H i'i 4 M it; 3 1 if "HEEA Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per wovd for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion ELECTRIC St'PPLY Co., 220 N. Liberty Phono 2fi3. A com plete line of -Electric Supplies and fixtures WOODSAW CHEEKY WlT WOOD SAW We lire and pay taxes in Salem. Let Salem people Baw your wood. Phone 269. Alas 11. tut. . L. Keister, Wa "rost. BCAVANOER BALEM SCAVENGER Charles Sooa, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all g kinds removed on monthly contracts mt reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 247. Residence Main 2272. FOB BENT FOR RENT Pine opening for room renting or board and rooming busi ness; seven to fourteen rooms, two blocks from post office. Specially favorable terms to suitable party See William Fleming, Bayne build ing. nov2 WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets For water service apply at office. Bill payable monthly in advance. UNDERTAKERS WEBB b CLOTJGH CO. C. B. Webb. A. M. Clo:i"h morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 499 Court St. Main 120, Main D888. BIGDON-RICHARDSOiN CO. Funera directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Day aud night phone 183. OHIROPRAOTIO-SPINOLOGIST DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. II you have tnea everymmg nd got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well Office 406-7-8 U. 8. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 828-R. MISCELLANEOUS OREGON SCHOOL OR NEUROLOGY T Unhhnrr! Ill, Iff Salem All drugle'ss methods taught. Flora A. .Brewster, M. u., oean, private pa tients 1 to 5 p. m. Phone 2124R. tf SEDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and from all points, east, on all houshold goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car load service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, 161 South Com asereial street, Phone Alain Money to Loan ON Good Beal Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd ft Basil Bank, Salem, Oregon CITT AlTD FARM LOANS Any a mount; low rates; promptly closed attractive pre-paying privileges. I iave 5 Mi per cent insurance money to loan on Salem business and resi dence property. Thos. A. Roberts, 3600 U. o. JMal '1 cans umg. sIONEY TO LOAN I have made ar rangements for loaning eastern money, will make very low rate of interest on highly improved farms. Homer H. Smith, room tf Aicuornacs Bid;., Salem, Ore., Phone 96. OSTEOPATH DR8. B. H. WHITE and B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and serve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Ifa. Pint ffradtiAiA and sDecialixed in nerve diseases at Los Angeles college Treat acute ana enronio diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant Olfiee 005 500 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone 859. Residence 346 Noth Capital street. Phone & STOVE REPAIBINO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience. m Depot National and American, fence gizes 26 to 58 in. high. ' Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Kilm Fence and Stove Works. 250 ' - -- St, Phone 124. I BOOB," Yoo ( r-&V -IgfUvT TH6 GAS ld- "x. V kbooT THAT " vj ' FOB EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE Equity in house and store building on 2 lots for un incumbered close in lot. Address W. K enre Journal. oi't20 LODGE DIRECTORY DB MOLAT COMMANDER Y, No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday In eacl mouth at 8 o'clock p. m,, In MasonU Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights art courteously invited to meet with us Lot L. Pearce, E. C, Frank Turner recorder. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler president; Mrs. Lou Tlllson, secretarw All canes of cruelty or neglect of dumt animals should be reported to the secretary for Investigation. SALEM LODGE No. , A. F. A. M. Bttited communications first Fridtfy In euch month at 7 :80 p. m. In the Masonic Temple. Chas: McCarter, W. M. ; a Z Sulver, secretary. 9NITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly. No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m In, Moose hall. C. O. Mutlock, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, Crown Drug store, 338 State street. A. O. D. W. Protection Lodge N. 2, Meets every Monday evening at 8 In th McCornack hall, oorner Court and Libert streets, A. B. Aufrance. M. W. ; 8. A. McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, financier; R. B. Duncan, treasurer. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet everj Friday night at 8 o'clock In McCsrnacl block. A. J. Swelnlnk, C C ; L. S. (Jeer clerk, S07 Court Street Phone 593. CENTRAL LODGE, No. 18, K. of P. Me Cornack building. Tuesday evening ot each week at 7 :3U. C. E. Harbour, C. C. ; W. U. Gllson, K. of R. and S. B. N. of A "Oregon Grape Camp," No 1.100, meets every Thursday evening Is McCornack building. Court and Liberty streets ; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Scbaupp 171U Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Per sons, recorder, 1206 North Commercial Pbona 1436-M. BODRON COUNCIL, No. 1, R. AS. M tared assembly first Monday in eacs mouth, Masonic Temple. N. V. Rasmus sen, Thrice Illustrious Master ; Glenn C Niles, recorder. SALEM COUNCIL NO. 2022 Knights ana Ladles of Security Meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month nt Hum Hull. Visiting members are Invited ti attend. B. F. Walton, financier, 480 8 14tb Street. PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. & A. M Stated communications third Friday In each month at 7 :30 P- m. In tht Masonic Temple, Hal V. Uolam, W. M. : Ernest H. Cboate, secretary. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Ore gon Cedar Camp. No. 0240, meets ever Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Mc Cornack hall, corner Court and Libert streets. Elevator service. Geo. Reinohl V. C.i J. A. Wright. Clerk ROOSEVELT WANTS WAE. (Woodburn Independent, Rep.) This year congress has appropriated li4U,000,000 for the armv and navy We aro spending $100,000,000 more for preparedness this year than the annual appropriation for army aud navy of any nation on earth prior to the huro' pean war. The plan for next year is an increased appropriation of fl.iO, 000,000, making a total of 800,000, 000. This is whnat Roosevelt has been demanding, and now he wants war. It is altogether likely he wants to do feat Hughes so that either he or Root will be tho nominee in 1920, knowing that if Hughes is elected he would be renominated beyond a doubt. Rub Pain Right Out With Small Trial Bottle of Old uSl Jacob's Oil." Rheumatism is ''pain" only. Not one case in fifty requires inter nal treatment. top drugging! Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right into your sore, stiff, aching joints, and relief comes instantly. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and can not burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest '8t. Jacobs Oil" at any drag store; and in just a moment you 11 he free from rheumatic pain, soreness -ind stifiV'ss. Don't suffer! Relief awai.s you. "St. Jacob's Oil" is just is tfocd fo sol atia, nenralgia, lnmbag), backache, sprains. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY. OCT. 21, 1916. Department Experts Explain How to Make Potato Bread Washington, 1). C, Oct. 21. Excel lent bread can bo made by using three pounds of boiled und ninshed potato and 2 Vi pounds of good bread flour, ac cording to the baking specialists of the U. S. department of agriculture. The bread" so compounded has a rich brown crust and tender elastic crumb. It has an appetizing odor and a very agreeable taste, which is preferred hy many to' that of bread made wholly from flour. When inado according to the directions given below, potato bread contains iiuJft mineral matter, fiber, and moisture, but otherwise, in compo sition and nutritive value, is practical ly the same as ordinary bread. ItB high er moisture content helps to keep it fresh several dnys longer than ordi nary bread, in localities where there is a surplus of potatoes or where they are cheap, poluto bread costs less to make than all-flour bread. This would prove an excellent way In which to utiliize cull iotatnos. Even, however, where the-'relative market prices of po tatoes and flour are such that there is no economy in substituting potato for flour, the individual flavor and keep ing quality of potato bread make it desirable as a variant in the family diet Potato bread as known abroad is made generally with potato f lour, about 10 parts of this commonly being used with 90 parts of wheat flour or a mix ture of rye and wheat flours. As potato flour and dried Hitato flakes are not accessible to tho American housewife, the specialists conducted a series of successful experiments in using boiled potatoes with flour. It was found that n mixturo of boiled potatoes and wheat flour, in the propor tions given in the accompanying reci pes, gave n very desirable loaf, a trifle smaller than that made from all flour, but wholesome and nutritious. Figured to a basis of equal moisture content, the boiled potato would represent 2 per cent and the Hour 7."i per cent of the mixture. The following methods for making potato bread, worked out in the baking laboratory, are recommended: Potato bread straight dough meth od. For four one pound loaves, the fol lowing ingredients are required. 