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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1916)
TEN "W. B. Corsets" "Munsing Underwear" SurprisingClearance Prices on Women's Silk Suits and Silk Dresses We have collected for easy choosing a large number of stylish Silk Suits and Silk Dresses made in desirable models of fine quality fabrics and popular colors. On ac count of the season being late we have decided to take a loss, so out they go at a sweeping price of Formerly priced up to $39.85 WEDNESDAY SURPRISE SALE NO. 818 An Immense Sale of Women's Silk Hand kerchiefs, 3 for 50c This is positively the biggest Handkerchief event of the year. New, dainty Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs in white or colors. Colored borders and flowered borders, with plain white centers Handkerchiefs of one color in yellow, bright blue, pink, green, etc. A really wonderful assortment to choose from. Take your pick next Wednes day 3 FOR SOc See the window display. Quality TCTtrtfflmttmimmmmniitmwuwur.ui mwuwmuumnmniiiiiitimiimromua All Around Town T f TT'TTTTTt COMING EVENTS TONIGHT. Oct. 23. Cord-Hummel recital at armory. October 23. Senator ('number- laiu at Grand Opera Houso. ' V Oct. 24 Six O'clock club meet at M. K. church 0:30 p. m. Oct. 24. Senator Jones of Washington at opera house. Out. 25. Cornelius Lchnne lec ture at Virion Labor Hall. Out. 30. First annual meeting of Salem Moral Society at Commercial Club. Oct. 30 Nov. 4 "Dress Up Week" iu Salem. Oct. 31 Senator Gore of Okla homa will apeak at the armory. Nov. 1. United Artisan home coming. November 6. City primary election. November 7. Presidential elec tion. Nov. 10. Victrola Grand Opera Concert, 11 Trovatore, at rub ric Library. Nov. 11. Football, Salem high school vs. Kugeim high. Nov. 18. Football, Willamette University vs. Pacific Uni versity, Willnmetto Field. v Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu gUais m correctly, U. 8. Bank. Bldj. The advantages of the city public schools are surely appreciated by pa rent as it seems that many of them are seuding their children to school as early as 8 o'clock and sometimes a few min utes earlier. Superintendent Todd re sists that no children arrive at the school building before 8:30 o'clock, o Frederick & Lamport, lawyer, has moved to No. 212-1.1, Hubbard bldg. tf Billie Burke continues to be a wonder ful drawing card at the Oregon theatre as yesterday afternoon the crowds al most blocked the sidewalk, waiting a ehauce at the ticket office. For those who intend to see the show tonight, it may be said that Billie isn't married yet and that the doctor in the play who is supposed to be the lucky man in the : r i ' ft f i -Afc" mnnnntmmnmmnnn;imnnnmttiiiiiiiiiiiiimHiiiiiiiiiiittig 119.95 Prepare for Xmas. mttitKmuumininM;uKt!tmwtstnmttmm:iHtmmntut 3imttntwKunantU4nii;iiit;tiiiini:m:u;Mnn;mu?mm;umTOW) long run, comes to her assistance in times of trouble, just like he did in the other reels. Chas. B. Hodoktn, general Insurance, 301 Hubbard building. Phono 38(1. novl7 E. A. Cummings, proprietor of the Dependable store, 270 North Commer-, ciul, reports that his opening sale begin ning last Saturday was entirely satisfac tory and that as soon as lie disposes of his present stock of general merchandise , i. ...:n ...,..i... -vfH 1 id 1,111 u up iv-uuu- lutri,, .,11. and Mrs. Cummings will make their home in this city. Drink Cereo, the nquld food, the health drink. Ask your grocor. tf In discussing the work of the school nurse, Superintendent Todd suggests that parents do what they cau to co operate with the nurse ami to not prej udice the children against any advice given by Miss Taylor. Her work to a certain extent is advisory although where her suggestions are not followed, the school physician may be called in. 0 I need your vote for city recorder. J. A. Mills. (I'd. Adv.) oct24 A prairie fire yesterday afternoon fit the Michigan City district in Polk coun ty threatened1 for a time to do serious damage. With the assistance of neigh bors and other willing helpers the fire was prevented from burning any build ings, although fences were burned on the tract owned by William Lerchen and also 011 the Slonebrnker and Winslmv places. Smoke HygradeVigars Salem's best 15 cent smoke, 0 The political atmosphere of Mill City was stirred up to some extent last Sat urday evening as a party of men inter ested in w lint is going to happen two weeks from tomorrow participated in a rally in which Judge Adams, of F.ngcnc, was