smoothness. Nothing else
could make VELVETso miid
and cool and smooth without
robbing; it of its natural flavor
and body.
Salem and Newberg
Kick Scoreless Game
Nothing to nothing was the score
i.ilcd up by the Salem high school foot
hull team Saturday afternoon against
the Newberg high .school aggregation
It was the second "a me of the season
but both tennis were in mm condition
and failed to score. Salem high showed
no'little speed throughout the gunie but
was unable to send the hall over the
line. Newberg fought hard but was
compelled to punt six or eight times to
get out of difficult positions. Fumbles
apparently were the cause of the lack ot
score. Sulem ploughed through to tne
five and the three yard line several
times but nt the critical moment would
fumble the ball. . "
On Friday the Sulem team plays Tilla
mook high school. The team will leave
here Thursday nnd return Saturday.
And in the meantime Conch Putnam ex
pects to put the bovs through a hard
season of practice so as to remedy the
detects of Saturday s contest.
Dallas Beat Mutes.
10c Tin
5c Metal-lined Bags
One Pound Glass Humidors
Fiftv-threo to nothing was the score
of the football name Saturday afternoon
on sweeuniui new uetween uanas ang. v
high school and the silent players from i Carried Signs on Back.
the Oregon State School for the Deaf, j Racing down the west -side line, the
with the score in tnvor ot tiic Dallas ; I'alitornia treshiunn hit a gait that car
ried him one after another out of reach
of his red -jersey ed pursuers. Gardner I
was the last man remaining in the sprint
atter the t lying -Aggie, but nan ne
known in advance that Tuffy can do
the quarter in 50 seconds any old (lay,
he would not have wasted so much
breath, lso, Mr. Tuffv Conn, of Pasa
dena, the home of the millionaires, wore
bunch. The state school boys were out
weighed and outclassed by the Dallas
boys and were unable to resist the
weight of the Polk county team.
In the evening, Sulem high will en
tertain her visitors.
strong. Kugene wants to make as good' ' -.. . .'"
a showing, and promoters of the cxcui-! bck ana tnat in nseir snoui, nave
' 1 . I linn., u-arniii.ii aiKimrli in fi fill Vll tli'r tt
sion ure nixing stiments 10 30, nopwRi " 7 ;
University of Oregon
Defeated California
llcikcley, Cal., Oct- 2:!.The football
team of the I'uiversity of Oregon do
tented California's eleven nt Berkeley
.Saturday by a score of 39 to 14. Cali
fornia scored the first and last touch- nin's possession kits marked.
downs of the game and Oregon sand
wii hed ix line crossing pluys between.
The visitors did nothing wonderful
in the wny of stopping up the attack
ui" the California men, Their offensive
piny was so much better than the home
team that the comparative weakness of
the line when the bull wus in Califor-
Day Letters and Night Letters
brintf prosperity to the men who
employ them as a selling Impetus.
The effectiveness of these live sales
men is shown in the dollars gained
for cents expended.
Both teams were much belter in pos
session of the ball than they were when
the other side had it.
Tried Few Passes.
The Oregon team tried few forward
passes. They did not have to. Their
best one was the first play made in the
last quarter when they hud a lot of
ground to gain owing to a penalty
flieted on them. This was a -." yard
heave from Shy Huntington lu Bartlett,
which the latter c.nui'ht ueatlv and on
which he would bnvo made a. further
gain had he not stepped on the side
t alitormn a forward passes were
generally successful. Only a few long
passes were tried nnd it was one of
these that gave the Blue and Gold boy
their second score. Sharp, from the
1!0 yard line a few minutes before the
end of the' game, shot a '.M yard throw
at itimnal. Tlio California hulf was
all ready to take the pass when he was
interfered with by Hollis Huutiugton
and therefore guve the Californinus
the gain of the ball. With onlv a vard
to gain Wells was sent over for the
score. Most of the California gains on
the forward pass were made on short
snappy heaves from Brooks and Sharp
to iiimbal when the receiver went
straight ahead of his position and took
the ball from five to 10 yards ahead of
the place of the last down.
Copjrlnlit ITut OchnfTnOTi Mtrz
So many men get .it into their , heads that they
cannot be fitted in ready-made suits.
You may be one of these men; you are wrong.
Hart Schaffner & Marx, with our help, can fit
you perfecly in a ready-made suit, and we can
prove it.
We wish you would come in and try it at $25 or
$30, or less than $25, if you like.
Their clothes are guaranteed to be satisfactory
to the wearer; colors, fabrics, quality, fit.
Men's Men's
Hats Shoes
HTl'niiaiiiiBMMi'Wi'tiarBiliiyi.iiiifsiiiaiTiti iinMim
wi iv..Ka.
