Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 20, 1916, Image 1

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nmnti rrmn nnvma ON TBAXotf amu xuswtf
Make Repeated Fn s Attacks In Effort to Regain Village
of Sailly-Saillise a Tiich Commands Bapaume Germans
Retake Position; aptured by British-Serbians Force
, . Bulgars Back-f "ch Guns Trained On Athens Brings
Rioting There To An End
By Henry Wood
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
- With the French Armies Advancing on' Bapaume, Oct.
20. Since Wednesday night the Germans have been mak
ing terrific counter attacks against the village of Sailly
Saillisel, conquered by the French in a brief, violent bat
tle a few hours before.
The very fury of the. German counter attacks is
evidence of the importance they attribute to the position.
By their victory at Sailly-Saillisel the French removed
one of the strongest German positions defending the
southeast approach to Bapaume, which German prison
ers had repeatedly boasted was untakeable. At the same
. time, they increased the allied breach in the German lines
. to a maximum depth of more than eleven miles and ex
tended the French possession of the Peronne-Bapaume
road to four and one-half miles.
The Germans began counter attacking Tjjesday night
to recover that part of the village taken by the French
Sunday. They swept forward three times, only to be
beaten back.
Approaching Sailly early Wednesday, we encountered
French wounded, returning from successful resistance to
those counter attacks. Those able to walk followed the
signboards marking the paths toward the dressing sta
tions in. the rear. Curiously only those most slightly
xvounded sought rides aboard the returning caissons
while those more severely wounded with mangled, swol
len arms showing through bloody bandages, seemingly
preferred walking. All the wounded were smoking
Automobile ambulances, enjoying the full right of way,
dashed toward the rear, each bearing four silent mud
coated, bloodstained figures. Other ambulances awaited
at the roadside their turn to dash toward the battle front.
Approaching nearer the scene of battle, groups of
stretcher bearers were visible, carting off wounded under
heavy shell fire.
Wf finally readied artillery posts troops have pushed two miles liorth
l.ear Comities, from which the French ward in their advance on the Bulgarian
i-ttnek, launched nt 11:45 was plainly base at Monastir, occupying the village
visible. As tiie troops dashed up the of Voleselo, it was officially announced
hill, rockets were set off or the pur-, today.
pose of directing the barrage fire with I Tlie Forty fourth and Twenty-eighth
v Inch French artillery screened their I Bulgarinn regiments, the official Ser
r. .Ivauee. Aeroplanes flew overhead binn statement declares, have been de-i
.;iso, signaling to the rear as each ob-!feated and four machine guns, three
ii'ctive was attacked. While we watched ' field guns and K0 prisoners taken.
iuio of these planes was forced to do-. The Serbian claim of further sue
("end, but succeeded in alighting with- cesses arc flatly contradicted by the
i'i range. of the French advance. j (ieTmnii war office this afternoon. The
Within a quarter of nn hour the Berlin official statement admitted that
French had completed the conquest of the (Serbs had made some gains but de
tlie village.. Then other groups of sol- clured the new Serbian offensive in the
d'.ers were. visible passing up granades, bend of the river Cerna has been check-
li'icliino gun belts and munitions neees-
ry to enable their comrades to hold
tlie village.
The quick capture of Sailly is nn ex
nmplc of the present power and dash of
the French infantry. After attaining
their prescribed objectives, the French
71 ished onward, rapturing the dominat
ing heights to the northeast.
Serbs Defeat Bulgars.
London, Oct. 20. In the face of stub
lulu Bulgarian resistance, Serbian
r-peakin' 0' period furniture, Miss
Tawney Apple has a new Mary on ' John
davenport. To ' feller who used t' hitch
in front 0' th' liank now parks behind
til' courthouse.
