Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 19, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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New Coats
cell- MW?m
All Around Town
- 4
F.piscopal (luild (Inure nt ur
iiioi v.
Oct. 21 Last dny for registra
tion. Out. 23. Cord Kiminiel at ar
mory. October 23. Senator Chnmhor
lain at Gram Opera Houso.
Oct. 2. Six O'clock rluh meet
at M. K. rhurch 0:'Mi p. m.
Oct. 30-Nov. 4. Salem week.
Oct. 31 Senator Ooro of Okla
homa at Opera house.
Oct. 30. First annual mooting
of Sulem Floral Society at
Commercial Club.
Novembor 6. City primary
Novembor 7. Presidential elec
tion. Nov. 10. Victoria Grnnd Opera
Concert, 1 Trovatore, at Pub
lic Library.
Nov. 11. Kootbnll. Salem high
school vs. Kugone high.
Nov. IS. Football, Willamette
diversity vs. Pacific Uni
versity, Willamette Ficilil.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fita glasse
H eorrectly. U. S. Bank. Hid.'.
J. B. Seward, special organizer of the
Vnitcd Artisan, is in the city. Mr.
Seward had made his home in Portland
but hereafter will mnko Sulem his home
as well as headquarters.
Chin. B. Hodsikln, general insurance.
301 ilubhnrd building. Phono 380.
The United Artisans are preparing for
a Tulluwo'en party to be given in hon
or of the older members of the lodge.
The party will bo given Wednesday ev
ening, November I, under tho auspices
of the La Area club.
First-class work. All kinds
jf repairing. All work guar
anteed. Twenty-five years'
experience. Lcnvo orders at
Wylie I). Allen Co., phono 1187.
Rosidcnce phono 1405.
915 lligblnnd Avenue.
Auction Sale
At 2".1 Coaler street on Monday,
Oct. 23, at 1:30 p. m., consisting
of House and Lot; Chlckering
Piano nearly new; nml all of
Household Furniture. See Satur
day papers for full particulars.
a E. Yintis, Owner.
F. N. Woodry, Auctioneer,
Phone oil
rMj.niiy.il. linn n.
-A delayed shipment of Women's and Misses' Coats
just received, consisting of 35 choice numbers, sizes
16 to 44, in the wanted colors and cloth. Lymansville
Cheviot, Navy, Black, Brown; Sharkskin in Navy;
Habit Cloth in Black, Dovetine and Bolliva Cloth in
the new Rubber Gray; Heavy Nubian Boucle in Navy
and many others. The latest models, beautifully tail
ored and priced very reasonably.
See the showing of Dresses, Waists and Suits at
special prices.
Butterick Patterns, Onyx Hosiery, Merode Underwear
Drink Cereo, the liquid rood, the
health driuk. Ask your grocer. tf
The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's
1 f.piseopul church will meet with Sirs. A.
! Strong, 4H5 South Commercial street,
rruiuy uirernoon or tins week.
ur. t . ti. Thompson now specializes
in ear, eye, nose and throat, 414 ilmik
of Commerce bldg. oct21
Shortage of cars Is becoming more
serious. The Hpnulding Logging com
pany today is short 48 ears having re
ceived only two within tho lust two
dnys. Four curg a dnv are necessary to
naimic its shipments under ordinary
uiisiuess communis.
The Modem Shoe Repair Co. Is now
locnted nt 4(i4 Court St., 2 doors west
of old stand. Opposito Wells Fargo Co.
Officers White and Victor captured
a ronn horse nt Chemeketa uiul Commer
cial streets this morning ubout 3 o'clock.
The animul had a head stall on but
without a strap. It is estimated the
animal will weigh between 800 and !)(I0
pounds. They took him to the Fanners'
Feed barn oil High street.
Members of the Pomona grange and
other farmers were given the political
glad hand at the meeting yesterday at
Macleay by Seymour Jones, Ivan (i.
