THE DAILY CAPITAL JOU RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCT. 20, 1916. : i r HMtHHMHtMH Willamette Valley Turner Tidings '4f (Capital Journal Special Service) Turner, Orv Oct. -0. Tho rurent Teachers association held a reception fur the teachers in the high school I rnouis on r ndny evening ana a good mminer of members present, -Mrs. Wag- and Mrs. Hansom. Jfrs. S Miller ami Miss Mary Davy goner presided. During the evening the The W. W. elub met with Hazel Me-! spent their vacation with relatives on high school was working up a gym,, Kay Tuesday of last week. the coast. while the younger students and pri-j Mrs. B. (J. Briggs left Sunday fori Charles F. Bones is in Turner work inary grades are talking play shed.! California. Mrs. Briggs is to be present; ing for his brother .1 M Bones Here's to si ess to nil grades in their work, both in books and sports. j The Ladies Aid society planned a: pound social for Key. and Mrs. J. J. Mickey on Wednesday evening of this week. No one was more surprised than I the Mickey family when friends and! neighbors, loaded with pounds of vari-lthe Itllu l-liailhlltllla Oilfl Pfllilu lnnl.-n.l f ...... .,... me irnui uoor. me evening was spent in pleasant conversation. Kcrrcauments offerC HOW WOULD to be adopted by a nice looking THREE-THOUSAND-DOLLAR CHECK? You can be if you say the word. This is worth investigating. Come in at once and ask us about the'EVEREADY CONTEST. Contest closes November 7 at midnight Get Good, Fresh Batteries of CM.LOCKWOdD 216 N. Comm,l St. Salem, Oregon COLONEL C. E. S.WOOD FRIEND OF LABOR Will speak on the issues of the, campaign at the GRAND OPERA HOUSE , Saturday Evening Oct. 21 8 O'clock Hear Him WH IS COMING Now is the time to lay in your winter supplies. You can buy them at Wholesale prices at e St., Opp. Court House were served to over fifty invited quests r f n ims Lash otor lhe .U. h. church has an addition otiand from its picture think it resembles " vw ineiuners since conference. its grandfather Mickey. Dr. Massey's have as their house. The Churlov Martin family arc mov guests, William ami Thoinus Masscy; . ing out to the saw mill from 'West .stay William will spend the school year here! ton. .Mr. and Airs. Irvm rut man were in Albany this week, the guests of Dryness visitor this week. at the final settlement of the Briinrs estate. John Karris will act as janitor at the school house for a few weeks. Mrs. John Watson was out to Mr. Dazell 'a Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Jeans nre nt parental home, Darwin has been ill I I ..-UU .... a. ....... n .1 '. I.. nuu i,Miiiuiu mri iiu , uiu) nine, to be up ana around ngain. Key. and Mrs. Mickey are rcceiv- ti YOU LIKE l News ing congratulations of a grandson John Mr. CJ riff in of Jefferson wns n hnsi- Mrs. Jmvold and daughter, Virginia, are registered lit Burr's, Mr. Duwold is connected with-the flax plant. Ladies Aid ipiiltod at Mrs. Cornelius ' on Thursday afternoon. Henry Osborn of Mill Creek vicinity hflil the iniHl'm-tiiiin in lie lini-t l.iut .vi,..1.- while ilisking a piece of farm Innd He . - . . . ' received several bad bruises ami so is ion crutches at present. Mrs M. K. Davis was the house truest this week of her daughter, Mrs. Anna (shorn while n route home from a vis it at Alsea, Oregon. Percy Larsen was in the Cherry city Wednesday. Miss Bertha Steele of Aumsville was visiting Turner friends this week May (liven and Kvelyn Osborn have not been able to answer to roll call for the past week owing to bad colds. Mrs. Birdie Dozier Denver and wee i(4iuK.ii7i, i.iiiuifi ;wav, will DO HOI11C from Portland this week. Perry Cornelius has enjoyed a visit with his sister, Mrs. Kmma Howe, dur ing the lirst of the week. Also K. L. ( ornelius, a brother, and wife who liiul been visiting relatives in Colfax, Wash. stopped here en route lupine at Eugene. Mrs. Ada Mathins and Mrs. Lou Small drove out to Mis. Lawrence liob erts Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Anna Busby were Corvallis visitors recently. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Steele have re turned from McMinnville. Miss Ada Pearl Thomas spent last week with homo folks. Dr. und Mrs. J. W. Hansom motored from Albany Wednesday. Turner Fraternity in Limelight Victoria Chapter .No. 7ti, O. K. 8., hostess to Chadwick Chapter Xo. 37, Salem; Kudid Xo. 70 of Jefferson and Acacia Xo. 03 of Stayton. Olio of first of soeial entertainments of the season was a fraternity banquet given in the Masonic hall on the even ing of the eleventh. Mrs. Mand Bones is worthy matron this and feels much gratified as to the success Of the affair. Judge J. C. Morcland, well known to Turucrites, was tonstmaster und with his ability the address, to get her with the responses from Judge George Bur net, County School Supt. V. M. Smith, Atty. K. Bingo, Atty. Miles, all from Salem, and several from Jefferson and Htayton completed a successful even ing of entertainment. North Howell Notes (Capital Journal Special Service) Xorth Howell, Or., Oct. 20. Thos. Bump and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Kay mond Jefferson made a trip to the Bethel Notes (Capital Journal Special Service) Bethel, Or., Oct.' 20. A. K. March and has an automobile, having purchas ed a Maxwell last week. Most of the neighbors have finished digging potatoes but a few are -still busy, it is reported that Mr. Xichols Las already dug over five hundred bushels and has more to dig. Mr. Ham had about five acres of spuds. If the price goes up according to present in .. ., n ,, . -- - rhn 1 1 v v 'u, long. The Bethel silo filler Is still busy fill ing silos for people outside the district W. K. Baker went to Corvallis Mon day and visited College View poultry farm. J. II. Hanson is manager of the farm. He has about a thousand white Leghorn hens and is selling over one hundred dollars worth of eggs each week. ' ' ' John Clark and George Miittcn at tended the round up at Albany last week. (J, Itoth went to Idaho last Wednes day. It is reported that he is dissatis fied with Oregon anil is looking for a better plnec to locate. Lots of people leave Oregon but most of them come back sooner or later. Harlan Hoffman is attending high school in Salem. Mr. Snndborg is ill, having caught, cold helping fill silos. Mr. Clark has a large crew working mi the road. ' The Bethel Literary society will meet at the school house Friday evening Oc tober 27th nt eight o'clock. Kvery one interested is cordially invited to at tend. L. Schulz and Henry Ledehur motor ed to the coast' recently. Mr, Schulz went after some Salmon while Henry expected to bog a bear or some other big game. Mr. Scliulz got his fish but Henry returned empty handed. So lust Thursday he went back for a second try at it tuking Ed Schulz with him this time. Mr. Brcxslcr was in Corvallis tho first of the week. Fruitland Notes (Capital Journal Special Service) Fruitland, Or., Oct. 20. Miss Daisy Lambert returned home lust Sunday after a stay of some time with her relntives in Polk county. Mrs. (.'unison hns had a bad case of poison oak on her face lately. Mr. anil Mrs. Jackson are living on the place formerly owned by Mr. Mc Allwnin. They have three small chil dren, one going to school. Mr. ami Mrs. I'. M. Lambert and Mr. llaynes from Polk county were visiting relntives and friends here this week. Mrs. McAllister, a sister of Mrs. Bentler and Benjamin Derks, who for merly lived in Fruitland, is seriously ill nt the Willamette sanitoriiim. Preaching service will be held at the Kruitlund church next Sunday evening at X o'clock. Mrs. Dorcas of Salem is staying with Mrs. Peed at present as Mr. Peed is intending to stay in "Idaho for a few weeks. A dunce was held at the Garden Uoiul Cooperative Cheese Factory Saturday evening. A meeting will be held there next Snturday evening for stockholders Mr. Anderson bus begun n new house on his farm back of tho Kggler place. Mr. ami Mrs. Otterbeln spent the dnv with friends near Prntiim Sundav. coast lust week. Albert Mickelson ns well us W. J. Jefferson have finished the season of clover hulling ami housed their iniieliin ery this week. The yield of clover seed has been very good and the price also. Wolke Bros, report having threshed over 50 thousand bushels of grain with their new outfit this season. J. K. Wnltman and wife are nt the const this week for an outing. I mii ii- Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Hugill, Mrs. Florence Oddie, S. II. VanTrniiip and wife mid W. 11. Stevens motored to Mncleny to the Pomona grange Wednes day. Minn Maud Beer who is attending high school in Silverton, was home for a visit Sunday, Miss Kdnn Steveus is visiting rela tives in Salem this week. We wish to commend the editorial in the Journal of Oct. Hi, under the head ing Just Speculation, we think you are right brother, It contnins more solid truth than nnv thing Mr. Hughes has said in his entire campaign. PERSONALS v W, W. Corlev was in the city yester day from Silverton. .J. W. I,ii mill v of Kugene was a Su- lem visitor yesterday. A. i . Bornsteilt left this morning on a business trip to Bend. iieorge m, :iarnn or .Mc.Minnvillei was in the city yesterday. William Ingalls returned yesterday from a short visit at Bend. A. K. Bnllis of Falls City was reg istered yesterday at the Biigh. William Fink of Portland is in the city attending to his business interests. Dr. Warner of W. It. Warner I Co. of Portland is in the city transacting business. ' .' . Miss Genevieve Fra.ier. who is now a I senior at the O. A. (.'