Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 23, 1916, Image 1

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Mackensen's Armies Drive Rui lians and Russians Back
and Rumania's Greatest Sea g t, Constanza, Is Taken by
Them Capture Puts End tending Russian Troops by
Black Sea It Also Cuts Railroad That Supplied Army
Artillery Fighting Only Along the Somme Front
Berlin, Oct. 23. Constanza, Rumania's greatest sea
port, has fallen before Field Marshal Mackensen's
armies, it was officially announced this afternoon.
Capture of the city is the greatest single achievement
for the central powers since Rumania entered the war
eight weeks ago. The victory is hailed by German mili
tary men as of more importance than all the gains made
by the allies since the' Somme offensive began.
Official dispatches from
war offices indicate that the
fered a disastrous rout.
Smashing northward along the Black Sea coast,
Mackensen's army occupied
Tuzla and then swept onward through strongly fortified
Rumanian lines of defense, marching twelve miles to
Constanza in a little more than two days. The rapidity
of the Teutonic advance is accepted as an indication that
the Russians and Rumanians became demoralized and
made an extremely disorderly retreat. ,
An official statement from Sofia earlier in the day, re
porting the capture of a village six miles south of Con
stanza, prepared Berlin for news of a great victory.
Mackensen's left wing is now approaching Cernavoda,
the war office announced. ?
No surprise was manifested here when it was an
nounced that Mackensen had pushed on through the ruins
of the old Trajan's wall and had occupied Constanza
itself. ; ' .
Since Rumania entered the war, Russian transports
have been bringing Slav troops, munitions and other war
supplies to the aid of the Rumanians. Large bodies of
Russian troops have arrived in Rumania through the port
of Constanza, whose capture . by the central powers
effectually puts an end to the transportation of reinforce
ments via the Black sea.
The thirty-five mile Constanza Cernavoda railway,
leading across the Danube, is the carrier over which
Rumania has derived a large quantity of her supplies.
The Teutonic right wing is
Constanza. while Mackensen's center and left wing are
swinging forward to capture the remainder of the road.
Mackensen is aiming principally at Cernavoda and the
great bridge over the Danube.
: Rumanians Swept Back.
'Loiuloii, Oct. 23. With their linos iu
t'ict, the Runinninns mc being rolled
lwck on a 45 mile front in Dnbrud.'a un
der tremendous pressure by superior
German, Bulgarian nnd Turkish forces.
At the Rumanian enpitnl the. situa
tion is regarded as serious, snid a Petro
("id dispatch today.
Mackensen's advance guards already
linve approached to within less than 10
miles o' the Constiinza-Cemovoda rail
way. The line, carrying supplies into
Kumnuin and the roud over which Rm
nitin troops transported to Constanza
have been brought into Kmnania with
it- two important terminals, is the ob
jective of the Germans' great efforts.
Tho Rumanian left wing and center
is giving way. Top Raiser and Tuxla.
the main supporting positions of the Ru
manian flunk defending the seaport of
Constanza, have fallen before Slacken-
Belts are replncin' suspenders in some
im-ranees, an' iff others ther workin'
1 'gether in friendly rivalry. Miss Fawn
- luppincut says that if she could live
some period of her life over ngiu she'J
fcelrct th' five years she wuz eighteen.
the German and Bulgarian
Pyusso-Rumanians have suf-J
first the Rumanian port of
now astride that railway at
sen's advance. The Rumanian right
wing, defending the strategically im
portant Danube bridge at Cemoavoda is
beating back enemy attacks.
For the second time since the Ger
mans began their campaign to crush Ru
mania, an appeal for help has come
from Buehnrest. The lVtrograd corres
pondent of the Daily News returning
from the Rumanian capital telegraphed
that he was asked by a high Russian
personage to emphnsibze tho seriousness
of the situation.
Kins Ferdinand himself sent n similar
I plea 'following the Rumnuinn defeat in
Petrograd dispatches today revealed
for the first time the reasons for the
severe defeat suffered by the Ruman
ians in Dobrudja. l'remier Bratiano be
lieved when Rumania entered the war
what Bulgaria either would sue for
peace or would not fight agaiast Ru
mania or Russia. Only weak forces
were left to guard the Bulgarian border
while the main Rumanian army poured
into Transylvania.
