Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 18, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Rate per, word New Today: - ..
Each insertion, . per word .le
On' week ( insertions), per wordfie
One nionLh(20 insertions) per word 17s
Tbe Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one Insertion
for errors in' Classified Advrertisments.
Bead your advertisements the first day
it appears and notify ui immediately
Minimum charge, 13c. " .
TREfiPASS-Notices Tor sale at Jour
nal office. tl
EUEBER Stamps made 103 8. Com)j
- tl
HARRY Window cleaner, rhene 70S.
; ... novl 1
WANTKD 2 experienced ' wood cut
ters. Phone S;SF24. oi'tlS
WE HAVE Baled hay nnd oats for
sale. George S-weigle, Garden road, tf
FOR. RENT 8IGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. tl
GET PRICES On farm sale bills at
The Journal office.
OIL) PAPERS For sale at . Capital
Jorrnal office 10 cents a bundle, tf
GIRL WANTi:i For downstair work
and rooking. Phone tl.'s, oetlil
WANTED Reorders, home cooking.
3G.- X. H'tkh. tf
FURNISHED Apartments, also barn
suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage
GET. YOUR Trespass Notices, new
supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour
nal tf
WOMEN And giris wanted at the
glove factory, 1455 Oak St. Stoady
work. oct21
WANTED To buy good milk, or will
rent, goat. E. Lomley, Snlpin R. 3.
box 144. octlH
FLUFF RUGS Rag rugs and rag ear
pets woven at reasonable prices. Mrs.
Lillio Dcliord, lHiS Currant Ave. ol8
FURNISHED Rooms and hoiisekeep
jr- apartments, rates reasonable
?.ob in, 160 Court. tl
MEN WAXTED In mill, yards and
logging camp. Applv Hammond Lum
ber Co., Mill City, Oregon. oct21
WAXTED Rag cutters nnd shippers,
Btenily work. Call at 402 North Com
mercial St. oct20
l'XK SALE White Leghorn pullets,
six and a half mouths "Id. nnd also
some choice Purred Rocks. 2278 Fair
grounds road. Oct IS
WANTED To buy 6 or 8 choice milk
cows, must be fresh now or soon, none
but parlies owning choice cows need
call. Phono 1431 or 491. . ....... tf
implements nnd stock- at Waeondn.
.Oregon, Thursday Oct. l!Mh. Geo. 11.
Finney, Owner. oetlS
WAXTED Hoard and room, with
heat, for wnuinn, in private family,
can give references. Mis. E. 11. Green
4(il High St. north, Salem, Or. oi-tl!)
TAKEX UP Oct. 1.", red brood sow on
route 7, 2 mi. east of l'air grounds,
nt Morton farm. John Seheffeo. Own
er secure same by paying costs, odd
LOST Tuesday morning, Oct. 17,
Brown Cameo brooch, valued highly
as keepsake, reward for return to
this office. oct21
urday evening, Oct. 21. nt the Hurst
hall on State street. Mrs. V. II. Par
ker, oct IS
PICKED UP One row boat, owner can
have same bv proving propertv nnd
cost of ad. Call 1131 Xorwav St.. I
Geo. Steinkn. oct It,1
FOR SALE Two fine large fresh
cows, Jersey-Durham, Jersey -Guernsey.
First street east, second house
north asylum. . oct 19
MONEY TO LOAN On second hand
men's clothing, jewelry, musical in
struments, tools, guns, etc. Also
bought, .sold' and traded. Capital Ex
change, -337 Court St. Phone 4!;i. nol7
WANTED The best improved 13 or 20
ca,res .that 42000.00 cash will buy.
oon't submit anything : higher than
f that . amount. Ni-utt-V ' Kyuon, 121
. South Liberty, Tel. 0.17. octls
VO IT BALK Or trade, house and two
lots, fruit nnd good well on place,
nenr school. Write owner, box 40,
general -delivery, or call at .134 Co
lumbia street. - oct23
LOST 2 heavy bay horses with halters,
not Shod, one with shaggy mane,
Htnrted toward Salem from Jefferson
Inform the Reaves & Bilyeu garage.