Martin and L. H. MeMnhon. Each of
tho candidates was called on for a few
choico words of encouragement and good
All Modern Woodmen and members
of Foresters team are requested to be
present Oct. 10, 1TI0. Special Initiation
work. octl8
Mrs. Cnlla L. Martin, mother of Carey
F. and Ivan (1. Martin, is in tho city
for a fow days' visit. Mrs. Martin was
born in what is known as the old town
of Wneouda, on the stage road this side
of Oervnis. Her childhood playmates
wore tho Munninga, Savages nml chil
dren of other pioneer families in tho
old Wueonda neighborhood.
Chicken pte supper Con. Cong'l
church Wed. cvo, Oct. IS. 1 Vices lfie
and 30c. octl"
Miss Alicia McElroy, as pianist and
accompanist, will join the Mme. Reed
concert company for a transcontinental
tour for tho winter of JHltl-17. She is a
sister of Mrs. Warren Hunt and Willis
McKlroy, the well known band director.
In referring to Miss Mr Kirov's piano
work, the Senttlo Times snya' that her
technic and interpretation is fur beyond
tho criticism of Seattle musicians.'
Dr. R. Meurlc Boborts, osteopathic
physician, 300 Masonic bldg. Phono 400
J. J. Enos, chief yeoman, lnsnector of
tho recruiting sub station for the Uni
ted States navy, is in Salem looking
over the substation under the charge
of K. Adams, machinist, who is lo
cated in the postoffice building. Mr.
Knos expects to finish his work of in
spection today and leave Salem Friday.
He covers tho district of Oregon, Wash
ington and Wyoming, and looks after
five sub-stations. The main office is in
Port land.
Your gift with our imprint needs no
further recommendation. Set vour
wntcn hv our street clock, Gardner &
Keeno, Salem's most reliable jewelers.
If your spine is right, you are right.
Those who havo tried every old method
and found no relief should try Chiro
practic and Ret well. Many hundreds
of grateful patients in Salem and else
where can substantiate my statements.
Six adjustments will bo given for the
small fee of M.0O. Difficult eases,
which require X-ray examinations and
Spinographs can obtain them at a nom
inal fee. Only expert Spinogrnph work.
A talk with tho old Chiropractor may
lead you to health and happiness; act
P. H. MAY, D. C.
Hubbard Building Phone 573
Hear the Sonora Talking Machine
you'll enjoy it. Myrtle Know-land 421
Promptly at 9 o'clock this evening
the eiitertuinineut at the Elk lodge will
begin. This is announced by the enter
tainment coinmittco in order that all
members may bo promptly on hand for
the opening number.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Orady will show
you how to dance the "Two Two" to
night, armory.
Kenneth Bayne, secretary of the dem
ocratic county committee, has lust re
turned from a tour of tho northern part
of the county and reports a general
sentiment in favor of Wilson.
Don't Knock Salem smoke Hygrade
cigars Salem's best 5 cent cigar.
LcRoy Huddelson, who has appeared
several times in Salem as a xylophonist
has accepted a position with the Baker
theatre, of Portland, as trap drummer,
beginning next Sunday. He was musi
cian with Company M while on the
Mexican border.
Telephone or mail orders for lycenm
tickets to (lien .1. McCaddnm, Salem,
Ore. Phone '.HUM. Reservations Satur
day. W. T. Rigdon delivered; an address
lust evening before the Mnccnbee lodge,
discussing the advantages of lodge in
surnnco compared to old line companies.
Air. Rigdon was one of the political spell
binders greatly in demand in Marion
county 20 years ago. He will return
to his homo in San Diego within a few
Yon can't bent it for 50 cents. Dance
tonight nt armory. Magic music, with
lots of Pep.
The political speaking dates of Sen
ator I.aue have been changed and it was
announced this morning at democratic
headquarters that he will not deliver
tho address nnnouueed for next Tues
day. On the 27th ho will speak at Wood
bum in the afternoon and nt Silverton
in the evening. Saturday the 2Sth he
will discuss the issues of the campaign
at Mt. Angel.
Elks attention Big doings tonight,
don't miss it, two hours of amusement
by Armstrongs .Musical company.
Mrs. Carrie H. Lainbirth has returned
from a visit with her son, James, nt
San Francisco- James is at the U. S.