3 pounds of boiled and peeled pota toes. 2(4 pounds of good bread flour. 3 level tablespoonsfuls of sugar. 1(4 level tablespoonftils of salt. 2 cakes of compressed yeast. 4 tablesioonfuls of lukewarm water. Wash thoroughly and boil in their skins about 12 potatoes of medium size. Cook them until they are very tender. Drain, peel, and mash them while hot, being careful to leavo no lumps. Allow the mashed potato to cool to 80 degrees P. or until lukewarm. To 3 pounds (3 solidly packed -pint cupfuls) of the mashed potato, add the yeast, which has been rubbed smooth in a cup with 3 tablespoonfuls of lukewarm water. To get all the yeast, rinse the cup with the remaining tablespoonfnl of water anil add this also to the potato. Next adil the salt, sugar, and about 4 ounces of the flour, (1 scant half pint of sift ed flour). Mix thoroughly with the hand, but do not add any moro water at this stage. Cover the mixing bowl to avoid the formation of a crust on lop and place out of the way of drafts to rise, where the temperature can not fall below 80 degrees F. or be much higher than 88 degrees F. Where the housewife has no thermometer, she should see that the dough in all the risings is kept moderately warm, but not up to blood heat. Any water used in mixing the dough should be moderately warm, but by no means hot. This sponge, if kept at the proper temperature, should, af ter two hours, become quite light. To this well-risen sponge, which now will be found to be quite soft, add the remainder of the flour, kneeding thoro ughly until a smooth and elastic dough has been formed. The dough must be very stiff, since the boiled jiotato con tains a large amount of water which causes the dough to soften as it rises. Do not add wnter to the dough unless it is absolutely necessary to work in the flour. Set the dough back to rise again temperature at about 80 degrees Fahren heit, until it has trebled in volume, which will require another hour or two. Then divide the dough into four approx imately equal parts, reserving a tiny lump weighing 2 or 3 ounces for an "indicator." Shape the sample into a ball and press it into the bottom of a small tumbler with straight sides. The glass should be slightly warmed. Note the volume of the ball of dough in the tumbler and mark the glass at twiee this volume. Mold the f ur portions into loaves and place in greased pans which have been slightly warmed. Place the glass containing the "indicator" beside the paus and let all rise, under proper tem perature, the loaves in the oven and bake at a good, steady heat (400 to 425 degrees Fahrenheit) for 45 minutes. To Test Oven. Where uo oven thermometer is at I hand, a convenient test ill be to put la tcaspoonful of flour in an earthen dish in the oven. If this flour becomes light brown evenly throughout in five I minutes time, the oven is right for bread (baking- If the flour scorches in that I time, the oven is too hot. I . Potato Bread Sponge Method. i For four one-pound loaves are rcquir- 3 pounds of boiled and peeled pota toes. 2 1-4 pounds of good bread flour. 3 teaspoonf ula of sugur. 1 1-2 level tablespoonfuls of salt. 1 cake compressed yeast. 4 tablespoonfuls of water. Boil, peel, and mash the potatoes as directed in the straight dough method. In the evening take 1 1-2 pounds, or 2 1-2 solidly packed halt-pint cuptuls, ot the cool mashed potato, add to it the salt, 4 ounces ot Hour (1 scant half pint cupful) and the yeast rubbed smooth with the water, reserving one spoonful to rinse the cup.- In the morning, add the remainder of tho potato, the sugar, ond.tlie rest of the flour. Knead thoroughly until a smooth and verv stiff dough is formed After working the dough, et it to rise according to the directions given for the second rising under the straight dough method. Thereafter handle the dough exactly in the same way as is given un dor the straight dough method. Potato Bread Rolls. Very good rolls can be mude from a smaller mixture of boiled potatoes and flour by Adding shortening and sugar. The following proportions will yield one dozen small rolls. 