the principal speaker. Others who helped explain things were Ivan V. Mar tin, George H. Kinglinm, Walter Tooie, Ben West and N. 1). F.lliott. Ford-Hummel Concert, armory 8:15 p. m. tonight. Teachers who were In the high school before this veur will inv a recentimi tn Itho new teachers of the high school next Friday evening at the studio of Miss Mineltn Alagera. The new high CHIROPRACTIC IS THE - MASTER SYSTEM If your spine is right, you are right. Those who have tried every old method and found no relief should try Chiro practic and get well. Many hundreds of grateful patients in Salem and else where ran substantiate my statements. Six adjustments will be given for the small fee of $3.00. Difficult cases, which require X ray examinations and Spinncraphs can obtain them at a nom inal fee. Only expert Spinograpb work. A talk with the old Chiropractor may lend you to health and happiness; act 'now. P. H. MAT, D. O, Hubbard Building Phone 572 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OgEGON, "Butterick Patterns" Service school teachers for this semester an Miss Elizabeth Macleny, Alius Km in a Nyquest, Miss Lillian (int'fin, Mis-s Ltkel Hunmu'l, Miss Nell Sykcs, Hex I'll t n mi l lunl Lcland J. Knox. Your vote will be appreciated at the city election on Mondnv, November (. J. A. Mills. (IM. " ort24 The Christian church is preparing for the annual rally, which this year will be held next Sunday. Two years ago rally day brought about COO to the serv ices and Inst year, 1,015. The proposi tion now before the workers of the church is to exceed the number of one year ngo and for this reason, the rally day baimer is out and church members working. Hear the Sonora Talking Machine, the world 's greatest Invention. Myrtle Knowland, 4-1 Court St, On Wednesday evening, October 25, at 7 o'clock, a meeting will be held in the Collego of Music, 182 South Winter street, for the election of officers and the formation of the Salem branch of the Oregon State Music Teachers' as sociation. All music teachers of the city arc invited to be present. Dance at Central Howell ball Oct. 28. Good music and good floor. " oot24 Ford-Riunmel concert, armory 8:15 p. in. tonight. Sunday afternoon a Dodge car driven by K. Cooper collided with a Ford ear driven by P. I Traglio at the intersec tion of Comenireiul and Center streets. No one was hurt but the Ford's left fen der was damaged. The police officers say the Dodge car was at fault as the Ford hud the right of way. W. A. Peebles, who was hurt In the automobile turn-over a week ago Satur day night when returning from an I. O, (). F. lodge meeting at GeYvais in a ear driven by Judge Galloway, was in Sn lem Suturdny and is rapidly recovering from his injuries. He is of the opin ion that he had a very narrow escape from being crushed to death and is glad t no turn over was not any worse. o So far this summer and fa'l the farm ers have been playing in about one hun dred per cent luck, as the weather has favored them in every respect and ev erything they have raised fans been bringing almost fancy prices. But now comes ft shadow over all this good for tune as the good farmer now is crying hard for rain as all farm plowing will bo delayed until the moisture descends, o Wrestling and boxing classes will be given their first lessons at the Y. M. C A- this week. Preparations for putting down a sawdust mat in the front store room under the association rooms are under way and a first class mat will be constructed. Saw dust to the depth of several inches will be luid on the floor and theu a piece of canvas stretched over it and tacked down. The rear room will be used for boxing purposes. Having brought the high grade Hip podrome vaudeville hero on Sundays for the past four weeks, and taking a loss at each show on account of the Ion prices charged, Manager Bligh states that he will be obliged to either dis continue the shows, or make a slight ad vance iu prices. As the people have shown their appreciation of the Hippo drome circuit, Mr. Bligh has decided to continue the Sunday entertainment with a price of 3.1 cents for the matinee and for the evening 35 and 50 cents. Last uiglit the house - was well filled, but the Hippodrome circuit is one of the highest priced on the coast and to just ify bringing this class of entertainments here, the slight advance will be made, beginning next Suuday. DURUM WHEAT 12.00 - Minneapolis, Minn.; Oct. 23. Durum wheat -sold for $2 a bushel in the local pit today. Flour was up 20 cents, selling for $il."