Kocause of the Serbian offensive and eeption here will be in the nature of a
the tense situation ut Athens, the Bal- civic ns well as a politicul domonstia
knns held the center of the war stage tion.
today. Fragmentary messages from the I While the enbinet member Is hero pri
Oreel; capital indicated that the situa-1 mai'ily to speak for the re-election of
tion was again more critical, despite so-j President Wilson, organized labor, in
vere military measures reported yostor- recognition of his many years of active
day. I connection with tho labor movement as
On the western front heavy rains con-' head of the miners union, has taken this
tinned to impede operations through occasion to honor the first man who has
yesterday nnd last night. The Germans held the position of secretary of labor
reported the recapture of trenches north j At (1 o'clock this evening, Secretary
of tho Somme from the British, but oth- J Wilson will be the honor guest of or
erwise, French, British and German war ganized labor at a banquet. Two hun-
offices agreed thero were 110 develop
ments of importance.
Germans Betake Trenches.
Berlin, via wireless to Suyville, I.. I..
Oct. 20. The largest part of tin
trenches captmed by the British west
of the road from Eauenurt L'Abbaye to
I.e Barque Wednesday was recaptured
by the Germans yesterday, it was of
ficially announced today.
"During the last great attack, it is
only now reported the British used some
of their heralded armored automobiles,"
added the official statement. "Three
of the so-called tanks are lying before
our lilies, destroyed by our artillery
"There was a mutual artillery duel
on both sides of the Somme during the
rainy weather yesterday.- Tho advance
of English detachments north of Conr
celette and east of LeSnrs failed "
On the front of Triiiee Leopold of
Bavaria, several Russian counter at
tacks before the positions we gained
north of Sviniavka on the Stochod.
broke down with heavy losses. South
west of Rvistelniki on the west bank of
the Naryuvka, German b"attalionJ
stormed an important Russian height,
taking the position with its ndjoiuing
lines and repulsing counter attacks. The
enemy left 14 officers, 2,050 men and 11
machine guns in our hands.
"On Archduke Carl's front the enemv
(Continued on page two.)
Timberman Shoots
Attorney and Himself
Marshfield, Or., Oct. BO.-tJoaeph
Coach, wealthy Bandon timberman, is
near death today from a self inflicted
wound iu the head. He turned his re
volver upon himself after killing C. T,
Treadgold, attorney, in the stroot hero
last night.
Witnesses said not a word was utter
ed. Coach walked up to Treadgold, drew
a gun ana opened tire.
The men have been enemies fr years.
Treadgold recently prosecuted Coach in
a liquor case. Coach's wifo filed a di
vorce suit October 18 and it is believed
Coach thought Treadgold was acting as
her jawyer.
This Means at Least $12 a
Barrel Flour Wheat
Famine Is Predicted
Chicago, Oct. 20. "Unless an em
bargo on the exportation of flour and
wheat is at once declared thero will
be a wheat famine before, spring,
said Paul Schulze, head of a large bak
ing concern here todny.
Bakors uaid $9.50 a barrel for flour
yesterday. The retail price, was ad
vanced to $0.90 and $10, the highest
in 20 veais. Wheat has jumped ulso ton
cents this week and grain men predict
$2.00 wheat before the first of the
year. December wheat rose 1 7-8 cents
to $1.00 B-tt; May roso 1 3 9 cents to
The cause is laid to short crops
throughout the world. Argentine is suf
fering from drought. Russian wheat ts
held up, and because of the Canadian
scarcity the British empire is tulltiug
of commandeering the crop.
"Bakers have lieen caught this year
without stocks of flour on hand,"
Sehulzo saiil today. "They did not buy
when the first advance, came, expecting
a' lull in the market. Now they are
working from hand to mouth. A rise
rise of 50 cents a barrel will force an
other bread increase."
B Jf. Dahlheiinor, president of the
Master Bakers' association, said there
would be no immediate increase in the
price of bread. Cleveland bakers, how
ever, slapped unother c.ont on and the
familv size loaf costs eight cents there.
