Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 21, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
October '21. l'.Utl.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
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$5.00 Per month
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New York, Wnrd-T.ewisWillinms Special Aginey, Tribuue Building
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The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
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"1 was told today by a man who had been doing. 'some figuring," said
ex-Senator Chun. W. Fulton, who addressed one of the . largest political
gatherings of the year at Jteilbronncr hall here Saturday night, " that if the
Ailnnison eight hour law goes into effect, the increase" in freight rates will
cost you 10 cents more per box to transport your upplcs to eastern markets."
Hood River tilacier, Ren.
AS 1 dee it E. E. Cooper
Wilson's policy in Mexico has been weak. Hughes' policy would be
stronger. If he were elected the full militia would probably he called into
action and Currnnztt lni.do to come to terms or fight. This is what Hughes
means, what Roosevelt menus, and what many believe who do not take stock
in unv further wailing pulley, la other words, the l.'nitod States should not
depend so nuich on other governments to help it out of a difficulty, Ameri
cans interested in Mexico should have their interests protected, our border
made safe, and another than ( afrniiza placed at-the head of .Mexican affairs.
'.There is no use in beating around the hush over this question for the sake of
politics. The Tinted Slates should show less of a vacillating policy, put up a
strong front, quit this cowardly gninc,tell Central and South America that it
can look lifter its border itself, and stop with force this guerilla warfare in
Mexico. It would help the interest, hut il would also lo a relief to stop
this tantaliing Mexican I rouble.' If there is eventually to he war between
Mexico ami the I'nited tSales, it would be better to show a firmness on uur
part at once and fight Canana without further dchty.-YVoodhni n Independent
The Independent is a republican paper supporting
Hughes for president. It is to be commended for its
honesty and frankness. It thinks resort to arms the only
solution of the Mexican problem and it has a right to
think so, and to draw the inference from the utterances
of the candidate it is supporting for president, Mr.
Hughes, that he will force the Mexicans to submit to his
demands by force of arms. We do not believe a majority
of the people of the United States are in accord with
this view of the situation, however,
i A war with Mexico may be a t rival affair or it may be
a serious matter before it is over. Complications with
other nations, especially South American countries, may
ensue who knows? Once the spark of war is ignited
what may happen before the flames are quenched can
only be conjectured.
The people of this country are fearful of a govern
ment committed to arfaggressive foreign policy they
have always tried to avoid foreign complications and
broils. The Raosevelt policy pursued toward European
nations might lead to even more serious results and we
may be fighting Germany even before a clash comes with
'Mexico should Roosevelt dominate the Hughes adminis
tration. The colonel is restless, ambitious, pugnacious by
nature and temperment. The halo of military glory daz
zles him and not to be taking a leading part in the great
est war in the world's history is giving him, no doubt, the
greatest disappointment of his career. His prospective
application for a commanding place in the army when
Mexican affairs reached a crisis a few months ago, is an
evidence of his consuming ambition. Mr. Hughes has
said that he endorses Colonel Roosevelt's statements con
cerning the violation of the neutrality of Belgium and
the sinking of the Lusitania but will he allow himself
to be guided into war should another crisis comeand it
is liable to come any moment while the great war rages.'
That is the question which is puzzling the country today
and the answer is not forthcoming.
As the Independent, quoted above, states frankly and
we believe logically based upon Mr. Hughes' campaign
speeches, war with Mexico would follow closely upon his
inauguration as president, but the greater question of
measuring strength with Germany is shrouded in doubt,
because there is no way to determine the hold Colonel
Roosevelt may have upon the administration should
Hughes win at the polls.
A battle was reported in progress yesterday in the
state of Chihuahua, Mexico, with about two thousand
men on each side. This being the case the dispatches to
day should show that Villa was victorious. In all the
clashes between the Carranzistas and the bandits the de
facto soldiers apparently refused to fight. It is reported
Carranza has imported quite an army from the south and
that these will not run away. Yesterday's mix up may
show this is as untrue as almost everything else that
comes out of Mexico.
Mr. Fulton was not sincere in making this statement,
because he will just as quickly tell an audience of work
ingmen in Portland that the Adamson bill was only a fake
to catch their votes and will mean nothing to them in the
way ot increased wages. Hughes campaigners are mak
ing this statement today in the industrial centers. That
is the trouble with the Hughes campaign it lacks sin
cerity. Mr. Fulton, for instance, in one'speech will brand
the Adamson eight-hour day law as the most vicious
measure ever enacted by congress, and in the next will
ask the voters of Oregon to return Representative
Hawley to congress, a man who voted for the Adamson
bill. If Wilson should be defeated because of the Adam
son law why should not Hawley meet a similar fate?
