Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 18, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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For Good Goods Go to Meyers, Salem's Big Dept. Store
Warmth and Comfort for the Boy in
one of these
"Xtra Good" Brand Overcoats
New pinch back: models that . v.iil
please in all respects. You'll make
no mistake in choosing one of these.
We also show an excellent, assort
ment of BOYS' MACKINAWS, in
sizes up to. twenty years.
Flannel Shirts for Men and Young Men
An excellent cold weather garment;
several weights: grays,' blue,
brown, tan, olive
gray. Priced
New showing of Knitted Scarfs and Tarns in
desirable and attractive color combinations. Sold
in sets or separately. (Ready-to-wear section.)
Special Sale Prices on Children's Coats This Week
(Ready-to-Wear Section)
Onyx Hosiery
fs jJi )(c )(t sfc 8c it iff ifc ifc it ic sft it
llert Silver of Albany is in tho city.
K. J, Chirk of Astoria wits in the
city yesterday.
Judge William Galloway went to Al
bany this morning.
Harry Gulo, of Han Vrnncisco, is visit
ing relatives in the city.
Dean Gii-aid wns a Salem visitor yes
terday from lndeendeiiee.
E. F. Carletou was registered yester
day at the Seward hotel, Fort land'.
Sirs. M. E. Drcyiimii was ia Portland
yesterday, registered at the Seward.
R. V. Jameson -of Astoria was reg
istered at the Itligh hotel yesterday.
George C. L. Snyder is homo, after
living in Marshfichl about three weeks.
Paul Stege, John Uraher and P. K
Fullerton returned last evening from a
hoit fishing trip at Tillamook.
Mrs- C. O. Constable and two daugh
ters left this morning for au extended
visit in southern California.
A. A. Ferris, special agent of the Pro
tectors I'nderwriters, with offices in
tVf fS or tsu?j
MrTT"IT I 1 1 Tl IWir I 111 1 fc" - irwBBLm
' '
f 4il-
( JtmlHMkuy
f-:'zcr. We can't give you new
Let us help you to see as you used to see possi
' bly as you never saw before.
Miss Ai McCulloch, Optometrist
208-209 Hubbard Building
Stunning New Suits and Coats
in the popular style effects and
fabrics for this season. Choose
from the largest and best
selected stock in this section
and your satisfaction will be
light mottle
$1.50 and up
Butterick Patterns
If your spine is right, you arc right.
Those who have tried every old method
and found no relief should try Chiro
practic nii.l get well. .Many hundreds
of grateful patients in Snlem mid else
where enn substantiate my statements.
Six adjustments will be given for tho
small fee of $".00. Difficult cases,
which require X-ray examinations ami
Spiiiographs can obtain them at a nom
inal fee. Only expert Spinograph work.
A talk with the old Chiropractor may
lead you to health and happiness; act
now. ,
P. H. MAY, D. C,
Hubbard Building Phone 672
: Portland, is in the city on company busi-
1.. P.. Tierney, traveling passenger
'agent for the Great Northern railway,
with offices in Portland, is in tho city
on company business.
Rev, Arthur Leonard Wadsworth, of
South Pasadena, Oil., is in the city for
a few days attending the Oregon Bap
tist convention nnd the Young People's
convention, 5lr, Wadsworth is field ed
itor of the Pacific Baptist, Me Minn
villi. Ore., and Jilso field secretary Pa
cific coast convention of Baptist Young
People's societies.
The Salem high school football team
isn't exactly figuring on carrying
away inuiiv games at the heuiiiniiiir of
the season, twt there is only ono man on
the team who was on the first team one
;yenr ago. Captain (ieorgo White has
I tho distinction of being the only old
I line player on the team but as there is
I an abundance of good material to work
ion, he hopes to whip liis ambitious foot
i ball stars into an aggressive lot of play
jers before the season is haif over. Sat
. unlay they will play tlielr second game
of the season w ith the Newberg high
'school player at Newberg. They didn't
have much luck last Saturday with the
Jefferson high school team.
eyes, but we can make your
old ones as good as new
with a pair of our carefully
fitted glasses. We under
stand eyes and glasses; our
business is to fit the one
with tho nthoi
Phone 109 1
AH Around Town
. !
Oct. IS. Monthly meeting of
Commercial. Club.