., will spend Satur day ami Mummy in the city. Andrew Demonde and little daughter Ruth of Aurora, Nebraska, left for their home yesterday ' after a three weeks visit at the home of A. P. Ilig;cns, his father in lnw. I .,1 iss .pessie .Miner teacner or music: ting more fond into lhe stomach. ! in the public schools, Miss Kvelyn! Just us soup and hut water cleanse ! Jones, Miss Hummell and Miss Griffin, and freshen the skin, so tint wnter and teachers of the high school, will attend , limestone phosphate act on the elim I the .Nebraska and O. A. C. football innlive organs. ; game at Portland Saturday. Those w ho wake up with bad breath, j 'coated tongue, nastv taste or huve u The Adelphine dsns, compoced of; dull, mhiug head, sallow complexion, j young men of the First Presbyterian acid stomach; others who arc subject church, has about completed its club I to bilious attacks or const ipation, and cluss room built underneath thej should obtain n quarter pound of lime j church. The boys did all the exenvnt-( stone phosphate at the drug store. This jing and other work and now have a 'will cost vcrv little but is sufficient j comfortable room 15 by 2.1 feet. The ; to demonstrate the value of inside bath-1 : president of the class is Wolcott Huron jing. Those who continue it each inorn-l and llarolil, Kakin, teacher. Harold Mug are assured of pronounced results.i I Cook is treasurer mid secretnry and Ar-i both in regard" to health and uppenr--Ithur Ifoss vice president. lance, : CITY NEWS t The union painters of the city will en tertain this evening at the I'nion hall mi.l'oilrt street. An nHdress will h mmlp jhy O. K. Hnrtwig, of Portland. .J. H. Morrissey, paroled from the Ore- ; uuu Dime I'ciiiu gon stnte penitentiary recently, was . p- Officer Keller because he violated his parole. Ho was arrested at Xehalem. - o The catching fire of some waste pa per on the sidewalk at the Kodgers Pa per company on Ferry street caused a fire alarm to be turned in this morning about H:50. Xo damage was done. . . The annual memorial services of the Klks will be held Sunday, December 3. At the meeting of the lodge Inst night a committee of three, K. K. It in go, Aug ust. Huckestein and S. M. Kndicott were appointed to have charge of the serv ices. The farmer seems to be the lucky man this year. Yesterday potatoes were sell ing for 70 cents a bushel wholesale and this has been an unusually favorable year for big crops. Also for clover seed, wheat, oats, prunes and loganberries. Also hogs. Cards have been received by former delegates and boy workers and those in terested in the Western Oregon Older Boys' conference announcing that the next meeting will be held at Corvallis during the first three days of December. John H. Kudd, of Portland, is inter-state boys' secretary. The Foresters of America is the first lodge in the city to begin a fall cam paign for membership. At a meeting Inst night it was decided to divide the membership into two competing teams with S. C. Kertlinger and Mr. Miller as opposing captains. The present member ship is SO. C. J. Beach is chief ranger and the members meet every Thursday evening at Hurst hull. Jesse Millet, who was arrested Wed nesday night on a churgo of bootlegging ami who had manufactured liquor in his possession was to be tried ut three o'clock this afternoon in tho police court but because u jury could not be secured for that time the triul will be Liter in the day. .billet pleaded not guilty yesterday ami asks a jury trial. A heavy plank roadway is now under const ruction by the Oregon City Trans pnrtiitiou copany from Front street In the dock. This will be especially ap preciated by local transfer men unit grocers as at times during the i n in v season, the up hill pull from the dock to Front street was a pretty strenuous one, even for a first class truck when heavily louded. The residence of Gerald Volk, about I'ii miles east of Salem on the Ciurdeu Itimd, was burned this afternoon with n loss estimated to be, between $3000 und iji.'