Mr. Fulton, also, knows, or should know, that even if this
I law raises wages by shortenng hours, it does not neces
j sarily mean an increase of freight rates. The railroads
made enough money during the last fiscal year to stand
the raise without appreciably feeling it. Besides Mr.
Fulton has not figured out the details of the raise if there
is one it will take the commission of experts weeks to do
this work devoting their entire time to the work. I he
statement made in the Hood River 'speech was only
cheap sectional appeal to the people of that community in
order to obtain their votes under false pretense. It is
not a legal but rather a moral misdemeanor.
The Oregonian this morning contradicts ex-Senator
Fulton by saying:
'A little careful study convinces the trainmen that it doesn't even in
crease their wages without a compensating increase in the quantity of serv
ice that they have to perform.
"They see, too, that the law practically abrogates all existing private
agreements between the railrods and the men ami that the railroads will
have the power to exact the maximum service from their employes, in other
words, they can work the men up to the eight hour limit nt various odd jobs,
even if their rouulnr work is completed within the eight hours."
Of course, if the railroad trainmen have to work
harder for the same money under the Adamson law in
stead of raising the freight on every box of Hood River
apples, as Fulton says, it ought to enable the railroads
to reduce rates. If it's the kind of a law the Oregonian
this morning says it is what becomes of all the bunk the
Oregonian, Hughes, Roosevelt, Fulton, et al have been
preaching from day to day about congress "being held up
and sand-bagged into passing a law benefitting only the
railroad trainmen at the expense of the public.'
All these contradicting statements this blowing hot
and blowing cold at the same time comes no doubt from
the fact that the Hughes supporters have no real issue.
They are astride the fence bidding for the: support of all
factions. Hughes hands out bouquets to the German-
Americans while Roosevelt swats them with brickbats,
and they are all juggling and quibbling and whining, not
so much about what President Wilson has done, out the
way he has done it.
Meantime Wilson's strength with the people is grow
ing daily and. indications point to a veritable landslide
on election day which will bury the defamers of the
president beyond all hope of resurrection under the name
of any party in the future.
Only two weeks more and the straw vote evidence
will be no more. Also the yawp of the spellbinder and
swish of imported skirts will be stilled and Mr. Hughes
can go home and hide his blushes. . .
If you have not registered remember this is the last
day in the afternoon, and go and do it. This for the city
election only as it is too late for the general election. Like
Sarah Bernhardt's farewell tours, this is positively "the
last time."
Straw votes taken by a Spokane newspaper show that
Foindexter leads Turner for the United States senator
ship by the proportion of two and three-tenths votes to
one. Poindexter while supporting Hughes is an admirer
of Wilson and voted for many of his measures. Not only
voted for them but boasted about it when it was thrown
up to him during the primary campaign. This is one of
the reasons for his popularity.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SGS
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
If Mexico can buy a million dollars worth of rolling
stock in the "Middle West" what is the matter with the
Southern Pacific doing the same thing and at the. same
time doing away with the car shortage?
v -jSr-warcnaron,,
The man who plies a hammer on everything
that's good, kicks up a lot of clamor, but
rlnocn'f caw fVin M-nrr1 WTa etnnA nr, 4Viw
Y7 X 1 improvement, for forward steps each day;
we Know tne om time groove meant stag
nation and decay. Improvement's banner
waving, right cheerfully we hump; we
want to do some pavine. and buv a villas
pump. We get the people feeling that what
we pian is ngnt, and then we hit. the ceil
ing the knocker is in sight It is a thous
and pities that knockers are on hand; for
hamlets might be cities, if thev were nnlv Panned The
burg that's buried under a coat of mold and rust, might
be a seventh wonder, if knockers bit the dust One glum,
despondent kicker, who greets all hopeful plans with
ribald sneer and snicker, makes boosters also rans. The
work of busy boosters is easily destroyed; the kicking
human roosters soon make it null and void. So let us
knock the kicker, and kick the knocker, too, and march to
glory quicker than otherwise we'd do.
1 .liA2tf
1. A graduated land-tax fbv eonsti
tutionnl amendment, it necessary) that
will life a measure of the burden from
small cultivated holdings and place it
on the big land speculators. Let them
pay for the dog-in-the-manger act.
. tate employment lor unemployed
citizens. Employ them in developing
swamp lands, stump lands, desert" lands,
men leaso tnese lands, and from the
proceeds ercato and maintain an em
ployment fund. Develop water-power
plants and handle in t lie same way.
Thus aid the needy, develop tho State,
and create a perpetual source of income
lor employment purposes.
3. Text book, state printed, at cost
to public schools. The School-book
trust hold-up is inexcusable.
