Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 21, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 14

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i I
Tify needed a scapegoat
IN the camp of the Molllocoddles,
at the rear with the baggage
wngons, men Hat silent about the
fires luul avoided one another'.) eyes.
Tow and then one cursed bitterly
and the other:! would turn his way for
u.i in.ilii:ii mill thru come back to
tliulr vacant staring. Bewilderment
aemed to be tliclr attitude, utter
blind bewilderment.
"We never had u chance," mut
tered one. "We never had a chunce."
Another suddenly flung down a
piper ho had been reading In the red
lilit, cursed liko a drover for a mo
rn' nt, and foil silent again.
In his lent the colonel spoke bit-t-rly
to his adjutant.
' Thoy needed a scapegoat, and
lliey've pitched on us," he said.
A common sentiment ran from the
head of the regiment to the meanest
private In the ranks. It waB, more
over, a perfectly legitimate, well
f.mnded sentiment, and the fan'
upon whlcli It was based were the .
Tho Molllccoddlci were a brand
O'lW regiment. Most of them bad been.
Lumbering Industry and
Effect of Underwood Tariff
That British Columbia Lumber.
Portland, lift. 111. To tun editor of
tin' .luiirual. 1 have seen Judge Burke's
nttilcmont in the Journal turning that
records of the riistoin Iiiium' nf Pnilliind
show fur the past 10 years that no lum
ber or shingle have hren shipped into
Oregon from British Columbia, and 1
have also reml many statements in re-
Jmlilii-tin paperx, nml speeches by repuli
ieiiii rongresMiien and stump speakers,
that the plueing of shingles on the free
list has permitted British Columbia
plilngles to come into the I'nited States
free nml bus in some instance closed
down shingle mills nml ruined our shin
industries because, of tho cheaper
timber nd labor obtainable on the Bri
tish Columbia side.
The Tiinberiuuii, published nt Port
land anil an authority on west coast
lumber products, at pages 55 and fU in
its September issue, (jives the prices of
ceilnr shingles nt Vancouver, B. C, rang
ing from $2.03 to $170 per thousand, to
the wholesale trade according to grade,
uiui lit JKenttle from 1 511 to fl.Sli, and
nl Portland from $1.55 to tl.Sj per loot)
iiii'oriliu to grade. The prices given
jWlien you have a bilious at
' tack, or when you feel illness
coming on promptly move the
; bowels, start the liver working
and put your entire digestive
system in good shape with a
dose or two of the time-tested
You will welcome the quick
relief and often ward off a
severe illness. Beecham's Hlls
are carefully compounded from
vegetable products mild,
harmless, and not habit-forming.
Buy a box now. You
don't know when you may need
! Beecham's Pills. A reliable
family remedy that always
Should Be
at Hand
Urn S.U ! Km j MxifelM b Ik WU,
SM nanrwhar la 10c, M.
and they pitched on ui.
Ick-rks and Bmall business men In a
certain well-known city. Their bauds
: were whiio and soft and tlielr chests
'not astonishing either for length or
Therefore, because the spirit' is less
easily discerned than the flesh, their
oomrades-lu-urnis, veterans of two
campaigns, dubbed them tho Mollie
coddles on their first appearance.
The regiment suffered the label
with only a mild resentment. Indi
vidually, thoy knew they were not
cowards, and they trusted confidently
in the future to justify their presence
in arms. '
As a regiment they had not yet
found themselves. They bad no esprit
de corps. They were n collection of
units Instead of the .ln;;l .tud par
ticular entity u regime! i should bo.
Then er.-.te . e astropne.
Tho ar.iiy vns ling tho enrv.
with river in rear, and so
li.ipi. ;! tha: the vtolllecoddles held
th" i tror - right wing. Here the
en: ral commanding made his Initial
mistake, .....-. .. ...
for cedar logs at Vancouver are 10.50
per 1 1 lull feet for shingle cedar and $12.
Si! to 12.50 per 1000 feet for logs suit
able for cedar lumber, while nt to
10 per thousand feet and nt (Irnys Har
bor, Washington, $11 was the highest
No sepcifie price v.us given at Seattle
for cedar lugs.