8 ounces of boiled and peeled potatoes. It ounces of sifted of sifted flour.: l-3jake of compressed yeast. 3-4 level tcaspoonful of salt. 2 tablespoonfuls of lukewarm water 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar. 2 tablespoonf uls of butter. Two tablespoonfuls of powdered milk, will greatly improve the quality of the rolls. Although milk itself or cream mav be used, it must he home in mind thnt they will increase the liq . uid content. I Boil, peel and mash the potatoes as directed in bread making. Add in order to this the salt, the powdered milk, (if ! used) the yeast flour. Let this mixture ; stand at a temperature of ahout no do 1 grees Fahrenheit until the dough begins , to collapse. Add to this sponge the bnt ter, the sugar, anil the remainder of the flour to make a very stiff dough. Knead thoroughly until a smooth dough which is no longer stiekv has been formed Set back to rise ugain, and when the dough has trebleii in volume, knead lightly, form into small balls and place, not too close together, in greased pans Allow to rise until double in volume, as shown by the "indicator", ami bake 20 minutes in a moderately hot oven, at about 400 decrees Fahrenheit. Wedding Invitations, Announcements and Calling Cards Printed at the Jour nal Job Department. Catarrhal Deafness cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness ia caused by an inflamed condition of the mucoui lining of the Eustachina Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness il the result. Unless the inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many cases of deaf ness are caused by catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure acta thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. . We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Circulars free. All Druggists, 75c. F., J. CHENEY It CO., Toledo, O. What the Daily Press Says of Hyphenated Vote (The Literary Digest., President Wilson's stinging retort to an offensive telegram from Jeremiah A. O 'Leary, head of an organization calling itself the American Truth socie ty, brings the issue ot " liyphenism " again sharply to the front in the presi dential campaign. To Mr. O 'Leary 's allusions to "your pro-British policies" "trucking to the .British hmiure," and "dictatorship over congress, . and his assurance that "your foreign policies, your failure to secure compliance with all American rights, your leniency with the British bmpare, your approval ot war-loans, the ammunition traffic, are issues in this campaign," the president replied: "I would feel deeply mortified to have you or anybody like you vote foi me. Since you have access to many disloyal Americans and I hnve not, 1 will ask you to convey this message to them." While most of the press does not go as far as the Brooklyn Citizen (Deni.) which sew in the president's telegram "the central issue of the campuign re duced to the simplest terms," or as the New York World, (Dem.) which regards "the Clermau drive" ugninst President Wilson as "the most sins- ter 'development of American political life since secession," tho rebuke ad ministered to Mr. O'J.eury is hailed with wide-spread approval. "We venture to say," remarks the independent New York Evening Post, "that it came near er to receiving unanimous approval than anything else thnt hus been snid in this campaign-" This defiance of "an in solent alienism," "a pestilent hyphen ism," is also applauded by the Spring field Republican, (Ind.) and by such republican papers a the Brooklyn Standard 1'niou and the Philadelphia Public Leduer. "If there had been more O'Lcnry's in the last few months President Wilson would have hud some chauce of re-election," remarks the Stundard Union; and the Brooklyn Ea gle, (l)cm.) notes thai the president's words "express a sentiment to which all republicans as well as all democrats who resent the intrusion of alien sym pathies and alien issues into American politics will cordially respond." Turn ing again to The Public Ledger, wo read : "The foreign relations and policies of the government undoubtedly ure is sues in the present political campaign, but tliey are to be settled solely