4. Prohibit teachers wearing sectar
ian garbs in public schools. All public
functions should be nnn-sertarinu. This
principle is violated in several places
in Marion countv.
5. Only former nublie school stu
dents eligible to tench in nublie
schools. The public school is a nursery
of patriotism, a maker of democracy.
It transforms our diverse feelings and
sentiments and racial prejudices into a
homogeneous Americanism. Those who
are educated apart, having only sec
tarian instruction and association, are
unfit. They havfe not the spirit of the
public school.
B. Official inspection. Let all insti
tutions be under the eye of the State.
Permit no private or sectarian penal
I believlp in civil service for the police. department, and in a more
full co-operation between the police department and tho home, for the
protection of young girls and boys. With the assistance of all good
citizens,' I shall if nominated and elected cufoice all laws alike, play
ing no favorites. 1 earnestly solicit your support. (raid Adv.)
Efficiency and CourteoiA Treatment to One and All Six Years' Ex
perience in Municipal Work.
H. W. Elgin
City Recorder
City primary Election Xov. 6, 1010
(enernl Election Dec. 4, 191(3.
(Paid Adv.)
7. No public money
sectarian institutions.
to private or
Levi D. Ratliff
Candidate for the Legislature
raid AaV.
My Official Eecord is My Eecommendatlon to the Voters
J. T. Welsh
City Primary Election Xov. G,
General Election Dec. 4, 1910.
Xewell Soth Austin ili 'd i.t the home
of his brother, James . Austin, at
l-::0 last Friday afternoon, October!
IS, aged 78 years and one nunth.!
Deceased was a man of gentle nature,!
of noble character, un.l wrs greatly j
beloved by all who Iww him. The :
funeral was Sunday .1 ltd noon, serv-f
ices being held at the M. K. chinch at j .
and well attended. The remains
were then taken to Lee Mission!
cemetery, talent, for in! ;'rment. At the!
church services Rev. E. ti. Decker.!
who officiated, read tho ' following
obituary: j
Xewell Seth. Austin was bom i,earl
Monroe, flreen county, Wisconsin, on1
September :',, 1SHS. "Vit:i the-family ;
he moved overland to Miniie"l.i. lloj
Sttendfct rhc-commkm schools' in Mon-4 -roe
rtnd Minnesota and in 1MU ettend-1
ed the Hamlin ruhvsity it Tied
Wing, one vear, then joined the Weft
Wisconsin L'onf ercaco. ' ". , I Mr. and-Mis. S. W. Davis and chit-
He was ordained deacon by Bishop! dren and Mr. and Mrs. O. D. McLuner
Simpson in September, l.v17, trd or-: motored to Lebanon ami Sodaville Sun- !
dained as elder by Uisdmp Simpson in : (j.1Vi j
October, IWIil; located at his iAvu re-! 'j.' K. Slinw and family were out iu the
quest in Sopteuioer, lUti, by Dishop valley Sunday. j
8. M. Merrill, An:c which time he sup- j Jrs. Jane Shaw went to Portland :
plied differenv .ippoint nents K. s;x j Monday for medical attention,
or eight yearj in .Minni's)'..!. j -Mr. 'und Mis. Ed Thompson were in!
He can'ie to Oregon in iVo embc r, j Silverton aud Salem Sunday.
1SSU- supplied Silver! ri jt aion cue Mr. Xed Richards has been on the j
' . L . . . . .... i l IpL- ltMf the rmsr. weeV.
vear. when In wire s nonin uvcnme - -: -j - - -----
so poor that he vis obliged to cease j
(Paid Adv.) X
1 " T 1
t " j 31
t "
'Justice to All without Begaxd to
Wealth, Poverty or Position,''
That's My Motto.
City Recorder
f ' (Paid Adv.)
preaching. He had been h r. Mdeat it
Woodburn for .the last tc-J jcar.t, liv
ing with his broth?.', J. A. Auft;n,
where he left u f-T th? hi-iiiO beyond,
for -which he we well prcpired. lie
was con verted -t the. age of ten years
and always cl;iirai,d that he wis cMled
to preach the gospel nt that time.
Woodburn Independent.
Mill City Items
(Capital Journal Special Service.'
Mill Citv. Ore., Oct. IS Mr. and Mrs.
Harrv Wood motored to the Round-l p
then 'to Corvallis and Coberg, returning
Mr. and Mrs- J. F. Potter were out
to the Round l"p and other points of in
terest in their auto.
Mr. and Mrs. I.ee Berry were called
to the bedside of her father, who lives
in Waitsbuig. Vsh. They left here
The Rehckah convention for district
No. 7, composed of lodgers from Meio,
Aumsville, Stayton, Mehama, Mill City
and dates was held at Gates October lli
with a good attendance. The following
from Mill City were present: Mr. and
Candidate for Re-Election.