Jefferson. Reward given. OrtIO
FOR RENT Or sale, 5 acre tract, with
good house, barn and other buildings,
suitable 'for chicken ranch, located
south of Salem, about 13 minutes;
walk from ear line. Address A. W.
care Journal. octls
FOR SALE Two Jersey bulls, grand
sons of Golden Glows Chief, one old
enough for light service, nnd one com
ing 1 yr. old in Jan..' 1917. one slight
ly broken color, out of good produc
ing dams; priced reasonable. Regis-'
tered, transferred and pedigree furn
ished. Can also spare a few cows.
Jos. A. Ditter. Atimsville, Ore. in-t2
. Qassified Ads -
Phone 81 Prompt Service
WOOD 'CHOPPER Wnuted." Phone
1322J.. J ... ... . o"ct20
WANTED Man to" odd jobs on
farm. Phone 84F2. .." octlS
call 220 X. Liberty. octiM
W'AXTKi) Pig about 2 mos' old. 0. B.
Rt. 2, box 2. : ' octl?
FOR SALE Household, goods of nil
kinds, cheap. 1547 Center St. ." oetlil
WAXTKD Extra sales people, 270 X.
Com'l St. " oetlO
l'OK SALE At WaeoriuaV "hog sale,
nil week, all sizes, and prices. "Ella
M. Finney. . --.-it: - -. -. ': OctlS
SIX CIUKOPliACTH-- A-diuMinents
worth more. lr. Ma v. Hubbard
bhig. sT- r.-.hr. :BOvl6
WAXTED Experienced 'girl for cooH
ing and downstair .work.-J'hojie, U5S.
PHONE 20ti When you have wood
sawing to be done. All work gufJUr-
teed. ,11111 Koilgers, Salem,- Oi-novl
EXPERIENCED Woman will do wash
ing, ironing. houseoleaning', rooking
and serving a specialty, l'lione 2504
J2. oct21
WANTED TO RENT Furnished small
house or rooms with yard, for winter.
2103 Center St. ' oct 18
FOR SALE Fresh cow and heifer calf,
nnd one fine mare, 5 years obi, Idocky
built, 1200 pounds. 713 South 12th
St., over garage. oct 19
WILL EXCHANGE Equity in hefuse
and store building on 2 lots for un
incumbered close in lot. Address W.
E. care Journal. oct 20
WILL SELL At sacrifice my Salem
residence, good location. Write for
full particulars. Box 20, IScnverton.
Oregon. oct20
SPITZES" BTKG And Baldwin apples,
30c bu., extra fancy 73c; good pota
toes lc lb. Phone evenings (I4F21.
Mrs. O. Meyer. octlS
FOR RENT Five room modern house
completely furnished, fine location,
owner will board with tennant it'
desirable. Phone 1803 or call, after
li p. m. M7 Center. oct 18
Budget To Be Considered and
Any Suggestions About It
Will BeHeard .
At the adjourned meeting of the city
council this evening the people of
Salem will be given an opportunity to
either approve or disapprove the recom
mendations of the committee on ac
counts and current expenses. The
meeting is open to the public and the
public is invited to express opinions as
to how the city's money shall bo spent
next year.
The committee will file its budget
nnd of course recommend its adoption.
It. will then be either adopted, ropect
ed or amended at the meeting tonight.
It is proposed to raise 103.389 for
the expenses of the city for the year
1917. The amount raised for this year
was $173,000. The levy to be recom
mended is 14 mills, the same us for
1910, but the amount raised., will be
less as the assessed valuation of the
city has been reduced about $230,000.
Naturally with the smaller amount to
be raised for the 1917 expenses of the
city, several items will have to be
pared down.
