Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 19, 1916, Image 1

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nninn twmre ncixtma ON TRAINS AND NEWS
niba xi J tmua rtatjds rrvE cents
After Being Checked Two Weeks by Bulgarians They Are
Victorious and Capture Several Villages-Rumanians
Defeat Invading Teuton Army Driving It Back Across
Frontier-Berlin Concedes Gains by Both British and
London, Oct. 19. The Serbian army has resumed its
drive on Monastir, base of the Bulgarian army operating
in southwestern Serbia, after being held up for two weeks
by Bulgarian counter attacks.
The Serbs have captured the village of Brod in bril
liant fighting, it was officially announced at Paris.
Other Serbian detachments have occupied several posi
tions on Mount Nokol and have advanced appreciably
nearer to the summit of the highest peak.
Bulgarians are rushing up reinforcements and a large
number of trench mortars, said a Serbian official state
ment to London.
While the Serbians were registering this success the
Rumanians again defeated the Teutonic armies that in
vaded Rumania through Predeal Pass driving them back
across the frontier, said an official statement from
Bucharest this evening.
On the Somme front a heavy downpour of rain hin
dered operations somewhat last night, although the
French reported some further progress west of Peronne,
where the French lines have been advanced to within easy
artillery range of the city. The German war office con
ceded Anglo-French gains on both sides of the Somme yes
terday, but declared they were more than offset by heavy
allied losses.
G-roek Troops Control.
Athons, Oct. IS. (Delayed.) Greek
1 roups live in complete control of the
munition here, today, anti-ally molts are
1 eing dispersed and for the time being
the possibilities of a perioiiB clash be
tween civilians and Frouch marines
M'em to have been nvertcd.
The anti-ally leaders, however, are
continuing their nttemupts to organize
demonstrations and tho crisis is by no
iiii-ans past. It is understood that King
Constantino, following conferences with
the British and French ministers, sent
pci-sonnl appeals to the most prominent
of his supporters urging them not to
tir up the Athens crowds to acts of
The collapse of reports that a United
States fleet was approaching Piraeus to
intervene disheartened the civilians and
1ms holped restore order. Nowsnaner
oxtrns were cieulnted nbout the city by
The anti-ally lenders, reporting that
Auiericnn warships would arrive within
a few hours to sco (lint Greek neutral
ity was not violated by the allies. These
reports greatly encouraged the mobs,
thousands of (IreoKs actually believing
that they would soon be joined by Am
erican murines.
"It is with joy that wc hear of the
impronchinir arrival of the great Amer
ienn fleet," said one of the newspapers
circulated by the royalists. "It brings
relief in the midst of our torments. Am
erica resents the sorrows of the Greek
people and doubtless will proclaim her
reproof in a vice that will resound
across the sen. ' '
The crowd that visited the American
legation to present an appeal for Amer
ienn intervention, learned that these re
ports were ill-founded nnd tho news
th read throughout Athens.
Draw Near Peronne.
Paris, Oct. 10. French troops drew
closer to Peronne in Inst night's 'fight
ills', making further progress between
LaMaisonette nnd Biaches in heavy
It'll soon be time fer tli family t',1t also a alight decrease in value for
gather around th fireside, but we donbt !the same reason. Sheep and goats de
if it gathers. It 's purtv hard t ' be neu- creased in number !., but increased
tral since kraut has jumped f 15 cents 'n value $1020. due to the high price of
pe quart.
I fighting south of the Pomine, it was of-
! ficinlly announced today.
! North of tho river the French main
j tained all yesterday's gains, despite
several German counter attacks. The
newly-won positions at Snilly-Saillosel,
now entirely in the hands of the French
i were consolidated during the night.
British Moke Gains.
Berlin, Oct. 10. The British made
gains north of Eaucourt-L'Abbaye ana
. Uuedecourt in yesterday's fighting and
the French nt Snilly and also between
Biachcs and LaMaisonette, but the al
lied victories did not compensate them
I for their heavy losses, the war office an
nounced today.
On tho Hussian front heavy fighting
continues, tub Germans took eucu..,
trenches north of (Siniawka.
