Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 18, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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    r TWO
.i v )
Made from Cream of Tartar
Absolutely Pure
A simple, but pretty and duinty ccre-l lloiieynian was hostess to honor Mrs.
niciny characterized tho wedding of Clifton Me Arthur, who with her hiis
' Miss Vinnie I.eora Wilson who becuiuo bnml, Congressman McArtliur, has ic-
1ih briile of Kenneth James llrown,l ccntlv returned to Portland from Wiish
Ithis 'morning itt !t:.'tO o'clock lit t In' iiiglun, I. C.
home of her mother, Mm. K. L. Wilson, Miss KlHie Hamilton, who Iiah been
;!i!5 North Front street. Rev. Hichnrd ! the house guest of Mm. Boot, returned
M. Arisnn of the r irat aioiiiomsi , tv i ortiaml Saturday.
lelitireh offieiated and tho couplo were
."unattended. Only relatives of the two
; families were asked.
' The bride who in n pretty girl, wore
! smart tailored suit of plum colored
broadcloth, with black hat. A pink and
, white color scheme of decoration was
developed in the house, with feathery
chrysanthemums, against an artistic
background of brilliant hucd nutuuiuul
foliago and Oregon grape.
Immediately after the ceremony Mr.
nd Mrs. Brown loft for Newport,
: whore they will pass their honeymoon
Mrs. R. 1. Houston went to Portland
this miiriiiiifj; lor a few days visit.
Miss Ivy Fori), who' recently moved
to Portland with her father and sister,
motored to Salem with friends Hmulny,
returning Monday evening.
Miss Rcgina West has returiicl to
Salem after a several davs visit in
ft ' w
Mra Willi I' ll,l.vl..v l,n nrrivo,!
After November first they will be at in SllU,M1 lnst Tlu,.Hltllv. iroin Washing
, homo at 111.") Marion street. , tml) , ,. ,,ft yesterday for a short
Hoth the bride and groom received I viliit to ,1(,r f)t, Mr a,,i8(,lltlorf(M.,
4Lui n.l ...... 1 In IIia Malum u.ili u I . . . '
,U,-., r.I..,UII.,,l ,,. .,-.v. m j ,.,, ,. A)ully
ine oriuc,. wno nun u bwiti mmii gut
ious manner, is a Bister of Miss Ka
tclla Wilson, who was queen of this
year's Cherry Fair.
Mr. Brown is tho son of Mrs. Cather
ine A. Brown ami the brother of Miss
(iretchen Brown. He is with tho Hauser
Brothers sporting goods house.
Among those attending the wedding
were: Mr. nnd Mrs. George tl. Brown,
Mrs. ,1. !. Brown, tho Misses Stella,
l.cthu ii nil Arvil Wilson, Miss llu.el
Jlughes, A. B. Hughes, Miss tlretch-i1(irl.mv) ,,,. An m(i(,g of ,ile
During her sojourn in Oregon Mrs.
llawley intends to pass the greater
part of her time with her father, who
has been in very poor health. Later in
the week Mrs. llawley will go to Eu
geno where she will join Congressman
llawley who is making political ad
dresses in various parts of the state.
At the Maccnbce lodge rooms in the
McCnrnnck building n public "iiOO"
party will bo given on Wednesday (to
en Jtrown nnd .Mr. and Mrs. (leorge
Card of Portland nnd Mr. and Mrs. C.
V. Pilchard of Portland.
city arc cordially invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson, neeom-
liuniitil liv Afru It V Ti i..lm r.lmifi n,,,1
Mm. William Henry Hoot went children,, motored to Newport, Tuesday
Portland this morning to- attend I for a several dnvs sojourn,
luncheon for which AlrB. David T.l i
Miss (leitrude (iray of Seattle, who
has been the guest of Mrs. David M.
(Irahain (Mildred Bugley) in Eugene,
returned to Suleiu today to resume her
visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. nnd
Mrs. .lohn 11. McN'nry.