VOTE 49 X.
(Paid Adv.)
Mrs. Maud Holt. Mrs. Allen, Miss Editk
Mrs. J- F. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Van I Sherwood and Harry -Mason. Everyou
Nuys, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. MeLnne, Mrs.
Jessie B. Olin, Mrs Daisy Kichnrds, Mrs.
I.ettie Cline, Mrs. Gertrude Mason, Mrs.
Louise Mason, Mrs- Susie Haynes, Mrs.
Lela Hill, Mrs. America Thompson, Mrs.
Bertha Lewis. Mrs. I.uella Baseman,
reports a fine tune una good convca
tion. Rev. Fifch preached here Sunday
morning and evening. Everyone enjoyei
the good sermons. He will be here agaia
next Sunday- Everybody welcome.
V tt
fjp- vJne Phelps
AND I ?;';
'But how did you cet dressed if yon,
didn't come home?'! I interrupted, as
tonished at his assertion.
"I always keep clothes at my club,"
he explained freezingly.
So that was the way men managed
when thev didn't come' home to dinner
I had flattered myself that I knew
when Clifford remained out on business
h went- nnr for pleasure be
cause of the clothes he wore. Now I
never should know whether he was teu-
in the truth or not wnen ne ciaimea
it was " business" that detained him.
. "I waat you to understand that l
won 't have you running around to pub
i:.. Aa ,ia,.;0 with pverv Tom. Dick
and Harry who asks you! Remember, I
forbid vou going again unless j.
you!" '
"Who were the ladies with you!"
I parried, hoping to avoid an answer.
"Vou .li.lnV mention their names when
you introduced me."
"Jiever nimrj tnat: iou uo a sy
or you'll regret it." And without an
other word or look he left the house.
Perplexed. '
After Clifford had gone I wondered
L .. a I,a ha.l K.tpmail Ihf nipht
li , 1 1 i - - - -
before he had let me off so easily.
True ,he had f orbulden me to go ro puo
lie places without him, but I had not
made any promise. I reflected. But he
had mentioned neither my action in
....... ;it tn his futile mid romnellinir him
to notice me, nor had he said anything
regarding Hal I.ockwood. .1 finally con
cluded that he probably had not finish
ed all he had to say. Perhaps he was
too angry. . He might broach the sub
ject again.
"Well, let him! ' l tbougnt. win
not be so frightened next time. If I
am he shall not know it. The worst of
the thing was over the dread of his
displeasure. And well, words didn't
kill. Although many times I had al
most wished they would.
Another possible reason for his let
ting ine off so easily occurred to me,
accompanied by a little spasm of joy.
Burton Franklyn had called me. a
"brick!"- Had the course I had taken
appealed to the sporting side of Clif
ford's character, and had he been just
a bit proud of met Oh, if I only kuew!
it would help me so in tne future.
Hal Lockwood Calls.
To my astonishment Clifford did not
mention the subject again. And you
may be sure-I did not refer to the even
ing I spent at the restaurant- I was
too glad to be rid of the matter.
A few days afterward Kate brought
me a card.
Hal Lockwood had kept his promise
to call.
"The gentleman is ia the drawing
room, ma'am," Kate told me.
"Tell him I will be down immediate'
ly," I said a I gave a hurried look in
T.e gi. men as numeoiy cuange,! , l,," and he ...j auiz2l
ine uress i was wearing tor one be- -
CP'"!i,' x !, ... , ,1 (Tomorrow Touth a Woman's
"What will Clifford sayT" I asked' Greatest Asset.)
myself aloud as I looked at the card.
Then I remembered what Burton ha
said. Hal Lockwood was my husband's
friend, so wtiy should he say anything
Yet I could not throw off the feeling1
that Clifford would object to his call,
while I felt foolishly flattered that he
j had remembered.
"i scarcely hoped to be 'fortunat
enough to find you in," he greeted
rt'I am seldom out nt this time of
day," I answered, then blushed furious
ly at the look he bent on roe.
We chatted for a while, then I ran
for tea. After Kate had left us and 1
wns busy over the tea things, he spoke
of the restaurant and the dancers.
"Wasn't their dancing exquisite? "1
"Oh, they were all right! hut profes
sionals do not interest me," he answer
ed in a bored tone. "Now I should my
thnt vou danced onite ns tw;aa
hTMiig immensely attractive in otker
ways. "
"You flatter me," T laughed, ant
tried to change the subject.
It was no use.
"I admired your course the other
night. Hammond's face was a study
when you spoke to me. I don't blame
him for wanting to keep you all for
himself; and not introducing you to his)
Ky inemis, myseir among the nam-