October 17-20. Bantut state
convention, Salem.
Oct. 21 LaBt day for registra
tion. October 23. Senator Chamber-
Oet. 24. Address by Senator
lain at (Ira ml Opera House.
Oct. 30. First annual meeting
of Salem Floral Society at
Commercial Club.
November 6. City primary
November 7. Presidential elec
tion. Nov. 10. Victoria Grand Opera
Concert, 11 Trovatorc, at Pub
lic Library.
Xov. IS. Football, Willamette
University vs. Pacific Uni
versity, Willamette Field.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flte glass
a correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bid.'.
Chas. B. Hodgkln, general insurance,
301 Hubbard building. Phone 3S0.
C. E. Ross, an attorney of Silverton,
was in Snlem yestordajy transacting
business in the county recorder's of
fice, lie returned yesterday afternoon.
Drink Cereo, the liquid food, the
health drink. Ask your grocer. - tf
See the Sonora Talking Machine at
Miss Kuowland's, 421 Court.
Miss Wilda Horning, of Corvallis, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence 0. Ilicltox, 31.") South Fif
teenth street. She arrived Sunday and
will be in Salem about a week.
Frederick S. Lamport, lawyer, has
moved to Xo. 212-13, Hubbard bhlg. tf
, Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses.
The McMinnville male chorus, who
will give half an hour program this ev
ening at the First Baptist church, will
sing at the banquet to be given the men
of the convention at the First Proshy-
! terian church this evening at 5:30
! o'clock-
Dr. F. H. Thompson now specializes
:.. ...... -...1 I. ...... .ll.t 13n.,b
ill i-ui, nr, iiiwu uuu imuui, t.-i .Hi"" j
of Commerce bhlg. oet21 1
Dr. Stone maes no charge for con
sultation, examination, or prescription.
The latest additions to the society of
Ford drivers are as follows: U. G. Holt,
B. C. Durdnll, J. R. Linn, John X. Dav
is, Otto Kubin, nil of Snlem: Willinm
Nicholls, of (Sorvnis; J. W. Schif error,
of Turner, anil the following living on
rural routes out of Snlem: C. A. Van
Cleave, route Xo. 0; Carl Gibson, route
No. 3; C. A. Wilson, route Xo. 7; Roy V.
Itoniart, route Xo. 1, and R. II- Scott,
i out o Xo. 1.
Chicken pie supper Cen. Cong'l
church Wed. eve, Oct. IS. Prices 15c1
ami 30c, Oct 17
Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, inflamed,
bleeding gums nnd pvoriiiea. 41li V. S.
Bank bhlg. Phone ISO.
The greatest entertainment the Elks
have ever hud for many a month will
be given at the lodge rooms following
the regular session Thursday evening.
The lodge will convene at S o'clock and
as soon as the business of the evening is
attended to, which is expected to be
about an hour's session, the entertain
ment will begin. It will require about
an hour and a half to put on the pro
gram prepared by the entertainment
The Modem Shoe Repair Co. is now
located at 404 Court St., 2 doors west
of old stand. Opposite Wells Fargo Co.
lieservations for season tickets to the
lycor.tn course at the armory next Sat
urday 8 a. m.
Frank Ford, brother of Til Ford, well
known Snlem capitalist, was arrested
yesterday by Constable L K. Cooper on
a charge of assault with a dangerous
weapon preferred by Albert F. Jairl,
"who was an employe of Ford until hist
Saturday. The cause of the action was
the shooting by Ford at the person of
Jairl Sunday night at the Ford home
north of the city. Ford will appear in
Justice Webster's court Thursday morn
ing at 10 o'clock for arrignment.
' All Modern Woodmen and members
of Foresters team ere requested to be
present Oct. 10, 1010. Special initiation
work. octlS
About a week ago thieves with an
apparent liking for canned f rnit entered
the nasement or tne u it. trnter resi
dence, at Seventeenth and D streets and
carried away some 30 quart jars of
fruit. Some" of the fruij was on shelves,
some packed away in boxes, and the
thieves in order to get a complete as
sortment took some from each place.
Mrs. Suter heard the jars "clink" anfl
proceeded to investigate but by the
time she reached the basement the
thieves had vanished with their plunder.