"WOUR wife will never
complain about your
smoking "too many
strong cigars" when you
take up the OWL. It's
extra mellowed. She
will approve of its mel
lowness, and so will you,
Tht Million
Dollar Cigar
ki! M.AOUNSTftCO. jffi
Mr. and Mrs. Henry 11, Thielsen eu
tcrtniucd last night with a delightful
five hundred party. The gucsft who
were the members of the "Merry-tlo-KiihiiiI"
club, circled six tables of
"."itlO" and the score honors fell to
Mrs. R. It. Fleming and Dr. Thomas C.
Smith, lr. Assisting Mrs. Thielsen were
her daughters, Mis. II. W. Thielsen
and Miss F.llcn Thielsen,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter I,. McDougul
have moved from 1 HI West Washing
ton street, Fail-mount Hill, nnd are
domiciled at K.'IO Smith Twelfth street.
The Misises Muriel and Mario Car
son of lleppner, Oregon, who have been
the guests of Miss Florence Miller, left
Monday for Portland, where they will
pass several days before returning
Above $1.67 and Reaching
for $2 Mark-Flour Now
$10 a Barrel
Chicago, Oct. 1S. World wide short
age of wheat caused big jumps in thut
cereal today, following a sharp rise
yesterday. Argentine weather continues
unfavorable and evidence of shortage
in crops in European countries tended
to stimulate buying. December wheat
was 2 5-8 at l.u7 1-8 and May up 1
5-8 at. 1.07 1-S.
Corn was somewhat affected by tire
line in wheat though reports of favor
able weather over the corn belt otfset
tih siiillueneo to some extent. December
corn was up 1', at 71) 16 and May up
IVi at 80 7-8. .
Oats opened slightly higher, but on
light buying December was unchanged
nt 411 and May was down quarter at a&.
Porii showed sharply higher prices,
but other provisions were steady.-
Wheat Up In Portland
Portland, Or., Oct. 18. Wheat jump
ed one to five cents on the Portland
market today, against shattering the
seasonal record. Jihiestem was bid
.-111.43 a bushel but actual country sales
were reported at 1.43 and 1.40 a bush
el. Another increase in the cost of flour
became effective today.
IndigestionOne package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Market Is Active' and
Prices Trifle Higher j
Flour $10 A Barrel
Chicago, Oct. 18. Flour was selling
here today nt 10 a barrel, following
the six cent jump in wheat yesterday.
Millers predicted that another advance
of 25 or :)0 cents in the price of flour
would occur in the next few days.
(Continued from pago one.)
ready for action, but, to avoid trouble,
withdrew inside tho theater.
Oreek troops appeared and drove the
crowds back, establishing a cordon
about the square. Tho crowd then
split into several sections. One; band
demonstrated before the British lega
tion, where a innn who shouted 'Mown
with England!" was arrested by tho
legation crowds.
Another crowd obtained an Amer
ican flag and, carrying this at the
head of the procession, marched to tho
American legation, cheering the United
States. The American minister waB at
tho Atheninn club, but tho demonstra
tors left behind a communication, call
ing upon him to protest in tho name
of the United States against the recent
steps taken by the allies. This was
signed by a deputation of (iounnrist
reservists. They were informed today
that the communication would be
transmitted to Washington,
(Continued from page one.)
Kussian attacks southwest of Stanis
Inu failed.
Italian Cruiser Torpedoed
Berlin, via Snyville, L. ., Oct. 18.
Tho Italian protected cruiser Libia
was severely damaged by a torpedo
from a Herman submarine in the Med
iterranean on October 7, it was official
ly announced today.
firecn Bay, Wis., Oct. 18 Eben Eu
gene Rexford, aged 08, author of " Sil
ver Threads Among the Gold," died
here today after an illness of three
weeks from typhoid fever. Rexford 's
home was nt Schocton, Wis. Ho was
brought here several days ago.
TTao the Journal Want fl
Kite.' an
Mm m '
We have cn display in our Winter Nov
elty Department a very beautiful assort
ment of Ladies' Scarfs, Toques and
Sweaters. These are by far the most
popular season's novelties and are as
practical as they are popular. If you
desire something: which harmonizes with
the season, purchase them at once.
The latest for
the little
ones." Little
Darlings, i n
red and
-white sets,
from 1.85 to
to $'-'.5 a set.