From the engineering nnd surveying
department, $300 lins been cut. Last
year llie public library received $3,300,
ami from this it is proposed to cut
$300.' Election expenses were estimat
ed at $300 less and the amount appro
priated for maintenance of public
buildings has been reduced $300. Pub
lie printing will have to get -ulong
with $300 less according to the pro
posed budget.
No provision Is made for sanitary
and plumbing inspector. This will save
$900. liiit an additional item of $1700
has been included in the budget for a
public comfort station. ' Only ' one
recommendation for an increase of
salary will be . made and that will bd
to increase the annual salary of street
commissioner from.tl.OSO to $1200. ' '
If the recommendations of the", com
mittee do not suit, the good citizen will
have a chance- to. register 'disapproval
this evening and uot.next weelv.
Thomas B. Kay, state treasurer, and
Dr. Carl Gregg iJoney of . Willamette
University, will be the speakers it the
evening at the first session of the year
of the Sa'.em Six ;0 'cluck club in the
parlors of the First Methodist, church
on Tuesday evening October 24. At that
tiiuA tin- -ork nf the club for the win
ter season will liegiu. Treasurer Kay
will discuss the " Laud Tax ana Loan
fund Amendment," and President
Doiiey will speak oa "The Repeul ot
the Sunday Closing Law," Voters at
the coming election are urged to at
tend the meeting and hear what these
men haye to say on the important
measures. Dr. Richard X. Avison, pas
tor of the First .Methodist church, re
quest men to come directly from their
shops and stores without waiting to
dress up. At six thirty in the evening
the ladies of the church will serve n
good dinner, for which twenty-five
cents is churned.
Portland, Or.,' Oct. 18. The city
council todny was asked to clear
streets along" the Willamette river for
the opening of a 3iHi,oO0 shipbuilding
plant being constructed by William
Cornfoot. The plant oens within 00
days. Jt will employ 1ou0 men.
Honest Business Stands
Squarely Behind Wilson
'" ' '
ft "
J9$ w,l-SON
J !
Xew York, Oct. Ifl. That honest bus
iness feels assured of a sound prosperi
ty and is not deceived by the wail of
votaries of predatory privilege is at
tested daily by letters sent voluntarily
to the headquarters of the democratic
national committee. Among these is
one from Piierrenont B. Xoves. presi
dent of the Oneida Community, Ltd., of
Oneida, X. Y., manufacturers of the
celebrated Community Silver nnd One
ida Game Traps one of the leading in
dustries in the state.
"This letter is to tell you that I am
with you," writes Mr. Xoycs. "1 start
ed life a republican, nnd stayed with
that party until four years ago, when
I became convinced that its inexpugn
able worrying over the troubles of. the
rich stands permanently in tho way of
legislation benefitting the masses.
"My enthusiasm in this campaign is
for the man Woodrow Wilson. At such
a time, the only safe lenders are men
immensely right at heart, and 1 believe
Mr. Wilson to be such u- man. Failure
to retain such a leader through these
critical times would convict the Amer
ican people of the blindest folly."
A similar letter, also from a man of
big affairs, comes from H. F, . Reins,
treasurer of the J. It. Colt. Co., of Xew
Vork city. Mr. Rciss writes:
"Since voting 1 have been a re
publican in national elections. I caji
not, however, see my way clear to vote
for Mr. Hughes, against the splendid,
constructivie record of Woodrow Wil
son. The petty, mean know-nothingness
of the Hughes campaign deserves only
the repudiaition of every right think
ing and patriotic American."
Head of Great Railroad
A new development qf the campaign
is the Announcement by Judge R. S.
Lovett, head of the I'nlon Paeifie rail
road system, that he will support Pres
ident Wilson for reelection.
