' TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 19, 1916. I EX mm '77ie Natural Shortening Tempting Biscuits You wirl make them when you use Cottolene for shortening. Biscuits shortened with Cottolene are light, flaky, pleasing to the eye and grateful to the appetite. Cottolene is a pure food product that is a real aid to digestion. Use it for all shortening and frying. With Cottolene you are always sure of cooking better foods. For your convenience, Cottolene is put up in pails of different sizes. Ar range with your grocer today for a regular supply. THE N k. FAIPRANKcoTTSgNTI Cottolene Baking Powder Biscuits Into two caps of sifted pastry flour, sift and mix one level tea spoon of salt and four level or two rounded teaspoons baking powder; chop in one level table spoon of chilled Cottolene, wet to a stiff dough with about H cu p of milk, or half water and half milk. Toss out on a floured board, pat it down and roll inch thick. Cut into small rounds and bake in a hot oven. From "HOME HEWS." moiled foe ii you unit our Ctrttral Officii, Chicago. Cottolene makes good cooking better" SOCIETY Br ALINE THOMPSON Mr. and Mrs. Asahol Bush were hosts 7sBt night for an ciquisitoly appointed dinner, in celebration of their weliling niveraary. The guests included only the members of their wedding purty, whom the ISushs have entertained nt a similar affair every year since their marriage. Covers were placed for 8. Important on the calendar today is the annual guild dance at the armory lor the lienetit ot the St. Paul s Kpiseo pal church. It promises to be one of the moment and gayest nftairs of the early season, ana is eagerly anticipated y the young er contingent us well as the older Ue- Totecs. The Booth string orchestra will fur nish the music for tlio dance and will piay a row ot the latest ball room dances including 1 Khali divorcees reuinrry One tep. B Praise the Lord tlio convention has adjourned Waltz. 3 Women shall not vote Hop, 4 Ilishop's minuet. 6 Put on your surplice Two step. 0 Pans the contribution box Schot tische. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grady, of Port laud, whose exhibition dances at the guild dance tonight will be a feature of the affuir, arrived this afternoon and are guests of the It. J. Miles. The Misses Olive and Fabian Roscho motored to Portland for the week end Friday and wero tlio guests of Prof, and Mrs. K. 0. .Tones. During their vis it in Portland the girls enjoyed a trip over the Columbia Highway. Haleni friends of Mtb. Kenneth Rob ertson (Itulh Church) and small daugh ter, Mary, of Portland, will regret to bear that they left for the ont.t Wed nesday, where they will join Mr. Rob ertson to make their futuro home in Auburn, N. y. Mrs. N. II. liOoney of Jefferson, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. 8. C. Dyer, returned home Tuesday. About 15 members of the West Cen tral Cirdo of thes Methodist church gathered at the W. H. Hyars residence on Wednesday to enjoy the informal af ternoon planned by Mrs. Ronald C. Glover for her mother, Mrs. Hyars, who has been confined to the house for sev eral months with a broken ankle. Tho decorations suggestive of Hal lowe'en were effectively curried out with yellow blossoms and appointments. J no guests presented Mrs. Hyars with a beautiful plant nnd the aftornoon was rounded out with refreshments. Mrs. Arthur Moore entertained as her guests Hundny, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Oilier, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ueorizc Woodford und Harry Huddclson, who motored to Salem from Portland. Mrs. Oilier nnd Mrs. Woodford aro sisters of Mrs. Moore. ft Mrs. C. O. Constable and daughters, tho Misses Orn ami Iva Constable, left last night for Pomona, Cal., where they expect to pass tho winter, "r. and Mrs. O. K. Price are passing a few days in l'ortland and are at tho Hotel Portland. Miss Leln MueCnddnm has had as her guest Miss Daisy Mulkey of Woodbnrn. The I). T. M. Sunday school class of the .lason Lee church met nt the home of Mrs. Prank Diuilnp, on Saturday af ternoon. A brief business session pre ceded a social time nnd refreshments. Mrs. Florence Cole ts enjoying a ten days outing at Newport. T (Continued from page one.) Mrs. F, 1. Purviue has as her guest, Mrs. M. it. Htreyfieler of Portland, who