on the basis of what is best for America, not what will serve the interests of somo foreign power. The 'hyphen' is a nui sance aud a menace, und both parties will bo the gainers when their leaders have the honesty ami the courage to repudiate it. Neither the president nor Mr. Hughes is seeking or desirous of 'disloyal support', whatever may be the mendacious assertions of partizuns to the contrary." Nevertheless, remarks the Chicago Journal (Deiu.) "with Mr. Hughes us sidiotisly cuddling the pro-Kaiser vote and Mr.Koosevelt rouiidingup the pro Ally vote, it is a relief to have Presi dent Wilson go on record once more as desiring nothing but the pro-Aiuerican vote " The issue this Chicugo paper reminds ua, is "not between native aud foreign-born citizens," but "between men who vote ns Americans and men who vote to uphold the policy and en force the will of a foreign prince." And in Milwaukee, where tho German American element is even stronger than in Chicago, wn find The Journal, (Ind.) commending President Wilson for his refusal "to parley with men of alien minds." This Milwaukee puper goes on to soy: "The fiicts fully justify the presi dent's charp policy. It was not the first time that O'Lenry had sent an insulting message to the head of the republic. He has been guilty of violent abuse of the president. He represents a move ment organized to use the United Slates for the benefit of another country, a movement hostile to the interests of our owu nation. His society sought to justify the sinking of the Lusitnnia, organized a movement to defeat mem bers of congress who would not vote to lay an embargo on arms and ammuni tion, published veiled threats of an up rising in this country in the interests of Germany, and denounced the policy fo the American government as a "bas tard neutrality.' It has been one of the most bitter and extreme factors in the campaign of alienism that has been waged in America. ' "Chicago knows Jeremiah," remarks the Chicago Herald (Ind.) which coll By Mort. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Taltpkta EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Elestrle Co., Maaonia Temple, 127 North High Kali ll PLUMBING, STEAM FITTINO AND TINNING T. V. Barr, 104 South Commercial street Hals 2ft TBANSTER AND DRATAGB Salem Track Dray Co., corner State ana front streets Hal TRAVELERS' GUIDE 4 BOUTIIEitN TACIK1C. NOHTII BOUND 1(1 Oregon lOxprcss 5 :3S a. m. 24 Coos lluy 3 :b2 p. m. 28 Willamette Limited . ..0:'J2 a.m. 12 Hluintft Limited ll:S3a. ra. 18 Portland Passenger ...1:35p.m. 14 Toi-Hawl Express .... 7 :5B p. m. 222 Portland fast Freight 12:Ola.m. 220 Local way Freight... 10:20a.m. SOUTH BOUND i i iiia iiiimii um r.Ajuvna ... No. 17 Ashland PaHBenger. . . 1 1 :0.1 a. m. . .'1 :II2 a. m. 10 Mil a. in. .4 :1lip. m. Ueer Ko. 2:1 I (mis Hay No. 10 Cottage Grove Pass. Makes connection with N. 74 brunch. No. 11 Shasta Limited No. 27 Willamette Limited . . No. Ill Sun Ftanctsco Express I No. 221 Sun Francisco Fast Freight No. 225 Local way Freight. . . . Balku-Gejcr Lini. ,.5:43 p. m. . .0 :20 p. m. 10 ;00 p. m. .12:01 a. m. ,11:40 a.m. . .ft :13 a. m. . . 0 ifiii a. m. . .2 :oo n. m. No. 73 Arrives nt Bnlem . I No. 7(1 Leaves Salem.... No. 7fi Ar. Salem (mixed) No. 74 Leave Salem .... a :0li p. m. No connection south of Ucer. Salem, Falls Citi and Wistkbn No. 181 I.v. Bnlem, motor 7:0a. m. No. 1(13 Lv. Kulcm, motor U :40 a.m. No. 1C0 Lt. Salem for Monmouth I and Alrlle 1 :4(lp. m. No. 107 Lv. Salem, motor 4 :0(l p. in. No. Kill Lv. Sulem, motor 6:ltip. in. No. 2110 Way Fr't lv. Salem. . . .ft : a. m. No. 102 Ar. Bnlem 8 ::io a. m. , No. KI4 Ar. Salem 11:10a.m. No. Kid Ar. Salem 8:10 p.m. I No. 1(18 Ar. Sulem : p- No. 17(1 Ar. Sulem 7:40 p.m. No. 240 Wuy -Fr't ar Balm. ... 