!."iilll. Pint of t'le 1 urn i t lire was saved. The fire department, in answer to the cull, went out as far as the city limits but us there was no water thut could be used returned. .Mr. Volk wns formerly connected with the Polk ( ounty und only recently moved to his home on the (iiiideu Koud. Thirty-two students of the psychology department of the University of Ore gun nre in Salem visiting the stute hos pital for tho insane, the penitentiary, ami the feeble minded school. They nr lived on the Oregon Klectric at 11:45 o'clock this morning and proceeded to the sttae house where Governor Withy combe furnished transportation to the state institutions, Harry .Mills, u form er Willumette student, who is now in the I'niversity of Oregon, came down with the students. Justice Webster is hearing this after noon a case between Mr. Murphy, busi ness representative of the Oregoiiinu, ami II. C, Oniell, u grocer on Twenty litlh street, which has developed as the result of ll partnership fruit stand at the Inst Oregon stnte fair. Mr. Mur phy is asking the sum of ftH, which he alleges he paid out for supplies ill the An Inside Bath Makes You Look and "Feel Fresh Says a glass of hot water with phosphate befort breakfast keeps Illness away. This excellent, common-sens health measure being adopted by millions, riiysieiaiis tne worlil over recom mend the inside Imtli, churning this ' of vastly more importunce thnn out side cleanliness, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities into the hloo I, causing ill health, while the pores in the ten yards of bowels do. Men and women are urged to drink each morning, before breakfast u ghiss of hot water with a ten spoonful of, limestone phosphate in it, as a harmless means of helping to wash from thei stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the I previous day's indigestible material, poisons, sour bile und toxins; thusj cleansing, sweeting and purifyiug; the entire alimentary canal before nut Arc You Past 30 Years? Take Hot Water and "Anuric ' People are realizing more and more every day that the kidneys, just as do the bowels, need to be flushed occa sionally. The kidneys are an elinuna tive orgnn and are constantly working, separating the poisons from the blood. Under this continual and pcrpotual action they are apt to congest, and then trouble starts. Uric acid backs up into the system, causing rheuma tism, neuralgia, 'dropsy and many other .serious disturbances. Doctor Pierce of Buffalo, New York, . advo cates that every one should drink plonty of pure wnter between meals. Every day should exercise in the out door air sufficiently to sweat profu.ioly, and from time to time stimulate the kidney action by means of "Anuric." This preparation has been thoroughly tried out at his Sanitarium, in the w.nie way as his "Favorite Prescription" for way of lumber, tentace. Loin. etc. The case will probably take all after noon anil is ottering numerous comedy sidelights on human nature. The Southern Pacific Is the only rail road in the country that is undertaking the special education of its passenger service men by taking them on trips to various parts o'f the county and giving them an idea .of what is douo elsewhere in railway circles. Tomorrow several Texus passenger men will arrive in the city on their educational four of the west. They will arrive Saturday after noon nt 3:52 and will be shown about the city by members of the Commercial club and entertained with a dinner at the Marion. In the party are J. K. Mon roe, city passenger agent of F.l Paso, Texas; C. K. Compton, district passen ger agent of Gnlveston; Henry Ball, city ticket agent of W'nco, Texasj J. K. Bled soe, city ticket agent of Fort Worths V. V. Schwab, city ticket airent of Xew Or leans. And the fine part nbout the trip for the men is t lift t the snlnry goes on nt the regular rate and all their ex penses are paid by the railway company. Three million dollars has been given to Chicago university within the past year. 'f Too Fat Get More Fresh Air Be Moderate in Your Diet And Reduce Your Weight. Take Oil of Korein. Lack of fresh air it is said weakens the oxygen carrying power of the blood, the ivor becomes sluggish, fat -jcciimu-Intes and the action of many of tho vital organs are hindered thereby. The heart action becomes weak, work is an effort and the beauty of the figure is destroyed.. Fat put on by indoor life is unhealthy ind if nnture is not asuisted in throw ing it off a serious case of obesity muy result. . N When you feel that you are getting too stout, take the mutter in hand at onee. Don't wait until your figure has become a joke anil your health ruined through carrying around a burden of unsightly and unhealthy fat. Spend as much time ns you possibly can in the open; breathe 'deeply, and get from Central Piiarmncy or any druggist a box of oil of korein capsules; take one after each meal and one before retiring at night. Weigh yourself every few days and keep up the treatment until you are down to normal. Oil of korein is ab solutely bnrmless, is pleasant to take, helps tho digestion and even a few days treatment hnB been reported