(iO a barrel. Durum wheat is used in making flour for macaroni. )f A grass fire in the rear of Theo. M. Harr's home at the corner of Four teenth and Court called out the fire department this morning at 11:30 o'clock. The fire threatened the Barr barn. No damage was done. The Salem Rifle club will meet this evening at 8:15 at the old armory. Be sides the regular Monday evening drill, several subjects of special importance, including that of a campaign for mem bership will come up for discussion. - The first moot court of the fall term of the law department of Willamette university will be held this evening at the court house Ui department number 1. W. A. Weist will appear for the plaintiff and A. A. Hyiiuni prosecute. Work on the construction of the buildings of th Cherry City bakery, on Brondway and Market streets is pro gressing rapidly. The large baking ov ens have already been placed and other machinery is being installed this week. A telegram was received this morn ing by the Capital Journal from Buf falo, N. Y., announcing the death of Gottfried Schreiber, age 58, at his homo in Tonawanda, N. Y., after an extended illness. He is survived by three daugh ters, a sister and three brothers. Judge Galloway is hearing the case of the Southern Pacific railroad against the city of Mt. Angel, an action brought" to prevent the city of Mt. An gel from Dunning a sewer miner n',l,-r.f.l nnnnianv'g tracks. The CaSO has occupied the greater part of the lay. TTniioil Ktntoa Senator Wesley Jones of Washington will appear at theopera House iuestiay evening ut o u i;ir. II- ;u fncnnVxl allOShPr find will tell how things appeared to him in Wash ington. Jie comes uuuer me auspices the Marion county republican central committee. . , Leonardo Gorgano, who is an employe of the S. P. railroad here, was arrested todnv and charged with the larceny of .8(1 from the lodging of VitoNovilli, who lives in a car near the ruilroad bridge across the Willamette river. He will appear in Justice Webster's court for a hearing Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. H. A. Johnson, Jr., reported yester day morning that his garage had been broken into Sunday nign: mid that one Indian blanket colored brown, black and green, a .pair of light army gaunt let gloves ,a pair ot mcKel platcu prrers and one two-gallon red can of gasoline was stolen. He had not locked the door. The thie'e was evidently looking for gasoline as he took the plug from tho gas tank and. did other minor damage. o J. P. Robertson, who is visiting his brother, J. H. Robertson, at Hound Tp, Montana, writes to his sister, Mrs. Mil died Robertson, Brooks, Marion coun ty, that Moutnna is experiencing some cold weather lit present. From Round Up he is going to Billings, Montana, and from there to DesMoines, Iowa, to visit a brother, then to Lincoln, Ne braska, to visit a sister, and then on to Oklahoma to visit another brother. He is going south as the winter advances and will have an extended trip before he returns to Sulem. J o Among otherthings being done to assist children in their school work, is that of serving hot lunches at noon, just in addition to the cold lunches brought by the children. Already this is being done in the Highland school at a nominal charge over cost. Later on, it is probable that hot lunches will be served at the three junior high schools. Ilot lunches are now being served in all the grades In 'many eastern schools, educators holding that a proper lunch eon at noon assists wonderfully in the work of the afternoon. o Since the publication in the Capital Journal of the information that families of members of the Third regiment would receive a part of the 42,000,000 appro priated by congress for the help of de pendent families of national guardsmen who were serving on the border, Captain (lehlhar has been receiving numerous in quiries. He snid this morning that the money would go to dependent families only and thut the government would have certain regulations concerning its disbursement sent out shortly. He said the war department did not4ntend to fork over the money without any for mality. Ho expects to have blanks sent hint soon for applications for aid from dependent families. - Sunday was a bad day for automo biles and the business of collisions was started about 11 o'clock in the morning when nn automobile driven by Martin Jensen was struck by a car belonging to Dr. Wiesy, of Aurora. The accident hap pened at the intersection of State and