Judge Lovett disagrees with Presi-
Council Will Discuss
Budget This Evening
At the meeting of the Salem council
this evening at 7:3(1 o'clock the ques
tion of the city budget will come up
for final disposal and discussion. The
tax levy is expected to be fourteen
mills ami. to keep within tlrnt limit
numerous cuts had to be made in vari
ous departments of the city. The sum
trttnj otitic, reductions amounts. to over
fen thousand dollars. In the engineering
department, the.re. has been a cut of
$300; the public .library has been cut
from $3311(1 to $3(IQIIj elections cut $300;
the maintenance of public, buildings
reduced. .$300; printing reduced $300;
incidental expenses reduced $300; tho
installation nnd tnninronnnce nf fire
hydrants reduced $1011; nothing provid-j
e.i tor ttie sanitary and plumluiig in
spector, and nothing for the redemp
tion sinking fund loan; the amount for
the deficiency of street fund levy of
1Ji mills is reduced from $!I,900 to
$7,330; the sum fur material, for the
street department and lubor has been
cut by $1,420. Other smaller items
have been reduced so that the total
sum of the budget for 1917 is approxi
mately $KI3,3h9, .
Big Crowds Greet
President Along Route
By Robert J. Bender,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Poughkeepsie, X. Y., Oct! 18. On his
first swing through Xew York stnte
since the campaign opened, J'resident
Wilson was greeted at every point by
crowds while oa his way to Chicago
this afternoon.
At Harmon, a little railroad junc
tion, apparently everv shopman and his
wife appeared in the yards and gave
the president an enthusiastic recep
tion. Word reached the train that a great
demonstration is planned in Syracuse,
when the president passes through
there tonight. A parade of several
thousand persons, carrying red fire and
headed bjfj bands will mark the passage
dent wilson relative to the manner in
which tile railroad strike was averted.
But he holds that tho creation of the
federal reserve system, with its avoid
ance of panics and business unrest, and
Prseident Wilson's fu'reign policy arc
abundant reason, for the president 's re
election. Judge Lovett says:
"We must bo judged by the average
of achievements.' My firm conviction
is that Wilson has more great achieve
ments to his credit than most presidents
who have preceded him. Wilson settled
the currency question and settled it so
effectually and wisolyitliat his most
reckless critics are silent on tho subject
His management of. our relations to the
European war situation is the great
est and most brilliant. Jinge in our dip
lomatic history." ,
Why for Wilson
By Isndor Jacobs
(President California jf'anaeries Co.)
"T am going to . VBtjJ-ior President
Wilson because I. believe lie .is entitled
to re-election, owing to the fact tiiat
through his determination and his
working from the standpoint of prin
ciple ho has enacted more constructive
legislation than any administration in
tho history of this country from all
"As a business man believe in the
national bank reserve act, the rural
credits act, the federal ' trado com
mission bill, the nonpartisan tariff
commission bill ami tho American
merchant marine bill, .all yieau a new
era of prosperity and! confidence; for
the business men, manufacturers and
producers of thin couittry,. and 1 can
not understand the mentality of any
set of business men that do not rec
ognize the great good that has been
brought about through the efforts of
President Wilson. Ho is entitled to
re-election, and 1 propose to do every
thing l ean towards that end."
(Paid Adv.)
of the train through tho heart of tho
Vassar College girls contributed to
the reception here. Thero were several
thousand men and women at the sta
tion, and with a band to aid in tho
noise making, the president wn giveu
a rousing reception.
Salem Has 2813 Puils
Attending Her Schools
At tho close of" tho school month end
ing October 13, 1910, according to tho
report of superintendent John . W.
Todd, 281,1 pupils were registered in
tho city schools. The girls arc some
what in the majority as the boys num
ber 1334 and girls 143!).: This majority
of 103 for the girls is due to the fact
that between the ages of 14' and 20
years, 478 of the pupils arc boys and
580 girls.