Is returning home after an extend ed visit to relatives in Memphis, Tenn. She will visit in Salem until tomor row and will be accompanied home by Mrs. Purviue 's small son, Paul Pur vine, who will pass the week end in Portland. Kn route home Mrs. Streyf feler visited in California. Mrs. H. Millhouse of Portland is passing the week in Salem, and is the guest of friends. Rev. and Mrs. II. K. Peniberton and' Mr. and Mrs. 1,, H. Roberts motored to Scotts Mills Wednesday and spent the day visiting friends. crowds including many workmen and school children accorded President Wil son an enthusiastic reception as he pass ed through northern Indiana today- Here nt South Bend 8,000 people lined the streets when his train pulled in School children waved flags and scream ed their delight. Employes of local au tomobile works lined the trucks, stood on roofs, cornices and leaned from bnl conies extending a hearty welcome. The train was an hour late here. Ituni was still falling. Responding to persistent demands for a speech, the president made Ins second short brief utterance of the trip. "I have forgotten how to make cam paign speeches," said the president. "The record is made up and all you have to do now is to say what you think. If I made a speech I would have to tell you what I think of myself and that I cannot do. "It is very delightful to have such cordiul receptions us you have given me today and as I have been going along the road it makes mo 'feel very good, and I thank you for it from the bottom of my heart." The president greeted handshakers with his left hand. His right hand is bnnduged because of a scratch inflicted by a cureless enthusiast who gouged the president's palm with a ragged fin ger nail nt Albany. Dr. Grayson ordered tho palm bandaged, fearing infection. Members of the party are greatly cheered by receptions given tho presi dent all tho way through New York. The climax was reached nt Syracuse, whero a spectacular ovation was given by 15,000 persons. The president faced n soggy, dreary day after a long night rido through n driving rainstorm. The weather is cold und damp and some of the outdoor plans for the. reception nt Chicago may have to be revised. HUGHES SAYS A VOTE FOR HIMSF0R PEACE Says He Is Not For War But Stands for Permanent Honorable Peace By Perry Arnold (United Press staff correspondent) Hay City, Mich., Oct. lit. .Notwith standing a cold rain, there were -000 persons assembled in the armory hero to hear Republican Nominee Hughes speak today, M'COIICK SAYS IT'S A WILSON LAND SLIDE New York, Oct. 1!. Returning from a trip to democratic headquarters is Chicago, Vance C. McCormick, chairman of the .national democratic -campaign committee today predicted a "land slide" of western states into, the Wil son column.- He declared he had got caiefully into the situation nnd found conditions to be surprisingly favorable. He claimed: - A big democratic majority in Wis consin. That Nebraska has failed to respond to the visit of Go.vernor Hughes.' Missouri nnd Indiana sa'fclv in the Wilson column, although republicans in " .Men are, going abroad in this land, those states are making a hard fight declaring that a .vote for me is a vote for war,'' Hughes asserted, "beennse I have criticised weakness and vacilla tion on the part of the administration. A vote for me is a vote for permanent peaeo based on self respect and the esteem and respect of others." Hughes detailed at length the basis of what he termed the present tempo rary prosperity, declaring they who "seek to make political capital out of the present prosperity are either in sincere or thoughtless." Speaking at Saginaw and Flint, Hughes reiterated his warning of stag nation following the close of the Eu ropean war if the democratic tariff for revenuo policy were continued, and em phasized anew his denial that a vote for him meant a vote for war. ."Who are these monopolists of peace? " he asked. "Are these they who who went to Vera Cruz. in an ignoble personal war and slew hundreds of Mex icans without the slightest justification in international law or in morals" "All over but the sboutinir in Ohio." North Dakota nnd Kansas safely dem ocratic with certaiuty of re-electing ev ery democratic congressman from these two states. Doubted if there was a single Hughes states west