: AVe wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for the manr kindnesses
shown during our recent bereavement
iu the death of our husband and fath
er, Dr. J. H. Brewer.
Mrs. M. K. Brewer,
Dr. C. 11. Brewer.
Jos. II. Brewer.
Geo. H. M. Brewer,
Journal Want Ad Get Besults.
A small regiment of decorators are
j working in the trendies arranging ev
ergrecn and autumn loaves for dance
at armory Thursday night.
. Why break your back peering into a
low oven! Oct Cole's High . Oven
Range. It makes your work easy. K. L.
Stiff & Son.
Under the auspices oi me Salem Y
51. and Y. W. C. A. Dr. A. L. Hutchison,
pastor of the Piedmont Presbyterian
church, Portland, will give a series of
lectures at the First Presbyterian church
beginning Monday, October 23 and ex
tending over until Friday, October 27.
The following subjects will be the topic
of the lectures: Monday, "The Com
ing Order of Units in the Unfoldment
of Prophecy;" "The Times of the Gen
tiles Man's Day;" "Wednesday, "The
Jew in History and Prophecy;" Thurs
day, "Was the War Inevitablet" and
Friday, "Will There Be World Peace,
When and Howt" These meetings arc
not planned to be evangelistic but arc
primarily Bible studies.
'a demonstration of Golden West cof
fee is being held at Wcstacott ami
Thielsen's grocery. You arc cordially
invited to come in and have a free sam
ple of this excellent coffee.
James Sykes waB arrested yesterday
by Constable K. K. Cooper on a charge
of assault and battery preferred by 5! ax
K. J. Raabe. It appears in the complaint
that Sykes nttacked with his hands and
beat up Rabbe- The matter in dispute
was payment for the keep of a dog. Ac
cording to the story told the constable,
Sykes went to the country recently and
left a dog in Ranbe's care and he al
leged that Kaabe did not tar.e care of
the Biiiniiil but allowed it to get away
so that when he returned he had to hunt
it. Now Sykes declnres Baabe wants
money for the keep of the dog and he
refuses to pay. The trial will be held in
Justice Webster's court Thursday, Oc
tober 19.
Season tickets to the lyceiun course
are transferable, tl for $1. On sale at
music stores.
Here is another sad story for the
good housekeeper. Flour advanced 10
cents a hundred pounds this morning
at all the grocery stores and the
economical housekeeper who was try
ing to make that last sack of flour
last n few days longer will now make
the next purchase at the advanced
price. f tho last scoopfull had been
used iioudny and the purchase made
Tuesday, and if oh well, what's the
use. Even crackers cost wholesale one
cent-more a pound than they did last
week, and five to ten cents was tacked
on ta the price of every cako this
morning by the bakers in the city.
The only way to save or break even is
to cut down on the rations.
A letter has been addressed to Mrs.
5Iary C. Shirley, Xo. 7 West Vautrees
street, Salem, Ore. It was mailed at Sa
lem a few days ago but of course 51 is.
Shirley will not receive the letter as
there is no such street in Salem and
there is no return memo on the upper
left hand comer of the envelope show
ing where to return in case the letter
was not culled for. A letter addressed
to .Mis. Annie 5lcCnfferty has no citv
or state address. 5Iiss Alta Reynolds
will not receive her letter as it is ad
dressed to Moline, Ore., and there is no
such postoffice in the state. A memo
of return in five days if not railed for,
on the upper left hand comer of the
envelope would be appreciated by post
office officials.
Benjamin S. Via candidate at the city
primaries for the office of city record
er, is thoroughly competent to fill the
position. Vote for Via tor cMy record
er. (Paid Adv.)
Members of the Commercial club will
have several reports of interest pre
sented to them this evening, besides
the address of A..W. Graham, manager
of the Oregon City Transportation
company. George F. Rodgers will
make his report on his investigations
regarding the industrial guarantee
fund and Charles V. Galloway will re
port on the measures taken to prevent
ruilwav strikers. V. G. Deckebach will
tell of what has been done for better
transportation on tne vwiianiette river
and Jsadore Greenbnum will report on
what progress has-been made ia the
wav of installing street signs iu Snlem.