to show a uoticeible reduction in weight. Secretary McDaniel Outlines Work of Club At the monthly meeting of the Com mercial club rt utly, Ivan McDaniel, malinger o'f the club, spoke on invitation of President Albert on the gelierul con ditions of the club and what was needed Make Skin Smooth There is one safe, dependable treat ment that relieves Itching torture in stantly and thut cleanses uud soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 25c bottle of senio and apply it as directed. Soon you will find that pimples, black heads, eczema, ringworm and similar skiu trou bles will disappeur. A little rcino, the penetrating, satis fying liquid, is all thut is ueeded, for it banishes nil skin eruptions and makes the skiu soft, smooth uud healthy. Zeino, Cleveland. The Nation's Favorite BiuifclLer Nut There Is No Better tweak women and "Golden Medical Discovery," the standard herbal system l tonic, (both of which now come in I tablet form for convenience of carrying jand taking). "Anuric" is now being introduced here, and many local peop e j are daily testifying to its perfectnosf . ; When you have backache, dizy spel!s or rheumatism, heed nature's warning. I It means that you are a victim to uric i acid poisoning. Then ask your drug igist for "Anuric" and you will very j soon become one of hundreds who daily give their thankful indorsement- to this powerful enemy to uric acid. I If you have that tired, worn-out feel I ing, bnikaehe, rheumatism, neuralgia, ! or if your sleep is disturbed by too tre fquent urination, get Dr. Pierce Anurle Tablets Pt drug store, full treatment i$1.00, or send 10c for trial package to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, I N. Y. I to make the club nn effective force in the city, now that the financial condi tion is so satisfm-tory. He traced the history nf f.. , the time of the reorganization when mo us ovvriinnging a debt of $2,000, through the various changes by which this debt had not only been wiped out, but with an amount of more than this amount to the club's credit in the bank. In making a survey of the conditions in Salem, Mr. McDaniel found that in order to attract capitul to Salem, it was ' iiiive an accurate industrial survey showing what might be reason ably expected to succeed here. He fa vored tho proposed $250,000 iudustri: ! guarantee fund. While Salem wns now working under unfavorable freight rates, it was noted . that a committee hnd been appointed to take up tho municipal dock proposition, und the establishment of water transpor tation from Salem whereby a showier could be inndo for water rates. " This winter, according to Mr. McDan iel. tho club hoped to secure the 'new Southern Pacific deuot II 11. 1 1.1 III if . n strenuous campaign for the Imil.lli r ' ii me j-oik county luiiige. A commis sion house for the handling of produce, wns also part of the program and the campaign for various civic improve ments. He believed thnt iirnxiier,,i,u :,... wero with us. To bring about n spiiit of optimism and co-operation, there has been planned what will be known as "First Annual Salem Week" from Oc tober 30 to November .", when mer chants will pt on special displays niid offer special bargains. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS , M. V. Johnson to 8. W. mid Nellie L. Mnupin, pt. Lensiire el. fill OIW. (leo. W. Wolf et ux to K.ra Joi.os pt. (leo. Xef el. -It) !) JW. M. ('. and Paul Cuchner to W. A. Zim ninrcan. II. A. Johnson el. Im !) 3V. M. C. n ml Paul Huchner to .1. h. (lalbrenth. II. A. Johnson cl. ." tt ,'IW. O. II. Hidgond et ux to Cntheriiin A. Hatch lots li anil Id Millers acres. Chester C. Cannon et ux to L. H. So ter SO acres in F. L. Raymond el. 113 S 2W. A SURE WAY TO END DANDRUFF . There is one sure anv tlmf liu n.i,-. failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. - To do this, just jjet nlmn"' four ounces uf plain, common liquid nrvon from any drug store (this is ull you will need), apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the) scalp mid rub it in gently with the fin ger tips. By morning, most if not ull, of your dandruff will be gone, nnd three or four more applications will completely dissolve und entirely destroy every single sign and truce of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. Von will find all itching and digging of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, gin-, sy, silky and soft, nnd look and feel a hundred times better. PATENTS EXPERT HIGH-CLASS SERVICE Write for free booklet. I Send sketch nnd description or model, mentioning this rnper, for thorough FKKE search for patentability. A. M. AV1LSOX, 311 Victor Bldg.. Washington, D. C. Nov. 11