Naval Training station and a member
of the signal corps. His instructor in
formed Mrs. Lainbirth that the boy was
making good niidJn two or three mouths
would bo placed on the bridge of a ship
to continue his training nml also take
up navigation. Of the 14 members of
this class, eight nro Oregon boys.
Elks attention Big entertainment to
night after short session of lodge, fun
galore, music, comedy, etc. Me there.
"Esoteric Masonry" is the subject of next Monday evenisg; tho dale of Sen
a lecture to bo given in the Masonic i ator Lane for Tuesday evening has
temple Friday evening by a high de-i been cancelled; Senator Gore, the blind
gree Mnsoa of Portland. Tho lecture is Senator from Oklahoma, will speak on
expected to bo highly interesting to ! tho evening o'f Tuesday. October 31. It
every Mason and every member of the is probable that Mark' Wetherfnrd will
urucr is uisni io do present nml iienr
what is to be said concerning the mys-
ii-nes ui uiu iMucrniry. ine lecture is ciiled on.
for Masons only. TJie lecturer is snidl o !
to be a speaker of unusual ability and ! The lumber men are not the only suf-:
to have a niessngo of importance for nil ferers from the continued car short-;
interested iu masonry. 'KC. The farmers are now feeling the!
0 effects of the shortage from the fact j
Mr. and Mrs. Datus Myers extend a1 that commission men and mills cannot!
cordial invitution to all who nro inter -
ested in the advancement of art to at-
tend the openinig of their studio to -
morrow morning. The studio is located
on tho second floor of the linker build-1 Farmers would receive about 10 cents
ing, southwest corner of Commercial.""" bushel for wheat if it could be
aud Chemeketa Sts. Mr. Myers is now shipped. As one commission man said,
ready to receive pupils in his various' there is no use of taking order for east- ;
classes in oil, water color, pencil, chnr-'ern shipment mid it is almost impos- i
coal, pastel, etc. Evening classes will'sible to get cars for shipments of hay
be formed for the benefit of those! even to Portland.
whose time is full through the dnv. o
o " The evening of Wednesday, Novem-
Two fire were reported to the Salem ' 'er 22 has been selected as the time for j
fire department yesterday. The first j "e annual homecoming celebration of
was a small chimiiey fire nt 087 North . Chemeketa lodge. No. 1, I. O- O. F.. at i
Front street at the home of Ida M.j'ho meeting of the committee Inst even-
Manghawot. No damage was done. The
second was at the corner of Twenty
second street and the Turner road aiid
was merely grass burning. The grass
was set afire by children who were
plnying with matches. The blae spread
rapidly and threatened the baru belong
ing to the Browning Amusement com
pany. Both the nnto pumper and the
chemical went out to the scene but
neighbors had beaten the fire out with
sacks. There was no damage.
Eighty-Six Drowned t .
With Cunard Liner
New York, Oct. 10. The Cunard
liner Alaunia, which sailed from New
York for Falmouth, October 7, was
sunk in tho English channel today
with a probable loss of 80 members of
her crew.
A cablegram to the New York office
of the line first announced the sinking
or me vessel, j.ato tnis evening a
cable to the United Press from its Lon
don bureau stated that the captain and
1 103 of the Ataunia's crew had been
landed, ine ship normally carried 8
crew of 250, which would leave 86 un
accounted for.
The original oab'c to the Cunard of
fices merely stated that 'some" were
James Sykes, who was given a hear
ing in Judge Webster's court this morn
ing on a charge of assault and bat
tery, was discharged because of want of
Percy A. Cupper was elected vice
president from Oregon of the Interna
tional Irrigation congress that just
closed its annual session at El Paso,
The mercury in the thermometer
seems to be creeping down a notch or so
nearer the freezing murk each night as
last night the record was 30 above. The
Maximum for yesterday was 05.
Mr. Henry Schultz left this morning
for a visit to his parents and rclntives
in Iowa. It has been many years since
he visited his old home, and his father's
failing health prompts the present visit.
He may be away for several months.