Dr. U. It. Oliuger will give hio report
on the advisability of installing safety
devices at the railway crossing and W.L.f the Enworth Lea sue of the First
II. Hamilton will disclose some inter- Methodist church, uiiiler wnose mis- with tne decision not to elect new or
esting information regarding the long I j,ices the entertainment was given. The fibers for the coming year but to retain
looked for new Southern Pacific depot. ! performers were Tom Ordemann. popu-l those already in office, Mrs. Edith Dnrr
o lur Salem vocalist, nccoinpanied by ns president and Mrs. Harriett C. Loon
The Booth orchestra will play rorijiiss Wood at rhe piano; .miss r.nza
the dinner dance at Hotel Marion Pri-i.th Levy, violinist, accompanied by
day, Oct. 20. A dainty course dinner iiisg uertrude Enkin, pianist; Gnstav
will be served at 7 p. m. Music 7:30 to Anderson, reader and impersonator, and
10:30. $1.00 per cover. j Eva L. Scott, who gave several read
Rov-intr and wrestling classes at the
Salem Y. M. O. A. will begin next 5lon- The chess and checker plsyers of Sa
dav and will be given greater atten- ,.m are beginning to feel somewhat rest
tion this year than ever-before, accord- i,.sf, 0Ver the quiet times of the summer
inir to General Secretary Comptoii- The L,.ason and are now preparing for a wiu-
sssociation has been handicapped iu this
line of activity bv not having an ade -
filiate room and equipment Din now a v-iof y. 1,. Hrnnt at i.ia eroanway nncu
1 .. ii i...i.. . ....i
cont room on tne grounu nour ui wv it was. ueeiaea 10 i-neci u iii
building has been secured and a new J ganizatiou at a meeting called for Fri
mat will be put in and everything made day evening of this week at the office
readv nnd shirishaoe. O. E. Frauzke, a1
former wrestlini champion of the Pa-
cifio coast and the United States, will
have charee of that phase of the aetiv-
lty and secretary. 1.0m pi ou vrai.iri
the boxers. Secretary Compton says ht
does not intend to make the association
a training station for pugilistic or pro
fessional wrestlers but that it is to af
ford opportunity for the young men of
Snlem to have training in sport that is
unequalled for developing strength and
poise. .'
Johnson's Hat Works, phona 1979,
room 4 Ulen hoteL Hats cleaned, block
ed and renovated. llts called for and
delivered. - .... ,
Use the Journal Want Ad Way.
The latest tip from Terpsichore. The
"Two Two" and other! innovations
will be interpreted by 51r, and Mrs.
Harold Grady, Thursday night at ar
mory. Jeff A. Pooler, who was operated on
yesterday in Portland, is reported this
morning to be making a satisfactory
recovery. He was accompanied to Port
land by Dr. H. J. Clements.
One means another and they get bet
ter as you smoke them. llyg?ade Sa
lem's., popular 5 cent cigar.
George C. L. Snyder ia home from
Marshfield after spending a few weeks
in the Coos Bay country. He says it is
some country for farmers and raach
mcn but the climate is not exactly salu
brious for printers. Hence he is back
Other things besides politics claimed
the attention of the young men of Wil
lamette university last evening and the
proposed organization of a Hughes club
did not materialize. A few young men
met at the republican headquarters but
not eiioagh to justify a formal organiza
tion. The Loyal Sons of the First Christian
church at their annual election and bou
quet last evening, elected Robcy S. Rad
clit'f president and Carl Wenger secre
tary. The meeting wns attended by 50
iiiiinihora uf tia n I il as null n I nil a U'nm
members of the class and plans were
discussed for the activities of the class
the coming winter.
r, . C I . , .
Night school at the Capital Business
...nllu.rA urtll kn.rm llmiHnv ..vttnlllfT
October 23. Shorthsnil, bookkeeping,
typewriting, penmanship, spelling, arith
...!. o-i ui. .k...... i, i, i, ..;.,
luetic, etc. The principal will be in his
oince on rr.ciuy anu .luurcuiy mur
i.i.ra In -.,.riui.ir liimila A tl V whn fun
template taking shorthand should be-
gin tho tirst evening.
A former Salem pastor, the Bev- A. L.