Secretary of Labor Wilson
Who Speaks in Seattle,
Guest of Labor Leader
Seattle, Wash.. Oct. 20. Met at the
depot by l'resident F.rnest P. Marsh,
president of the State Federation of
Labor, R. L. Proctor, president of the
Seattle Central Labor Council, and
James Duncan, secretary, as well as by
members of tho democratic committee,
Secretary- of Labor William B. Wilson
arrived in Seattle ut 7 o'clock this
morning, and was assured that his ro-
dred and fifty seats have been reserved.
President Proctor, of the labor coun
cil, will preside at the mass meeting lit
the Metropolitan theatre tonight.
Flour Goes Up 15 Cents
In Minneapolis Today
Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 20. Gaining
15 cents a barrel since yesterday, flour
sold on tho local exchange today at
$9.25 a 9.-10 which is almost double the
wholesale price six months ato. Iu three
days a guin of 5 cents on firsts has
Jjeen registered. With wheat selling at
$1.72 1-2 on the Minneapolis exchange
today higher flour prices were expected-
Despite these raises, J. P. Regan, link
er, said no advance would be made in
the price of bread iu Minneapolis.
Scattering orders were found for
flour at tho high mark. Bakers' grade
sold again today for $8.50 with seconds
at $9 drawing few orders.
Ossining, N. Y., Oct. 20. All of tho
fix convicts who escaped from Sing
Sing prison yesterday on a motor truck
are back behind the bars today.
Alfred Hteinauer, sentenced to 20
years for forgery, was the last of the
prisoners to be captured. He was sur
rounded by guards near the Poeanticoj b-n Kf.coni adress he urged cooperation
Hills estate of John D. Rockefellor ndi0f capital and labor to serve the end
"Trend . Is To Wilson and
Trending Fast" Is Com
moner's Comment
At Same Time States Called
Safely Republican Are On
Doubtful List
By Robert J. Bender.
(t.'nited Press staff correspondent.)
1'ittsburg, Pa., Oct. 20. Pulling into
Pittsburg before starting out on the last
lap of his trip back to Shadow Lawn,
the president received a great reception
from the residents of tho smoky city
today. Ho was met at the train by a tre
mendous crowd and his route up town
was marked by continuous demonstra
tions. William X Bryan met tho president
at the train and shook hands with him
'for tho first time iu months Brvnn
rode with the president ou his automo
bile trip through the parks. The meet
ing of the president mid his former sec
retary of mate was nn unexpected one.
Bryan, en route to Johnstown, reached
here from tho west 40 minutes late mid
missed the train on which he was sched
uled to go east.
Trend is Wilson.
Pittsburg, Pn., Oct. 20. The trend is
to Wilson and it is trending fast. Wil
son will have the women's vote. The
strongest democratic issue is Mexico-
Those are the views of n campaigner
of some experi.'i!rxjV'llin'n Jennings
Bryan stopped in Pittsburg today to
see l'resident Wilson.
The three times nominee, headed for
Johnstown, Pn., to speak, missed train
connections and grabbed the chance
tho first in the five weeks he's been
on the stump, ho said:
A soldier cannot spend his tune talk
ing with the general," said Bryan;
"out tnia is a loitunuto opportunity."
Pennsylvania is the thirteenth stnte
Bryan has spoken in during the cam
paign. Before election dny he will have
talked in half ns many more.
"No," ho said, fit's not like '9(1
there probably ncvor was one like that
but there is a tremendous amount of
They are intrcsted in the enndi
dates nnd I've been talking about our
candidate," he said smiling, ret'err'niir
to the change that another colonel has
nwt iMM-u iiicnuumiig uis cniuutiaie very
f reel v.