Because Albert JairL who accused
Frank Ford of assault with a dnngcrous
weapon as the result of a shooting af
fair Sunday night, fniled to jippear in
Justice Webster's court this afternoon
to prosecute the case, Frank Ford was
dismissed. The costs of the action will
be assessed against Juirl in the sum of
Miss Lois Ashby, of Oregon City,
cousin of Alma Ash by, assistant city
librarian ,is visiting at the homo of
the lntter at 210 South Nineteenth
street. She is a niece of J. B. Ash by,
and is a former Snlcm girl, was at one
time a student at Willninte university
and is w'ell known in the Capital City.
She will be in Salem about two week's, i
Testimony and final arguments in the
long-standing ease of tho Alliance Trust
company, Ltd-, against Mrs. Fannie
Hubbard, which involves large sums in
mortgages on the Hubbard building, are
being heard this afternoon by .Judge
William Galloway. Tho litigation be
gan August 18, 1015, and Judge Gallo
way expects to close it up shortly.
L. H. Keckman, who has a little place
a few miles north of Salem, has a per
fectly ripping bean story. Ho says last
year he got some Tipperary beans from
California and planted them this year
to try them out. He harvested the crop
this fall and received 100 bushels which
average 00 pounds to the bushel or 0,000
pounds in all. For these beans he re
ceived 10 ceuts a pound, which nets him
$000 for his work. He snya he and his
wife harvested the crop and threshed
tho beans by hand.
Great interdenominational prayer
convocation at the Commons Mission,
211 State street, beginning Friday
morning at 10 o'clock nml to continue
until Thursday night following. Work
ers from out of town will be present.
Rev. Kthel Arnold of Portland will be
in charge, Kverybody who wants to
see n revival of "Old time religion"
come nml help push the battle. Win.
Kenyon, Supt.
CITY ..(! ..(! ..( bablythforson.rs PDpr
Mike McMurray, a trusty at tho Ore
gon penitentiary, took French leave yes
terday afternoon between the hours of
12 o'clock and 0 o'clock and so fur has
not been apprehended by the authorities
at the penitentiary. He was a trusty
and hud only a few months more of his
term to serve. He escaped from the
penitentiary here in 1009 and was doing
time in Sim Qiientin, Oil., when brought
back here last Jnlv, He has had a pris
on record extending over the past 10
years. It is believed he is responsible
for the numerous burglaries that took
place last night.
The democratic campaign for the next
few days is about as follows: It is un
certain as to whether Col. C. K. S. Wood
can arrange his dates to speak in Sa
lem on next Saturday; Senator Chnm-
ibcrlnill will M.tmilf nt tin. .uw.rn liniiwo
mimik ik i,..i',,.-., ti,.. ,.i.,.. nf ,) ,...
paign, but as yet no ilate has been do-
(obtain cars for shipment of grain out
j f the state. The hay market is about
! paralyzed ami of course with no cars,
i wheat or oats are iu the same bad fix.
ing. Invitations were sent to nil mem-1
hers of the fridge living outside of the j
city notifying them of the coming an
nual celebration. One invitation was '
sent to Nome, Alascka, and to othei I
members of the lodge living in Idaho.
California and Washington. The grand :
master of the state will atteud and take
part in the program which will include
addresses by prominent members. J. A.
Tntterson ns chairman. C. K. Knowlnnd
nnd C. E. Albin have charge of the eele-bratioi.
EINFELDT At his home, 1135 Jef
ferson avenue, Thursday mornintr. Oc
tober 19, 1010, Theodore Einfeldt, in
his 57th year.
He is survived ly a widow and two
sons, Will and Frank Einfeldt, living at
juonroe, ure. .Burial will take place in
the Odd Fellows' cemetery but arrange
ments will not be made for the funeral
services until tch arrival of the two
Mr. Ein'feldt was a nurseryman and
had lived in .Salem seven years.
Mrs. Guy McCailister, living near
Bend, a sister-in-law of Mark McCailis
ter, died suddenly Wednesday after
noon nt the Willamette sanatorium. She
was 29 years old and with her husband,
came to Salem for medical treatment.
The funeral was held this afternoon
from the Mejmonite church of Pratum.
The services were conducted by the Rev.
James Elvin and burial was at the War
ren cemetery in the Waldo Hills. Be
sides her husband, she is survived bv a
brother, Ben Dierks, and a sister. Mrs.