About the time the law went Into
effect admitting tree shingles, the West
CiHsr I .lliiilierniu n. i.ultl iulnt.l SenHlu
contained an article from its Everett,
Wash., correspondent that the ndmiss
I itni of freo shinnies would be the best
thing thnt could happen to shingle mnnu
fiicturers in Washington, because it
would compel them to make as good
shingles ns British Columbia. The item
stated that the British Columbia manu
facturers used the best pnrt of the log
iu producing shingles, while in Washing
ton ns a general rule they used the best
parts for cedar siding and other high
priced lumber and used the portions of
the loir which do not make well into
jhi(.li priced lumber, thereby realizing
mure money.
There are not innny shingles mnde in
Oregon, on account of the scarcity of
c - dur.
I have no information ns to the dif
fenuiee of the cost of labor here or iu
British Columbia, but doubt if it is
any ls there. 1 have read statements
I v shingle manufacturers from British
Columbia thnt we can make about a
thousand shingles more per day on this
side with the sumo machines as thev
use, bemuse of the greater efficiency
of our men,
1 mil nt n loss to understand how the
iiiltiiission of British Columbia shingles
freo of duty can hurt the sale of our
ihiugles, when, according to the quota
tints Riven, tho cheapest or lowest
priced shingles in British Columbia are
20 cents higher than the best or high
est priced ones in Portland, and 25 cents
higher than Seattle.
As to British Columbia lumber enter
ing this country, will say that anybody
who is interested enn ascertain that
when there was n demand for lumber in
the western provinces of Cnntnln, we
shipped lumber by tniiiilonils to them. I
venture to say that there is as much
misrepresentation regarding the effect
of the tariff on all products of the
Northwest ns I have shown exists in the
shingle industries.
Timber Broker.
Oregon's Lumber Business.
Liigene, Ore., Oct. 14. To the Kditor
of the .lournnl Last Thursday's tele
gram takes more thau half the first
column of page IS to tell us what a
blasting effect free Canadian lumber
has luid on the milling industry in this
state. It ay:
'The Canadians have invaded the
market of the Oregon lumbermen, and
this was tho main reason for the es
tablishment of soup kitchens in Curl-
There being no natural dofenses to
protect this wing, It should in com
mon proudence have been flung back
to rest upon the river and thus pre
sent a line of Are in the event of a
flanking movement by the enemy.
This was not done, and the Mollie
coddles were left strung out iu air.
Not even the colonel, who had been a
successful merchant, understood the
perilous insecurity of their position,
and the regiment calmly laid itself
down to sleep that night, expecting
battle on tho morrow nrd confident
of acquitting itself well, but feeling
itself secure for t ho Immediate future.
Anon came a heavy column of the
enemy, driving in the pickets, and
itaelf arriving on their heels. The
line of battle faced south. The attack
tell from the west.
Two companies succeeded in form
ing, facing about on the new line, and
firing a round or two before they were
overwhelmed. Then tho regiment,
and after it the brigade, was rolled
up, telescoped, crushed, with hardly
a chance to fire a shot.
It was not their fault. Tho best
and most seasoned regiment in the
army could have done no bettor un
der the clrcuniBlances.
But when the major-general had
collected the shattered remnant of his
forces on the safo side of tho river,
he felt the need of a scapegoat, as
the colonel had divined, and recog
nized the Molliecoddk3 as tho logical
and helpless candidates for the posi
tion. Ho nominated them accordingly In
his report, nud the army, bitter over
defeat and nut at all understanding,
Instantly elected them unanimously.
In two days tho whole country knew,
beyond hope of refutation, that the
Molliecoddles had brought disaster on
tin division by conspicuous cowardice
in the face of the enemy.
The Molliecoddles, battered and
still dazed, reviewed the situation
with a sort of savage bewilderment.
Individually, they knew they were not
cowards. Collectively they were in
articulate, uncertain, perplexed.
Consequently they suffered many
tilings, though by no means with
mcekuess. There were black eyes
and broken heads In neighboring regi
ments, and a lively lust for blood and
slaughter In the minds of the Mollie
coddles. In tho meantime they were detailed
to the rear to guard the baggage
i' ii, and the cup of their humiliation
jvc; flowed in bitter murmurings
Sainst the'r lot. But Fute had her
r upon ....' and while they were
. t in the ir.ood to kick out viciously
at . ie touch of a feather, she sent
iliem a golden opportunity. I
Having hurled his opponent back'
land nud the flocking here of thousands
of unemployed men unemployed be
cause the mills shut down. This is a
fact which has been repeatedly stated
during the present campaign.