of the Mississippi. EZEA HAS AN AUTO Judge Galloway Refuses to Grant Injunction Judgo William Galloway this morn ing denied the petition of tho Southern Pacific railroad company lor a tempo Ezra Meeker was In town this after noon. This is the genuine Ezra with his long white whiskers, travelling in his auto schooner "Tho Pathfinder" from Indianapolis to Washington and then ncross the continent on the old Cumberlain train, following tho old em migrant trail in the west through South Pass. Ezra was in somewhat of a hurry this afternoon ns ho is anxious to get across tho mountains before l stormy weather sets in. His Pathfinder is an exact model of the schooner in which he crossed the plains in 1852. He is 86 yners old, says eh cats just what he wants although he finds it best to go slow on the quantity of rations. University Notes That tho law students of tho uni versity might perfect n permanent or ganization the members of the respect- Women Crowd to See Him. Chicago, Oct. 1U. In a non-partisan plen before guests of tho Chicago Press chid today President Wilson said: no nge or readjustment is upon America. Are you going to tnke part in the magnificent work that is facing you, or will you cmplny your energy to n.ii.i.oi f-..m .i, t ' lve cinsses met Alouilay evening in J ,i ""' . court house and elected WUliam Wiest :L"...-J, "'"'"-J' '"J"'."-- president of tho student body. He .I T i i. , e . , ' to be assisted by Frank Neuner, vice volves the health and safety of a city i(k.nt anJ .j Smith treasu'rer. and in he opinion of Judge Galloway 1 The Rubers nl80 elected to continue I ii a Tu ' "Mho regular moot court trials and pro- Hubbard was worth more than any dam ; eee,,ina each Mom, ; ht inMneh age the railroad might sustain before; thce9sio.s have proved so benefi a hearing of both sides could be had. kj , in the t t0 ' ,hose eiirollcil He called up the mayor of Hubbard !for law work' 1)eml.tment Ko. ! of the this morning and advised him to quit i. ,:...,:. , .- . i, ,i, ., e .u. nuiiv iiu uiiruiuuu nun cuuie iiiiw court Friday morning at nine o'clock when n hearing will be granted both sides of the case. The Southern Pacific attorney is in tho city and asked for the in junction. As the temporary injunction would halt indefinitely the work of putting ... ...e sewer .m great nam- j that of ,he real f0Hrt ago to the city of Hubbard, the judge tvnnM tint An nnvfliiiid until lia linai-.l the facts of tho ease. He said he did L Intensely practical verbal conflict and nil interested m such departmental work aro cordially invited to attend. All court officials and members of tho jury are selected from the student body and it is to the credit of these amateurs that the cases have been conducted in the past with a fervent dignity which often succeeds the varied not believe in government by injunc. literary program given by tho Philodor- tion without a hearing, when great cor- "' 1 j hipley'g Extraordinary Offerings in Coats and Dresses We have secured one sample lot of Coals and one sample lot of dresses, and offer them to you at a big saving from regular prices Coats Women's and Misses' Coats in plain and novelty matures, a good range of sizes. Choice $7.48 v Women's and Misses Dresses SILK, SERGE AND SILK AND SERGE COMBINATION Lot 1. Choice $24.50 Lot 2. Choice $19.75 Lot 3. Choice $14.75 U. G. SHIPLEY CO. Liberty Street, SALEM, OREGON porations like the railroad could tie upj. Wednesday evenin. in Business' lilt? ill-mill ui h ii tMiiirtt riiniiiiiiiiii v mill cimsn delay nn.l trouble, in net.-linir the : discussion by Glen J. .in-., ii.. ,i..in-..i .... i,; lem's celebrated lyceum expert, (i .;..',..:.... ... .,t .......; Gates followed with a discussion of .uni., iv, Kit a ..... T,,. i tl, , pMi rtll- Itnttr iu J Mlltl '1C l.llinn 111 j.iii.u..v junction and then keep long as possible. This he did not pro pose to stand for and he accordingly denied the petition. Alleged Bootlegger' Is Nicely Trapped i' Josse Millett, who rooms at the O. K. T. , . ... ... rooming house was arrested yesterday ; 10ISH"' Tron.u.o.. V -" night about 10 o'clock by Officers 'or and at present ravebng organiser ri,u v i of the International Prohibition asso lenL.iiiir. Willson i.nrk was the scene "n was a chnpel hour speaker Tues- of the anest nn.l afforded the officers