"The trend is to Wilson, not only
that, but it is increasingly so. Reports
now indicate states regarded certain to j 000 in gold over tho usual importations
be iepublicnn are now doubtful and , has poured into the United States. Fig
stutcs that are doubtful arc iu the demo- ures showing the following relative do
cratic column. inand for coins for the periods from Jnn-
"Tho republicans concedo the pence uary 1 to October 17 lust year and this
argument of the women voters. Polls year were:
show the percentage of Wilson support! Dimes, 1!15, $1158,000; 1010, $2,200,
among the women is luiger than among; 000.
the men, although among the men itj Nickels, 1015, $1,100,000; 1010, 2,
grows larger day by day. ' 050,000.
"Labor is prnctticnlly a unit for the! Pennies, 11113, 2fi!,000; 1910, f 1,008,-
(Continued on page two.)
Greatest Demonstration
of Campaign Welcomes
President in Chicago
By Robert J. Bender. , which he said must bo served by the
L'uilcd Press Stuff Correspondent.) I United States, showing the world how
Canton, Ohio, Oct-24.-With echoes of I'". ,'"?re.,hA,''al,HC ?' hhor1 "n a. I'Br
., ' , : , . with that of the employer and the rights
the greatest demonstrations ever ten-1 uf 1nal,ity . .al)()vc the rights of Sov-
dercd him still ringing in his cars, Prcs- ercignty." Finully, in his speech nt
ideut Wilson is returning home today. the Slock Yards pavilion last night,
He himself and nil of his lieutenant! where ho wns greeted by tho greatest'
are happy as a result of the Chicago and most demonstrative throng that has
"The greatest yet," Secretary Tu
multy said with unrest ruinuble enthusi
"An ovation from start to finish. The
women in this part of the country nre j
thoroughly aroused to tho issue of the
campaign and they want the president
returned to oitice," was the message
sent out to ifemocrutic headquarters
east and west.
There is no doubting now thnt the
president has embarked upon a deter
mined effort to bring out as the one
big issue of the campaign "a new na
tionalism, " first forcibly set forth in
his Omaha address and later amplified
iu his Indianapolis speeches. Yesterdny '
the idea stood out iu a further expo-1
sition of this theme. Iu the Press club.
speech he emphasized the need of unit-
ing the progressive forces to accomplish
the purpose of American business. Io
I Director of Mint Says- Abund-
ance of Money Boosts High
Cost of Living
Good Wages Causes Buying
Which Boosts Tradeand
in Turn Makes Work
Washington, Oct. 20. "America's
great prosperity is in itself responsible
for the high cost of living," Director of
the Mint Von Engclken held today.
With more gold in its vaults, more
money circulated and the greatest ex
port trade in history, tho United States
he said, is at once reaping a golden har
vest and, to mix tho metuphoi- paying
the piper; the piper being the high cost
Of living.
His explanation was: Export trade
brings an unprecedented quantity of
gold here. There is such a vast demand
for goods thnt prices riso responsively.
More workers than ever tiefore are cm
ployed nnd they are getting larger wa
ges than previously. And while these
workers supply the goods, their wages,
drawn from the immense store of gold,
buy more goods thnn before, thus holp
ing swell the abnormal demnnd nnd the
consecpient price increases.
Wuges, he admits, have not. fully
kept pace with prices as usual but
he hopes for an ultered condition in the
"The high cost of living," he said,
"is a creature of our own creation.
"Tho United States Is normally a bor
rowing nation. Capital utilized for con
struction in tho past has been recruited
largely abroad. Our economic affairs
consequently hnvo been adjusted to
meet our customary outflnw of money
required to pay our interest bills in for
eign countries.
"The sudden reversal o'f this condi
tion, the retention of interest payments
at Home, coupled with a reversal of the
usual trade conditions, presents an usual
nnd extraordinary economic problem.
For the present we arc reaping a golden
harvest and are spending it in our turn
with a prodigal hand.
Mint Works 21 Hours.
"It is to be hoped we will not become
so accustomed to the present ability to
supply our various personal needs that
we will find it difficult to adjust our
selves to the more normal state of af-
fairs that will confront us, we hope in
me verv near ruturo."