Surely, that "fact" and many more
of its kind, have been put before the
public repeatedly, but I woulld like to
know if it was really the absence of the
tariff that caused Oregon lumber com
bine, ut a meeting some months ago,
to advance the price of all grades of
lumber ami explain that the increase
was caused by a demand which was iu
excess of the sunplv.
I would also inquire if the'faet thnt
I have to par several dollars a thousand
more for all except tho cheapest grades
of lumber, than 1 did a few years ago,
is due to the absence of the tariff.
The millmen aro telling usvthat thoy
cannot get cars to carry their product
to fill their orders, and that mill after
mill has shut down for want of storage
room for the lumber they liro unable
to ship and tor which orders are pouring
iu. Of course, the Wilson administra
tion is to hlnme for this, too.
On the first column of page 2 of the
same paper we arc told of the forma
tion of a combine o' " IS out of 50 of
the lending cargo mills of the Pacific
const" to develop foreign trade. Is it
because these nulls expect tariff pro
tection agninst Canadian competition
that thev make this venture! it the
nlisence of a tariff should reduce lumber
prices to the Oregon fnrmers and mer
chants to the figure that prevailed a
few years ago, I think we could all stand
' (The above letters are reprinted from
the i'ortlnud Daily Journal.)
More About Lumber.
(Kugene Daily Uuard.)
On the first page oi the bugene Morn
ing Register the following Associated
I'ress dispatch was printed this morn
ing: Portland. Or., Oct. 17. Ten million
feet of lumber will be exported to fore
ign ports from I'ortlnud and other lower
Columbia points during the next week
or two, according to announcements of
lumber mills here today. This is the
most extensive offshore lumber trade
recorded here iu many months. The
Shipments include :,500,000 feet to the
L'nited Kingdom. 2,.00.l)00 to Bnlboa
ami 4,000,000 feet of Hawaii and Aus
tralia. ,
On the editorial page, the editor ac
cuses the (iunrd ami other newspapers
which have challenged republican cam
paign statements regarding the lumber
market before and since the passage
of the I'nderwood bill with misrepresen
tation. Head the Portland dispatch
carefully. Tea million feet of lumber
within two weeks. This is not campaign
material. It is a news item. Oregon
is shipping lumber to the l'nited King
dom ami Australia. Vet the editor of
the Register insists Canadian lumber is
being shipped into the I'nited States
and "competition is being severely felt
in loss of orders." The truth is reveal
ed by the news as printed in the Regis
frer nut a dimmer nn the editor's eniu-
paigu as-scrtiuns. We are exporting to'
across the river, the enemy proceeded
to take the offensive. By a rapid
march in the night a long column
crossed the river some miles above,
aiming by a wide detour to fall sud
denly and unexpectedly upon the rear
of the demoralized force.
So silently and swiftly was this
maneuver accomplished that no word
of it reached the rival general till his
communications had been cut and a
frightened crowd of teamsters and
camp-followers came streaming up
the road.
Close on their heels appeared tho
van of the eager enemy. In their
way stood only the despised and re
jected Molliecoddles.
At the first sign of trouble the
colonel of the regiment deployed his
men across the road and prepared to
hold that line "till the cows came
A stone fence afforded excellent
protection and the Molliecoddles
spread themselves along this breast
work with the hot blood humming in
their veins. Cowards, eh?
They would show what sort of cow
ards they were. They ceased that
moment to be a collection of units,
and were in a way to become a rcgi
meut. They were madmen, most of them,
ready to go red-eyed and homicidal
at a pin-prick. They had been goaded
and buffeted with no chance to reply.
They had read Ironical newspaper
comments by men who had never
smelled powder till their nerves
were strung like hair-triggers.
AimoBt to a man, they yearned for
slaughter with the primitive thirst of
savagery. They wanted to get square.
They wanted to clear themselves.
They wanted to show up their critics
for the blatant liars they were.