2 :'M p. m. WILLAMETTE IUVEII ItOUTB Oregon Ctty Tramportallim Compani. The Grahomona leaves Salem for Pert land at U o'clock on mornings of Mon day. WeOnonrtay and Friday. No boat south of Salem. Hout leavs Portland Tuesday, 'I'hursduy und Batuiday mornings until furtbur tiolt.M. demiiK his "boorish insult" to the president, and recalls that at u meeting 111 tho Auditorium he once shouted sug gestions that William Jennings liryan then secretary of state, "ought to be hanged." " Why this cheap bunch of political bushwhackers should call its ell! the Truth society is one of the things that 110 fellow cun find out " re marks the Philadelphia Record, (l)em.) and the New York Morning Telegraph (Dcin.) refers to this socioty us "an or ganization the very title of which comes dungcrously near infringing the libel laws when taken in com tiou with what it seeks to accomplish." In the oyes of his friends and follow ers Air. O'Lcary is "a loyal, anient young American patriot," and he him self challenges comparison between his loyalty and that of l'resiilent Wilson. Meanwhile the American Truth society ig blacklisting all the democratic nom inees for congress in New York City ex ceut Jlr. Henry Bruckner, because of their failure to support the JlcLemore resolution to keep American citizens off ships of the betligereut nations, their failure to protest against the removal of est. Jolin uattuey as consul 111 Munich, and various othur failures, in cluding 'failure to save Sir Roger Case ment from execution. Hy -way of a eouii-ter-offensive( according to a democratic national committeeman quoted by the republican New York Tribune: "We are going to make tho hyphen issue the big talking point of this cam puign. There isn't any other issue. The president's telegram to Mr. () 'Leary husj nailed Mr. Hughes' effort to win the Herman vote to a flagpole, so to speak, so that the whole country cun see it. Now he can keep the Clermau vote if he will, but non uermun voters 01 tne conn- I. :,, . 1 ..li . ...i.n, -r try win uiiui-rsiHuu miiy m wuut .in. Hughes would owe his election should , ho win." M. Burger. OIIEGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. MlUTIl ' BOUND Train No. Ar. Forties ... 2 Owl 0 :B5 a. sr. Lv. Salem 4 :;i0 a. m. , 7 :l.pi a. ni. 0 :43 a. m. 11 :20 a.m. 1 :0O p. m. 4 ;00 p. 111. B ::i(l p. m. 7 :05 p. in. 6 9 :2S a. 1 10 Limited., ... 12, ... 14 -'..... 16 Limited , ... 20 ..11 :85a. m. ..11 :Sp. m. ,. 4:00 p. m. . . S .50 p. Bk. ,. 7:40 p. us. . .10:00 p. aa, SOUTH BOUND POBTLA.VO TO BALBII I.v. Tertland 0 :.'( s. m. Sulem 8 :35 Eiiltene 10 :SS s 1 8 ..MO a. m. 6 Limited 10:11 a. at. 10 :45 u. m. . 2 :05 p. ra. . 4 :40 p. m. . :00 p. m. . ft :2II p. ni. . 11 :40 p. in. . Lv. farvallla 4 :l(l p. m. . I.v. Eugene. 7 :.'15 a. m. . 1 :.1fi p. m. , 5:20 p.m. 12;O0 p. in. , 7 0 . 18 Limited . ...17 Local . 1ft .... . .. 21 Owl .. NOBTH BOUND 20 . .12:85 p. i . 4 :15 p. b .. :40p.nv . . 8 :10 p. a. ..11:20 p.m. . . 1 :65 p. ss. Ar. Bales , . . 5 :30 p. m. Ar. Baleas , . . :45 a. nv. . . 4 :00 p. Bk. . . 7 :55 p. bv .. 4:35 a. Bk . 10 Limited . . 16 Limited .... 22 .... . . 2 Owl ... SOUTH BOUND Lv. Sulem. Ar. Eugtx 1 a. m 21 Owl A :50 a. m. 10:10a.m. 5 Limited . . . .12 :25 p oa. Lv. Salem Ar. Albany, 12 :00 p. in 7 1 :60 p. m. Btopi at Corvalna I.v. Sulem. Ar. Albany, i :15 p. m. 8 5:10 p. m. Ar. Albany, .. 7:36 a. ibu Lv. Sulem. Ar. Eugroa 0:40 p. m IS 8:50 p.m. COUVALLIS CONNECTION NOBTU BOUND Lv. CorvalllB. 8 :20 a. m. 12:12 p.m. .. 2 :4i p. m. 4 : 1 0 p. m. . . Ar. 8a)HBi 8:45 a. m. 1 :45 p. a. 4 :00 p. nw 5 :80 p. ss. 7 :55 P- Bk. 10 .... 14 .... , 10 .... 20 .... SOUTH BOUND B U 7 18 .... 6:18 p. m. I.v. Salem. l(l:10a. m, 4 :15 p. ni. 1 2 :f5 p. m. 6 :40 p. m. Ar. C.rvs'De ...11 :33a. m. 6:88 p. m ... 2:20 p. Ok. ... 8 :00 p. . Hut from one source or another come hints that the Oermnn and Irish-Amer- icons do not find in Mr. Hughes a enn- nmure cnnrcjy inter tneir own iieurif. Thus 11 (St. Louis -dispatch, to the 'New Yoik World quotes a local German Amuricnit newspaper as saying: "It was expected on his first trip that Mr. Hughes would express himself clearly ns to his stand concerning llm international truile-lnws imperiled by the English the robbing of the mails, tno mitisli uisregam 01 me presidential dignity, etc. However, nothing definite, I hus come from his sphinxlike laughing lips. There must be a reason. Is he 'ufiiiid of tho man behind Roosevelt I Owing to thes facts it would be very desirable if Mr. Hughes would declare himself. If he fails to do so he gives proof thnt he lacks the moral courage, to honor tho truth. One cannot expect, of tho tlermun-Ainerican that he should give such a mnn his vote. Withhold your vote in as fur as the election m' a president is concerned probably will bit the watchword." Journal Want Ads Oct Results Tea Want Try one and sea. LM. HUM CARE OF Yick So Tons CHINESE MEDICINE AND ' TEA COMPANY Has medicine which will care Any known Disease Open Sundays from 10:00 a. m. b&ti) 8:00 p. m. 153 South High Stxet. Silsm, Oregon. Phone '!