It is in the primary grades, between
the ages of six and nine that the boys
are in the mujority, as the report indi
cates that between these ages, .113 are
bovs and IH girls, iletween the ages
of nine and 12 years, there arc 335
boys and 348 girls, and the girls still
hold the majority between the ages of
12 and H-years, as the .attendance
shows 207 boys and 215 girls. Ilwr the
age of 20, all in the. senior class are
21 bovs and 1(1 girls.
The average daily attendance for the
first 15 .lavs of the fall semester was
2385 and the per cent of attendance
95. Of the total number registered,
2813', tlic number neither absent nor
tardy was 1557. ' :
Goldendale, Wash., Oct. 18. A 5d,
000 tract of land in the Klickitat
country is lying idle today because the
tenderfect who nhcritecl. it fear In
dians. ' . i
The propertv. was 4 bequeathed by
John. Heblima'n ' to several Ohio rela
tives.'. Attorney Brooks wrote them con
cerning it and 'mentioned that the
acreage was on an Indian reservation.
"We'd rather stay here and keep our
scalps," said the easterners.
Children Cry
Tbe following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, aid
not what is paid to the producer.
All other p.'ices are those paid the
producer. Corrections are made
daily. ...
Everything seems to be advancing in
price nml it is coming so regularly that
one muy almost be. assured .that tomor
row something will be higher.
Today Bugaiv advanced 10 cents' re
tail over yestefduy and is now higlier
than it has been any timet for the nast
year. And the grocers and bakers have
tnckeil. oii.a and 10 cents to the pnee of
cakes, 'all due to the increased cost of
eggs, shortening and flour.
i : '. cmuns.
Wheat ....r.,,'i 1.00(l.ir
Oats, new'; 37ffi40e
Rolled barley $40.00
Bran .-:...... v.............iv $25.00
Shorts, per ton .; $28.00
Hay, clover $9$li)
Hay, cheat $10.0011.0(
Hay, vetch $11$12
Hay, timothy, $15(a$16
Butterfat 37c
Creamery butter, per pound 40c
Country butter 2527c
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, cuse count, cash 38c
Eggs, trade 40c
Hens, pound i2K'13M!C
Boosters, old, per pound . . , 8c
Broilers, under 2 pounds . 14V6c
Broilers, Yi lb, or less 16c
Turkeys 21c
Tork, Veal and Mutton.
Pork, dressed llVlSc,
Fork, on foot ,. 8 l-20c
Spring lambs, 1910 ..7!4(&v7,ic
Voal, according to quality .... 0llc
Stoers . 6(a)6
Cows 3 l-24c
Bulls 33 1-4
Ewes :. 4c
Wethers 'B l-2
Vegetable. '
Tomatoes, Oregon $1.00
Cabbage 40
Cucumbers 40c
String garlie , lSe
Potatoes, sweet 2 l-2c
Potatoes, per 100 pounds $1.00
Green onions 40
Green peppers ;.'. 5c
Carrots, dozen 40
.Muskmelons 50c
Peaches, Oregon 25 (5. 60c
Grapes, ladv finger ....... ....... $1.75
Applos i ,,r, . . . . 60c$1.00
Orungcs, Valencies !.. $4.75
Lemons, per box $8.507.00
Cantaloupes, per box "$1.25
Bananas, pound 6
California, grape fruit $3.50
Florida grape fruit $6.00
Pineapples 8e
Retail prices.
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 45c
Sugar, cune $S,35
Sugar, beet $S.lo
Creamery butter 45c
Elour, hurd wheat $l.U0(fi2.25
Flour, valley $1051.85
Portland, Oro., Oct. 18 Wheats
Club, $1.35. ,
Bluestem, $1.4'!. -: .
Fortyfold, $1.30.
Red Russian, $1.31.
Oats: No. 1 white feed, $30.
Barley: Feed, $30.
Hogs: Best live, $9.25.
Prime steers, $0.75.-
Fancy cows, $5.50.
Calves, $7.50d' 8.'