(Successful fights aro in progress ii.
the Transylvania passes leading into
Rumanians Victorious.
Bucharest, Oct. 19, Rumanian troops
have won a victory over the Austro
Germnns south of Kronstadt, driving
the enemy back from the Predenl pass
region and across the Transylvaninn
frontier, it was officially announced
tins nrternoon. In Bran Defile, ground
lias neen gained.
A second Teutonic army that invaded
Rumania through the Trotus valley was
j attacked and forced to retire, the Ru
manians destroying 12 cannon nnd talk
ins (iOO prisoners. Near Goiasa the en
emy -was surprised and CUO prisoners
taken, besides several machine guns,
j In the Uzul enemy attacks were re-
puiseu anu. a nosine column advancing
toward tho fccara Pass was stopped.
Italians Push Ahead.
Rome, Oct. 19. Despite the inclemen
I wenthcr. the Italians, continue to push
tneir new orrensive toward Trieste. It
was estimated today that the Austrinns
have lost 40,000 in killed, wounded and
captured since tho offensive began.
Pc!k Land Values
Show a Decrease
. Dallas, Or., Oct. 19. County Asses
sor F. K. Meyer has completed a sum
mary of the assessment rolls of Polk
county for 1910. There is a loss of
$83r,5i: in land values in the year,
owing to a withdrawal of 37,309 acres
of O. & O. land from assessment. There
is, however, a gain in value of $5200
in deeded lands. Tho total number of
acres assessed is 429.999.4.'5,"'of which
134.478.08 arc tillable and 290.520.77
nre non-tillnb'e. There is a loss of $19,
970 in merchandise stocks nnd a gain
of !i54S.' in farm implements, indicat
ing that the farmers are more prosper
ous than the merchants. There are 259
less horses in the county than last year,
due, no doubt, to the large number that
were sold for the European war.
There are 1033 more ca'tle, but a
slisht decrease in value, due to bad
condition on March 1, because of the
sovere winter A rain of 34G swine,
1 number 763 and are valued at $9145.
wwi uu uiwu.u. ' ' '
Portland, Or., Oct. 19. Flour
on the Portland market will go
up 20 cents tomorrow morning
it was announced today. This
will bring patent flour to
07.40. -
Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 19. Charging
her husband with being overly saving,
that he lived on four cents a day and
used a limb of a tree for a crutch, al
though he was worth $200,000, Mrs. Sa
rah Hancock Loudon was today suing
James A. Loudon for divorce.
Commercial Club Hears Rea
sons Why It Should Be
Built Other Business
A municipal dock for Salem U il.o
latest undertaking of tho Commercial
Following tho address of Captain A.
W. Graham in which 1m ant fiiti.
advantages of a municipal dock for tho
tuy, u committee was appointed con
sisting of Paul Wallace, U. G. Holt and
Dan J. Frav to wait on th,. ,.itv- .,,.
cil with the suggestion that $5,000 be
uiciuucii in tne Dudget for 1917. This
sum Captain Graham said would build
a dock of sufficient size for the river
business of Salem.
Before the comiiiittpn nrriv.i.1 at n..
city hall, the council had already pass
ed the budget for 1917 and as a con
sequence, there will be no $5,000 a-
vaiiauie ior tne construction of a city
dock with city money at least not iu
A. W. Graham of Oregon City was
introduced by President Albert' as a
graduate deck hand, captain, manager
and everything else that might be in
cluded in tho management of a boat
iino, tho Oregon City Transportation
Before eottinir an niiiirni.rinli'ni. (mm
congress for tho deepening of the riv-
r, mr. urnnam said it was necessarv
'o show there was already a thriving
business on the river and that the
more tonnage could be shown, the bet
ter were tho chances of getting money
from congress.
Whilo it might be of advantage to
deepen tne river, Mr. Graham said tho
first thin;; was to get an appropriation
"or .he re-construction of part of the
locks nt Oregon City, as at tho time of
vear when there was tho greatest river
raffie, there was only one foot and
n no inches of water at the lower lock.
!Ie claimed there had been a blunder
nade in tho construction of tho locks
nd that engineers had estimated that
S0,000 would be necossary to remedy
he mistake.