French Capture Hill 128.
Paris, Oct. 23. Following a short ar
tillery bombardment French troops late
lust night stormed and captured hill 12,
northwest of Sailly-SailliKel, it was of
ficially announced today.
South of the Somme, the Germans
bombarded during the night, but made
no new attacks.
Considerable aerial activity was re
ported by tho war office. Enemy fliers
bombarded Luneville, but thpre were no
victims. Twenty-four French war planes
drniiiteil four tnni if nrmpctilfw nn tho
Havongange Bussiner works aad differ-
ent railroad centers.
Since Saturday, the Frenoh have ttfk
en 450 prisoners on the Chaulnes sector.
The Germans exploded a mine southeast
of Dumesnil but were unable to oc
cupy the crater.
No Infantry Fighting.
London, Oct. 23. Considerable eaemy
shelling of British positions between
l.e-Sars nnd Guedeeourt lust night was
reported by General Haig today, but no
infantry actions of importance occurred
on the Somme front.
South of YpTes, the British occupied
the lip of two mine craters formed yes-
(Continued on page three.)
Claim He Had Agreement
With Pro-Germans As To
Foreign Policy Plank
Chairman Willcox "Denies the
Allegation and Defies the
New York, Oct. 2j. A second state
ment from the democratic national com
mittee, quoting a "plank" adopted by
the 'American Independence conference
following an "agreement" reached
with Charles E. Hughes, followed by a
challenge from Republican National
Chairman Willcox for the democrats to
produce such an agreement, kept the
political pot boiljng here today with
the hyphen issue."
The democrats charged that Hughes
entered into a secret agreement with the
pro-Herman organization, Willcox
entered emphatic denial and character
ized the charges as "the cheapest kind
of advertising in the interests of a lost
The democrats quoteu what was said
to be tho plank adopted by the Amer
ican Independence conference, calling
upon the peoplo to " condemn the ab
ject surrender of American rights to
Mexico and Kuropeau nations," and
' 4 support Hughes. " .
-At republicua headquarters a tele
gram received from Frank Sieberlich,
who was present at the session between
Hughes and representatives of the con
ference, denying that tht' republican
candidate made auy promises. The tele
gram follows:
"The statement made by Mr. Hughes
relative to the conference with the com
mittee of the . American Independence
conference is absolutly true. Mr.
Hughs saw the committee, of which 1
was a member, made no promises, did
not criticise Roosevelt and made no
statement to tho committee that he
stood for all American rights." - j
After giving out this telegram, Will
cox said:
"If the democrats have any kind of
agreemeat, why don't they present it t
They have my consent, to find any kind
of agreement. This is the cheapest kind
of advertising for a lost cause. There
was nothing secret about the confer
ence Mr. Hughes had."
Willcox went on to say that all man
ner of citizens and groups of citizens
bad seen Hughes, but that ho had made
ao promises in any "shape, manner or
Speaking o'f the lack of secrecy, Will
cox took a fling at the democrats by de
claring he didn't think the "same could
be said of Burlesoa and others who have
sought out certain racial interests."
"I don't think Mr. Hughes would
have a conference at midnight with a
beer party," he declared. The chair
man said none of Hughes' conferences
wore secret, and added that in the vari
ous organizations, who had sent com
mittees to see him, the American Rights
committee was included.
Charge Agreement Made.
New York, Oct. 23. Following the
meeting of representatives of the Amer
ican Independence conference and
Charles E. Hughes at which the demo
cratic national committee charges an
' agreement" was reached between the
republican caadidate and German pro
pagandists the conference made the
main plank of its platform advocacy
of Hughes' election, the democratic
committee asserted in a statement to
day. This plank, according to the state
ment from national democratic head
quarters read:
"We call upon tne American people
to use the opportunity which the pres
ent campaign offers to condemn the
abject surrender of American rights to
Mexico and to European nations and to
support the man who, ha openly pledged
himself to maintain these rights."