Acros3 a field in front of them came
a line of hurrying men, followed by
another and another. They were
overlapped on either flank. What
matter? An aide galloped up to the
"Hold them for twenty minutes!"
was his cry, almost despairing. "Hold
them you lose every man."
"I'l. hold 'em," said Cue colonel
Ho new the temper of his men. It
was Identical with 1 is own.
Diroc- . a b.tery whirled up and
unlimb d In the road. That would
help. The staff officer had gone to
hurry up the support. The colonel
stalked along his line.
Acros3 tho op -n ground In front
the ent iy neare.l rapidly. They came
almost recklessly, expecting little op
position. The onlv Hale they saw be
fore them tj i.rlvo th ' ' foe into
the river.
They '- if i' '- ne wall With
a yell. i .if .i , iu iu the road
British possessions.
Several days ago a Lane county far
mer w ho is a republican and who is sup
porting President Wilson, came into the
Cuinrd office. Before the passage of
the l'ulerwood tariff bill he said he
built a house nnd that he paid per
thousand for the lumber. Kecentlv he
stated he had built another house and
paid $15 for the lumber.
The editor of the .Guard yesterday
following this statement made an inves
tigation of the lumber market in Eu
gene. The dealer stnted that the far
mer did not buy this lumber from the
same class ot dealer at such a great
variance in prices. That the first pur
chase must have been made from a small
country m..l nnd the last from a jobber,
he stated.
The farmer's figures, so far as they
affect conditions before and after the
passage of the I'nderwood tariff, how
ever, were sustained by the dealer. Tak
ing figures from his books for 1012 nud
10 lti, increase in the price of lumber
are shown as follows: common lumber,
25 to 115 per cent higher; dressed lum-b-
r 40 to 45 per cent higher; shingles,
S5 per cent higher.
Following u statement sent out from
the republican campaign headquarters
nnd published in many Oregon standpnt
republican papers to the effect thnt
"under the I'nderwood law' Canada is
selling in Oregon and Washington an
nually about '.'5,000.000 worth of lum
ber and shingles," Thomas V. Burke,
colector of customs for Portland, issued
a stntement to the effect that "no lum
ber of any kind, or shingles, has been
imported into Oregon from Canada at
anv time during the past 10 years."
As an official of the l'nited Stutes;
government, not ns a democratic cam
paigner, he denied a falsehood spread
about this state for the purpose of de
ceiving Oregon people.
"If" has been a very conspicuous
word throughout the republican cam
paign. It has been repeatedly asserted
that "if the war should end we would
need a higher protective tariff on lum-j
her." The news item as taken from the
Register and published in connection
with this editorial sheds some light on
conditions which will prevail on the Pa
cific coast after the war comes to an
end. While the war is iu progress we;
.: i.wi.L,, 0..... l.....l.AH'
nrtj e.fiuri nig io,ouu,oij irri ui mmuci
within two weeks. After the war, tne
Pacific coast will enjoy the most pros
perous era in its history. Europe is go
ing to rebuild its cities. The lumber
supply of the world is very limited. The
Pacific roast is going to lie in tne ex
port business. Its mills will hum with
industry as never before. Jo hfgh tnr-
itt on luiulier is going lo oring anoui
this condition. It is going to come, be-
uuse we have the lumber and the facil
ities to sumilv it. I'nder the circum
stances a high tariff ou lumber would
bring about but one condition. It would
permit the nulls to sell lo tne American
Oennli Eucalyptus Ointment
a shout of triumph broke out These
should be the first fruits ot their vic
tory. The colonel, crouching now be
hind the wall, surveyed them coming,
only his head projecting above the
The Impatient privates fingered
their weapons and -cursed beneath
their breath: Would they never get
the word to Are? Were they to be
run over again and trampled on with
out a chance?
A hundred yards away a compact
line of men was toiling up the slope.
In tho road a column swung forward
full In the face ot the silent guns.
Then when men's nerves were fairly
snapping with the tension, the colonel
gave the word.
The front of the stone wall burst
into flame, and above the rattle of
musketry came the bursting roar of
the guns in the road, as the gunners
leaped from concealment. Out on the
grassy slope the first line of hurrying,
eager men melted into shapeless
masses on the ground.
In the road the grape and canister
tore great holes in the compact col
umn. The surprlsers were surprised.
The front ranks recoiled, shattered
out of all semblance to formation.