To increase river traffic in general.
Mr. Graham said more docks were need
ed up nnd down the river, owned by
'ho different localities. From Portland
'0 Eutfene. a distnnnn nf 171 min.
there was but two municipal docks at
puttcviiie and Wheatland. He believe
it was better for a town to own ;i
own doeitn.
"In Sniem, you nave n rotten antii
mated old dock," said Mr. Graham,
'and this naturally hampers business.
The city should own n good modern
dock. It could be an open dock or we
would lease it."
The best place for a municipal dock
would be at what is known as the old
dock location, between State and Court
The object in building docks along
the river not only in Salem but nt oth
er points was to convince the govern
ment that there was sufficient tonnage
along the river to justify an appropri
ation and if anything was to be done iu
tho Salem dock line, now was tho time
as tho lease of the Oregon Transporta
tion company for the present dock
would expire within a yoar. -
While Mr. Graham estimated that a
dock could bo built for $5,000, Chns. K.
Spaulding and others present were of
the opinion that tho total cost would
probably be nearer $12,00 or $15,000.
President Albert suggested that as a
United States senator would be in town
next week and also a congressman, tho
needs of the Willamette river might be
brought to their attention.
I. Greeubaum reported that the sub
ject of street lights had been presented
to the city council and that he hoped
for favorablo action.
F. O. Deckebach, as chairman of a
committee on river improvement said
that before presenting the matter of
an appropriation for deepening the
river, the rivers and harbor committee
must be shown there already was a
considerable tonnage on the river and
that a municipal dock was one of the
things needed. As for terminal rates,
he thought these could be secured if it
could be shown there was an open chan
nel from Salem all year.
Geo. F. Rodgcrs asked that his com
mittee be empowered to continue nn
educational campaign showing that Sa
lem was facing an industrial crisis and
that the city was threatened with the
loss of several of its manufacturing en
terprises. Mr. Kodgcrs is chairman of
the $250,000 guarantee committee.
W. M. Hamilton, as chairman of a
committee to report progress of the
(Continued on page six.)
Jam On Street Along Which
He Passed Almost Blocked
Advance -
Trip Through Indiana Was
One Long Ovation, Chicago
Capped It
By Robert J. Bender.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Chicago, Oct. 19. President Wilson
arrived at the New York Central sta
tion nt 1:05 p. m. todav. Enormous
crowds met the train and surged
through tho station cheering loudly as
the president and his party left the
train. Thousands lined tho streets to
see the president pass on his way to the
Blackstone hotel. After a short rest
at the hotel ho left for tho Press club,
where ho is to speak at a luncheon. I
i.n route from the Blackstone hotel
to the Press club, where he was to be a
luncheon guest, the president again re
ceived a great ovation from people lin
ing uotn sides oT the street. In some
pluces tho jam threatened to block hisi
advance entirely. Windows of the large'
stores in the Loop district bulged with
people and from one building hundreds
of tiny flags were dropped down on him
as he passed.
The president was enthusiastically re
ceived by a select but small crowd 'l hut
occupied every available seat in the
Press club lounging room where tho
was luncheon wis served. '
Mrs. Wilson accompanied tho presi
dent. She was dressed in purple, wore
bluck furs and a large black picture
hat and a corsage bouquet of purple vio?
Towns Out to See Him.
Soiit Bend, Ind Oct. 19. Enormous
(Continued on page two.)
Colonel Teddy Heckled
by Crowd Quits Talking-
Gets One
By J. P. Yoder
(United Press staff correspondent)
Aboard Roosevelt's Train, St. Louis,
Mo., Oct. 19. With tho Kentucky
mountain district and its eventful day I
behind him, Colonel Roosevelt is speed
ing across Missouri nnd Kansas today
to the scenes of his "short grass' range
riding days.
While tho colonel ostensibly is out to
mnko votes for Republican "('undidute
Hughes, he does not intend to spend nil
his time playing politics whilo in Phoe l
nix, Ariz., and Albuquerque, N. M.,
where he speaks Saturday and Monday,'
respectively, lie is looking forward to i
meeting some of his old plniu pals.