Mints are working 21 hours a day try
ing to keep up with the demands for
coins. In tlie last two years $700,000,-
(Continued on pago two.)
heard him at any time since the cam
paign opened, the president further en
larged upon his theme and said thnt
men who enrno to this country are ex
pected "to out a new affection, a new
allegiance, above every other affection
and allegiance," in a "triumphant ill
ustration of the spirit of America in
the service of mankind."
In this effort to unite the people of
the country fur tho purpose of accom
plishing the big task, which, he says,
will face America when the war is over,
the president appears to have thrown
aside party lines in his out and out
appeal to all "forward looking pro
gressives." He will coiitinim the Hit me
policy in speeches delivered away from
Mbadow Lawn during the remainder of
the campuiifn. hintinff onlv at the dan-
gers of ousting a power and policy which
has guided the nation along a "certain
known course," for a power and policy
whoso eonrse is
"uncertain and un
Great Crowd Hears
Secretary of Labor
Portland, Or., Oct. 20. Secretary of
Labor William B. Wilson left for Seat
tle today where he is to Bpeak tonight.
In his address here he faced a crowd
which packed one of the biggest thea
tors in Portland. Reviewing the achieve
ments of tho administration the cabinet
officer declared President Wilson en
titled to the progressive vote as he
had stood sponsor for snore social jus
ice legislation than any other execu
Will Reach New York Today
and lake rive Day Lay-otti
tn R (minora fa
By Perry Arnold
(United PreSvstaff correspondent)
Utica, N. Y, Oct. 20. Very tired
out but entirely confident, Republican
Nominee Hughes was en route to New
York today for five days' rest before
starting on the home stretch in his cam
paigning. Tho former justice slept late
and was frankly glad that he was to
have a few days' rest.
Hughes will reach New York at 2
o'clock this afternoon. He plnns at
once to go to the Astor hotel and will
probably remain over night conferring
wi h C'hnirman Willcox as to the pro
gress of tho campaign. On Saturday he
will go to Montciaim, N. J., to rest un
til Wednesday. As tentatively arranged
his program contemplates a series of
speeches in New York state, beginning
in Brooklyn on Wednesday night. From
Now York state he will swing westward
into Ohio and Indinnn again,
Hughes is determined to save his
thunder from now on and will make
only big speeches. His windup cam
paign tour will consist of mass meet
ings in large cities. So far as possible
attempt will bo mndo by his managers
0 avoid tlie wear and tear of buck
platform uddresses in small cities,
unco since Auguot 5 that has worn the
governor down.
Late Progressive Candidate
For Senator Gives Reasons
For His Stand
Speuking ns a farmer, from the
Ntandpoint of a man who has been in
ucuial contact with the soil nil his life,
nnd further as a man who hus given
launch thought to the "back to the
soil" movement, William (Bill) Ilanley
of Bums, or rather of eastern Oregon,
beilieves that Woodruw Wilson took
.he first great step towards solving
the most vital problem confronting the
American people when he caused the
enactment of the rural credits law.
To Mr. llunlcy's mind, the most im
portant problem of all is that of get
ting pooplo out of the cities and on the
land, not only for their individual good
in the way of character building, but
also that consumption (of foodstuffs
may not outstrip production, as now
threatens, with resultant distress to
great classes of our population,
Wilson a Real President
"Woodrow Wilson has been a real,
not a political, president a man so
thoroughly educated that he instinctive
ly foresees the great problems of the
country and takes steps to meet them,"
said Mr. ifanley, who arrived in Port
land yesterday. As a progressive, ho
was tho candidato of that party fur
United States senator in 1014. Ho is
enthusiastically supporting the presi
dent for reelection.
"From long years of experience' I
know exactly what the farmers nre up
against in their efforts to make good"
said Mr. Ilanley. "The attempt to. ap
ply the rules of commercial credit to
them short time loans with high rates
of interest, with the exception that the
farmer paid more interest than mercan
tile concerns was an absurdity to be
gin with.