John Beutlcr, of Pratum, aud two broth
ers living at Mount Ridge, Kansas.
Harry Mills, son of Councilman J. A.
Mills, who is attending the University
of Oregmrr arrived this afternoon for a
$2000 in Ten Days;
That's What We Are
Going to Get
Sweet Potatoes on sale
at ll pounds for
35c Steel Cut Coffee,
on sale
30c Steel Cut Coffee,
on sale
25c Steel Cut Coffee,
on sale
15c Coffee on sale
2 pounds
Best Creamery Butter
on sale, pound
5 J
Hard Wheat Flour, worth
$2.00 a sack, on sale,
K. C. Baking Powder
25c cans on sale
Post Toasties on sale,
10c package Soda,
Best Jap Rice, on sale,
5 pounds for
Eating Apples, on sale,
Guaranteed Eggs on
sale, dozen
Curve Cut Macaroni,
on sale. 4 pounds for ...
Best Valley Plour, on ffl FA
sale, per sack ylDU
The wholesale price of Flour
will advance today; better
buy some.
Toilet Paper, rogular 5c,
on Eale 6 for 0C
35c . Ground Chocolate,
on sale
Picnic Hams, on sale,
per pound
No. 5 Pail Lard,
on sale
855 N. Oom'l St.
Damon's 10-Day
Clearance Sale
'J i
- -T "-llC-i
Free! Absolutely Free!
Free New Upright Piano
The person having no piano in thoir
liome sending us the NKATEsST. cor
rect answer will receive, Absolutely
Free, a New I'pright Piano. Write
your name and address plainly and
mail today, as your answer must reach
us not later than Nov. 15, laid.
Manufacturers Distributors
Pianos and Player Pianos
Warren, Penna.
In tho campaign to raise $300,000 as
an endowment fund for McMiunvillo
college, $4,500 was subscribed last night
at the session of the Oregon State Bnp
tist convention. $1,000 of this amount
was given by George Failing of Port
land and others gnve in sums of $500.1
Ti-oi-a nivAn anil ,hn A-itftn t-fiiMP.l Ifl uf I
night was in addition to tho former
Tonight the session will begin at
:30 o'clock with praise service led by
'. S. Lawrence. At l-A't, an address on
'The northern Baptist convention''
will be delivered by the Rev. S. G.
Neil. At 8:30 the address of the even
ing will be given by the Rev. A, M.
l'ett on "Tho world hunger for
The convention will close with the
session of Friday afternoon. Saturday
and Sunday the annual meeting of the
Oregon Unptisit loung Peoples' Union
will be held in the church.
The program for Friday morning
and afternoon is as follows:
Friday Morning
DiOO Devotional study, Mrs. A. W.
De Long.
9:30 Business nml reports ol com
10:00 "One yenr of the five year
program," G. F. Holt, U. 1.
10:30 "Uctolicr 2ti, tive year pro
gram dny, what does it menu to-uur
churches!" G. II. Young.
11 :(I0 Discussion, everybody.
11:30 Quiet hour.
Friday Afternoon
1 :30 Song and prayer.
1:45 Business and reports of com
2:15 Address, Rev. A. L, Wadswoith
2:40 "The appeal of Corvullis Bap
tists," Pastor Kdker Burton.
3:00 "The duty of the hour, ' K
lluttnn, Supt. Anti-Saloon League.
3:30 Consecration sermon, liev
G. Neil, U. D.
4:00 Adjourn.
Everett Politick, of Milwaukie, was a
Salem visitor yesterday.
H. N. Moores was iu Portland yester
day registered at the Seward.
j. W. Hackett, of McMiunvillo, was
I in the citv yesterday registered at the
.Mrs. Calla L. Martin, of Dexter, Ore.,
I is in the citv visiting her son, Carey
IF. Martin.
j Mrs. J. B. Weaver and son, James,
j left last evening for a month 's visit
I with relatives nt Eugene.