And if the colonel keeps nil the dates
with gun fighting cowboys who knew'
him in the old ranch days who havej
wired him to be sure and visit tliein.j
this trip wont end when its expected to.
Jlierc are two men, however, who
have wired Roosevelt they will meet
him eithur nt Phoenix or Albuquerque.
One is Seth Bullock, who used to sit be
hind tho colonel at political meetings!
with a pair ot loaded Colls in his hands
"to keep the audience attentive."
The other is Jim Davis, whose left
ear "wus bit off by a gentleman in an
argument. "
Is Badly Disgruntled
Roosevelt admittedly is glad to get
out west. It has been four years since
ho did any western traveling. Then,
too, bis day yesterday was not all beer
and skittles. Besides the wrecked
freight train ahead of his special, which
delayed him two lioitrs, the engine
pulling his car broke down six times.
The last time was at Livingston. There
was a crowd at the station calling for
him. HCwas greeted with shouts of
" Woodrow Wilson! Woodrow Wilson"
as he started to speak. Finally the
heckling plainly nettled the colonel and
unable to get well started, he shouted
at the men, "that's right; shout for
Woodrow Wilson tf you're too proud to
fight nnd if the Lusitonia sinking
doesn't make your blood corpuscles
shout," Siid he went inside to speak no
more until he reached Louisville for his
first big address of the trip.
Corbin Welcomes Hint
Excepting Louisville, Roosevelt got
his best reception at Corbin. Despite a
downpour several thousand mountain
folk, who could get a job any time
suping as a mob in a Belascoesque play,
all but tore' Roosevelt 's arm from his
shoulder joints shaking hands with him.
The colonel said that , Corbin crowd
36th Session of Farmers'
. National Congress Em
phatic in Indorsement
Admire His Work which Kept
Nation Honorably at Peace
During Trying Times
Indianapolis, lad., Oct. 19. Indors
ing in tho most emphatic language Pres
ident Wilaon's foreign policy and ap
plauding his courage and patriotism,
tho Farmers' National congress of tho
United States, in its thirty sixth annual
session, fast night telegraphed hearty
congratulations to the president, ex
pressing tho profound gratitude and ap
preciation of this important body for
the successful efforts of tho president
in "keeping tho nntioii honorably at
peace during one of the most trying
periods of its history."
The organization also expresses ap
precintion of the administration's con
structive nnd effective legislation en
acted for the benefit of the farmers
of America.
Wilson Sends Greetings
Tho president, unnblo to attend, sent
assistant secretary of agriculture Carl
Vrooninn to "Convey to you my per
sonal greetings and assurauces of sym
pathy and good will. The loyal and" ef
fective support which has been given
oy your organization to furthor the
passage of legislation in the'intercst
of the farmer during the present ad
ministration is most sincerely appre
ciated." To the president's telegram the con
gress today sent this reply:
"Your inessugo of good will to the
Farmers' Nntiounl congress of the
United States has been received with
great enthusiasm. This congress nt its
thirty fifth annual session at Omaha,
(Continued ou page three.)
Warm Greeting
was the most picturesque he ever ad
dressed. And they were. Some had left
their mountain fastnesses for the first
time in three or four years and had
walked or ridden horseback or miiln
back, mostly mules, from ten to forty
miles "to see Teddy."
One grizzled old man, who was ob
viously a stranger to 1110 civilization,
persistently yelled, "Where's Teddy;
1 want to see Teddy," until finally
Roosevelt interrupted his speech to say
"well, my friend, taue a look. I'm
Teddy." And then the old chap refus
ed to let the colonel continue his
speech until he had gripped the colon
el's hund.
The Louisville nffuir was something
like Fourth of July used to be before
safety first propaganda dumpened gun
powder. There was enough explosive
wasted in red fire, sky rockets, roinau
candles nnd noisy bombs to huve furn
ished tho allies with powder for a
thrcchour-drum fire boinbnrdincnt. But
for all the fireworks there were num
erous very numerous Wilson rooters at
Phoenix Hill auditorium, where the col
onel sKiko to 4,000. They started heckl
ing from the beginining and only quiet
ed when he pleaded for "a square deal
and ns much of a monologue as possi
ble." Points to Himself
Persistent heckling Inter in his speech
brought the retort, "I'm coming back
to' you, to give you a chance to cheer
when I tell you nbout how women
were ravaged and American men mur
dered during tho Wilson administration
because there were men like you in
charge at Washington."