But the attack was delayed for only
a moment. Behind that foremost
rank was another which came stead
ily on, leaving a man now and then
sprawling out or writhing in the
grass, but driving straight forward
notwithstanding. Town tho lino be
hind the stone wall went the com
mand, "Cease firing."
It almost caused a mutiny, but tho
officers persuaded the madmen to
obey. The enemy came on with a
yell then. Evidently it was but an in
significant force in their front. They
were minded to run over them.
Yelling liko .fiends, they rushed
across the open. It was Bunker Hill
repeated. Again tho colonel let them
come within a hundred yards before
he gave the command to fire, and
again when tho order cainc- and the
sheet of flame burst forth the ndvanc
ing line withered as beja the breath
from a blazing blast-furnace.
Flesh and blood could not face it.
TJiey were men who would go un
finchlngly where there was one
chance of coining through.
Here there was none. .It was death,
bald and certain. Those who could
recoiled down the slope. Many
stayed silent in the grass.
Meanwhile the carnage In tho road
was fearful. The steady plying of the
guns loaded with grape and canister
had piled the advancing column In a
mass ot dead and dying till the order
came to halt and deploy across the
adjoining field.
This added to the labors of the de
voted Molliecoddles. The next ad
people at one price to the people of
r.urope at another.
One of the most beautiful and elab
orate weddings ever in this city took
place at St. Luko's Catholic Church
last Monday morning at B o'clock,
when Miss Delia Beck, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Beck of this city,
was united in marriage to Air. tieorge
Marry Cenox, Kcv. v. A. Maher ot
ficiating. The ushers wero Mr. Oscar
Beck and Mr. J. C. Scollard The
church had been tastefully decorated
in autumn lcaws and ferns bv the
Misses Mary and Madge Scollard.
Fallowing a vocal selection, "Oh,
Promise Me," by Mrs. Don C. Cowles
and to the strains of Mendelssohn's
''Wedding March," pluyod by Sister
Clementine, the wedding party entered
tha church and proceeded up tho main
aisle to the altar. The lovely bride.
upon her father's arm, was preceded
by six members of the B-Natural Octet,
Misses Mary and Madge Scollard, Mrs.
T. C. Poorman, Mrs. Don Cowles, Mrs,
Homer Alleman and Mrs. IL M. Austin,
who acted as bridesmaids, and th.e
mnid of honor, her sister, Miss Nora
Beck. The groom with the best man.
Mr. A. .1. Beck, met the party at the
altar and the six bridesmaids returned
to tho choir.
At the Beck home there were 18
covers at the fine wedding breakfast,
served by Mrs. ,1. B. Kennedy and
Mrs. Robt. II. Scott. Among those
who sat down to the elaborate spread
were the bride and groom, maid of
honor, bridesmaids, groomsman, Mr and
Mrs. Bock and daughter Margaret
ushers, the Misses Bituey and Miss
Helen Scollard.
The brido was the recipient of many
beautiful and costly presents. She
was one of Woodburn's most popular
vounir ladies, a valued member of the
B. Natural Octet, and will be missed
much in the social and church circles.
She has hosts of friends and admirers
in Woodburu who wish her much hap
piness in her new home and congratu
late Mr. Lenox upon seeming such a
matrimonial priz-e. The fortunate man
is a iiharmacist and had been em
ployed in this city for the past two
months. A good position awaits him
upon his arrival at Sioux' City. He is
a young mail of splendid business
qualifications, upright, and made many
frienirs here.
In the afternoon the happy couple
escorted bv the Octet and other friends
and the bride's parents, motored to
West Woodburn, where they boarded
an Oregon Electric train for Portland,
to" which citv thev were accompanied
br Mr. and Mrs. Heck. Thev left
Portland on an evening train for their
homo at Sioux City, Iowa, after a fare
well dinner given them in that city by
Mr. and Mrs. Beck. Woodburn Ind.
Thiirsdav, at Albany, occurred the
marriage of John H. Blakely, of this
oify, to Miss Lena' Swink, of Berlin,
Ore. Tho ceremony was held at tho
Hotel Albany, at 10:45, performed by
vance was in skirmish formation and
far more difficult to stop.