Prosperity uepenas upon me oou
"Everything begins and ends with
the soilthe country's prosperity is in
tho lust analysis entirely dependent up
on it, and the busis of credit should al
ways have neon tne larnier s nceus.
This is fundamental truth, nnd one
would think that something would have
been done about it long ago. But no,
it romaincd for Woodrow Wilson, tho
far seeing statesman, to recognize that
our credit system was fundamentally
wrong and to set about changing it."
"I do not blame anyone in particu
lar for the injustice done our agricul
tural population and indirectly tho
entire nation but I do luud President
Wilson nnd intensely admire him for
recognizing tho vital nature of this
The Head of the Herd
"To my mind it is the duty of gov-
(Continued on pago five.)
Jumps On Running Board cf
Car in Pittsburg But Is
Pushed Off
Quested, He ' Denounced
the President and His
. Foreign Policy
, By Bobert J. Bender
(Uuited Press staff correspondent) '
Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 20. During the
president's ride about Pittsburgh to
day a man carrying a black satcael
made determined efforts to lumo on
tho running board of tho president'
car. He was finally overpowered and
ntistieit olf to a station house by po
licemen. At the station house the man ev
his name as Richard Cullen. Ho is ft
Pittshurgher, 22 years old. When ques
tioned ho said thnt he was dissatisfied
with the president's handling of Eu
ropean affairs, but did not admit that
he intended to. attack the president.
In tho satchel, polico say, was found
a long bltuled knife and several chisels
The clasp of the satchel was unfasten
ed. The president's car was halted when
Secret Service Operativo De Fioro, a
former member of the Pittsburg detec
tive forco leaped from the automobile,
nnd pummelod Cullen after tho latter
made his second attempt to reach the
the cur and it was several minutes be
fore' i'iity polico gatlwred from nil di
rections lifted rlubs uud drove it back.
Bleeding nt the nose . and from the
mouth, Cullen broke away from De
Fiore by swinging tho satchel around
with his free hand and bringing it
down hard on the detective's wrist. It
was heavy with the tools carried by
Cullen, who U a mechanic. Bursting in
through the street, Cullen made an ua
succcssful effort to escape by running;
Tho president, Mrs. Wilson, Demo
cratic State Chairman Joseph Huffey
and two secret service men were in tho
president's car. While tho presidont'e
bodyguard twice threw Cullen from the
running board, tho president remained
very calm. Mrs. Wilson shared his ap
parent confidence th t secret service
men would take care of the would-be
assailant. '
The crowd seemed slow to grasp tho
During the scuffle between (illeo.
and secret service men a loaded re
volver fell into tho street. Whether
the gun belonged to Cullen or the do
tcctivios, the police wero unablo to say
Into this nfernoon. Bystanders who
saw the revolver fall disagreed as to
who dropped it.
Dr. Barclay, physician of tho Cullen
family, declared that Cullen iB de
ranged. After examining the prisoner the po
lice expressed the belief that Cullen is
iiisunc and decided to hold hi in for in
vestigation. His conversation, at first
quiet iu tono, soon becnino bitter and
he roundly denounced the president'
Tho attack occurred fight in the
heart of the city, at Fifth avenue and
Smithfiel.l street. The cTowd very
dense nnd the cars were forced to move
slowlv. Cullen leaped on tho running
board and tried to clamber over tho
door, lie was grasped by a secret ser
vice man riding with tho president and
pushed into tlie street. Jumping ui
miicklv, ho caught the automobile anil
duplicated his efforts. Forced backward
by those in the enr and pulled by per
sons in the crowd, ho fell down.
Beforo several men could throw
4i,..ii.llvn uimn him he was UP and off
like a shot. City detectives headed hira
when he had run nearly nan a omen.
Will holding tightly to the satchel, now
gaping wide, he submitted quietly t
nrest. '
n....i.nt tests have proved that 7 per
cent of people nro deficient in lung ca
Oregon: . Fair
tonight and Sat
urday; easterly