Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 21, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Woodimrn News
(Capital Journal Special rSveiee)
Woodburn, Oct. 21. Anna Asboe
spent the week end in Junction City
and brought hor sister, Johanna home
lor a weeks visit with her.
-The reception given the freshmen by
the seniors .Friday night in the gym
was enjoyed by all. About seventy Jive
were present, with the faculty. The
evening was spent with games and
many stunts were pulled oil. luncheon
was served by .Icssie Hicks, Ida Hend
ricKS, Naomi Hicks and Minnie Settle
Lee Sims, Cleve Galbraith, Raymond
Lawrence and Naomi Hicks, Cresccntia
(ilatt and Olive. Haskell motored to
Bilverton Saturday nlglit to attend the
leap year ball.
-Harold Olson spent Friday and Satur-
day ot last week in Portland. .
'James Hendricks from Silverton came
home Sunday morning, returning the
same evening. '
. Aldon Ogle visited his brother Prof,
t'luriel Ogle in Scnppoose Saturday.
- Mrs. 8. T. Johnson is a guest of her
f son, Fred Johnson at Roseburg.
Hiss Leona Waite is again at the
home of Mrs. E. Marcom, having
spent several months in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schram, a re
cently marriedeouple, are living in the
a. Iuiss home on the corner of Third and
Garfield streets.
Carl Osluud and Minnie Case, both
of Donald, were married in Hilverfbn
The. athletic club of . the Woodimrn
high school will give a dance in the. ar
mory Snturdny night, the proceeds of
which will go town nls the equipment
of the gymnasium. The boys are busy
decorating the armory for the occasion,
and hope that every one will come and
help to make the arfair a success.
Dance tickets are 7ii cents.
The marriage of lleorgc Lennox and
Iella Beck took place at the Catholic
church at o'clock Monday morning.
Thev will make their future home in
Sioux City, where Mr. Lennox goes to
fill a position. He bus been working
BXatural Octetto to Miss Delia Beck
Friday evening in the C. O. h hall.
Cards were played a while, the remaind
er of the evening being spent with
Miss Yoder from Hubbard was in
town Wednesday evening, accompanied
by her Bister.
Mrs. A. I. Brauigar and Mrs. Nancy.
Harper went to Portland Suturday. for
a weeks visit with rwiatives.
Mr. and Mrs. L." Crane of Montana
visited Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Patterson
and Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Beam an.
Grandma Kanutson of Silverton waa
a guest of Mr. and' Mrs. Trollila Wed
nesday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Nellie Bowman of Spokane,
Wash., aunt of Mrs. Ivan Byers, re
turned to. her home after several weeks
visit with friends and relatives.
Mrs. Sadie Dimick is visiting at her
brother's, Richard' Wright,- near MolaK
(Continued from page two.)
Cord, who has won conspicuous success
in appearances in private recitals and
with the Minneapolis Symphony music
al orchestra and other prominent mus
ical organizations, was born in Iowa.
She has studied with Alexander Heine
mnnn, one of the leading artists of
Germany, and also with the peerless
Jean I'e Keslie in ram. Miss Cord
in a do her London debut with Ben Davis
the eminent Knglish tenor and is eon
ceded by critics to be one of the fore
most sopranos ot" the country.
Artistry comes to William Morse
Rummel, as a rich heritage. No Amcri-
Simon Yoder and Bill Brown jeftjran artist of. ,he present day promises
Mnnilnv niohr for .nlithern Orcimn on"'10"' n musical renown tnan OOeS tttlS
a weeks hunting trip.
F. B. Preisenger and family will
spend the winter in California, having
departed' for Fresno last Tuesday.
Mrs. Perle Love entertained for Mrs.
Lucy Miarcom String of Dodgevills,
Wash., Friday afternoon. A number of
ladies spent a very enjoyable time. Re
freshments were served consisting of
chicken salad, sandwiches, cheese, ice
cream, cake and coffee.
Mrs. CIibs. Dan was a week end
Portland visitor last week.
Mrs. C. J. Rice and daughter, Alta,
left Monday to join Mr. Rice at Cam
bridge, Ncbr., where they will make
their futuio home.
Mrs. Viletta Johnson left . Thursday
for Pasco, Wash., where bIio will make
her home with her daughter, Mrs. Ros
well Holmes until spring.
Miss Lucille (loettel is visiting with
her brother, Rev. O. F. Goettel in New
A. J. Gillette of Kugcne spent Sun
day in this city.
Mr. and Mis. A. C. Wright of Silver
famous violinist
, Among Mr. Rummel's noteworthy I
American engagements in recent years,:
was an extensive tour as a co-star with
Madame Xordica.
Salem folk will be interested in the
announcement of the concert to be
given by Mr. and Mrs. Hnrtridgo
Whipp of Portland, under the auspices
of the Salem Woman 's club, at the
Presbyterian church November the first
Mr. Whipp who has a rich bass bari
tone voice is pre-eminent among Pa
cific northwest singers. He has been
successful in grand opera, concert and
choir circles. Mrs. Whipp who is or
ganist in the Congregational church n
Portland, is one ot ine foremost ac
companist and organists in the northwest.
t , m
some of the most toothsome dishes and
many a father and mother are tasting
something unusually good these days.'