Scarfs and Toques
Separate Scarfs and Toques are more
in demand than ever. Because, of this
demand wo have laid in a fine assort
ment of these popular novelties in nil
the populnl colors. If you arc looking
for something to increase the attrac
tiveness of your winter attire you cau
not find anything more suitable than
these dainty stylish scarfs and toques.
In WOOl thev HTA tlriceil frnin t.t
in silk fiber 1.13 ailil 1.05
Ladies' Sweaters
Scarfs and Toque Sets
. A lino of Scarf nnd Toque Sets that
has nover been surpassed for style and
quality. Made from the finest grades
of wool obtainable and dyed in those .,
atriking shades of Rose, Old flold,
Kelly, Copen and Plaids, as well as
those ever popular combinations of
Whito and Brown, Blue, Green, etc.,
they present an effect pleasing to all.
The prices are within the reach of all
' 0e, 1.00, $1.25, 1.45, 1.95, 2.15,
, ti35, 2.73.
: ;
New York, Oct. 1H. The Xew. York
Evening Sun financial review today!
said: I
Early improvement in stock market
prices today failed to attract an ng-
gressivc buying movement in the gen-!
crnl list wnile subsequent forenoon !
profit taking reactions anil bear pres-i
sure wero not effective in bringing i
about active liquidation in any depart- i
ment. Quiet absorption of various is-'
sues was reported, notably in some of i
the rails and the steel and paper issues!
and in certain highly speculative1
shares, is for instance, Industrial Alco
hol, vigorous operations for tho ad
vbnee were recorded, but in the greater
number of stocks- .dealings were unin
teresting with tho fluctations based
more upon the transactions of profes
sional traders than jipon heavy public
participation in the 'business.
In the chief part . of . the session
prices moved toward a higher range,
despite tho fact that the. majority of
the floor traders were bearish. A
somewhat stronger tendency in call
money rates has not extended to other
departments of the loa.il market.
Higher prices foi'grain nnd cotton
are attracting usual, interest in Wall
street circles and commission houses
report that several weeks ago many
operators in stocks who had made
heavy profits transferred their atten
tion to wheat and cotton, in which
they already have made substantial ad
ditions to their cash capital.
$ ' $
The only sure way to get rid of dan
druff is to dissolve it. then you destroy
it entirely. To do this, get about fourj
ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; appiy
it at night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scnlp'nnd rub it in gently
with tho finger tips. -
Do this tonight and by morning, most
if not all, of your dandruff will be
gone, and three or four more applica
tions will completely dissolve nnd en
tirely destroy every single sign and
trace of it, no matter how much dan
druff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
nnd digging of the scalp will stop at
once, and your hair will be fluffy, Iub
trous, glossy, silky and soft, and look
and feel a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any drug
store. It is inexpensive and never fails
to do tho work.
: Urn; i -" ' I totim-hi '
Just What
Two Ranges
in One
Constantine of Greece
As He Looks In His
Most Recent Portrait
K j -v zfr '
f, . ST'- v
At last the Wood, Coal and Gas Range that is Right. A light wood or coal , g
fire will kill the chill in your kitchen these cold mornings, and the cooking can j
be done quickly and comfortably with the gas. II
Nothing to lift out or replace, simply "pull or push lever" and oven is ready I
for use with either fuel j
Is the one year 'round range that conforms to every conceivable weather
condition and every possible requirement of cooking. The change from fuel
to fuel is made instantly. Has three-ply walls, plain nickel trimmings, porce
lain pannels that can be washed and cleaned instantly; high broiler that can
be used for both baking and broiling; back flue built on outside of range,
giving you the entire top of range for tooking purposes; thermometer which
registers oven heat accurately, high sanitary nickel base, a modern range
built for modern trade. Let us demonstrate it to you.
-4 -
Special Sale on Fire Screens
If you have a fireplace you need a screen to protect your rugs and home
against flying sparks which often will cause a serious fire. Here is a golden
opportunity . "
24x30 SCREENS, SPECIAL $1.10
Court St. Complete House Furnisher
Skin Muddy?
Dull eyes, blotches and other skin
blemishes result from a disordered di
gestion. Purify the blood, tone the
stomach, gently stimulate the liver and
regulate the bowels and bile with
LmimI S.l. of Any M.dicin. In U. World.