The democratic statement charges that
shortly after the incorporation of this
plank, J. P. O'Mahoney, of Indianap
olis, and Victor Ridder, editor of the
Staats-Zeituug, addressed a meeting of
the members of the American Independ
ence conference in Chicago on newspa-
jTer publicity and
outlined tne secret
purpose of the conference to support
Hughes for president and fight for the
election of certain congressmen.
"When the time comes that profes
sional propagandists can attempt to dic
tate the election of a president in the
interest of a foreign country, it is time
for Americans to stand up and repudiate
such attempts," National Chairman
Vance McCormick declared. He said
that, regardless of politics, he consider
ed it a duty to give publicity to such
Vice-President Thomas R. Marshall,
who visited democratic headquarters to
day, predicted that any party or candi
date trying to hook up with propagan-
Three Vessels Known To Be
Lost and Lakes Strewn
with Wreckage
Unidentified Wreckage Indi
cates Death Toll May Be
Much Larger
Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 23. With the
departure of a revenue cutter this af
ternoon, the search for bodies of vic
tims of Lake Erie's "black Friday"
storm was vigorously begun.
The number of probable dead stood
at 411 this afternoon when it was learn
ed that two sailors on the original list
of the Colgate- did not ship.
Property loss from the ninety mile
gale was placed. at o00,000.
A Real Black Friday.
Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 23. Probable
toll of . Lake Eric's "black Friday"
storm jumped to AH dead today with the
arrival in Toledo of the steamer Mat
thews with three bodies from the found
ered steamer Merida and the finding of
three other bodies of sailors of this ill
fated boat and of one body from anoth
er vessel.
The four-bodies were recovered by
!he freighter Charlotte G. Breitung and
taken to Sandwich, Ont. One of the
four was found in a badly battered
yawl marked "Jnmes B. Colgate " The
other three wore lifebelts marked Me
rida. The dead: .-
Merida, six bodies resovered, 13 miss
ing and probably dead. -.
Whaleback James B. Colgate, 21 miss
ing; one saved, and one dead, -
Schooner D. I. Filer, six missing; one
Exposure may add to the list of dead.
Captain Wnlter J. Grashaw, Cleveland,
skipper of the Colgate, who was picked
up after he had clung to a raft for 36
hours, is in a ccltical condition in a hos
pital at Conneaut.
Some unidentified wreckage has been
Search was begun today for the miss
ing, though little hope was held out that
any would be found alive.
'Black Friday's" storm was the
most disastrous Lake Erie has seen since
the Great Lakes storm of November,
1913, when 17 vessels went down.
Lake Full of Wreckage.
Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 23. The steamer
Matthews, Captain Cunningham, arrived
here this morning with the bodies of
three sailors wearing life belts of the
steamer Merida. The . Merida was
bound for Buffalo.
The Merida, owned by James Playfair
of Midland, Out., sailed from Fort Wil
liam, Out., the middle of last week. The
Merida was last seen Friday morning nt
10 o'clock by the steamer Briton off
the southeast shoals. Lake Erie.
Captain Cunningham reported the
bodies were found 50 miles west of
Long Point, Ont. He said the freighter
Charlotte G. Breitung has also picked
up four bodies in the same vicinity, be
lieved to have been from the Merida,
taking them to Sandwich, Ont.
The Merida, bound for Buffalo, was
under the command of Captain II. S.
Jones, of Buffalo. Her home port is
Fear was expressed today that to the
long list of casualties from the lake
storm will be added all of the crew of
25 of the- Merida.
Thirty-four dead is the now known
toll of the storm, with possibly 21 of
the Merida 's crew unaccounted for.
The report of Captain Alexander Mc
Donald of the Harvey Gouldcr that he
had found the lake "full of wreckage,"
which he could not identify, -caused the
fear that other steamers as yet unreport
ed may have foundered with loss of life.
Captain Walter J. Grashaw, Cleveland
skipper, was the only survivor of the
whaleback James B. Colgate's crew of
25- He -was picked up from a raft yes
terday off Conneaut and taken to that
Birmingham, Ala-, Oct. 23 The death
list resulting from the gas explosion in
the Marvel mine, 35 miles south of Bir
mingham will contain 15 and possibly 20
names, it became known today when the
twelfth body was brought out by res
cuers. They reported at least three more bod
ies to" be recovered and there arc five
others unaccounted for.