"Eat 'em up, Teddy," several yell
ed and he answered, "I will if he
gives me half a chance."
in his speech ut Louisville Roosevelt
scored the Adomson bill as "bun
combe," and contrasted its passage
with the action he took when the Louis
ville and Nashville, road threatened to
reduce wages when he was president of
the United States.
"I got the low from my attorney
general," said Roosevelt, "and told
the Louisville and Nashville folk I 'd
act under the newly enacted Krdinan
law. The iouisville and Nashville came
around and didn't reduce wages."
Tho case just mentioned was brought
to Roosevelt's attention today by H.
II. Seavy, a locomotivie engineer, who
shone in the Corbin spotlight as the
colonel's introducer there.
Democratic President WU-
son scheduled for three speeches
in Chicago Thursday and leaves
for Shadow Lawn after his
night speech at tne Stock Yards
Socialist Allen L. Benson
will speak Thursday night in
San Diego, Cal.
Prohibitionist J. Frank Han-
ly will speak at Cleveland,
Ohio, Thursduy night, after
campaigning in the state dur-
' ing the day
Republican-Charles E. Hughes
' is in Michigan Thursday and
will . make a night speech at
Youngstown, Ohio, boforo go-
ing to his home in New York
to rest.
Allaunia of 13,405 Tons Lost,
Had No Passengers, Most
of Crew Saved
New York, Oct. 19. The Cunnrd
line steamer Allaunia struck a mine
early today in the English channel and
sank, the Cuuard offices announced
hero this afternoon. Thore wero no
passengers aboard, all of thorn having
been landed. A majority of the crew
were saved-
The cablograra to the New York Cun
nrd office follows:
"Alnunia struck a mino in tho Eng
lish channel this morning and sank dur
ing tho forenoon. Denison and major
ity of the crew saved. Somo missing."
The liner left Now York for Falmouth
and London with 200 passengers aboard
Officials hero said all hor passengers
had been landed at Falmouth and shu
was proceeding on her way to London
wnen she struck tne mine.
The cablegram received here stated
that Captain H. M. Denison and a ma
jority of the orew were saved.
The Alaunia was armed for defense
against submarines, but she carried no
war munitions.
Tho Alnunia displaced 13,405 tons.
Sho was 520 feet long and built in
Money Abundant
In Northwest Says
Leading . Banker
rrotlnnd, Or., Oct. 19. "You can
snfely sny that business and financial
conditions in the Pacific! northwest are
improving every duy, and are now
quite good.
These words are those of A. L. Mills,
president of tho First Nntiounl Bunk.
Some time ngo 1 made tho asser
tion that business was much better iu
tho Pacific northwest," says Mr. Mills,
"and X nm more convinced or it toilay
than ever before.
"There haB never been so much
monev hrnuiltr. into thin unction from
the outside world as during recent
months. Our wheat is selling at the
highest price known, we had a very
big crop of it; oil farm products are
commanding good prices nnd taking all
lines into consideration, 1 sco not the
slightest cniisc of compluint.
"The banks nre overflowing with
money. Our deposits nro tho greatest
since the bank was organized nnd we
are willing, no, anxious, to put it into
circulation. Any business man who hns
legitimate need for money can get it
in uliuuiliince; the more ho needs and
takes the better lor us. Wo nre turning
no one down who hns tho slightest ex
cuse to secure credit.
"Our vaults aro full of gold, and we
nro trying to discover places where it
can bo put nt a profit. We want to
loan money to business interests, not
only for the good it will do business
geiierully, but for our own sake. A
bank does not want to keep money in
its vaults. It must loan it to make
money for its stockholders.
"Our country is getting more pros
perous every day, und tho outlook is
even better' for the future."