v morning, ne strong., u.Bv.. , :,:.. ,.. ir:n... ! students to participate in the been under klirveillnnce fnr mime timet and last night was shadowed. The of- their halls Tho College Mau was the subject of a live Mact addam, Sa- rovcr tho an Platform." as did Harold Miller on the "Outstanding Policies of Woodrow Wilson" nnd Louis Stewart on the "Parties Now in Congress." The cam pus political situation was ably pre sented by William Kclty and Harold Tobie concluded the Interesting pro grain with a humorous exhaust of steam roller" jokcs. calculations of the firm which installed the historic instrument, but Mr. Clark proved equal to the emergency of stop ping the gap. All Bopnoniore and freshmen women are required to take systematic gymna sium work this year as provided by tho catalogue requirements for thoso regis tering in such classes. Tho classes aro held four times a week, the underclass women choosing tho most convenient hours. Salem Educators Are at Teachers' Institute Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, who was re cently elected president of Willamette university, was tho first speaker to ad dress the Douglas County Teachers' in stitute this morning- He chose for his subject the "Social Education of Am erica." He spoko very convincingly and the flashes of wit und humor throughout his talk found ready accept ance. "As you think nnd act so will America," said Doctor Doney, "for tho life of the individual counts mnro than any other factor. Thoughts direct our deeds and teachers have'a great respon sibility in seeing that the minds of the young are given the right thoughts. Like mindedness is also important and in this the public schools nre playing a great part in educating the immigrants NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH r Apply Cream in Nostrils Open Up Air Passages. To MiiM.,--mi444Mi4.M All! What relief! Vour clogged nos triils open right up, tho air passages nf vnnr tiiifiil urn I'lpnr nml vnn fil II breathe freely. No more hawking, snuf fling, mucous discharge, headache, dry ness no struggling for breath nt nighl, your cold or calaii'li is gone. Don't stay stuffed up! Oct a small bottle of Kly's Cream Halm from your druggist now. Apply a littlo ot this flagrant, antiseptic cream in your nos trils, let it penetrate through every air passage of Jhe head; soothe and henl the swollen, inflamed mucous mem brnn", giving you instant relief. My 's ('ream Halm is just what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seeking, it's just splendid. tho local contests that the greut reforms in the liquor traffic may uc specuuj obtained. TheSfTnsible Wav for a coffee drinker to rid him self of the headaches, biliousness, heart flutter and other ills that often come from coffee drink ing, is to quit coffee and use the delicious pure food drink Instant Postum There's a Reason At Grocers instant postum tr frMruw MUM Postum O O cereal im imam M h'W tum Cereal Co, Limited The third meeting of the Willametto "We" club was held yesterday after noon in the grandstand. Here under tho direction of Veil King Lyon a vocifer ous pow wow nnd yellfest was staged and only the time expiration of one hour prevented the buoyant rooters from yelling until they were unable to speak." This club will continue to meet each week until the present football season is over. ficers were in the bushes watching and after the money, which had been mark ed, had been passed for the liquor they stepped out. Immediately Millett .start ed to run and Vamey called to him to halt. He kept on running until ordered to hnlt or be shot. Millett then halted. Meanwhile Officer White was securing the evidence in the bottle. A search was made of Millett 's room in the O. K. rooming house with the result that three more bottles of manu factured booze were found. The bottle of booze sold was purchased for $1.50. The liquor was not strong as it has ap parently been watered heavily and col ored to a light amber tint. Millet was taken to jntl nnd Chief Welsh said this morning he was going to give mm a double shot. This morning at 11 o'clock he was given a hearing in the mnn guilty. - His this afternoon, but was nostnoned one o clock rrulny by his attorney, , . Hobin Dnv. When through -with the Representatives of orgnnized labor municipal court, the