Washington, Oct. 23.--The interstate
commerce commission announced its
first physical valuation of railroads,
placing the value of the Texas Midland
railroad tentatively at 1.3H2,(KJ4, and
the Atlanta, Birmingham t Atlantic at
22.71fl.KK). These are the costs of re
production. The Texas Midland, less de
preciation, is valued at $2,257,417; the
Senator Chamberlain (Speaks Tonight
I 1 ? V -V - I
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George E. Chamberlain, In it ed States senator from Oregon.
. " : : " " i " : " .
Senator Chamberlain will tell of the legislation- passed by congress in an
address at tho Grand Opera House tonight beginning at H o'clock. Previous
to the meeting at 7:15 o'clock an informal reception will be tendered the sen
ator at the Marion hotel where everybody who desires is invited to meet him.
Believe Barrett Murdered
Wife and Stepson Hiding
Bodies in Barn
Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 23 Detectives
investigating the double murder confess
ed to by Benton L. Barrett, an agedH
wealthy hnnta -Monica farmer who sur
rendered himself to the police, telling
them he hud killed his wife, Mrs. Irene
Barrett, and her son, Raymond Wright,
today were inclined to doubt Barrett's
According to Barrett, both his wife
nnd young Wright attacked him and
ho killed them in self defense. He told
further how he burned the bodies and
displayed a heap of charred bones to
prove his story. But detectives dcclurc
the hones are not those of a human. In
stead, the theory was advanced that the
murder muy have been premeditated,
and with the charred bones and his
story, Barrett thought ho would bo ac
quitted of uctual murder at a trial, and
surrendered himself for that reason.
Today detectives planned to move sev
eral tons of hay atored in the barn of
tho Barrett ranch, whore it is believed
the bodies may be hidden. BIoodstainB
and other evidence tends to show the
deed was done la this barn mi not in
the yard of their home, as Barrett do
cUired in his story.
A neighbor woman told detectives she
heard four shots last Wednesday com
ing from the vicinity of the Barrett
Police Squads Wreck
Seattle Drug Stores
Henttle, Wash., Oct. 23 Police wreck
ing squads, armed with axes, reduced
two downtown drug stores literally to
kindling and broken glassware over
Huuday. Marked coins had been ex
changed for li(uor in each place. They
were the Washington Annex pharmacy,
adjoining the Washington Annex hotel,
and the People's Pharmacy, 210 Pike
street. Tho value of fixture;! and drug
storks destroyed aggregated more than
$12,000. Mnaagcrs, pharmacists nnd
Japanese porters were arrested, and
each released on SOUO bail.
In a raid on the Lannon apartments.
in the fashionable Queen Anne Hill dis
trict, 25 cases of bottled whiskey wore
confiscated. It was supposed to be blind
pig stock. Harry Ktanlcy, known as
"Frisco" was arrested as the owner of
the liquor.
Vnn'va ont tn tnlc. vnn hut off to Hie
man who bows to the inevitable.
Expected Populace Would
Make Demonstration Fol
lowing His Deed
By Carl W. Ackerman.
Berlin, Oct. 23 Vienna authorities
took prompt action to prevent demon
strations following the assassinatioa of
Count Karl Htuerghk, the Austrian pre
mier. The usual Sunday meetings were pro
hibited. Crowds gathered In tho streets,
indignant over tlio shooting, but there
were no disturbances. Dr. Frederick
Alder, the premier's assassin, who dis
played general coolness when first ar
rested, collapsed when he learned of the
authorities action. He told his jailers
that he believed the Vienna crowds
would be fired to great demonstrations
by his act and expected other radical
socialists to head the disturbance.
Telephone communication between
Brlin and Vienna, interrupted shortly
after the shooting was restored a few
hours later.
A postmortcr examination confirmed
reports that all three bullets found
lodgment in the prime minister's head.