Hutchinson, at preseut pastor of the
Piedmont Presbyterian church of Port
land, will begin a scries of lectures in
the city beginning Monday, October 23,ately following the sudden
at the First Presbyterian church. The
muntitirre will ha in fha unv rif ucrmtnr-
al studies and will be held under the
nnunifina ,if tlirt V f H A tlti.l Y W
C. A.
0 - I
The weather was somewhat chilly!
last evening, according to the govern-!
incut's official thermometer, which reg-
istered 37 above as tile coldest for the
night. This thermometer is enclosed in
a box and protected from the wind
Hence an energetic thermometer,
placed in the open might have register
ed a few points lower.
Members of the Central Congrega-
tional church, located at -Nineteenth ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George w .
and Ferry streets, will give a chicken ; shnw, long time residents of that see
pie supper this evening from 5:30 un-jtion. The young couple will make their ;
til .S o 'clock. The ladies of the church ; home in Aberdeen, Wash. ;
guarantee a genuine chicken pie of the; , - - -,-.,-..-,-
home. made varietv. The dinner is given
to raise funds to help in paying for "- a i-eceut graduate of the O eg n
the work of remodeling that has recent-! Agricultural college, has been appoint-,
ly been done on the church. ' . "
o Ipartment. Superintendent Tilling mst . The Musicians' Association of Salem
Half a century from now the oldest1 reports that .the number in the wiiooi .. 11Bkillg ,.,.,,,, )(lr ils .,llnu;l
inhabitant will tnlk of the fall of HUH this year is practically tne same as ,,.,. , i,.,.,, t . llr;m,rysomo
in Salem when it did not ram for -10 i last year. 'time in December. Last vcar at tho
days or more. Today makes the 30th
day of drought in this section of the
vt liinineite vuney. ine nisi ruin was on
September !) when there was a precipita-
tion of M of an inch. Since then there;
wns . trace of moisture .in Mniulnv ,,f !
lhe last rain was on
t,,t.. f.iir week i.n.l three hnn.l .-el i lis iVi
nil inch on October 3. During this 3!) I
day;; of drought, the wind has been 22 j
davs from the south.
Corporal A. E. Houston, Cook Harry
Plant and Privates I.n.i.suuborg and
Hugh Martin, member, of Company M s
rifle team for l!ll(, left Salem yeslerdny
for Clackamas, where they will repre
sent the compuny at the state shoot,
which is held there this week. Mem
bers of the rifle team of Company I.,
of Dallas, were in Snlem yesterday on
their way to the shoot. The Dallas
tenia is composed of the following: Ser
geant Syron, Quartermaster Sergeant
Himes, Corporal Robb, nnd Privates
Helgersou and William Dennis.
. The class in psychology at the Uni
versity of Oregon will visit the state
institution for the Feeble Minded Fri
day for au examination of the patients
there. The class will be under tho di
rection of one ot the psychology pro
fessors of the university. This is the
first time a class has come from the
University of Oregon although classes
in psychology from the state Normal,
sojioo! at Monmouth and troni some or
the high schools have visited the in-
I stitu,jon
Several Salem people gave an enter -
tuinment at the state Tuberciilosisl Irving Shepurd and llcury Davis, fresh
sunatariuni Tuesday evening that was, men.
ni.nrei-inted very mucli. bv the patients. 0
Two of the ent'ertiiiners were members!
' ter season of contests. A meeting wasjening, to succeed Krnest Blue who has
jheld a few eveuings ago at the home gone to Alaska. George Irn.ier wns
of the Bracer "truit company. All '
.All who
re interested in chess and checkers are
, requested to tittend and assist in pre -
Iparine for a hard winter's campaign.
Miss Margaret Roberts, of Danville,
Kentucky, who is one of the three new
teachers' at the state school for the
deaf who assumed their duties at the
beginiuing of the fall school term. Miss
Roberts is an exeieiieed tencher and
has had special training in both the
Pennsylvania and Mass ac husetts
schools. She will take chnrge of the
primary department and the training
of other teachers. 5llss Inez I.accy,
who comes from Texas, is also an ex
perienced teacher .for thedeaf and she
will have charge of the advanced oral
class. Miss Jean Ketchum, of fVlepend-
Advance Recently 25 Per
Cent and Another Like
Raise Looked For
Xew York, Oct. IS. While an in
crease . in the price of foodstuffs
amounting to 23 per cent picked the
pockets of Xew Yorkers today, many
grocers predicted another 2" per cent
increase, which, will make many staple
articles luxuries by spring. The war
is blamed.