Commercial streets and resulted in both ears having their steering gear damaged. No one wns hurt. Dr. Gicsy was said to have been driving south on Commer cial street and started to turn enst on State when the car driven by Jensen came from Commercial on the east side of the street and turned east on State. The officers say Jensen had the right of way and that Dr. Giesy was at fault for tho collision. Ward K. Richardson, of North Salem, reported about 10 o'clock Sunday morn ing that his grocery store had been ent ered and considerable small stuff taken. The list includes socks, gauntlet gloves, numerous boxes of cigars, several doren five-cent packages of Bull Durham, 15 tins of Prince Albert, six tins of Tuxedo, five tins of Velvet tobacco, chewing gum of various flavors- Chief Welsh is of the opinion that .the crime was committed by boys as the nature of the stuff indicates. " The chief said this morning he was on the trail of a bunch of boys who were out all Saturday night and who have not satisfied the author ities of their innocence. F.ntrance was gained by knocking out the glass of the front door and opening the Yale lock. MONDAY, OCT 23, 1916. A WORD ABOUT SALEM FOR SALEM PEOPLE Commercial Club Starts Movement to Awaken Civic Loyalty Salem is your home town and you make Salem wliat It is. If you want to stop tho growth and prevent the development of your city, one of the simplest and most effective ways of doing this is to kill your spirit of loyalty to your city. There is no such thing as being in active. You eiiher help or hinder. To help means to talk about your city, to live for your eity, to work for your city, to ho affiliated with the Commercial club and other organiza tions working for the betterment of the community. The difference between helping and hindering, therefore is personal service. If you feel that you are financially unable to become a member of the Commercial club, at least offer them yonr services. Public service means public spirit. Public spirit is the spirit of men unit ed and working for the public good. It is the spirit which is making communi ty work effective mid which appeals to the better side of the men engaged in welfare work. It is the spirit animat ing the members of the Salem Comnier cial club. It is the spirit which should be found in every man itf Salem and induce him to center his civic pride in the work of that organization through membership in it and service under its direction. It is that which should lead him to say: "Salem is my city home and as such demands the best I have to offer in loyalty mid in service. 1 cannot be truly loyal to my city, or myself, un less 1 do my full share towards placing it where it will deserve my uuijiinlifiud loyalty. I owe my city a debt perhaps j larger than 1 can realize. Here I find my one best chance to pay part, at least. I owe it to myself, to my chil dren and to my friends to leave this city better than I found it when I be came a part of it. The more 1 help Sn- ' lem the greater will be the opportuni ties tor me while I ant here anirlor those who are to follow after." Wednesday evening, November 1st is the new coiners night at tho Salem Commercial club. This is one of the best moves that this organization has made, and we hope that all new arrivals in tho eity will take advantage of the op portunity to become better acquainted with the older residents. An Educational Campaign The biggest educational campaign, of the kind ever conducted iu this city is now in preparation by the Salem Com mercial club. The course will last one week and graduates will be qualified to speak intelligently of their home city, its industries, ideals and future, wher ever they may be. "Salem week," it is confidently expected, will become an annual event modeled along lines of Old Home Week", in vogue through out the east. A belief iu one's city which ultimate ly leads to an alignment with those forces working for community develop ment, will insure the continued prosper ity of any community, believes Manag er McDiiniel of the Commercial club, who is already hard at work to make the week a huge success. Every man woman and child in Salem is invited to take part in the campaign. There is nothing to sell. The invitation is out to nil to learn whut Salem really is and to help make it greater. "Tho opening gun in the campaign will be fired in the churches on Siindav, Oc tober 211. Every minister iu the, city will deliver an aililress telling why nil should believe in Salem, bringing the city's good points out and showing how its future depends on the activities of those now living here. School Children to Help On Mondny the school children will tuke ii)i the work. Leading business men will visit all the schools and make brief addresses and an essay contest will be started, the essays to be along the general line of civic development. Nuitnhle prizes will lie awarded a BnioKor aim mass meeting nt iuoy. (.'