Vienna dispatches today said that Baron
Beck, former premier, is tho probable
choice as successor to the slain prime
minister. Prince Tohenlohe, minister of
the interior and tho oldest member of
the cabinet is temporarily filling the
German socinlists declare that Adler
was insane. They say he was consider
ed "peculiar" when he wns a student
nt Munich several years ago.
Southern California
Shaken by Earthquake
Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 23. All south
ern California from as far Wrth as Fres
no and Hnnta Bnrbnr'fa and as far south
as the Imperial Valley took stock of
damage done by the 15 second earth
quake which visited this region at 0:45
iast night, but no materiul damage was
A few dishes were broken, but aside
from the general scare tho quake was
Many people were at supper when the
tremor came and were suddenly ap
praised of seismic disturbances by seeing
til..!,. (liaiiAa Mitiie across Tne tame, front
some quarters it was reported that a
rumbling noise, something like thunder,
accompanied tne quaae.
I V. C Elmer of Cleveland, Ohio, h 6
1 made a fortune selling 8-cent pies.
Genera Ozuna, Sent to Cap
ture Villa Is Reported
V Among Killed.
Chihuahua City In Danger and
Commander Appeals
for Aid
El Paso, Texas, Oct. 23. That Gas-
oral Ozuna, commander of the expedi
tion of Mexiean de facto troops sent to
cupture Villa, was killed in Saturday '
battle with the bandits, his command
cut to pieces and Colonel Martin Ka
linas, who succeeded to tho command af
ter Ozuun's death, was seriously wound
ed, woro the reports received here to
duy by agents of United States govtrnr
ment departments and trausnutteu to
Largo forces of tho bandits under per
sonal command of Villa were encamped
nt Fresno, only 10 miles west of Chihua
hua City last night, menacing the lurg-
est nnd best fortified city in northern
Mexico, nccording to these reports.-'
From Mexican oificinl Bources no ver
ification of these reports was available.
Since Saturday's battlo between Car-
ranzistas and Villistas, an unusually
rigid censorship has been maintained
by do facto officials and representa-'
tives of mining companies were allowed
to send ouly meager details of the 'fight.
Chihuahua City papers print little of
the battle except to Bay there was heavy
fighting, resulting in a victory for th
. VlUa Near Chihuahua,
El Paso, Texas, Oct. 23. Villieta
bandits have surrounded the western
side of Chihuahua City, after driving
the Mcxicaa de.facto government troops
into the outskirts, and another attack
upon the northern Mexico capital is be
lieved' imminent, declared an unconfirm
ed report reaching United Htntes gov
ernment departments here today. Veri
fication of this, however, is lacking and,
Cnrranza officials still insist that da
facto troops are driving the baadits to
ward Hnnta Ysabel. ...
An official Carranzista statement
dated Saturday and made public today
by Consul Horiano Bravo states that
heavy fightiag between Villistas and da
facto forces continued throughout Fri
day and Saturday with very heavy
losses on both sides. The statement ad
mitted Colonel baliaas was wounded. -
Rush Reinforcements.
Juarez, Mexico, Oct. 23. Boinforee
ments from the Carranzista Rarriao
hero are being rushed to Chihuahns
City today, following an appeal for aid
from Gouernl Trcvina, Carranzista com
mander at Chihuuhua City. The appeal
stated that Villista forces were near th
city. Two troop trains wero hastily
loaded and started south with about 300
infantry and 75 cavalry. De facto gar
risons along the lino of the Mexico)
Northwestern railway are also being
culled into the capital.
Bandits Are Victors.
El Paso, Texas, Oct. 23. United
States government department agents
liere declared today they had obtained
rcliuble information that Carranzita
forces had sustained a severe defeat in
the two day running fight with Villista
bandits and that Villa's forces wer
uow only a few miles outside Chihuahua.
City. The call for Carranzista reinforce
ments from Juarez is rcnarded as an in
dication that the situation ia serious.
Washington, Oct. 23. Depart
ment of justice attorneys today
presented to the supreme court a
petition to review the Oregon
California land case, involving
the constitutionality of the law
passed by congress last session.
0 AlUi iiassaa a w
Oregon: Fair
tonight and Tues
day; north to
east winds.
(Continued on page seven.)
A. a. t A. at fIS,U71i0.