Men began . to fall behind the
breast-work. Bullets sang over their
heads and spat viciously into the watl
in front of them.
But fifteen of the needed twenty
minutes had elapsed. It they, could
hang on for five more!
They were firing at will now. The
volleys had ceased, but there was a
steady, continuous rattle of musketry.
The colonel walked back and forth
behind his line, fiercely chewing his
mustache, pausing to glance at the
cloud of skirmishers coming steadily
on, or noting with a groan that his
left was overlapped for a quarter of
a mile and must speedily be turned.
It could not be helped. He was
holding what he could, but his line
was woefully thin and every moment
becoming thinner. The singing bul
lets took a Bteady toll.
Down the slope before the stone
wall a mass cf men pressed forward
yelling. The thin line behind the wall
concentrated all its fire upon them,
but it no longer availed. On they
came, dogged, determined.
Men dropped steadily, but still they
came on. The twenty minutes were
up. Where were the reinforcements?
The colonel glanced about. Woods
behind him shut out all view of the
regiments and brigades hurrying
breakneck to the rear that had be
come the front.
All he knew was that he was alone,
protecting the army from overwhelm
ing defeat. Cowards, were they?
Even in that red, fiery moment he
had time for an instant of bitter pride
and exultation as he viewed his dead
behind the stone wall.
The rushing mass in front was
cloBe up now. He knew ho could not
stop them. He lacked the men. He
had held them bank for more than the
time demanded of him.
Should he order his men to fall
back? The' regiment had done Its
work. More could not reasonably be
asked of them.
They were outflanked on either
hand, and about to be overwhelmed.
Should he order them back?
There came to him another thought.
"They called us cowards," and with
that he hurried along the line with
the command, "Fix bayonets."
He would Btay there and meet
them, if it cost him every man. "Thev
called us cowards, boys," he shouted.
"This is our chance."
On came that yelling wave In fYnnt
Loading and firing as fast as thev
could, the remnant of the regiment
could not stop It. Ent not a man be-
nina the stone wall flinched before it.
I ho ir.:v. table wc: neu t1' i pre
in ever;.- .-cement hud long sin e
our i.c rear. cse who stl'l'd
woulu jla tc tin :nu.
I am more powerful than tho combined armies of the world.
I have destroyed moro than all the wars of the world.
1 am more deadly than bullets, and I have wrecked more homes than
(he mightiest of siege guns.
I steal in the I'nited States alone over .100,000,000 each year.
I spare no one, and find my victims among the rich and poor alike;
the old and the young; the strong and the weak. Widows nnd
orphaas know me.
I loom up to such proportions that I cast my shadow over every field
of labor from the turning of the grindstone to the uiovting of
every train.
T massacre thousands upon thousands of wage earners in a year.
I lurk iu unseen places, and do most of my work silently; you nre
warned against me, but you heed not.
I am relentless. 1 nm everywhere; in the home, on the street, in the
factory, at the railroad crossings nnd on the sea.
I bring sickness, degradation and death, aad yet few seek to avoid
I destroy, crush or maim; I give nothing but take all.
I am your worst enemy.
I am CARELESSNESS beware' of This Great Power.
Rev. D. Lloyd Morgnn, pastor of the
Church of Christ. Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Goodman were witnesses.
The groom is a well known nnd popu
lar Stayton young man, nt present man
aging cilitor of the Stayton Standard.
The bride is the daughter of a promi
nent farmer residing east of Lebanon,
and is a preposessing young lady, high
ly spoken of Tjy her acquaintances.
The voung couple have tho best wish
es of their friends tor a prosperous and
happy future.
At eleven o'clock on the same dav,
in the auditorium of his church, Rev.
Morgan united bv marriage Lloyd R.
Chrisman and Altn H. Harold. The
groom is a son of W. E.. Chrisman, and
is nn enterprising young farmer. The
bride is a daughter of G. t. Harold
and a young lady of many excellent
the voung couple were given a re
ception at the Harold home Friday ev
ening, at which a large number of rel
atives and friends were present. Many
useful and valuable presents were given
nd refreshments were served. They
will reside on a flarra near the Chris
man place.
Frldav nt St.. Mary's rectory, by
Father Lane, Orville G. Wyman and
Aipolonia Itratiu were united in mar
riage. The witnesses were Mr. and Mrs.