Kach girl has a different dish to pro-1
pare and then there's greut sport in!
ton were Vuodburn visitor's lust ThursJ ttiK nil the goodies. The young wom-
fi'n under Miss hdwards experienced
tenching are Misses Mary Tohman, Au
f -...I Mkd 14i..w.i- om.nt tlm week
for the past two months as a pharmn - end iu Corvnllis, being guests at thoj'irej mcKs, iJorn Andresen, Mime Jient-
cis' in this citv. I HUth wedt nu anniversary celebration i . ' ..... jj. iu cl i,
Charles Ogle returned from Portland: of Hr. and Mrs. .L M. Prntlier.
Monday, having spent a few days withj ' " 1 '
v va r h mhtcc
1. II. V nviw
his wife.
A farewell party was given by the
Krmine K. Biishnell, Ksthcrl Hillings
and v edu Mae Cross.
Write for free booklet.
Send sketch and description or
model, mentioning this paper,
for thorough FREE search for
.. 311 Victor Bldg..
- Washington, D. C. Nov.ll
The Wednesday evening millinery
class under Miss N. Svkes instruction
is meeting regularly and each class
The Choral club will meet every Mon
day evening with Miss Lucille Burton
as a competent director, all young wo
men of the city are cordially invited to
member is proud of a new creation of
1 her own make nearly ready for exhibi-
lion. The enthusiastic members nre Mrs.
! Mathews, Misses Elvina Schramm,
. Charlotte I. Snefe, Agnes Ha.yne, Grace
; Hidwell, Esther Bell and I.vdiu V. Bell.
Gas Escaped!
Mrs. Fiulcy Shepard has generously ;
extended her offer, the gift of n Bililei
to be given to any member of thej
Voting Women's Christian association
in the United States (tills offer is not,
open to others) who will recite without i
error certain passages of the Bible in-'
dicated in Mrs. Shepard 's Scripture
Passage Memorizing Leaflet. This of
fer has been open to association mem-1
bers for the past ten years and will be
, 1B domestic science cinss meeting j'gooil until . neptcniner I, lli. wncii;
tin i in- Klin." hik'h w. . ' p. i i ..in ... i i uiciiiiiriAiii iiu-sc iiinsucs n.e 10 lie ic-
cited iii one or not mure thnn two sit-,
tings, the number to be reported to the
general secretary of 'the Y. W. C. A.;
This person will then make known to
the publication department of the na-l
tjoiinl bourd of the Y. W. C. A. the full1
name and address of each one success-)
fill in this effort. With this report
there should be sent also u statement
as to which version of the Bible is do-j
sired, that is, authorized or revised. Inj
addition to personally autographing
these Bibles, Mis. Shepard has made'
j provision for printing the name of the
j member receiving the Bible, either oni
! the inside, or on the cover of the Bible,,
j as desired. Association Monthly, j
For further information apply to the
city secretary. 1
Dallas Local News
(Capital Journal Special Service) !
Dallas, Or.. Oct. 21. Miles Davis wasi
a business visitor in the Jtnllston neigh-'
borhood Wednesday. j
C. L. Starr, tax attorney of Port-!
land, was a Dallas business visitor this
week. j
Mr. and Mis. ('. B. "Sundberg and!
Mr. and Mrs. P. .1. Craven motored to'
Portland in Mr. Sundberg's machine!
today. I hey will return Snturdny ev
ening. 1
Mr. nnd Mrs. Sol Blessing are visit
ing at the home of their daughter in
Mrs-'. M. M. Ellis and Mis. Ella J.
All through a leaking gas stove.
Went to bed at 'night, as usual
apparently all well and in the night
hours insidious fumes did their work.
A Lungmotor
Will Save Them
If I get there in time. Call
any hour of the day or night.
O. E. TerwilHger Funeral
DirectX. Fhne 721
Will speak on the issues of the campaign at the
Saturday Evening Oct. 21
8 O'clock Hear Him
t H
Are You a Careful
and Close Buyer
If so, we can surely inter
est you. Standard Furni
ture values we offer you at
a saving. Be merciful to
your pocketbook. Come
here and save money. We
are considering your Furni
ture needs all the tjme, and
are constantly endeavoring
to provide these needs more
satisfactorily for less
The proof is on our floors.
Come for the proof.
Oak, Dining Table
Quartered oak 45-inch
plank top, massive pedestal
base, extends six feet. Fit
ted with top clamp lock, is
exceptionally well made,
finished golden wax and at
the price of $14.95 is more
than reasonable.
Oak Buffet $18.75
Comfort Insured
$1.00 Each Week
Buys Any "OPAL"
Range or Heater.
In Stock
Your Home Needs
On Easy Terms
,You consider it "good
business" and entirely "pro
per form" to borrow money
from the bank. .