Nebraska Too Strong
for 0. A. C. Eleven
Portland, Ore., Oct. 2.I. ltiglit Half- !
bark Taffy Conn showed the stalwart j
Corahuskcrs how to run 101 yards for;
a touchdown on Multnomah field Sat-1
in clay afternoon, but the nrtful little!
dodger of the Oregon Aggies couldn't!
bent the entire University of Nebraska '
team, and the easterners took the inter-!
'sectional football classic, 17 to 7. !
Nothing like Conn's run has been!
seen in Portland in years. It was just j
at tho opening of the second (punter j
nnd Cnley was sidling over his Aguics'j
line for what would have been the Corn-;
buskers' second . touchdown, w hen t lie
oval slipped out of his hands nnd into;
tho waiting paws of Tuffy, who was'
preparing to dive into the easterner
The fleet-footed Aggie was already in
motion toward tho Nebraska goal line.
when Caley recovered from his stumb-.
tion will be sent to linker and to tho
At n special meeting, representn-
tives of eleven great patriotic societies
of women demanded Baker's immediate j
resignation, ilis remarks, alleged to I
have been delivered nt a Jersey City!
campaign meeting October 10, con-1
stituted fau odious, unjust .nnd untruo ;
attack upon the forefathers of Amer-;
icn, the foiinjlers of this republic nnd
of the Declaration of Independence."
!t st :J ;)
Write for free booklet.
Send sketch and description or
model, mentioning this paper,
for thorough FREE search for
SU Victor ISldg..
Washington, D. C. Nov.ll
Berkeley, Cal., Oct- 2S. The seismo
graph at the I'uiversity of Cnlifornin
registered three slight earthquake
shocks last night, it was iinunuiiced to
day. The first began at :44 and con
tinued until ti.54. After a slight inter
mission the second shock began nnd
continued until .7 p. m. The third trem
or begun at 11:44 and continued for 2(1
seconds. None of tho shockn wus vio
lent enough in this section to bo felt by
to have lijU or k on the train. Facul
ty members will go as chaperones.
Kugene tlunrd.
Pacific Coast League Standings.
W. 1 4. Tct.
I. os Angeles 110 75
Vernon Ill
San Francisco ......... 09 100
Salt Lake IU J5
Portlund 01
Oakland 71 131
al of Nebraska
Plucking the hurtling ball out of the
sky one yurd behind his own goal line,
the Pasadennn made a record run of 101
yards between goal lines. It will go
down in history with Dow Walker's fa
mous run for the Aggies against Oregon
in 1005, which, too, wag not enough to
give forth a victory.
. Patriotic Societies
Yesterday's Results.
At Iios Angeles I.os Angeles. 1-4;
Portland, 0-4. (Second game called 11th,
At Salt Lake Salt Lake. 5; San
Francisco, It.
At San Iraneisco Oakland, 3-2:
Vernon, 0-0.
Want Baker to Resign
Washington, Oct. 23. Washington
patriotic societies today were prepar
ing special drafts of a resolution de
manding tecretary of War Baker's
resignation because of a speech in
which he is alleged to have termed fol
1 lowers of Washington s army as
Wedding Invitations, Announcement j ' 'thieves, church looters and disreput
and Calling Cards Printed at the Jour ! able characters generally.' '
nal Job Department. When finished, drafts of the resolu-
"w ir mimmTi ii nM --Trnim iljU
S ov 'tf-:nLroui mil mi,, ot i.h akut-piloiul' tooth paHtc, ier.il ec. In .(naps
Let the Pan-Dandy Kids Do Yonr Baking
They'll use the same pure ingredients that
j'ou would. Flour carefully selected, and milk tested scien
titiieally for purity and for richness.
Such a bread, baked in modern ovens, is bound to be
On Saturday. November 11, F.ugene
high school will run an excursion to
Sulem, for the annual football game to
be played between the two schools.
The excursion will leave the South
tru Pacific depot nt 7:30 aud will ar
rive in Salem at 10:30 where the ex
cursion will be met by the Salem high
school student body, and brass baud.
The Salem students will show- the
visitors about the state capital, peni
tentiary and asylum until noon, be
tween halves, each school will give
demonstration upon the field, and each
will try to outdo the other in a clever
Pan-Dandy Bread Bl51DcindJ
And baking tens of thousands of loaves every day, we
can sell such a bread for a fraction of what it would cost
you to bake.
Your grocer has it. Tell him to send out
a loaf, and judge for yourself.
But see that it bears the label m
240 S. Commercial Street
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Wi Ii
hsm'hii I
and Tomorow
The World Famous
Artists' model
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An Artistic Triumph
in 7 Parts
A stupendous Art
Production present
ing the famous model
for America's most
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