Hnrrv . E. Chrisman.
The bride is the eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Hrann, and the
groom is a resident of the Shelburn
Thev will have the best - wishes of
their friends for a long and hnppv wed
ded life. Stnvtnn Standard.
Classified Ads
. They were . lamentably few, but
those few were bad men to face. At j
their colonel's call they rose, gripping I
their weapons, whole men, men with
bleeding heads, men with limp arms, I
men who rose only to fall again and .
again struggle to rise.
With a yell the wave broke ovea i
the stone wall, and in an instant tha
Molliecoddtes were overwhelmed.
Fighting like demons, madmen, or
heroes, they went down before su
perior numbers, but not before they;
bad taken full toll for tbeir defeat
Through his glasses the general la
command saw their heroic stand. Thai
regiments breaking from the woods
behind saw it and burst into cheers,
A sudden wave of firing broke out on '
either flank, and then the conquering;
enemy, reeled before the charge oC
the advancing regiments.
A moment of fighting hand, to hand,
bayonet to bayonet, and1 then tha
fresh troops dropped be.Nnd the stonirrv
wall and poured a galling fire into
the retreating foe. The day was won,
the army was saved, and it was tha
Molliecoddles who had done it '
In the camp of the Molliecoddles
that evening men sat weary and de
jected about the fires. Their attitude
seemed much the same as on that
other evening. There were gaps in
every group, and men's voices wera
low and awestricken.
They .discussed their casualties with
an appearance of wonderment. "Tuck
er's gone, eh?" "Billy Aken got it iu
the head." "They've took off Mor
ton's leg," and so forth.
"Hows the Old Man to-night?"
asked one. "Heard anything?"
"They say he's doiu' well. If ha
pulls through, I reckon they'll maka
him a brigadier."
"Too bad they got him. Ho hadn't
ought to have stood up."
"Well, anyway, we held 'em."
That was the finale always.
matter what had come to pass, no)
matter who had died, cr who was
wounded, or who was missing: "Well,
we held 'em."
A battery came past, the traced
chains rattling, the wheels clanking
in the ruts.
"What regiment is that?" called an
"The Molliecoddles," cam- tho de
fiant answer.
"Oh!" said the officer, and the bat
tery moved on.
But every gunner's eves turned and.
dcnly toward the camp-fires, and the.
iMoiiiecoddles returned t!:e case with
erect heads. It was as though, tney
asked: "If it wasn't for U3, whera
woum you be?
A -id fron. tho faces of the gunners
one understood that they hr.d no ado
quato answer.
(Copiirmhl The Frank A. ilunscy ;)
AM I? "
On the 24th day of October, lOlfi, at
2:00 o'clock p. m., the Oregon State
Board of Control will receive scaled
bids for furnishing wood for the vari
ous state institutions, as follows:
Oregon State Hospital, main build
ing, 250 cords first growth fir; Cottage
Farm, 1,200 cords second growth fir.
Oregon State Penitentiary, 400 cords
large second growth fir, 50 colds grub.-,
oak, none smaller than four inches in V
State Institution for Feeble Minded.
1,000 cords second growth fir, 800 cords
round slab.
Oregon State Training. School, 700
cords second growth fir, 100 cords ash.
Oregon State Tuberculosis Hospital,
"00 cords second growth fir.
Oregon State School for the Blind,
200 cords first growth fir, 25 cords of
which should be free from knots.
Oregon State School for the Deaf,
50 cords first growth fir, 25 cords rountt
Oregon State Industrial School for
Girls, 150 cords second growth fir.
Specifications will he furnished up
on application to the secretary.
All bids to be accompanied by certi
fied check in the sum of 10 per cent of
the whole amount of bid, payable to
the Oregon State Board of Control,
which sum so deposited by the .suc
cessful bidder shall be held by the
board as a guarantee thnt the bidder
will enter into a contract to furnish the
amount awarded. All bids are to be en
closed in a sealed envelope and marked
" Bids for Wood," and to be addressed
to the undersigned.
The board reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids or to accept any -y?
part of a bid.
Secretary, Oregon Stnte Board of
Control. Oct. 10-14-17-21.
Our circulation Is still climb-
lug up read the paper and
Tou'11 know the reason.