case will be'nd the railroad brotherhoods greeted prosecuted under the state law in the j him with cheers and hand clapping at justice court. the Union Station. Aside from these Chief Welsh was of the opinion he delegations there was not a large had a (rood case as the marked money i crowd on hand but a number of by- was found on Millet and the officers witnessed the transaction. The new panel work which encloses the big 'varsity tracker pipe orgau is completed and reflects great credit on C. C. Clark of tho administrative bonid who had the work in charge. The task was necessitated by the mistake in tho J K rumbles Is -. I L strengthening - . 1 winter cereal ; I because of the ! richness of the 1 : jj uurum wneai. j j H I - Aiiwj,..t ill and foreigners that come into our country to be good American citizen"." J. A. Churchill state superintendent of public instruction,' arrived in Kos-t turg lato last night from Jackson county, where he attended a teachers' institute last weeV Mr. Churchill will be one of the principal speakers lit the institute now in progress in this city. He re.iides in Salem and is one of the best known officials "of the slate Hosebuig Review. Standard Oil Strikers Return to Their Work Bayou no, N. J. Oct. 1!). More thini 1.000 striking employes of the Standard Oil company and many hundreds more employed by other plants returned to their work at the oil plants here today. Superintendent (ieorge Hennessey of the Standard Oil company was on hand when the doors opened and gave the order for the men to return when he became aware of their numbers. He had declared ho would not stint them to work unless a sufficient number to operate tho plant showed up. The strike has been on 10 days. Thousands of strikers were in the streets nud refused to return, but thrr was no attempt at violence. The I'nited Stutes mediation boiird held a meeting today nt which an effort, was to be made to settle differences between employers and workers. ick be was given a bearing i . . , . , . icipal court and pleaded not ! JJ e7.0,ar-! i. of lubor' nrn':ei1. ,u s trial was set for 3 o'clock ! Portland this afternoon campaigning oon. but was postponed until ;for th re election of President il- obstruct t " ho asked. "Yon can be of great assistance or you can bring ruin by resisting"." The way of the times, he had said previously, is to help construct the pro gressive ideas. "Don't opposa them," he snid, "for progressivism is here to stay. I phoid it ami guide it in the right direction." After his speech at the Press clug President Wilson went back ' to the Illackstone hotel to rest a few minutes before going to the Auditorium thea tre to address a women's meeting at 4 p. m. Thousands of women lined the streets between the hotel sn.l the theatre hop ing to see the presidnt. In th crowd in front of the Auditorium several women carried banners reading! "Vote against w nson" ana attacking him on the suf frage question. Secretary Wilson Gets Welcome In Portland Tortland, Or., Oct. 19. William B. standers recognized the cabinet of ficer and started a shout of welcome. Wilson will apeak tonight at a down town theater, all the arrangements be ing in the hands of tho Oregon Stato Federation of Labor, the Central Labor Council and four railway brotherhoods. It is understool the secretary will pay particular attentiou to tho Adiuuson eight hour law and tell why he believes President Wilson shoulS rocoivie the labor vote. KcHmd in one minute. Get compli mentary Can of Kundon's frnm .!, dniRRist. Or bur a 25 cent tube, if it doran't do you f 1 worth of good in a jiffy. yuu can ga yourw cenrs nacic from me druggist or from the Koodoo Mfg. Co Minneapolis, Minn. Use some quick. Fnreoth.tarTfe. coughs, nfttaJ headaches, etc He sure it's the kind that's hcin urtd for 24 rears and bv &u mihion . Amciacans An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade" No Preceding Fall Has Seen the Vogue for White Wash Waists so Strong as It Is .This Season fmm Iff New Wirthmor Waists in styles particularly appropriate for Fall wear are in, and will be shown for the first time tomorrow. As always, they are priced at $1.00 KAFOURY BROS. 416 STATE STBEET THE 8TOEB FOB THE PEOPLE MAIL O ED EES GIVEN FBOMPT ATTENTION. WB PAY POSTAGE ON MAIL O ED EES 4u nu'MHr & e CATARRHAL JELLY