. x. L. convention at Dallas, re Commercial club is one of the features turned to Salem yesterday and received for Tuesday. On this evening a general : information that' her daughter. Mignon get together is planned and everyone 'Oliver, who is well known in Sulem and will be made to feel at homo. - ho is now in Seattle, was not among Ten teams of five men each will gettne injured iu the Seattle bank tragedy busy Wednesday morning when the I that took place last week. It was le nienibership campaign of the club opens ! p01.teti m newspapers there that she It is planned to increase the roll of 800 Uvaa oue o( thtf ,.el.k,s shot ljut a tl,le. members now in the club to 1000. ed- !,,,., t0 hor parents has corrected the re nesday afternoon there will be free Pc-port However, she was in the bank at tores in every theatre in the city. Ev-the time tne shooting took place. The eryone is invited Speakers wil appear of the .age,lv was the Canadian i,t.MK r...M. t'8 aim niHKo unci uuurt'ssrs iu Keeping with the plan of the week .The stranger in our midst is to be made welcome at the Commercial club on Wednesday night when a speeial program is planned, In charge of D. 1. Howard, social director. Newcomer's night is to be devoted entirely to mak ing the newcomer feel that here, in deed, he is in the midst of friends. Special arrangements have been made with the managements of the Woolen mill, the loganberry juice plants and other industrial establishments so that on Thursday all who wish to see how i these really important enterprises are conducted may visit the plants and have the various processes explained by competent guides. j Mrs. Enunett Cosper, a resident of I Dallas who was formerly of Hood River, lis visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Steh j strom at her home on Trade street. Mrs. ; Emmett is well known in Salem and was at one time connected with the Myers department store. She js here, for on indefiuite stay. The members of the high school foot ball team arc feeling pretty good over the result of the game last Saturday with the Xewberg boys, and although neither side scored, Sulem went through their opponents line several times. It seems that just at the critical time when the Xewberg line wns broken, the ball was fumbled and no score made But the boys are feeling that all they need now ii just a little more practice. The next game will be played Friday of this week at Tillamook, the boys leaving Thursday evening. PERSONALS Parole Officer Joe Keller went to Se attle Sunday. Judge P. H. D'Arcy went to Portland this morning Frank Winy, of Silverton, was in the city yesterday. S.E. Wolf and party motored to Fulls City this morning.- ' B. W. Ritchie, of Aurora, was a Sa lem visitor Sundny. Mrs. KUa Watt wus home over Sun day from Portland. W. W. Cody, of Silverton, was a Sun day visitor in Snlcni. T. H. Galloway and wife v. ere Port land visitors yesterday. A. T. Peterson, of Toledo, Ore., was a Salem visitor yesterday. Paul Stege is ntteuding to business matters in Raymond. Wash. Albert Taylor, of Newport, was regis tered at the Bligh yesterday. City Attorney B. W. Mucy is attend ing to legal business in Portland. Attorney E. E. Baker wus in Portland yesterdnj- registered at the Oregon. William I.erchen will leave this ev ening on n business trip to Medfovd. Otto B. Bowman, of Philomath, was registered yesterday at the Capital ho tel. Dr. Rny Pomeroy, interne of St. Yin cent 's hospital, Portland, wag visiting his pnrents here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Reidel and Mr and Mrs. S. M. Council, of Roseburg, were Salem visitors yesterday. George Finney and family, living near Wncnndn, will leave iu a few days for Sheridan to make their home. Mrs. Helen Cornelius returned to her i . i, i .. r i,.. H. W. Cnaley, who formerly resided I across the river in Polk county, was . . . . , in the citv todnv. He accompanied 'hie "tin chapcaun Mrs. Conlev to this city on her way k"' """i'i"'- 1 ,T" 7" east where' she has been called bv the a. Htift band that is mounted by a Ion serious illness of her father. Mr. Coaley j r11'1 '"'.'J!' rafuc H 7,"'' manages a large stock and dairy farm- GOMPERS TO TAKE STUMP Washington, Oct. 23. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor and Secretary Frank Morrison will personally take the stump in favor of the re-election of President Wilson, it was an nounced at labor headquarters here this afternoon. . Dr. A. L. Hutchinson, of the Pied mont Presbyterian church of Portland, will lead a Bible clas under the nus iice of the V. M. and W W. C. A. at the First Presbyterian church beginning tonight and closing Friday evening. Regarding the report that one of vhe children hnd infantile paralysis, .Mrs. Marvin O. Barton telephoned the Jour nal office this morning saying tne re port iwis absolutely false and that ev eryone in the family was in the best of health- Miss Neva Vaughn, of the Woman's Home Missionary society, Deaconess Home and Training school, "Sun Fran cisco, has been secured as deaconess for this conference year of the Methodist church. She arrived in Salem last Satur day and for the present will make her home with Mrs. Cornelius. Senator Chamberlain arrived in the city this afternoon at 4:15 on the Ore gon Electric. He will be entertained tor dinner at the Patton home on Court street, and an informal reception will be given him nt the Marion hotel at 7:lu o'clock. The speaking at the opera house will begin at 8:15, The Moose are preparing their en tertainment for tomorrow evening when the recently elected officers will be installed. Among those who will tnko part in the program are Mrs. Frank Friekey in a piano recital, Mrs. Don Miles in recitation, Miss Edna Acker ninn vocal solo and Frank Friekey as violinist. o Mrs. Sara E. Oliver, of South Winter street, who was iu attendance nt the jjaujt 0f commerce. A free dental clinic for the pupils of the eity schools is now established, as the board of education hus purchased a complete dental equipment and pre pared a room in the Garfield school alone lines suggested by the dentists of the city. This free clinic will be held every Saturday morning and the dentists of the, eity have volunteered their services free. The room in which the Saturday morning clinics will be held will bo used only by the dentists. All children recommended bv the school nurse Miss Grace Tavlor, will be given free service. This clinic is in -Htie with i tho hour of ten o'clock a. m. other desirable features being introduc-j W. H. TRIA'DLK, Assignee, ed into the school service. .1 oct27 Can You Read This Ad? 1 Peculiar question isn't it? . . . If the letters blur while you are reading come to me and I WILL GIVE YOU RELIEF. My Glasses are made to relieve eyestrain. Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist t 208-209 Hubbard Building Phone 109 t Natty Turbans Are A oign or Autumn I WITH CLT .(! ..(! ..(! .0 titfihiir SO PIQUANT buttcrflv bow of metal ribbon. The fates that handle the advancir.s prices of flour and sugar seemed to I asleep at the switch, as the figures tf ' l T day are the same as last Saturday. Hut, ? canned milk advanced 20 cents a cum) 'lliia nint-iiinir M-itli tmntllcr nilvilllce Ox- ' - - pected, which will bring the price of all regular , canned milk heretofore so.' l for ten rents a can to 12TL cents. WANTED Household Furniture. Woodry the Auctioneer will 'pay highest cash price for same. Phone 511. CAR5 of .ivrurr Any kimd Any time PIANO TUNING First-class work. All kinds of repairing. All work guar- si anteed., Twenty-five years' experience. Leave orders at Wylie B. AUcn Co., phone 1187. Residence phone 1405. J. E. HOCKETT, 913 Highland Avenue. When in SALEM, OREGON, stOf BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Fret and Private Baths RATES: 75c, $1.00, (1.50 PES DAT The only hotel in the business district. Vearest to all Depots, Theatres sna" Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home, T. O. BLIGH, Pro. Both Phones. Free Anto Bos. FOR BURNS, CUTS and WOUNDS H' Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment ' AT ALL DRUG STORES Tubes 25o , jars soc NOTICE OF TRUSTEES' SALE Notice is hereby given that on Sat urday, October 2. 1010, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for casi, all counters show cases, stoves, cook ing utensils, dishes and equipment b" lougiug or pertaining to the businen operated nt 429 Court street, under tie name of the Jitnev Coffee (1ub,. snc i sale to be held at 420 Court street Lt 4 Yip K I . a IfiiTl v if I II ( 6 itrllW'.l'u1