SoU nvriWi. In kox, 10c, 25c
Redmond Demands
Home Rule for Ireland
Redmond reviewed in detail tho sit
uation iu Ireland and declared that
eoiiHcription would bo an aggravation,
not a remedy.
''It cannot be denied that the situa
tion is full of danger," he said, after
protesting against the continuation of
the present government in Ireland.
Chief Secretary, for Ireland Henry
Duko said the .Irish themselves arc
resopnsible. for the jlaihiro of home tnle
plans, adding that parliament is ready
to accept rule; in any; form if the Irish
can reach an agreement.
Several things, Redmond said, has
harmed voluntary recruiting, in Ireland.
One was tha suppression . of official;
mention of the landing of Irish troops
at (Jnllipoli peninsula. Another .was"
the inclusion of Sir Edward Corson,
Vlsterite leader, in the coalition
Thd Ywini,iu. rr;.i hnn.tn..K..A
Greece has had to bear siuce Europe 1 tha' whn
r-rnkn into war k. Kaam mt tU nt. nflnext sat On
.lust recehVd shinraent of Udies' Sweater Coats in 'Angora and Shetland
J. - Au!,u'tvly the newest styles on the market. Old Rose, l'laids
Kmeriild Oreen, (lardinal, Absinthe, Cerise, IVlft Blue. Hlue and Gold. Blue
and White, Green and White and Gold mixed with Red. These- are a few of
the many colora and combinations of colors in which these Sweaters are be
in displayed. Sited from 38 to 4. I'riced at a.i'5, U.i, ,-..), rt.0tl, tt.2
broke into war has been at the rate of I
one trouble after another per minute.
He has beeu standing betwen two emo
tions. First, bis wife being the kaiser's
sister, fought against any movement
which would pit the Greeks against
her brother in a bloody conflict; second,
the greater part of his subjects have in
sisted that Greece join with the allies.
Standing out against his people Yor so
long, he at lnst lost most of the popu
larity he and the queen held at the time
of their ascension. Then an old Greek
tradition was resurrected which held
Constantine and a Sophia
the Hellenic throne Con
stantinople would in itme become their
eapitol. This hope is now lost.
To Make Skin Clear
IWt worry about skin troubles. Tou
can have a clear, clean complexion by
using a little semo, obtained at any drug
store for J5c, or extra large bottle at
fl.lW. ... v
Zorno easily removes all traces of pinf
pies, black heads, enema, and ringworm
and makes the skin clear and healthy.
Zenio is neither watery, sticky nor
greasy and stains nothing. It is easilr
applied and costs a mere trifle for each
application. It is always dependable.
Zemo, Cleveland,
San Francisco, Oct. IS. Con
gressmen and other Washington
officials will be asked to estab
lish an embsrgo on leather ex
portation, according to an
nouncement today by officers of
the wholesale and retail shoe
dealers association. The dealers,
at a meeting here, declared to
send a committee direct to the
national capitoL
Dealers declare prices have
soared wholly because of the
shipment to the belligerents
abroad of millions of dollars
worth of leather for saddles
and shoes.
Baptist Conference
Drawing Big Crowds
The First Baptist church was crowded
last evening -by the delegates, members
and friends of the church who ciiino to
hear the addl es of the governor, the re
sponse by the pastor of the church und
the annual sermon.
This evening nt 8 o'clock the pro
gram will begin with a concert by the
McMiunvillc college male quintet. At
N:H0 a report on education will be giv
en by President I.. W. Riley and nt 8:45
the. address of the evening will be de
livered by" the Rev. M. V. Haynes.
This eveniiiK the. ladies will give n
banquet at the First. Congregationnl
church at o:.!0 o clock und the ,men nt
the First Presbyterian church.
The, program for Tliursdny morning
and afternoon is nsrollows:
. "Missionary Day," "Our State."
0:0(1 Devotional study, ii i s. A. AV.
i):.'15 Report .of treasurer, J. F. Fail
ing nnd auditing committee.
!:4o Report on state missions, E. H.