The allies are willing to pay such
high prices for food that wholesalers
ship abroad, the grocers declare.
' A short crop also is playing havoc in
the prices and Canada's participation
in the war is having its effect, for
that British possession is sending all j
its Burplus to teed tne great armies.
High prices paid to laborers in muni
tion plants arc taking men from the
farms and farmers are forced to pay
higher prices to harvest their crops,
Spc(.uintorl, ulso are helping boost
I . so
prices, tne growers say,
Even pence would not help much,
dealers declare,-for the shortage in
production iu this country, they be-
u , b ,he ,01nil1ullt
( . '
i iacior.
Russian wheat .would be released if
peace came, they say, but it would not
affect other commodities. Kvl'n fish,
. , ,,pvoml
i ""I""1'-
These dealers declare the only soln-
tionof the problem lies in action by
the government.
Bread Goes Up a Cent.
Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. IS. Iinmedi-
, whoat prices, bakers here slapped nu-
other cent Oil tllO Uriel Of brOlld. The
j farailv loaf now costs eight cents.
At the I'nited Evangelical parsonage,
Wednesday morning, October IS, 1010.
; Mr. George Ivan Lawrence and Miss
Om S. Slniw. bothWjf Brooks, were unit
ed in marriage by the pastor, Rev.1 Guj
T? Stover. The croom is a well known
resident of Brooks and the bride the
i"i""i ,i r thn
.ward D; Ba XZLJ Zl
.- ., f.,,.. ..,..,.,.
"ritten to Ronald I . Mux cr ii
to f n re, ,l,li run s, iker w
Senal or Jones, a lepu bin an spiaai i , in
h'C in Salem October 24.
The meeting of the Salem library
inrd which was scheduled tor yester -
dav evening, was not held on account
. . ' - - -il -r
of' the absence from the city of Mrs.
R-g 1, ter 'of
V;'', was to ,1BVe c(),e
the library budget was to have come up ; ( hemnwii, and devoted to the interests
for consideration. i"f Indian education, issued the first
o number of volume 10 under date of
Congressman W. C. Hawley will ; Wednesday, October 11. It is published
probably speak in Snlem heforo the i weekly at t lie Snlem Indian Training
close of the campaign. The date will" school by Harwoud Hall, superinten
be decided bv the conntv central com-j dent. The paper is devoted to the loc;d
niittee and it will probablv be the Fri- i affairs of the Clieinawa students and to
dav or Saturday before 'the general I articles of general information of spa
election cuil interest to the Indian school. Hnr-
0 ! wood Hall, the new superintendent, is
The United States Senators will 1 "e uf i".l't advanced men in the In-
sneak in Salem next week. Senator
hamborlain will appear at the opera
house 51ondav evening the 2.td anil:
" ' , . , f , ,r,i,. i
Senator Lane is lulled tor luesiluv!
i.u .. 1. ,., ; 1,,,. ,,t
evening, although ns et it has not . ,
been announced where the iiddress wilt ;
be given. I
rnier Chemawa students are
e snlem high school- They
Johnson, senior; Florence
md Anna Loft us, juniors;
uer, Nick Orloff, Paul Lip-
I Twelve former
attending the
lore Frank
Thompson nnd
Elwood Tow
hart, Myra Rnuzi and Eva White, soph -
; omores:' .Martha Sprngue, Rose O'Brien
The Degree of Honor closed its an-
inutil convention yesterday afternoon
ev as secretary. The next meeting will
lie held next October in Corvallis. The
convention just closed wns of more than
average interest in many respects not
only from the amount of business trans
acted, but in the entertainments given
the visiting delegates. The daily at
tendance was aboiK 7."i.