Spring lambs, $8.75-
Butter: City creamery, 39e. -
Eggs: Selected local . ex., 42(i 43c.
liens, 15c.
Broilers, liic.
Geese, ll( 11 l-2.
school has increased. .
For tho state tuberculosis hospital
107,741.50,- for the Institute for the
Feeble Minded $227,950 as compared
with $144,901 of two years ago; for
the Oregon Soldier's home at Roscburg
$73,4si0, as compared with $37,077.75 of
two years ago; for the Girls' School
$0(1,925; for tho School for. the Deaf
$5(1,450, and the Hchool for the Blind
$30,4 1 1 .04. ' :
Children Cry
Inc., 428 Hubbard bhig., Salem. All
drugless methods taught. Flora A.
Brewster, M. D., dean, private pa
tients 1 to S p. m. Phone 2124R. tf
from all points, east, on all houshold
foods, pianos, ete. Consolidated car
load service.- Capital City Transfer
Company, agents for faciric toast
Forwarding company, 101 South Com
mereial street. Phone Main 933.
DRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer
lean school of Osteopathy, Kirksville,
Mo. Foat graduate aad specialized in
- nerve diseases at Los Angeles college
' Treat acute and chronio diseases.
' Consultation free. Lady attendant,
Office 505-506 U. S. National Bank
. Building. Phone 859. Residence 346
Hortn Capital street, i'bone 4iiii
I A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Salem Eleetrie Oo., Masonis Temple, 127 North High Mala 1IM
T, V. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Halm 111
Salem Truck Dray Co eorner 8tate ana rront streets Mala T4
m est
south-Sun pacific.
No. to Oregon Bi press . i . .. .5 :55 a. m.
No. i' Coos Bay , . .3 :B2 D. m.
No. 1!8 Willamette Limited . . .0 x'l'i a. m.
No. 12 Shasta Limited ll:f5a.m.
No. 18 Portland I'nssenger ...1:35p.m.
no.- 14 I'nrtiatid Express .... 7 :o& d. m.
No. 22S Portland fast Freight 12 :01 a. m.
No. 2'M Local way Freight ... 10 :20 a. m.
No. lM.Callfornla Express ...
11 :05 a. m.
.8:32 a. m.
10 :01 a. m.
no. it Attniana l'assemrer...
o. -coos nay
No. 10 Cottage Grove Pass. .
.4 :16 p. m.
Makes connection with N. 74
ueer ,
.6:48 p. m.
.0 :20 p. m.
10 :05 p. oi.
12 :01 a. m.
11 :40 a. m.
.9 :15 a. m.
.0 :!Oa. m.
. 2 :O0 p. m.
8 :05 p. m.
No.. 11 Shasta Limited
No. 27 Willamette Limited ..
No, 13 San Fianclsco Express
No. 221 Han Frunclsco Fast
N0.22& Local way Freight....
Baixm-Qbiw Limb.
No. 7.1 Arrives at Salem ....
No. 7(1 Leaves Kalem
No. 75 Ar. Halem (mixed)
No. 74 I.eave Salem
No connoctien south of fleer.
Salku; Fiixa Citi and wistibk
No. 181 I.t. Salem, motor T :00 a.m.
No. 1113 Lv. Ralem, motor 9:45 a. m.
No. luS Lv. Salem for Monmouth
. . and Alrlle ' 1 :40 p. m.
No. 1T T.v.'' Salem, motor 4 :O0 p. m.
No. 10t Lv. Salem, motor 6:1 5 p.m.
No. 230 Way Fr't lv. Salem. .. .5 .00 a. m.
No. 102 Ar. Knlem , 8:30 a. m.
No. 104 Ar. Salem 11:10a.m.
No. lutl Ar. Snli'ra 3:10p.m.
No. 108 Ar, Sulem 6 .00 p. m.
No. 170 AC. Balem ........... 7:45p.m.
No. 240 Way Fr't ar Salai.... 2:30p.m.