' !1:50 Reports from (he field: East
ern Oregon, E. O. Otto or Dr- D. E. Bak
er; Central Oregon, D. I.oree; Western
Oregon. G. L. Hull; Italians in Portland,
F. Sannelln; Portland and Vicinity, E.
A. Smith.
11:10 "State Missions Fundamental
to All Missions," F. AV-Cnrsteiis.
' 1 1 ::15 Report in behalf of the con
tention board. Secretary O. C. Wright.
Thursday Afternoon. . ...
'5 "Our Nation und the World."
,i. 1 :30 Song and prayer. ' '
i 1 .-;t5 Report of. Horae Alissious, H.
, 1 ?4II Knor tif. TCni-ttinn AfiSMinnw W.
. Milliken. .
f 1:4 Woman's American . Baptist
Home Mission Society;- ' '
:; "The. Passing of the Hitching Post,"
.I.Ira. O, P. M. Jamison. .""'..
t Address, "Work m Latin Amoiuia,"
iliss Anna M...Barklcy,- Saa Pedro, Cal.
2.-:!5 Wonuin American Baptist
Foreigtf M-hiori Society: .
""Columbia River District's Tart in
flie iveYear Priigtam," tri. Cdiwin
S. Shank, Seattle, . -
r" The BopktHfc Of fje'e ifrs. "Latour-
ette (direction of nii.-iaion circle).
state work song.-;
' 3:40 Address, "Making Our Coun
fry God's Country," Rev. W. H. Bow-
111 Health the Cause Many
Alarming Symptoms of Wo
men's Ailments-How Cured.
Paterson.N.J. " I thank you for thi
Lydia E.Pinkham remedies as they haver
made me feel happy
and healthy. Somur
time B0 I felt 80
run down, had pnirw
in my back and side,
wus very irregular,
tired, nervous, hud
such bad, dreams,
did not feel like eat
ing and had short,
breath. I read your
advertisement in
the newnpaners and
decided to try a bottle of Lydia E.Pin!c
ham's Vegetable Compound. It worked
from the first bottle, so I took a secoral
and a third, also a bottle of Lydia lL
Pinkham's Blood Purifier, and now I aia
just as well aa any other woman. I a
vise every woman, singlo or married;
who is troubled with -any of the afore
said ailments, to try your wonderful
Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifiujf
and I am sure they will help her to gef.
rid of her troubles. " Mrs.' Elsie j
Vander Sande, 7 Godwin Street, Paft
ereon, N. J.
Women sufferintt .with arts forin
female ills, or any symptoms that they:
do not understand, are invited to writ
the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Coi
Lynn, Mass. (confidential), and receivli
advice wholly free of cost, -
ler, superintendent Idaho and Utah cohN
ventions. I;
4:10 "The Call of Alaska." C. Jf;
vt ooauy, u. u. -.
4:4(1 Report of nublieati on society
v. L.. uaii.
4:45 Address. Rev. Geo. L. White. !:
5:43 Luncheon of the convention
board with the missionaries, secretaries
and superintendents of the co-operating
issionary societies.
Beautiful Bust and Shoulders
re Ppwible If you will wear a citntiflc.llr constructed
Bico Join Bruucre.
Thertrsmriniwrlcht of nn unranflnrd hint n stretch tlie
npportlus BiuKlci Uut tlic con lour of the figure is polled.
rut the bunt hack where It be-
in. prevent tlx full boot from
niiir the anneariuH- of nh-
ttt-AN o-ut uine. eliiuuwlo II dencer of
HHAA.y t- rj F.v oraMins mUK-msndronnneth
., ... cli of tho Uoulder sivtnf a
inaccful line to the entirs upper body. j
Thrrarthedinttrst nd mo.t H-rvlrcsblrmmients lm.t
niible ronie hi all mlrnli aiul t lot: CniM lim it, llnok
Pront, Surplice. Baiidniu, etc. tinned tit " W alohn," the
.,h.,,,,io "Nitiim wiuiom renioval.
It-am .jo.uTj t'liiei
Ilaverour dealer show you Bien Jolie Brauleres. If not fork
ed, w will Udlr tend him. pre Paul, aamples to show you.
BRNJAMI.V k JOHNES. 31 Warren Street, Newark.