It is just as "good busi
ness" to buy from us on
credit, and you receive just
as fair and courteous treat
ment. Some of the best
people in the city have been
glad to avail themselves of
this opportunity. Why not
Marquisette 21c yd.
An excellent all quartered
oak Buffet, golden wax fin
ish, containing large linen
drawer, two small drawers,
one lined for silverware,
roomy cupboard, beveled
French plate mirror in top,
at the very interesting
price of $18.75
Economy, Convenience, Durability and Beauty
is so happily combined in "Opal" Stoves and
ranges as to render them a comfort and a joy to
any home. Your home should have one, and
here's the opportunity. Why not take advan
tage of it today. This offer is really a little bit
better than a square deal. You can't afford to
miss it.
This is in every respect the Range yuo want
plain nickel trimmings, polish top, three ply
wall construction, heavy reinforced flues, pat
ent sliding damper; a splendid baker and a fuel
saver. Guaranteed for 20 Years. The style
you want is here and at the price you want to
pay $33.00 to $55.00
Special Sale in Our
Baggage De
Trunks, Bags, Suit Sases of every kind and
description, this week we are offering you
special price concessions on the entire line.
Get our special prices on fibre wardrobe Trunks
Suit Cases from $1.15 to $15.00
Leather Bags from $3.85 to $20.00
Dress Trunks from 5.00 to $18.00
Wardrobe Trunks from $21.00 to $40.00
Our drapery department
is once again well stocked
with all the staple scrims,
marquisettes, voiles and
cretonnes you have been
waiting for. This week we
offer you a splendid grade
of marquisette 40-inches
wide, plain edged, fine soft
mesh, at, yard,... 21c
Comfort Rocker $11.85
' Ml '
; i! i
A very handsome high
backed quartered oak Rock
er as illustrated, mortise .
and tennor construction,
brown Spanish leather, re
movable spring seat built
for comfort and durability
as well as appearance.
Special $11.85
Court St.
Complete House Furnisher
Senator Geo. E. Chamberlain
Will speak on the leading issues of the day at the
Monday Evening, Oct. 23
8 O'clock
Hallie Parrish Hinges Will Sing
M '
Mi't.Ki'r will leave Hntunlny inoriiinK
for Jlrn. Kills' hum noar Newport,
where Mr. Metzjjer will live, the mill
ing winter. Mm. Kills expects to return
to Dallas aliout the first of November.
O. C. Shiith and son, J. I). Smith,
returned the first of the week from a
short business visit ill Heattle.
Jlrs. H. Casey was a uest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Kakiii at
Kiekrenll Thursday.
V. V. Fuller aniCl'. I,. Kturr returned
Wednesday afternoon from a short bus
iness trip to Tillamook. They mude.
the run out in four honrs.
Miss Ollie Coulter of Corvnllis is in
the eity this week visiting relatives and
Mark Iliir'h, a demneratie war horse
of Itii'kreall. was in the ri;y Thursday
to hear Meniitor Chamberlain.
Dr. ami Mrs. A. H. Htarbuek, rcom-
panied by Dr. and Mrs. II. !t. Hender-i
tuhott of I'ortland, will leave in the
morning for the Salmon river country;
on a t'ishiiiK and limiting trip. j
Mr. and Mrs. .1. (!. Talbott of r'alls
Citv were Dnllns visitors this week. '
Mrs. (i. II. Hidwell and children of
llillsbnrn nre guests nt the home of,
Mr. and K. A. Hamilton in West Dal
las. W. O. Kimius, a prominent attorney
of Kheridau, was a Dallas visitor Moil
day. I
Gates News
(Capital Journal -Special rSveice) - I
Hates, Dr., Oct. 20. Mr. Clement is
back irjiain after bring ill 1'ortlnndj
having his jaw treated.
. There is a big fire at camp 1-1 and it
is reported that the camp is closed down
till the fire is under control.
.ors. Kair went to Albany Thursday
ami expects (o return Friday.
There was a firn started from one
of the ('lenient Co. donkey engines Inst
week and burned one. nf them up ami
also some of the timber but not as
much damage done as might have been.
There was a larue crowd went from
here to Albany for the round up and
reported having a good time.
There will be one of those good old
dances ill the (iates hall Saturday night
of this week.
I.nng Stafford bought Mr. Long out
anil experts to take possesion the first
of the mouth nnd Mr. Long is moving
into the dates hotel.
Mrs. Kay Cobb came i on tho train
this morning for a short visit with her
! father, Win. Clark. '
j The Kir Kcbekah lodge held a con
I veution here Monday, )-t. 111. The
i president from Knsteru Oregon being
present and members tViim four differ
ient lodges were with ns nnd- the Mill
City lodge put the floor work on. After
lodge they nil went down stnirs where
, a fine supper awaited them and all re
ported having a tine time.
The depot, section and ear house
have all had a new inr of paint this
week which helps the looks of thn
. town.
! Mrs. Tillie Dike of Detroit was down
i for the lodge convention and stayed
over with Mrs. Lee Dike and visited
her other friends.
Everybody would be g&& to see it
rain and put the fires nt and fill the
wells, as most everyone ia out of water.