Oregon City Trantporiatinn Company.
The Uralinuiona leaves Salem for Port
land at 6 o'clock on mornings of Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday. No boat south
ot Salem. Boat leav Portland Tuesday,
Thursday and Sat ul day mornings until
further notl-jtt.
proprietor1. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cloaned. Office phone Mais
2247. Residonce Main 2272.
FOR RENT Fine opening for room
renting or board aad rooming busi
ness; seven to fourteen rooms, two
blocks from post office. Specially
favorable terms to suitable party
. See William Fleming, ilnyno build
ing. nov2
FOR SALE Five acres choice land,
. fenced, smnll house, well milo
i from station on Oregon Electric U.
' R., on good road, all in cultivation;
price 750.(10. S(uaro Deal Realty Co.
202 T. S. bank bldg.
corner Commercial and Trade streets
1 For water service apply at office.
Bills payable monthly In advance.
WEBB k CLOL'OH CO. C. B. Webb.
A. M. Clotigh morticians aad funeral
directors. Latest modern )nethods
known to the profession employed.
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888.
directors and undertakers, 252 North
High street. Day and night phone
183. . .
Money to Loan
ON Good Real Estate Security. ' .
Over Ladd k Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon
mount; low rates; ptomptly .closed
attractive pre-paying privileges. I
have per cent insurance money
to loan on Salem business and resi
dence' property. Thos. A, Roberts,
209 u. a. Aat't usaic Diag.; .
HONEY TO LOAN I havv made a
ranirementa for loanino eastern
money, wUl make very low rate of
' interest on highly improved larma.
Homer H. Smith, room 9 McCornack
Bldg., Salem, Ore., Phone 96.
PS, O. L. 8C0TT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got no relief, try Chiroprac
tic spinal adjustments and get well.
Office 40(1-7-8- U.' H. National Bunk
Building. Phone Main 87. Residence
Main 828-R.
60 vears experience.
Depot National and American fence
Hizes 20 to 58 In. high.
Paints, oil and varmsh, etc.
Loennbcrrv and hop hooks.
Salen Fence and Stove Works, 250
Bt. Phone 124.
Business ; r
m )
Lv. Salem Train No. Ar1. Portlan
4 :35 a. m 2 Owl 0 :5K a. m.
1 :16 a. m 6 9 :25 a. a,
8:43 a. m 10 Limited.... 11 :35 s. os.
ll:20a.m 12 . . .11 j35 p. sa,
1 :00 p.jn 14 I. 4 -00 p. ah
4:00 p. m. .... 16 Limited ... 6:50 p.m.
5:30 p.m. ....... 0 ....... 7:40 p.m.
7 :55 p. m 22 ...... .10 :0O p. a.
' . SOUTH notJND
Portland to Bauik .,
Lv. Portland .
6 :30 a. m. Balem 8 :3S Eugene 10 :S5 a. e.
8:.'10a. m. Limited 10:11 a. m.
10:45 a.m. .., 7 12:55 p. m.
2:05 p. m 9 4:16 p.m.
4:40p.m. ... 13 Limited .... 6:40p.m.
6:05p.m. 17 local .... 8:10p.m.
0:20 p.m. 19 11:20 p.m.
11 ;45 p. m. 21 Owl 1 :55 p. m.
Lv. Corrallls Ar. Balea
4:10 p. m 20 6:80p.m.
Lv. Kugene. Ar. Balem
7 :38 a. m 10 Limited .... 9 :45 a. m.
1 :55 p. m 16 Limited ... 4:00p.m.
6:25p.m. ....... 22 7:55p.m.
12 :05 p. m. 2 Owl 4 :85 a. a.
Lv. Satenr. Ar. EragMM
1 :B5 a. m 21 Owl 6 :60 a. m.
10:15a.m...... 6 Limited ....12:25pm.
Lv. Salem Ar. Albany
12:05 p. m. 7 1:60p.m.