Dr. H. II. Olinger, T. B. Kay and
I Homer II. Smith left last evening for a
hunt of several days iu soul hern Ore
gon. J. H. Peterson, a prominent realty
operator of Eugene, is attending Hnp
list state convention iu Sulem fliis
Mrs. D. R. Ruble, of Salem, who has
been visiting with Mrs. Dr. Ruble and
family nt 412 Eleventh avenue west, re
turned home on the Oregon Electric yes
terday. Eugene Register.
Mrs. A. T. Van Clove nnd daughter,
Mrs. Hugh Aspinwnll. returned to Dil
lard this morning after visiting here
a dny or two. The former is a resident
of Salem. Roseburg Review.
Mrs. Ru'fus Thompson and Miss Cns
sie Thompson, of Albany, returned home
this morning after a visit of several
days at the home of Dr. F. H- Thomp
son and attending the Oregon State Bap
tist, convention.
Mrs. C. O. Constable, accompanied by
Miss Ora Constable and invalid daugh
ter Miss I.a Constable, left last evening
on the Shustn limited for the south.
They will spend the winter at Fomonn,
short visit with his parents. During his
sojourn nt. the state university, Mr.
Mills has been given a taste of varsity
high life and went swimming twice in n
certain creek that runs near the univer
sity grounds, so reports say.
Henry Miller, of 825 South Twenty-
second street, reported to the police last
j night that his home had been robbed
during his absence down tow n. He wns
nbsenturom home until nfter 11:30
jo 'clock and when he returned he found!
I practically all the bed clothes, includ-
ing the feather bed. gone and his trunk
I broken into nnd $05, practically the en-j
j tire savings of the summer, tnken. Chief I
Welsh is workiue on what he believes to I
be a good cine and expects developments i
shortly. I
Make your kraut now. Good solid heads, well trim
med, Danish Ball Head variety. The price this week
for any quantity is lc PER POUND.
Ward K. Richardson
2395 Front St.
Do It Now
Any kimd
Any time
Consisting of FARM STOCK
The undersigned auctioneer I
has received instructions from . '
J. O. Gritton to sell nt public -
uuction at tho J. W. Meredith ',1
farm which is located 4 1-2
miles south of Salem on River- J ;
sido road, turn to left at . .
Livcsley 's. '
I Friday,"0ctober20,1916i
J. O. GRITTON, Owner. 4
F. N. WOODRY Auctioneer. J
Auction Sale
At Quick Exchnngo Auction
Market on Saturday, Oct. 21, nt
10 a. m. sharp, consisting of 1
5-foot cut McConnick Mower; 1
9 ft. Deering Hay Rake; 1 7-ft.
cut McConnick Hinder with
tongue truck; 1 3-scction lever
Harrow; 1 3-section spring tooth
Harrow; 1 Klin. Oliver Plow; 1
Top llnggy nearly new; 2 log
ging chains; 1 Set Single Har
ness; 1 7-ft. Fern ('utter; 3 other
Plows; 2 Hacks; 1 Spring Wag
on; 2 Delivery Wagons; Horses,
Heavy Harness, etc.
Alfo at 1:30 i. in. Household
Furniture 1 Organ, Ranges,
Heaters, etc. Terms will be
given on farm machinery.
Paul Jermain, Owner.
F. N. Woodry, Auctioneer,
Phono 511
If you have pains in or over .voir
eyes, or in the back of your head,
headaches, your eyes Murr, if your
eyes twitch involuntarily, if you
double, if you seo rings around tho
lights, there is something wrong with
your eyes and you should have them
examined by a specialist.
My experience of nearly 34 years in
fitting correct glasses to relieve eye
strain will be at your service. If
glasses are not needed. I positively de
cline to supply them, guarantee sat
isfaction iu eveiy respect.
1 change your glasses for one year
if necessary, free of charge. No ex
tra charges for examinations, no drugs
or drops used ns they are dangerous.
All broken glasses replaced while you
wait at very reasonable prices.
Rooms 200-10-211 V. S. National Bank
Building, Phone 110
Household Furniture. Woodry
tho Auctioneer will pav highest
cash price for same. Phone 511.
Phone 49 1
Our Way to Advertise
Take any number from one to fif
teen, place in the squares so when add
ed together, vertically, horizontally
and diagonally, the total will be