Benjamin Brick was elected dicta
tor of the Salem Moose lodge last cv-
elected vice dictator; Junics Jin-obn
inner guard and Tliomus Burlstoii outer;
guard. Installation or the new officers
will take place next Tuesday evening;
when a special biinoiiet ami prourum
..will be prepared.! 'hnrlea Gloss, deputy
'state supreme dictator will alien, I the
! installation exercises anil others of
proniinenee 111 Moose cinlen, ',
Murphy was appointed clmitiniiii of the;
refreshment committee for the even-'
ing and Geo. Slimier, Dr, O, L. Scott'
and Loreu White 011 enteiiiiiiiuient. ,
Mr. Brick sAys that his administration
will be a piogressive one nnd Hint
something will be doing nt all times
and that the regular nici-tiuu iilulilnl
will be made attractive cnotiijh to In -
...... . .i...,., ..,
of them. Iu fact, Mr, llrb k lulet'iiU to
put the Salem Moose ode on the map
during his year as do-tutur,
Journal Want Ad. O.t Be.ulta.
Auction Sale
On Friday, Oct. 20, 191(5, at 1
p. m., at the J. W. 5Ieredith
farm which is located 4 1-2
miles south of Salem on the
Hiver Eond, 5Iarion county, turn
to left at Livesley's; consisting
of Horses, Cows, .1 loiters, Calves,
Buggy, Wagon, Farm Machinery,
15 tons , good Vetch hay, and
other articles. Src bills for par
ticulars. J. O. OEITTON,
Owner. F. N. WOODEY,
Auctioneer, Phone 611
Auction Sale
At . Quick ' F.xclmnge Auction
Market on Saturday, Oct. 21, at
10 a. in. sharp, consisting of 1
o-foot cut 5IcCorniick Mower; 1
lift. Deering Hay Rake; 1 7-ft.
cut McCormick Binder with
tongue truck; 1 3-section lever
Harrow; 1 3-section spring tooth
.Harrow; 1 lil-iii. Oliver Plow; 1
Top Buggy nearly new; 2 log
uing chains; 1 Set Single Har
ness; 1 7-ft. Fern Cutter; 3 other
Plows; 2 Hacks; 1 Spring Wag
on; 2 Delivery Wagons; Horses,
Heavy Harness, etc.
Also at 1:30 p. ill. Household
Furniture 1 Organ, Ranges,
Heaters, etc. Terms will be
given on farm machinery.
Paul Jermain, Owner.
F. N. Woodry, Auctioneer,
Phone 511
Auction Sale
At 2.V) Center street on Monday,
Oct. 23, nt 1:30 p. in., consisting
of House nnd Lot; Chickering
Piano nearly new; and all of
Household Furniture. See Satur
day papers for full particulars.
S. E. Yantis, Owner.
F. N. Woodry, Auctioneer,!
Phone 511 I
Household Furniture. Woodry
the Auctioneer will pay highest
cash price for i-anie. Phone 011.
'annual dunce the orchestra numbered
.t .hi year it is probable that tho
number will lie nnn li larger ami that
! m-nt will be given. Committees have
., ., ,.. . ,, ,
number will be mud larger and that
been appointed ns follows: General, Al
bert Mickelson, John timber and Ivun
' G . .Martin; decorating. W. II. Richie,
: 1 racy Hatch and .Miss Joy liirner;
music, 11. X. Stoudemeycr, llert Rns-
1 ..ll A,:..., M.....1...
sell, Miss MartlmSwart.
The Chemawa American,
! ,'lie,, and devoted to i
printer at
I1!11" 01 ,lu' '.m!ml. '?'"' seining
I ""' tt'l':'. l is probable the gov-
' ' 1 . ' ' 1 , 7. ' ,
torts to bring I liemaHti up to t he s nii'l-
f. 1
aid ot the live other great Indian
' itpllf TAfW V
1 fll L"ijwMi'.l 9 Sim
W 1 1 H
Alf ff?JUUJ.U. Sf 111
J &C aWnrA V
1 i)iy im
fiW .-.
1 mi Hlv
First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar
anteed. Twenty-five years'
experience. Leave orders at
Wylie B. Allen Co., phono 11S7.
Residence phono 1-105.
915 Highland Avenue.
Consisting of FARM STOCK
Thn undersigned auctioneer
l'l'i r -ived instructions from
J. 'O. Gritton to sell at 'public
auction at the J. W. 5leredith
iiirni which is located 4 1-2
Utiles solllll of Snle
Kitlo mud, turn to U'i't at
l,ivolny 'a.
Friday, October 20, 1916
J. O. GlilTTOX. Owner.
F. N. WOODRY Auctioneer.
I 44H4Ti4mm4fmrt