Stops at Corrallls
Lv. Balem. . Ar. Albany
4:15 p. m, ........ 9 ........ 6:10p.m.
Ar. Albany
.. 7:38a.m.
Lv. Halrm.-'-' -' Ar. Hhmeae
6 :45 p. m 13 8 :50 p. a.
Lv. Corvallls. . . Ar. Balea
8 :26 a. m 10 9 :46 a. a.
1.I.MU, 11 A .-.U V. IK
2:41 p. ra 16 4 :00 p. a.
4:10p.m 20 . 6:80p.m.
6 :18 p. m 22 7 :65 p. a.
' south bound
Lv. Balem.. Ar. Cervallla
10:15 a. m 6 11 :33 a. a
4:15 p. m 9 6:38 p. a
12:65 p. m 7 2:20 p. a.
6 :40 p. nu IS 8 :00 a. a.
olISBRY url-Y WOOD SAW We liva
and pay taxes ia Salem, Let balea
people saw your wood. Phone 269.
xioa it. iM. 1.'L. Keistor, Wa,
Iti-Kiilar conclave fourth Ifriday In eadi
momb at 8 o'clock p. m., In Masonic
Temple. Sojourning Blr KnlKbts are
courteously Invited to meet with ua.
' Lot I.. Pearce, B. C, Frank Turner,
president: Mrs. Lou Tlllson, secretarw.
All cast of cruelty or neglect of dumh
animals should be reported to ths
secretary (or Investigation.
8AI.EM LODOB N. 4, A. F. A A. M.
Stated communications first Friday la
each montb at 7 :.'I0 p. m. In- tbe Masonic
' 'i empie. liius Mauri n. iu. , . .
Sulver, secielWr,
'JNITRO ARTISANS Capital Assembly,
No. H4, meets every Weduosday at 8 p. m.
In Moose ball. C. O. Mutlock. M. A.;
C. A. Vibbert, secretary, Crown Drug
5toro, 338 State street.
A. O. 0. W. Protection Lodge Ne. X
Meets every Monday evening at 8 In the
McCornack ball, eorner Court and Liberty
streets, A. IX Autrance, M. W. ; 8. A.
'. McFadden, recorder ; A. L. Browa,
financier,; R. B.. Duncan, treasurer.
Friday night at 8 o'clock In McCernack
block. A. J. Swelnlnk, C C ; L. B. Geer,
clerk, 507 Court Street Phone 698; .
CENTItAL LODOB, No. 18. K. of P. Me
Cornack building. Tmnduy evening
each week at 7 :30. C. K. Barbour, C. C
W. II. UlUon, K. of It. and 8.
a. N. of A "Oregon Orape Cn" N
1300, meets every Thursday evsnlnfc la
Mct'ornaik building. Court aud Liberty
streets ; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Schanpa.
17111 Market; orSele; Mrs. Melissa Ptr
sons, recorder, 1200 North Commercial.
Phone 1436-M,
tatert SMeinlily first Monday In
month. Masonic Temple. N. P. Itnamua-
.' sen, Thrice Illustrious Master Glean &
Niles, recorder.
8ALBM COUNCIL NO. 202 Knights an
Ladlm of Security Meets every 2nd anl
4tb Wednwiday each montb nt llnrst
Hull. Visiting members are Invited ta
attend. K. F. Walton, financier, 480 a.
14tb Street.
Stated communications third erlday
In each month at 7:30 p. m. In
Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolsm, W. M.I
F.rneat U. Cboate, secretary.
gon Cedar Camp, No. 6248, meets every
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Me
Cornack hall, corner Court and I-lberte
streets. Elevator service. Geo. Relnobl,
V. C. J. A. wrlgui, ciera.
Yick So Tong
Has medicine which will core
' Any known Disease
Open Sundays from 10:00 a. a,
WtO 8:00 p. m.
153 Bouth High Street.
Silam, Oregon, Poo us