Hrooks, Or., Oct. 19. Firo destroyed
the A. M. Bolter form houso Wednes
day, with all its contents. Among the
furnishings were many valuuble paint
ings and a piano valued at $1000, one
of tho first brought around tho Horn.
The insurance lapsed one day before the
fire. Mrs. Bolter was visiting in Port
lnnd and her husbnnd made a kitchen
fire and was some little distance from
the houso before tho blaze was discov
ered. Frank lVoltcr, a brother, who is
an engineer on the Southern Pacific,
had just pushed F. A. Krixon's automo
bile off the crossing at Chomawa and
was already considerably upset, so that
when ho saw his old home in ruins as
he passed on his engine ho almost col
lapsed. A bulletin issued recently by the Uni
ted States department of agriculture,
states emphatically that the fascinating
inia nttnni whpnt which has been found
In three-thousand-year-old mummy cases
is aoBuru.
Storm Warnings Displayed in
Lake Region and Along
Atlantic Coast
While Gale Was Terrific Along
Gulf Coast Little Damage
Was Done
Washington, Oct. 19. The -weather
bureau today posted storm warnings as
rapidly as possible around the lakes re
gion and the Atlantio coast. The gulf
storm of yesterday now centers in In
diana, moving northeastward with less
violonce, "but this will increase," the.
bureau predicted
Snow was reported as far south as
Kauaas. Wyoming reported eight de
grees above zero.
Snowstorm In Middle West.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 19. A heavy enow
storm held all of tho middle west in its
icy grip this morning. From Wyoming
eastward into Iowa storms were raging
with no prospect of lotting up until ev
ening. Practically no part of the middle
west escaped and the weather bureau
predicted that several inches of snow
would be on the ground before night.
Storm Damage Light.
New Orleans, La-, Oct. 19. Reports
today from Mobile and Pensaeola said,
the total damage in both cities from yes
terday 's hurricane would not be mor
thnn $250,000. One person killed by
lightning at Mobile and another drown
ed at Pensaeola comprises the death list.
At Mobile two boats were sunk, three
dumnged and six driven nshnro. One
was sunk nnd four driven ashore at Pen-"
sacolu. It iB estimated the damage in
tho entire storm-swept region would not
go beyond half a million dollars.
Earthquake Was Harmless.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 19. Only Blight
damage broken windows and chimneys
wus reported todny as tho result of an
enrthqunko that rocked Oeorgiu, Tennes
sco, part of Kentucky and eastern Ala
bama Into yestorday. Three shocks were
felt in Birmingham, two elsewhere- Near
panics resulted in many cities.
Some Shipping Damaged.
Mobile, Ala., Oct. 10 A small amount
nf shipping dnmaged, some wreckage of
property and tho death of one negress,
today constituted the total damage from
yesterday's hurricane.
Fifteen thousand dollars is the esti
mated damage between Fort Morgan
nnd Mobile, the storm center.
Shipping, warned in advance, hail
sought safety. Put tho Portuguese bark
Porto Para went ashore, the river steam
er Charles May was sunk, together with
the three masted schooner W. H. Daven
port and a number of launches- A ne
gress died from electrocution by a dang
ling wiro.
Tho dumngc in the city was small,
considering tlint the hurricane reached
a 100 mile velocity.
Piirt of the Mobile and Ohio train
sheds wero wrecked and a two ton sec
tion of a fruit Bhed was hurled 300 feet.
Worst Gale Known.
Pensaeola. Fla., Oct. Ill Whipped anil
torn by one of the worst hurricane
n its history, Pensaeola found touay
numerous cases of persons injured anil
many buildings unroofed.
The storm tore away the weather Bu
reau instrument tower, wrecked the
Louisville and Nashville grain elevator.
toro off the railroad warehouse roor
and ruined severnl thousand dollars
worth of goods inside.
Tho tug Flanders tried to cross the
bay durinir the worst of the storm but
capsized. All tho crew reached shore
safely except the cook.
The root stock of the mandrake, that
weed which will grow anywhere, and
which is usunlly so little appreciated
by farmers is much iu demand by bo
tauicnl druggjsts.
Oregon: Fair
tonight and Fri
day; winds most
ly easterly.